600 words of pleasing 600 compositions (3 selected articles)
bon voyage
2023-09-11 06:48:47
Junior two

600 pleasing compositions 600 words (1)

How to achieve "pleasing reading"

If you realize the happiness of reading on the basis of "reading" a book, you can call it "enjoyable reading". It seems very simple to achieve "pleasing reading", but it is not. How to be pleasant to read? The first step to achieve "pleasing reading" is to love reading books and clarify the purpose of reading. If you are in the passive reading state, then I can tell you clearly: "You can't do 'Yuedu'." Because I have had "personal experience": if I play Go passively, I will lose more than win; But I can get a "big harvest" if I go there voluntarily. Thus it can be seen that reading is the same, and active reading is the first step of "pleasing reading". The second step to achieve "pleasing reading" is to read wonderful sentences aloud when reading a book. This will help you remember every word and deepen your impression. Here is an "example": when I recite a long text, as long as I read it aloud 2-5 times, I can become familiar with it. Practice makes perfect if it lasts for a long time. In addition, when reading a book, we can also read it with our family and discuss the difficulties. This can help you feel the fun of reading and learn a lot of knowledge. The third key step from "gorgeous turn" to "pleasant reading" is to take frequent reading notes, write frequent reading impressions, and make frequent reading marks. When reading, you can mark good words and sentences and well written paragraphs, and mark the places you don't understand with question marks, so as to find information, look up dictionaries and solve problems. After reading a book, you can write a review or reading notes, and extract good words and sentences. There is a saying: a good memory is better than a bad pen. Not only should we read, remember and write more, but also we should be diligent in thinking. This is also a necessary condition for realizing the happiness of reading and the thought-provoking truth. Now, you know! It is not so easy to achieve "pleasing reading". Only when we realize that reading can not only enable us to learn knowledge and bring us fun, but also enable us to understand the principles and principles of being human and doing things, can we complete the "Three Steps of pleasing reading" mentioned above. As the saying goes, books are our lifelong teachers, and they will accompany our growth. Let's join the ranks of "Yuedu", bathe in the fragrance of books, and let the fragrance of books accompany our growth!

600 pleasing compositions 600 words (2)

When I was a child, I loved fairy tales most, and the most unforgettable one was Pinocchio. Following Pinocchio's footsteps, the magical world unfolded before our eyes. But what I care more about is what Pinocchio did. When he did bad things, I always stood up on the table. Later, Pinocchio became sensible, clever, and a real man. I was also inexplicably happy, as if something happy had happened. Before I knew it, I was already trapped in it. When I finished reading that book, I vaguely knew the concept of good and evil when I was young.

When I was in junior high school, I became fascinated by novels. The most attractive thing about novels is their plots and characters. I remember Chi Zijian's Snow Crow once deeply touched my heart. It seems that I was also oppressed by the plague in Fujiaden, and I felt sad to see them die one by one. At the moment before death, no matter they are good or bad, what they left in their hearts must be the best memories they ever had. Until the end, the story finally moved forward to a good ending, and everything came back to life. As a result, my understanding of life has become more thorough.

Now I linger in the classics that I could not understand before. With the growth of experience, I gradually become enlightened. I have gradually learned how to taste classic masterpieces such as Dream of Red Mansions, which are highly praised. At the end of the page, I felt empty, as if I had been robbed of something important. The loss of those prosperous and withering, the lament of the end of the song, can not dissipate for a long time.

Fairy tales are happy and innocent, novels are complex and extensive, and masterpieces are philosophical and human. They are like good teachers and helpful friends. They have guided me on my way of growth, with fewer twists and turns. Therefore, I would like to thank the books that accompany me, my beloved partners!

600 pleasing compositions 600 words (3)

Gorky once said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." It is a good habit to read since childhood. When I was in the second or third grade of primary school, I didn't like reading. When I saw the words on the tree, I wanted to sleep. I thought: Why should people read? I don't like reading except the textbooks issued by the school. Whenever it comes to writing a composition, I have to spend a lot of time and rack my brains to write one, and the score is not high. Because my reading is very small and my knowledge is not broad, my compositions are very stiff and have no spirituality. Until a chance encounter, I found several "Friends of Primary School Students" from my schoolbag, and I searched the origin of these books in my mind. It seems that the school issued it half a semester ago in order to let us read more and write better compositions. At that time, I thought it was useless, so I handed in my schoolbag. I was very interested in opening it and reading it carefully. The content of the book is so wonderful. Each story reveals the author's deep feelings, and each character portrays a vivid image.

Since then, I have a strong interest in reading, and my composition has become better and better. I really read more books and write like a god. Until now, I have been reading, and books have become my friends in life and my spiritual motivation for learning. Wandering in different books and feeling with the author, my life is full of different experiences.

I think reading should be thorough, and after reading, we should also think and feel. Reading not only requires reading but also learning to extract and take notes. When you come across idioms that you think are good when reading, you can extract them all on your notebook when you read sentences. When encountering words that you can't understand, you should look them up in the dictionary, annotate them in the book, and sometimes write your feelings in the book. Books are like keys to another specialty of life.

A bird spreads its wings before it soars; a man studies before he strives for progress. Students, let our books become our mentors and helpful friends, let Goodread accompany every step of our growth, and let us join hands with books to embark on a beautiful journey of life.