Your encouragement (15 recommended)
Can't forget
2023-11-30 07:25:22

Your encouragement (1)

On the road of life, there are always some obstacles that need to be overcome by ourselves, but we often lack courage, so sometimes we especially need the encouragement of people around us.

I remember that it was a Chinese class, and everyone was listening attentively. Suddenly, Miss Sun suddenly threw out a very difficult question for us. The classroom was silent at once. It was estimated that even a needle could be heard falling. Suddenly, my brain flashed and the answer came to me, but I looked around timidly - no one raised their hands! Those boys who are "bold" in class have become "timid". At this time, I met Wu Jiaying's eyes. Her smiling eyes looked at me like encouragement, and my heart seemed full of courage.

I plucked up my courage and raised my hand trembling. The whole class looked at me with surprised eyes. Miss Sun said, "Pan Jiayi, please tell me." I finished the question fluently. When I sat down, Wu Jiaying's eyes turned to me again, and she said to me with her mouth: "Good job, you are great!"

People cannot grow without the help and encouragement of classmates and friends. I will never forget the look in Wu Jiaying's eyes. Because of this look, I have taken a big step towards perfection!

Your encouragement (2)

People will inevitably be sad and frustrated, and at this time someone will give you encouragement to pick yourself up and embark on the road to success. The person who encouraged me was not very special. He was my father.

"The 19th Track and Field Games of Cangnan No. 1 Experimental Primary School was officially opened!" When the whole campus heard the words of the headmaster, everyone jumped and jumped with joy. Several people were so excited that they let go of their hands, and the balloons in their hands floated into the sky, while I was a little more worried. After returning home, my father saw my concern, frowned and said, "Sitong, what's wrong with you? Aren't you happy at the opening of the sports meeting?" I said sadly, "Our relay score is twice that of other events. If we don't perform well, that opportunity will be missed! Besides, I'm not good at sprinting..." "Sprint is not good. I will train with you. There are still two days before you come out. I will help you train." Dad smiled. "Come on, you can do it."

The next morning, the sun came into my room like strands of gold, mixed with the sound of washing. I slowly straightened up, rubbed my messy hair and walked to the bathroom. "Dad, you get up so early?" I said to him drowsily. "Of course, I want to train with you." I suddenly woke up and quickly completed all the preparations. There is a path downstairs at my home, flat and straight, about 50 meters away, and the width is just enough to accommodate two people. "One, two, three. Start!" My father and I rushed like an arrow leaving the string. "Yes, it's very fast. Why are you so unsure of yourself? You must get good grades."

Time passed quickly. It was the relay race in the twinkling of an eye. We stood in line and waited for the sound of whistling. "Ding!" At the whistle, the first student rushed out, like a hound chasing "food". It was almost time for me to run. Several sweat beads appeared on my forehead, my hands slowly clenched, and I began to breathe deeply. At this time, a familiar voice came from my ear: "Come on! You must be able, our training must be effective!" My eyes became firm, and I rushed over as soon as I received the stick, surpassing other players! We won the fourth place! The teacher took the certificate and stuck it on the wall of the classroom.

My father held my hand, and I felt his heart full of encouragement. I want to say to you: "Dad, thank you for giving me encouragement!"

Your encouragement (3)

This helped me regain confidence. It was the morning after the final exam in the second day of junior high school. I was riding my bike on the way to school, and I was very worried because I obviously felt that the exam questions were very difficult, and even several questions were not answered. The more you think about it, the more restless you will be. Try to suppress your emotions and think that you will know when you arrive at school. When I arrived at the school, my heart gradually cooled when I watched the papers of various subjects being handed out one by one. Finally, after Teacher Peng announced everyone's ranking, my heart completely cooled - my ranking dropped to 100! My heart was very restless. I only met this kind of ranking in the first monthly exam of the first day of junior high school. In the two semesters after that, my ranking has been advancing rapidly. Until this semester, I fell back, but I never expected that today I would return to the starting point. When you came home with a heavy heart, you were sitting on the sofa watching TV. When you saw me coming back, you immediately asked me about the exam results. I reluctantly told you my results, and your face turned black and blue, but you quickly changed back, and returned to the original appearance. It was OK to say that a mistake does not mean anything, as long as you pay, Just do your best. There will be many examinations in the future. As long as your scores are good enough at that time, this failure will be worth it. Your words let me regain confidence. The past has passed, and the next thing to do is to show a good result in the future. Your encouragement has helped me regain my confidence in the past, face the world with a smile, and believe that I can do better.

Your encouragement (4)

Encouragement is a beautiful picture, a glass of pure wine, intoxicating. Thank you for giving me encouragement.

When I went to school for the first time, I always could not leave you. You cried and shouted that I would not go to school. You held me in your arms, encouraged me, and said, "Actually, it's fun to go to school. You can not only learn a lot of knowledge, but also make many good friends." As soon as the words fell, I agreed to your request, dried my tears, and went to school happily. When I got home, I told you what I was happy about and told you everything I learned that day. You were so happy that you couldn't close your mouth and encouraged me even more, saying, "As long as you listen carefully in class and complete your homework efficiently, your grades will be good!" Later, I used the method you told me, and my grades were really better.

That time, I only got over 70 points in a quiz. I thought you would severely criticize me, but I didn't expect you to criticize me. You smiled and encouraged me, saying, "Don't lose heart, it will be better soon." After that, you asked me to enter the room and told me all the wrong questions in the exam paper. Those words of encouragement made me work harder in the future exams.

Every summer vacation, I will go abroad to participate in dance competitions. Before I leave, you will also encourage me and always say "Come on". Every time you encourage me, I will cross the oceans and let ordinary people show their brilliance.

What is encouragement? It is a language that makes people make persistent efforts! Mom, when I am a little tired in my life and study, I will think of your encouragement, so I will get up again and throw myself into life and study with enthusiasm. Your encouragement is like a tonic for my life.

Your encouragement (5)

Encouragement is a spring in the desert; Encouragement is a song in the dark night; Encouragement is a warmth in the cold. I have had such encouragement in my world. Who is that man? He is the humorous teacher Zhang.

Remember that it was a beautiful spring day, filled with the fragrance of soil everywhere, my heart was very happy. But the 84 point paper was like a bolt from the blue and hit me. I fell into silence. At that time, Mr. Zhang happened to meet me and said to me with a smile, "How was your exam?" At this time, I was most afraid that others would know my score. He said vaguely: "84, I will definitely fail in the exam." Teacher Zhang's words were beyond my expectation. He said meaningfully: "Yes, because you don't have the determination to do well in the exam, how can you do well in the exam?" Then he walked away quietly.

I suddenly realized that, yes, how can I get good results without confidence in myself. I braced myself up and worked tirelessly to study and think. Finally, in the next exam, I calmed down to write, and got excellent results.

I want to thank you for your encouragement. You can only succeed if you have confidence in yourself. On the contrary, it is difficult to succeed if you have no confidence in yourself. The key is to see the mentality, thank you, Mr. Zhang, I will remember.

Your encouragement (6)

In my life, many people have helped me, comforted me and protected me. But what impressed me most was my mother's encouragement.

Remember that it happened in the New Year. You accompany me to my uncle's house for New Year's greetings. When I got there, I jumped into the yard. The first thing I saw was a persimmon tree. Tall and tall trees, solid trunk covered with yellow persimmons. I saw it and wanted to eat it very much. I said to you: "Mom, I want to eat persimmons on the tree." You said: "OK, I'll take a net cover to pick one for you." I said: "No, no, I want to pick one myself." At first you didn't agree, but later I had to let myself pick persimmons. I looked at the persimmon tree. Suddenly I dare not pick it. I'm afraid of falling down. You encouraged me and said, "It's OK. I'll hold the ladder down. You can climb up and pick it up, OK?" But I hesitated. You are constantly encouraging me. So I decided to climb up and pick one. In fact, I know that you are more afraid and worried than I am, because you are afraid that I will fall down, when you exercise me first. So there was no objection. Later, I climbed down the ladder carefully. At that time, out of fear, I didn't expect to pick a big and good persimmon. So I saw a small persimmon and was satisfied. So he reached out and picked the little persimmon. Later, when I climbed down the ladder, you smiled and said to me, "You are great."

Mom, my life will be more wonderful because of you.

Your encouragement (7)

I have experienced setbacks in my life, but her encouragement has enabled me to step onto a road of success. She is a teacher.

When I was in the first grade, my grades plummeted, but my teacher never gave up on me and always taught me impatiently. As time passed, my grades kept up with everyone's pace, and I was very happy.

When I was in the third grade, my grades actually dropped. Every time I finished writing the paper, my grades surprised me. They were all sixty or seventy points. My tears could not help flowing out like spring water. This was the teacher who came up and said, "It's nothing to take an exam once. Next time I try hard, my grades will listen to you. If I get high, I believe I will do well in the exam." After listening to the teacher, I felt confident at once. I played with my classmates after I finished what I should do every day. At night, I always took a little time to carry a small note on my back. Although there was only a little progress in a day, with more time, it became a big progress. I will study hard. Never said to give up.

In the twinkling of an eye, I was in the fifth grade. I got a high score in a big exam, which made me very satisfied. I also won a prize. I was very happy. I never had such a good result in the exam.

Now in the sixth grade, although I am not such a good student, I used my own efforts to enter Yinghua Junior High School, and my efforts were not in vain, so I am still very happy.

It is mainly the teacher who gave me the most valuable things. I want to thank the teacher for your love. From now on, I will become better.

Your encouragement (8)

I want to thank one person in this life - my mother!

Mom, you give me life, you give me ability, you give me wisdom, you give me courage, you give me warmth, you give me comfort, and more importantly, you give me encouragement!

Encouragement is a piece of winter sunshine, which makes people who are hungry and cold feel the warmth of the world.

Encouragement is a spring in the desert, which makes people on the verge of extinction see the hope of life again.

Encouragement is a song floating in the night sky, which makes the lonely and helpless people obtain spiritual consolation.

Encouragement, death is a rain that falls on the drought land, so that people with withered hearts are nourished by emotion.

Mom, thank you for giving me encouragement and making me achieve today!

Once, when the school held a subject ability contest, my heart was very nervous and I couldn't settle down. My mother came up to me and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter so tense?" I replied, "I'm so nervous about the subject ability contest tomorrow! I'm afraid I won't do well in the exam!" My mother stroked my hair and said, "It's OK, make more efforts, and I will get good results in the exam!" I can clearly hear and see that my mother is encouraging me, cheering me on! Seeing the hope, I immediately took out my book to review. I thought: I must not fail, I must succeed, and I will get good results! Don't let your mother down! The next morning, my mother encouraged me again and said that I could not give up! A few days later, the exam results came out, and I entered the top ten! Although it is the tenth place, I am already very happy! You know how difficult it is to get into the top ten!

But for my mother's encouragement, I would not be in the top ten. It was her encouragement that made me work hard!

Thank you, Mom! Give me encouragement!

Your encouragement (9)

In my life, many people have given me encouragement and help, and I will never forget your encouragement.

It was a cool morning. The teacher handed out the Chinese test paper, and I only got 77 points. The "77" mark on the examination paper was like a powerful sword deeply stabbed in my heart. On the way home, the sky, overcast, relentless raindrops gently dripped on my face, I do not know whether it was sad tears or cold rain drops. I met my classmate who, like me, did very badly in the exam, but he was optimistic. When I saw him so optimistic, my mood was much better. I decided to face the reality honestly. I walked back together. Although he did poorly in the exam, he was very good. After he accompanied me home, he knew that his home was in the opposite direction. After returning home, I reported my results to my mother truthfully, and I thought to myself that my mother would scold me, and I deserved it. As a result, my mother not only didn't scold me, but also comforted me and encouraged me to say: "I don't blame you for your failure in this exam. As long as you listen carefully in class and finish your homework carefully, you will get a good score next time“

Mom, thank you for your encouragement. Because of this failure, your words have become my eternal motto on the road of life. Thank you, Mom. I will never forget your teaching to me.

Your encouragement (10)

Encouragement is a beam of sunshine in winter, which makes people who are hungry and cold feel the warmth of the world. Encouragement is a spring in the desert, which makes people on the verge of extinction feel the hope of survival. Encouragement is a bright light in the darkness, illuminating your way forward.

"Encouragement" is indispensable in life. In the process of our growth, the most unforgettable encouragement I could not forget was my mother's encouragement. It was her encouragement that helped me pass the intermediate pitch test.

The intermediate sound base test is an important turning point in my music career. If I fail the test, I will have to stop. But I have to say that this grade test is very difficult. This written test is divided into two parts. The first part is about basic knowledge, and the second part is about randomly selecting a few songs from 100 songs for you to choose their types and names.

Under great pressure, I am like a boat in the sea. I have wanted to give up several times. When my mother saw that my class was not motivated, she had a big quarrel with me. Naturally, I was wronged and ran back to the room crying. My heart is very tangled. On the one hand, I want to pass the printer exam, and on the other hand, I want to be afraid that I will fail in the exam. It's better to give up!

After a while, my mother came in and said to me, "My child, I know that the sound base is difficult and boring, but ah, you have insisted on it for six years. Now you can give up your hard work for six years? We are working hard. If we pass the exam, we will be successful. If we don't pass the exam, we will refuel. If we try hard again, we will fail once and twice, but we will fail once. Children, when you grow up, look back and see that the difficulties you have encountered before are so insignificant. In fact, every time you overcome difficulties, it is a growth experience, and you are growing self-confidence! "

After my mother encouraged me, the pressure in my heart was relieved. Without pressure, I can learn more easily. The boring sound base before is more interesting. In addition to my extraordinary performance in the exam, I successfully passed the basic tone test.

I will never forget my mother's encouragement. One of my mother's encouragement was the bright light, which enabled me to successfully find the way forward. I think I must have more confidence in the future, so that I can overcome more difficulties!

Your encouragement (11)

Encouragement can make people who are about to give up change their minds; Encouragement can make people succeed... In a word, encouragement is very important for a person. Whenever I want to give up, as long as I think of what my father said to me, I will grit my teeth and continue to insist.

I remember that day, I held a box of chess and ran to my father excitedly: "Dad, let's play chess!" Speaking of playing chess, it was last week.

At that time, as soon as I could play chess, I asked my sister to accompany me every day. Although I lost miserably at first, I could finally compete with my sister through my unremitting efforts. I think I'm "the best player in the world"

So I immediately and my sister said "awesome" - Dad made a war, and a week later, that is, today we will fight with Dad.

Dad accepted the challenge, and the chessboard was spread out and the pieces were placed. A "century" duel has begun! At the beginning, my father's "soldier" was chased and beaten by my senior general. I shook my head, curled my mouth, and smiled nonchalantly, thinking, "Oh, my sister said that my father is very powerful. It was not so good." My father saw my pride, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

"Ha, I ate it! Ha ha ha! I can't think of it!" I looked at my father, and he pretended to stare with a surprised expression. Then he said slowly, "Are you sure you want to stop looking?".

Suddenly, my original smiling face changed and I exclaimed, "Oh, no!" Unexpectedly, his soldiers were bait, waiting for me to take the bait. As a result, my "great general" was plotted by my father's horse. I yelled, "Wait, wait, start again." But my father put his hand down and pushed my "general out". My face gradually turned blue, and a blue vein on my forehead rose out, and there were several veins in the sun nest on my face, all twitching there. I yelled, "I can't stand it anymore. You can play by yourself!"

"Kid, everyone who has achieved great things has extraordinary willpower and endurance. That is to say, when ordinary people find it difficult to persist and give up or escape when encountering difficulties, obstacles or difficulties, people with achievements tend to be able to stand up and survive. You are just a lost car, isn't there another one? Come on, you can." My eyes brightened when I said that, Returning to my seat, I said, "Go ahead." I calmed down and stopped rampaging. Instead, I thought carefully. If I lost, I would not give up. If I won, I would not be proud. Inadvertently, Dad smiled.

As time goes by, the number of pieces decreases. Suddenly, it was not just something. Dad sold a big flaw. As soon as I saw it, the gun immediately hit me, for fear that my father would regret it. Resist excitement and say: "I won!" Dad "suddenly realized": "I was careless.". In my sleep, I realized that "Dad let me." After that time, I worked harder to learn chess by myself.

Dad's encouragement made me unforgettable all my life.

Your encouragement (12)

Everyone will grow up gradually. In the process of growth, we may need applause, applause, pressure, failure... What I need is encouragement, even an ordinary word.

However, an ordinary word can also illuminate my heart. I remember a science exam, probably in the third grade. At that time, I was just exposed to science and didn't understand the importance of science. Because the teacher told us that the science exam was an open book exam, I didn't pay attention to it. So, in science class, I was always half hearted and didn't pay attention to the lecture. I kept making small movements and talking with my deskmate. One by one, one by one, day after day, month after month, the final exam is coming in a blink of an eye. The students were very nervous, but I didn't think so. I was also very proud that I could get the first place in the exam. But when I took the science test, I was dumbfounded:

The invigilator said it was a closed book exam. What? No, I don't know anything, so I had to brave my way through the exam. With the result, I only got 73 points in science, and my ranking fell from the top ten, which was a heavy blow to me. I am very upset.

I went home dejected with the test paper, and my parents were surprised when they saw it. My mother criticized me, but I didn't listen to a word, and I regret it. But I don't want to listen to my parents' wordy criticism at this time. My father seemed to see through my mind and said to me with great sincerity: "It doesn't matter. A failure is nothing. 'Failure is the mother of success'. If this failure makes you lose confidence, this is the last thing I want to see. I believe you will get excellent results next time.

After listening to my father's words, I suddenly started to find the way forward. It is this seemingly ordinary encouragement that has become my driving force for progress, which has improved my scientific achievements and made me the leader of the class.

A dewdrop can reflect the brightness of the sun, and a green leaf can show the vitality of the earth. Then a word of encouragement can help me overcome all kinds of difficulties. Mom and Dad, you always put pressure on me. What you said is that "pressure makes power", but you don't know, "too much pressure makes the power to move forward disappear". I hope you will encourage me more, instead of blaming me all the time! I only have such small requirements, and I hope you can meet me.

I am me. My growth needs not only pressure, but also encouragement!

Your encouragement (13)

"Ni Xiying, my classmate, lost the election." The teacher's voice that announced the composition contest floated in my ears. I looked out of the window dejectedly: the sky was overcast, the flowers on the flower beds outside had lost their old vitality, the birds hung their heads, and the wind made the leaves rustle, as if laughing at me. My mood is extremely bad. My literary dream is teetering on the edge of the cliff.

"It's rustling --" It's raining, and the paint on the wall is falling off again. Looking down the wall paint, I accidentally found a small grass sprout. The wall paint hit its head heavily, but it still held its head high. Ah! Grass! The figure of grass flickered before my eyes, and the teacher's words about grass also haunted my ears again——

"Look, there are withered branches and leaves in the alley, and the wall is so untidy, but do you see? There is a green tinge in the cracks of the wall." It was also a rainy day. You pointed to the yellowed wall and the cracks, and said to me meaningfully, "The wall paint falling from the wall bearing the scars of time hit this young life, but this grass sprout was not knocked down, but bravely continued to grow up and courageously pursued the dream of life." "How can we see a rainbow without wind and rain? In fact, people are the same. Only after thousands of failures and many storms can we show ourselves better." You turn your head and smile at me. Your eyes are full of hope and your words are full of encouragement. That day, I gazed at the green grass sprout for a long time, and found its green leaves glistening with "sweat"

In a flash, I picked up my pen and began to write on the paper. The literary dream is unswerving.

Teacher, I will never forget your words, and I will never forget the strong grass in the crack of the wall. Even if I encounter more setbacks, I will stand up bravely. I will always remember your encouragement, with endless courage, to pursue dreams in the distance!

Your encouragement (14)

I remember that day, I held a box of chess and ran to my father excitedly: "Dad, let's play chess!" Speaking of playing chess, it was last week.

At that time, as soon as I could play chess, I asked my sister to accompany me every day. Although I lost miserably at first, I could finally compete with my sister through my unremitting efforts. I think I'm "the best player in the world"

So I immediately and my sister said "awesome" - Dad made a war, and a week later, that is, today we will fight with Dad.

Dad accepted the challenge, and the chessboard was spread out and the pieces were placed. A "century" duel has begun! At the beginning, my father's "soldier" was chased and beaten by my senior general. I shook my head, curled my mouth, and smiled nonchalantly, thinking, "Oh, my sister said that my father is very powerful. It was not so good." My father saw my pride, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

"Ha, I ate it! Ha ha ha! Can't imagine!" I looked at my father, and he pretended to stare with a surprised expression. Then he said slowly, "Are you sure you want to stop looking?".

Suddenly, my original smiling face changed and I exclaimed, "Oh, no!" Unexpectedly, his soldiers were bait, waiting for me to take the bait. As a result, my "great general" was plotted by my father's horse. I yelled, "Wait, wait, start again." But my father put his hand down and pushed my "general out". My face gradually turned blue, and a blue vein on my forehead rose out, and there were several veins in the sun nest on my face, all twitching there. I yelled, "I can't stand it anymore. You can play by yourself!"

"Kid, everyone who has achieved great things has extraordinary willpower and endurance. That is to say, when ordinary people find it difficult to persist and give up or escape when encountering difficulties and obstacles or getting into trouble, people who have made achievements tend to be able to stand up and survive. You are just a lost car, isn't there another one? Come on, you can." My eyes brightened when I said this, Returning to my seat, I said, "Go ahead." I calmed down and stopped rampaging. Instead, I thought carefully. If I lost, I would not give up. If I won, I would not be proud. Inadvertently, Dad smiled.

As time goes by, the number of pieces decreases. Suddenly, it was not just something. Dad sold a big flaw. As soon as I saw it, the gun immediately hit me, for fear that my father would regret it. Resist excitement and say: "I won!" Dad "suddenly realized": "I was careless.". In my sleep, I realized that "my father let me." After that time, I worked harder to learn chess by myself.

Dad's encouragement made me unforgettable all my life.

Your encouragement (15)

What you do every day is readyimportant because you are exchanging today of your life. But today, I encourage you to improve your standards and add more life elements every hour to make your time meaningful. Today,Idareyouto?

Today, I encourage you to do??


1. Bring a smile to others


Ordinary people worry about today and leave happiness for tomorrow. Wise people enjoy today and leave worry for tomorrow. Wise people only want happiness, no matter today or tomorrow. If you want to have a lifetime of happiness, then every day please sincerely and warmly take some time to bring a smile to others.


2. Not perfect


Give up the pursuit of perfection, which is difficult to do but completely worth doing, and start a journey to be true to yourself. The most beautiful part of this trip is the peace of mind when you are yourself. Tranquility comes from reshaping your thinking and accepting the status quo, rather than what you think life should be like.


3. Be enthusiastic about what you are doing

You’renotgivenagoodlifeorabadlife.You’regivenlife,andit’suptoyoutomakeitgoodorbad.Sowakeupandgetmotivated;noteverybodymadeittotoday.Don’ttakeyourtimeforgranted.Don’twastetimethinkingbacktowhatyoucouldhavedonedifferentlyyesterday.Keepyoureyesontheroadaheadanddoitdifferentlytoday.Wherevertheroadtakesyou, bringyourpassion.Whateveryoudoalongtheway,doitwithallyourheart.

No one is destined to live a good life or a bad life. It's up to you to decide whether life is good or bad. So when you wake up every day, remember to give yourself motivation. Don't fritter away your time. Don't waste time thinking, if you go back to yesterday, you can do better. Look at the road ahead and make a difference today. Wherever you go, please take your enthusiasm with you; Whatever you want to do, please do your best.


4. Take things as they come


What happened is important, but more important is how you look at what happened to you. With a grateful heart, the world will be more beautiful. You must find opportunities in difficulties, feel happiness in sadness, get rewards in giving, and focus on those things that make you happy rather than those things that make you hate.


5. Forgive yourself in the past


Sometimes, good people will make bad choices, for example, you will. That doesn't mean you are bad; You are just an ordinary person. So don't dwell on your past, it's all over. Forgive what you value you have done or have not done, and focus on what you will do from now on.


6. Take time to focus on yourself and breathe deeply


The only way to live a happy life is to cherish every single day. As long as you live and feel the breath, don't think about what you have lost, think about what you have gained. Happiness has gradually entered our lives from the door that we have forgotten.


7. Learn something new


One thing is very important: if you are standing still, you can't be the person you could have been. If you are unwilling to learn and grow, no one can help you; But if you are determined to learn and grow, no one can stop you. Finally, there is no permanent job on this planet: we are all interns. Learn from others, develop, and remain humble. Of course, don't forget to enjoy life.

8.Lookinthemirror, andtellyourselfwhatyouloveaboutyourself.

8. Look in the mirror and tell yourself what you love

Whatweseeinthemirroriswhatweseeintheworld.Ourdisappointmentinothersperfectlyreflectsourdisappointmentinourselves.Ouracceptanceofothersperfectlyreflectsouracceptanceofourselves.Ourabilitytoseepotentialinothersperfectlyreflectsourabilitytoseepotentialinourselves.Ourpatiencewithothersperfectlyreflectsourpatiencewithourselves.Yougettheidea–you’veg ottoshowyourselfsomelovefirst.

What we see in the mirror is what we see in the world. Disappointment of others reflects our disappointment in ourselves, and acceptance of others reflects our acceptance of ourselves. We see the potential of others, which reflects that we can also see our own potential, and our patience with others reflects our patience with ourselves. You know, first you have to love yourself.


9. Pay attention to the characteristics you like in the people around you


When we focus on the good qualities of others, we will maintain a good relationship with them. When we pay attention to other people's bad behavior, our relationship with them is not very friendly. Those that we care about will blend into our minds and hearts.


10. Seize opportunities that are available but not available.


Nothing in life can be planned rigidly. Some great opportunities will knock on your door when you least expect them to. Be flexible and casual, just say "yes".