300 word composition for cooking (15 compilations)
The most beautiful trace is called memory
2023-08-25 05:33:24

300 word composition for cooking (1)

Before dinner, my father gave me a hard task - to learn how to make fried noodles.

After receiving the task, I immediately prepared the materials. Side dishes: tomatoes, onions, rape, carrots and green onions. I first cut the tomato into eight pieces, then cut the onion into pieces, then pick the rape into leaves, finally cut the carrot into pieces, and cut the green onion into onion flowers. Prepare the side dishes and put them on the plate to prepare the seasoning. One spoonful of salt, half a bowl of vinegar, five spoonfuls of sugar, a little MSG and three spoonfuls of soy sauce, and then mix them evenly.

Now we can make chow mein. First, boil the water. When the water is about to boil, I take out fresh noodles from the refrigerator. When the water boils, put the noodles into the pot, and constantly stir the noodles with chopsticks to prevent them from sticking together or sticking to the bottom of the pot. When the noodles are half cooked, pull them out. After two times of water, you can go to the next step.

First, heat the pan and pour in oil. When the oil is hot, put in the seasoning prepared in advance, then put in a little water, pour in the vegetables, stir fry for a while. After the vegetables change color, pour the noodles into the pan. Stir fry for about a minute, and the fried noodles are finished.

Looking at my homemade chow mein, I was very excited. I quickly took a picture with my chow mein, so happy! This is my first time to make chow mein. It tastes good!

300 word composition for cooking (2)

I learned to cook because I wanted my grandmother to run around in the kitchen. Every time after school, I had delicious food cooked by my grandmother, so I also wanted to cook a meal for my grandmother.

At noon, my mother and I went into the kitchen, and I said, "I want to stir fry Chinese cabbage." I first picked the cabbage, boiled the water in the pot, poured the oil into the pot, and then kept burning until the oil smoked. Then I poured the cabbage into the pot and stir fried for a while, and then added a little salt to get out of the pot.

But because I put a little more water and a little less salt in cooking, it is not delicious. The second time, I added more salt, but it was still not delicious without water. The last time, I was going to give up, but with my mother's encouragement, I did it again, this time just right. I looked at my fried dishes. They were a little oily and very clear. I was very satisfied with them. They are the healthiest vegetables.

It's easy to go up, but it's really difficult, but as long as you have the heart, you can make delicious food.

300 word composition for cooking (3)

Every time I eat delicious food cooked by my mother, I want to be able to cook for myself, just like my mother. So I want to learn cooking from my mother. One day, I told my mother my idea, and her mother said, "What do you want to learn to cook?" I think I like the sour and hot potato shreds best, so I will learn to cook this dish. I said to my mother, "Please teach me how to make sour and hot potato shreds."

At the beginning, I put the peeled potato on the cutting board, held the kitchen knife in my right hand, and pressed the potato in my left hand for fear that he might run away. I began to cut. Because it was the first time to cut vegetables, I cut potato chips unevenly. I cut the potato chips into potato shreds according to my mother's instructions.

It's time to move on. I put the oil into the pot to heat under my mother's instruction. After a while, the lampblack came out. When I saw that it was almost there, I put the onion and ginger into the pot and stir fried them for several times. Then I put the potato shreds into the pot and continued to stir fry them for several times. Then I poured vinegar, sugar, pepper and garlic into the potato shreds and stir fried them continuously. Soon, the shredded potatoes were cooked. After adding some salt and MSG, I put them into a large plate.

I can't wait to take a bite. It tastes good! My mother saw that I ate very delicious, and also ate.

After this time, I am more energetic in learning to cook. Every weekend I learn to cook and let the whole family taste. I think: if my parents can't go home because of something, I can't be hungry, so I can cook and eat by myself.

300 word composition for cooking (4)

Once, when I was ten years old, my mother and father were not at home, and I was about to faint from hunger. They suddenly called to say that they were eating out today. When I thought about it, what would I eat? Instant noodles, no nutrition, hamburgers were returned to buy from far away places, and when I thought about it, I would cook by myself.

Usually when my mother cooks, I always look around my mother to see how to do it. I suddenly wanted to eat eggs and persimmons. After thinking about it, I decided to make this dish. I turned on the light wave stove first, put the pot on the light wave stove, and turned on the 1200 degree pot. I put oil first, and the oil boiled. I stirred the eggs evenly and poured them into the pot, as my mother usually did. When the eggs were cooked, they were put into a small bowl, and then put some oil in the pot to stir fry the onion in the greenhouse until fragrant. Then I poured persimmons into the pot, and then I poured eggs into the pot. After a while, my dish was completed. I'm so glad that I tasted it myself. How wonderful it is to be able to cook by yourself.

I was really happy that time.

300 word composition for cooking (5)

I was alone at home this morning. It was almost noon. I'm hungry.

I went to the kitchen for a stroll, only some lettuce, eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes and so on. An idea suddenly flashed into my mind. Let me cook.

Then I started. I wanted to make a scrambled egg with tomato and a shredded potato with vinegar. I first make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and then steam the rice. First, three bowls of rice are enough for us to eat. Then he washed it with water several times and steamed it in the pot. Next, I started cooking. First, I washed the tomatoes three times and stirred the eggs well. Then I cut the tomatoes, poured a little oil into the pot, put the tomatoes in it, fried it, fried the eggs, and fried them again.

Soon I smelled the fragrance. Then I put it on the table. It's time to wash the potatoes and peel them. Then I poured vinegar into them. Then put it in the microwave oven and steam it. I suddenly smelled a fragrance and saw that the rice was ripe. Then quickly take it out and scoop it into a bowl.

At this time, shredded potatoes with vinegar will be ready. I put them all on the table. Waiting for my mother to come back, my mother came back to have a look. Just praise me, Wen Wen can also cook^^ I finally learned to cook.

300 word composition for cooking (6)

Grandma recently returned to her hometown. Yesterday, my mother took my sister to dance class. It was almost 8 o'clock and she still hadn't come back. I'm hungry, too. I will cook by myself, so that when my mother comes back, I can have dinner, and my mother will praise me.

I cleaned the vegetables first, then picked up the knife and cut slowly, afraid of cutting my fingers. Next, I will start to show my skills and start cooking.

I turned on the gas first, waited for a while, then poured in the oil. When it was slightly hot, I put the vegetables in and turned them back and forth with a shovel. After frying for a while, I felt almost done, so I put the dishes on the plate. Then add some water to the pot and start boiling water.

After the water boils, I put the noodles in first, and then pour the vegetables and the potatoes left over into the pot. I also cut a sausage, which is my favorite.

Soon, the noodles will be ready. But before my mother came back, I turned down the fire and went to do my homework.

When my mother came back, she praised me all the time, and I felt happy. When my father knew that I would cook, he smiled and said to me, "It seems that I can't die of hunger!"!

I also promised my father to cook for him when he came back!

It's a good feeling to cook!

300 word composition for cooking (7)

Every day when I come back from school, I can hear my mother's new music symphony in the kitchen; Dingdingdinglong: The sound of cooking can also make a song, and I also want to make music more beautiful than my mother! So I made up my mind to be a gourmet. Every day when I came back from school, I would steal my master.

My mother and father haven't come back on Saturday. I use these hours to cook food. My first dish is called "hundreds of fish every year". It's strange. Don't listen to me. First, put the cut ginger in the pot and boil it. Press the ginger with a shovel and brush it in the pot like washing dishes. Then put the oil and fry it until it is hot. I fry both sides of the fish with a shovel, I put the fish on a plate sprinkled with soy sauce and scallions. You will ask me where hundreds of fish are. This is just a fish. Don't worry, I haven't finished cooking it yet. I fry the fish eggs and put them beside the fish. This is called "hundreds of fish every year". I also cooked many dishes, such as; "Good night" and "green rope" pearls came one by one. Mom came back and ate them. She said that my craftsmanship was good, and Dad raised his thumb and said, "Daughter, you are great!

I've learned a truth about this. You can only gain if you pay.

300 word composition for cooking (8)

Everyone has his own skills, some can swim, some can wash clothes, some can ride a bike, and my skill is cooking.

I remember the day when my mother went out and asked me to cook for myself. I started to do something wrong when my mother just went out. My cup and bottle were very large. I didn't know how many meters I needed. I thought that one cup of square meters would be enough for one person. Then I washed the rice, put water in, and washed the rice. When I poured the water, I accidentally poured the rice on the ground. Then I added some more rice because I was afraid that there was not enough rice, This time, I poured a little rice when I poured water. I think it's OK to eat less. I put a lot of water.

When I put it into the electric cooker, I didn't know how to put a fork in there. I almost got an electric shock when I put the fork in here. Then I pressed the cook button. After a while, I came to see how the food was not cooked. I didn't press the cook button. My mother came back and said, "When I opened it, it was porridge. My mother said," Don't lose heart. You will do it next time. "

Later, I practiced several times and finally learned to cook.

300 word composition for cooking (9)

This morning, after playing for a while, I went to look at my watch. I really didn't know what time it was. When I looked at the next jump, my god! It's 11:30! Why hasn't the family come yet! My mother and mother-in-law went to see my brother this morning. They haven't come yet. Who will cook lunch! I was anxious. Suddenly, I had an idea. Why don't I cook for my family! My mother and mother-in-law usually cook for me. This time, I will cook for everyone!

First of all, I washed the frying pan clean, then put the pan on the coal fire, put some oil, then open the coal fire, cover the pan, after a while, the oil was hot, I put cabbage and potatoes into the pan, and only heard a "chirp"! The vegetables, like tigers just out of the cage, quickly entered the pot, so I also quickly took a shovel to give them a "bath". After a period of time, I saw that the hot vegetables had been out of the pot.

After cooking for a while, my mother-in-law came, and I hurried to show my "achievements" to her. The mother-in-law looked at it and said, "It's really grown up!"

Just in time, everyone came. We all went to serve dinner. I ate my own fried dishes, which tasted different.

300 word composition for cooking (10)

Every time I see my mother cooking, my hands are itchy. I remember once, the opportunity came!

On Saturday, when my mother was about to cook, the phone rang suddenly. After taking the phone call, my mother changed her shoes and said to me, "I have an emergency, I want to go out." Then she left. I read at home for 10 minutes. 20 minutes. 30 minutes later, suddenly my stomach began to count. I thought for a moment, why not do it myself? I said "do it", then I turned on the gas stove, put some oil down, took out two eggs and three tomatoes, first cracked the eggs, after a few seconds I turned them upside down, and then cut the tomatoes open, put them in the nest, after a few minutes, I fried them several times, after a few seconds, I put the salt down, and then fried them a few times, and put them on the plate, Unconsciously, my mother was behind me, and I began to stir fry corn and meat. After my mother's teaching, I learned to cook!

I'm so happy because I learned to cook!

300 word composition for cooking (11)

Today is a beautiful day. Don't believe it, look, the grass is swinging his beautiful dance, the flower is dressing herself, and the tree is opening its umbrella.

I excitedly went to call Mom and Dad, they fell asleep. So I decided to let me cook this morning. First, I took out three eggs. Look, the eggs were also asleep. After I broke the three eggs, the eggs were bleeding, as if he was begging me not to eat him.

This is the part I don't like most. Pour oil, because I'm afraid of oil splashing on me, but I still have to face it. I made a bold effort to pour oil. Now I know it's not so difficult to pour oil. When the oil is fried, I immediately pour the egg down. Immediately, the yellow and shiny egg becomes golden, He was shining like gold, and I put some more drinks. Suddenly, I felt that the fragrance could be smelled ten miles away.

Mom and Dad got up, and when they saw that I had finished the meal, they praised me again and again that I was a good child.

300 word composition for cooking (12)

On Saturday morning, I got up very early. I wanted to try fried egg with scallions as my mother did, and make a delicious breakfast for my parents.

First, I took out three eggs from the refrigerator. First, I cracked the eggs on the edge of the bowl from the middle. Then I broke the eggs on both sides with both hands. The eggshell was divided into two halves, and the egg white and yolk fell into the bowl. Then I sprinkled a handful of pre cut scallions into the bowl and put some salt. After adding the seasoning, I used chopsticks to mix the eggs and seasoning, and put them aside to wait for cooking.

I lit the gas stove and added a small amount of edible oil to the pan. When the oil was hot, I poured all the eggs. The oil pan made a sound of "sizzle", and the eggs kept bubbling with golden bubbles. I was at a loss for fear of oil splashing on me. But I soon calmed down, got up the courage, and kept speculating. Soon the egg liquid became a golden solid. The eggs are ripe! I quickly turned off the fire, put the scrambled eggs on the plate and put them on the table.

Look carefully at this dish. The heat is just right. The golden eggs are dotted with green green onion flowers, which smell a faint fragrance. Even my father was full of praise.

Although the first scrambled egg was a bit hectic, I was very satisfied with the final result. I think: I have grown up. Cooking and cooking are no longer out of reach. In the future, we should do more to take care of my father and mother all day long and share more housework. Let them not work so hard. I think they will be very happy.

300 word composition for cooking (13)

Today, my parents were not at home. I had finished my homework and had nothing to do. Looking at my watch, it was ten o'clock. I thought: If I cooked a meal for them, they would be very happy. I said to myself, "I can't just think about it. I have to do it!" Then I started to take action. I made fried eggs today.

The first step is to fire first, then pour oil, and then start to beat eggs. I took an egg out of the refrigerator and was about to crack it on the wall. But when I didn't crack it, I heard the egg fall to the ground and break. Clean it up!

After cleaning, I took out an egg from the refrigerator and cracked it in the middle of the corner of the table. I quickly took a bowl and broke the egg white and yolk into the bowl. I poured the egg into the pot.

I went to watch TV. After a while, I heard a "prick". I hurried to the kitchen and shoveled the eggs out! It's late, and the eggs have turned black in some places. I was about to do it again when the doorbell rang. When I came back, I went to open the door for them and said to myself, "But this is also good."

They tasted my masterpiece and said, "It's delicious." I tasted it myself and almost vomited it. How bitter!

I am determined to learn how to fry eggs! Make it for the family.

300 word composition for cooking (14)

Today, I was alone at home. At noon, I decided to cook a delicious lunch for myself. I usually secretly watch my parents cook, which is just a good practice... Today, I am the chef of our family.

After the rice steamer, I began to prepare the ingredients for cooking. What we need to do today is stir fry pork with shredded radish. I soaked the meat first, washed and shredded the radish, and then took out the meat and cut it into strips after a few minutes. Everything was ready and we started. Recalling the steps that parents usually take to cook, first turn on the fire, pour in appropriate oil, and then put pepper, shredded meat, shredded radish, salt, and soy sauce one by one. After some speculation, I don't know when I will be familiar with it. Let's watch TV first. After a few minutes, my father came back when I was looking at him vigorously. At this time, there was a smell of paste in the whole room. I thought it was bad. My father asked, "Why do you cook by yourself?" I said, "I'm hungry, and I don't know when I will come back, so I can drink from the west to the north?" My father smiled, poured out my fried rice, and said to me, "You should be careful when cooking, use all the seasonings properly, and pay attention to the temperature." The effort is worthy of the people who want it. With the efforts of my father and I, The delicious shredded pork with radish is ready.

Although I didn't do well myself, it was my first time to cook. I will try my best to do every first time in the future.

I learned to cook 300 words (2)

On Tuesday, our class held a "show off" contest, and I'm going to cook for everyone.

When we came to the classroom, we walked onto the platform and presented a plate of delicious scrambled eggs made at home to everyone. Everyone tasted it and said, "It tastes great!" This made me think of a famous saying: any achievement is the result of hard work. It also reminds me of the time when I first learned to cook; That day, on Women's Day, I went to the flower shop next to the sports center to buy my mother a bunch of flowers, and then went home to ask my father to teach me how to cook. My father taught me to beat eggs first. After beating eggs, pour the yolk and egg white into a bowl, and then add some salt to mix well. Pour a little oil into the pan. When the oil is hot, pour the mixed eggs into the pan. After about 30 seconds, turn the eggs over, and after 30 seconds, a fried egg will be ready. My father also taught me to make a dish called sour and hot cabbage. First, peel four pieces of cabbage leaves, then pour some oil into the pot. After the oil is heated, add seasoning and cut cabbage, and turn the cabbage; When the cabbage color changes, add proper vinegar and salt, and the dish will be ready. Although the taste is not very good, in my mother's mind, these two dishes are the best in the world! As I spoke, I shed tears

Although I learned to cook, I still remember the scene when I just started to learn to cook.

I learned to cook 300 words (3)

One of our homework during the holiday is to learn to cook, so I decided to ask my mother to teach me how to cook. First, I took the rice cooker to measure the rice. How much rice would three members of our family eat? Mother said, "Two cups is enough." Then we went to wash rice. I poured water into the rice cooker, rubbed it back and forth with both hands, and then put the water into another basin. Mother said that the rice washing water can be used to shower flowers, which is called recycling. In the process of washing the rice, the rice always sticks to my hand. I rub it repeatedly and it still cannot be removed. I asked my mother how to remove the rice? Mother said that as long as you put your hands in the water, the rice will naturally fall into the water, as Mother said. When the rice washing water is poured out, it is also very artistic. My mother said that if you want to block the rice with your hands, you will not pour out the rice with water. In this way, the rice will be washed after washing it three times. Then my mother asked me to dry the water around the rice cooker, put it in, plug in the power, press the button, wait for 20 minutes, and the delicious rice will be ready. At dinner, my father and mother tasted a mouthful of the food I cooked and praised me as a good child who loves working!

300 word composition for cooking (15)

My mother's best meal is to make egg cakes. So in the summer vacation, I decided to learn from my mother. My mother learned my meaning and said, "OK, no problem, I promise to teach you." "That's good." I answered happily.

My mother began to teach me. She said, "First, put a proper amount of white flour into a basin, then beat three eggs into it, then cut the onions into pieces and put them into a basin together with salt, MSG and five spice powder, and finally pour a small amount of cold water into it, and mix it into a paste. The preparation is ready." Mother continued: "Put a small amount of oil into a pan, heat it on the fire, put the prepared flour into the pan with a big spoon, turn the flour into a cake, and then rotate the cake 180 degrees. After a minute or two, you can taste the delicious food."

It's my turn to do it. First, I put the white flour into the basin, and carefully put the appropriate amount of salt, MSG, and five spice powder together. Then I beat the eggs in, and put the chopped onions in. It's time to pour in water. Unexpectedly, the tap was opened too large and there was too much water. Alas! I have to start again. This time I was very careful. I carefully unscrewed the water pipe and received water drop by drop. In this way, the preparatory work was done for half an hour. Then, I followed my mother's instructions. First, I poured the oil into the pot and heated it on the fire. At the same time, I used a big spoon to put the flour into the pot and turn it into a cake. After another turn, the egg cake was ready. I looked at the yellow egg cake and couldn't wait for my mother to taste it. Mother took a bite and swallowed it painfully. It turned out that it was full of egg skins. In order to make up for my mistake, I decided to make another pot of porridge for my mother.

In the summer vacation, I learned to make egg cakes, but also let me know that only hard work, there will be the fruit of victory.

Chapter 2

My mother always cooks for me. Today, my mother went to my aunt's house to get something. I have a chance to show my skills.

Like my mother, I first put on my apron, then filled two cups of rice, took some water from the tap, soaked it, poured out the water, washed it twice, and then added water to boil the rice in the electric cooker.

During the cooking time, I started cooking. First, I made an egg cake. I picked up an egg and touched it on the edge of the bowl without hesitation. As a result, it was "a bad start", half in the bowl and half on the ground. It seems that we have to do it again. Now I am smart. First, I gently touch the egg to a crack, then quickly move it to the middle of the bowl, gently open the eggshell, and the egg flows like a waterfall. Then, I put some salt, scallions, monosodium glutamate, and mixed them with the eggs. Then I put some oil in the pot, lit the fire, and when the oil in the pot began to bubble, I put the eggs in. In a short time, the delicious egg cake was fried.

The second dish is stir fried green vegetables: I take a handful of green vegetables first, put them piece by piece into the water, clean them, cut them into pieces with a knife, put salt and pepper into the pot, start to stir fry, turn them over with a spatula, but after a while, the stir fry is ready.

I started to cook the third course, which is also my favorite carrot and green pepper. First, I put the carrot and green pepper in water to wash them. After they are clean, they are put on the cutting board and cut into pieces. This is the most difficult procedure. Then put it into the pot, add salt, onion, garlic, etc. It started to stir fry. Soon, the fragrance and spicy taste were smelled, indicating that the stir fry was ready, and I immediately served it.

At this time, my mother came back and was too happy to say a word when she saw the cooked food on the table. "Come on, try my skill." "Hmm, not bad!" Mother took a bite with her chopsticks and gave it a thumbs up as she ate.

I learned to cook. Although it is not as good as my mother's, it is also good. If you come to my house as a guest, you must try my craft!