Footprints of primary school students' composition (10 preferred)
Green mania is not frivolous
2023-11-26 00:48:01
Argumentative paper

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (1)

Everyone has their own growth process, which is bitter, sad, happy, or rough... On the long road of growth, we have stepped on a footprint. It is a sign of our growth.

I remember that the summer when I was 7 years old, I became inseparable friends with Qing, who was my elder brother for two months.

It was a very muggy day. In the afternoon, I took advantage of my parents' carelessness and quietly ran out of the house into a quiet grove to enjoy the cool.

I sat down with my back against the root of the tree, closed my eyes, enjoyed the fresh air, and enjoyed the coolness of the sun blocking leaves.

Just when I felt very relaxed and happy, suddenly, I heard some slight footsteps. I peeped out my head from behind the tree and looked intently. It turned out to be a girl of my age.

"Be a friend, ok?" she said to me with a smile.

I looked at her smiling face and nodded.

"You call me Qing. How do you call you?" She still smiles.

"Hmm... call me Qin." I also gave her a smile.

At that moment, I knew her; That summer, she and I became inseparable friends.

Another summer, I came to the woods with Qing.

"Hehe, this is really a paradise. Qin, are you right?" Qing leans on the tree root, closes her eyes, and says to me with satisfaction.

I suppressed a smile, got up quietly, and ran quietly to the other direction. But I had not run a few meters before I heard the clear and crisp laughter: "Hehe, don't think about any more devious ideas. Do you want to punish me again?"

I stopped, turned around and said with a embarrassed smile, "It's not fun to be guessed by you again. But how did you guess?"

"Hehe, because of your footsteps. Do you want to fix me this time?" She smiled faintly. For one year, she really knows me. She can know what I think through my every move, just like the worm in my stomach.

Seeing that I was seen through, I had to sit down obediently and lie on her leg. She held my head and gently stroked my green silk. Soft, like the gentle wind in March, blowing slowly

That day, we just sat in the woods; That summer, speechless, but better than sound.

This summer, Qing and I came to the woods by appointment. It is still the old forest, but we have become two decent girls.

She and I sat with our backs against a tree.

Silence, speechless.

I know that Qing will always be my best friend, my best friend, my best friend, my best friend.

Qing understands that I will always stay by her side, no, separation.

There are thousands of words in my heart that I want to talk to each other, but I can't say them when they reach my mouth.

For a long time, I chose to break the silence: "Qing, we will never separate, right?"

Qing nodded and muttered to herself, "Never - separation..."

That forest, the long summer, witnessed our growth and our friendship. She said to me with a smile, "Be friends". She could read my mind, and we said, "Never part"... All things are the evidence of our friendship, but also the footprints of our growth. One step at a time, walk firmly and forcefully.

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (2)

The years passed lightly, leaving footprints of growth.

Flowers bloom and fall, time flies, but I can't get out of the fence of time, leaving footsteps in the track of the paths.

I still remember that the pear flower was as light as a dream that year. I watched a garden of magnolias wither, and the thin petals were covered with footprints.

When I was young, I didn't often play with the children downstairs. Because our family lives on the seventh floor, I don't like running up and down panting on the stone steps. In this way, I "imprison" myself on the seventh floor. Instead of making noise with them, I would like to build my own blocks and draw little people at home

This memory left a lonely footprint.

When I was a little older, my loving father liked to fly kites. The "swallow" in his father's hand, following the cool wind, climbed up to the clouds. The corners of his father's mouth rose slightly, his dark yellow wheat complexion, and his eyes were childlike simple and light. I was listening to the wind "SusSusu" to sing, and I also ran at my father's side, echoing bursts of laughter in the open.

This memory left happy footprints.

A few years later, my mother forced me to learn zither.

Every time after class, I was exhausted. I had to practice for several hours after returning home. Once I relaxed a little, my mother scolded me in the kitchen... My endless tears seemed to roll to every corner of the piano, but I had no choice.

This memory left sad footprints.

When the years gently wipe away the tears left on our faces, we can clearly see the most beautiful footprints in growth

Everyone's growth is quiet and light, leaving a different footprint!

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (3)

I remember that when I was seven years old, it was the final exam of my fourth grade. Before that exam, I would carefully look at the contents reviewed by the teacher every day to see if I had mastered them. In this way, I passed the short and tense review stage.

On Wednesday, our third grade students walked into their respective examination rooms. We took the Chinese test first. When I saw that Chinese was so simple, I thought psychologically; "With such a simple paper, one hundred points must be a must." I immediately read the paper, and immediately wrote, but after a while there was a question that I couldn't do, and I sweated all over my head. Finally came up with the answer. For the rest of the questions, I dare not underestimate the enemy any more. I will do it after I understand the meaning of the questions.

The second test was math. At that time, I learned math best, so I only took ten minutes to finish it. So I had enough time to check the paper, found three wrong questions, and lost three points.

It is true that I have done my best. I got good results in this final exam. I will gain as long as I work hard.

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (4)

When I opened the dusty album, the precious photos came into my eyes, reminding me of my childhood footprints.

Look! This photo shows a short boy with a small blue schoolbag on his back. Her smile is so bright against the setting sun.

Yes, the swallow has gone, and it will come again; When the willow withers, it will be light again; The peach blossoms have withered and will bloom again. But how can the beautiful time of childhood go forever? The golden childhood is gone, leaving only scattered memories.

At the age of 3, I am a blank sheet of paper, ignorant of the world and full of curiosity. My mother is one of my teachers. She told us to know many words and recite many poems.

When I was 6 years old, I was an innocent, lovely, lively and naughty boy. When I was 6 years old, I couldn't help thinking of the figure playing with children at that time; My sister and I fought against each other in order to grab candy... It's really a long story!

At the age of 10, I found that the students always took their attitude towards learning seriously, and always had to compete with each other. I realized the importance and necessity of learning, and I began to study hard from then on, never letting up.

The age of 12 is an important turning point from youth to youth in life, that is, I no longer have the innocence of my childhood, the liveliness does not exist tonight, and we gradually become mature.

In the past, it is impossible to come again. The road ahead is still long, but the memories of childhood are deeply imprinted in my mind.

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (5)

I am a beach of sand, standing between heaven and earth, remaining in the streets and lanes, carrying the masses of people, tasting the taste of various footprints. It is either plain or hurried. Until that day...... ()

The rain was drizzling, the moonlight was cold, and the darkness and gloom seemed to be pressing overhead. In the rain, a white shadow passed, and then a gorgeous fall occurred. With the cry, the red blood soaked my body, blurred my vision, vaguely saw his painful expression, frowned, and cried helplessly. It's raining all the time

Suddenly, a tall body came to me. He took off his coat, gently put it on the boy, tightly wrapped the coat, lifted the boy up, and carried him to his shoulder. I was deeply depressed under his feet.

The moment seemed so long. The moonlight spilled from the gap of camphor leaves, ran through the boy's stretched eyebrows, and poured into the wet. The man seemed to be wearing a moonlight armor, like a triumphant hero. The sweat mixed with rain had already wet the man's arms, and the determination was still hanging on his face, walking with a steady and firm pace.

If you look down at the earth from the sky, you will see a series of deep footprints, which are the life tracks connected by footprints. The footprints emit the flavor of love and the power of help. The man carried the boy and walked away. The street lamp lengthened their shadow, and the world was very quiet in their shadow. Gradually, they disappeared in sight, but I could clearly see the tall body shining in the rain.

After the rain, the first stop, slowly taste the taste of the footprints. The taste is to extend a helping hand to strangers with patience and hardship; The taste is still persistent, allowing the wind and rain to hit the body; The taste is love... Wen/Li Kangrui

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (6)

I stepped over the footprints left by my mother in those years, and tears and those footprints turned into a grateful heart--- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Years, when the mountain has no edges and corners; When the river is not flowing; When time stops day and night; When everything in the world turns into nothingness. When childishness becomes mature; When black hair turns to white hair, mother's love remains unchanged! Time has taken away her youth, but not her vitality; Time has changed her white hair, but not her young heart; Years have crept up her eyes, leaving many wrinkles. Time can take away a lot of things from her. Time is enough to change a person. The vicissitudes of time are imprinted on every step of her slowly moving, recording the love between us.

Footprints, I want to feel, feel every mark my mother has passed, and feel the love in those footprints.

When I was young, I often liked to look at my mother's feet. My mother's feet are not delicate and dexterous, and there is a thick cocoon on them, but I like the foot prints left by my mother one after another. This footprint is marked by my mother's busyness when I was ill; This footprint is marked by my mother's excitement when I succeeded; This footprint is marked by my mother's diligent cleaning when my clothes are dirty; This footprint has the mark of my mother's concern when I was sad; This footprint records the memory left by too many years in a hurry.

Motherly love is the most selfless feeling. It falls on our hearts like the rain in spring. Although it is silent, it moistens the seedlings of life. When friends are gone, you can make new ones; Lovers lost, can find another, but the mother, there will only be one! The only one!

As Gorky said; "All the glory and pride in the world come from mother." Having a mother is glory, and having a mother's love is pride. As Dante said, "There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, which is the call of mother." As Gibran said, "The sweetest words that can be uttered by human lips are mother; the most beautiful call is mother."

When the sun no longer rises; When the earth no longer rotates; When spring, summer, autumn and winter no longer change; When all the flowers and trees wither... Time has erased the footprints of my mother, but the footprints remain in my heart forever, and tears turn into a grateful heart

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (7)

Growing footprints! Footprint of growth! How sacred and beautiful it is! In that boundless growth path, every footprint left by our little girl has its own flavor and value. The strings of my memory were suddenly plucked, and the deep footprints clearly appeared in my mind.

I remember that summer, I went to a friend's house to play. She took me to the most beautiful stream there. "Snow, you see, it's beautiful here." I said and ran over, took off my shoes, like a stiff wild horse, and rushed into the rushing water.

Suddenly, I saw the water overflowing with bright red color. It was blood! "Help, snow, I have an accident, my feet" I am like a frightened kitten, barking wildly, pointing to my feet. At this time, she was stunned and finally came back to her senses. "Are you all right? Come on, Qing, let me help you, be careful and slow down!" A liquid slowly flowed out of her eyes. I knew it was crying. It was as if that piece of glass had pierced her heart.

I tried to bear the pain, "Wow, you are crying, you are ugly, you are crying, you are humiliated." I pretended to be naughty and motioned on my face with my fingers. "I'm worried about you!" She looked wronged, which made people more distressed. I stuck out my tongue, "Thank you." Snow wiped away her tears, "You are in pain, let me see!" I took her hand, I didn't want her to see it, because I knew that if she saw it, she would be more worried.

"It's a matter of rice, who am I? Am I so weak?" "You are really a living treasure!" Xue finally showed her charming smile! "Come on. Come on, let me carry you! You must not be able to leave like this!" She said firmly, "Hurry up, I never betray others, and this time you have made money!" I shook my head like a rattle, smiled, and said: "Just you, ha ha, have you ever heard of a little rabbit carrying a big tiger? It's great to crush your little body!" "It's OK, you are not heavy, and we are sworn friends! Come on!" Suddenly, a warm current poured into my heart, making me want to cry. I lay on her weak body, and she walked slowly step by step, like guarding all the treasures. Looking back, we left deep footprints on the sand. Because that is the strength of two people, and that deep footprint is more of our pure friendship, isn't it? Now we don't often get together, but our friendship only grows. Remembering our footprints is like tasting fragrant milk tea!

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (8)

The way of growth is to go step by step! Life is like moving forward in the mud, leaving behind a series of traces, which are the footprints of your growth

Sometimes, the road of growth is not as smooth as you think. It is full of obstacles and thorns. You can't refuse this unexpected stranger. You can only treat him like a guest of honor, be gentle and kind, take out a common heart, and he will soon be defeated by you; And if you treat this distant guest with the attitude of avoiding, it must make you pay a deep price for your ruthlessness. Maybe it's a small defeat, maybe it's a decadent one. It will burn your hard work, and you can only watch helplessly, watching everything go to waste!

The journey of growth is difficult, but it is always embarrassing to face it listlessly! It's better to stop being dissatisfied, stretch your eyebrows, show your bright smile, and bravely face the profound footprints of growth! Perhaps in an instant, happiness will come to you. They wave to you, indicating that you have passed through a complete and happy life. Come on, let us all better understand our own growth footprints!

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (9)

Looking back on the past 12 years, I found that I was once so small.

I used to be a little girl, I could only raise my butt and play with mud in the courtyard. I used mud to build castles and palaces, and I also mixed my fantasies into the little girl who was once a little girl when I was 5 years old. Now I grow up a little and I'm lying on my bed doing puzzles, Put together a cute Mickey Mouse, a grand airplane, a beautiful Snow White and a happy 6-year-old.

Once a little girl, I now run, fly, shake the rope and watch the kite sway in the sky on the stadium, as if I saw my heart flying freely in the ideal sky of seven years old. Once a little girl, I sat on the grass and hummed every song I knew. Singing with relaxed melody, strolling in my 8-year-old square. Once a little girl, I stood in front of my parents with the award of "Reading Star" and "Literacy King", letting my parents' hearty laughter resound in my 9-year-old sky.

Ten years old is a great turning point. Blow out ten small candles, and I blow away many troubles. Instead, I have new aspirations that make me work hard: when I grow up one year this year, I must keep good grades; This year, I grew up one year old and must help my parents do more housework; I grew up one year this year

At the age of eleven, I learned badminton, learned to fight, learned to grow in difficulties, worked hard, worked hard to create a clear sky, worked hard to create a successful rainbow... Now, I am no longer small, I have learned a lot, but also gained a lot, learned to work hard, instead of sticking to my parents like sugar, I can't absorb the nutrients they give, I can't, I can't absorb the nutrients from them, and I watch them wither and grow old day by day.

Perhaps, filial piety is the best thing I have learned in the past 12 years. It is not a substitute for certificates of merit and happiness. Because caring for others and filial piety to parents are the best quality and virtue in the world.

Footprints of Pupils' Composition (10)

early spring

In the spring when I was four years old, the sky was very blue, and white clouds dotted the azure sky, very beautiful.

In the morning, I sat alone in the yard. Under the small wooden chair is the moss covered flagstone road, gently stroking it with your hand, and a cold feeling permeates your fingertips. The sun shines through the branches and leaves, falling on my sophistry and green moss.

The chill of early spring is dispelled by the sun. Butterflies fly around the flowerpot. Their white wings flap up and down rhythmically, giving off a light white light in the sun, like flowers and fog. I couldn't help grabbing the small net used to catch butterflies around me, and got up and ran after the butterflies. Perhaps it was dew still on the moss in the morning that made me slip aside, and the white skirt was stained with a bright green. A white shadow flew over my head. I subconsciously grabbed the net and waved it hard. My center of gravity was unstable again, and I slipped on the moss covered flagstone road. Reluctantly turning my head, the moss behind me is in a mess, and there are several obvious small footprints on the light green moss. Looking at the dark green marks, I can't help but get up and step on the moss on the flagstone road. I don't know how long it took, nor how many times I slipped. Looking at the flagstone road that changed from light green to dark green, and the skirt that changed from white to dark green, I felt satisfied.


The summer vacation in the third grade, the sky was blue and clean. At least, that's what I thought when I was lying on the beach.

The sun was not very strong that afternoon. It shone on the beach, making the beach covered with golden haze. The sea breeze is blowing, carrying layers of waves to the beach. Just where the waves are blossoming, there are footprints of different depths left. Looking up, the seagulls flew across the sky, occasionally with several cheers, skimming over the sea.

The seashore shells are full of white foam brought by the tide, like pearls. With the sea wind blowing, the foam makes a crackling sound, which interweaves with the rhythm of the waves into a wonderful sonata.

Tired from running, I lay on the beach, letting the sea breeze blow my hair, feeling the slightly salty smell of the sea, and my heart was open without any distractions. The sea breeze is blowing gently, and I feel sleepy

autumn night

Night came quietly. I sat alone outside the balcony, looking at the water like moonlight, my thoughts were no longer calm, and rippled layer upon layer. The sound of practicing zither came from the neighbor's family, and all kinds of notes without rhythm passed through the ears, as if they were accompanied by the moonlight, forming an atmosphere that is difficult to talk about. My heart has no reason to be confused about the future.

The autumn wind blows gently, and the shadows of the trees under the moon are messy. Occasionally, dead leaves fall from the top of the trees. With the wind swirling in the air, they finally fall on the ground, deeply imprinted in my heart. Maybe I shouldn't have any extravagant hopes for my own life. Look at the flowers blooming and falling, and enjoy tea at leisure, so as to end up.