Summary composition 600 (15 required)
The age of no regrets
2023-09-09 00:20:05
Junior 1

Summary composition 600 (1)

It's a great honor to meet you in this beautiful season in the picturesque economic and trade park and share the joy of harvest with you.

We are very excited. We are very proud to stand out from the fierce competition with our own efforts. We can continue to study in the country's highest foreign economic institution. Over the past 50 years, under the guidance of the motto of "erudite, honest, seeking and committed", UIBE has gradually become a university with high reputation at home and abroad. Over the past 50 years, she has sent off many students, trained tens of thousands of economic and trade talents for the motherland, and become the pillar of the country in their respective posts. In the new millennium, after the merger of the two schools, great changes are taking place in the economic and trade park: the economic and trade park after dressing up is as beautiful as Xizi, 50 years of cultural accumulation spurts out new life, and the economic and trade park after reform is full of youthful breath... All these deeply attract us and inspire us.

I believe that most of us here have experienced the guidance of "Navigation", "Setting sail" and "Piloting", and have experienced the hardships of studying hard day and night, even wandering on the edge of giving up, finally overcome the hesitation and frustration, and firmly set foot on the fertile land of Huiyuan! Here are the calligraphy and calligraphy we are looking forward to, the scholars we are looking forward to, and the pioneering and innovative spirit we are looking forward to!

When the big waves wash the sand, the true gold will appear; When the rainstorm passes, the towering pines can be seen! We are more mature, stable and confident after the postgraduate entrance examination and work. Now, at this new starting point for graduate students, we are full of expectations: we are looking forward to more opportunities and challenges, to making friends with talents from all sides, and to more fruitful three years. In the next three years, we will strive to consolidate the knowledge structure, study theoretical connotation, enrich practical experience, and ride the wind and waves in the future more fierce competition, Show the demeanor of the son of economy and trade!

Summary composition 600 (2)

A winter holiday is about to pass. Time is really fleeting. This winter vacation is full of learning, practice and fun... I think my winter vacation is full and fun.

As long as you are willing to experience, there is a lot of fun in learning. I can still listen to English for half an hour if I do my homework on time every day. Therefore, I feel that my spoken English is at a higher level than before; Practicing the piano for an hour, I also made a lot of progress on the piano. I copied good words and sentences on both sides, and I also accumulated many magic weapons for writing compositions. I hope I can write compositions better. I also practice pen writing. Now my handwriting is much better than before. Although I have a lot of things to do every day, I feel that I have gained more and I am also very full.

Because our nanny asked for leave, our family mobilized. I can't help with most of the housework, but I can do things within my power, such as cooking, serving dishes, and mopping the floor. Although I have only done some small things, I can help my mother with my own hands. I am happier than I was 100 points in the exam. At the same time, I also felt the hard work of being a mother, and I also had a new experience of the poem "Who can say grass heart, can report three Chunhui", which can not be learned from textbooks or classroom.

The days are full and fun is slowly passed. There are too many happy and interesting things in life, such as New Year's Eve New Year's money and the joy of fireworks, etc. The rest of the winter vacation can be counted, and so many laughter and laughter are really unforgettable. I spent a whole month together with my family, which made me miss the smiles of my classmates and teachers and look forward to the arrival of school.

Teacher's comment: From the perspective of summary, your article is well organized and well organized. You put forward a few points at the beginning, and then describe them in sections to let people know what you have gained during the holiday. But if it is discussed as a specific narrative article, your article is not specific. Therefore, attention should be paid to the classification of genres.

Summary composition 600 (3)

The happy summer vacation has come to an end. Looking back on this colorful summer vacation, there are many interesting and happy things and many people who have the quality that I can never finish learning in my life. This summer vacation has a special meaning for me, because I will welcome the first semester after my primary school graduation through a summer break and preparation.

In this summer vacation, I took part in an English learning class and served as a small tutor for a week. I was responsible for tutoring my sister in grade three of primary school with Chinese knowledge, previewing the subjects of Grade One at home, and practicing color painting for a summer vacation. Every day I feel very full and happy, and every day I have a new harvest.

I always take the summer homework assigned by my teacher seriously, but I am not sure about practicing calligraphy every day. Although I practiced several times in the newspaper, my hands were still trembling and I dared not write. I also asked my grandfather, who was particularly interested in calligraphy, to help me practice calligraphy. Grandpa taught me that the most important thing to practice calligraphy is to calm your mind, not be impetuous, and be more stable in your wrist. I finally found out my original mistake. I always wanted to finish writing quickly, but I couldn't write well. I practiced again and again according to the method my grandfather taught me, and finally my hands did not tremble, and my calligraphy was almost practiced. This event made me understand that everything I do should be calm and calm, and I should really do it with my heart. I should never tear it off and write again when I felt bad about writing. After more than two hours, I still can't do anything. I can't do anything well in this way.

And learning English made me understand that to master any language, I need to speak and practice constantly; Tutoring my sister in Chinese has consolidated my Chinese knowledge, and also made me understand how difficult it is to be a teacher, especially an excellent teacher.

Everything that happened in the summer vacation has profound significance for me, and has a great impact on my life and study. Summer vacation is happy, and I hope my first day life can also be like the sun in winter, like my summer vacation, emitting brilliant brilliance.

Summary composition 600 (4)

Appreciate the people who gave birth to you, because they made you experience life, and appreciate the people who helped you, because they made you through difficulties; Be grateful to those who encourage you, because they give you strength; Be grateful to the people who hurt you, because they temper your will.

Thank her, she gave me a sound body, gave me confidence, gave me how to behave, gave me eyes, let me see the color. They gave me ears, made me hear beautiful music, gave me nose, made me smell beautiful roses, gave me mouth, made me talk with others, gave me hands, made me hold a pen to write, gave me legs, made me learn to run. She is the mother.

Thanks to him. He gave me a friendship like heaven and earth. He encouraged me when I failed in the exam and made me confident. It was his words that gave me confidence in the next exam. He followed me from childhood to adulthood. He helped me tide over difficulties when I encountered difficulties. He comforted me when I cried, and he was my friend.

Thanks to him, he taught me a wealth of knowledge, he educated me, enlightened my ignorance, and tutored me when my grades were poor. Maybe he added to my treasure house of wisdom, maybe he made me become smart from ignorance, maybe he made me feel the importance of learning, maybe he made my small ignorance world a treasure house of literature, maybe he made me learn to be strong in difficulties, Maybe I learned perseverance in a difficult problem, maybe he will let me make achievements in the future, maybe he will let me learn courage in the storm, maybe he will let me learn never to give up in setbacks. I am grateful to him. He is my teacher, my respectable teacher. You have spread the knowledge of students. You are "the silkworms will not die until they are silken, and the wax torches will not dry until they are ashes". I will always be grateful to you, teacher.

I am grateful to my parents for giving me life and nurturing my growth. I am grateful to my friends who have given me friendship and helped me grow up. I am grateful to my teachers. It is they who have given me knowledge that makes me have a better future.

Summary composition 600 (5)

Growth is not a matter of one day and one night. It must pass the test of wind and rain.

The tall, mighty and luxuriant trees in front of the gate were once just a few small seeds. The kind-hearted people sowed the seeds on this fertile land and watered it diligently. A few days later, the tender green buds pushed loose soil and drilled out of the ground. Slowly open your eyes, look at the colorful world on the first day, and feel the beauty of life, but life has just begun! The weather is so beautiful that it drops drops of dew, which moistens the young shoots that need water to survive. A few days later, the bud grew a few inches, and the newly grown leaf buds were tender and attractive. The seedling was a little complacent. It felt that it could grow into a real big tree in a short time.

The sun has risen, and it seems that it has not yet given this little seedling some rich rewards. It intended to make Xiaomiao have more tenacious vitality, so it projected its own warm sunshine to it, and put on golden clothes for the dazzling green body. Xiaomiao feels that he has been spoiled by thousands, so he is a little spoiled. It is lazy and no longer struggling for its own goals. The wind and rain began to dislike its virtue, and decided to teach it how to adapt to the nature. In the middle of the night, a storm hit suddenly. Miao Er felt fear for the first time in his life. It swayed involuntarily in the wind and rain, and almost broke its waist. What a thrill! Fortunately, it finally survived this difficult night, so it never slackened! After countless trials and tribulations, it has finally grown into a big tree that can stand the wind and rain. Looking at its weather beaten appearance, it seems to be about to tell you the laws of nature and the truth of growth it learned when growing up. It said: "Nature will not always smile at you, you must learn to face its unfriendly side."

Summary composition 600 (6)

With the rapid development of technology, interpersonal communication becomes more and more convenient. But just because of this, people gradually become cold, and many warmth is inadvertently ignored.

That afternoon when I came home from school, I walked alone. The evening wind gently blew the dust on the roadside, and I felt quite artistic.

Who knows that the weather is not good, and soon, the world began to drizzle. Although it's just a light rain, if we go on like this, we will get soaked sooner or later. So I decided to buy an umbrella first.

There is only one grocery store on the road. The owner, surnamed Wang, is known as the "Iron Rooster". Many things in his home are much more expensive than those on the market, and he never lowers the price. Even if he quarrels with the buyer and even breaks up in bad mood, he will never let up. If I had another choice, I would not buy it at his house. But after passing the village, there was no such store. I had no choice but to enter the store.

As soon as I entered, I saw the shopkeeper Lao Wang sitting in front of the cashier. The thin face, hooked nose, and freckles all over the face are still stiff all day long. Such a face is really disgusting.

It has been raining continuously recently, and there are many people buying umbrellas, so there is only one umbrella left in the store. I took my umbrella and paid at the cashier. Lao Wang took the money and calculated it meticulously with his abacus. "Hum! What a miser!" I thought angrily.

When he finally figured it out, I turned around and was about to leave, but he called me, "Wait a minute!" He said, trotting all the way over, looking at the umbrella in my hand, and said, "The umbrella bone is fragile. If you hit it again, it will break. You wait, I'll go to the warehouse to change it for you." He called a waiter to look at the shop, and went to the warehouse to change the umbrella.

I couldn't help wondering: "Since Lao Wang is so enthusiastic about customers, why is it so expensive to sell things?" At this time, I heard that the shop keeper was complaining about the low salary, so I asked him curiously: "Why do you pay less when you sell so expensive things in the grocery store?" "What do you know? Most of the money we earn has been donated by the boss to the children in the mountain area, and there is no extra money to pay! "

Hearing this, I was shocked and ashamed. It turns out that Lao Wang collected more money to make donations. Instead of understanding him, we scolded him for being stingy

At this time, Lao Wang came back with a new umbrella. It was still that ugly face, still stiff, but I saw the glory of human nature in him.

Out of the store, open the umbrella, and a beautiful umbrella flower suddenly blooms in the sky. At the same time, another more beautiful flower also bloomed in my heart, warming my already dry heart again.

Summary composition 600 (7)

Chinese covers a wide range of areas, which is easy to say but difficult to do. Because everyone's experience is different, so the degree of understanding is also different. Reading comprehension requires articles involving various aspects, and learning different ways to do questions, so that you can do them with ease. The most basic thing is to read more books on different aspects, do more exercises, and accumulate some solutions suitable for yourself. To write a good composition, you need to read more beautiful articles, especially remember some good beginning and ending, and learn some unique descriptions. In addition, it is necessary to develop good learning habits, keep notes and diaries, and write down the beneficial things in life in time. Focus on accumulation to lay a solid foundation for future writing.

In learning mathematics, it is not difficult for anyone to listen carefully in class, answer questions attentively, raise hands more, and ask teachers modestly after class for questions they do not understand. For those with poor foundation, it is better to recite formulas, look at examples, think about each step, and do more questions in their spare time. After each test, find out the wrong places, establish a set of wrong questions, and write them in a special book. Although the method is very common, it is very effective.

In learning English, we should do a good job in getting started, reading and recording frequently. Especially for words, some words are regular, some words are not, and some words are very similar. As long as one letter is written incorrectly, it is very likely to turn into another word. In addition, if one word is polysemous, it is troublesome to remember these words. It is recommended to spend necessary time listening to English tapes every morning and evening, and memorize and memorize them carefully. For people with poor foundation, it is better to memorize 30 words every day, give a period of time to memorize these words, and then write down 30 words from memory, English Chinese, Chinese culture English, so repeatedly. If you make a mistake, you will copy 10 words in both Chinese and English, 30 words every day, plus 10 words that you have recorded before, so repeatedly every day, I believe you must get something.

These are some of my most basic experience. Although very common, it is very useful for some students.

Summary composition 600 (8)

In August of 20 years, I was honored to participate in the continuing education and learning training for teachers organized by the Education Bureau. A short week of training, but I learned a lot from this training, which also made me sigh how difficult it is to be a good teacher, and let me understand that we still have a lot to learn, and that we will encounter many difficulties ahead, We need to grow up and overcome all difficulties with a love for students and enthusiasm for the ordinary and sacred profession of teachers.

In this training, expert front-line teachers were invited to give us lectures, including:

1、 Teacher Tang Lingying told us about the Freedom of Conventional Behavior. In view of the problems in children's daily routine training and other aspects, she conducted interactive communication and coaching with teachers, which benefited every teacher present. Laughter and applause continued during the lecture. Her words were also deeply impressed on my mind: "Rules are just a means, not the ultimate goal. Rules are set for people, but also abolished for people. All rules can be changed in front of children's development", "Children are the future and expectations. Let's work together to watch for children's happiness in the same year".

2、 Miss Sun Xiaoxin explained to us the Interpretation of Kindergarten Children with Special Behaviors. In the lecture, Mr. Sun Xiaoxin told us how to correctly determine the special behavior of children and how to implement the education plan under effective observation with real examples. She pointed out that before the plan, it is necessary to analyze children, observe children, evaluate children's conditions, understand parents' psychology, guide parents to consult experts, and then formulate education plans and implement them. Through the guidance of Sun Xiaoxin, what I left behind was not only deep memories, but also a valuable asset.

3、 The lecturer who talked about Kindergarten Management in an International Perspective also said that different educational concepts, different teaching methods and curriculum models will produce different kindergarten management models and styles. Among them, the lecturer also talked about "the relationship between children and teachers", "the relationship between learning", "factors affecting the establishment of teacher-student relationship" and "how to establish a good teacher-student relationship".

Through the continuing education, learning and training for private kindergarten teachers, we have further understood and grasped the development direction and goal of new education, which further updated my education concept. I understand that the transformation of educational thoughts and concepts, and the advanced educational thoughts and concepts are the problems that our primary kindergarten teachers must think about.

As a kindergarten teacher, every training is an opportunity for me to learn and grow. I don't have lofty ideals. I just hope to make myself a good teacher.

Summary composition 600 (9)

In the summer vacation, I was very honored to participate in the national training program for preschool teachers. During the nine days of study, we listened to the lectures of many expert level teachers. They gave me a strong appeal and deep theoretical guidance with fresh cases, rich knowledge connotation and exquisite theoretical exposition.

Through this training, I benefited a lot and felt deeply. I realized how important it is to be a kindergarten teacher! I also realized that "it is never too old to learn, and there is still no way to learn". Knowledge is endless, which also makes my thoughts glow with passion and morale.

"Love is the foundation of education, the source of teacher education, and love is everything". To become an excellent preschool teacher, we must first achieve: love, responsibility, carefulness, patience. To stimulate children's interest in learning and teach them in accordance with their aptitude, we should view their interests from the perspective of children, encourage and support them, enhance their self-confidence, encourage them to overcome various difficulties and appreciate the joy of success.

After nine days of learning, the value of this period is permanent. During the whole learning process, each of us students was depressed, hungry and eager to learn. I really hope to have such learning opportunities again, to receive more cutting-edge knowledge and information, to constantly recharge themselves, and to add luster to the vigorous development of preschool education!

Summary composition 600 (10)

Time has left traces on everyone, and the traces of knowledge need to rely on your own efforts to burn the cream oil to follow the dial, and to remain in poverty; The traces of regret need to be filled with love and hope. "Regret" is indeed a pity, but it also has a sweet aftertaste in life. As long as you turn the corner, you can see the scenery is very different, and you can also see the sky and clouds of another village where there is no way out and there is no way out.

God struck a heavy blow on everyone. Some people have a lot of money, but their descendants are unworthy. Some people have power, but they abuse the law; Some people are surrounded, short and brown, but contented; Some people have a bad career, but they are famous for their literature. God's knife has made each of us have some defects and regrets, but it has also drawn the spark of our new understanding of life. I also understand from it that regret can make us know more about love, tolerance and respect, and make our life more friendly, cordial and leisurely.

Tug of war is the "throat cutting battle" that everyone competes to win the championship in the semester, and I am also given the heavy responsibility of winning the championship by my classmates. During practice, the head teacher always drifted to me with distrust, which made me nervous and realized that this was a war that had to be won. On the day of the competition, I stood firm and clamped the rope with my arms. The loud gunshot pierced the sky, and we all tried our best. In the sound of "kill! Kill! Kill!", we pushed forward backward, with a perfect elevation of 45 degrees, becoming a group with elegant and strong posture in the air. But the center of gravity was out of balance, and my buttocks fell heavily on the ground. A series of domino effect car accidents happened here.

After losing the game, the students felt sorry for themselves. The boys hugged each other and cried, shedding tears from the men who failed. The girls shed tears on the playground. We all felt reluctant and regretful. After that, I told myself that at this time next year, we will make a comeback. We will use our spare time to strengthen the practice of tug of war skills and tacit understanding. We will meet on holidays to play ball games and climb mountains to train our firmness. We will work hard for the victory of the next year, and we will once again step on the stage of dreams, so that some regrets can create miracles.

Li Bai, the poetic immortal, once said, "The man who lives in heaven and earth is an adverse journey of all things; time is a passer-by of hundreds of generations." Life is only a few decades of spring and autumn, and there is only a life like a ephemera in heaven and earth. How can we not live more brilliantly and meaningfully? Regret is inevitable, but life also has the power to start again because of regret

Summary composition 600 (11)

I am also immersed in the time of frolic, reveling in the sight of turning books and talking and laughing, and struggling for the dream of the future I can't catch his step with time

As a class cadre, I love the school, love the class, and follow the rules and regulations of the school. In the class work, I cooperated with the teacher's work, played a role of bond between the teacher and students, enthusiastically helped students to solve the difficulties in learning, not only asked for personal progress, but also united and led the whole class to make common progress.

As a League member, I am progressive in thought, abide by social morality, actively participate in practice, and care about national affairs. Under the leadership of the Youth League, we strive to better exercise ourselves and improve our ideological awareness.

In sports activities, I took an active part in physical exercise to improve my physical quality. I also loved work and inherited and carried forward the spirit of hard struggle. In the learning process, I have the spirit of studying hard, correct learning attitude, clear purpose, concentrate on class and take notes, pay attention to understanding and mastering, learn to classify and summarize, apply what I have learned, and constantly consolidate what I have learned. In learning, we should face up to our weaknesses and correct them in time.

I think in the future, I should reasonably allocate the time for study and entertainment, because time is the prerequisite to ensure the efficiency of learning. In addition, I should actively read relevant books and materials to expand my knowledge; Frequently ask questions, discuss with classmates, and express their opinions. You should also be more careful in your study to avoid losing points due to careless examination, and try to play your best in the final exam.

Through two years of study, the teacher's earnest instruction, the students' heartfelt words, and the class's solidarity and fraternity. Let me understand the hard won treasure in my longing, the truth that has been brewing for a long time in my thinking, and the sweetness of my efforts after harvest. April showers bring May flowers. I believe that only through continuous study and hard work can I become a student with ideals, morality, culture and discipline.

Summary composition 600 (12)

[College Military Training Summary Composition I]

The 13 day military training is over! From September 12, 20xx to September 26, 20xx, the short 13 days made me deeply feel the hardships and loneliness of life in the military camp. Although it was very hard and tired, I still stuck to it. I can now proudly announce to myself that I passed this training and I have become a qualified soldier in these 13 days!

We got up at 6:00 this morning and started packing. We put on the not very beautiful camouflage training clothes, put on the rubber shoes that have no shock absorption effect (I still feel flustered when I put on two pairs of insoles), picked up the packed luggage and left the dormitory with us all day long.

Let's go!

After nearly an hour's driving on the Badaling Expressway, we finally arrived at our "military camp" - Beijing Badaling University Student Military Training Base.

This is a military training base at the foot of Badaling Great Wall, surrounded by mountains on three sides. Standing in the camp, we can easily see the unremended Great Wall on the south mountain, and we moved into the dormitory with a trace of excitement and expectation. This is a dormitory that can accommodate 24 people. It is very empty and powerful! The 19 boys in our class were divided into one class, the sixth company and ninth class. From that moment on, there was no Beihua xx43105 Chen Yalei, but only Chen Yalei, a soldier from the sixth company and ninth class of Beihua Military Training Corps. Since then, my military training has officially started.

On the afternoon of the 27th, we held a training ceremony on the training ground. At the meeting, all leaders made speeches, asking us to carry forward the spirit of "leaving some sweat and no tears, and not falling behind", and adhere to the completion of military training tasks with quality and quantity guaranteed. We also answered with confidence: "Ensure the completion of the task!" After about two hours of the training ceremony, each company quickly returned to the dormitory, and then quickly assembled to go to the canteen for dinner - the first meal of our military training. The army must sing when they eat, and they are not allowed to eat if the singing is not loud. At the front of the dining hall, the singing of "Unity is Strength" started after the good team. After the instructor gave the command of "Running in", we rushed into the dining hall eagerly. Ah! This food can compete with that of Qinglu Temple!

A table for ten people, four dishes, and each person has only about one or two rice. There is no limit to steamed bread, but I am a southerner. I don't eat steamed bread, which is extremely tragic! Fortunately, Laowu and Xiaoxin gave me rice, otherwise I suspected I would starve to death (in fact, I began to eat steamed bread without rice later, but I thought my neck was choked). It's good to have brothers!

From the 28th, we also started a real military training life. Let me introduce our day to you: at 5:30 in the morning, we got up and made quilts. This is a required course every day, and it is also the most painful internal work every day. We should make "tofu blocks" neatly in our life, and cut out the corners.

Then we quickly washed and gargled, and we gathered around 6:15 to start the day's training. Morning exercises are held from 6:20 to 7:00, and then they are taken back to clean up the house and go to dinner. After half an hour's rest after breakfast, at 8:00, we gathered and brought into the training ground to start the four hour training in the morning. At 12:00, we brought back for dinner. After lunch, we took a nap until 14:00. After the instructor's whistle, we started the three and a half hour training in the afternoon. Six in the evening is supper time. At about 7:00 pm, we gathered on the playground to start the day's "entertainment", singing, playing martial arts, etc., and at 9:00 pm, we had a late roll call and a one-day review. Then he took them back to the barracks to wash and gargle, and turned off the lights at 9:30. So our day is over.

The training is really hard. This place is not only windy and dusty, but also has a great temperature difference between morning and night. In the morning, we have to wear autumn clothes and trousers. At noon, the temperature may reach 30 ℃, so the daily training clothes are soaked with sweat, and there is also the hot sun. Many people are sunburnt. But despite the bad external conditions, we still insist on training, and we insist on completing various training tasks with the unyielding will in our hearts. From standing at attention, striding to marching, marching and running, we stood still in the wind, and gradually achieved uniformity under the guidance of instructors.

The life of military training is monotonous, but we have also carried out a series of competitions and entertainment activities, such as choir competition, art performance, tug of war competition, blackboard newspaper evaluation, orienteering competition, fun sports meeting, 13:5 km training, etc. It's a great honor for me to be selected to represent the company in the orienteering cross-country race. Fortunately, we also fulfilled our mission. Relying on the spirit of "don't abandon, don't give up", our company won the third place, six companies, and stood up! "The sixth company is an IT elite. Six fierce tigers are powerful for nine days. "

The days of military training are monotonous, happy, and also short. In a blink of an eye, the 13 day military training will end. On the morning of the 9th, we held a military parade. Watching the square formations passing the rostrum with "manly, spirited", listening to the neat footsteps and shouting slogans, I knew that we had won, we had persevered in the end, and we could proudly declare to the world that we had successfully completed our task!

The only 13 days of military training may not make us become soldiers in the true sense, but we have experienced the hardships and loneliness of military life, carefully studied the fine traditions of our army, honed our will, and developed our character of advocating honor. In the afternoon of the 9th, we left the military training base that had been accompanied for 13 days. We don't give up, we suffer, we cry. Goodbye, dear instructor; Goodbye, my "tofu block" quilt; Goodbye, my hot bath water; Goodbye, the ancient Great Wall on the opposite mountain; Goodbye, the yellow sand flying all over the sky; Goodbye, military training. It's all over. But I believe this experience will impress me for life.

After this experience, I know I have grown up.

[College Military Training Summary Composition 2]

With excitement, I came to this beautiful campus, which marked my first step to become a college student and the beginning of my independent life. The beginning of this step was a short and long military training.

This is not the first time for us to contact military training. I'm really scared because I have to train for nearly half a month. This high-intensity training is unavoidable. Although the exercises are very simple, it is not easy to make more than 100 people act like one person. But after I started training, I felt very happy. Because my body has been trained and my will has been tempered by training. When the sweat drips down from my forehead and leaves a trace of itching, I will occasionally be moved by my firm belief that I will not move and will not report for instructions. I am not very progressive, but what I really decide to do must be done well. Such a move can not be obtained in the usual lazy life. At ordinary times, I may wipe that small sweat bead with a paper towel and move it at will. But here, as a temporary soldier, I will insist, because there is no individual, no image, and only collective and collective honor.

I don't have any complaints about the drillmaster's strictness, but I have a thank-you, because the drillmaster is also worthy to bask in the sun with us. When other companies were training in the shade and we were exposed to the sun, I didn't feel sad or dissatisfied. I just thought it was a kind of honor, because we could still do the best under bad conditions! Moreover, our instructor was very humorous. He not only told us jokes, but also taught us to sing, which made military training life rich and wonderful.

Also through the military training, the friendship between our classmates became more profound. Especially during the military training, I spent the first Mid Autumn Festival in other places. With everyone's company, I didn't feel homesick, because it was busy and happy to plan the content of the evening get-together with my classmates and participate in the topic in person. But I believe that in a distant home, My dear father must miss me very much. Because of this, I will try my best to keep training and live up to the name my parents gave me! To borrow an instructor's way of speaking. I want to be strong, very strong, very strong, more and more strong!

How much wind and rain have you experienced; How many tense moments have you experienced; How many difficult tests have been undertaken. We have finally entered the threshold of university. I thought the road to college was easy; I thought that the road to university was remote; I thought the road to university was free. However, since I took the military training course, it made me deeply understand that those are just illusions. According to the practice of the school, every new student must attend the school for up to half a month, which also marks the beginning of college life! Since the first day of military training, countless footprints have been left in every corner of the school; Countless sweat watering; Traces of countless figures. The countless footprints, sweat and figures are just the expression of hardship and tiredness.

During the military training, many moving stories happened. These moving actions also show a firm heart; A strong courage; A variety of values of time learning spirit. Such a heart, such courage, and such a spirit are also needed in universities and society to stand up to heaven and earth. Otherwise, you are like an ant, easily trampled to death and eliminated by the whole world. No rules, no circles. This is exactly what we understand in military training. If a person puts a loose place in his life, he will be called a madman; If a family quarrels endlessly in life, it will soon fall apart; If a country always has civil war, it can only enter the evil gate of destruction. Therefore, I also deeply understand that only unity, friendship, struggle and strength can survive in this world.

Although there are countless hard tests in military training, compared with instructors, our training is as easy as a feather. Therefore, we should be strong no matter how hard we suffer or how tired we are. We should always believe that the sunshine always comes after the storm, which also lays a solid foundation for our future life.

[College Military Training Summary Composition III]

I still remember the scorching sun of the military training in my first year of high school and the harsh scolding voice of the instructor. In a twinkling of an eye, I was already attending the military training in my freshman year. Time flies, like sand between fingers, passing in an instant

Military training, permeated with tears and sweat, breathed deeply, highly nervous thoughts and quick and powerful actions all constitute beautiful scenery. We put on the military uniform, from the original lazy pace to the uniform after a few days, from the original spoiled to the strong independence after a few days. These days, the military training has brought us more knowledge of life than muscle soreness. It has taught us too much that we can't learn in our daily study. Military training has honed our will, pushed some of our lives to the limit, and our mental outlook has taken on a new look.

Gradually, I found that when I walked, I would naturally raise my head and straighten my chest. When I stood, I would habitually straighten my waist. When I was alone, I would hum the song "The sunset is west, the red clouds fly, the soldier bus returns to the camp...". These changes are due to military training. In military training, we suffered, tired and laughed. We stood in the scorching sun, our skin getting darker and darker day by day, running in the rainstorm, and our whole body was soaked; We practice repeatedly in order to keep our movements neat; Know the pain of the whole body; We learned to sing military songs, talked with instructors, and laughed repeatedly. This is a painful and happy memory, and it is also a valuable asset for our young people in the new era. I think we children suffer too little. We need military training to temper ourselves.

In military training, my favorite is military posture. The military posture is the most beautiful posture. The feet are about 60 ° apart, the heels are close together, the hands are close to the pants seams, and the front and back are close without gaps. The shoulders are stretched back, the abdomen is closed, the forehead is slightly closed, the head is straight, and the front is visible. The military posture shows the demeanor of a soldier, and also reflects the beauty of a sense of righteous indignation and calm, firm, strong and resolute. The hard bone is proud of the sky, and the smile is proud of the wind, frost and snow. When standing in the military posture, I feel that there is a great sense of righteousness running through the rainbow. If youth is a moving song, the military posture is the most sonorous melody.

It is said that soldiers are the most lovely. In this military training, I finally realized the meaning of this sentence. I was deeply impressed by the loud commands and neat steps of the instructors. The slogan of "one, two, three, four" was, at a certain moment, the most beautiful voice in the world. When the drillmaster sang the song "The First Day of Being a Soldier" with his hoarse throat, I couldn't help shedding tears. There was a feeling that erupted in my heart, which was a strong respect for the soldiers.

Only after experiencing setbacks will people become more mature and stronger in the face of difficulties. We put down that sadness, carefully picked up the intermittent dream, with pious faith and unswerving determination, and actively made progress in the university, and courageously moved forward in life.

The days of military training are like the soil after the wind and rain. After countless washes, it will eventually settle down until it is integrated into the bottom of my life

Military training really made me learn a lot. The solidarity and friendship between classmates, the feelings between teachers and students, the feelings between the military and the people, and many feelings ferment together, solidifying into the most beautiful memories in my mind!

Military training, goodbye!

Summary composition 600 (13)

However, what I left was irretrievable time; In the face of this excellent but not sharp and "stumbling block" like score, I can not help but fall into meditation; When seeing the wrong questions marked with big crosses, I felt limitless remorse in my heart... When I calmed down, I found how careless and impatient I was when I scanned the examination paper again carefully. As soon as I got the question, I started writing immediately. If I didn't understand the question, I started to panic. I didn't know where to start. As a result, I totally lost the score of a 9 point question in mathematics, which makes me very sad now. Also, although I always said, "The teacher didn't talk about these topics at all..." In fact, when I think about it now, I feel how ridiculous and ignorant I am! "If we usually do review and preview, what does it matter if the teacher doesn't talk about it? Now the responsibility can only be shifted back to ourselves. Preview has always been an important requirement for students to learn. If we don't do preview before class, our learning will be greatly reduced. Knowledge is accumulated over time. It is impossible for people to input a large amount of learning content into their brains in a very short time. If you are hungry and satisfied, you will only get twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, we must study regularly and quantitatively. I have summarized many learning principles and methods from this monthly exam. If we only look for reasons when we are poor in the exam, or blame others for our mistakes, we will always cover up our mistakes and continue to make mistakes. If the learning tasks that should be completed every day are not completed, and you like to review intensively, make a sudden attack on the exam, it will be more difficult to achieve good results if you have arrears that should be learned and recorded every day. To do so, we must accumulate knowledge every day, review every day, and concentrate on learning. Learning depends on accumulation, and learning depends on hard work; There is only one chance. You can't miss any exam! 600 word composition model summarized in the monthly exam

Summary composition 600 (14)

During the holiday, my family and I went to see Zhijin Cave, the most beautiful stalactite cave in China, known as the "King of Karst Caves" and "Karst Treasure", with its unique shape, various shapes and colorful colors. We went to the Libo Seven Small Arches, known as "the emerald in the same latitude of the earth", and Qingyan Ancient Town, one of the four ancient towns in Guizhou. We visited the buildings with deep historical background, and tasted the local food, the No. 1 hoof.

Of course, in addition to playing, learning is indispensable. Every day, I practice calligraphy, write an oral calculation and keep a diary. Every week, I write a big composition. After studying during the holiday, I conquered the word problems that I didn't understand very well before. I recited ancient poems that I was not familiar with before. Reading is also an indispensable content. After seeing Teacher Feng's recommendation of "Snotty Autumn" and "Childhood", the original version of "Journey to the West" and the adapted TV series, we can better understand it. As the saying goes, Chinese and foreign classics are indispensable, such as Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea, and Xu Youbin's 2055 Frozen Youth Resurrection, Malaysia

I was also a little unhappy. As stated in my last composition, I had too many regrets when I went to Guizhou because of time. In addition, I had to go to class, so I stayed in Nanping during the summer vacation, and almost never went back. I finally took the time to go to the bookstore, but I didn't find the book I wanted, eh! What a pity! I found several bookstores but none!

Although I had a very happy summer vacation, at the same time I was about to enter the sixth grade class. The sixth grade means that my study time in my alma mater is short, and I will soon be promoted to the first day of the junior high. Try to draw a complete end to my primary school life in the year before I entered the first day of the junior high school.

Hee hee, this is my summer vacation life. How about you?

Summary composition 600 (15)

The winter vacation is coming to an end, and the new semester will begin soon. I should write a summary of the winter vacation. My sixth grade life is about to start again. Looking back on this colorful winter vacation, there are many interesting and happy gains. I am extremely happy

This winter vacation, I completed many tasks as planned, but my biggest achievement was that I learned to cook. Cooking is not simple. Different dishes have different ways. When I first learned how to cook, I couldn't even stir fry an egg well. That's the simplest dish I usually think of. However, after a summer practice, my cooking skills have improved greatly, and I can already make some simple meals.

This winter vacation I also made a breakthrough in my study. In mathematics, I also listened to a friend's suggestion and did some math problems every day to make my brain more flexible and make mathematics no longer my biggest problem! In addition, I also learned to write poems, poems, fairy tales... and other topics of composition in this holiday. I also prepared to preview the text of the first volume of the sixth grade of Chinese. I believe that my efforts will not be in vain, and I will certainly succeed!

In the winter vacation, my uncle took me to climb the mountain, and let me know that if you do anything, as long as you persevere, you will be able to reach the other side of success; I have diarrhea because of gluttony, which makes me feel uncomfortable. I understand that we can't eat too much, otherwise, it's you who are unlucky; The teacher's misunderstanding and my father's words made me realize a truth: no matter what it is, you should treat it with a good attitude. The teacher's misunderstanding is a stumbling block on your life path. If you can't overcome it, you will never move forward, but if you overcome it, your life path will become broader and brighter! This winter vacation, I gained a lot, learned a lot, and grew up a lot