Special prizes (4 in total)
Searching for Plum after Snow
2024-03-25 09:29:44
Junior three

Special prizes (1)

In the morning, remember "Xiao Xiao, get up quickly. If you don't get up, you will be late for the competition. Hurry up, hurry up, lazy pig!". The earth shaking voice came from the room. The old sister ran to my room and said, "Xiao Xiao, what happened?" "I'm dead. I'm going to be late for the competition. Why didn't you call me earlier, big sister?" "It doesn't matter if you call me. How can I force you?" The old sister said proudly. I gritted my teeth. I used 5 minutes of the remaining 15 points to sort everything out. "Let's go!" I shouted. In the end, I finally arrived at the examination room with the bell ringing.

In the morning, I wrote "What? These are all bad questions! I can't do any of them. Are these teachers against me?" I complained from time to time with the paper in my hand. Who can save me! Can't write and copy, and can't copy? Is it just like this? The invigilator went out, and a "follow" came from the door. I habitually glanced over there, stretched out my hands, and a ball of paper came to my desk. Open it and see, wow! All the answers to this exam. I'm so happy now. When I hit three times, five times and two times, the answer got into my paper neatly. It's so neat and neat that I can't help thinking: the teacher said that there is a reward for winning the prize in this competition. What is it? Is it a gift, a book, or cash? Wow, great!

The exam bell rang, and the contest was over. I handed in my paper with pride. I think I will win the first place this time. I know I have become a flower on my face. Family Record

When I went home, I told my sister the good news and my "capable" behavior, and also told her what the teacher would reward. What I didn't expect was that she was angry and scolded me crazily, which made me very guilty, so I decided to clarify the truth to the teacher. School Record

"Xiao Xiaoxiao of our class won the first prize for her excellent performance in this competition, so the teacher decided to give her a beautiful gift. Everyone welcomed her to the stage to accept the award." "Pa pa pa..." The applause continued, but I seemed to think they were slapping me in the face. I stood up, stopped the students, told the teacher everything about cheating in the examination room, and at the same time, my face was burning hot, so I didn't dare to look up. The teacher walked up to me gently, held my head up with his hand, and said to me earnestly: "Before that, the teacher had known that it was your sister who told me. I mainly saw that you were honest or not. Now you have admitted that you finally defeated yourself, so this gift is still to be awarded to you. Take it." I took the prize given to me by the teacher, There is no excitement yesterday, no sadness just now, only calm at this moment. I looked at the teacher's happy smile, the students recognized the eyes, I returned to the smile.

This award at the end records my shame and my courage to admit my mistakes. I will always remember this special award. I will use integrity in my future life.

Special prizes (2)

Mr. Li came in, holding a stack of hard pen calligraphy works. These calligraphy works are our excellent homework, and the teacher collected them. Eh? What's the purpose of the teacher taking these works? When everyone was puzzled, Miss Li said: "Students, these works are used to reward you. Who gets the most coupons, who picks first." Oh, the teacher is used to reward students.

Watching one by one students on the stage, my heart could not help but get nervous. Will there be me? Yes, the teacher has called my name. When I stepped onto the platform, I fell in love with Chang Chang's works at a glance. She not only studies well, but also writes well. I picked up Chang Chang's work and happily returned to my seat. I kissed the work again and again. I wish I could stick it on my body forever. The characters she wrote were beautiful and generous, and the weight was clear. People could hardly see it. This was the character written by a fourth grade pupil.

Unexpectedly, Chang Chang also liked my work. He also mysteriously asked me: "Do you know whose work I took?" I smiled and guessed: "I?" "Yes, it's yours. In order to repay you for taking my masterpiece, I took yours!" She said jokingly. Let's laugh. We can't breathe

In order to improve the level of hard pen writing, I will continue to work hard and learn from Changchang!

Special prizes (3)


Dark clouds occupy the sky, and the darkness squeezes down, leaving only low. At that moment, the sky was so low that it seemed to be within reach. Looking at the impenetrable clouds, I thought of him. How was his life in heaven?

Close your eyes and remember, his voice and smile are still clearly visible in your mind, but all this has already become a memory. Eyes began to fill with tears. It turned out that the man who once played with me and talked about life philosophy vividly when dusk came has left me. During the ups and downs of his growing up with me, the feelings between us had already settled, but he left me forever when I was confused. How should I accept, tears burst again.

But when I recall, I will still grin. The original face has no traces of years. My eyes are bright and alert. When I open my mouth, several white and bright teeth shine on the dark skin. He was as innocent as a child. Whenever my family has something to do and only I am at home with him, they always tell him to cook for me. Although the food he cooked is very delicious, I won't eat it again after the first bite. Because his dishes always contain preserved beancurd, they will not contain salt. At this time, I always ask him, "Why don't you add salt?" And he always says, "Fermented bean curd is about the same as salt, but not the same as salt!" Then I will say angrily, "That boy and girl are about the same." He will immediately "puff" with a smile and say, "Of course it is different." Yes, Where he is, he will be happy. Maybe he is a prize, but I am always like a child. If I have a prize, I will feel happy.

In retrospect, when he was lying on the hospital bed, powerless and pale, he said one sentence after another to me, tears had blurred my eyes and crossed my cheeks. Before leaving, he said to me: On the road of ignorance, without me, you should be obedient and obedient; We should learn to be independent and not always expect help from others; You should be strong and not belittle yourself; You should learn to grow up slowly. I will watch you grow up in my world and see you step by step towards success. You should understand that in the real world, people are afraid of what they say. People who don't say what they say behind their backs, and people who don't say what they say behind their backs, are not afraid of shadows. You should learn to repay the kindness of dripping water. Perhaps my journey on earth is about to come to an end. The flowers on the other side of the river in front of me are very bright. It is destined that we will meet in the next life, and we will meet again in the next life. Farewell! When I cried so hard, before I could say goodbye, he closed his eyes tightly and fell asleep forever.

I believe he is still here, never left, and his love is like an angel guarding me.

The memory of the past is a special prize given by him. It carries the most carefree past in the bottom of my heart. In the future, it will accompany me through the blooming and falling of flowers, rising and rising. That prize taught me how to love and cherish. Spring flowers have fallen and summer leaves are not old. People die, love is not over, the prize still exists.

I will always have this special prize.

Special prizes (4)

Last night, there was a fire safety promotion activity near our community. There are many programs and award-winning quizzes. In the award-winning question and answer, I raised my hand actively and answered a question. The question is who cannot participate in the fire fighting. There are three answers: women, minors and soldiers. At the beginning, I heard wrong. I thought that when asked who was going to put out the fire, I answered the soldier. The host told me not to put out the fire. I thought about it and answered the minor. This time, I answered correctly and got a prize, a fire extinguisher. I'm glad! The award-winning question and answer is really fun!