600 word composition on instant (16 selected articles)
Love yourself
2023-10-25 04:17:29

600 word composition on the topic of instant (1)

At the moment when the meteor fell from the sky, it did not turn back, but flew as always.

At the moment when the moth rushes towards the fire, it will not think about anything, but just fly forward.

In a twinkling of an eye, lightning and firestones were extinguished, meteors had crossed the sky, and moths had been buried in the fire. In a short time, things changed. However, how much time has passed, countless moments have slipped away quietly, like a drop in the ocean, and can never be recovered.

The long river of time flows slowly and quickly. People have long ignored that small moment. Buddha said: "The heart is sincere and natural." What he said should be to teach people how to grasp the moment! How many people are waiting for the meteor, but are unwilling to wait patiently? How many people wait for fate, but do not seriously look for it?

In the past, maybe sometimes, life is not exciting; Maybe sometimes, everything has changed. Probably only those who know how to retain the moment know.

How many people, how many things, in your side fleeting, maybe the moment you bow your head, you will find less beautiful things in your life.

The night came quietly, and there was no end of darkness. Dark enough to make you afraid or even desperate. But after the dark night is the day, and the day is the time when the sun shines, which always makes people feel warm. Many people only miss the time of day, but miss the moment of sunrise. When you see the light of the sun shining slightly out of the horizon, your heart is happy. The night finally leaves, and the light brings warmth and hope.

Looking back five hundred times in the past life, you can only pass by once in this life. Why don't you cherish a moment? Maybe you can find the romance of meteors flying by and make a wish; Perhaps you can find the solemn and stirring moths fighting against fire; Maybe you can find the true meaning of life.

Life and death are the same. In a moment, you don't know how time will pass, you can't predict or change time. Maybe only by grasping the moment now, can you make your life more exciting.

The meteor is still flying, the moth is still fighting the fire, there is no end, in the long river of time again and again, you don't miss it! Let those beautiful moments decorate your dull life!

600 word composition on the topic of instant (2)

The beauty of the moment is hidden in the safety clasp you gave me. "Congratulations, you got the second prize." The waiter smiled brightly. I looked at my mother in some doubt, and didn't respond to what I said just now. "What can this award do?" asked his mother. "That's it..." The waiter said eloquently. "Winning the prize means that the lucky star is coming. It's better to choose a piece of jade to keep the lucky star." My mother and I were shaken by the waiter's seductive words. Finally, my mother selected a cream safety buckle for me.

When I walked out of the store, I regretted, "Mom, what if it's a fake?" "No matter whether it's added or not, let's hope it's lucky. I hope this safety clasp can keep you safe all your life." Listening to my mother, my eyes were a little sour. The always shrewd mother only wants to keep her daughter safe. It doesn't matter if she is a big enemy. When my mother said, "I just want to keep your life safe", my tears finally could not hold back. At that moment, I felt unprecedented warmth. At that moment, I saw the beauty of maternal love in my mother. Momentary warmth, embrace the missing heart. It has been weeks since I met my mother.

My grandpa was seriously ill, and my mother left without saying goodbye. When I learned about this, she had already left. Not too dependent on my mother, but I spend so little time with her that I have forgotten how long ago I met her. Every time I spend time with my mother, it turns into the best memory and remains in my heart. When I opened the door, I saw my mother picking up her clothes, and she looked at me in surprise. People who have missed so long stand in front of me, but I choke all my words in my throat. Suddenly, a warm embrace flooded me, and all my thoughts turned into tide, drowning me. "Good girl, wronged." Mother sighed. A short sentence made my tears fall in an instant. I shook my head and said: "What's wrong, no wrong."

A moment of warmth, let my yearning gush out, a moment of warmth, embrace the heart of that yearning...... Too many moments, not enough to say, write, not enough to say. It's enough to stay in the bottom of my heart.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (3)

The slight pain attacks the head one after another, twining and lingering. It is not the intense pain that makes people shocked and unconscious in an instant, but the slight pain that nibbles endurance and patience bit by bit, like the lingering ghost, like highly toxic and chronic poisons.

Rubbing the temples with fingers, and then massaging the eyeballs with palms close to the eyelids, hoping to slightly relieve the pain. be of no avail.

Put a headset in your ear, and the soft music is poured into your eardrum, like the noise of a bulldozer, or the positive catalyst in a chemical reaction. The slight pain attracted by it turns into acute pain, and the chronic poison turns into acute poison. run counter to one's desire.

The forearm is slightly bent into a pillow, and the head is sleepy. The pain was so unforgiving that a celebration banquet was held in my mind. I drank wine and laughed happily. Then the shining Venus appeared in front of my eyes, and my ears heard the piercing roar. What gives me the most headache is that I can do nothing with the pain. The pain is getting worse and worse.

Hold up a stick, hit him hard in the head, deluded himself to be dizzy, and then nobody knows, and then no pain. plug one 's ears while stealing a bell. Unfortunately, I didn't faint, but the stick broke in two. The pain was more and more frustrating, and I fought back bravely. I had a headache, like an explosive bag that ignited the fuse.

I went around in circles, dizzy, and took up the kitchen knife, intending to die. When I was about to kill myself with a knife, I did not know what to step on. My center of gravity suddenly lost me and flew to the sky, while I fell to the ground.

"ChaChaChaChaCha." It is the sound of the kitchen knife falling on the ground.

"Bang bang." It was the sound of my head hitting the ground.

The pain seemed to be stunned, and my head did not hurt at all.

As said in the fantasy novel, I looked inside a little and found that my brain was severely concussed, and my mind was empty and white.

This blank is like a miracle, so mean that I would not stay for a while. After the instant blank, I fell into the endless darkness, and nobody knew anything.

A second before I knew anything, I suddenly realized that my head was empty and it didn't hurt.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (4)


Film records life and shutter stops life. I am a photographer.

I live in a world of light and shadow, and my duty is to capture the moment. The longest and shortest is time. I am good at catching wind and catching shadows, and I can keep the beauty of the moment forever. I have photographed the little girl making a pious wish when the meteor broke the night sky; I have photographed a drop of dew sliding down from the petals in the early morning light; I have photographed the magnificent sunrise and sunset on the sea level when the waves hit the shore.

These scattered memories are recorded by me in the form of film. In the linked picture, I can see the past life.


I am a painter, drawing the world with paintbrushes and expressing feelings with colors.

Unlike photography, which defines life in an instant, the moment when you look at a painting is built up by me day and night. Light can be divided into seven color blocks. Light gives color to the world, and I am willing to work hard to describe this beautiful. I see the subtle changes in light and shade brought by the angle of sunlight, see the minute expressions of characters, and feel the cold or warm feelings conveyed by colors, so as to speculate on my composition and painting. I have thought about the nirvana of the phoenix, the wings of the angel, and the chaos at the beginning of the world. I try to talk with my heart. Inspiration is generated by the moment, so the moment is forever.


I am a writer, whose strokes depict elegance and whose tips seal the soul.

Photographers and painters focus on pictures. I can see through people's souls. I am good at setting complex personalities, dramatic plots, and unfolding complex stories with aesthetic strokes. I am immersed in the narrative, delicate and sincere description, straightforward lyricism, and clear argument.

I firmly believe that profound and meaningful words come from the capture of the moment, while the moment comes from the reproduction of life. I use words to make everything eternal.


Three different professions but contain the same philosophy of life. Moments and eternity can be transformed into each other. As long as you are good at capturing, the beauty of the moment will be preserved forever. What can be eternal is not only film, paintings, words, but also the meaning of our life, our soul.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (5)

There are always some things in our mind that we can't forget. There are not many smooth and beautiful long tunes, but most of them are fragmented moments, which also constitute my bright and colorful memory space.

Browsing the memory wall covered with countless moments, gently touching, the picture gradually becomes clear from obscurity. A baby babbled, stretched his arms and legs in a small cradle, and looked around with bright big eyes. It seemed that he was curious and afraid of this strange world, but he couldn't wait to appreciate it. This is what I saw in a video. The child was me, and I understood that this was the prelude to life.

A boy was caught mischievously playing a funny prank. His childish face was full of playfulness, but it was also full of stubbornness. This is my childhood, naive and full of mischief. At that time, I had a glimpse of the world, and the long curtain of life gradually opened, a lively original ecological tune.

Continue to walk and come to the carefree time - primary school. Listen to class with a crooked head, argue with a red neck, but play hard, hum songs and homework, and live a life that goes round and round but is not boring. It was a football match. I fell down, and my teammates pulled me up... The memory was frozen, and I could not help but recall the details of that time. Friendship is a cup of light and fragrant Longjing. Although ordinary, it touches my heart. It is a group of harmonious duets.

The memory is more and more complete, unlike the intermittent memory of the past. The details clearly tell me that it is now in my youth: the enthusiasm of the classroom, the concentration and care of the examination room, and the humorous, strict, kind teachers, cheerful, introverted, or naughty classmates are all included in my memory without discrimination. That is no longer just naughty, no longer carefree, it is replaced by gradual maturity, there is a faint smell of gunpowder. This is a passionate symphony.

The moment of growth constitutes a life like a song. Maybe there will also be young and dynamic rock, quiet and warm concerto, singing and dancing disco for the elderly... The fleeting time and the transfer of space are irreversible, only memories can be kept in mind for a long time.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (6)

One second is equal to ten flicks of fingers, one flick of fingers is equal to twenty moments, and one moment is equal to ten moments. History is made up of countless moments. No one knows what the once powerful figures are thinking at the decisive moment, let alone what will happen in the next moment

One scene for thousands of years

When I got up to drink water this morning, I glanced carelessly at the balcony, and my eyes were glued by the scenery outside the window. The color of the sky is like milk mixed with water. The air is covered with a light fog. You can vaguely see the lights on the buildings in the distance, like in the night sky. The asparagus and the nine storey tower on the balcony are gently swayed by the breeze. The scenery is very beautiful. It gives people a feeling of transcendence. For thousands of years, there may have been many gorgeous or elegant scenery, but the scenery I saw is the only one. It's really a thousand years, a thousand years. Everyone's moment is different in the vast sea of people. So I understand that every moment is unique.

A glance at the millennium

The back of a gorgeous woman is hidden in the Northern Desert. She is clumsily striding a horse. But her eager eyes ran in the opposite direction of the horse, staring at Luoyang, the eastern capital. Diao Chan is just a delicate puppet on the political stage. No matter how delicate the puppet is, it will become a pile of rotten wood if it loses its owner. Yang Yuhuan's beautiful face was doomed to her fate, which made Tang Xuanzong obsessed with politics. After all, it caused the poet's satire that "no one knew it was a lychee when she rode on the red world and laughed." It also caused the "An Shi Rebellion" that destroyed the Tang Dynasty. How about Xi Shi, who subverted the State of Wu with a twinkle and a smile, resulting in a situation of "three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu". Only you bring peace. In the palace, you were honest and unwilling to give gifts to painters, so you married Xiongnu. When you look back in the desert, there are grievances, doubts and unwillingness. This eye runs through the millennium. It is instantaneous and eternal.

Life is composed of moments. Some moments are never known, but some moments can always shine in the long river of history. We should leave some eternal footprints in the world from now on.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (7)

There are always some things in our mind that we can't forget, but there are not many smooth and beautiful scrolls. Most of them are fragmentary memories of moments, which also constitute my bright and colorful memory space.

Browsing the memory wall full of countless moments, gently touching, watching the picture gradually clear from obscurity. A baby, crouching in the corner of the cradle, seemed curious and afraid of the strange world, but eager to enjoy it. This is what I saw in a video. The child was me, I understand. This is the preface of life.

Open the second picture, a boy, mischievously playing a funny prank, was caught in the act, his childish face was funny and stubborn. This is my childhood, innocent and full of mischief. At that time, I had a glimpse of the world, and the long curtain of life gradually opened. This is a light national tune.

Continue to walk, and come to the carefree time of childhood - primary school life, class, speech, play, homework, living a monotonous but not boring life. It was a football match. I fell down, and my teammates pulled me up... My memory was frozen, and I could not help but recall the moments at that time. It was friendship, a warm current, a cup of light and fragrant Longjing, an ordinary but touching story, which led life to the climax, and it was a perfect chorus.

The memory is more and more complete, not like the intermittent in the past. That one by one detail clearly tells me that it is now in the youth age: the examination room is attentive and careful, and the classroom is enthusiastic and active. As well as the humorous, strict teachers, cheerful, naughty, or introverted students, they are all included in my memory without discrimination. That is no longer just naughty, no longer carefree, replaced by a mature, a gunpowder of intense learning. This is a passionate symphony.

Maybe there will be young and dynamic rock music, mature and stable quartet, and sunset red of "an old hero has a lofty ambition". But life is changeable. I will be brave, strong and optimistic regardless of ups and downs.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (8)

"Whoa, whoa, whoa -" The cock at the foot of Wugeng Mountain just got up early. He must have been crying at the east sun. Before long, the dawn light came from the top of the mountain, and was tinged with red

Sure enough, the Northeast Mountain is the most beautiful in the morning, with beautiful people and beautiful scenery... It's like the grandma of the clock has got up and wakes us up one after another. We wake up slowly, rubbing the little eyes that just woke up. I can already see my mother taking out a small pot to make breakfast, busy. "Breakfast!" Mother asked us to have dinner as usual. We sat on the ground and started to move.

We ate voraciously. It's getting late and we should go. When everything is ready, Mom suddenly called Dad "Alas" and said with concern and blame: "Look at yourself, like a little child, you can dirty your clothes even after having breakfast." Dad didn't say much, but he scratched his head with great regret, making a look like a child did something wrong, I watched my mother help him clean the dirty things on his lapel with her hands, and I didn't forget to tidy up my father's clothes. Looking at the scene in front of me, at this time, I realized that plain is true.

A breeze blew on the lake. The lake was sparkling, and the leaves were "Salala", which blew through my mother's hair. The wind, also mischievously hooked the mother's hair off the ear, while the father looked casual, but carefully pinned the hair on the mother's ear. Then he took out his clothes from his bag and said, "Put on your clothes. You will catch cold when the wind blows in the mountain."

When I put on my clothes, another gust of wind blew over the lake, over the tree tops, over the stamens, and into my chest with the sweet smell... The big white windmill, the rolling mountains, the lush trees, the blue sky, and the beautiful pair of people formed a harmonious and beautiful landscape

At that moment, I understood deeply. Love does not need to be vigorous, but it is true to be plain. Love, as long as the people around you, where you can touch and see, is enough.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (9)

Looking at that scene, my heart was full of excitement, leaving me and her alone. Nobody broke it. At this moment, I remembered a song

In the summer night, everything is quiet, the moonlight is dim, a little moonlight peeps in quietly, and the curtain is gently shaking, driving away my loneliness.

"Kaka" means someone came in, and I peeped out a small eye from the quilt to watch the person move quietly. It was so slow that I didn't hear the sound of my feet falling. Gradually, something happened. The "Pa" light was on, and a dazzling light lit up my heart.

Grandma! I quickly covered my mouth, almost heard, but Grandma still looked back and turned back. What do I see? I saw my grandmother gently pull open the wardrobe to select clothes. I carefully pulled out the rechargeable watch. The first string of numbers opened blinded my eyes. It was 5:34 so early. I quietly watched my grandmother tidy up her clothes for tomorrow and my quilt. As I lay in bed pretending to be asleep, I carefully opened my eyes again.

She hasn't left yet. There are so many mosquitoes in summer that I am itchy all over the school, but there are no mosquitoes at home. She quietly picked up the fan. The fan has been around since I was born. It has been a while since I came down. A mosquito came quietly and directly attacked me. I was stunned that the mosquito slowly fell into her hand, I never thought that this was the reason why no mosquitoes came to bite me. It's really amazing.

Later, when Grandma saw that there were no mosquitoes coming to bite me, she walked quietly again like when she came. She walked slowly, and her back was blurred by tears. I was still recalling my previous dislike and disdain for Grandma. It was God who made me a new man.

When I shoot mosquitoes, there is only one moment in a moment. I remember, firmly remember, there is no words to express me at this moment. I have been overwhelmed by the moment of Grandma.

"One million people were touched in a moment." Maybe this is my mood now. I'm really happy. I thrive in that bright and warm light.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (10)

I am a quiet girl who is very happy and lively after class. Since primary school, I seldom raise my hand to speak in class. Most of the teachers come to me because I'm afraid that others will laugh if I answer wrong. Maybe so. My father is training me to put me in this class.

It is said that the teachers in this class are very strict!

As a result, I, a person who does not like raising my hand to speak, became more "quiet". In fact, it's not me. When the teacher asked me a question for the first time, I basically had the answer in my heart, but I was afraid. In case I answer wrong, in case I am laughed at by my classmates, all kinds of worries appear in my mind. So I had to sit there silently and listen to the students' answers. I will never raise my hand to answer questions unless the teacher calls me.

It was Mr. Zhao who taught us Chinese. She is the famous "Devil Head" in the school. None of the students in the class dared to disobey her instructions. So I'm more afraid of this, more afraid to raise my hand. Seeing the boys who made mistakes were beaten to tears, I was a little worried.

The Chinese teacher seems to have reported my situation to my father these days. After returning home, his father began to "inculcate".

We thought of something worrying again. I suddenly found that the teacher was looking for students who didn't raise their hands in class these days. At this time, I suddenly remembered that it was better to die early than late, so I raised my hand timidly. The teacher smiled and nodded to me: "What does this mean?" I tried to hold back my throbbing heart and said aloud: "Yes. This means a long time..." After the wonderful answer, the teacher smiled at me and said: "Very good, please sit down." Suddenly, it was much easier. It's not difficult to stand up and answer questions. Then I saw my classmates' eyes.

The teacher's instant smile gave me confidence and courage. It's not scary to raise your hand. The terrible thing is that you dare not raise your hand. Since then, I have raised my hand in every class and actively participated in various activities, because I understand that I should dare to challenge myself and be a happy bird.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (11)

Autumn is a little thick, when the light of life takes away the last soul of leaves. It has no regrets, no regrets for this short journey - it slightly floated down - this is a funeral, but also gratitude for leaving- inscription

It is late autumn and the weather is cool. In the morning, there is still some scattered dew on the grass leaves. People who yearn for warmth and beauty have already moved away, and even the animals living here have prepared enough food for the long dream of spring - the river is quiet, only the water is rippling.

I stared at the tree on the bank of the river, on which the vicissitudes of life were written. For a moment, I felt that time had forgotten.

The wind of the expedition here passed quietly, and several yellow twilight leaves fell, and they danced silently - whirling and jumping. I wonder if anyone has ever observed that every leaf will dance up and down when it falls, just like its contradictory heart. It is deeply reluctant to part with the world. It has decided to throw it to the root cause slowly without any concern. It only takes 7 seconds for a leaf to fall on the ground.

It affectionately kisses the tree root, kisses its mother, and raises its mother.

The sun shines on the sand around it, stirring up some dust and trying to hold a simple funeral for it. It must be good to say "falling leaves and returning to their roots". When it landed without regret, I was very moved.

I was moved by the spirit that "falling red is not a heartless thing, but a protective flower of spring mud". So does Ye. What about us? How many people benefit us on weekdays? Do we feel it? Even if we are aware of this, have we taken action?

When life came to an end, the fallen leaves chose to use their bodies to provide nutrition for their roots and make contributions to new life in the warm sunshine of the next year. Its life is short, but it is valuable.

The scene of falling leaves and returning to their roots lingered in my mind for a long time, that touching moment.

Some people think that leaves only grow and fall along the track prescribed by nature - but the creator will not create anything for no reason. In some ways, are we inferior to fallen leaves?

600 word composition on the topic of instant (12)

Every laugh, every tear, every moment blends into an exquisite picture.

Birthday is undoubtedly full of surprises and happiness, and today is such a surprise day for me.

When I told Yuan, Li and Shan this information, good guy, it was really interesting! They all treated me to a meal. Mei didn't know where to find out about my birthday. Of course, there was also an unexpected surprise.

When she was in seventh grade, on her birthday, I also sent her a homemade card. Now, she "treats others with her own way", and also sent me a homemade card, which said I would go with her after school. "Maybe there is something delicious waiting for me." I was greedy.

After school, she and I walked out of the school gate side by side and came to the stationery store at the gate of the school. She asked me to turn around and not peek. I had no choice but to "obey". After a while, she asked me to turn around. I saw that what she was holding was a big red record book. There was a lovely image of Kittycat on the outside and a colorful and beautiful one on the inside.

I clearly remember that she said that she would go back to the classroom to get something, but she never saw her step back. She walked with me for a long time, and then said: "I am very angry why you can't solve a small math problem. I remember that you used to be very good at math. I really hope you can think about it. Maybe you will find a lot of things you lost.", She resolutely disappeared into the sea of people without looking back

Along the way, I was thinking over and over again. Yes, I lost a lot of things, so that I lost myself at any time. I was afraid of the arrival of that day. That day... In seventh grade, I was a petite flower under the care of my teacher. I never knew what the disaster was. I didn't know why my sky was always so blue, and I didn't know why my road was always so spacious. Now, I really understand in tears that someone has been paying for me silently, and I need all these things too much

In the past, some people always said that the tears of flowering season were unusual, and I didn't believe it. But today, I believe, it is very bitter, but very exciting.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (13)

One hot weekend, I went to a friend's house to play. Just a few minutes after leaving the community, the sun is bigger, cicadas are no longer singing gently, and they begin to agitate, and pedestrians on the road also speed up their pace.

After a while, I suddenly saw several people gathered together, seemingly chatting. But half a minute later, several more people came. I felt that something had happened, so I also walked there.

When I got there, I fixed my eyes and saw a grandpa who looked 70 or 80 years old lying on the ground in the crowd, while others were talking about it. I was about to squat down and help the grandpa up. At this time, a word came from my ear: "Will this person be a porcelain touch?" Yes, it was reported that a high school student helped an old man who was over 80 years old, The old man woke up and said that the student hit him. Since there is no monitoring on that road, I am still in dispute today... I have to withdraw my help when I think of these things. I looked up quickly around, and my heart thumped. There was no monitor installed here.

There were more and more people around, and the sun was getting hotter, but still no one dared to step forward to help the old man. If we continue to drag on like this, I'm afraid the old man will not be able to bear it. If it is porcelain, it is reasonable and unclear. People around you look at me and I look at you. They dare not go forward to help the old man.

Just when I was hesitant to help the old man up, a man suddenly came out of the crowd: about forty years old, with eyes as small as cracks, sweat and dust all over his face, his skin was dark, and under a white vest stained with cement ash, there were also dirty black pants. When he saw the old man, he immediately squatted down, slowly lifted him up with his hands, and forcefully lifted him up and gently put him on the chair beside him... Then there was a warm applause, and I couldn't help applauding his behavior, and I felt ashamed of my hesitation.

Give roses to others, leave fragrance on your hands, just at that moment

600 word composition on the topic of instant (14)

grow up. Sometimes, only in a moment.

Everyone needs to grow, and grow all the time. Time is magical, it will always create a variety of coincidences, let you instantly reborn; Let you suddenly see hope, or fall into the abyss. No matter what the result is, it is a kind of spiritual process and growth.

Growth, you can not avoid, also can not escape, like fate, embedded in the film of life, until the moment the ring turns, it will happen naturally, without warning.

From childishness to maturity, from willfulness to tolerance and growth, it often takes only a moment. So it has been since ancient times.

She, once, was ignorant of the world and carefree. "She often remembered the sunset in the brook pavilion and was intoxicated and did not know where to go home", and spent her leisure time as a girl. When she fled to the Wujiang River, she thought of the tragic Xiang Yu, and of her cowardly and fleeing husband. At that moment, Li Qingzhao grew up, she was filled with emotion, and left a famous sentence of "life is a hero, death is also a ghost".

He, once, was in his prime. Ten years ago, in Toronto, Black Mamba created a miracle of 81 points, but as time passed, our Kobe Bryant had slashed 60 points in the retirement game. At the end of the game, Kobe Bryant grew up and waved goodbye to the nearly 20 years of NBA journey, opening a new journey in life.

She, once, was immersed in the pain of lovelorn, unable to extricate herself, complaining about the unfairness of the world. When she learned about the car accident ahead, Runye grew up at that moment. She went back to real life and began to take care of her real husband. Instead of the pale face and the melancholy eyes when she was abandoned by love, she was more calm and kind.

We don't have to complain about why we don't grow up every day. In fact, everyone will grow up. It's just a matter of time. Our strength is too small to reverse time and space and let time go fast. What we can do is to enjoy the process of growth, live each day of growth and quietly wait for growth to come.

Because, growth, sometimes, is just a moment.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (15)

After class, I took the homework written by the students and walked out of the classroom. What emerges in front of us is the scenes in class.

This is a review lesson before the mid-term exam. I'm going to review formula calculation in this lesson. Before class, I listed all the questions of formula calculation on the small blackboard for class use.

After class, I took out the prepared questions and began to ask the students to think about them one by one and answer how to calculate the columns. At the beginning, the students were in high spirits and the classroom was in good order. But before long, the tacit understanding between teachers and students was interrupted by the voice of some students. I realize that students have begun to be distracted, and they must not listen because they feel boring. After organizing for a long time, there is no effect. What should I do? Suddenly, I thought that instead of asking them to do my homework, I might as well let them also experience the difficulty of doing it. Right! Let the students set their own questions. So I put down the blackboard and stood on the platform quietly. The students all looked at me with strange eyes, and the classroom was extremely quiet. I seized the opportunity and said loudly, "Who can give our class different types of formula calculation problems like the teacher, and don't repeat them!" Suddenly, many small hands were raised, and I asked questions one by one. Hey, the questions are really like that! I wrote all the questions on the blackboard, which made the students excited. The students who did not answer the questions were also thinking actively, and I was secretly happy.

After a while, I sorted out the questions with the students. There are 15 types in total. At this time, I hung the small blackboard on the wall again, and asked the students to compare my questions with the questions everyone thought together. The results showed that my questions were far less than the students thought. Some students said, "Teacher, we have more questions than you!"! I lost no time in encouraging the students.

In this lesson, the students not only learned it very happily, but also improved the relationship between teachers and students, which fully achieved my expected goal.

It seems that teachers should grasp every moment in the classroom, or they may lose a good lesson that sparkles with students' wisdom.

600 word composition on the topic of instant (16)

After a round of applause from the audience, the beautiful guitar sound accompanied by the melodious harmonica sound, just like the gentle breeze blowing across the face, gentle and elegant, everyone listened to this wonderful music quietly, feeling the most wonderful moment

The 2020 Campus Culture and Art Festival of Chengguan No. 1 Middle School was finally held today. Students were very excited and signed up to participate in the program, hoping to bring happiness to everyone in their own way. As a performer, I watched the wonderful performances and discussed with my peers who performed best in the stands at the entrance of the restaurant. After a dance, I finished singing a song. Just as I was holding my chin in my hands, I was awakened by thunderous applause and screams.

What performance surprised the students so much? I looked carefully and saw two familiar figures flash into the stage, one holding a guitar and the other holding a harmonica. Is it necessary to play harmonica and guitar together? The host's report verified my guess, but to my surprise, they were my former history teacher, Mr. Zhang, and now our PE teacher, Mr. Mao! No wonder the audience applauded for them.

After a while, the applause gradually stopped. Mr. Zhang sat on the exquisite bar chair, and Mr. Mao stood on the side of the stage. They all set up their postures. With the sound of music, everyone was intoxicated and immersed in the beautiful singing. They are also intoxicated with it, fully integrated into the wonderful music, and their cooperation is perfect! Although the harmonica and guitar are two unrelated instruments, they play tricks. White clouds float by, and the wind seems to stop, listening to the dreamlike music.

After a while, they stopped at the same time, stood and bowed. At this time, people came to their senses, raised their red hands and clapped harder. The guitar playing classmate next door directly shouted, "Great! I have never seen such a wonderful performance!" The two teachers walked off the stage quickly with applause.

The applause lasted for two or three minutes before it stopped. I still remember the wonderful music just now, and can't help feeling that this is really a wonderful moment worth remembering!