I have been writing 600 words (16 selected articles)
Looking at the empty moon
2023-12-12 01:31:34
Junior two

I have been writing 600 words (1)

When winter comes, can spring be far behind?

"There is little ice and frost at the end of the year. When spring comes to the world, I feel that the business is full and the east wind blows the water. The green is uneven." I like the spring when everything is reviving and birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. However, this winter makes me feel particularly long. It is so overbearing that it seems to occupy the time of spring, so I can't see the vitality of "grass grows and birds fly in February, willows and willows are drunk with spring smoke", Is spring still around me?

The senior high school entrance examination is approaching, and the depth is increasing day by day. Every day I am wrapped in various papers, accompanied by words, narratives, quadratic functions and chemical equations. The pressure of entering a higher school is accumulating in my heart. I feel that I am surrounded by the cold in winter and I am eager to find the warmth of spring.

With the arrival of the new spring of the Year of the Boxer Rat, we should have been immersed in the joy of "thousands of households have a bright future". The sudden news broke the peace. The new coronavirus pneumonia broke out in Wuhan and quickly spread to the whole country. The rapid spread of the epidemic caught us off guard. This is a war without gunpowder smoke, and we must face it. Every day when I stay at home, the closed space makes me more upset, until a voice touches my heartstrings and breaks away the clouds in front of me, as if I saw the spring blossoms.

"The epidemic is an order, and the fight against it is a responsibility." "Isolate the virus, but we will not isolate love." Yes! The medical staff working hard at the front line, risking their lives to treat patients, is a respect for life, which is a great love. Compared with them, my hard work is really insignificant, only persistence and hard work. A little ink spreads out, "no small steps, no thousand miles, no small streams, no rivers and seas." The sweat of hard work is slowly converging into a river, a sea, including thousands. The dance music of my life rings, and the spring of blooming life beckons to me.

The sun shines through the misty haze and spreads all over the windowsill. The wind brings the breath of spring, which is full of light grass fragrance. I persist in pursuing, breaking the shackles of winter, and ushering in the sunshine of spring. The clouds open and the fog disperse. I see the warmth of spring and the flowers bloom, and the original spring has always been around me.

I have been writing 600 words (2)

I often ask myself what love is? Where is love? Why can't I feel it? But my mother said: "Love has always been around you, you can feel the warmth of love with your heart!" Mom, thank you, I feel it! The feeling of love is so sweet, so warm, so beautiful.

"Ding Ling Ling..." The bell rang, and school was over. It was a sunny afternoon, and the weather in summer was changeable. Just as the sun was shining, it turned into a storm in the twinkling of an eye, and it was just in time for school. I fumbled in my schoolbag, almost turning it upside down, but still no umbrella, and a cool wind made my goose bumps rise.

The lively grass was beaten down by the rain, and the beautiful flowers were washed away by the rain. From a distance, the tall teaching building seemed to be hung with a hazy curtain. Mom came here at this time, she took off her coat and put it on my body, holding my hand. How can a small umbrella completely cover two people's bodies? But I didn't get any rain. What's the matter? It turned out that most of my mother's body was outside the umbrella. I asked my mother: "Are you cold?" My mother answered without thinking: "It's not cold at all." After returning home, my mother fell ill for three days because of the rain. It turns out that love is under an umbrella. My mother would rather be sick than make sure I am not caught in the rain. Love is so warm.

Another time, my mother took me to the street to buy food. I looked at the red carp swimming in the basin and thought it was very funny. So I clamored my mother to buy carp. At that time, carp was very expensive, but my mother said, "If you want to eat, you can buy it, no matter how expensive." So I bought a big fat carp. After my mother cooked the carp, I picked a large piece of fish and sent it to my mouth, but it was stuck by the fish bone. Because I was so upset that I cried and cried, my mother rushed over and saw that a complete fish was missing a piece of meat. She knew that I was stuck by a fish bone and took me to the hospital. Seeing my mother's worried face, I felt love. It turned out that love was so sweet.

Love has all kinds of feelings. Love is around us. As long as we try our best to understand every bit of life, we will find that love is always around us. Let's feel the variety and beauty of love together!

I have been writing 600 words (3)

I have loved music and dance since I was young. I remember when the school anniversary came, the school was very lively, with all kinds of performances, which really dazzled people. When I saw a girl dancing, my eyes were completely attracted by her. When she is dancing, I feel like I am on the stage. How comfortable it is! How dazzling it is in the applause of so many people!

When I got home, I looked at my mother and got up the courage to say to her, "Mom, let me tell you something, I -- I -- I want to learn dance, OK?" She said coldly, "No". "Why! Why! Look at other people's children, their mothers will promise them, but you, don't you love me, don't you like me! Do you really pick me up from the garbage?" I cried as I spoke, and tears poured down, still beating her. "My child, it's not my mother's refusal, but you don't know the conditions at home. Who doesn't want their children to live well?"

I didn't know so much when I was young. No matter what my mother said, I kept making troubles and breaking things. Mother slapped me angrily. I cried and yelled at her: "It's all your fault. Who wants you to have no money? I don't want a mother like you." I slammed the door into the room and cried on the bed. Why is my fate so unfair? The children of other families are so happy! When I came out, I heard my mother sobbing. That time, I hurt her deeply.

Gradually I grew up and understood their pains and difficulties; I also understand their deep love for me.

This Qingming Festival holiday, I dragged my luggage home. When I got out of the car, I saw my mother working in the vegetable garden from a distance. I saw her weak body carrying a load of water in the vegetable shower. Looking at her, I felt a sense of bitterness in my heart. "Back, kid." I smiled and nodded. "My child, you are thin. Is the pressure of learning too heavy? Wait for my mother to make a delicious meal for you." Then she patted me on the shoulder. I looked at her hand, I was stunned, ten fingers all split. She looked at me and looked at her hand. Afraid that I might worry, she quickly withdrew and asked me to rest. Then she went to the vegetable garden again. Looking at her back, my mind was full of those hands. How could my mother's hands become like this? I can't believe this is a fact.

At noon, Dad came back from the construction site. He watched me come back, and then took out a ten yuan note with some cement and dust. "Son, you haven't come back for a long time. There's nothing to eat at home. Here, go and buy some food!" Since he worked on the construction site, he has lost weight, his back has been bent, and his white hair has grown. Looking at him, my eyes began to heat up. I left for fear of being found by him. In the past, sometimes I had no living expenses. Even if they didn't have money, they would borrow it everywhere to try not to make me hungry or worried. Before returning to school, I took the living expenses I saved to buy them hand cream and plaster, and put them on their bed secretly to surprise them.

After graduating from junior high school, he planned to drop out of school for fear of adding burden to his family. But my parents refused to give me a chance to study even if I was poor. So I chose my favorite major - artistic dance. Because I have a dream in my heart, I can bear the pain when I step on my crotch for the first time; Because I have a dream in my heart, I will practice basic skills again and again in the practice room at noon and night. I think that I will not give up easily because I have parents' love in my heart. I will stick to it. I cannot let my parents down. I will make more efforts than others.

Last semester, I was very happy to be awarded "Three Good Students". I held my certificate to my mother, who smiled and cried: "Child, continue to work hard, and my mother will support you. You are my pride in this life!" After listening to my mother's words, I can not let her down even more. I will use my achievements to repay my mother, and make up for my previous hurt and incomprehension to her. Mom and Dad, you can rest assured that although you have not given me good material conditions, you have given me great spiritual impetus in learning. If it were not for you, I would not have the confidence and courage to learn. Previously, it was my willfulness and incomprehension that deeply hurt you, but I now understand that you love me, and this love is the greatest driving force for me to move forward! Looking at your hard work, I told myself in the bottom of my heart that you must live a happy life!

I have been writing 600 words (4)

Love is like a spring in the desert, moistening your dry heart; Love is like the flowers dotted on the ground, embellishing your life; Love is like a candle illuminating your way of life. There is love everywhere in life, as long as you keep your heart to love everywhere.

There was a true story: there was a barefoot doctor in the mountain village, and he had a son. The doctor never told a lie, so his son regarded what his father said as truth. Once, he took his son to the mountains to find better herbs, which took a long time, so they brought a lot of things. They stayed in the mountains for a long time. One night, it suddenly rained heavily, forming a debris flow that washed away all their things. The compass was gone, but they did not despair. The father encouraged his son and said, "The sun and the stars will guide us. "So they were hungry to eat some wild fruits and thirsty to drink some mountains and rivers. They spent another day. But it never rains but it pours. The night was bitten by a poisonous snake. The son was desperate. Suddenly the father saw a small white flower beside him and said to his son," Take this flower to the foot of the mountain to find a doctor to see my disease. I can support three hours. "So my son went down the mountain with confidence to find the doctor. But the doctor said," No, it's just an ordinary flower and can't detoxify snake venom. "The son didn't believe it. He took the doctor up the mountain. When he found his father, his father's body had rotted. The doctor looked at it and said," One of them is an eye snake poison. He can only live for 20 minutes at most. Your father lied to you. "The son immediately realized that his father was afraid of going out with no confidence, so he cried.

From this we can see that lies are also full of love. For example, be careful when going out and wear more clothes. Love is full of nagging. " Be careful when crossing the road. "The road is also full of love." Grandma, please sit down while I stand. "The bus is also full of love.

As long as you watch carefully, love is everywhere.

I have been writing 600 words (5)

Twelve year old sky, light wind, light cloud, light loneliness, light sadness.

Standing at the crossroads of life, facing the surging crowd, I dodged from side to side, wandering and hesitating. At this time, there will always be a pair of warm hands holding me "home".

Once upon a time, we didn't stick behind our parents like children, and began to have our own little secrets. Once upon a time, we were not as secure as we were when we were young. We became stubborn and capricious. We were like broken kites flying around, but our thoughts were always tied to our parents.

From childhood to adulthood, he always snuggled up to his parents, played coquetry and played tricks on them, which made them laugh and cry every time.

From childhood to adulthood, he always likes to make some troubles, and hides when he is afraid. Every time, he makes his father take the blame.

On the evening of September 12, I had a dream that my father had died and would no longer protect me. No one would love me so much. In my dream, I tried to find what my father had left, but I could not find it. I cried to remember every bit of what my father had left in my mind. What I had lost would never come back. People around me walked away one by one, Helpless crying filled my world. I woke up from my dream and cried until dawn.

The place with father is heaven, and the place with heaven is my hometown.

I am a child who is not familiar with the world. My world is full of depression. There are few friends around me, but they know my heart.

When I am with my friends, I am happy and always smile. When I am alone, melancholy always climbs on my face.

When my father is not around, I will only rely on friends, who are more reliable than my father, and there will be no generation gap.

I walk around the campus with my friends arm in arm, sing my favorite songs together, laugh and feel sad together, like to be read by my friends, like to be remembered by my friends, and like to be with my friends.

When no friends are around, I am like a lost child. I just cry and stay where I am, and I will not let tears flow down, waiting for a pair of familiar hands to give me the warmth of love.

My parents and friends are the true love of my life. Only with them can I form a perfect world.

With you around, life is more fresh.

I have been writing 600 words (6)

Growth is a process of discovering love and learning to love. This "love" comes from people around you, such as relatives' love for you, friends' help for you... This "love" can also come from your own heart, such as your love for others, for nature, for all good things... How much did your parents pay for us? We seldom care about how much they have paid, and how much we have paid back. In this little thing... originally, love is around.

When I was young, I remember one time: I had a high fever, my mother also had a cold, and her head was very painful. It was raining cats and dogs outside. My mother asked me to take antipyretic medicine, but my fever had not subsided. My father was not at home, and I went out. So, my mother carried me to the hospital step by step in pain and cold wind. In retrospect, I cried. This is the kind maternal love.

It was time for a test in the fourth grade. On the same day, the teacher turned the door and reminded him, "Take a ruler, a leather and a pen for tomorrow's math exam."

When I got home, I just absorbed my pen water and reviewed. I forgot to bring my ruler.

The next day, the teacher asked, "Have I brought my ruler and performance paper with me?" "Ah! I forgot to bring my ruler and performance paper." I thought to myself. I quickly borrowed some straw paper from the surroundings, but others didn't have any extra rulers. When I borrowed it from my desk mate at the back door, she said, "I have a ruler." I said excitedly, "Is there any extra?" She said, "I only have one, but I'll borrow it from you, and I'll borrow it from others." I said, "I borrowed it, you don't need it, in case you can't borrow it?" She said, "It's OK. You can use it." The exam began. After finishing the first question, there was a drawing question. I quickly picked up a ruler to draw. I thought to myself: I am drawing now. Does he have a ruler? Alas~I finished writing the paper, and I checked it twice... The exam ended and ended. I immediately ran to our classroom and asked her if she had borrowed the ruler. She said she had borrowed it, and I finally put down the heavy stone in my heart.

This is persistent friendship.

Love is colorless and tasteless, but love is beside you.

I have been writing 600 words (7)

Spring goes and autumn comes, winter comes and summer goes, the world is colorful. But the pace is hurried, and the mind doesn't understand. How many beautiful things have we passed? Passing by is friendship? family affection? Trust? Flowers are picked up day after day, tears seize the eyes

From the naive first grade to the frivolous sixth grade, it seems that there is no care to warm my heart. Only confusion, helplessness, tears, only these emerge in my mind.

The cold wind is biting, the rain and snow are falling, and it's winter. When I was young and frivolous, I was running on the empty street.

When I get home, I feel warm, but my heart is cold. "Mom -- why don't you pick me up!" I yelled into the back room, "back? I... The car broke down." Mother ran out barefoot, "I was just going to pick you up, and I was afraid you would be worried."

"What, a lot of excuses, just don't want to pull me." I frowned and muttered angrily.

"Come on, put on a coat, don't be frozen." Mother was holding a cotton padded jacket in her hand, smiling like a flower.

Looking at my mother's smile, I just glanced at her blankly, then walked to my room, slammed the door, entered the room, "Hum, hypocrisy." I left my mother standing in the cold living room with bare feet.

I lay on the bed and formed a "big" character. Grasping the quilt to vent my anger, "It's just that it's a little cold, so I won't come to pick me up and find a lot of excuses. It's hypocritical." I bit my teeth and whispered to myself.

Outside the window, it was raining heavily and the cold wind was howling. The rain was weaving thickly, and I shrank.

Someone knocked at the station outside, "Who!" I was a little impatient and kicked the quilt.

"Open the door." I heard my mother's voice, so I had to get up and open the door.

Mother took a cup of hot milk in her hand, and it was warm and emitting heat. "Well, milk, that... you didn't put on your clothes just now." There was a light in her eyes, and she handed the milk to me.

"Hum". I groaned, grabbed the milk and spilled a little on the ground. I poured the milk into my mouth, hoping my mother would take the cup and hurry away.

In the transparent heat, I vaguely saw that my mother cried, like an innocent child who does not darken the world. A big bright smile

Outside the window, the rain gradually stopped and the sky gradually cleared up. The big and bright smile reappeared in front of me. The original love is around, now I think of the cup of hot milk, and then I think of my mother's production of ice, and my heart strings move. Flowers are gathered day after day, tears are in your eyes

I have been writing 600 words (8)

The huge gear of time never stops for a moment, just like the fragrance of peony flowers will fade in memory.

Since ancient times, how many people have looked up and asked the sky: What has time taken away? Why can't life be performed according to the script? I don't understand, thinking about finding the answer in time.

When I was young, I had a playmate who would do everything for girls together every day. I thought we would grow up together and go to junior high school and senior high school together. However, I didn't expect that the answer I was searching for was so cruel and bloody.

In my memory, the sunshine that afternoon was particularly dazzling. "I'm going to move." "No, you're going to school, aren't you?" Now I think it's ridiculous. How could you be so innocent at that age. "Transfer to that school, I really want to go." My eyes narrowed a little, "Hmm", silent for a long time, she ran home to pick up a doll - a lovely rabbit. "Here you are, and you will take care of it in the future!" Smiled at each other and heard nothing again. So far, many years have passed, and time has gradually eroded her face in memory. Only two long braids and clean corners of her mouth are three-dimensional.

One day, I was suddenly told by my mother that I had received her letter. I walked into the room hurriedly and saw a letter lying on the table. When she saw her name on the envelope, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Yes, I have made progress.". Slowly opened, the letter roughly wrote: "Do you remember me? Don't damage the rabbit you entrusted to take care of! This year, I will go back for the Spring Festival and get together again." There was a photo of her. In the photo, she was already a white girl, smiling at the camera like the sun behind her, looking a bit distracted, and her heart was stirred by her "coming back for the Spring Festival". Insert the picture in the rabbit's cloth bag and put it on the table.

Forgive the cruelty of time for a while. It turns out that even though time goes by, you haven't left yet.

Finally, I found the answer that once hurt me: no matter what time has been cut off, as long as you want to protect it carefully, the fragrance of white peony can still be printed in the deep memory.

It turned out that you were always by my side.

Thanks for the bloody stripping that year, which left a beautiful and peaceful face in my heart.

I have been writing 600 words (9)

"I always ask for it from you, but never say thank you. I didn't know that you were not easy until I grew up. Every time I left, I always pretended to be relaxed, smiled and said, 'Go back!' and turned around with tears in my eyes..." Whenever this song sounded in my ears, I would think of you - my father.

When I was young, I always thought you were an incompetent father. Because you can't give me the life I want, whenever I look at the toys and beautiful clothes in others' hands, I will feel a hatred towards you. I always feel that others are happier than me. I remember that day, as usual, when I walked out of school in the afternoon, you still walked on the tricycle and waited at the school gate on time. I still wanted to run as usual, but this time you did not follow me silently as usual, but accelerated to catch up with me and pulled me to the tricycle with those powerful hands. I sat on the tricycle in chagrin and looked aside to see my friends driving forward in comfortable and convenient cars. I was even more upset. I lowered my head and asked myself again and again: Why do I have such a humiliating father?

One year on the May 4th Youth Day, all the students would wear new sportswear. My sportswear had been worn for several years. When I told you that I wanted to buy a new sportswear, I saw your eyebrows frown and lit a cigarette silently. I knew that you were always thrifty and would not agree to my request, However, I saw you nod your head heavily with a deep frown. I was surprised that you would agree to buy me sports clothes without spending extra money. However, this money is not a small sum for poor people. What are you going to do? I followed you secretly, only to find that you went to each stall to wash dishes for others while pulling three rounds of free time. Looking at the sweat on your forehead, I knew that I had embarrassed my father so much for my vanity. I realized how much you loved me. I always thought you didn't give me enough, but this is all you have! I have always been the happiest child in the world.

My father and I, like kites and strings, nestled together. Companion is the confession of the longest love. Companion is the most beautiful love. The original love has always been at my side.

I have been writing 600 words (10)

In ordinary daily life, everyone has dealt with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a summary of the 600 words you have been writing with me for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Where you fall, you stand up; Get up from where you fall; Where you are disappointed, you are brave. Through experience after experience, I look back and see that you have been there!

Since we have chosen the baptism of wind and rain, why should we have nowhere to hide? Since I chose to embrace the rainbow, why should I be afraid of being illuminated? I have experienced too much from a new kid to a senior today. Yes, this is the way I choose. No matter how hard it is, I will continue to walk. When I feel tired, it is enough to rely on your shoulders!

I remember that time when I was on the track, I was so nervous. With the whistle, I started, but I tripped when I was running towards the inner circle. I was still confused at that time, but after staying for a second or two, I saw that my fellow driver was still working hard. What qualifications should I have to lose heart here? I stood up. At the moment, I felt a little nervous near the end. I tried to move forward, but I also consumed my strength while running. What should I do? I am very confused in my heart! While hesitating, my classmates drove with me. Come on, come on, don't give up, you can! Under such encouragement, I chose to surpass! Gradually, when I saw that you were nearly half a circle behind me, I plucked up my courage and ran bravely. Gradually, watching you run exhausted, I couldn't help but cheer you on and tell you to believe in yourself. But at this time, we are comrades in arms. In this battle, either you win or I lose. Gradually, I gradually overtook you and reached the third place. But at this moment, the war is not over yet. Let's go forward without fear. At the last moment, there was only half a circle left to reach the end. It seemed that there was a beam of light in the sky, dazzling and charming! But I don't want to rush forward, I thought of giving up

Come on, come on, don't give up, you seem to be able to see through my heart! Well, come on, you guys on the runway haven't given up yet, why should I give up? I stepped forward and strode forward, but I could not surpass the first two students, but I was satisfied! I suddenly look back, you are still behind me, to be my strongest backing. I thought I was so small, but I could be as bright as a star!

Unrestricted future is only for brave forward. Because, I know, you have been there!

I have been writing 600 words (11)

One afternoon in early autumn, when I was doing my homework in the stuffy room, my friend sent a message: "Let's go for a walk!" I gladly agreed.

The grass in the park hung down softly, and the tall plane trees also had some yellow leaves.

Suddenly, my friend said "ah" and I followed my reputation. It turned out that my friend accidentally stepped on a butterfly.

This butterfly is covered with mud and leaves, but it is not difficult to see that this is a white butterfly, a butterfly with white body. "How did the butterfly fall on the ground? Is it hot in this hot weather?"

Watching it motionless, I thought it was dead. Suddenly its wings twitched. It turned out that its wings were injured by a friend. It tries hard to flap its wings, which shows its desire for life. It constantly agitates its wings. The more the wings are agitated, the faster they are agitated. I can even feel the air flow agitated by the wings. But just as it was about to fly, a gust of wind blew away the stuffy heat in the air and the butterfly's hope. I thought it would give up, but it didn't. It fluttered its wings again, but fell down again - the action repeated again and again, and the butterfly did not give up. Finally, the tenacious will and the desire for life made it achieve in one move, and it opened its wings to fly to the sky it had been looking forward to for a long time; Fly to the sky that can let it fly freely; Fly to the sky of its hope.

Looking at the butterfly flying again, I understood a truth: failure once or twice is nothing. Even if you fall again and again, you should stand up again and again. Not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of failure, as long as you are willing to work hard and persevere, you can achieve more proud results and make your life more exciting!

Butterfly's efforts and persistence have been fixed in my memory, which can not be erased. Originally, hope has been at my side.

I have been writing 600 words (12)

When I was a child, I was very impetuous and could not settle down at all. So my father took me to a deep mountain. The mud and backwardness made me hate here. But I followed my father and promised him to spend a month here. A few days ago, I did nothing but stay in my family. There is no Internet and no interesting place. Everything is so desolate. The rapid development of technology outside is simply incompatible with the backward farming technology here. But what I read from the faces of dozens of residents here is that they are content with happiness. It seems that they are satisfied with this kind of life. I can't understand them more and more.

When the first sunrise appeared over the village, I found that many people had already carried heavy tools, step by step across the hills and rivers, came to the farmland, and unloaded their tools. At the beginning of their group work, although they were very tired, it can be seen that they were very happy.

When the sun was hanging high in the sky at noon, everyone came home. After lunch, everyone slowly walked towards the wheat wave step by step, without any anxiety, but only stable and happy.

The sun was about to set, so we went back to the village with the sunset, carrying tools and singing all the way back to our homes. After dinner, someone was talking about books, and we gathered around the person, afraid that we would not hear anything important. Late at night, the courtyard was quiet, everyone was asleep, and the whole village was peaceful.

A month passed by in a flash. Until the last few days, I understood the happiness of the villagers here, just like the happiness of Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely seeing the southern mountains.". When my father picked me up, I fell in love with this place and everything here. I watched the village which was made of green mountains. It went back slowly.

A place of peace and happiness. This is the "hidden paradise" I am looking for.

I have been writing 600 words (13)

The cold wind is still blowing wildly, which has disordered my hair and flushed my cheeks. I have to rub my hands from time to time, but I still can't beat the cold weather in winter. Looking at the long road, I hung my head weakly, "When will it be?" I struggled to squeeze out a few words.

"Little girl, are you going to school? Do you want me to give you a ride?" With the cold wind, these words floated into my ears. Looking up, a strange face appeared in front of me, and I looked up and down at her: some of the green silk had been dyed silver by years, several fishtail lines climbed up her eyes, wearing a light green down jacket, and sitting on a battery car with a smile on her face. However, I still have vigilance against her.

"Little girl, get on the bus. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. My son is also from that school." Looking at this smiling aunt and listening to this warm words, I dropped my vigilance and sat in the back seat of this battery car.

On the whole road, the battery car drove us to the school. Or because my aunt's body was blocking in front of me, I didn't feel a chill at all, but my aunt was suffering. The wind was like a knife, leaving "scars" on her face, cluttering her hair, and holding her hands on the handle of the battery car was already horrible, But there is no desire to stop and warm hands. On her face, there was a smile all the time. She could not see any hardships and difficulties, but warmed me like the spring breeze. It seemed that a warm current flowed into my heart, and I could no longer feel the breath of winter.

Unconsciously, it was school. When I opened my mouth to thank her, she went away, leaving me a green figure, a figure like spring in winter. It turned out that spring had always been around me, always warming me.

I have been writing 600 words (14)

When I grew up, my mother often came home late. Our studies and career made us feel like familiar strangers. We felt that there was a gap between us that we could not cross.

On weekends, I do my homework at home. Mother ran to me with anger in her eyes and asked me, "Have you ever opened the cabinet in the cabinet. Because I was afraid, I dodged her straight eyes, but she thought I was guilty, and the volcano erupted: "I still said no, I don't want you to hide, I'm guilty!" Then she raised her hand to fight. "Pa" slapped down. With tears in my eyes, I roared hysterically: "Is that who I am in your eyes? I'm your daughter, why don't you trust me?" My heart was broken, and I seemed to hear it, breaking into despair. I rushed out of the door, the rose petals in front of the door slowly falling, as if in tears for me, bright red. I just want to run down and hide the pain in my heart, but my tears are all over my face. It was not until noon that Grandma found me.

One day, we did not say a word, leaving me alone in the quilt at night to cry silently. On the table, there was no usual laughter, and Grandma and Grandpa did not say a word. After taking a nap, I will go back to school to study at night in the afternoon. I am afraid of drowsiness. In my dream, I saw my mother leave me and never want me again. When I woke up, my pillow was wet. I tried to bear the pain and went to pack my luggage. Only then did I find that my luggage had already been put away. I think it was my grandmother who collected it. There was a note on the table pressed by a water cup. Curiosity drove me to explore there, and I found that it was a note left by my mother:

"Son, I'm sorry. It was my mother who was sorry for you yesterday. I know my behavior hurt you, and I don't beg your forgiveness. But you also know my mother's hot temper, and my mother will change it! I have packed all my luggage, which contains your favorite snacks. You should study hard at school!"

Tears slipped down my cheeks and dropped onto the note on the table

It turns out that spring has always been around me.

I have been writing 600 words (15)

The cold wind on the autumn night blew up the dead leaves stacked on the ground and danced wildly in the sky, followed by a bone chilling cold. The leaves dance with the wind, "rustling -" and sound, as if crying for the dark night.

I walk alone in the dark night, the taste of failure still reverberates in my heart. I leaned against the tree trunk and closed my eyes. I felt the hope of spring was leaving me.

A cold wind blew, and I opened my eyes, but saw an unknown small wild flower struggling feebly in the wind. I smiled bitterly. Isn't I the little wild flower? I can only climb up after falling, but I can't get out of this valley.

Perhaps out of sympathy, I came closer to look at this wild flower. It is really very small, and a touch of light purple looks especially bright in the environment with dead leaves everywhere. Apparently, it has been tortured by the wind again and again, and destroyed by raindrops as big as hail again and again... It has survived, and in the face of the injustice of nature to it, it just smiled blankly.

I was shocked. How brave and persistent this little wild flower is! With its young body, it resists such a bad environment, smiles at setbacks again and again, challenges nature again and again, and blooms the most beautiful smile to the sky, just to stick to its eternal belief - to live and bloom its beauty. And me? In the face of a small failure, I will abandon myself. In front of it, what reason do I have to talk about setbacks, and what qualifications do I have to talk about failure? The meaning of life is not to challenge setbacks and surpass ourselves?

I smiled in the wind, I buried my pain in this soil forever, and took away the lesson that the little wild flower gave me: persistence, tenacity, perseverance. Yes, not everyone can climb out of the valley, but those who insist on climbing out of the valley will certainly welcome a beautiful spring!

It turns out that the meaning of life does not lie in success, but in forging ahead with persistence and faith. The hope of spring will always be around us, and just like a small wild flower, it can bloom its own beauty!

I have been writing 600 words (16)

When I got home, I was depressed all the time. My mother came to comfort me and said it was OK. But I still couldn't get out of the shadow of the exam. I shut myself at home all day. I was lifeless, either staring out of the window in a daze or lying in bed thinking about things for a long time. I was not very happy until the New Year.

Just after the New Year, my mother asked me to go out for a walk. I felt better. I reluctantly went out and walked on the country road beside my hometown.

The winter is not over yet, and it is bare all around, without any vitality. The sky is gray, and the air seems to have color, gray. In winter, I was too lazy to paint them, but I just sprinkled gray ink on them. Seeing this scenery, my mood became worse. Gradually, gradually, I came to the head and turned around. Just wanted to go back, I saw a white flame in the corner of my eyes. I walked over to have a look. Ah! It turned out to be Plum Blossom. This flower is in full bloom, just like a white snow fairy clinging to the branch and refusing to leave. At this time, it began to rain, my mother brought an umbrella, I took the umbrella, said I would walk for a while. The wintersweet swayed in the rain. I sneered two times: they said that wintersweet is a symbol of strength, but that's all. A little rain makes it fall. But I was wrong. After several shivers, none of the plum blossoms fell.

Looking at the plum blossom, I was shocked. The little plum flower did not give up under the heavy rain, but chose to persevere and finally withstood the storm. I have no reason to be defeated by a small exam. I must persevere to withstand the storm.

The spirit of Plum Blossom has deeply influenced me. As a life coach, I was asked to learn Plum Blossom.

Plum blossom, I want to be you.