Stick to my dream (14 practical articles)
I have looked back
2023-12-14 06:27:31
Junior 1

Stick to my dream (1)

Maybe it's because I like Shen Shixi's animal novels very much. I can't help feeling good about animals when I immerse myself in them every day. Lala, a police dog, has many good qualities of human beings. Loyalty, loyalty and courage are its spokesmen; There is also the story of Barsacha the Righteous Eagle. When I read this book, I shed tears. I found that many beautiful characters that are not found in humans are vividly reflected in pets. I have raised the idea of raising a dog for many times before, but my mother always said that the space at home was too small, there was no time, and the dog shit smelled... But the dog sellers always tried to cultivate dogs suitable for customers' needs. Later, I fell in love with the tea cup dog Teddy, I took my mother and said to her, "Mom, you see how cute this dog is. It's smaller than your palm. It's OK to raise it in a teacup. Besides, it's just so big. How much shit can it take? Not to mention biting people, you can treat it like a duck!" But my mother said that such a dog has lost its nature and can only interact with it carefully. If you are not careful, you will step on it and kill it. Although these reasons for refusing are very unreasonable, I can only step back quietly and think of other countermeasures.

I also want to keep cats, especially after reading Lao She's Cat, this idea is growing stronger in my mind. Even in my dreams, I dream that there are cats at home. But Mom and Dad came out to oppose my idea after they heard about it. I said that I only saw Lao She write the cute side of the cat, but I didn't think about the stories behind it. They said that the little plum blossom in Lao She's mouth was just the footprints left by dirty feet stepping on my exercise book. I might be able to stand it, but they and the teacher could not stand the footprints on my work. They also said that the cat would tear up my exercise book and make a mess on the wall. Finally, I was forced to hold up a white paper towel (white flag). Later, I put forward other requirements, which were rejected by them for one reason or another. Most of them said that the feeding cost was too expensive, there was no time, and the animals were smelly. I can only say nothing. What can I do to deal with such hard hearted parents?

It is said that people's desire is endless, with the pot, want to table. In fact, I have a lot of fish at home, including tropical fish and fighting fish. But I always feel that this is not enough, so I still want to buy a dog or cat to keep. I have always adhered to my pet dream and hope that my dream will come true in the near future.

Stick to my dream (2)

Everyone has dreams, and I am no exception. However, when it comes to realizing your dreams, there are still some twists and turns.

When I was in primary school, because a classmate's composition was printed on the newspaper, the teacher and classmates praised him, and I also wanted to win this honor, so I began to contribute to the newspaper. But not surprisingly, none of my essays appeared in the newspaper.

Maybe someone learned about it and spread my experience of many failures. In an instant, my story spread all over the class. I remember that on the way home that day, the sunset was still warm on my body, but this residual temperature was still not enough to warm my cold heart.

Gradually, there were more and more jeers, and I was gradually thinking about whether to give up this dream.

At this time, my Chinese teacher, Mr. Xu, came. Unusually, she changed her usual harsh tone and calmly said to me: "XXX, don't you want to publish your article in the newspaper? Why, you are discouraged." I told her everything exactly.

After hearing this, she smiled and said, "Philosopher Dante said," Go your own way and let others tell you. "I think you should do the same. Don't care about the ridicule and ridicule of others. You should never waver in thinking about your dream, OK?"

I raised my head, nodded heavily at her and smiled happily.

Finally, with her help, I finally realized my dream. That evening, the light rain was drizzling, but this light rain could not extinguish the fire of my body's enthusiasm for the dream.

Stick to my dream (3)

"The first dream will always come true." In my memory, there is such a lyric. Yes, the first dream can always come true.

In one's life, I think, no matter when, the goal at the first moment is one's original dream, if you want to realize your dream, you have to work hard. Of course, if you change your dream halfway, I think, no matter before, After that, my dreams could not be realized. As I said in my classmate's space last time, in 2007, I was tired of dancing, because she liked other things. In the end, she didn't learn anything. Of course, I still can't see it now.

I will stick to my own dream and not let other strange things ruin my life~!

Stick to my dream (4)

May you come back young after half your life—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

On a disturbing afternoon, I was upset by the approaching high school entrance exam. "Pa, I threw my pen on the desk and looked at my homework. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of white, which was particularly dazzling in this pile of boring homework. I turned it out with curiosity and it was a book. The cover is an imaginary landscape: against the background of the approaching tsunami, a pink cherry tree opens on the cliff, and the falling petals converge on the sea into a current composed of petals. I was shocked by the cover. Although I won't appreciate the painting, I think the meaning of the painting is: "Although sometimes life is full of difficulties, we still have to stick to living our own wonderful life. Cherry blossom is the life in the dream, and the ocean is reality, cold and unpredictable. Dreams may not be reflected in reality, but we can never give up ourselves and hope.

Looking at this painting, I am deeply introspecting. Am I too impatient, or am I too anxious? In preparing for the exam, I gradually lost my way forward and have been busy all the time. Perhaps, I overlooked the most important point in learning and life - mentality. Yeah! Because only by keeping a good attitude, there will be gains. "Seven years of dormancy, seven days of time" The pupae of cicadas stay in the soil for seven years or more, but when they break through the ground into cicadas and face the sky, they only have a short life span of seven days. Even at dusk today, listening to the cicadas, I still feel a little admiration. It has always held on to the hope of life and never gave up. Even if seven years of dormancy brings seven days, and I have these many years, how can I give up following the hope?

When the dream shines into reality, there are roses in my heart, so I am not afraid of setbacks. "Seven years of dormancy, seven days of time." The cicada never gave up. Whether it's hope or desperate situation, for the world, for me, for the world, for me, it's the highlight of life and can't be missed. Therefore, for the sake of my dream, I will continue to persist. "Even if the weather is cold tomorrow, the horse will die after a long journey"!

Stick to my dream (5)

The sun finally pierced the clouds and shone on the earth. At four o'clock in the morning, when the first ray of sunshine shone on the basketball box, I was practicing alone on the basketball court. This is not the first time for me to train alone so early. I practice here every morning during the summer vacation. Three step basket, mid shot, back singles, breakthrough... Although I was the only one on the empty court, I practiced energetically. I felt as if my teammates were actively cooperating with me. Even if I was alone, I was still sweating. Every time I entered the net, with a "shua" sound, my heart seemed to be irrigated by nectar, My heart is full of joy.

I practice the familiar movements in my daily life, and shoot from different angles. I am most proud of my skillful shooting skills. Although I can't say that a hundred shots are successful, as long as I feel good, basketball is basically hollow. After practicing for a while, I was out of breath. I walked to the court alone, grabbed a bottle of mineral water with muddy hands and drank it greedily. After that, I lay on the bench beside the court, dreaming that I would ride on the NBA court, and the spotlight "snapped" at me, and I became the focus of attention on the court. When I came back to my senses, I couldn't help laughing bitterly. Hehe, I still daydream when I am so big. I once thought why I am so determined? Why do we have to stick to basketball? Just a hobby? Is it just to avoid learning? My parents once asked me, "Do you want to do something when you grow up? Do you have a direction?" But I replied, "Play basketball." My parents laughed at his naivety. "Is it great to be able to play a few basketball moves? Is it great to be taller? Is it possible to develop after playing well in the class? I also made a promise in front of all my classmates. I said I must be in the first team of the school team. Facing my promise, my classmates laughed and said I was too arrogant and arrogant. Irony and doubt come at me, but I still don't care, because I always have a dream in my heart.

Why play basketball? When I was sad and lonely, I practiced alone on the court. It was basketball that comforted me; When I am lonely and helpless, I am accompanied by basketball; When angry and upset, a powerful layup will vent all grievances; When I was depressed and depressed, I blocked my chest with a hammer and roared loudly, which proved that I still existed. I know my goal and direction clearly in my heart, but I am not willing to speak. Yes, I am not a speaker. The only thing I can do is to block my ears and prove myself with actions.

Thinking of this, I suddenly got up from the bench and ran to the court. The sound of "Pa, Pa, Pa" hitting the ball was even more hurried, and my pace was faster. I changed direction, broke through, lay up, and scored. Why is another hollow network? Because I always believe that basketball is the strength of persistence, because I know that persistence is victory! I am now starting from bit by bit to realize my dream!

Stick to my dream (6)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "My Dream".

When I was very young, my parents enrolled me in the piano class. Every time I go to the teacher's house and see his hands dancing on the keys and playing beautiful music, I will have a firm heart. When I grow up, I will be an excellent piano teacher and teach children in a happy way, just like the teacher. I always couldn't play well, but I kept on until the teacher said, "You can't do it. Don't choose the piano." I lost confidence completely.

Back home, I kept sighing, how I wanted to play the piano.

Once, my mother applied for a piano competition for me, and I had no idea whether to go or not? At last I got up the courage to go. Seeing that every player is full of confidence, my heart is even more uncertain. It was my turn to play. As time went by, my performance ended. When I walked off the stage, thunderous applause broke out and I smiled sweetly.

After the performance, I stopped thinking about what the teacher had said before. After finishing my homework every day, I would practice the piano. I went to the teacher's house to have classes as usual, and I regained my original confidence and determination.

Everything will have a good ending. As long as you are willing to do it, work hard, and adhere to it, the light of dreams will certainly shine on you!

Stick to my dream (7)

My dream is that when I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a scientist when I grew up, making a tripartite bomb that is more powerful than the atomic bomb, so that China can dominate the world. My mother always looked at me with a smile, without saying yes or no, when I said that I would be a scientist, invent a tripartite bomb to fight the enemy and defend my country.

One day when I was nine years old, my mother introduced me to foreign cultures, such as the Aegean Sea in Greece, the pyramids in Egypt, Hawaii in the United States, Venice in Italy... She said, "How wonderful it would be if I could make friends with foreigners! Unfortunately, it is too far away. How wonderful it would be if your generation could build a bridge of friendship and let people all over the world know each other!" Building a long bridge of friendship is the dream of people all over the world. With the long bridge of friendship, people all over the world can live in harmony. "Build a bridge of friendship", these words strike me eager to make the world peaceful. I secretly think: we must work hard to learn and build a long bridge of friendship as soon as possible, so that the friendship between the Chinese and foreign people can reach a higher level as soon as possible! I began to think it was naive to think about how to defeat the enemy when I was young. In fact, force can't solve anything. It will only deepen the hatred and misunderstanding between the two countries. It is better to build a long bridge of friendship that can communicate and understand each other, let sincere friendship heal the wounds of hatred, and finally, study science together, so that everyone can create a peaceful, beautiful, sunny and sincere world.

So, I put aside my desire to do triphasic grenades and study hard. In order to better communicate with foreign friends, I must first learn English well. After English class, I stopped wandering and listened attentively. When I got home, I reviewed carefully and listened to tapes. Now, my English score has also improved. I also want to go to college to enrich my knowledge. I will work hard to realize my dream, persevere, overcome all difficulties and never give up. When I grow up, I want to be a peacemaker, bringing Chinese history and culture to all parts of the world, and bringing greetings from people around the world back to China. Because this is not only my dream, but also the dream of the people of the world! So I will study hard and become an engineer to build a bridge of friendship when I grow up. If I persist, I will succeed. I will persist in this dream. My dream, I insist!

Stick to my dream (8)

Everyone has a dream in their heart, because dreams can make you strive for realization and are the ladder for your growth.

When I read "If you give me three days of light", I was deeply inspired. Poor little Helen was blind and deaf when she was one and a half years old. How little Helen longed for brightness and infinite yearning for a better future. She cannot shout "Mom", nor can she confide her hopes and demands. She was faced with the endless darkness and dead silence. Just then, the tutor Sullivan came to Helen. She began to teach Helen to touch Braille. She tried hard to read Braille day and night. She was so "hungry" that her little fingers felt blood. Through her efforts, she was able to call her mother. Finally, he was admitted to Harvard University. This is really unexpected. It seems that miracles will happen if you work hard. We learn from this spirit of integrity.

A deaf mute child has made such achievements. Why can't we? As long as you work hard. My dream is to be as excellent as Helen one day, which is a comfort to parents and teachers.

Stick to my dream (9)

I have an ideal: to be a useful person to the world.

After I read the book "If You Give Me Three Days of Light", I learned more about Helen Keller. She is an American scholar. Born in Tuscombe, Alabama. When she was one and a half years old, she suddenly suffered from acute cerebral hyperemia, making her blind and deaf. Since then, Little Helen has been cut off from the colorful world. She could not call her father or mother, nor could she confide her hopes and demands.

In such an unimaginable life adversity, tutor Miss Sullivan came to Little Helen's side. Miss Sullivan showed great care and guidance to little Helen. Little Helen, however, tried her best to read Braille and "talk" with her fingers day and night. Miss Saller taught little Helen how to pronounce. Little Helen read words or sentences day and night until she felt that her pronunciation was similar to that of Miss Saller. Little Helen's father and mother both hoped that their daughter could say, "Dad, Mom."

When summer came, little Helen came home, and the big student shouted, "Dad, Mom, I'm back!" Dad and mom hugged Helen tightly and shed tears of excitement. Helen devoted her life to welfare and education. Helen Keller's indomitable spirit of struggle is worth learning.

We should also study hard to repay our motherland.

Stick to My Dream (10)

Everyone has dreams, and I am no exception. However, when it comes to realizing your dreams, there are still some twists and turns.

When I was in primary school, because a classmate's composition was printed on the newspaper, the teacher and classmates praised him, and I also wanted to win this honor, so I began to contribute to the newspaper. But not surprisingly, none of my essays appeared in the newspaper.

Maybe someone learned about it and spread my experience of many failures. In an instant, my story spread all over the class. I remember that on the way home that day, the sunset was still warm on my body, but this residual temperature was still not enough to warm my cold heart.

Gradually, there were more and more jeers, and I was gradually thinking about whether to give up this dream.

At this time, my Chinese teacher, Mr. Xu, came. Unusually, she changed her usual harsh tone and calmly said to me: "X, don't you want to publish your article in the newspaper? Why, you are discouraged." I told her everything exactly.

After listening to this, she smiled and said, "Philosopher Dante said, 'Go your own way and let others talk.' I think you should do the same. Don't care about the ridicule and ridicule of others. You should never waver in thinking about your dream, OK?"

I raised my head, nodded heavily at her and smiled happily.

Finally, with her help, I finally realized my dream. That evening, the light rain was drizzling, but this light rain could not extinguish the fire of my body's enthusiasm for the dream.

Stick to My Dream (11)

Xunzi said: "If you persevere, you will not break the rotten wood; if you persevere, you can carve out gold and stone."

Everyone talks about their dreams, but how many people can do it as if they were talking like water? No one can speak out with one mouth. Only by persevering can we succeed.

When I was a child, there was a good friend who always kept company with me. She told me from time to time, "I must be a painter when I grow up!"? At that time, my simple and superficial understanding was broken at once.

In the kindergarten painting class, she meticulously depicted her colorful inner world on white paper with a watercolor pen; I seldom go out to play between classes, but I just like to paint with my notebook; She volunteered to participate in the kindergarten painting contest... Gradually, her painting skills became better and better. Her paintings were not perfunctory, but earnest and careful, just to better exercise her painting ability and interpret the essence of the painting.

Later, she left school halfway through primary school, but when she contacted me on QQ, she would still translate the old saying: "I must be a painter when I grow up!" Now, her painting skills are very good. She has always loved her and kept her dream in mind. I have always believed that she will become a painter one day.

I always do things in three minutes. It doesn't last long. When I was a child, I liked painting. After I entered senior grade, my studies became busy, and the world of entertainment and play decreased. When I went to school, I immersed myself in learning. When I went home, I did my homework. When I had fun, I just read extracurricular books and watched TV. The enthusiasm for painting can no longer be raised, so we put it aside. Day after day, I slowly erase this dream from my heart.

In the middle grade, I like writing, especially narrative composition. I always get excellent compositions. However, writing is to develop writing in an all-round way. My focus is writing about people and scenery, and my scores for these compositions are very unstable. After that, I didn't feel satisfied with this dream, so I followed suit.

Singing is also one of my hobbies. Basically, before my voice was damaged, I was elected to the choir every year. Because I didn't take good care of my voice during the change of voice, which made my voice very hoarse. Even after I was well, my voice could not return to the crisp as before. Naturally, I said goodbye.

My heart belongs to the blank stage of dreams. I don't know how to define dreams. But now I know that dreams mean a lot to us. We should choose a career we love all our life, rather than choose it as a temporary dream based on temporary preferences. Persistence and persistence are the best way.

Dreams need persistence to set off, and things that cannot be insisted on should not be called dreams. Dream can't be controlled at will. It's like a lock. You must find the most suitable key, otherwise it's all in vain. When you meet your key and want to unlock it all the time, your dream will burn in your heart.

Stick to My Dream (12)

Dreams can turn mediocrity into magic, dreams can make life beautiful, dreams can light the light of life, dreams can illuminate the road of life. Where there is a dream, there is a legend; where there is a dream, there is a miracle.

Through the ages, those who have been famous are the owners of dreams. It is their dreams that drive them to bravely climb the peak, make achievements and make brilliant achievements.

Born in an ordinary family in Beijing, Jet Li had no father when he was young. His childhood dream was to help his mother share the family. Jet Li's dream changes with age. His dream is to help eight million people in Beijing win glory, practice martial arts and win championships. Since he was 11 years old, Jet Li has represented 1 billion Chinese people to perform around the world. When he was 16 years old, Jet Li won the martial arts championship. At this time, he felt that his life should not be just martial arts, so Jet Li tried to start a new dream: making movies. A film "Shaolin Temple" began to make everyone know Jet Li. With a grateful heart, Jet Li founded the One Foundation in to help people in need. Because he found that people have two kinds of dreams, one is my dream, the other is the Chinese dream.

Healthy people can achieve their dreams, so can disabled people.

Xie Kunshan, a famous foot and mouth painter in Taiwan, had an accident when he was 16 years old because he touched a high-voltage wire, which resulted in serious disability, leaving only one leg. In the face of the devastating blow, Xie Kunshan did not become pessimistic and degenerate. He threw himself into the world of painting art. With a dream in mind, he has made unimaginable efforts and gone through hardships to become a well-known professional painter and an inspirational legend. His autobiography "I am Xie Kunshan" has touched countless people. It is the dream that makes him forget the pain and fly in the dream sky with invisible wings; It is the dream that gives him the courage to live and achieves the height of life.

Young people can achieve legends with dreams, and old people can also achieve miracles with dreams.

In March, Gladwin, a 91 year old Englishman, graduated from Buckingham University with a master's degree, becoming the oldest graduate in the UK, which is his third degree after retirement. Gladwin claimed to be a late bloomer, and he used his own experience to verify the sentence "late is better than never". Gladwin said: "After retirement, I began to be lazy, thinking that resuming my studies might slow down aging. I hope my brain will remain active, and learning knowledge has always been my interest." Because of dreams, Gladwin insisted on learning, and used knowledge to dispel troubles and misfortunes in life. He has stuck to his dream for 90 years, and the devil can't stop him.

Dreams can turn life from decay to magic. Dreams make life shine. Dreams make miracles!

Stick to My Dream (13)

On a disturbing afternoon, I was upset by the approaching high school entrance exam. "Pa, I threw my pen on the desk and looked at my homework. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of white, which was particularly dazzling in this pile of boring homework. I turned it out with curiosity and it was a book. The cover is an imaginary landscape: against the background of the approaching tsunami, a pink cherry tree opens on the cliff, and the falling petals converge on the sea into a current composed of petals. I was shocked by the cover. Although I won't appreciate the painting, I think the meaning of the painting is: "Although sometimes life is full of difficulties, we still have to stick to living our own wonderful life. Cherry blossom is the life in the dream, and the ocean is reality, cold and unpredictable. Dreams may not be reflected in reality, but we can never give up ourselves and hope.

Looking at this painting, I am deeply introspecting. Am I too impatient, or am I too anxious? In preparing for the exam, I gradually lost my way forward and have been busy all the time. Perhaps, I have neglected the most important point in my study and life - mentality. Yeah! Because only by keeping a good attitude, there will be gains. "Seven years of dormancy, seven days of time" The pupae of cicadas stay in the soil for seven years or more, but when they break through the ground into cicadas and face the sky, they only have a short life span of seven days. Even at dusk today, listening to the cicadas, I still feel a little admiration. It has always held on to the hope of life and never gave up. Even if seven years of dormancy brings seven days, and I have these many years, how can I give up following the hope?

When the dream shines into reality, there are roses in my heart, so I am not afraid of setbacks. The golden cicada has never given up. Whether it's hope or desperate situation, for the world, for me, for the world, for me, it's the highlight of life and can't be missed. Therefore, for the sake of my dream, I will continue to persist. "Even if the weather is cold tomorrow, the horse will die after a long journey"

Stick to My Dream (14)

I began to contact chess in Nobel Kindergarten. At that time, the kindergarten teacher asked each of our children to sign up for an interest class, and I chose the chess class. Since then, I have an indissoluble bond with chess.

After primary school, I was in the first grade of Lushan International Experimental School. Luckily, there was also a chess training class there, and I signed up again. At that time, I was fond of playing. In addition, the training in the training class was boring, so I had the idea of giving up. Whenever I saw other children enjoying themselves on the playground, I envied them very much, and even regretted why I signed up for this class. However, I finally stuck to it

When I was in the second grade, I transferred to the Venice Chinese and English School in Country Garden. At that time, there was also a chess interest class in the school, and I signed up again. At that time, my level in the interest class was very high, but unfortunately, there was no such interest class after the third grade. When I learned the news, I was very depressed, and I finally insisted on doing something that had twists and turns. I told my mother the news, and my mother comforted me, and told me that I could use the weekend time to study in the training class outside the school, so that you can stick to it. My mood suddenly brightened and I immediately asked my mother to help me find classes outside school and register. Until now, I have always insisted on learning chess outside school

We have a chess game every year. Because there are a lot of people participating in the game, the chance of winning the position is very small. But I will try to participate in the game every time, not only to win the prize, but also to gain experience while competing with the opponent. I have been learning chess for five years, which has been both painful and enjoyable. Although I have made some achievements, in the future, I will take my achievements as the driving force and work harder to learn chess. I believe that one day, I will realize my dream!