600 words after reading Treasure Island (5 chapters in total)
Who is the leading role
2023-09-09 01:48:02
reaction to a book or an article

600 words after reading Treasure Island (1)

In the summer vacation last year, I read a novel called Treasure Island. This book gives me endless aftertaste. Come and have a look!

The hero of the story is a ten year old boy whose father runs a pub on the beach. One day, a captain Bill came to the tavern. Soon after, he died suddenly due to excessive drinking. Jim found a treasure map on his body when he was sorting out the relics later. For this reason, he fought openly and secretly with the pirates on Long Island together with the squire and the doctor, and finally won because Jim recaptured the ship. He returned safely with the treasure.

In real life, I am not as smart and brave as Jim. If Jim were me, I would certainly let the pirates succeed. I've had cowardly things. Once, my father had to work late at night, while my mother still had some time to go home from work. I felt idle after finishing my homework, so I turned on the computer and played the Star Ball War leisurely. Suddenly, a gust of wind came, and with the speed of lightning, it opened the open window and opened the closed door. Even my homework books on my desk could not survive. They flew everywhere like fairy flowers. I was extremely frightened. My body was shaking like leaves in the cold wind. I looked up outside the window. It was dark and the wind howled, It seems that the end of the world is coming! Then, the rainstorm poured down

In a flash, what just happened in front of me caught me off guard and I didn't know what to do. Yes, my mother must be on her way home by this time. She will be wet by the heavy rain. I found my umbrella hurriedly and prepared to go out. Coincidentally, it was a book. At the moment I opened the security door, I bumped into my mother!

After reading this book, I understand that we should face everything bravely and not escape. Little Jim's spirit of moving forward bravely and not afraid of difficulties is really worth learning from him.

Grade 6: Tan Bingyao

600 words after reading Treasure Island (2)

"Treasure Island? Is it made of gold or silver?" At first, when I saw the name of the book, I couldn't help wondering, "Where is such an island? Who has the money to turn the whole island into gold and silver. What attracted me most about this book was not how much gold was hidden, but the brave and resourceful little hero Jim.

Jim, the hero, was a timid boy. After his father died, he occasionally got a map with 700000 pounds, which aroused great interest of local squires and doctors. In order to find this wealth, the squire hired an honest captain to look for treasure on the desert island. Unexpectedly, the sailor they hired was a pirate, and their leader was Silver, a one legged cook who looked very kind. They tried to take the treasure and the sailboat and kill the captain. Jim accidentally got the news in the apple barrel and promptly informed the captain, squire and doctor. They fought with the pirates to death under the leadership of the upright captain Smollett. Because of the captain's wise command, the doctor's calm, Jim's resourcefulness and courage finally defeated the pirates and returned safely.

In the treasure hunt, Jim is just a child who nobody pays attention to. But he had the courage to fight with the enemy. Later, he took the ship back from the pirates alone and claimed to be the new captain. Although often impulsive and undisciplined, I admire his courage and extraordinary courage on the island. With extraordinary courage and boldness, Jim changed from a small boy with no ideas into a brave and resourceful hero, and recaptured the ship to save the captain and them. Although we can't explore like Jim now, we sometimes encounter unexpected difficulties. At that time, we must be in a hurry, not paying attention to strategy, and disorderly. Just imagine that if we had Jim's courage to think and take risks, wouldn't many difficulties be solved?

Jim, the captain, the squire, the doctor and the loyal sailor are kind-hearted. Luck always belongs to kind-hearted people. The evil represented by Silver will eventually be defeated.

600 words after reading Treasure Island (3)

Everyone must have read a famous book - Treasure Island. This book revolves around an adventure story from beginning to end, in which a young man was born in a poor family, to maintain his livelihood by opening a hotel. That boy is the hero Jim Hawkins. He accidentally found the map of the desert island where the old pirate hid gold and silver treasures. So he discussed with other friends, who took a group of sailors on a treasure hunt. But soon, a group of sailors in their ship mutinied, and the fierce battle between the two sides began. They started a soul stirring fight with the enemy. Finally, thanks to the efforts of all the sailors, the victory fell to Jim's side. Soon, they returned home with a full load of gold, silver and treasure. Although I didn't go there personally to take risks, there was always a picture in my mind. Jim's honest face always appeared beside him

He is so noble, kind and brave. He can always subdue pirates and win. How brave he is! When I heard his words, I shook my whole body, such as this one... The night we saw the land, I was in the apple barrel. I heard you - John, and you - Dick Johnson, and Hans. He is now at the bottom of the sea, and I have reported every word you said within an hour. As for the schooner, it was I who cut the cable of the boat, killed the people you left on the boat, and it was... When I saw this, I was shocked that a young man had the courage to say it, which made me admire it. Of course, I have people I admire and people I hate. For example, Silver is the representative of people who are hypocritical, indecent and evil. They kill others' lives for their own sake. They do not feel guilty for what they have done, but are more rampant. The more I think of money, the more empty my mind is, the only thing left is the idea of killing people. I want to cut people's throats one by one, and go overboard. I can see that they killed a lot of people crazily with a pair of ferocious eyes and a horrible grin and a sailor's knife, just to lose humanity for their own interests. Although this novel is false, it reflects the contest between good and evil in his works.

600 words after reading Treasure Island (4)

"Money!" Mr. Turlawney shouted, "You haven't heard the story? What do the bandits want besides money? What do they care about besides money? What are they risking their lives for? For money!"

When Jim, a young boy in his teens, and a group of pirates for money, boarded the Three Gardens Ship to look for treasure on the desert island, you can imagine what a thrilling thing would happen. Jim, in particular, is a timid boy who has always lived in a small hotel run by his father.

From the time Captain Bill stayed in the hotel, Jim began a different life slowly. He began to feel that he had "fifteen people on the reef, Yo ho ho, a bottle of sweet bar!" Passion in nautical songs and excitement in stories. After the captain died, he had the courage to find the captain's treasure, escape the pirates' search, and begin to realize the dream of sailing. When he was about to arrive at Treasure Island, the conversation Jim overheard made the peaceful journey show a dangerous side. After that, they began to fight against the cruel pirates.

What I like most is that when Jim acts alone, he secretly worries about him every time he encounters danger. Of course, he occupied the ship with his discretion and courage, and Hans himself fell into the sea to kill him; With his kindness and trustworthiness, he won the cooperation with the crafty Xue Fu, so that he could save his life and get in touch with his teammates when he fell into the enemy camp alone; It was also because of his sincerity that he was helped by the exiles on the island. Finally, the exiles helped them escape from the tiger's jaws and find treasure. He brought wealth and hope of return to other people. What he gained was not only gold and silver, but also experience, courage and other qualities.

Stevenson's Treasure Island is also known as Britain's Journey to the West. The hero is a child, which adds a wonderful color to the whole novel. The sharp contrast between simple children and cruel pirates makes readers feel the power of justice more. The hero gains more than wealth. Unlike greedy pirates who value money more than life and turn against each other for money, his courage, especially perseverance in the face of difficulties, can never be matched by gold and silver.

600 words after reading Treasure Island (5)

Recently, I read a famous adventure story book, which is Treasure Island written by Stevenson. The story takes place in the 18th century, Jeff. Hawkins is a little boy. He longs for and is keen on finding treasure at sea. On one occasion, he went to Treasure Island to search for treasure, and dealt with pirates and sailors. He personally experienced various phenomena of sincerity, faithfulness, hypocrisy and cruelty among crew members, and witnessed breathtaking stories.

Reading this adventure story made me feel a lot. Master Weng Jeff. Hawkins was a timid and shy boy. After his father died, he began to explore. During the expedition, Jeff was just a waiter in the cabin at the beginning, but he was brave to fight with the enemy. Later, he recaptured the ship from the pirates and claimed to be the new captain. Although Jeff. Hawkins is often impulsive, but I admire him for his extraordinary courage and extraordinary boldness. Jeff. With courage and boldness, Hawkins changed from a timid little boy to a hero who recaptured the ship. But sometimes when we encounter problems, we are confused and do not try to explore solutions. Just think, if we had Jeff's courage to try and explore, wouldn't many problems be solved easily?

Treasure Island is a famous work of British writer Stevenson in the 19th century, and it is also a world famous book recognized by the world. In the book, a boy named Jim got a relief map of a desert island from a pirate who buried a huge amount of wealth, which aroused the interest of Mr. Trelawney, the local squire. In order to find this wealth, they drove a three masted ship to explore the desert island. Unexpectedly, a group of pirates were mixed into the ship. They tried to seize the three masted ship under the planning of Silver, who had only one leg. Jim got the news by accident. He cooperated with Mr. Trelawney in a brave and witty fight with the pirates, and finally defeated them and found the treasure.

Under Stevenson's ingenious arrangement, the vast sea and desolate island create a world of truth and illusion for the readers, leading them into a realm shrouded in a veil of fantasy. One by one, the suspense that seems bright, dark, loose and tight creates the climax that is closely linked. The lively dialogue full of children's interest and the atmosphere of repeated storms make the novel cover a layer of mystery from the beginning to the end, while at the same time, it is full of vitality and enthusiasm.

At the end of the story, after Jeff returned, he didn't mention how much treasure he had received. Instead, he vowed never to look for treasure again. He was often troubled by nightmares, dreaming of the sea and gold coins. Gold coins made Jeff have nightmares, not dreams of wealth; The pursuit of material satisfaction is ultimately futile; Greed and desire will never bring about a good life. If everyone understood this truth, I'm afraid that some careerists would not do anything to fight for fame and wealth.