The oil seller writes a composition (collection of 3 articles)
fallen leaves return to the roots -- to revert to one 's origin
2023-08-01 05:41:52

The oil seller writes a composition (1)

At the age of 50, I am old and eager to learn, as bright as a candle. Good, good, take steps everywhere to seek true knowledge. It has the demeanor of "when the day is not everywhere, youth just comes. The moss flowers are as small as rice, but they are like peonies".

If beauty has no end, I can find my own fragrance. Carry the burden and stop in front of a garden. I saw a generous man, holding a bow and arrow, standing tall like a big tree, young and green. The beauty without an end, often inadvertently, can not help but stare at the charm that emanates from the actions, and the heart is half convinced.

The man calmly shot an arrow. Unexpectedly, he was very capable. Eighty nine times out of ten, which was very impressive. I nodded gently, but compared with myself. People are probably selfish. Their own beauty often wins honor with the beauty of others. I think so. I have been an oil seller for decades, and my skills are not bad. I can't help but feel happy.

If beauty has no end, I will be overjoyed and confident. The man talked to me. I got up and chatted, knowing that he was the famous marksman Chen Yaozi, who was graceful and graceful. When talking and laughing, a bit of talent reveals; Between the eyebrows, a few wisps of perseverance remain; In words and deeds, Jisi is indifferent as before.

I showed him my excellent stunts, and the oil poured down from the copper coin center, but it was not wet at all. The proud Chen Yaozi also admired him. My heart is pounding: between reality and ideal, what remains unchanged is a journey; Between real and unreal, the constant is development; The constant between the present and the future is struggle.

Life is not always perfect. I admire Chen Yaozi very much. I admire myself more. Diligence is a kind of ability, day and night is a kind of morality, and civil and military skills are a kind of courage. His efforts and his excellence may not be comparable to mine, but I know that if beauty has no end, experience is another kind of happiness and success, and diligence is a style of practice.

If beauty has no end, I will use more diligence to enrich.

The oil seller writes a composition (2)

Chen Yaozi was good at archery, and no one could match him at that time.

He also boasts about it.

It was a sunny morning in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Chen Yaozi once shot arrows in his garden. He took an arrow and aimed it at the bull's eye with his right eye. While he was practicing arrows, he passed a man who sold oil. He had nothing to do, put down his burden and straightened up. After that, he put his hands on his waist and squinted at Chen Yaozi with an unconcerned look. When he saw Chen Yaozi shooting nine out of ten, he only nodded slightly and smiled.

Chen Yaozi was very angry at his appearance and thought to himself, "How dare you underestimate my shooting skills?" In a twinkling of an eye, his face turned red, he threw his bow and angrily walked to the oil seller.

Chen Yaozi: "Nonofficial people, who have reported their names, dare to underestimate my shooting skills. Do you also shoot arrows? Is my shooting skills not good enough? Why do you underestimate them?"

"It's no big deal. It's just a familiar hand." The oil seller replied calmly.

Chen Yaozi glared angrily and said angrily, "How dare you underestimate my shooting skills?".

"I know from my experience of pouring oil," he replied calmly.

So he took a gourd and put it on the ground, covered it with money, and then he poured a little oil into it. I saw that the oil was as thin as a line, and it passed through the copper plate and fell into the gourd. Check after pouring. It's really not wet at all.

The oil seller said, "I'm nothing but familiar with it, young man. You should be modest."

Chen Yaozi was extremely embarrassed when he heard this and said, "The old man, let's go!"

The oil seller shouldered the burden and disappeared at the end of the sea of people.

The oil seller writes a composition (3)

There was a man named Chen Kangsu in the Song Dynasty who was very good at archery and could shoot leaves of trees from a hundred paces away. No one can match this archery skill. So Chen Kangsu was very conceited and thought his archery was great, and he didn't pay attention to anyone.

Once, Chen Kangsu was practicing archery and attracted many people to watch. His archery really deserves its reputation. Almost all of his arrows hit the bull's eye. The bystanders cheered loudly.

Just then, an old man carrying a load passed by. He stopped and looked at Chen Kangsu's performance sideways. His face did not show admiration, but nodded slightly.

Chen Kangsu was very angry when he saw the old man's expression, so he went to him and asked, "Do you know how to shoot arrows? Do you think my skill is not good enough?" The old man calmly replied, "I don't think it's great. It's just that you practice a lot and are familiar with it." Chen Kangsu said angrily, "Why do you say that?" The old man said calmly, "This is the experience I have gained from years of oil pouring skills.

After saying that, the old man put a gourd on the ground, took out a copper coin and put it on the mouth of the gourd, then scooped a ladle of oil from the oil bucket with an oil ladle and poured it into the mouth of the gourd covered with the copper coin. I saw the oil turned into a thread and flowed into the mouth of the gourd. When the oil was poured out, there was no oil star left on the copper coins.

People began to marvel. The old man smiled and said, "My current skills are just proficiency. If I want to learn real skills, I must practice diligently! Some things seem easy, but actually it is difficult to do!" Chen Kangsu politely bowed to the old man who sold oil and said, "I understand."

This story has taught me what things can be done well as long as practice makes perfect. I also know that although some things look simple, they are very difficult to do.