Classic sentences of life philosophy Short sentences of life philosophy (70 selected sentences)
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2023-07-08 17:39:35

1. Luxury will destroy people's purity of mind, because unfortunately, the more you get, the more greedy you become, and you really always feel unable to satisfy yourself. - Anger

2. So he sent the wind to ask his distant friends if they were safe as before? This is what nostalgia is all about. We must keep a distance to find its moving place.

3. Time will pierce the decorations on the surface of youth, dig deep trenches and shallow grooves in the beauty's forehead, and eat up rare treasures. He is born beautiful, and nothing can escape his sweeping sickle. [Britain] Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Sonnets, p. 60.

4. The most sad distance in the world is that two people were far away from each other, but suddenly one day they met, fell in love, and became very close. Then one day, no longer in love, the two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before.

5. Most people spend their whole life, the external life is empty and meaningless, while the internal life is stupid and unconscious, which is really sad and deplorable—— schopenhauer

6. Love should enrich people's sense of power, and love is indeed enriching people. [Soviet Union] Makarenko, On Education, p. 101.

7. There is no straight road in the mountain. However, there is a bend that makes it magnificent, and there are ups and downs that make it waves, just as there are obstacles and irregularities in a stream that make it sing.

8. On the long road of life, I will experience many frustrations. Friend, can you accompany me for a while, but can you accompany me from beginning to end? I don't expect others to respect me. I just want to have a clear conscience about what I have done.

9. The road always belongs to the strong, and always belongs to those who are not afraid of the world. In fact, the world is not terrible, as long as you bravely approach it.

10. Thanks to setbacks, let me learn from failures, thanks to setbacks, because it is the starting point of my success, thanks to setbacks, it makes me realize the hard won success.

11. Now when I wake up every day and open my eyes, I see your sunny smile on the wall. I wish that when I wake up one day, the first thing I see is your sweet sleeping face

12. Revitalize China and create a golden age of Chinese history! This is a rare historical opportunity for contemporary youth, and it is a hard won happiness.

13. This fragrant flower is my heart, tied to your picturesque dream, like an oriole singing serenade, singing and flying in your dream.

14. If we blurt out without thinking, it will become a stumbling block on our way.

15. Create, or incubate future creation. This is a necessity: happiness can only exist when this necessity is satisfied. [France] Roman Roland, Mother and Son [I], 238.

16. Love is a passionate obsession, an unquenchable fire, an insatiable desire, a joy as sweet as honey, a madness as infatuation, a kind of labor without peace and a peace without labor—— nameless

17. The weak like to wait for opportunities to come, while the strong use hard work to create opportunities.

18. People praise the ideal, pursue it, and associate it with youth. Because youth and ideals mean the future and hope.

19. If a man does not know which dock he is going to, then no wind is downwind. Some people live without any goal. They walk in the world like a grass in the river. They do not walk, but drift with the current. - Seneca

20. People who really know how to smile are always easier to get than others

21. The most romantic thing is often the most boring thing. A bird cannot stay in the same tree for too long, otherwise it will be a burden to the bird and the tree. The bird always wants to see another sky, and the tree is unwilling to face the same scenery every day.

22. "King Wen acted in the Book of Changes, and Jonieu wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals." People who are in adversity because of failure often show stronger and more persistent desire for success than ordinary people, which is more hopeful of success.

23. Success snares a lot of mistakes. The people who succeed in this world are those who try hard to find the opportunities they want. If they can't find the opportunities, they will create them. He who never makes mistakes can do nothing—— Bernard Shaw

24. For me, books are sunshine and lights; Without their company, my eyes and heart would be a dark place. Hao Ran, 100 Essays of Writers' Childhood, page 12.

25. Suffering is a test of life; Suffering is a driving force to stimulate success in life; Suffering is a kind of potential happiness. Life cannot be without suffering. Without suffering, there will be no pressure. Without pressure, there will be no motivation to move forward.

26. The sunshine is more beautiful because of our meeting. I will write a happy song for you with the bouncing rhythm of youth, and let it stay in your heart for a long time.

27. In the morning, facing the sunrise, I told you the dream of last night. At dusk, sending the sunset, you told me the secret of your heart. Pure friendship, heartfelt resonance, long path, left our common footprints, we came together!

28. The way to be happy is as follows: try to broaden your interests as much as possible, and do not react hostile to people and things that interest you, but react friendly.

29. Theoretical philosophy has the obligation to solve this problem only because it wants to open the way for practical philosophy. [Germany] Kant quoted from the German Philosophy at the End of the 18th Century - the Beginning of the 19th Century, page 122.

30. This may be what you are now: you have wasted so much time complaining about others and spared no effort to improve yourself. No wonder as time goes by, you still stay where you are.

31. If a person is lazy to act, easily withdraws, and becomes increasingly depressed in difficulties, then what you pursue is not success, but failure, because we regard failure as the ultimate, and if we stop here, it will be our failure in life.

32. Doing nothing is a great danger to a passionate young man. [Russia] Chernychevsky, Prelude, p. 258.

33. When the Year of the Monkey arrives, the monkey lights up, the monkey looks happy, the monkey head smiles, the monkey tail shakes, the monkey armor shines, the monkey dances, the monkey flag floats, the monkey boat paddles, the monkey strives, the monkey succeeds, the monkey creates, the monkey miracle, the monkey descends, and the monkey is happy and carefree.

34. The head is not only used for putting hats, but also for thinking. You can't just rely on others' judgment, but use your own brain to think!

35. People need dreams to have the power to move forward. Without dreams, your life will have no direction. Dream is the guiding light of life; Dream is the vision of a better future; Dream is the satisfaction after success.