Shennong Tastes Hundred Herbs (15 selected articles)
Face with a smile
2024-01-04 04:56:42
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Shennong Tastes Herbs (1)

In ancient times, people lived by collecting wild fruits. Because they did not know the habits of various plants, what kinds of plants they could eat, and what kinds of plants they could not eat, some poisonous fruits would get sick and even die of poisoning. Life was very difficult. At this time, a brave and capable Shennong appeared. His stomach was bright and transparent, and his heart could be clearly seen. Dragon wanted to do something for the people. He decided to taste all the things he could eat and see the changes in his stomach. So he worked extremely hard and traveled a lot of places. He personally tasted all kinds of weeds and fruits, some sweet, some bitter, and even some poisonous. He not only found many things to eat, but also found herbs to cure diseases. At the same time, I found that some fruits fell on the ground, and I was able to come out the next year to make money to transfer more fruits. Shenlong told people about the cake. People were moving under his leadership. He made a construction site with wood. The agricultural technology is called hoe. The hoe is used for plowing, and the harvest from planting grain is even greater. In order to thank Shennong, people gave him some as leaders.

The legendary Shennong is Emperor Yan. He is not only the god of agriculture, but also the god of the sun. He is a legendary figure who has made contributions to the Chinese people. It is said that he invented not only thick fog technology, but also medical skills and formulated historical laws. He invented the function of deodorization, which is called Shennong process. He Yandi, Yanhuang.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (2)

Today, I read a story called "Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses". The story tells that once upon a time, there was a man named Yan Di who taught the people in the tribe to cultivate land and food, so people called him Shennong. Shennong saw that people in the tribe often ate the wrong plants, so he went to taste various plants, told people what to eat and what not to eat, and finally died because he ate a plant called Heartbreak Grass.

Shennong sacrificed his precious life to protect the people. This spirit is worth learning.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (3)

In the summer vacation, I read the book "Ancient Chinese Mythology". Among them, the story of Shennong Tasting Hundred Grasses has benefited me a lot.

This story mainly tells of a long time ago, when grains and weeds grew together and herbs and flowers blossomed together, people often fell ill after eating what they should not have eaten. At that time, people could not cure diseases, and finally had to die bitterly. Emperor Yan was very worried when he saw this situation. So he decided to taste all kinds of herbs and flowers. He took his subjects to the northwest mountains, and finally they came to a place full of strange flowers and plants. "This is the place we are looking for!" Yan Di said happily. In the process, there were many strong beasts. Emperor Yan was not afraid of them. He said to his subjects, "I want to taste every herb on the mountain, and I must find a cure!" After that, he began to taste all kinds of herbs. You should know that tasting hundreds of herbs is a hard and dangerous thing. Once Emperor Yan was poisoned seventy times in a day, and the poison gas attacked his heart. Emperor Yan was so painful that he died again and again. But with his strong physical strength and strong will, he survived again and again. Finally, he ate the Brokegut Grass and died

After reading this story, I learned that Emperor Yan was a man who cared for the people.

This story tells us that success is not a simple thing, it will have many difficulties, if we retreat, we will be farther and farther away from the goal. So if we encounter difficulties, we should rise to them. For me, knowledge is just like my herb. As long as I study hard, I am not afraid of difficulties, ask more, practice more, and do more, the herb will definitely belong to me.

I remember that when I was in kindergarten, my teacher asked me to participate in a small compere competition. The teacher printed the script for me to recite. When I saw it for such a long time, I had no confidence in myself. I was listless when I was on the back. My mother said to me, "You should recite it well. The teacher gave you a chance to think that you would do well. Other people can't go if they want to." I listened to my mother and recited it well. When I recited it fluently, there was a great difficulty. I used to be very nervous when I took part in competitions and came to the stage, which led to the wrong words. I'm afraid this time I will also. So my mother said to me: "Don't be nervous. Look straight ahead, don't look at the people below. It's just like practicing at home." So I practiced repeatedly in places where there were many people. On the day of the competition, I was really not nervous with my mother's method.

Helen Keller, an American writer, once said, "Although the world is full of suffering, suffering can always be overcome." We should rise to the challenge and overcome it!

Shennong Tastes Herbs (4)

In ancient times, people often died of poisoning when they arrived at something that should not be eaten, and there was no medicine to cure their illness. Shennong was very upset about this and decided to taste all kinds of herbs and cure all kinds of diseases. Once, Shennong's daughter, Princess Huarui, was ill. He tried many ways but failed to cure her, so he had to take twelve medicines for her to eat, and then went to the fields to cultivate. Princess Huarui took the medicine, her stomach hurt like a knife, and soon she gave birth to a bird. Everyone thought the bird was a monster, so they chased it away.

But the bird is human. Knowing that others can't accept him, he went to find Shennong. Shennong was dozing, but was awakened by a bird, so he drove it away. But the bird ran to disturb Shennong and shouted "Grandpa". Shennong didn't run away when he saw that the bird was about to be driven away by himself with a stone. Let the bird fall on his wrist. Shennong saw that the bird was transparent, so he could see clearly the movement of sleeping with ink and smoke. He was very happy, so he took it home. Shennong raised the bird at home and named it "flower flower bird" in spite of his family's opposition.

Shennong boiled the twelve medicines that Princess Huarui ate separately, and fed the bird while boiling, and watched where the medicine went to the bird's stomach, and what was the change; Then he tasted it with his own mouth and realized how he felt when he had to enter his stomach. Later, Shennong dragged the bird to taste all kinds of herbs in the world. He also fed the birds, tasted them personally, and observed how they walked in the body, and what diseases could be cured. Since he found that all kinds of herbs revolved on the twelve meridians of the body, Shennong set down the twelve meridians of the body and wrote the "Materia Medica Classic" based on the hundreds of herbs he had tasted.

Once, the stamen bird was poisoned to death because it ate the highly toxic golden crown worm by mistake. In order to commemorate it, Shennong chose a piece of good wood to carve its shape, and held the statue on his hands. Unfortunately, the Divine Dragon died because he mistakenly tasted the Heartbroken Grass.

Later, in order to commemorate Shennong, people changed Xiaobeiding into Shennong Altar, built Shennong Temple on Shennong Hall, and respected him for generations.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (5)

In this winter vacation, Mr. Li assigned us a reading assignment - reading "Five Thousand Years of China". Some of the stories or legends in this book are thrilling, some are exciting, and some are impressive. I like the fairy tale Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses best.

It is said that in ancient times, there was a Yan Emperor who taught people to distinguish between grain and weeds, and to sow seeds. When people's lives were stable, he began to cross mountains and rivers, looking for herbs everywhere, and curing people. He tasted all kinds of herbs and flowers, and saved countless lives with them. But one time, Shen Nong had the misfortune to taste "Heartbreak Herb". This kind of poisonous herb was so powerful that Shen Nong had no time to swallow the herb to detoxify it, and the toxicity came on. Before he died, Shen Nong still held his two bags of herbs tightly.

After reading this legend, I was moved by Shennong's spirit of fearing difficulties and going forward bravely and sacrificing oneself for others. It makes me feel that Shennong is a person who cares about others very much. He disregards himself and is determined to taste all herbs for the health of the people. From his own taste of herbs and sorting, Shennong is very careful. He does not want others to take risks and is very considerate of others. On weekdays, I met some small mountains and valleys on the way of study. Without serious consideration, I gave up the idea of crossing small mountains and valleys. In fact, in retrospect, through my own efforts, those small mountains and valleys that blocked me were nothing at all. So we should rise to the difficulties and face them positively, so that we can gain more. We should pay more attention to helping others and learn more like Emperor Yan.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (6)

Today, I read an article called "Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses". After reading it, I was deeply touched.

This article mainly wrote that in the Shennong era, there were many people and there was not enough food. At this time, Shennong found that the fruit stones thrown on the ground by people would germinate in the next year. So Shennong decided to taste all kinds of wild plants. The next day, Shennong collected all kinds of plants everywhere, and he tasted them the same way. He wrote down what plants tasted good and what plants didn't taste good. It was said that one day when Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs, he encountered 70 kinds of poisonous plants, which almost killed him several times. However, the great Shennong overcame all kinds of difficulties, Finally, we found food that can be used as food, so that people can live a happy life. We also found medicinal materials for curing diseases. Since then, when people were sick, they went to find Shennong.

After I read it, I wondered if robbery would not happen if we were considerate of others. Killing people?

Shennong Tastes Herbs (7)

This morning, I read the comic version of "Reviving Chinese History", in which the hero Shen Nong in the story of "Shen Nong Tastes Hundred Grasses" really impressed me!

Shennong is the leader of Shennong tribe. Once, Shennong heard that five people had been bitten to death by poisonous snakes. Because there was no medicine at that time, people had to wait to die when they were sick or poisoned. As the leader of the tribe, Shen Nong felt very ashamed that he had no power to help the people, so he always hoped to find a cure.

One day, he saw a deer bitten by a snake suddenly recovered after eating a piece of grass. So he made up his mind to go deep into the mountains to find herbs for curing diseases. But the unknown is always full of danger!

Shennong came to the deep mountain and tasted grass every day. He was poisoned every day. Once, I was in a coma for three days and three nights. When Shennong woke up, he felt very uncomfortable and hungry. He grabbed a handful of grass and ate it. After eating, Shennong recovered! For several years, Shennong traveled all over the mountains, tasted hundreds of herbs, and found many herbs. It's easy to be poisoned. At most, it's 72 times a day.

After reading this story, I really want to say to Shennong, "Your selfless dedication to the people really makes me marvel, and I want to learn from you."

In fact, we also have people with such selfless dedication. For example, Lin Hao, the little hero of the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake, bravely saved three young students regardless of personal life danger; After the catastrophic drought in Yunnan, many Chinese people have extended their hands to donate money and precious water; Now there is another flood disaster in the south. Our firefighters rushed to the front and saved countless people... Although they did not taste a hundred herbs, they did the same valuable thing as Shennong, which is also an example for us to learn!

Shennong Tastes Herbs (8)

In ancient times, grains and weeds grew together, and medicines and flowers blossomed together. No one could distinguish between grain and herbs. The common people can only live by hunting and shooting. As the prey becomes less and less, the common people can only starve and can't cure their illness.
For this reason, Shennong was very distressed. He often thought about how people would survive in the future and how to treat their illness. He thought for three days. On the fourth day, he took the villagers from the village to the mountain. The mountain was full of exotic flowers and herbs, with strong fragrance. Suddenly, he encountered waves of wolves, insects, tigers and leopards. Although he beat them back with a magic whip, he was also injured. The villagers advised him to leave quickly, but Shennong insisted on not leaving.
He stood on a small hill and looked around. He saw a group of monkeys climbing ancient vines and decayed trees. Shennong had a brainwave and let the subjects start to make wooden frames. It took 360 days to reach the top of the mountain.
On the top of the mountain is a world of flowers and plants. In order to prevent wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, Shennong asked villagers to plant fir trees on the mountain to build houses. Later, people called it the Wooden City. During the day, they tasted hundreds of herbs, and at night, they made records according to fire.
One day, he was poisoned by eating a piece of grass, and then he ate a piece of red ganoderma lucidum for detoxification. Since then, people have said that ganoderma lucidum can bring the dead back to life.
He distinguished grains and 365 kinds of herbs through tasting, and wrote "Shennong Herbal". They were preparing to go down the mountain, and found that the wooden frame had grown into a sea of forests, and could not go down the mountain. At this time, a group of white cranes came to the top of the mountain, and took them to the heaven. Later, the sea of forests was called Shennong frame.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (9)

This holiday, I finished reading "Ancient Chinese Mythology", which contains many stories, such as "Drilling Wood to Make Fire", "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", "Son of Bamboo", "Immortals on the Sea"

My favorite story is "Shen Nong Tastes Herbs". In ancient times, herbs and flowers grew together, and no one could tell which could be cured and which could not. The people lived by hunting. Gradually, there were fewer birds in the sky and less animals on the ground, and people were often hungry. If anyone has a sore or gets sick without medicine or medicine, he will peel off his skin if he does not die! Shennong saw the pain of the common people and felt the pain in his heart. So he took several subjects to the mountain to taste the grass. They experienced many difficulties. The subjects advised him to go back many times, but he only replied with one sentence: "Can't go back! The people are hungry and have nothing to eat. They are sick with myrrh. They can't go back." Once, after eating a grass, he suddenly felt that the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning, Immediately he sat down on the ground, and the subjects came to help him. He could not speak any more. He pointed to the Ganoderma lucidum in front of him and pointed to his mouth. The subjects put the Ganoderma lucidum into his mouth, and he immediately got better. After that, he continued to taste the grass.

Shennong is really persistent, has super strong actions, and has amazing perseverance. There is a saying called "where there is a will, there is a way", which can be used to describe him.

I happened to learn skateboarding this holiday. After reading this story, I decided to learn skateboarding. At the beginning, I was very excited. I lost my center of gravity when I slipped. I fell off the skateboard and broke my knee. I went back to detoxify, put on a band aid, and continued to practice. I practiced several times and fell down again. This time, I broke my arm. I was going to stop practicing. I remembered the story of Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs, Shennong had been poisoned so many times, but I didn't want to persist after I broke my skin. It was too weak, so I practiced more seriously. No matter how many times I fall, I must learn it. After careful practice, I finally learned to skateboard.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (10)

Today, I read a story called "Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses". The story tells that once upon a time, there was a man named Yan Di who taught the people in the tribe to cultivate land and food, so people called him Shennong. Shennong saw that people in the tribe often ate the wrong plants, so he went to taste various plants, told people what to eat and what not to eat, and finally died because he ate a plant called Heartbreak Grass. Shennong sacrificed his precious life to protect the people. This spirit is worth learning.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (11)

At the beginning of the semester, I bought a book called "Chinese and Foreign Mythology Stories That Excellent Pupils Should Read" recommended by Mr. Liu. This book is very attractive. I read it with great interest as soon as I got it... When I saw an article "Shennong Tastes Hundreds of Grasses", I felt that this story had profound educational significance for me.

This article wrote about a man named Shen Nong who went through a lot of hardships to cure the common people. He was not afraid of death or fatigue. Finally, he found many herbs, so that the common people no longer worried about illness, and became a great hero admired by people. What does this story tell us? It tells us that we can succeed as long as we have perseverance.

Sometimes, like the subjects described in the book, I always give up halfway. Or talk about it, but don't do it; Or they did it but didn't finish it. They were always criticized by their parents for this. For example, once I learned mathematics, my father gave me a problem similar to that in the book, and I soon figured it out. But my father changed the problem a little, and I hardly thought about it, and I had no ambition to overcome difficulties. Today, when I read this article, I had a deep feeling and knew a truth, that is, what you do must be done conscientiously and with indomitable spirit. Only in this way can we succeed and become the pillars of our country when we grow up.

Finally, I sincerely hope that all students can learn from Shennong, learn from his perseverance, and be a good student!

Shennong Tastes Herbs (12)

Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses is the most widely spread fairy tale in ancient China. The story of Shennong is well-known to all women and children. I read this fairy story and had a new understanding of it.

Shennong is the god of heaven. In order to prevent the spread of the plague and cure the people, Shennong needs more food to strengthen people's physique and herbs to eliminate people's pain. It's hard to tell which food can be eaten and which herbs can cure diseases. After reading this, I wonder: Shennong is the god of heaven. Will he be able to help people relieve their pain? How can he know what to eat and what not to eat.

I continue to read with doubts. Shennong sees all this in his eyes. How can he cure people? Shenshi thought hard for a long time. He would personally taste all the herbs and put them into his mouth to taste. If they taste sweet and delicious, he would let people eat them as food. If they eat them, they would record the abnormal reactions. He was poisoned many times for this reason. Although he solved it by "tea", I was deeply moved by his meaningless spirit of self sacrifice.

There are also many people like Shennong who sacrifice their own lives to protect others.

Yin Xuemei, a female teacher, pushed the students away with her weak body in order to save her six students, but she was knocked down by a truck and sacrificed herself. She cast an immortal monument with her life at a critical moment. Isn't Yin Xuemei a great person like Shennong?

Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses made me feel the great spirit of self sacrifice and self sacrifice.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (13)

The book I read is Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses.

A long time ago, a man named Shennong invented some wooden farm tools and taught people to plow, farm, herd cattle and sheep. People's lives slowly improved. However, people still get sick. So he used many methods, such as fire roasting, watering, sun drying, freezing, etc. Although it can alleviate their pain, it can not cure the disease. This made him very worried, so he made up his mind to go out to find herbs that could cure the disease. Shennong did experiments on himself, ate wild vegetables and fruits on the mountain, and then recorded what he had tasted for people's reference in the future.

Because there are many kinds of herbs, most of which he has never seen before, he is often poisoned by poisonous herbs. At most, he has been poisoned more than 70 times a day.

Once again, he ate a poisonous herb, which made him roll on the ground, roll under a small tree, and pass out. When he woke up, he saw a tree in front of him with green leaves, so he got up and picked some pieces and put them into his mouth. Strangely, these small leaves have cleaned out all the poisonous herbs he ate before, and will be ready soon. This is the "tea" we drink now.

Unfortunately, he later ate a poisonous herb, which was very poisonous, and there was no time to treat it. Eating this kind of grass, the intestines will break into many pieces. Later, people called this kind of grass "Heartbreak Grass".

In memory of him, people compiled his accumulated knowledge of medicine into a book, which was later called Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica.

Shennong is not afraid of hardship and tiredness, and he is willing to sacrifice his life to try hundreds of herbs for people. We should learn from Shennong's spirit of fearing hardship, not be intimidated by the difficulties in front of us, and try to fail. Only in this way can we grow up, study hard, live up to the hopes of teachers and parents, and be useful to the country and society.

Shennong Tastes Herbs (14)

I read the book You'll Find the Fountain of Wisdom. There is an article in the book called "Shennong Tastes Hundred Grasses", which inspired me a lot.

The story is: once upon a time, there was a Yan Huang who taught everyone to grow crops, so everyone called Yan Huang "Shennong". But people often died when they ate indiscriminately. Shennong was very sad to see this situation, so he decided to go out and taste all the grass. Shennong made two large bags. The grass he could eat after tasting was put in the left bag, and the grass he could not eat after tasting was put in the right bag. When Shennong went out, he tasted several leaves and felt very comfortable, so he put them in the left bag and named them "Cha". This is the tea we drink now. In this way, Shennong climbed mountains and tasted all the grass. Once, when a patient was dying, Shennong worked hard to find medicine for him and finally pardoned the patient. Shennong once had the misfortune to taste "Heartbreak Grass". He died because he did not take the antidote in time. People held a grand funeral for Shennong.

This story tells us that we must be serious in doing things, and also have the courage to take responsibility for society and ourselves. composition

Shennong Tastes Herbs (15)

Students, have you read the story of Shennong? Shennong is the benevolent Yan Emperor.

It is said that a long time ago, there was a man named Shennong. He was different from us human beings. He had the head of a horse and the horns of a cow. His appearance was very scary. But his heart is very kind. He has a Shennong whip. As soon as he hits any plants and trees, he knows which plants and trees are poisonous or not. At that time, people did not know how to cultivate food. Shennong taught people the techniques of cultivating food, and people were very happy. One day, a Shennong bird came from afar. It looked very huge. It kept singing and spitting out seeds one after another. The seeds slowly fell down and sprinkled on the soil. At this time, the Shennong bird raised its head to the sky and flew to the sun. Finally, it disappeared in the arms of the sun.

Shennong has tasted hundreds of grasses. It is said that he has been poisoned by more than 100 kinds of poisons. Fortunately, his body is transparent, and he has cured more than 100 kinds of poisons. Unfortunately, he was poisoned by an incurable poison, and Shennong died.

We will always remember the man who once tasted hundreds of grass - Shennong.

After reading this story, we want to learn the spirit of Shennong who has spared no pains and devoted himself to the benefit of mankind.