This is also a stage 600 words (6 articles in general)
The blue sky and white clouds
2023-09-05 06:50:58

This is also a stage 600 characters (1)

The colorful neon lights, large and small petals decorate the stage, and the people standing on the stage show their talents in the loud screams and applause. Behind the scenes, thousands of people are eager to have a stage of their own, and countless audiences applaud for themselves.

But the competition is so fierce that those who do not work hard can never get their own stage, and there is a stage in my heart.

When I was in primary school, I didn't feel how fierce the competition was. I thought that everything would be all right if I took a good exam. At that time, I naively thought: my grades were pretty good, and there was no big problem if I took a good exam. Sure enough, the results of the Olympic Maths exam came out, third, not bad, my father should praise me.

When I returned home happily and waited for my father to praise me, my father asked me seriously, "Do you know which is the highest peak in the world?". "The second highest?" Dad continued. "Er......" I can't answer, I heard my father say, "Look, only the first people will remember it. Only a small number of people will continue to pay attention to others. If you get the third place in the exam, the teacher will praise you, but most of the teachers and students praise you as the first. Although you have achieved good results, you can't be satisfied with it. You need to make further progress. There is no best but better"

At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to what I should do or what I should do, but gradually I found that my grades were still the same, but my ranking dropped a lot. I realized that although I didn't retreat, others were catching up with me. Learning is like sailing against the current. If I don't advance, I will retreat. I finally realized the seriousness of the problem, reconsidered what my father said, and determined to do better.

When I entered junior high school, I won the first place in an exam of a training institution. The teacher's parents' meeting praised me in particular, and people around me were praising me. This time, I felt that I had finally stood on my own stage and felt the charm of the stage. I really wanted to stand on it all the time. With this power, I would work harder.

Think about the make-up lessons in the summer vacation. I listened carefully to each lesson, made neat class notes, and completed high-quality homework every time. It's not particularly difficult to think about it.

The pride of standing on the stage is unforgettable in my life. I will continue to move forward, stand on a larger and more gorgeous stage, and better show myself.

This is also a stage 600 words (2)

Every life has its own stage, and its splendor needs you to face it positively.

I used to hate talking loudly in front of many people. I am very shy. In class, even if there are questions I can do, I dare not raise my hand to answer boldly and try to avoid the teacher's encouraging eyes. Therefore, I also hate making speeches and hosting. If I make a speech in front of the whole class, I will be at a loss. So I always think it is a difficulty that I can never overcome.

Maybe the teacher saw that I was ashamed to speak, so he asked me to write a speech and let me participate in the school speech contest on behalf of the whole class. What an annoying thing! Faced with the teacher's trust and my timidity, I asked myself again and again: Can I do it? I can't help thinking of a competition I once participated in in primary school. It was because of one of my mistakes that the class did not get a good ranking. The complaints of my classmates and my self blame made me afraid of speeches and hate them. What should I do? Continue to escape, or face bravely?

At this time, the teacher said to me that people will experience many difficulties in their life. Some people choose to escape, some people choose to yield, and some people choose to face bravely. If you can take this matter seriously, you will be able to show your brilliance on your own stage, and you can do well! I began to actively search for information, carefully prepared the speech, and practiced again and again. My parents were my audience; My neighbor's grandmother used to be my audience; My classmates have been my audience.

Finally, it was the day of the competition. Before the speech, my nervousness reappeared. The teacher's voice sounded in my ears: "This is your stage, and your brilliance depends on you. "Take a deep breath, overcome timidity, and face bravely. My loud and clear voice resounded throughout the audience, and I heard the warm applause of the audience! I overcame the difficulties I thought could never be overcome! I tasted the joy of overcoming difficulties, which I had never felt before. Let's summon up our courage, establish a strong belief, temper our will in setbacks, and let our life stage be fully displayed. My stage is my master!

This is also a stage 600 words (3)

Since childhood, my grades have been considered as medium. I was overwhelmed by top students at school and two high spirited cousins at home. Adults like excellent children, so I am always the child who is not concerned by anyone, and it is never my turn to show on the stage.

When I was young, my desire to show myself was suppressed. When I grew up, I was pushed to the "stage" but was shy of showing. Adults always said that I didn't win, but I wanted to say that I had my own stage.

Computers, mobile phones and Rubik's Cube are all my stage. Although they are very common, they are also outstanding among people around them. But writing is also my stage.

In the fifth grade, after reading all of Shen Shixi's animal novels, I wanted to go online to find out if there were any animal novels written by others. I accidentally found a post and clicked in to read it. It turned out that it was the follow-up of a book written by Shen Shixi by a student. Although the writing is dull, the language is also fluent. Then suddenly, why not write it yourself? After all, I was the one who read so many animal novels, so I opened a post during the summer vacation and began to write the following career.

At the beginning, it was really new. Many people came to support me and provided me with a lot of ideas. I really enjoyed the lively and serious discussion about writing, and new ideas poured out one after another. But gradually, school began, and fewer and fewer people came to see me write articles every day, and I had no patience. One day when I saw my post sink to the bottom, I stopped writing, abandoned the article, and closed my mind to study.

Later one day, I happened to turn to that post and saw many people leave messages below saying it was a pity. They were all the original people. Looking at the familiar ID, I suddenly felt stupid. Yes, I wrote articles for my own happiness, not just for others to read, but for others to stop writing. This is what I want to do, even if no one supports me, I have to do it alone.

I returned to the "pit", updated every week, insisted day after day, and the group of former netizens would occasionally come back to cheer me up. Sometimes someone criticizes my articles. I always accept them with an open mind, and I will go back and correct them slowly. After all, this is my own stage, and I want to show you the stage. Don't give up the stage because no one supports you, and don't lose confidence in your own stage because of criticism.

Because writing is my own stage.

This is also a stage 600 words (4)

"When the invaders have set foot on our land..." The temporary tension made me forget my speech and saw the situation gradually ossified.

On Friday afternoon, we are about to usher in a two-day weekend, and we can't help but feel excited. "The holiday is finally coming!"

Just as I was finishing my schoolbag and about to rush out of the classroom, the class representative suddenly came back with a news like a bolt from the blue: "The school will hold a speech contest next Monday, with you and Xiao Ming in our class." "Why me?" "Oh, the language teacher said that you have more feelings in reading aloud. Well, prepare well."

In this case, I should try my best. Two days later, looking at the speech that I had memorized so well, I was even a little looking forward to the competition.

On the day of the competition, all the contestants in front of me performed very well, and my heart beat faster and faster. Looking at the speech in hand, I felt more and more uncertain.

"It's OK. Everyone will be nervous and relaxed when he first comes to the stage." My classmates comforted me one after another. "It's your turn to play. Go."

Just standing on the stage, I almost fainted. There were so many people in the huge staircase classroom that my heart was almost in my throat.

The speech was about to end, but the crowd quietly spoke, and the voice became louder and louder, and my mind suddenly went blank.

"When the iron hooves of the invaders have stepped into our land, hmm..." I got stuck. For a whole minute, the voice of the audience suddenly stopped, and all eyes were fixed on me. I clenched my fists and told myself that this was my stage. Since I had come here, I could not turn back. Anyway, I would sing this scene.

At this time, my brain flashed, and my face flashed again with confidence. "Patriotic waves are rising in the veins of every Chinese people. We took up our swords and spears, braved the hail of bullets to charge the enemy, and declared to the world that the Chinese nation cannot be humiliated."

After a short pause, there was thunderous applause. I bowed and walked off the stage with my head held high.

"Although the original words have been changed, the momentum is better than before. You are not limited by the materials, but you really take this place as your own stage. Congratulations!"

Yes, this is also my stage. I have lived up to the expectations of my teachers and classmates. This time, I really showed my true self on this stage!

This is also a stage 600 words (5)

The ancient art of ink, paper and cigarettes in front of doors and windows in front of the table, and the word "early" in the upper right corner is also my stage.

I listen to every gust of wind. The sound of each leaf is so clear and moving, and the soil that supports the elves also shows an unusual look. Time passed by quietly. Before she knew it, spring came, and she walked slowly with ideal and belief.

The annoying ringing bell pulled me back from my dream again. In the morning, I got up and filled my bed with poetry books. This pile of books has produced a lot of books with extraordinary temperament. A busy day of life has begun.

Sitting in front of my desk, my soul was pure washed, smooth and bright, without a trace of dirt. Who knows that he still has this special function. He taught me to leave here like a strict but not cultivated teacher. I am a crazy boy. Sitting here, I am a revolutionary. I want to finish everything I want. Time is ticking away, when you are still working hard, When I think it's still early, the distance is getting farther and farther, just like a former friend. Now passers-by walk on the street, just startled, and then walk past. But every time I meet the same time, the same place, the source will also come to my side and dance with me.

At this time, the square table here is no longer limited to its length or width, just like the vast ocean. This is my stage.

The weather was sunny and cloudless, and I went home just after I finished the exercise in the morning. Walking on the road, there is no soul and no consciousness. It seems that there is a kind of telepathy. I don't know how long it took to finally sit on that delicate and old chair.

Pick up the brush and write. A lot of souls overflow and let people know later. The words became flowing slowly. It seemed that the topics were familiar, familiar, and the inspiration of knowledge poured out. After writing the composition, I submitted it. After a few days, I didn't return it. This stage also seemed to give me a lot of encouragement.

People always ask me why my composition is so good? I just replied, "It is taking a table that resonates with me, because it is my stage."

A gust of wind blew, and I was shocked again. Here you are. This is the last and purest word I said to him.

This is also a stage 600 words (6)

"The world is so big, it's just a matter of changing from one stage to another!" sighed Monica, the British dancer beside me.

I turned my face in disbelief. It has been more than 20 years since this outstanding dancer began to learn ballet at the age of six. He has traveled thousands of stages around the world and is famous. How could he give up his career now? Once giving up is undoubtedly a huge economic loss, I advise her to calm down and not be upset.

She nodded, turned around and went backstage to prepare for the stage. There were thousands of audience waiting for her.

When the curtain opened, Monica jumped onto the stage with light music, and the audience was silent at the moment. Only Monica's light dance steps were left on the stage. Everyone stared wide, held his breath and looked in silence. The swans in the stands walked leisurely, stretched their wings and flew high in the air... It seemed that I was the only one who noticed that a string of silver plated pearls spilled on the swan's face

The days were supposed to be long and dull, but one lazy afternoon, I received a message from Monica. It was just a few words: I quit my job. Suddenly, I was surprised and asked what happened. She asked me to go to her Wechat circle of friends. Unexpectedly, it was a group of beautiful photos of walking on the beach. In the sunset, Monica's smile was no longer a smile at the curtain call on the stage, but a knowing, free and quiet smile. I seemed to understand something.

Monica said, "The world is so big, it's not just the stage! I just want to experience the infinite splendor and beauty of nature in my limited life. Now I can no longer turn a blind eye to the beauty of the world. I want to be a free swan and get rid of the shackles of fate, because here is also my stage! "

Her words are unforgettable to me for a long time, even unforgettable. Yes! We have given up the beauty of the world, simply for fame, wealth and money, but in the end, we regret that we were too mature at the beginning. Isn't it meaningful to be a childish child and wander in the world?

Soon after, Monica's circle of friends came out with a group of photos. The white snow in the Alps was really beautiful. The snow reflected Monica's white face, which was really beautiful

Monica is beautiful on the stage, more beautiful on her other "stage"