Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (Selected 16)
Lost Love
2023-09-11 04:56:12

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (1)

This is a wonderful little plant.

Look, the brown thick branches have fine stripes, like small uneven vertical bars, but they feel different! It is as smooth as oil. At the fork, furry twigs grow up. It is said that it is hairy, and the touch is very delicate. Nothing can compare with it. The Mihou peach is too hard, the rambutan is too long, and the peach is too sensitive

There are "small stairs" on the upper part of the twigs, which must be a good way to let nutrients rise! Above is a lovely pompon shaped cluster of green small leaves, which is particularly interesting. Look carefully, the leaves are also velvety, forming a lovely inverted egg. Ah! There are wide and clear white lines around the edge of each velvet leaf. It's very beautiful—— This is all the credit of fuzz! There are two small velvet leaves on each step of the "small staircase", vertically and horizontally, in a regular way, like a big turntable, circling round and round.

The god of spring saw it so beautiful and sent spring rain to touch it. The spring rain drizzled on the hairy meat leaves, leaving a few drops of water. This water drop gathers into a small dew drop and wants to rush into the body of the small plant, but it is blocked by the dense white velvet "guards". The little dewdrop then turned over on the fuzz, making the little plant "twist" and "dance". With the patter of rain, it is wonderful!

Snow fairy saw it was so special, and sent Dongxue to bully it. The blizzard rushed down from the sky, and other plants were shrunk into the warm snow quilt. Unexpectedly, the small one was competing with Jinsong! It stands tall and straight, not afraid of the attack of the north wind, not afraid of the impact of the blizzard, the leaves are still so green, still growing young leaves in this cold winter! Small plants have such tenacious hearts!

Several years later, I still can't forget its strong perseverance. When I couldn't help coming to the balcony to see it, I was shocked! After several years of wind and rain, it instantly rose two or three times and grew more prosperous. After several years of training and torture, it has crossed the "Mount Everest" and moved towards a flat road, becoming stronger and stronger.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (2)

Recalling what the teacher said in class, my heart was full of reluctance and regret.

I thought of that scene, as if I was in the dark world again. To be honest, from that day on, homework should be handed in every week, and some students should write an extra multiple choice question. Just after listening to the teacher's voice, he began to read out the list of people who wanted to write multiple choice questions. Students who naturally wrote multiple-choice questions learned better, but one name after another jumped out of the teacher's mouth and still didn't see my name. My heart was full of confusion. Until the last name, my name still didn't appear. At the end of class, I pretended to be very proud and said to the students who were about to write multiple choice questions: "The teacher didn't call my name, I can write less," but at this time my heart was very unwilling.

Walking on the road, the spring breeze mixed with the smell of soil, as well as the fragrance of flowers, collided with me. The flowers on the trees are breathing fragrance, sharing the joy of spring to passers-by.

Smelling the fragrance of the flowers in my nose, I couldn't help wondering: "This flower is so fragrant, but why don't I know its name?"

It is not as beautiful as roses, nor as sweet as narcissus, but only surrounded by tiny petals. I thought to myself: it has such a fragrance, but its appearance is inconspicuous, like Mei in Lu You's poems. Looking at the tiny flowers, it shares my spirit of pride and self-respect. It just blooms quietly

In the quiet blooming, I share the intoxicating fragrance. In the days of struggling and blooming in the third day of the junior year, why should I care so much about so many reasons? At that moment, I was suddenly enlightened.

I really regard learning as my own thing, and I work harder to complete other learning tasks besides the tasks assigned by the teacher.

A week later, the teacher called me to the office and rewarded me. At first, I was surprised, but then the teacher said: "I didn't call your name, I forgot, but you can still do this behavior, which is worth rewarding!" I smiled, and the teacher also smiled.

After school, I immediately ran to the tree. At this time, the petals had fallen to the ground, and I murmured, "Thank you." The tree seemed to hear my words, shaking up the branches that had been blown by the wind again, and falling flowers, like butterflies flying, graceful... The air was filled with wisps of fragrance

A gentle breeze is blowing and stars are scattered all over the place.

It shared with me the intoxicating fragrance.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (3)

My mother is a good wife and mother, but also a strong working woman; She is a competent mother and a close friend. She is always smiling, which makes me feel warm. She is cooking, which makes me feel very comfortable. Whenever I procrastinate in my homework, my mother will smile and say to me: "Do your homework quickly! Don't procrastinate." Whenever I have something on my mind, she will say to me: "What's wrong? Tell my mother what's wrong." And give me advice, she is such a mother, My favorite mother.

The day before going to urban and rural exchanges, at about 11:30, my mother suddenly thought that I had no car sickness medicine. No matter how deep the night and how cold the day were, she insisted on buying medicine for me, which made my heart warm. I still remember one time when my foot hit the table, which was extremely painful and bruised! Unexpectedly, my mother said, "The table didn't offend you, why did you hit it?" At that time, I really wondered why my mother didn't comfort me? Instead, I said that to me. Later, I understood why my mother treated me like that, because she didn't want me to develop the habit of dependence and asked me to be responsible for my own behavior. In fact, cruelty is also a kind of love, isn't it!

Once my parents quarreled! Mother was alone in the room. My sister and I went to comfort her. She told us that she was tired. She had to cook and do housework every day after going home from work. In addition, her husband did not understand her a bit. She was really tired. That time I knew that mother had so many upset things that she didn't tell us. She looked sad and tired, It is different from her smiling face in the past. I am very reluctant to give up after seeing her. I will be good in the future, mother. Don't worry about it. Don't be sad! okay?

Now, I understand how great my mother's love is, and the best way to repay her is to study hard, be a useful person, protect yourself, and don't let your parents hurt themselves, so as not to hurt themselves. At last, don't forget to give your mother a big hug and a loving kiss! mom! I love you!

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (4)


This fragrance belongs to you.

She is my primary school teacher. She is knowledgeable, gentle and good. Because I was unknown when I was a child, I didn't expect such a teacher to favor me. Unexpectedly, she noticed me. When she said I was the group leader, I couldn't believe it. The title of team leader has been a great honor for me. I always think that I can't get something higher than myself, so I think that I am too small to be any smaller. Obviously, inferiority is my mark. This position is not very important in the class, so the teacher did not expect that her words would make me concerned by others, thus warming my whole primary school time.

Thank you, teacher! Thank you for bringing me a bouquet of carnations, a touch of mother like fragrance.

albizia flower

The pink flowers on the branches are our shadows.

I'm afraid of losing and getting, but you always accompany me, my friends.

My performance is always unsatisfactory, and you will often come to comfort me, encourage me, tell me what a failure is, but it does not mean that you will not succeed every time. In this way, I walked all the way with others' mockery and friends' encouragement, and finally stood up to enjoy another scenery. My friends, you may not think that your words will become the most moving inspirational words in my life.

Thank you, friend! Thank you for the sweet smell of Albizia, and thank you for those beautiful days like Albizia when we worked together.


Happy you always smile at the sun. As soon as I see you, my heart is already full of sunshine. Maybe if you repress your heart for too long, you will giggle every day, hide too much sadness in your heart, and bring happiness to others. That you, I believe, is the most beautiful you.

You are actually me. Every day I raise my face to greet the rising sun, drink every drop of dew, dance with the breeze, greet the surrounding vegetation, and say hello to the elegant clouds. I appreciate every sunrise and sunset, in return for my red smiling face. I am happy and infect others. Maybe I never thought my happiness would be so important.

Thank you, that person! Thank you for keeping a sunflower like smile in your heart to accompany you. It is bright and fragrant.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (5)

Dream, he came again, like a dark giant snake, quietly wrapped around you, you can't get out of it, when you struggle to wake up, he has gone, but the suffocation of being wrapped all over is still there. If you can't get rid of him, he will come again.

When I first entered Grade One, I was still playing aimlessly. She also often said about me. Sometimes she begged hard, sometimes she threatened fiercely. I despised her. When she married the second wife, I was even more stiff. You once sorry her, now you sorry me!

The days passed away day by day. One day, he suddenly came to my bed and wanted to sleep with me. Is it really rare? Not with your beautiful wife? "Shh, don't make any noise. I'll tell you the password of my two bank cards is..." "Why?" He kept silent and fell asleep.

He seems to know something. On the third day, he had an accident. Think about sleeping with me last night. What's wrong now? What's wrong with you? I cried out, "What are you doing?" The world teased people. A week later, his black and white photos were hung in the hall. A week ago, he was still talking mischievously to me in my bed and scratching me. Well... I really enjoyed living with him in the last few days, but I didn't expect that this would cost my life. The winter wind blew fiercely, which made people feel bitterly cold. How could I be so stupid, so many abnormal things could not be seen, and I lay in bed at night, thinking about the warmth of those days.

When I fell asleep, the big black snake came again. This time, there was some more life. A man beside it stood there and opened his hands to me. No one could resist this embrace. It was like a god coming, and it was so helpless.

As he went away, his face was full of sadness.

Don't go, Dad - it's a ray of fragrance only after passing away, but it can only appear in my endless dreams.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (6)

Once, I felt that I had lost something. My inner world was once full of impetuosity, and everything was suffocating. Thanks to a fragrant care, gratitude is like a timely spring rain, washing my soul. Therefore, everything in the calm of the settled dust breeds a more wonderful life

Recently, my mother has to take care of my sick grandfather every night. Our communication has become less and less. A gap seems to lie between us. In the evening, there was a rainstorm, and my mood was as bad as this weather. Before going out, my mother gave me a packet of face paper, which was my favorite lavender flavor. Suddenly, there was a wave in my heart, and a kind of inexplicable emotion lingered in my heart: Mom must not have slept well last night! The rising sun breaks the shackles of darkness, and the fragrance gradually rises.

If I really caught a cold, I didn't feel right all morning. When I got home at noon, I saw a cup of "firewood" on the table, still steaming. I picked up the cup and took a sip. The herbal medicine was much lighter, and at the same time, a sweet taste was refreshing - Mom added honey. She didn't seem to be aware that I had entered the room and still cooked with her back to me. I looked carefully at her back, 15 years of time began to flow back, facing the past bit by bit, I want to say nothing. The sun climbed high into the sky, and the fragrance was surging.

When school was over, the sky was overcast and the wind blew again. Walking to the school gate, I saw my mother's thin figure under the street lamp in the distance. Why is Mom here? My mother sent me a coat. A kind of warmth, a kind of happiness, endless. The setting sun closes the door of the day, and the fragrance overflows. Put a small piece of alum in the water to let all the dregs slowly settle; If we cultivate a kind of grateful thought in our hearts, those impetuous and restless thoughts will also disappear slowly.

Vaguely, I felt that surrounded by my mother's fragrance, I also had a flower of gratitude in my heart. Although the flower was small and its taste was light, I believed that many years later, my mother would be surrounded by blooming flowers and rich fragrance!

Wish mom happiness and peace forever!

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (7)

Flower is a symbol of beauty. Where there are flowers, there is more warmth.

My family is in the countryside. A few years ago, there was no asphalt road in my hometown, but flowers were planted at the door of every family. The flowers are colorful. In recent years, asphalt roads have been built, making it convenient for everyone to travel. When going out, although there is less dust, there is also less warmth. Because of the asphalt road, all the flowers planted before were pulled out, and there was only a few small trees with soil on their leaves in front of the door. The village no longer has the beauty and warmth of the past. It's easy to grow flowers like before! But the road is the way out. What should we do? Only when the gate is pushed back can flowers be planted.

But who would like to make their yard smaller and grow those impractical flowers? Aunt Zhang, a neighbor, doesn't think so. She pushed back the gate, spread some good soil in front of the gate, put a fence around it, sowed flower seeds, and bought some special fragrant flowers to plant in the "small garden". After several spring rains, the flower seeds sprouted. The flowers grew bigger and bigger, but there were some worms. Aunt Zhang braved the sun and wrapped herself up tightly. Because she was allergic to ultraviolet light, she spent all afternoon trying to kill all the insects. After several twists and turns, the flowers finally opened. The flowers bear seeds. Aunt Zhang gives the flowers to the neighbors so that they can have flowers. When I walk past Aunt Zhang's house, I can't help admiring the fragrance that comes to my nose. Maybe this is the only fragrance in the village! Everyone said that the flowers in front of Aunt Zhang's house were beautiful and fragrant, so everyone stepped back to plant flowers.

In recent years, flowers have bloomed in front of every house, and they are very fragrant. This is because Aunt Zhang has driven everyone. Because Aunt Zhang's flowers are unforgettable to the villagers in the past, today's beautiful village has been created. Aunt Zhang moved this year, but the flowers in front of the door didn't die. Although flowers are planted in front of every house, there is no fragrance of flowers in front of Aunt Zhang's house, because it is a special fragrance, a warm fragrance.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (8)

The warmth and coldness of human relations is a rare and valuable experience in life. A warm sigh can't evoke a deep feeling of emotion

As time goes by, we have gone through three stages in our life. In this process, we are also slowly transforming. Of course, this process must be accompanied and encouraged each other. Time is like a trickle of water, and the days when we get along with our partners follow him. However, the emotion imprinted in the heart can not be washed out or wiped out in any case. It is precisely because of this link that today's myriad strands are gathered. Emotion is unique to life, and the reason why life can be wonderful with it is not boring. People often say that friendship is wealth, which is true in my opinion. People will no longer be timid as long as they get it, because it will help you when you are at a loss; When you fall alone, it will give you fire; Or when you lament that life is boring, what it will give you is the sweet rain and dew

That night, the weather was extremely sultry. The summer bug also becomes noisy and uneasy. As usual, I was bored to kill time by scribbling in front of my desk. My heart is waiting, because after a few hours, I will usher in the annual "egg breaking day". One warm picture after another emerged in my mind, imagining how the day would be. Gradually, I didn't care. I thought that it was better to take action than to wait passively. I was really moved by the blessing words that came into my eyes when I pressed the phone screen. It turns out that those who have the intention have already kept this matter in mind. Why should we take unnecessary actions? There are many students who have not been contacted for a long time. Their blessing surprised me and made me feel warm at the same time. The plain and absurd words outline the past and arouse the memory of the past. At the same time, I am not sentimental. I am sentimental that I cannot learn knowledge in the same classroom and run in the same playground. With this opportunity, we sympathized with each other and drew closer. Looking back at the clock, it was late at night. Although my heart was reluctant to part, I had to part. The dream was sweet that night.

Life is impermanent, there will be one person's departure and one person's arrival. The emotion will be correspondingly different. Each person has his own ambition. It is impossible to have a bond that always accompanies you to the end on the same road, but the emotion is still maintained. I always believe that we will meet at the end. The emotion that shuttles through life is not the fragrance of life.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (9)

When I was a child, I often went to my grandmother's house once a year, but that was also boring me - an old woman sat all day folding yuan treasures, muttering words that she could not understand, neither this nor that could be touched, for fear that I might damage her "pagoda". Before going out, I handed the bags of yuan treasure to us and repeatedly told them not to land. I was puzzled and lucky to escape from her home.

But there is one thing. Every time I come out from my grandmother's house, I always feel the fragrance on my clothes. When I grow up, I hear that it is sandalwood.

One summer vacation, Grandma came to my house, so the familiar smell rebelled against my clothes again.

Grandma wore glasses and struggled to read a Buddhist sutra. While reading it, she pointed at it word by word with a knitting needle, and read out a series of strange sounds. I didn't know how my illiterate grandmother read it, so I asked her, "Grandma, you can recognize these words?"

"Oh! What do I know? I can listen to Grandma Jia reading next door every day, and I don't know whether it is right or not!" She laughed heartily, and I also smiled. "So you must study hard. It's always good to know some words!" I thought, worried old lady.

I looked carefully, and sure enough, the words Grandma pointed out were not the same as what she said in her mouth. Looking at her serious expression, I felt respect.

Grandma is old, and her hands are not as flexible as before. Although she is laborious, she still carefully folds every ingot into sharp edges and corners, and then carefully glues it into a tower. She uses wrinkled paper to cut a lotus flower and puts it on the top of the tower. The leftovers are cut and scattered on the tower trailer. She started at the beginning of the year and finished the Lotus Tower at the end of the year. The rough and dry hands are busy all the year round, never letting go to rest, and never reassuring their children.

On New Year's Eve, my mother and I went to a burning Buddhist temple to look for my grandmother. My grandmother was slowly tapping the wooden fish and chanting sutras. She said that her little son, my father, was not at ease. It was always the most effective way to pray for peace on New Year's Eve, and she laughed out of embarrassment at the corners of her eyes.

I suddenly remembered the sandalwood in Grandma's room. What kind of care and sustenance was that? Warm and peaceful make me unforgettable. I seem to understand why most elderly people believe in Buddhism. It is because they have nowhere to go to worry about and miss each other. They have to rely on the scriptures they may not recognize. In the aroma of Buddha, they tell everything to Buddha.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (10)

My mother is a good wife and mother, but also a strong working woman; She is a competent mother and a close friend. She always smiles, which makes me feel warm. Whenever I procrastinate with my homework, my mother will smile and say to me, "Do your homework quickly! Don't procrastinate." Whenever I have something on my mind, she will say to me, "What's the matter? Tell my mother something." And give me advice, she is such a mother, my favorite mother.

The day before going to urban and rural exchanges, at about 11:30, my mother suddenly thought that I had no car sickness medicine. No matter how deep the night and how cold the day were, she insisted on buying medicine for me, which made my heart warm. I still remember one time when my foot hit the table, which was extremely painful and bruised! Unexpectedly, my mother said, "The table didn't offend you, why did you hit it?" At that time, I really wondered why my mother didn't comfort me? Instead, I said that to me. Later, I understood why my mother treated me like that, because she didn't want me to develop the habit of dependence and asked me to be responsible for my own behavior. In fact, cruelty is also a kind of love, isn't it!

Once my parents quarreled! Mother was alone in the room. My sister and I went to comfort her. She told us that she was tired. She had to cook and do housework every day after going home from work. In addition, my father did not understand her a little. She was really tired. That time I knew that mother had so many upset things that she didn't tell us. She looked sad and tired, It is different from her smiling face in the past. I am very reluctant to give up after seeing her. I will be good in the future, mother. Don't worry about it. Don't be sad! okay?

Now, I understand how great my mother's love is, and the best way to repay her is to study hard, be a useful person, and protect yourself. Don't let yourself be hurt "by your parents", so as not to "hurt yourself and hurt your parents". Finally, don't forget to give your mother a big hug and a kiss of love! mom! I love you!

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (11)

The huge wheel of time rumbles past, leaving rows of ruts in the thick history. I saw the drizzle formed by muddy water in the trace of slightly wet soil, which moistened everything; I saw a line of petite footprints on the soil soaked with fragrance, recording that someone wore beautiful flower shoes and walked through here.

When you were young, Chen Lixi, the duke of Xuguo, stopped making personal plans. However, the failure of Yongzhen's reform has ruined your reputation, and the wheels of rolling southward have crushed your dream of becoming a great scholar.

However, the miasma epidemic in the south of the Five Ridges can't knock you down. You incarnate in the continuous rain and do your little to benefit the people of Yongzhou. You dug a well, started a school, released your slaves, and created a beautiful scenery in this wild place.

With the body of sin, you incarnate into a continuous drizzle, silently moistening all things in the south of the Five Ridges. Behind you is a soul who only wants to be worthy of the heart. It is a touch of green on the border of the motherland. It can't be seen when the rain is wet, and it can be seen when everything is soaked.

An imperial edict, Han and Xiong, made many beautiful women in the harem wither and blush. Only you, the weak and beautiful Zhaojun, resolutely took on the burden of protecting the country.

Farewell to Chang'an, exit Tongguan, and it will be hard to see in Jiangnan again. Standing on the Qilian Mountain in the early morning of the next month, you will throw your flower like figure with the pipa into the desert without any regrets and make a vow: I wish to protect Han and Xiong for a hundred years, until you leave Qingzhong alone to dusk.

You turn your youthful face into petals scattered in the desert dust, and protect the world with great love. Behind you is a scene of brotherhood harmony, national peace and security. It is a distant music of Hu Jia in the desert. The idle flowers fall silent, and turn into spring mud to protect the flowers.

All things in the world live and multiply in this cycle. A few words are important, and a hundred meanings are illuminated. Although the drizzle is small and invisible, it is attracted in the process of nourishing all things and gets eternal life; Although the leisure flowers faded from grace after landing, they were reborn in the dedication of turning into spring mud to protect flowers.

May the great river of life be endless, and the flowers of life be unbreakable.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (12)

In the clear and transparent glass, the dark green tea leaves seem like the night elves dancing in the blue water, falling asleep... Like love, they settle in the deepest part of your heart, but never dissipate.

Grandpa's Tea is my favorite song. Jay Chou's unique deep voice makes the soft melody incomparable:

"Grandpa's tea has a kind of taste called home..." It seems that the pure singing voice of the dawn suddenly touched the chord in my heart.

When I was in kindergarten, I lived at my grandfather's house. Every time after school, I can always see my grandpa's long shadow cast under the big tree beside the road, and the transparent plastic bag in his hand is filled with fresh strawberries - my favorite fruit. A cute "grandpa" will bring grandpa's laughter. I have already bent my mouth, and the tip of my tongue is permeated with sour and sweet strawberry juice.

Time went by like turning pages of a book, and I was going to primary school. My father and grandpa argued about this: the reason was that they didn't agree on which school I should go to. "The child is in primary school, so we should discipline him well. Going to a real primary school is the best choice, and it is close to home!" Dad's words are so exquisite that people have no room to refute. At this time, my grandfather whispered: "It's good to go to the second yard, and you can come to me after school." When my grandfather looked up, I heard four words that surprised me, firm and forceful: "It's also good."

I watched the suitcase full of beautiful clothes being dragged out of my grandpa's house. At that time, I knew that no one would pick me up with a bag of strawberries after school.

Now, I have grown up. Every weekend, I can go alone to talk with my grandpa without my parents picking me up. Who said "three years old generation gap"? My grandfather and I crossed this "fifty gap" in this way?

The music still echoes gently, and the faint fragrance of tea has filled the whole heart. I am a child walking on the night road, dear grandpa, you are the biggest and brightest Polaris in the sky, illuminating the road ahead of me.

The tea made by Grandpa is fragrant. The full tea leaves, like the seeds of love, sprout quietly in the fertile soil of the soul

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (13)

Even if life mercilessly turns my purple grapes into dew in late autumn and washes them in the vast sea of people, I can also find the fragrance lost in the sky.

In the morning, when the gentle breeze sweeps across the calm lake, the lake ripples; When the clear crowing of chickens breaks the silence of the world, and the eastern dawn breaks, the gentle clouds are repeated; When all things in the world open their eyes, breathe quietly, and listen to the sounds of the world with joy. But I am lost wandering on the deserted ancient road.

In memory, it is always the rainy night full of fragrance that lingers.

Watch the spiders spin silk and weave webs, slowly block the hearth; See the smoke of the ashes rising up, sighing the shortness and sadness of life. Just like my thoughts, they are so confused.

Gently open the skylight, smell the fragrance of gardenias, listen to the rhythm of rain beating plantain outside the window, and suddenly remember that there was such a rainy night, a voice said to me: "Rain is the most holy angel; It falls from the sky to the earth, cleaning up all the dirt that permeates this lovely world. After the rain, it will be the magnificent "mountain scenery is empty" and the open-minded of the vast fields! "

Wipe the two lines of tears off your face, and what you continue to have is a smile. Like a rainbow after the storm, full of joy after success; Like snow lotus on the snow covered plateau, it emits a persistent fragrance. Melt the ice cold situation, comfort the wounded mind like a knife, heal all wounds, take away the refreshing breath, and continue to smile on the fallen flowers in autumn

From then on, I fell in love with the rainy night. I always feel that the sound of rain falling on the eaves is the most beautiful movement in the world; I always feel that the splash of rain on the green leaves is the most attractive waterfall in the world; I always feel that the bouquet of flowers brought by the wind in the rain is the most refreshing breath in the world. The pores of the whole body breathe heartily in the continuous drizzle.

The rain night scenery is nostalgic, but I am more attracted to that gentle voice. With the melody of rain, the serenity of the zither, and the charm of the ancients, it gently sways in the wind, emitting a faint fragrance. Broken silk like lingering, flying with the wind. Far, farther

When I look back, I find that my hand has become deserted; Raise your hand and smell gently, and there is no fragrance in your hand; In retrospect, the moon has already gone to the empty building; Looking for a touch of fragrance in the sky, I found that everything has been blown away. Only the voice, gently washed in the colorless rainy night, sent a faint fragrance

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (14)

The dense and elegant sunlight is permeated with the misty mist, and the smoke and water are rippling. A wisp of sweet fragrance helps the noodles, bringing rare warmth.

Alone, tasting jasmine tea, the warmth wrapped me, and tears filled my eyes.

The similar taste, the jasmine fragrance that has haunted me for more than ten years, is a slightly tired soul shaper under the window.

You always say that you are looking forward to the arrival of Teacher's Day, but do not want it to come; Looking forward to the sincere blessing and gift from the students, I don't want it to make me one year older and become a headache for the students.

Perhaps your face is getting older because of time; Perhaps your body tends to be sick because of hard work, but in my heart, your long summer will never wither.

The moonlight shines on the world, and your beautiful voice is like the sounds of nature. The lively courses jump in my mind, leading me to the bright temple. My whole soul is full of wonderful joy, as if I enjoy the sweet spring morning with my whole body and mind.

Selfless fireflies light up the way of night travel. I chase with my sincere heart.

Ten years have made me remember this sacred profession - teacher, and this profession will also become my lifelong pursuit. The days that passed away far away, the dreams that were once pursued with no distractions, are still dazzling today. No matter how uneasy, I still sincerely believe in the path I choose. It is happy to be a teacher.

Every teacher's leaving will make me choke, and the feeling of not giving up is like the attachment of a child on a long journey to his parents. The teacher's wonderful courses made me greedy. I really want to break time into two parts, half for listening and half for aftertaste. It is because of the teacher's instruction that no matter how profound the wisdom is, it can fly away from the clouds and reach the hearts of students.

When the spring clouds fall, the flying roc spreads its wings and soars into the sky. With the spring water flowing eastward, there are more hopes. We shoulder the future and keep moving forward.

Time comes, light and shadow in your skirt, a touch of brilliance burning youth.

The delicate fragrance of a Chinese parasol flower, a transparent twilight, your smile is long in the silence.

Fate, let me meet you, my teacher, in the most beautiful years. This encounter will forever imprint on my memory.

Refreshing tea aroma is absorbed into the half regular shadow, like a dream without trace. I thought quietly, my teachers.

Jasmine fragrance.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (15)

Light, really light, just like a cup of green tea, light, bitter and sweet, the friendship you gave me made me feel that different fragrance in a moment notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Today is the graduation exam. Before entering the exam room, I remembered the past.

That time, we had a quarrel, which was very serious. The students next to us were trying their best to persuade us not to quarrel. We didn't listen to us. We were quarrelling all the time, and even said dirty words. My heart was very sad, but what could I do? I felt very aggrieved. I didn't want to talk to you anymore, so I said the word "break up". In fact, it was all angry words, but you took it seriously. I could see that there were tears in your eyes, so I tried not to let them flow down. You said angrily, "OK, break up!" At this time, my heart seemed to be stung. I regret what I said just now. I know I was wrong, Seeing you walk away without looking back, I can't say the words "sorry". You haven't said a word to me since that day. One day after class, you came to me to apologize, and I told you that I was wrong, and we both laughed. In this way, we went crazy together, and we went crazy together.

That day, you asked me if I could go out to play in the evening. You said that many students went there. You looked at me expectantly, but waited for me to say sorry. You were very sad, but you smiled and said, "Well, if you can go again, go to the government square to find me, and I will stand on that platform." Then you left. In the evening, after I finished everything, I looked at my watch and found that I went to see you when you just started playing. You were surprised and happy to see me. You left all the students behind, pulled me around and ran around crazily. You said you were happy that day.

This is the friendship you gave me, light, bitter and sweet.

However, the door of graduation opened irresistibly. After the exam, we will really graduate. I will see you less and less often. I am very sad to think of this. I can't bear to part with you, my classmates, my teachers, my campus, and the friendship you left me - that kind of sweet taste, light, bitter and sweet.

Unforgettable Fragrance 600 (16)

Banana does not exhibit clove knots, and they are worried about each other in the spring breeze.

I recovered from a burst of fragrance. It was a rich but elegant fragrance, with intoxicating wine fragrance, and the smell of soil and grass just after the rain in the morning.

Following the fragrance, the taste became clearer and clearer, and a clove tree appeared in front of us. Purple flowers hang in clusters on the branches. The green leaves are luxuriant, the tender green, the faint purple, and the white brown of the branches. The three colors are mixed together, which makes you feel fresh and fresh. It seems that you are in a valley, and the flowers around you are the foil of lilacs. A flower is enough to make a wonderful world.

It seems that in an instant, the soul will be soundlessly warm.

Some of the green leaves on the branches of cloves have just sprouted, and a little red appears in the tender green. When they meet the blooming cloves, they are incomparably exquisite. The fresh and elegant taste ripples in the air. The flower bud shows a little yellow from the flower, light, just right. It was she who left this eyeful of purple memories. Each petal, like the same but different, stands on the branch uniquely. Yes, they are unique when they come to this world!

Cloves, like a dream in spring.

Thousands of flowers form a bunch of flowers, dozens of flowers form a flower waterfall, as described in Zongpu's "Purple Vine Falls": "It seems to be flowing, laughing, growing ceaselessly, and the big purple banner is dotted with silver flowers, just like splashing water".

Cloves, you gather small to form an atmosphere, which condenses a unique spiritual style. They fight against difficulties and strive for the top. They are tough and tenacious, showing the world your vitality.

You are as quiet as a pure girl, and as active as an innocent and naughty child. You are also like a wise man who is affectionately telling the truth of life. What I can understand, I'm afraid, is only green trees and purple eyes.

Dimly, the figure of a lilac like girl appeared in front of me, "lilac like color, lilac like fragrance, lilac like sadness," In the rain lane, the back figure with an oil paper umbrella, the deep beauty, is with the lilac flower, long and warm.

A gust of wind blew, lilacs sang in unison, a flower fell on the palm, warm as ever.