Third grade fire safety (12 excellent articles)
Struggle for spring, not willing to fall
2024-04-13 06:43:07
Grade 3
Argumentative paper

Third grade fire safety (1)

When the harsh fire alarm sounds in my ears, the first thing I think of is the scene of firefighters fighting fire one by one. Sometimes they are desperate, sometimes they go forward bravely; Whenever I see the orange red figure flickering in the firelight, my heart is filled with respect and a little worry. Because it is the struggle between life and fire.

Fire fighting is right beside us. When winter and the Spring Festival are approaching, the leaves leave the tree mother's arms. Students like to set off fireworks in the grass, haystacks and suburbs. Once there is a fire, our respected fire fighters will be indispensable.

At the same time, there are also some moving fire stories. Take the fire on CCTV this year for example. In order to reduce casualties, firefighters are desperate to save others and sacrifice their own lives.

When he was trapped in the smoke, he found two construction workers who were unconscious. Without hesitation, he gave up his respirator to the trapped people. At that time, no respirator was equal to death. The moment he let out the respirator, the toxic gas immediately filled his chest. His life also ended at that moment. Although his life disappeared in an instant, his image of sacrificing himself to save others will never be forgotten in people's hearts. I think that the flashing orange red figures in the fire represent hope and peace.

We should always remember: "disaster is in the blink of an eye, prevention is in peacetime". Let's start from peacetime, cherish life, do a good job in fire prevention, improve fire knowledge, to avoid disasters, and maintain the life and health of ourselves and others! I hope that fire fighting, fire fighting, fire will disappear, but also to prevent.

Third grade fire safety (2)

Fire is very dangerous. As long as you relax a little, it will always threaten your life. Nowadays, I don't know how many people die silently in the fire. No matter how hard they struggle, shouting is useless. Therefore, I think fire safety is very important. Nowadays, many people think it is irrelevant. How dangerous it is! In fact, it is very important to know how to escape from the fire. If you master the correct method, you may not regret for life.

Some people have fires due to gas explosion, line failure and other reasons, resulting in property damage and casualties. However, if these people understand fire safety, maybe the result will not be like this. When you are trapped in the fire, you'd better cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel. Because in a fire, many people are not killed by fire, but by smoke. Covering your mouth and nose with a wet towel can effectively prevent smoke. You must know the fire control telephone 119. At this time, you should call the fire brigade immediately for help.

Before the rescue personnel arrive at the fire scene, you should find your own way out. If the doorknob catches fire, you can go out through the window if you can't go out through the door. If you live above the third floor, do not jump blindly. If you live below the third floor, you can use long ropes or ripped sheets to tightly tie them to the window frame, and then climb down steadily to escape from danger safely.

However, even if you are rescued safely, you will suffer heavy property losses, so the best way is to avoid fire and be careful of fire! Life is only once, it is so precious, but also so fragile. Knowing some fire knowledge may make your life happier, happier and better!

Fire safety in third grade (3)

There is an idiom called "play with fire and burn yourself" to tell us not to play with fire, or you will burn yourself. In order not to let a fire happen, we should learn more about fire control knowledge, learn fire control knowledge, listen to fire control education, publicize fire control knowledge, pay attention to every small detail of life, and be careful in everything, so as to understand fire control, know fire control, and understand fire control.

When a fire breaks out, you must face it calmly. If the fire is found at the beginning, fire extinguishers, tap water and other fire-fighting tools can be used to put out the fire at the first time when the fire is very small. At the same time, people around should be called out to participate in the fire fighting and alarm. If there are more than one person to extinguish the fire, the division of labor shall be carried out. One person shall be responsible for extinguishing the fire, and the other person shall remove the combustibles around the flame to prevent and slow down the spread of the fire.

As we all know, there are two main reasons for fire casualties: one is suffocation of thick smoke and toxic gas, and the other is burning of flame and strong thermal radiation. As long as these two hazards can be avoided or reduced, you may be able to escape from the fire and gain a second life!

Self rescue in case of fire, always pay attention to the escape way. Everyone should have a good understanding of the structure and escape routes of the buildings where they work, study or live, and be familiar with the fire fighting facilities in the buildings and the methods of self rescue and escape. In this way, when a fire occurs, there will be no desperate situation. When you are in a strange environment, be sure to pay attention to the evacuation passageway, emergency exit and stair position, so that you can escape from the scene as soon as possible at a critical time.

Fire is the origin of life. It brings us hope and warmth, but it also brings harm. Sometimes it is ruthless: how many families are broken and how many lives are lost because of it.

Third grade fire safety (4)

What is fire? Fire is the most natural light in the dark. Fire is the warmest kind of fire when it is cold. Fire is a great invention of mankind, and fire is the next victim of scientific progress. Fire is beautiful, it brings hope and light to mankind. Fire is dangerous. It makes our world have some dangerous factors. The occurrence of fire may cause loss of property and life, and the occurrence of fire may endanger our lives.

What if we encounter fire danger in our daily life. What should we do if there is a fire in the teaching building. So we need to know fire prevention knowledge and common sense, so that we can choose a safe way to escape in dangerous situations.

The floors of modern teaching buildings are getting higher and higher, and more and more students will become unmanageable in case of danger. So if there is a fire in our building, we can't panic or run around. Calmly 'know where the fire is, then rationally avoid the fire and calmly escape. We need to close the door and ventilation holes, and then use wet towels to block their mouths and noses to prevent inhalation of smoke.

Fire prevention is not a temporary effort. You must pay attention to it all the time, and you must also pay attention to your behavior at any time and anywhere. Don't let the risk factors spread around us.

Fire safety in the third grade (5)

Fire safety is closely related to our life. If we don't pay attention to fire safety, the consequences will be terrible. If there is a fire, don't panic, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, and then try to escape or go to the window to cry for help.

During this time, I saw a house on fire on TV. When there were four people in the food, an adult and a child found the fire and fled in time. At this time, there were two students in the room. The fire was getting bigger and bigger, so the surrounding people called 119. But because the address is not detailed, the firefighters haven't arrived yet. The two trapped students found the fire and covered their mouths and noses with wet towels. They tried to save themselves and finally got out of danger safely.

Why can they escape danger. Because they were very calm and not flustered, they covered their mouths and noses with wet towels and kept away from explosive materials. If he didn't try to save himself, he would be choked or burned to death.

Therefore, I believe that as long as you know more about fire safety and pay more attention to fire prevention, so many tragedies can be avoided.

Fire safety in the third grade (6)

Fire gives people light; Fire gives people warmth; Fire gives people delicious food; However, fire can also devour life.

Fire is a symbol of human civilization, and we can't do without it every day. However, the emergence of fire has brought huge disasters to people's lives. In order to prevent fire, we should learn more about fire prevention. Because fire may happen to us at any time. If we do not use fire properly, it will burn our property, hurt our only life, and bring great pain to people.

Even a small match can cause a disaster. Although fire can help you, it can also do great harm to you. Fire is everywhere. In front of fire, his life has become so fragile. In a disaster, how many people lost their homes and how many people died in flames. Everyone knows that. All this was caused by human carelessness.

Even if a fire accident occurs, we have a sense of fire prevention and can handle it calmly; Call 119 first, then cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, and take some safety measures. For the sake of safety, please try to avoid fire! Let's always remember: everyone is responsible for fire safety!

Fire safety in the third grade (7)

In our life, fire is closely related to us. We need fire for cooking and cooking. But if you don't use fire properly, fire will also have an evil side, which will lead to fire.

Don't leave the kitchen when cooking, which may cause fire; Don't play with fire or set off firecrackers under the age of 15

If there is a fire in the mall, don't panic. Go to the bathroom first, take a towel and dip it in water, cover your mouth and nose, bend down and walk by the arrow of the emergency exit. If you want to go out, please check whether there is an open switch and an open bolt at home. Otherwise, it is easy to cause electric fire.

In the future, you must pay attention to fire prevention. If you are not prepared for fire, it will threaten your life and property at any time. It is often said that "fire and water are merciless". We must always pay attention to fire prevention every day, listen to the teachers and parents of the school, and strictly abide by the relevant fire regulations.

Prevention is better than disaster relief. We should keep the alarm bells ringing and not let tragedies happen.

Third grade fire safety (8)

Fire protection is the obligation of every citizen, and ensuring fire safety can ensure people's personal safety and property safety. From this point of view, we must always pay attention to fire safety.

In terms of fire prevention, we should understand the "common sense of fire safety". The important ones are: do not throw cigarette butts or kindling, know to dial 110 in case of fire, learn to use fire-fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, do not use electricity overload, remember to turn off gas and natural gas switches, etc. If these are strictly observed, the probability of fire will be very low.

However, there are always times of negligence that inadvertently cause a fire. Therefore, we should also learn the "common sense of escape and self rescue" to ensure our own life safety. Pay special attention to the location of the safe passage, and in case of fire, do not covet property, and focus on your own safety.

If we find fire hazards or fire safety violations, we can call 119 to report them and eliminate them.

"Fire fighting" is mainly "prevention", while "elimination" is a remedial measure. So we must take precautions to make our life better.

Fire safety in the third grade (9)

Fire safety is a matter of life. There is only one life, how can we not cherish him?

Life is a beautiful symphony, a magnificent classic poem, and a voyage through setbacks and difficulties. Life is truly precious! We eulogize the statement, because life is precious, he only once; We love life, because life is beautiful, it makes our life glow! The most vigorous and beautiful thing in the world is human life!

Fire safety is a matter of life. There is only one life, how can we not cherish him? As the saying goes, fire and water are merciless, which is also true. People inadvertently led to disaster. We can't live without fire. We need fire for cooking and fire for boiling water. Since the ancients invented to drill wood to make fire, human beings have eaten hot food and got warm in the biting cold wind in winter. But everything has two sides. If human beings do not use it properly, they will cause serious losses. How many serious accidents are caused by fire every year? How many people died under the fierce fire? People always pay no attention to fire safety, which is not enough to give us a warning?

There is only one life. If we don't pay attention to fire safety, we are trampling on our own life and others' life. Life is precious, we should cherish it. If a person doesn't cherish his life, what's the meaning of living in this world?

Compared with fire, life is small and fragile. Why do people ignore life?

"People, the most precious thing is life. Life is only once for everyone." Indeed, only the healthy existence of life can lead to a new life. Especially the flowers of our motherland, we should live wonderfully! Fire safety is life. We should always remember that life is precious!

Third grade fire safety (10)

As the saying goes, fire and water are merciless, which is also true, because there are many examples that can prove that most fires happen inadvertently.

Fire brings us light, food and warmth... but if we don't pay attention, fire brings us ashes. Now, schools often hold fire drills. Some students didn't care about it at all. They ran slowly and said, "What kind of fire drill will be held when they are idle, but it's not really on fire."

But if a terrible disaster really happens, can we still be so leisurely? Fire awareness should be cultivated from childhood.

It is often said that we can't do without fire. No matter what it is, we can't do without fire. There are both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes if you don't use it properly, it will also have an evil side. In case of a fire accident, not only the impact is great, but also the loss is great. Therefore, each of us should master some fire knowledge, such as how to use a fire extinguisher safely.

Fire brings people light and warmth, but it has also taken countless lives and left numerous scars. The fire once sounded an alarm bell for people around us with bloody figures and painful costs, alerting us that fire is an important factor threatening daily learning and life safety. In the crowded campus, we should ring the "119" alarm bell in our minds for a long time to improve our awareness and skills of fire prevention. We should understand the danger of fire and constantly enhance the awareness of fire fighting.

In peacetime, the following should be done:

Don't play with fire. It is to understand the harmfulness of playing with fire and the possible serious consequences.

Fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed to be set off during holidays, especially during the winter holiday and Spring Festival.

In daily life, we should take care of all kinds of fire-fighting facilities and equipment.

Life is only once, it is so precious, but also so fragile. Knowing some fire knowledge may make your life happier, happier and better!

Fire Safety for Grade Three (11)

In ancient times, in order to survive, human beings discovered and used fire in the struggle against various disasters in nature. The invention and utilization of fire have improved the living conditions of human beings and promoted the progress and development of human society.

There is a saying in the Book of Changes: "Relative parties must exist together." Indeed, from lighting, heating, cooking to pushing space rockets into the sky, they can't do without fire. However, fire is also a "double-edged sword". If the fire is out of control, it will cause huge losses to people's lives and property. I once saw such a report: "One day after the parents went out at No. 37, Haishan Road, two children were playing with fire in the house because of curiosity. Unexpectedly, the fire ran into combustibles, which soon ignited a raging fire. The villagers nearby immediately called" 119 ". When the firefighters arrived, the fire had destroyed a large area of the house. The firefighters took more than one hour as soon as possible, He put out the fire at the risk of his life. The fire made many people homeless, and two children were seriously injured by the fire... Isn't it "fire and water are merciless"? We can often hear and witness such events:

A big fire engulfed the mountain forest, and the green mountain became bald. The culprit was a cigarette end; Because I forgot to turn off the gas, the house was destroyed and people died; The fire in schools and factories is caused by improper management of mosquito coils and candles... No need to mention it again. As long as there are people who have weak awareness of fire prevention, fire hazards cannot be eliminated, and the occurrence of fire is inevitable, and the same tragedy will continue.

When you face the misery after the raging fire devil, can you really be indifferent? You will find that as long as we are more careful in advance and think more, the disaster may not happen, so we should start from the small things in life, put prevention first, combine prevention and control, firmly establish the awareness of fire safety, actively prepare fire equipment, and do a good job of response measures, which can certainly hold the throat of the fire devil.

As teenagers, we should not only learn scientific and cultural knowledge, but also have the concept of fire safety, strive to master scientific knowledge and be good propagandists. Let us remember the words of leaders: "Hidden danger is more dangerous than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is more important than Mount Tai!" For our better tomorrow, let's join hands!

Third grade fire safety (12)

With a clear whistle, the fire safety drill began. We quickly left the classroom under the command of the teacher. The students covered their mouths and noses with their hands, bent down, and rushed to the playground orderly one class after another. They formed a column quietly and orderly, stood at the designated position, counted the number of people, and all the students fled to safety, In two minutes and 57 seconds, the teacher praised our performance.

The intense escape drill just ended, followed by the fire fighting drill. The teacher explained how to use the fire extinguisher while demonstrating how to use the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. A big brother was selected from Grade 6 to use the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. After the fire was ignited, the flames flew away. The big brother calmly operated the fire extinguisher and soon extinguished the fire.

After the drill, we returned to the spacious and bright classroom. The teacher once again explained the importance of fire prevention and asked us to keep away from fire without fire source.

This fire drill taught me a lot of fire safety knowledge. We are young and lack of self-protection ability, so we must do the following at ordinary times:

1、 Fully understand the harmfulness and possible serious consequences of playing with fire, and never play with fire at any time.

2、 Lighters, matches, firecrackers, etc. are often items that can induce children to play with fire. Do not carry such items on your body at ordinary times.

3、 Students should supervise and remind each other. If any student is found playing with fire, stop it immediately and report to the teacher and parents to educate them.

If there is a fire, I know how to escape and protect myself in a dangerous time, and I know the value of life. In addition, how to help people around when encountering disasters? In an emergency, we should not panic, but be orderly. We should use scientific methods and calm mind to deal with sudden disasters.

How important safety is! He is the guarantee of our happy life and happy learning. I suggest that students learn more about fire safety, improve their awareness of fire safety, and ensure the safety of life and property.