My favorite strawberry (11 recommended)
one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
2024-02-18 07:57:45
junior middle school
Expository text

My favorite strawberry (1)

[Chapter 1]

Of all the fruits, strawberry is my favorite.

The strawberry has small tender green leaves on its top. The whole body is pink and pink. There are many small pits on the body, with small thorns in the pits. It looks very cute. Strawberries are nutritious and rich in vitamins. Whenever I go to the mall, I will go to the fruit counter and say to my mother, "Mom, let's buy some strawberries." Every time my mother will promise me. When I get home, I will put strawberries in a basin, put some salt, soak them, and then wash them with water. I can eat many every time. Once while eating, I thought: When I grow up, I will become a scientist and invent a special kind of strawberry seed, so that the farmer uncle will not need to apply pesticide to the strawberry seed, so that the grown strawberry will be more nutritious and free from pollution. It is a pure green food. The grown strawberry is as big as an apple, and children will be satisfied after eating one.

I like strawberries, do you like them?

[Chapter 2]

Do you know what I like to eat? Let me guess a riddle for you first! "Red clothes, black son, and a green coat underneath." Ha, it is the "strawberry" that everyone loves.

It has a pink melon seed face, but the only problem is that it is covered with "black spots". She is a little girl who likes to stink and beauty. She wears a pink blouse and a green skirt, one petal at a time. It is a hula dancer from Hawaii. So cute.

Strawberry tastes sour and sweet. But eating strawberries should satisfy both the mouth and the eyes. First take a look at the coveted strawberries, and then take a look at the delicate pulp. Smell the refreshing fragrance again. Wow! What a beautiful strawberry. At this time, you can take a big bite, wow! The sweet and sour juice of strawberries, the bright red pulp, and the black seeds are delicious. When you eat the pulp, you feel much cooler.

Strawberries are very delicious. Did you get excited after listening to my introduction?

My Favorite Strawberries (2)

I like to eat a lot of fruit, oranges, bananas, apples, peaches, but my favorite is strawberries. It is sweet and sour, delicious and delicious.

This spring, Grandpa bought two strawberries for me and planted them in a flowerpot. On the branches stretching around, there are big leaves, which are green and have deep wrinkles; There are also small white flowers on the branches, which look very white against the background of green leaves. A few days later, the flowers fell, and a small green triangle grew in the receptacle, which was called a small strawberry. With the passage of time, the small strawberry grows slowly, turns yellow and red, showing pink in the red, bright, crystal clear, and the fruit is ripe. I picked the biggest and reddest one, washed it and ate it, feeling different! Maybe it's because it doesn't use any pesticides and fertilizers.

Strawberry has a heart-shaped appearance, bright pink color, juicy pulp, sweet and sour taste, pleasant fragrance, rich nutrition, and is a rare fruit with color, fragrance, and taste, so it is known as the "Queen of Fruit". It is a perennial herb. The flowers are white or reddish in early summer. The receptacle enlarges and turns into flesh, which ripens in summer and turns into red berries. Strawberry is widely planted throughout the country. There are strawberry production bases in Dandong, Hebei, Zhengzhou, Shanghai, etc.

According to the measurement, every 100 grams of strawberry pulp contains 8 to 9 grams of sugar and 0. 4 to 0. 6 grams, vitamin C 50 to 100 mg, 7 to 10 times higher than apples and grapes. The content of malic acid, citric acid, vitamin B1, B12, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, and iron is 3 to 4 times higher than that of apples, pears, and grapes. It is reasonable for Taiwanese to call strawberries "living vitamin pills" and Germans to call strawberries "miraculous fruits".

The nutrition of strawberry is easy to digest and absorb, and it will not get cold or catch fire if you eat more. It is a healthy food suitable for all ages. Carotein contained in strawberry is an important substance of synthetic fiber A, which has the function of improving eyesight and liver. It also contains pectin and rich dietary fiber, which can help digestion.

Please eat more strawberries!

My Favorite Strawberries (3)

I like strawberry best. It is fragrant and sweet, and looks like a slim little girl. Whenever the little greedy insects in my stomach are calling for strawberries, I will ask my mother for 10 yuan and run to the small strawberry stall to have a sweet date with it.

Well, after lunch, the greedy insects urged me again. Mother had no choice but to agree. At the door of the store, there was a "long dragon" in front of the store, surrounded by gluttonous people. People rubbed their hands and looked greedily in their eyes. I also coveted strawberries.

Finally, "Strawberry" did not disappoint the people who wanted it. I bought the only box of strawberries left.

I looked at the red and bright "little girl", but I couldn't resist the sweet temptation, so I picked up a big and red "little fat man" and swallowed it. The smell of strawberry diffused on my tongue, and the taste buds on my tongue were also greatly satisfied. "Another one!" How delicious! Strawberry is dancing a happy waltz on the tip of my tongue, and I am swaying with it. I am intoxicated with the sweet date. I held its "head" and pulled it out. I ate another one. I dated "Miss Strawberry" until it stopped "treating" me.

I like strawberries more and more. Look! The greedy insect is hungry again!

My Favorite Strawberries (4)

My favorite fruit is strawberry.

The shape of strawberry is like a red and bright little love. Its flesh is a little red and white, about the size of my thumb. The most striking thing is that it has a green "little crown", really like a little princess in a skirt.

If you take a bite, you will feel sweet and fragrant. I just like eating so much that I make some jokes.

Once, my mother bought a big basket of strawberries, and she put them in the refrigerator. The next day, while my mother was paying the water bill, I took out a basket of ice cold strawberries from the refrigerator and thought: I will have a good time in such hot weather. So I wolfed down and ate. After a while, half a basket of strawberries went into my stomach. I had a stomachache all night. I guess I ate too many cold strawberries. If you eat a strawberry when you are thirsty, you will feel thirsty and delicious.

I like strawberries best.

My Favorite Strawberries (5)

I like many fruits, including pineapple, watermelon, apple, banana and orange, but I think strawberry is my favorite.

I like strawberries best. It is bright red, like a fiery red heart, as well as a sunshade hat -- green leaves, really cute. It is covered with sesame like dots. Don't think it is hard if it is covered with dots. If you squeeze it hard, it will break.

There are more than ten strawberries in my grandma's backyard. Strawberries are green before they are ripe, and gradually become yellow and orange. When they are ripe, they become red. At this time, it is also autumn. Grandma always picks a bag and delivers it. Once, when Grandma was giving strawberries, I found a yellow and red strawberry in the bag. I asked Grandma curiously, "What's the matter?" Grandma said, "It's very simple. The yellow one receives less light..." Before Grandma finished speaking, I rushed to say, "The red one receives more light!" Grandma praised me and said, "How smart!", I picked up a red and big strawberry. When my tongue touched the thin and soft spots of the strawberry, an intoxicating fragrance flowed to my heart. The delicate pulp was even redder than the surface. A gentle bite would "melt" it.

Strawberries not only grow cute, but also contain rich vitamin C, so I like strawberries very much!

Special Composition Training Camp Class B: Dong Jiayu Instructor: Liu Jun

My Favorite Strawberries (6)

I like bananas and lychees, but what I like best is strawberries with sweet sour taste.

Strawberry pulp straight with some small spots, those small black spots are small achenes. One day, I took out a small strawberry and was about to eat it. At this time, my younger brother, who was less than 3 years old, ran over and said, "Wow, pink toy, I want to play!" Then he came to grab my small strawberry. In a panic, I ate it at one go.

Strawberries are very delicious. Every time I eat strawberries, I always pick out the best. Then, three times, five times, two times. Soon, I killed the strawberries.

I love strawberries!

My Favorite Strawberries (7)

There are many fruits I like to eat, among which strawberry is my favorite.

Today, I learned that my mother would take me to the strawberry garden to pick strawberries. I jumped three feet high with joy. On the way, I chattered incessantly.

Finally, I arrived. When I looked far away, I saw only green patches, but no strawberries at all. I thought to myself: Why can't I see strawberries? Did you pick the leaves? After my mother put the car away, I couldn't wait to run to the grass, and then I knew the answer. Originally, small strawberries are hidden under the leaves! Only some strawberries are not mature, wearing green coats looking around; Some strawberries are pink and pink, dancing happily; There are also fiery ones, which look delicious. When they saw me, they seemed to say, "Come and pick me, pick me, I'm mature..." I looked at these beautiful strawberries, my mouth was watering, and I didn't know which one to pick for a while

When I hesitated, suddenly, I saw a strawberry that was "unparalleled in the world". It is red all over with dew. It looks delicious. I quickly picked one and put it in my mouth. It was so delicious. My mouth was full of sweet and sour juice. I picked and ate. After a long time, my mother looked at her watch and said to me, "It's getting late, let's hurry home!" I looked at the green everywhere and said goodbye to them reluctantly. The little strawberries seemed to say to me, "Welcome to come again next time, goodbye".

My Favorite Strawberries (8)

I like strawberries best

Among fruits, strawberry is my favorite. Strawberries are red with black seeds on them. I think strawberries are cute! If strawberries are washed clean, the water drops on them are like eyes. He seemed to say, "Look, look, how beautiful I am! I am neither as big as a watermelon nor as small as a cherry. My size is just right. Come and eat me, children. I am so beautiful, and I will become beautiful if you eat me!" I can't bear to eat strawberries because they are so bright. But I also want to be as lovely and beautiful as strawberries. So I ate, and several more!

Yang Xinyue, Class 3, Grade 6 Primary School, Grade 2, Fengtai

My Favorite Strawberries (9)

I have eaten many fruits, including yellow oranges, heavy watermelons, green and red apples, but what I like best is delicious strawberries.

Today, my mother bought some strawberries. The shape of strawberry is like a chicken heart. It's round at the top and sharp at the bottom. It's very special. When I saw it, I couldn't help but see it. Strawberries feel fluffy and covered with thin and short thorns. It has a green "little hat" on its head, which is round and shaped like a saw tooth. Wearing a red cotton padded jacket, the clothes are inlaid with dense black seeds.

I can smell the fragrance, which is strawberry. I can't wait to put strawberries into my mouth. They are sour and sweet. They melt at the mouth. Soft strawberries are contained in my mouth. They are tender, silky, and memorable. The black seed of strawberry, like countless little dolls, gives out a "cluck, cluck, cluck" laugh.

Strawberries are not only delicious and beautiful, but also have many nutritional values.

Strawberries can not only relieve heat, clear away heat, help digestion, etc

My Favorite Strawberries (10)

Strawberries are bright red, like a burning love. Its top is wearing a green sun hat, very cute. Although it is covered with small black spots like sesame, it will not reduce my love for it in the slightest. Pick up one and bite it gently. The juice splashes all over the mouth, and an intoxicating sweet and sour rush into the mouth. It's delicious!

Grandma knew I loved strawberries, so she planted some for me. I will observe them whenever I have time. The fresh strawberry is dark green. As time goes by, the color becomes lighter and lighter, and finally becomes dark red. What's going on here? It turns out that during the growth of strawberry, chlorophyll is gradually degraded, and some water-soluble anthocyanins are synthesized at a certain stage, making the fruit color gradually red. This is what I learned from the data, but I still don't understand it. It seems that we need to study biological knowledge in the future to fully understand it.

Once, I saw a strawberry with red and yellow sides. What happened? Grandma said, "It's very simple. The yellow side is less exposed to the sun..." Before Grandma finished, I hurried to say, "The red side is more exposed to the sun!" Grandma praised my intelligence.

Thanks to strawberry, not only let me enjoy the sweet and sour delicious food, but also let me learn a lot of scientific knowledge. I love strawberries. How about you?

Comments: Little strawberries, great knowledge. There is knowledge everywhere in life. As long as you keep an eye on it, you will find more mysteries.

My Favorite Strawberries (11)

Well, after lunch, the greedy insects urged me again. Mother had no choice but to agree. At the door of the store, there was a "long dragon" in front of it. There were gluttonous people standing around. People rubbed their hands and looked greedily. When I saw strawberries, I was also salivating.

Finally, "Strawberry" did not disappoint the people who wanted it. I bought the only box of strawberries left.

I looked at the red and bright "little girl," but I couldn't resist the sweet temptation. I picked up a big and red "little fat man" and swallowed it. The smell of strawberry diffused on my tongue, and the taste buds on my tongue were also greatly satisfied. "Another one!" How delicious! Strawberry is dancing a happy waltz on the tip of my tongue, and I am swaying with it. I am intoxicated with the sweet date. I held its "head" and pulled it out. I ate another one. I dated Miss Strawberry until it stopped "treating" me.

I like strawberries more and more. Look! The greedy insect is hungry again!