The latest wedding speech is a short and concise one sentence book (29 sentences)
Proud snow and setting sun
2023-02-06 07:17:38
Complete sentences

1. He is the word, you are the spectrum, you two are a harmonious song. A match made in heaven makes the phoenix and the phoenix sing together.

2. Friends wish you love each other and happiness forever, and be happy together. May your love be deeper than the sea!

3. The white heads and eyebrows are matched by mandarin ducks, and the green sun is full of luck. A little more artistic wedding blessing.

4. Love each other and be happy forever, and be happy together. May your love be deeper than the sea! Happy wedding!

5. Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. May you two always be in love and grow old together!

6. It's not easy to meet a person who loves each other. Thank you for this fate! Lovers!

7. Mandarin ducks kiss each other on the same day. They love each other very much and respect each other like guests. I have nothing to give you today. I hope to get jade as early as possible.

8. The fast husband likes to ride the dragon now, and shows his beauty with heavy makeup and light makeup. Next year, we will celebrate our children's success together, and the happy couple will sing Nong.

9. May all lovers in the world get married in the end, destined to tie the knot in a previous life. Happy wedding! a harmonious union lasting a hundred years!

10. The bride looks like an immortal, and heaven and earth are doomed to good marriage; Parents who are good coaches at home should respect the old and teach the young.

11. In the new poem, Xiong Lin felt happy when he paid homage to him. The green mountain eyebrows he painted were good, and the knot of a hundred years was one heart.

12. Two red balloons with diamond rings and a handful of roses. Love years hand in hand, happy days every day.

13. Ge Lang is talented at an early age. Colorful pens are popular. If you adjust powder and daisy to the makeup table, the thrush is deep and shallow, and it is light.

14. Three great joys in life, dear friend, on your wedding day, let me sincerely wish you a happy wedding.

15. In a thousand Xi years, we will become friends with each other for a thousand years. Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals.

16. Like a dream with bright eyes and autumn water, an ambitious husband can build a person. We should also share the burden of life, and the boundless love will always reincarnate.

17. The festival is in the early spring, when the wind is warm and the Huatang embraces the jade people. It should be the predestined relationship between the three generations, and the universal education and mutual respect should be like guests.

18. My classmate, a fellow villager and a comrade, and two family names are happy to make an engagement by marriage. It is a foregone conclusion that there will be many children and grandchildren in the future.

19. I'm glad to see Lian's Ikea office, and wait for the return journey to be a building material. I wish to go to Pingchang Shicheng, and Aong should prepare the Joyous Cup.

20. When we get married, we will comfort and comfort each other. When we get married, we will have a good couple. We will greet each other on a lucky day and pray to recruit me.

21. Demen responded to Bu's good news. The old man of the moon sent a letter with a smile. He spit out Feng Shao to seek fame and beauty, and rode the dragon chant to express his talent.

22. The bride is fresh and clever, like a peony flower; It's very kind of you to greet me with tea. Congratulations on your happiness and prosperity.

23. The groom is as handsome as a child, and the bride is as beautiful as flowers; This year, I will invite you to have sweet tea, and next year, I will show you my filial piety.

24. The scene is bright from the Sanyang Tang. The hall opens five blessing ceremonies to lead sheep, and the singing and accompanying act together on Feile. The king wears the phoenix and the hundred immortals sing.

25. Love each other, be a good partner, and have a good marriage. The flowers and candles greet the birds with smiles, and the bridal chamber opens with plum blossom.

26. The red duck embraces her and looks charming and beautiful. She is in perfect harmony. The world is full of blessings and wisdom, and the mandarin duck is proud of immortals.

27. The happiest thing is to meet the right person, and then marry love and grow old together! Happy wedding!

28. May love permeate your sweet life so that every day in the future will be as glorious and joyful as today.

29. I wish you a long and happy marriage, and a long and happy life! Love is deep from year to year, no difference from year to year!