Pillow composition (18 in total)
Off key Uncle
2024-05-12 08:22:58
fourth grade

Composition of pillow (1)

My mother bought my little pillow when I was three years old. The small pillow feels soft and comfortable. The small pillow is white with several small flowers embroidered on it, which is beautiful.

The little pillow is my inseparable good friend. I like to hold it in my arms when reading, watching TV and playing computer games. I especially like the smell of small pillows. When I sleep, I like to put my hands under the small pillows and smell constantly with my nose against the pillows. I also use the small pillow as my toy, always throwing the small pillow around like sandbags.

At night, I can hardly fall asleep without a small pillow to accompany me. I remember one Spring Festival when I went to my grandfather's house to pay New Year's greetings. I had a good time during the day, but when I went to bed at night, I couldn't sleep because I didn't have a small pillow. I had no choice but to toss about in bed. When everyone turned off the lights and went to bed, my eyes were still wide open, but I couldn't sleep.

I love my little pillow.

Composition of Pillow (2)

Since I came out of my mother's stomach, I haven't had a good night's sleep. Every night before I went to bed, Grandma had to "arrange troops": a row of armchairs around the bed as a sentry, a quilt on the left and right sides of the bed, and two or three pillows on the head of the bed. Despite the "triple insurance", the quilt and pillow were expelled from the "bed" by me the next morning, and my nose naturally suffered from "traffic jam" - I had to go to the hospital for a drip because of a serious cold. For this reason, Grandma broke her heart. Last autumn, I often had nosebleeds. Grandma took me to see a doctor. The doctor said that my internal fire was too strong and suggested that I drink more chrysanthemum tea. Grandma shook her head and said, "She has drunk a lot of chrysanthemum tea, which doesn't work." The doctor suggested Grandma sew a chrysanthemum pillow for me to try. After hearing this, Grandma sent me home first, saying that she wanted to go for a walk. My parents and I were about to finish lunch when Grandma came home panting. Holding a bulging plastic bag in her arms, she proudly said: "Today, I found a 'geomantic treasure land'. There is a wasteland at the end of the lotus road, where there are many wild chrysanthemums. Tomorrow I will prepare a big bag to pick." Looking at her happy like a child, my nose is a little sour, the road is so far, and my grandmother is so old... The next week, Grandma is like a bee. She goes around the flowers all day, picking, washing, drying, collecting... Finally, the chrysanthemum pillow is ready, emitting the faint chrysanthemum fragrance. I took it in my hand and weighed its heavy weight. Not to mention, I haven't had a nosebleed since I slept on the chrysanthemum pillow. After autumn and winter came, Grandma asked her uncle to buy a few jin of buckwheat husks and sew some big pillows for me; When spring went to summer, my grandmother filled the street to choose thin, breathable pillows for me. The wheels of the season turn round and round, and my pillow has changed one after another. The only constant is the deep love hidden in the pillow!

Composition of Pillow (3)

On Saturday morning, my mother asked me to buy vegetables. I hummed along the road and came to the food market unconsciously.

At the vegetable market, I asked the aunt who sold vegetables: "How much is it to buy two jin of cucumber and two jin of eggplant?" The aunt who sold vegetables said: "Twelve yuan." After I paid the money, I went home with the basket. When I got home, I gave my mother the vegetables I bought. Her face turned into a flower and she said to me, "I can do it!" When I was about to give the rest of the money to my mother, I suddenly found that the vegetable seller gave me 5 yuan more than I wanted. I thought: this 5 yuan is "pie in the sky", so I put it into my pocket.

However, I couldn't sleep at noon.

In the afternoon, when I was in Maths Olympiad class, I was also upset. The teacher said to me, "How can I always slip away? This is not good." Just after the teacher said something, I began to regret taking another 5 yuan.

When I came home from school, someone was arguing when I passed the vegetable market. An old granny said to a man selling vegetables: "Young man, don't be too cruel to make money in business. Don't be afraid of not sleeping!" I felt every sentence hit me like a heavy hammer. I blushed and ran home quickly.

I regretted it and told my mother what had happened. My mother said, "It's not easy for others to sell vegetables. How embarrassed are you! Do you know what to do?" After listening to my mother's words, I thought it was very reasonable, so I immediately returned the money. The aunt who sells vegetables said to me, "What an honest and good child." I smiled embarrassed.

In the evening, I lay in bed, casually flipped through a magazine, on which there was a sentence by Andersen: "An innocent conscience is a gentle pillow." I savored the sentence carefully, thinking of today's event, I was very moved. Close the book, I soon fell asleep safely.

Composition of Pillow (4)

·········Dad's pillow

I'm going to sleep with my father's pillow.

The pillow smelled of Dad's sweat.

Sweat contains many sweet and sad dreams of my father;

I'm going to sleep with my father's pillow.

Just like holding my father.

Let me fall asleep quickly and happily------

Dream of my dear father!

Composition of Pillow (5)

One day in 2024, I developed a magic pillow.

It has five buttons in different colors on the side, including red, yellow, blue, black and white. When someone around you is sick, ill, blind, or has a bad facial features, just press the red button and let the person sleep one night. The next day, the person will be happy and healthy again. When you have something urgent to do, as long as you press the yellow button, it will turn into a large flying mat and send you to the place you want to go. If the magic pillow sends you to the place you want to go, and there is no place to put such a big pillow, you just press the blue button, it will become smaller, so that you can put it in the bag. It has a tiny "smart chip" inside. If anyone loses sleep, it will play a lullaby when he presses the black button. If you want to change it back to its original state (local time of pillow is simple, just press the white button.

I hope I can really invent a magic pillow when I grow up.

Composition of Pillow (6)


I like it

Sleeping with pillows

The pillow looks like my father's chest

I grew up with him

Pillow head like mother's arm

Hold her and I fall asleep

The pillow is more like a curved moon boat

Carrying my dream

Fly Away

Instructor: Wang Xiaoyan

Composition of Pillow (7)

If I ask you what's in the pillow, you must say with one voice: "Of course it's cotton, what else can there be?" Yes, it's a silly question, but I think the pillow is a treasure bottle, a boat, filled with dreams from afar

Maybe you don't believe it. No wonder you can't easily believe me in such a strange thing. Well, although I have forgotten many dreams, I still remember a few of them. Otherwise, I will choose two to tell you, and you should be "all ears"!

Let me think about it. Yes, once I dreamt that a big bird took me to a very poor and poor mountain area. People there could not sleep well and eat enough. The children went out to work at a young age. I was soft hearted. When I saw this scene, my nose was sore and tears fell out. At this time, the big bird said, "Help them!"! ”So I taught those children how to learn. They are talented and smart. It's getting late. I should go home. Before I left, I gave them all my money and gave the children a dictionary. I said, "When you all learn 100 Chinese characters, I will come to find you!" After saying this, I woke up and knew that it was a dream!

Another time, I dreamt of a summer. It was very hot this summer, and the maximum temperature was 42 degrees. So, I "fought bravely". A man took a spaceship to space and said to the sun, "Sun, why are you angry this summer?" Who knows, Father Sun said angrily, "What's more, I just want to give you a little reminder of what you human beings have done to my daughter, the earth!" I always think of this dream. Although it is just a dream, it has given me great inspiration.

There are still many dreams in the pillow. It makes me have a meaningful dream to educate me almost every night. I believe that as long as you feel with your heart, you will also find the dream in your pillow.

Composition of Pillow (8)

Speaking of pillows, I have to remember the last "soul stirring" pillow fight with mixed class students in dormitory 205.

All the students in the dormitory have become heroic female soldiers. They hold pillows and scream loudly, flapping their teeth to find the target, ready to attack the "enemy" at any time.

I weighed the pillow in my hand and thought to myself, who would I hit? I suddenly caught sight of Yu Huanru, who was also searching for targets everywhere! Hey hey, when she wasn't paying attention, I swung my pillow to attack her, "Oh! Oh! Oh. I lost my head and laughed. It was a trick. She immediately started to fight back, and the soft pillow hit me, ah! It's really comfortable to hit me, but I also swung my pillow to fight back. When I was close to the enemy, I poof, "whoosh". I didn't know where my head was flying from. The pillow hit me, miserable! Before I could react, several pillows were facing me, and I was running from side to side. "Bang", my back was "shot" again, I stopped moving, calmly looked around, look! Yi Qiannan is holding a pillow and laughing behind me! Yao Lan immediately went to pick up the pillow... Ha ha! You two close friends actually joined hands to attack me. I didn't want to live anymore. I shouted and rushed to them. After a sea beating, they finally gasped for mercy. I still couldn't get over it. I just threw the pillow and started scratching them. Yao Lan shouted and ran around the room. Yi Qian was also beaten by me

Gradually, everyone was tired and could not play any more. They lay on the bed and gasped for breath. It was really an extraordinary battle! I still remember it!

Composition of Pillow (9)

The street gradually became cold and quiet, and the sound of the whistle also faintly disappeared. The moon climbed on the branches, and people who had worked hard all day began to fall asleep. It was the same night as before, and everything was so quiet.

However, I felt uncomfortable and couldn't sleep. My father had already played chess with Duke Zhou. What the hell is going on? My father-in-law was puzzled, and looked at the ceiling and wondered: Is there a vampire mosquito? No, it's not right. The air conditioner is on now, and the annoying mosquitoes have already been beaten away by me with an oversized flip flop, ranging from lack of arms and broken legs to bleeding and death. Hey, what is it? I looked aside doubtfully. Ha, yes! The reason why I can't sleep is that there is something wrong with the pillow! I looked at my pillow and looked at my father's pillow. Hum, there was something wrong. My pillow is in a single color, but my father's pillow is embroidered with several beautiful flowers, which are close together, like whispering. If you don't look carefully, you can't really see that it is embroidered. Instead, it looks like it originally grew on it. Maybe even butterflies and bees can be attracted.

That pillow is not my exclusive pillow. What else can it be? I have to ask my father to return the flowers to me. But my father is sleeping soundly, and there is a unique snoring march. If my father wakes up, he must be spitting at me because of his rising anger. I don't need to drown myself with that saliva. It seems that overt struggle is no good, so we have to take it secretly.

I adjusted my breath, relaxed my mind, and started my "pillow war". I turned over slowly, my head slightly raised, and I watched my father's every move all the time. My left hand gently supported my body, and my right hand quietly extended to "Xiaohua". But just when I met "Xiaohua", my father moved. His body slightly moved, and I was so nervous that I stopped breathing. In a moment, I thought that my plan was exposed. I quickly withdrew my hand, closed my eyes, and lay down obediently, Pretend that nothing has happened. Glancing at my father again, I saw that he was still the same as before. Whew, I could not help but feel relieved. It was just a false alarm.

After a while, I saw that the situation was stable and attacked again. Having learned the lesson of the last time, I understood that it was necessary to make a quick decision, so I gently grabbed the corner of "Xiaohua" and immediately dragged it to me. But my father suddenly leaned up, which made my poor "Xiaohua" even tighter. Seeing this, I had to withdraw my hand resentfully. But how could I give up so easily? You know, I inherited the mantle of Xiaoqiang Shifu.

I held my breath and decided to make a final effort. I grabbed "Xiaohua" and gave it a jerk. At the moment when the back of my father's head touched the bed, I caught his head in a flash, and then gently pushed the pillow in front of me. The whole plan was completed. I happily pillow my lovely "flower" and fall into a sweet dream.

This is my pillow exchange record. How about it? It's still very soul stirring, isn't it? What about yours?

Composition of Pillow (10)

Now the needles sold on the street are all kinds of colorful, but only one function is sleep. And the pillow I want to invent has many functions!

There is a row of micro buttons on the side of this pillow, which can't be seen if you don't look carefully. The colors are red, blue, yellow, green and purple. Although it is small, without it, this pillow is no different from other ordinary pillows!

Now I, the announcer, will tell you about the division of buttons.

Red button: it can make the pillow warm. When you open it in winter, it is warm all over, without any chill. It is more comfortable than drinking a cup of thick hot coffee. This button is also called heating button.

Blue button: It is the opposite of the red button. In hot summer, if you just rest your head on the pillow and press the blue button, your whole body will become cool and cool. It seems that there is no such thing as a hot summer. This button is also called cooling button.

Yellow button: It can massage and help health. For example, if you have cervical spondylosis, with this needle, you will be ready within three to seven days. It is also effective for other diseases. This button is also called the treatment button.

Green button: It is a clock system that can call at a fixed point. If you don't get up when the time is up, it will sound "late, late --" to urge you to get up! Also known as the clock button.

Purple button: It is a system to change the color, pattern and pattern of pillows. One color can be matched with a variety of patterns. There are thirty-six colors, one hundred forty-four patterns and seventy-two patterns. You can design and match them freely. This is also called pattern button.

There are many other features and performances of this magical pillow. I won't tell you one by one. Let's study hard and develop it as soon as possible.

Composition of Pillow (11)

Twenty years later, I became a scientist. The social science and technology are very developed. Some of the past articles have been eliminated, followed by newer products, such as powerful schoolbags, varied shoes, and wonderful pencils. Although these articles are magical, they are nothing compared with the pillow head I invented. The pillow I invented has three functions, which are controlled by three buttons. The three buttons respectively write: "hypnosis, magnetic therapy, heat supply."

One function, hypnosis: if you often lose sleep, you can buy my products. If you lose sleep, press the Hypnosis button. Suddenly, the smoke will cover you seamlessly, and then you can't help falling asleep. What about? Amazing!

Function 2: magnetic therapy: if you often lose hair, you can also buy my product. When using, just press the magnetic therapy button. Immediately, the pillow shoots out numerous hair regeneration agents like tiny bullets, which are implanted into your scalp. At this time, you will feel that new hair is growing rapidly, which is very good. The next day, you will have black and shiny hair, and it will look very elegant, and will never lose hair.

Function 3: Heating: If you have rheumatism and are afraid of cold and damp, you can press the heating button. In a moment, the hot air boils to drive away the cold, and you can also take a steam bath. It is a thermal control clothing, which makes you satisfied.

As a scientist, I think what I have done is not enough, and I will continue to work hard in the future to create more wonderful products.

Composition of Pillow (12)

Today, my mother bought me a new pillow. The new pillow is pink with many flowers on it. The core of these flowers is red and the petals are yellow. One after another beautiful flowers are grinning at me like cute little angels! I sleep on flower pillows, just like sleeping in flowers. I seem to smell a fragrance of flowers.

In the evening, I had a dream that many butterflies and bees flew towards me. Butterflies dance beside me like beautiful girls. Bees sting many bags on my face like naughty boys.

Composition of Pillow (13)

In the daily study, work and life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. You know how to write a composition, okay? The following is a composition about the shape of a small pillow arranged by Xiao Bian for everyone. It is for reference only, and I hope it can help you.

My mother bought my little pillow when I was three years old. The small pillow feels soft and comfortable. The small pillow is white with several small flowers embroidered on it, which is beautiful.

The little pillow is my inseparable friend. I like to hold it in my arms when I read books, watch TV, or play computer games. I especially like the smell of small pillows. When I sleep, I like to put my hands under the small pillows and smell constantly with my nose against the pillows. I also use the small pillow as my toy, always throwing the small pillow around like sandbags.

At night, I can hardly fall asleep without a small pillow to accompany me. I remember one Spring Festival when I went to my grandfather's house to pay New Year's greetings. I had a good time during the day, but when I went to bed at night, I couldn't sleep because I didn't have a small pillow. I had no choice but to toss about in bed. When everyone turned off the lights and went to bed, my eyes were still wide open, but I couldn't sleep.

I love my little pillow.

Composition of Pillow (14)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a fairy tale composition of "Love Pillow", which I hope can help you.

In a big forest, there is a Xingxing village. In the village, there is a white rabbit named Feifei. It has a small pink pillow in the shape of a love, which is dotted with star like patterns, shiny and very beautiful. Feifei sleeps with it on her head every night.

One night, while Feifei was sleeping, Love Pillow suddenly came to life. It slipped out of its owner's house and entered Little Bear's stupid house.

"Ah! My head is so soft, so comfortable! What is it that makes me sleep so soundly?" Benben yawned when he woke up the next morning, "Eh, what is this? What a beautiful little pillow of love, can it be that it makes me feel comfortable?" The little pillow of lovely heart could not stay for one more minute that night, He took out a note from his stomach and left it to Lumpy: I am Feifei's pillow. He entered the house of Kiki, the dog.

"A small pillow in the shape of love is really beautiful. Who could it be?" Early the next morning, Qiqi opened her eyes and said. But the little pillow can't be left at Qiqi's house for a while. At night, the loving little pillow left the same note for Qiqi and entered Lily's house.

In the morning of the next day, Lily, the cat, praised the comfort of the little pillow with the brain bag. But at night, when Lily was sleeping, the same note was left on the little pillow of love, so she left her and entered the cave of fawn Huahua.

In the morning, fawn Huahua got up and saw the pillow, and said something more beautifully. But the pillow left the fawn Huahua as before.

In this way, the love pillow walked around the whole Xingxing Village, helping all residents in the village, including the dog Qiqi, the pig Nini, and the frog Bibi——

The love pillow returned to its owner, Feifei's home again. Feifei was very happy to see the love pillow back. Sometime, there was a knock on the door. Feifei went to open the door. It was the animals in the village who sent flowers to thank her. "Feifei, your love pillow has helped us, and we want to thank you..." "Really?" Feifei held the love pillow and cried excitedly——

Composition of Pillow (15)

Boys are just a title. If you want to be a good boy, you should start now, stay away from bad habits and form good habits. Such a boy is a good boy. There are often boys around me who can smoke, drink, gamble and speak foul language. They are not good boys. Because they all violated the rules and regulations of the school.

There are some boys who look good, but they are not good boys. For example, they like to pretend to be cool and handsome, and they always want to go free. They only dress up for their beautiful image, but never decorate their learning. They are bored with learning, and are not interested in learning. They have only handsome appearance but no ink in their heart. They are not embroidered pillows.

Everyone knows that to be a good boy, you should be good in all aspects. Although some boys do not pursue the best, they should at least make efforts in this regard. Boys should respect girls and teachers. They should not easily conflict with teachers, nor should they become dirty in front of girls. Only boys with good qualities such as being ready to help others, being modest and eager to learn, being kind to others and living in harmony can be regarded as qualified boys.

Every student is outstanding and the future flower of our country. Everyone needs friends, and so do boys when they need help. "Life is not a pleasure, but a very heavy job". If you want to be a good boy, you should study hard and gain more knowledge.

Composition of Pillow (16)

The battle began. My cousin held a sausage pillow and a dog. I hold a pillow in my left hand as a defense shield, and a cosmic cube in my right hand as an attack weapon.

My cousin took the initiative to attack first. The sausage pillow rushed towards me like a leopard. At that moment, he seemed full of victory. Who would have thought that I resisted his attack with a shield "whew". My cousin didn't hit me and showed a disappointed look. After a while, he began to get angry, grabbed things and threw them at me like a hail of bullets.

When it came time for me to fight back, before he could respond, one of the Monkey King jumped over, jumped behind my cousin, grabbed a teddy bear and threw it at him, pushed him with his shield, and fell on the bed. I shouted, "Yes!" I won! I jumped up happily.

My cousin, who refused to admit defeat, showed dissatisfaction. In order to make him win, I comforted him and said, "Although I beat you, you are smaller than me and you throw more times than me, so you are the real winner.

My cousin listened to my words of encouragement, and his heart was full of fighting energy. Then you throw me and return to the pillow fight.

A few days later, I'm still looking forward to another pillow fight with my cousin. Next time I must let my cousin win more, because I am my brother.

Composition of Pillow (17)

On that day, the sun shone into the school window, and the sound of books gradually spread across every corridor of the school. "Ding ding", school was over, and I was just leaving school when I heard one of my friends say, "Xiao Wang, your mother agreed, and today you go to my home to sleep!" I jumped three feet high! "Today, I can finally go to my friend's house! In the past, every time I went home, I just wanted to write a paper or sleep. It was boring. But today, it's different. No one cares about me at my friend's house. I can write if I want to, and I can't write if I don't want to."

When we came to my friend's house, we both knew exactly what we were going to do after dinner. So, after we wolfed down our dinner, we went into the room without wiping our mouths - we were going to play "pillow fight". Because his bed is covered with sheets, we can cover it with sheets and hide it as "lucky clothes"!

"I will win this time!" I felt happy in my heart. After we agreed on the rules, we began to hide in one place and started the "pillow fight". "I must fight first to be strong, and let him lose the first pass to my powerful 'veteran'!"! When I was ready to charge and "kill" him three times, what I never expected was that he had already lay down beside me, with a "cannon" in his hand and a "lucky suit" on his body. He was like a fully armed soldier. After he fired three shots at me, I hung up before I could react. God! What happened to me today? I lost to a novice who had never played before! I used to win every time I fought with others, but today, how could I lose? It must be a mistake, it must be a mistake!

The second world war began. I will never be soft handed this time. I picked up the "shell" and went straight to kill him. However, I suddenly found a problem, where is he? If he rushes out now, I will hang up again! Suddenly, I found that the curtain just behind me moved! Ha, novice, you can't hide from my sharp eyes! If you want to avoid me, wait another hundred years!

"Ah, I killed you!" I cried angrily when I found him.

As I roared, I picked up the "pillow cannon" and flew to the small round thing. "Bang", I am secretly happy. "Yeah, my marksmanship was so accurate that it blew my head out!" I ran to it and opened the curtains. "Ha ha ha!" I burst out laughing, only to see that he could not see the road clearly. Every step he took, he shook westward and eastward, just like a drunk "drunkard"!

Ah! This "pillow fight" is really fun! Although, we all failed. However, this play will definitely arouse waves in my mind and never stop.

It's been a long time since this happened, and the time I can play with my friends is getting less and less. Not only that, I have no homework to write, do not want to write time to write. I really want to return to that happy time. I really want to have many friends to play games with me again. I really want to fly like a bird without pressure. Time is so fast! Time, let us never forget our childhood! Time, it is you who turn your beautiful memories into beautiful albums!

Composition of Pillow (18)

I like reading very much. Once, my teacher awarded me a new book. When I got home, I looked hungry. When it was time to go to bed, I reluctantly closed my book. Suddenly, I thought of a plan and said to my mother, "Mom, can I use a book to cushion the pillow?" My mother actually agreed. I put the book under the pillow. I thought my mother should be asleep, so I turned on the light and pulled out the book. At first, I was very worried that my mother would find me, but I didn't see my mother coming to me for a long time, so I read it with more ease. After a while, I finally got sleepy and really slept with my book under my head. The next night before going to bed, I continued to read the book. Unexpectedly, my mother didn't fall asleep so early that day. After a while, she found that there was a light in my room and broke into the room. I was caught right in the act. She criticized me and said, "Reading at night will get dark circles under my eyes. What should I do?" I was embarrassed to hide in the bed?? Although my mother still let me continue to read that book, she resolutely refused to let me have the so-called "book pillow".