44 Selected Sentences of Love
You are not a lover
2023-07-03 19:04:12
Motivational sentence

1. You are a quiet harbor, and the heart boat I miss will cry freely beside you!

2. Wandering on the lake without the shackles of ropes; Meditate in the tranquility, not driven by oars - this is my boat of missing! When there is a silent song flowing in the air, the waves of love are pushing it deep into the twilight

3. People who work hard to write books often have no time and money to decorate.

4. We use our hands to hold each other tightly, let the feeling be gently lifted in our hands, and share an unforgettable warmth

5. If it is scattered, don't slander it.

6. The warmest good night comes from the person you love most.

7. There are a lot of people coming and going around, and there is always a place that hasn't changed

8. Holding the person you like makes me the person you care about most, "I don't want to be a god, I just want to be a good man".

9. However, my mind is as clear as the sky, because I think of the reunion.

10. Although your parting smile is only a short moment, it is taken on the negative film of my heart, but it leaves eternity. I always hold it in the palm of my missing hand, and the image is so true and clear!

11. No matter how reluctant I was before, in the end, I still said goodbye.

12. But life is extremely fragile, and I can't afford so many luxuries.

13. Maybe I still miss it a little, but I miss more the time that I can't go back.

14. Although in my eyes, I gradually go away, but in my heart, I am not far away, because even if I close my eyes, I can still see you and I love you.

15. As soon as I turn around, I am in a daze. In a moment, I can't see it. The wind is blowing through the place, which shows the fleeting time.

16. Don't miss me! My missing is just like the spring water of the river. It can't stop, it can't stop

17. The music like this poem does not belong to me, the moonlight like honey does not belong to me, the dancing steps do not belong to me. You know that Acacia, which is more distant than the stars, belongs to me, the footsteps more hurried than the wind belong to me, and the attachment deeper than the night belongs to me

18. I want you to become a song and fly; Want you to become a river, flowing; Want you to become a cloud, floating; Want you to be a kiss, comfortable. Think you are not fixed, but eternal.

19. Love is always with you. Happy love lasts for a long time.

20. I will be happier when I leave than when I am by my side, right! I Believe!

21. I want to hug myself and tell myself not to feel bad, but I will be tired too long.

22. Those who should go will forgive me for not saving face.

23. 124. I love you in my only way.

24. "My father took a piece of paper from the bottom of the account book and handed it to me.

25. I think you are a necessary lesson every day, and loving you is my constant commitment in my life. While I think you love you, I hope you have a sunny mood. I love you!

26. If you want to meet face to face, you can easily see it in the same city by taxi. Even if you want to meet in different cities, you can see it in a few hours after buying a ticket or high-speed rail ticket.

27. My wife said it was an earthquake, and I said it was Zhang Juan.

28. The moon is full of love and the stars are cutting. Once a year, once a year, it's the Mid Autumn Festival again! How many pages have you turned over in your missing book, relatives?

29. The mountains and oceans separated us. I had no choice but to meet you again in memory and in dreams.

30. "This is a story told by a TV program.

31. I gently approached your call in the years to meet the scenes of joys and sorrows. Even though the frost condensed tears behind me, mottled the flowers of previous lives, I still kept the most beautiful expectation and sang in the lonely wind with the love of piano and zither.

32. I can't bear to wave, because it's goodbye; I didn't dare to shake hands, because I didn't know when to wait.

33. I understand that I can't let go of your love, I am too familiar with your care, and I am reluctant to leave for a while. After leaving, we may believe in love more!

34. Even if distance and clouds cover the hyperopia; But my eyes in my heart, there is no barrier. Ah, at this moment, did you find me staring at you against the window

35. When I saw you looking at another woman with such gentle and happy eyes, my heart was completely sour. Have I been knitting those memories that I would not let go?

36. Please remember: two missing hearts are closely linked, and the feelings of two missing people blend silently

37. The dream was gently awakened by the dawn. In the gloom, I said a sentimental whisper: meet you again at night.

38. Love is unconstrained; Once the system wants to use its power, Love will fly away; Like other gods, Love is free.

39. Time can understand love, prove love, and overthrow love.

40. In the journey of fate, everyone's performance time is stipulated. It is doomed that when it is time to leave, no matter how much you want to leave, you will have to leave gracefully.

41. The closer you think, the farther you feel. You are in a foreign land, but the bright moon is always with me. When will we be reunited again?

42. Feelings are like broken pants, which cannot be repaired by a good tailor.

43. So after summer, you left.

44. Wave goodbye and sail away. What you can't do is to throw out the rope of friendship, which is firmly tied to my heart.