Composition of Rice Noodles (15 compilations)
Hold hands to reminisce about the past
2024-05-07 05:23:24

Composition of Rice Noodles (1)

Thick and Tasty Composition of Cross Bridge Rice Noodle Primary School

In real life or work and study, everyone must have been exposed to composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a collection of delicious compositions of Cross Bridge Rice Noodle Primary School. Welcome to share.

In China's Yunnan Province, there is a kind of snack that people like to eat. When I was young, the scene of eating bridge rice noodles often appeared in my dreams.

The cross bridge rice noodles are sweet and spicy. They taste delicious.

Early in the morning, my mother took me to eat bridge rice noodles. When I came to the cross bridge rice noodle snack bar, I saw an uncle cooking soup with goose and other ingredients in front of the stove. When the soup in the pot stirred, my uncle picked up the goose and other ingredients, leaving only the cooked goose soup in the pot.

At this time, an aunt poured white and long rice noodles into the hot soup. After a while, they added goose, onion and other ingredients. When slightly boiling, use a spoon to scoop the rice noodles into a bowl and add a spoonful of soup.

When the rice noodles were served, my mother said: "You can't drink soup first. Because the thick goose oil is somewhat warm, the soup below is very hot." Looking at the rice noodles in front of me, my mother also heard a legend about the rice noodles across the bridge.

A long time ago, there was a scholar who was studying on an island. His wife often made rice noodles for him to eat. However, the rice noodles were cold every time they were sent to the island. Once, after the lady made soup from goose and sent it to the scholar, the rice noodles were still hot. After that, the lady used goose soup to make rice noodles for the scholar. Later, people learned how to make rice noodles with goose soup. Because there is a bridge on the island, people call this rice noodle made of goose soup "cross bridge rice noodle".

Speaking of cross bridge rice noodles, I haven't eaten them for a long time. Whenever I think of it, my heart seems fragrant.

Composition of Rice Noodles (2)

Composition on Yunnan Rice Noodles for Crossing the Bridge

In the light daily life, everyone has been exposed to composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and thoughts stored in their memory in written form. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is the composition of introducing Yunnan Cross Bridge Rice Noodles for everyone. For reference only, let's have a look.

Composition 1 Introducing Yunnan Rice Noodle Crossing Bridge

Speaking of the delicious food in my hometown, the first thing I think of is the rice noodles in casserole, which can be compared with the cross bridge rice noodles. If you don't eat a bowl of rice noodles in casserole here, it can be said that you wasted your time here.

Although casserole rice noodles are very common everywhere, in Yunnan, only Yao'an's stinky tofu casserole rice noodles are the thickest and most tunnel. For example, Chuxiong, Kunming and other places are all driven by Yao An's traditional production methods. Isn't it surprising?

The appearance of rice noodles in casserole is not much different from that of ordinary rice noodles, but its practice is very particular: first, boil the soup bottom and ladle a little soup in the casserole. When the soup begins to boil, quickly add rice noodles, and then add some minced meat, tofu, sprouts, leeks, scallions, meat paste, peppers, sesame seeds, etc. A bowl of thick flavored rice noodles in casserole is cooked successfully, but you must not touch it in the casserole, otherwise it will be hot.

When the rice noodles in casserole are served on the table, a fragrance comes to your nose, making your mouth water. Do you want to say that you can eat directly when you are ready? I want to tell you that you must not be swept away by the wind and the clouds. It is not only hot in the bowl, but also hot in the rice noodles! It must be blown before it is eaten. If you eat it directly, you can only feel hot and can't enjoy the thick taste.

When I ate rice noodles in casserole, I experienced a very interesting thing: the first time I ate rice noodles in casserole, because I was too anxious, I clamped them and sent them to my mouth, but they made me hot and spit them out. I wanted to try smoking, but when I was smoking, I threw some soup in my eyes, which made me jump. Now I have mastered the correct way to eat, and the more I eat, the more I want to eat.

Did you watch the drool? Come to Yao An! When I come to my hometown to feast, I promise to keep you full.

Composition 2 Introducing Yunnan Rice Noodle Crossing Bridge

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for people", almost every place has its own flavor. You see: roast duck in Beijing, mutton steamed buns in Xi'an, small fat sheep in Inner Mongolia, sliced noodles in Shanxi, rice noodles across the bridge in Yunnan... From dinner dishes at the banquet to local snacks in the streets and villages, it can be said that there are numerous. Among many flavor snacks, I like Yunnan cross bridge rice noodles best.

Today, my father said that he would take me to the rice noodle addiction. When I sorted it out, I was happy. My parents and I came to the "Rice Noodle Manor" and found a seat. My father asked for three portions of rice noodles. After a while, two waiters came to us, one carrying three portions of condiments, the other carrying three portions of rice noodles. I didn't wait for the waiter to put the rice noodles in the bowl. The waiter hurriedly said, "Little friend, you are a layman. You should put all kinds of meat into the bowl first, then rice noodles, and finally vegetables." I thanked the waiter and put all kinds of seasonings into the bowl in turn according to the steps she said.

Yunnan rice noodles look good. Crystal vermicelli dipped in beige soup, with red shrimp, green coriander, white and tender meat, it is really mouth watering.

Eating rice noodles is more interesting. When eating rice noodles, I like to eat them one by one. I find the head of the vermicelli, put it in the mouth, and gently suck it. I also use chopsticks to constantly pick up the rice noodles from the bowl, and keep it uninterrupted. When a rice noodle is completely imported, my two cheeks have become bulging. But you don't have to worry about swallowing it. As long as you chew it gently, the rice noodle quickly melts and slides into your stomach with the movement of your throat. It's amazing! When eating shredded meat and shrimp, first lick their "coarse" taste with your tongue, and then chew carefully to taste their "fine" taste. This feeling is no less than eating rice noodles!

This time, I tasted the real Yunnan Cross Bridge Rice Noodles, which really had a special taste and left people with infinite aftertaste!

Composition of Rice Noodles (3)

Composition of eating rice noodles for the first time

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has been exposed to the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is the first composition on eating rice noodles collected by Xiaobian for everyone. I hope it can help everyone.

I have heard from my sister that she will go to the rice noodle shop opened by Uncle Zhang Jie to eat rice noodles next time she returns to Sichuan. After listening to this, I was so excited that I kept pestering her to take me there, but I failed every time. It was another summer vacation after I finally took Yi in. When I returned to Sichuan, my sister took me to eat rice noodles.

As soon as I got to the door, I saw the four characters "beef rice noodles". When I walked in, I saw a big sign right in front of me, which said "Jie's voice is amazing, and Shu's stars are shining in Chengdu". Zhang Jie's posters were everywhere. There is a small book on the counter. Everyone who goes in should leave their names on it. My sister and I are no exception.

We took a seat, picked up the recipe and ordered two large bowls of beef noodles for 7 yuan each. A waiter put two large bowls of soup on the table, with oil floating on the soup and steaming. Another waiter brought up some small plates, stacked on top of each other, with fish fillets, shrimp, pickles, scallions, chili powder... I counted them, and each rice noodle had seven small plates of ingredients. Finally, the waiter brought two bowls of cold rice noodles.

I was about to pour rice noodles into the soup when the waiter interrupted, "First pour the meat slices into the soup while it is hot, and then put the ingredients and rice noodles when the meat is cooked." It was reasonable, so we poured plates of meat slices into the soup. In a twinkling of an eye, the dark red slices of raw meat become white cooked meat. We poured plates of ingredients into bowls, and finally poured rice noodles into the soup. I used chopsticks to stir in the bowl. The red ones are shrimps, the green ones are vegetables and scallions, the white ones are meat slices, and there are strands of jade ribbon like rice noodles. I can't wait to pick up the rice noodles and eat them in large mouthfuls. They taste delicious and delicious. With iced drinks, it's really cool. Even I, a person who doesn't like eating at ordinary times, have finished this bowl of rice noodles. It's really delicious! It's worth waiting so long. I patted my round, bulging belly and shouted, "What a treat!"

After eating rice noodles, I went upstairs and downstairs for many times, not only to see Zhang Jie's poster, but also to experience the waiter's attentive service. In the face of the wrong way of eating, she would bother to tell you.

The rice noodles are really delicious. I will eat them next time I come back.

Composition of Rice Noodles (4)

Today, we come to Shawan, Chengdu, where there is a "Yunnan Bridge Rice Noodle" shop. It's said that the rice noodles there are very delicious. Let's go there to have a taste.

When I came to Shawan, I could see the signboard on the store from a distance, which was very conspicuous. Before coming to the store, the store was not as spacious as I imagined. About 40 square meters, it can accommodate 60~80 people for dinner. Because of the unique taste of rice noodles there, many people are attracted to it.

Entering the store, I saw the landlady busy greeting every guest. The customer buys first, and the landlady issues a brand with a number on it. Customers find their own seats. The waiter delivers the cooked rice noodles to the guests in the order of purchase.

We waited for a long time and finally got several vacant seats. The waiter brought the steaming rice noodle across the bridge. There are red beef, yellow pickled cabbage, white rice noodles, etc., which are very bright. I can't wait to have a taste. Ah, it's delicious! The beef is not very hard. It is badly cooked and tastes delicious. The rice noodles are long and thin. And this kind of rice noodles across the bridge is not like other rice noodles. It is very thick and will break when boiled. Heard my mother say: "This soup is really delicious and delicious." I couldn't help tasting it. Ah, it's so hot, it burned my mouth. So I thought of a way to pour some soup into a small bowl and drink it after cooling for a while. This method is really good. The soup is not hot. Taste it carefully. It's really delicious. We all ate in large mouthfuls. There was someone waiting for a seat next to us before we finished eating. We hurried to finish eating, and gave our seats to other guests.

Yunnan Bridge Rice Noodle is really worthy of its reputation. It's delicious, with perfect color, aroma and taste. Next time I go to eat, I will ask my good friends to go with me!

Composition of Rice Noodles (5)

The cross bridge rice noodle is the most distinctive snack in Yunnan. It is well made, has a unique way of eating, and has a pleasant aroma. Its unique flavor is famous at home and abroad. It tastes delicious.

Walking into the Cross Bridge Rice Noodle Restaurant, a refreshing fragrance came to your nostrils, which made you salivate even more. The practice of cross bridge rice noodles is simple and complex: cross bridge rice noodles are composed of meat slices, ham slices, rice noodles, soup and seasoning. When eating, use a big magnetic bowl. Put the meat slices, ham slices, quail eggs, scallions and other seasonings into the chicken soup with oil splashes. Finally, put the white rice noodles into it and mix with chopsticks. A bowl of cross bridge rice noodles with perfect fragrance and color will be completed.

At this time, the soup was full of hot air, and the rich and delicious smell of chicken soup constantly stimulated me, making my mouth water even more. There are green onion, red ham slices and yellow and white quail eggs floating on the chicken soup. Looking at this bowl of fragrant rice noodles across the bridge in front of me, I can't wait to pick up chopsticks and taste it. Wow! The delicious meat slices, the rich chicken soup, the crisp and delicious quail eggs, and the smooth and refreshing rice noodles suddenly filled my mouth, cool! It's unbelievable. This bowl of rice noodles is so smooth and refreshing. It's really the best food in the world. Eating the rice noodles across the bridge makes people reluctant to put down their chopsticks. The more they eat, the more they want to eat. The rice noodles across the bridge really deserve its reputation and are praiseworthy. A sip of soup can make you intoxicated in the paradise of delicious food, and make you feel floating. Eating a small piece of chicken, fresh and tender without residue, is really leaving the country with endless aftertaste. Put the scallions and ham slices into the rice noodles, and take a big mouthful of them. They are very fresh, delicious, and delicious!

There is also a beautiful and moving legend about the rice noodle across the bridge: in ancient times, a scholar came to a small island to study quietly in order to pass the exam. His wife sent his meals three times a day. Because the journey was too far, it was cold when his wife sent the dishes to the island. One day, the wife made his favorite chicken soup rice noodles for her husband. Due to her extreme fatigue, she fainted near the bridge. After her husband helped her up, the two found that her chicken soup rice noodles were still hot. Because the oil on the chicken soup kept the heat away, the chicken soup was not cold. From then on, the wife made chicken soup rice noodles every day as usual, In the end, her husband got the first prize. Since then, people have called this kind of rice noodles "cross bridge rice noodles", "beef rice noodles", "top rice noodles", etc.

good! The rice noodle across the bridge is really memorable and refreshing.

Composition of Rice Noodles (6)

Cross bridge rice noodles are my favorite food. Although it is cheap, it tastes delicious!

The cross bridge rice noodles taste good and look good. The glistening rice noodles are dipped in the yellow soup with chicken oil floating. Pork fillet, chicken breast meat slice, squid slice float on the surface with chicken oil. The careful shopkeeper will put the meat slice into a smiling face, as if smiling at me, as if saying, "I hope you will come to our shop again next time." The black fish slice, onion shreds, ginger shreds, and bean curd skin are scattered here and there, which is really mouth watering! Sometimes, I hold my chopsticks and stare blankly, not having the heart to destroy its beautiful "face"

The rice noodle across the bridge has a history of more than 100 years. According to legend, a scholar went to the island to study. His wife often made his favorite rice noodles to see him, but every time when he first arrived on the island, the rice noodles became cold. Once when delivering chicken soup, the lady found that chicken oil was like a pot cover, which could keep the temperature, so she improved the rice noodles. Once this method was spread, people followed it one after another, because they had to cross a bridge on the island, and later generations called it "bridge rice noodles".

The practice of cross bridge rice noodles is relatively simple. I checked on the Internet: cut the meat thin, put it in a bowl together with coriander, onion and rice noodles, and then pour 70% of the cooked chicken oil and boiled clear soup into the bowl. A bowl of cross bridge rice noodles with perfect color, flavor and taste will be ready.

Eating rice noodles is also very interesting. When eating rice noodles, I like to eat them one by one. I find the "head" of rice noodles, and then "slink" them into my mouth. It's really smooth and refreshing! The taste is so refreshing!

Taste the rice noodles across the bridge - enjoy it. Because of this, I gave it a nickname - "Happy Flower".

Composition of Rice Noodles (7)

A chance opportunity, I tasted the flavor of Yunnan snacks - cross bridge rice noodles. It makes me memorable!

There is also a beautiful legend about the rice noodle across the bridge: it is said that there was a scholar in ancient times who studied hard on an island, and his wife gave him a headache because the food was not warm. Later, she found that the layer of oily soup on the chicken soup could keep warm and taste better after putting rice noodles. Because her wife had to cross the bridge to deliver rice noodles every day, she named it "Cross the bridge Rice Noodles".

The color of rice noodles across the bridge is very good. The rice noodles with white flowers were dipped in yellow chicken soup, several quail eggs were lying in the middle of the rice noodles with their bellies sticking out, and crystal clear bean sprouts were scattered among them, accompanied by brown duck liver and light green mustard tuber, forming a colorful picture. Just looking at it, people were already salivating.

The cross bridge rice noodle is not only beautiful, but also delicious. Each rice noodle exudes an attractive fragrance. When I eat rice noodles, I always find its "head" first. Just listen to the "shush", and the rice noodles are sucked into my mouth. It's really smooth! When eating quail eggs, meat slices and duck intestines, dip some soup, chew carefully, close your eyes, and you will have a feeling of floating in the air. At this time, you can enjoy a mouthful of meat soup, which will leave you with endless aftertaste. This reminds me of a poem: "This thing should only be in the sky, and it is rare for people to taste it."

Cross bridge rice noodles, my favorite snack, never tire of eating. Action is better than heart beating. If you have a chance, you must also go to taste: "Cross bridge Rice Noodles"!

Composition of Rice Noodles (8)

China has vast territory and abundant resources, and there are many natural snacks! I have eaten a lot! There are Beijing roast duck, mutton steamed buns in Xi'an, fried buns in Shanghai, steamed buns in Hangzhou... But the most unforgettable thing for me is the cross bridge rice noodles in Yunnan.

The rice noodles across the bridge look good. On the golden chicken soup lie condiments such as beef slices. Here are delicious rice noodles. It makes people salivate at a glance!

The rice noodle across the bridge not only looks good, but also is very simple:

Put beef slices, fish slices, chicken slices, spinach leaves, bean sprouts, quail eggs and other ingredients on a small plate. When the chicken soup comes up, put these ingredients into the chicken soup to warm it. Finally, add rice noodles, a bowl of delicious rice noodles, and the golden bridge rice noodles will be finished!

It's said that there is another legend about the rice noodle across the bridge!

Once upon a time, a scholar in Mengzi, Yunnan Province, confined himself to an island in the South Lake to study day and night in order to take the exam. His wife sent him food every day. Because the food was often cold from a long distance, the scholar did not like it. What shall I do? One day, his wife stewed a fat hen. She filled the chicken soup with an earthen pot, brought rice noodles and condiments that scholars loved, and sent them in a bamboo basket. When she brought the soup pot, her hands were shrunk by the heat. It turned out that there was a thick layer of chicken oil floating on the chicken soup, which kept the temperature. So she put the seasoning into the soup, boiled it, and then put the rice noodles. The scholar ate hot, and the taste was particularly delicious, so he praised his wife. Because his wife had to go across a bridge to deliver food, the scholar smiled and said to his wife, "Let's call the delicious food you cooked today". Since then, the cross bridge rice noodle has spread among the people

You must have drooled after listening to my introduction! Come and taste the delicious cross bridge rice noodles!

Composition of Rice Noodles (9)

In the "Man Book City" restaurant, Yunnan Cross Bridge Rice Noodles can be regarded as a recruitment skill.

Looking at a large bowl of delicious rice noodles across the bridge, I couldn't help but look at it carefully. The white and thin rice noodles, yellow quail eggs, white and tender chicken with reddish beef, together with delicious coriander and delicious chicken soup, are really colorful and mouth watering!

The practice of crossing the bridge rice noodles in Yunnan is also very simple. When the guests arrive, they first serve a bowl of hot and fragrant chicken soup, then pour the raw quail eggs into the soup, mix it well, then disperse the half cooked beef, fully cooked chicken and coriander into the bowl in turn, and gently stir with chopsticks. Finally, use chopsticks to clip the cooked rice noodles across the bridge from the plate to the soup bowl with ingredients like a bridge, The authentic Yunnan cross bridge rice noodles were made.

After getting the prepared Yunnan rice noodles for crossing the bridge, you will certainly enjoy yourself. When I have eaten bridge rice noodles, I always like to pick them up one by one with my chopsticks, and then put them in my mouth. I suck them up with a sound of "shush", and then quickly pick up another one and put it in my mouth. You should know that it means to cross the bridge when you eat them continuously. Then we have to eat food. Every time I like to pick up the meat slices and coriander together, then put them into the soup and stir them, then pick them up, put them in my mouth and chew them carefully. The taste, I'm afraid, can only be described as "this taste should only be found in the sky, and rarely tasted in the world".

Yunnan Cross bridge Rice Noodles are delicious and delicious. Once eaten, I will never forget it. I can't help crying: "waiter, add a bowl of Cross bridge Rice Noodles to Table 25, and I will taste it again“

Composition of Rice Noodles (10)

Today, my parents took me to the Times Supermarket. Wandering, my stomach gets hungry.

So, I made my parents want to eat KFC. My parents had no idea what to do with me, so they coaxed me to say: "Tiger, don't eat KFC all the time. You also try Yunnan Cross Bridge Rice Noodles." "What if it's not delicious?" I asked. "Then I owe you a KFC meal." As soon as I saw the big advantage, I immediately replied, "OK, that's what you said. Don't go back on it." "It's a deal?" "It's a deal." So I happily followed my parents to the restaurant. Now I'm ready to help my parents find seats and order food. When the dishes are ready, I still think from time to time: This cross bridge rice noodle is so much cheaper than KFC. Is it still delicious? Before I knew it, the food came and looked like noodles. I thought: they will lose now, ha ha. However, when I really eat my mouth, this feeling disappears completely. The smell of noodles and the feeling of rice are all found at once. In addition, beef and soup, such as small bridges and flowing water, come and go, echoing in my heart forever; Just like a waterfall, it penetrates people's hearts, and is cold and sweet; It is like the melodious sound of the piano, from high to low, from slow to urgent. Ah, is this rice noodles? It's so delicious that I can't put it down.

This delicacy is far more delicious than KFC. The feelings in my heart burst out, which makes me linger and forget to return. I still can't calm down for a long time. The rice noodle across the bridge is delicious. I wanted to say it was not delicious, but finally I couldn't help but say it was delicious. I don't know why. This feeling is really hard to hide. Maybe this is the power of food. The rice noodle across the bridge, I like you, I like your free feeling, which makes me moved by the delicious food!

Composition of Rice Noodles (11)

Cross bridge rice noodle is a famous food in Yunnan, which has a history of about 2XX years. Yunnan people often use cross bridge rice noodle to entertain guests from afar. All tourists who have visited Kunming will taste the local food - cross bridge rice noodles while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The rice noodles across the bridge can be said to be complete in color, fragrance and taste. The newly prepared rice noodle across the bridge emits an attractive fragrance, making people salivate. There are bright red chicken, pig and fish slices in the bowl, green spinach, pea tips and tender yellow chicken - the colorful food has increased my appetite and made people spit "ten thousand feet". It is also easy to make rice noodles across the bridge. First of all, put a plate of thinly cut chicken, pig, fish slices, pea tips, spinach, yulan slices and pig liver slices into the soup made of fat chicken and bones. In order to achieve the effect of heat preservation, put chicken oil on it. Guests can add some pepper oil, coriander and other seasonings according to their own taste, and then put the rice noodles into a bowl. After mixing a bowl of fragrant and colorful cross bridge rice noodles, they are finished. In normal times, I would eat delicious rice noodles across the bridge whenever I had the chance. I like both restaurant and homemade food. After eating it, people will have endless aftertaste. The rice noodle across the bridge is not only delicious, but also has an interesting legend. Hundreds of years ago, there was a poor scholar who studied hard in order to get an official position. His wife would cross the bridge to deliver rice noodles to him every day. Once, due to fatigue, his wife fainted on the bridge. When he woke up, he found that the soup in the casserole was still boiling hot, and then put some spices to heat it. It was better to eat. Later, the scholar gained fame and named the meal "Cross Bridge Rice Noodles". Tasting a bowl of rice noodles across the bridge is enough to make you "forget about Sichuan".

Composition of Rice Noodles (12)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

In the winter vacation of 2013, I came to Kunming, the famous spring city. Kunming is like spring all the year round, with flowers blooming everywhere.

On the first day of the New Year, my parents and I came to Kunming's ethnic village with unique folk customs. When we walked into the village, we saw ethnic villages of different styles distributed among them, which were well arranged and displayed their own style. Each village has its own unique handicrafts and snacks, and what impressed me was the rice noodle across the bridge. The cross bridge rice noodles not only have a long history, but also have a beautiful legend.

It is said that a scholar was studying on Nanhu Island in Mengzi County. Every day, the scholar's wife would send meals to her husband through a stone bridge. One day, the wife worried about her husband's hard work at school. She stewed a fat and big hen and put it in a pot to send it to her husband. There was something urgent to do on the way, so they delayed some time. When she finished the work, she found that the soup pot was still warm. It turned out that a thick layer of butter covered the soup surface, which played a role in heat insulation. She happily walked through the path and the stone bridge to her husband, soaked the rice noodles in the hot chicken soup, and then served them. The scholar was very satisfied. In order to praise this virtuous and intelligent wife, people named this food "Cross Bridge Rice Noodles".

At the thought of this, an aunt in Bai costume brought a large porcelain bowl with an attractive fragrance. I followed the big bowl in front of me with my eyes. Red pepper oil was floating on the soup surface, and green leek leaves were inlaid in it. Hot soup is the 'old soup' in the shop. After being boiled for a long time, the soup is white, tender, fragrant, unique, and can't help but increase appetite. The soup can be freely added with chicken, pig liver, squid, sea cucumber, vegetables, etc. Use chopsticks to explore the way in the bowl. The rice noodles are paired with pea tips, spinach, bean curd skin, diced meat and other accessories, which are really perfect in color, smell and taste! The fragrance has already stimulated my taste buds. My mouth has been swallowing saliva. I can't help tasting the taste of cross bridge rice noodles. The delicious soup enters the mouth, the throat and the stomach, only knowing one word, delicious. The pea cake is eaten with rice noodles. It is golden and golden. It is extremely crisp and tastes delicious after being bitten. I'm afraid that only when you go to the Bai shop in Yunnan can you taste the authentic rice noodles! At the checkout, the clerk invited every customer who had eaten to leave a message, and I wrote without hesitation: "Next time I will definitely come to eat bridge rice noodles!"

The cross bridge rice noodles are smooth, tender and refreshing, with authentic raw materials and rich side dishes. Now I think of its taste, but it is still memorable!

Junior 1: Liangcheng Empty Lane

Composition of Rice Noodles (13)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. Composition can be divided into timed composition and non timed composition according to the different writing time limits. Still at a loss for composition? The following is the composition of "Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodle Primary School", which is organized by my editor. Welcome to share.

Do you like rice noodles? If you like, come to my hometown to eat! The rice noodles here are not only delicious, but also have a long history. There was a couple in the South Lake. The husband studied hard on the opposite tower, and the wife would pass a small bridge every day when she sent rice noodles to her husband. Once when his wife sent rice noodles to him, she fainted on the bridge. It took her a long time to wake up. It was already dark, and she felt a bowl of rice noodles was still steaming hot, It was covered on the soup to keep the heat in the soup, so it was still steaming hot and delicious.

There are specialties everywhere - Guilin noodles, Malatang, donkey rolls There are all kinds of rice noodles, but I still think it is best to eat the rice noodles across the bridge in Yunnan. Now with the reform and opening up, the rice noodles across the bridge are also famous at home and abroad.

Almost every street in Yunnan has a rice noodle shop across the bridge, and every shop has a thriving business. Guests, friends and local people all crowded the shop at once. Foreign tourists also praise the rice noodle across the bridge. What makes people eat it all the time?

First, let's talk about the soup of rice noodles across the bridge. The soup of cross bridge rice noodles is made of chicken, pork, pig bones The boiled soup is delicious, fresh and sweet, and transparent in color. When the soup is finished, chrysanthemum, bean curd, and scallion are added One sip is enough to be intoxicated with the delicious soup, making people have endless aftertaste. The chicken soup is like a film covering rice noodles, soup and meat for heat preservation.

Secondly, rice noodles and meat. Let's start with rice noodles. It is made of rice in a machine. It is thin and silky, and tastes very delicious. What about meat? It also contains pork and chicken - when the meat is selected, it is placed in a flower shape. But when a bowl of steaming rice noodles was brought up, it seemed that there were many loaches playing in the stream, with lotus flowers and lotus leaves on it as umbrellas for them.

Finally, there is another bright spot - scenery. The South Lake is beautiful with murmuring water. The rising water is like mist, making the South Lake full of fairyland atmosphere. Who can say that eating a bowl of steaming rice noodles in the fairyland South Lake island is not a kind of enjoyment?

After listening to the introduction, your saliva must have converged into a river! Welcome to my hometown Mengzi with your friends! Go to the South Lake to eat rice noodles!

Composition of Rice Noodles (14)

There is also a beautiful legend about the rice noodle across the bridge: it is said that there was a scholar in ancient times who studied hard on an island, and his wife gave him a headache because the food was not warm. Later, she found that the layer of oily soup on the chicken soup could keep warm and taste better after putting rice noodles. Because her wife had to cross the bridge to deliver rice noodles every day, she named it "Cross the bridge Rice Noodles".

The color of rice noodles across the bridge is very good. The rice noodles with white flowers were dipped in yellow chicken soup, several quail eggs were lying in the middle of the rice noodles with their bellies sticking out, and crystal clear bean sprouts were scattered among them, accompanied by brown duck liver and light green mustard tuber, forming a colorful picture. Just looking at it, people were already salivating.

The cross bridge rice noodle is not only beautiful, but also delicious. Each rice noodle exudes an attractive fragrance. When I eat rice noodles, I always find its "head" first. Just listen to the "shush", and the rice noodles are sucked into my mouth. It's really smooth! When eating quail eggs, meat slices and duck intestines, dip some soup, chew carefully, close your eyes, and you will have a feeling of floating in the air. At this time, you can enjoy a mouthful of meat soup, which will leave you with endless aftertaste. This reminds me of a poem: "This thing should only be in the sky, and it is rare for people to taste it."

Cross bridge rice noodles, my favorite snack, never tire of eating. Action is better than heart beating. If you have a chance, you must also go to taste: "Cross bridge Rice Noodles"!

Composition of Rice Noodles (15)

The biggest characteristics of the rice noodle across the bridge are: rich materials and complex process. Its main ingredients are: rice noodles, chicken breast meat, horse fish meat and squid. Side dishes: vegetables, onions, bean sprouts, mushrooms. The cross bridge rice noodle is composed of soup, rice noodle and seasoning. Use a large bowl when eating. First, put in the cooked chicken oil, MSG, and pepper noodles, then scoop out the soup of chicken, duck, ribs, etc. into a bowl and serve it as standby, then put the eggs into the bowl, and then put the raw fish slices, raw meat slices, chicken, and other raw food into the bowl in turn. Then add the crispy, barbecued cooked meat, beans, leeks, spinach, bean curd skin, rice noodles, and finally soy sauce, chili oil.

When the cross bridge rice noodles are served out, they have a very attractive smell, which is sour and hot. They have a light flavor of spinach and a strong flavor of cooked meat. When you look at its color, the rice noodles are white and transparent, and the tofu skin is also white. Peas are yellow, eggs are yellow, spinach is green, and leeks are green. Rice noodle soup is attractive red. The taste of rice noodles is also very delicious. The rice noodles are as thin as silk. They taste like ribs, chicken, fish, vegetables, cooked meat, sour and hot. People want to eat another bowl after eating. It is said that this delicious rice noodle has a beautiful story.

In ancient times, a scholar wanted to take an imperial examination and moved to the middle of the lake to study quietly. His wife would cross a bridge to the house in the middle of the lake every day to send meals to the scholar. However, the food is cold. Later, it was unexpectedly hot once, because she poured a layer of oily soup on the rice noodles, which played the role of heat preservation. Later, she came to deliver the rice noodles every day. Later, the scholar was admitted to an official position. In order to thank his wife, he called the rice noodles "cross the bridge rice noodles". It was once said that it was beautiful and light. People made rice noodles according to the scholar's wife's practice. The rice noodles across the bridge were handed down from then on.

With the improvement of later generations, the cross bridge rice noodles are more and more delicious and famous.