If You Go Back to the Past (Practical 5)
Lighter than a sea
2024-01-11 04:37:56
fifth grade

If You Go Back to the Past (1)

I remember the familiar back, looking from afar, he kept aloof and took a little girl to school. After school, he picked up the little girl at the school gate on time. He bought whatever she wanted. Almost all the little girl's wishes he would achieve for her. The little girl lives happily.

The little girl grew up slowly and could go home alone, but she still picked up the little girl every day. His body was so strong, and he was like a good friend with the little girl, but the sudden illness defeated him.

He got sick, but the little girl didn't know it. Later, he came down from the car with hemiplegia. He had stomach cancer and couldn't speak. When she saw the little girl and her family, she cried.

After four years of illness, he suffered for many days, and unconsciously left. The little girl was so sad and worried that she always thought it was not true.

If we go back to the past, the little girl can be with him again. I really hope that a miracle will happen one morning

The little girl -- I, the person I can't forget -- Grandpa.

If You Go Back to the Past (2)

If only I could go back to the past!

I will change my previous impulses and become a good student who is cultured and calm when things happen. I will not repeat the "tragedy" of laziness; No longer be the "leader" who resists the teacher's order; Will not let carelessness submerge my excellence; I will never let speed become my failure again

How I longed to go back!

Because: I can relive the hardships and difficulties of learning to ride a bicycle and skate on the vitality board, and the infinite joy after learning it; I can enjoy children's candy and TV again; I can pick up the paintbrush and color palette that have been gone for a long time again, and let my youth bloom in the most colorful light on rice paper!

I will no longer be the one who let my parents worry about me; Instead of being an excellent "problem student" that gives teachers a headache, I will become a really good child, caring for my parents and willing to do housework; Understand the teacher, follow the teacher's painstaking efforts and earnest teachings

The carefree childhood is gone forever, replaced by increasingly urgent learning tasks and the upcoming middle school era - ah! I am so eager, eager to return to the past, looking for the wonderful childhood again!

If You Go Back to the Past (3)

Night, cool. The moonlight is as bright as frost. Standing against the window, the gentle evening wind blows across my face, and my thoughts drop into the lake of my heart like dew, rippling in circles

At that time, you and I were two carefree girls, laughing together, making trouble together, inseparable. I still remember your appearance. You look ordinary, have a slightly fat figure, have a circle of red on your face, and always smile. You are one of my few friends, who vowed to be the best partner no matter when and where.

On that day, the autumn was crisp and cloudless. You took me to the park to play. We walked along the tree lined path together. The red maples all over the ground seemed to spread a red carpet on the ground. Walking on the maple leaves, the sound of "clicking" at the foot resounds in our hearts like a beautiful piece of music. Tired of playing, I sat on the lawn piled with maple leaves and looked at the fallen leaves flying down like butterflies. The sun shines down through the cracks in the leaves and sprinkles on your face. I suddenly found that your smile was so beautiful.

The wind blows away the falling days, leaving only memories to sleep in a dream.

Gradually, our studies increased, and we seldom had time to play together. In addition, after a long separation, the feelings have faded, and the previous vows seem to have been blown away by the wind without any reservation. Goodbye is like a stranger.

In that handicraft lesson, you accidentally damaged my carefully made gift for Mother's Day. I was very angry, but when I saw your guilty expression, I calmed down and smiled: "It doesn't matter, the gift can be remade if it is damaged, but our friendship can't continue because of a small gift!" You looked at me gratefully and said excitedly: "I will accompany you to make another one!" After this incident, our feelings became better and better, and our mood became happier.

I will never miss a minute to get along with you and cherish every moment when you are around me.

If we can go back to the past, I will invite you to listen to the voice of each flower and share the happy time with you.

I will accompany you through the most difficult days and give you love, encouragement and hope.


The most beautiful thing in one's life is childhood, but childhood is not short? Everyone's meeting is a blessing from a previous life. Cherish your childhood, cherish the time with your friends, and cherish everyone around you!

I wish you and I would go back to the past, not grow up, not sad, not leave, how good it would be!

If You Go Back to the Past (4)

A song came from the street, "If I go back to the past, everything will happen again..." In my heart, I have a wish, if I can go back to the past

I have a hamster, which is dressed in silver wool, like a snowball, and happy as a deer, so I call it "Yinchu".

It is cute and cute. It can also fly on the roof and walk on the wall. It often jumps up and down in the cage; He likes to grind his teeth very much. As soon as he arrives at his new home, iron wire and wood are under his teeth, and he almost bites the wire and escapes; It is also very human. Once, it bit my hand and I scolded it. It seemed to feel that I was angry and ran away.

Since it came to me, it has brought endless joy to my monotonous life.

But the good times didn't last long. I saw him tremble in the wood chips and grind his teeth more crazily. At first, I didn't think much about it. Until one time, he slept all day, couldn't wake up, and his limbs were stiff, I realized the seriousness of the problem. I checked the information and learned that it might be a false hibernation caused by too cold or too little food. As long as the rescue was timely, It is possible to live, but if not handled, it will die. I was terrified to think that the hamster might leave me. I hastened to rescue, blow with a hair dryer and warm with a hot water bag, but it still did not move, and my tears flowed down. I silently read, Silver Jue, Silver Jue, wake up quickly, I will take you out to play, and the bathtub I bought for you will soon arrive. Don't ignore me! But it still slowly stiffened... I suddenly understood that for any creature, life, there is only one time, missing is life

Little hamster, it is you who gave me the beauty I first saw, and also let me experience the sadness of loss. I dreamt back several times at midnight, and I looked at you with tears in my eyes, smart eyes rolling around, and flexible little paws folded in front of my chest

I miss you only when I lose you! There is no greater sorrow than this. My little hamster, I really want to go back to the past, you stand in front of me

If You Go Back to the Past (5)

As the saying goes, "If the young do not work hard, the old will be sad." If we can go back to the past, we will know the importance of time, that time is life, that time is selfless, and that it will not give everyone an extra minute. Then, don't we have no regrets?

If I can go back to the past, I will try my best to master scientific and cultural knowledge and skills to build a better country.

If I can go back to the past, I will try my best to mobilize the people - we must protect our selfless earth and make it more beautiful and rich.

If I could go back to the past, I would never cry again. I would learn to be strong and patient.

If we can go back to the past, all of us will not regret it and let ourselves feel unhappy about it.

If we can go back to the past, those adults who are eager to go back to school will definitely go back to campus to study hard and master knowledge and skills. There is a saying that goes like this: "Flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again. If people can be young again like flowers, they will certainly realize their bigger dreams.

If I can go back to the past, I will cherish my time and my childhood more. I will devote myself to the stream of realizing my dreams and strive to surpass those who are stronger than me.

If I can go back to the past, I must think calmly about everything I do, and never let people say that everything I do is done without thinking.

Although time will not go back, I will devote my limited life to an unlimited life!