600 Word Narrative of Rainy Days (6 popular articles)
The right way in the world is vicissitudes
2023-12-16 02:25:03
primary school

600 word rainy day narrative (1)

Zeng really saw, a heavy rain, a light rain. Life is like a rain. If it rains more, it means that your life will be bumpy; If you play smaller, it will mean your life will be unknown.

Rain is always so tender, because its essence is water, in my eyes, it has become as holy as water. Water, in childhood, is always so sacred. And rain, of course, is the same. There is a lot of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. Yes, there is a lot of rain in the south of the Yangtze River. The rain in the south of the Yangtze River is different from the rain in the north.

When I was a child, I liked rain very much. It was a wonderful experience to lie on the windowsill and feel the rain on my face! It rained for a long time. Sometimes I fell asleep after watching it. Most of the time, I still watched the rain and the people outside the window.

When I grow up and become sensible, I always get a feeling and understanding from the rain. I like listening to the rain very much. The sound of "ticking" falls on the ground, which is not particularly uniform, so I can feel the vicissitudes and old state of life.

From when, watching the rain has become my indescribable enjoyment. Holding an umbrella, standing in the rain, very comfortable, reach out to catch the rain, the rain that has passed away quietly, and reappear in the hands of life. This rain, this hope, is what a harmonious match! How many longings are quietly bred in the rain, and how many hopes are quietly sublimated in the rain!

The spring rain is delicate and warm. When you succeed, the spring rain will pass by you, slip by, give you encouragement and give you spiritual warmth.

The autumn rain is silent. When you fail and become so depressed and helpless, the autumn rain falls in your heart, waking you up and giving you hope.

Why don't you tell your mind to the rain? Every drop of rain will roll down and flow into your heart, nourishing your heart. The rain is colorless, and it turns blue against the blue sky. Blue is the clearest and quietest. Learn to taste hope in the rain and feel quiet!

The ancients used to express the bleakness by saying that "the frost never dissipates in autumn, leaving the residual lotus to listen to the sound of rain". But now, I think that the rain is to bring hope to the residual lotus, let the residual lotus stand in the middle of the pool hard, survive tenaciously forever, and show the unyielding of the lotus to people.

Rain contains hope, effort, tenacity and perseverance!

It's a rainy day!

600 word rainy day narrative (2)

It's nice when it rains. What's good? Fortunately, it can make all things grow in spring. Fortunately, it does not need to be suntanned in summer. It also has a touch of flexibility in gray autumn and winter.

I like rainy days. Whether it's rainy days in spring, summer or autumn or winter, as long as the rain falls, I will be overjoyed. In spring, you can see miracles when the rain falls. That is because the seeds need such rain and dew. Before or after the sun bathes, these rain and dew baptize the seeds covered with soil first, so that the seeds can carve a green gap for the earth, and what grows out of this green gap is the miracle of life.

In summer, when the rain falls, we will say goodbye to the sun that has tanned us for a short time. Rain is timely and cool at this time. When people see the rain at this time, they wish they had forgotten to bring their umbrellas, so that they can be justifiably exposed to the rain, feel the short coolness in summer, and feel the joy of not tanning their skin, but also liberating their body and mind.

In autumn and winter, the rain is to add a gentle spirit to the earth. They make the earth dry to crack, and instantly have the gentleness of spring and the softness of summer, making everything covered with gray, and suddenly have a touch of flexibility. On rainy days, the good thing is the nimbleness of the rain. Every drop of the rain beats out vitality and hope. The rain falling on the eaves, umbrellas and bodies reminds us that life has been baptized, and life has new opportunities and new future.

It's nice when it rains. What's good? Fortunately, it brought us miracles in spring. Fortunately, it freed us in summer. Fortunately, it turned the gray sky into sweet rain in autumn and winter. It knocked out vitality and hope for the earth, and gave all lives new opportunities and future. I like rainy days, whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter.

600 word rainy day narrative (3)

The sky is dark. The rain is getting heavier and denser. Beany raindrops hit my umbrella and my heart. In ordinary days, the sweet music seems to be only a tragic cry. Even you are crying for me? I looked up and saw only gray in my eyes. Bright red and dazzling score

The sky is dark. The rain is getting heavier and denser.

Beany raindrops hit my umbrella and my heart. In ordinary days, the sweet music seems to be only a tragic cry.

Even you are crying for me? I looked up and saw only gray in my eyes.

Bright red and dazzling scores, heartless red forks, bright smiling faces of classmates, and cold words of parents... turned into countless awls, piercing my heart. so painful!

Is this providence? I thought derisively. Repeated failures in the exam made me lose confidence and courage to fight.

I hung my head and continued to walk aimlessly, leaving only gray in my world.

At a casual glance, it seemed that something had caught my step and made me stop involuntarily.

How green it should be!

However, it is inch high, shrunk in a gap beside the floor tile, and the thin root is wrapped in the scarce soil. The thin stem tried to stand up and swayed in the rain.

Dense raindrops hit its leaves and rolled down the leaves. The half thumb sized leaf is fully stretched, and bears the heavy blows again and again. The tender yellow of Xiaoya hasn't faded, and the green hasn't been dyed, but she struggles to find out from among the leaves, and accepts the washing and baptism of rain.

Every drop of rain falls on it, it will tremble. The sound of "patter, patter" made me turn my head and couldn't bear to look at it again. I couldn't bear to see it fall down, but I still didn't want to leave. I didn't want to let it be lonely and accept the wind and rain alone. One minute, two minutes... Every time I think it is going to fall, I look back and see it still facing the wind and rain.

It seems vulnerable, so tenacious.

The thick wall built on my heart collapsed at that moment.

In the face of the threat of the storm, it did not yield. What reason can I choose to escape?

Looking up at the falling rain, I smiled.

It has courage, so do I.

I made a "V" gesture toward the sky and shouted silently: "I will definitely win the exam!" I was so happy.

It's a rainy day!

600 word rainy day narrative (4)

Boom Boom!

I'm afraid the rain won't stop! The old voice of the neighbor woke me up while I was meditating. Looking up, the dark curtain of the sky had been opened, and the crystal clear raindrops slowly poured down from the depths of the sky, like a living picture of the end of the world.

At that time, I was sitting on a roadside chair, and there was a big tree nearby. Through the mottled leaves, raindrops appear and disappear like magic. Although the round body is too plump, it lights up the gloomy things. The raindrop was covered with a layer of mist like white light, which set off the dim light of street lamps, like the twinkling stars in the dusk.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, which blurs my vision.

If the rain just now is compared to the magician's performance, then this is the drummer's performance.

With the drummer's first heavy blow, the raindrops suddenly accelerated, regardless of the sharp increase of their own weight, and came to the world like meteors. At this time, it is hard to distinguish the raindrops. The only thing we can see is the string like a silk thread, straight, pure and consistent. It cuts off the connection between things, but then it overlaps them again, and then another partner continues their work.

As the raindrops leap, you can gradually hear a song of pure poetry. The first fashion is not obvious, but listen carefully, and you will find: this is the song of life! Whether you are worried or not, please listen to: the rain falling in the mud pit is playing a thick interlude, the collision between rain and rain is a light accompaniment, and the rain flowing down from the high place is the constant theme.

The night came quietly, and the heavy wet clothes were clinging to the body, while the rain had already stopped.

I walked all the way through the mud, avoiding the water drops that jumped from the high place, and finally, my clothes became more and more wet.

As soon as it rains, I feel the end of the world; The rain has just stopped, but I feel it is nirvana rebirth.

Gains and losses are fleeting. Life rises and falls like rain.

Rain brings people not only physical washing, but also spiritual clarity.

600 word rainy day narrative (5)

That night, it was raining heavily. The sound of rain was supposed to be annoying, but I didn't think so. I like the sound of rain, I like rainy days! Listening to the rain, I fell asleep. I slept well that night.

The next morning, it was drizzling. My parents took me to relax on the road of the community with a big umbrella. The world is quiet on rainy days. The grass was watered by rain all night, and its tender buds were revealed. Several green buds appeared on the originally bare branches. It seems that everything is implying that spring is coming!

After a short walk in the community, the rain stopped. The children have been at home for a cold winter without snow, and they can finally come out to have fun! Children's happiness is very simple - give them a pair of rain shoes and find a place with water. Innocence, happiness and happiness will follow! They are walking on the rain, playing and laughing, and their laughter adds a different picture to spring!

I stepped on the short footprints left by my parents on rainy days, listened to the clear cries of birds, and enjoyed the morning. The air is filled with a faint smell of grass, which makes me relaxed and happy. I stopped to look at the grandfathers who were playing Taijiquan and the grandmothers who were dancing square dance. Although they were very old, they were all full of spirit.

Nalan Xingde said: The wind is curling and the water is soaking in the clear sky. The sky after the rain is really like that. It is very pure blue. Occasionally, several white clouds float in the blue sky, which makes people feel more calm.

Spring rain is delightful, while summer rain is often pleasant. First came the thunder, and then came the downpour. "Adults are always looking for shelter in a hurry, and we children run in the rain to our hearts' content, and then go home to be scolded by grandma!" Dad said.

The appearance of autumn rain is expected. After the first autumn rain, people feel that the air has changed, and the autumn sky is crisp! Let's have some more rain! However, one cold autumn rain, ten autumn rain to wear cotton.

When autumn ends and winter comes, rainy days are another taste. It's cold and rainy in winter, so you should stay in your room and do something you like. Time can be slow, and the slowest time is rainy days in winter.

I like rainy days. The rain in spring, summer, autumn and winter has something lovely. It's a rainy day!

600 word rainy day narrative (6)

When it rains, the grass absorbs small raindrops into its own body, and the grass becomes very delicate. The crops in the fields absorb water and become plump, beautiful and delicious. Pomegranate absorbs water and becomes big and red, just like a red sun. Grapes absorb small drops of water and become crystal clear. The apple absorbed the dew and was red, just like the little girl blushed. Watermelon absorbs water and becomes big and round, like a big leather ball. Kumquat got the rain and became golden, just like little lanterns. Grapefruit has also been absorbed, and the pulp becomes sour and sweet. Persimmons and oranges are jostling to drink the dew. Although the pineapple is full of wrinkles, it is not willing to be outdone. It is crowded so that its face is red and its neck is thick.

When it rains, you can wear beautiful shoes and umbrellas. You can also play with rain, for example, pick up a little rain, and then pour it on your classmates' faces. It's very interesting. Also, it's interesting to spray a load of water on my parents' faces in the water gun... My brother and I will step on the puddle with our shoes in rainy days and make water splash everywhere. Sometimes, when it rains, it will make a thunder sound, which is really scary. Sometimes, there will be lightning flashes, which is really beautiful!

When the rain is over, sometimes there will be a beautiful rainbow. Rainbow has seven colors, very beautiful. Just like a colorful arch bridge. The grass becomes greener than before. The sun shines on the lawn, orchard, and field again... The weather after the rain is very good and sunny. Animals and plants are also growing rapidly. The children are a little sad now. They can't wear beautiful shoes and umbrellas. I wondered when it would rain again? I really want to play water sprinkling with my brother. I wish it would rain again soon!

Rainy days can not only nourish everything, but also make children have fun.

I like rainy days. It's nice when it rains!