The classic sentence that men should strive for
Sugar Plum
2023-07-26 23:15:16
Complete sentences

1. Not content with the status quo and unwilling to be mediocre, it is possible to play the magnificent music of life in the enterprising struggle.

2. No matter when you end, the important thing is not to regret after the end.

3. At all times and in all over the world, all achievements and achievements for human beings are the result of down-to-earth and hard climbing.

4. Nostalgia is not because of how good that era was, but because you were young at that time.

5. In life, the more patient you are, the more beneficial you will be. All great achievements are the result of hard work and waiting.

6. Hard to do nothing, hard to move themselves.

7. This society is unfair, don't complain, because it's useless! People always make progress in introspection!

8. When you are sad, eat a sugar and tell yourself that life is sweet!

9. Having dreams is only a kind of intelligence, and realizing dreams is a kind of ability.

10. Hope is attached to existence. When there is existence, there is hope. When there is hope, there is light.

11. Depressed corner of a monotonous brush, can only paint the future a layer of gray.

12. Fools watch their hearts, while wise men watch their hearts.

13. All great actions and thoughts have a trivial beginning.

14. What is our purpose? It's victory! Win at all costs!

15. No one who gave himself to today is wasted yesterday.

16. When you advise others, if you don't care about their self-esteem, then no matter how good your words are, they are useless.

17. The greatest happiness in life is that you can't rest for a minute.

18. Youth has no experience and willfulness, but it has strength.

19. Yesterday's glory has passed, today's glory should be fought for, and tomorrow's glory needs efforts.

20. No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without stepping on your feet.

21. Only a down-to-earth person can say that the road is at my feet.

22. Only laziness is the patent of lazy people. There is nothing in the world that can be gained without effort.

23. The will of a soldier should be as firm as a rock, and the character of a soldier should be as gentle as the wind.

24. What makes people tired is not the mountains in the distance, but a grain of sand in their shoes.

25. If you don't have self-confidence, it's really bad! If you don't believe in yourself or doubt yourself, it can't be worse.

26. Remember your value. It will not depreciate because of your indecency. It is the day when gold will shine.

27. Inferiority is a bird with wings cut off, and it is difficult to reach the sky. Both of them are taboos for success.