My favorite star 600 word composition (5 popular ones)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2023-12-14 02:46:01

My Favorite Star 600 Word Composition (1)

China's entertainment industry never lacks stars, but stars with positive energy.

There are still some differences between stars and actors. Actors involve a wide range of content, such as film, TV drama, Peking Opera, opera actors, etc. They are mainly actors; Stars can be people who become famous overnight. Actors are not necessarily stars. The stars I like are those with positive energy and can bring warmth to people, such as Guo Qilin and Delireba.

Both of them are post-90s and young, but I like their upbringing very much. First, let's talk about Guo Qilin! His father is Guo Degang, one of the founders of Deyun Society. When he was young, he was very strict with Guo Qilin's education and asked him to be polite, so that he would not be treated coldly by others when he went out of the society in the future. Instead of making others gossip, he would rather educate him at home, so that he could eat less of the hardships of society in the future, Guo Degang is very diligent! Guo Qilin's achievements today can not be separated from Guo Degang's education, courtesy, high EQ and humility... He is the best work of Guo Degang, and Dalin is also loved by the audience. It was not his father's influence but his own efforts that earned him.

Secondly, Delireba, a beautiful and kind-hearted girl from Xinjiang, has also been subjected to cyber violence, but she still lives a natural life and is not affected, because she knows that there are many things out of nothing, why admit what she has not done. During her debut for so many years, she has always used her strength to speak. When shooting the first TV series, she suffered a lot of difficulties, but she did not say a word of hardship. As the only child in her family, her parents also worried about and cared for her. Although she could not always accompany them, she always faced life with a positive and optimistic attitude. She rents a house outside alone, and it is conceivable that she is lonely inside. They all like to report good news and bad news.

What really won the audience's favor was not their appearance, but their wonderful performance, which made the audience remember them.

My Favorite Star 600 Word Composition (2)

Everyone has his favorite star. Some people like acting stars, some like political stars, and some like sports stars. My favorite star is Yao Ming. There are three reasons:

First, Yao Ming is patriotic. He has participated in world competitions on behalf of the national team for many times, and achieved good results, winning honor for his country. During his time playing for the Rockets, he repeatedly responded to the call of the country, sacrificed his personal interests and returned to China to participate.

Second, Yao Ming has made great contributions to the development of world basketball, especially Chinese basketball. Yao Ming joined the national team at the age of 18 and participated on behalf of the national team for many times. At the age of 22, he was selected as the No. 1 player in the Rockets, becoming the second person to enter the Chinese basketball team. He has created a number of personal records and team history records. His highest single game score was 41 points, 7 assists, 22 rebounds and 8 blocks, and he has been in the All Star lineup of the professional basketball contest for six consecutive seasons, creating a miracle that is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Third, Yao Ming is enthusiastic about public welfare. He has successively served as the image ambassador of the Shanghai World Expo and the Beijing Winter Olympics. He held charity contests with Nash to raise money for children with intellectual disabilities. In the Wenchuan earthquake, he has donated tens of millions. Together with his team mates, he announced that he would not eat shark fin, and made an environmental public service advertisement on CCTV, "No sale, no killing".

Fourth, Yao Ming is very intelligent. Different from many "big men, small wisdom", he is "big men, big wisdom", which can be proved by his high language talent and business acumen. When playing in the United States and playing in the United States, the most difficult thing is the language barrier. He soon mastered English and communicated with his teammates and reporters in English. Every time he answered the questions of reporters, he was humorous and decent, comparable to diplomats. While playing in the United States, he also ran Yao Restaurant. Later, he also bought the Shanghai Sharks Basketball Club, which was very successful.

It can be said that Yao Ming is very successful in all aspects. Of course, we can't just see his success. While we love his success, we should also remember his efforts and hard work for his own success. I think: we should not just envy others' success, but also make efforts to pay, so the flowers will belong to you.

My Favorite Star 600 Word Composition (3)

"Do you know what Los Angeles is like at four o'clock in the morning?" I think many people know who asked this sentence. He is Kobe Bryant, the basketball "Peter Pan" - my favorite sports star.

It was this passage that I accidentally saw that made me know Kobe Bryant and was shocked by his hard work and tenacity. When the whole city was still sleeping, Kobe "got up and walked on the dark street". He was training. This training is not one day or two, but several years. This makes me admire him from the bottom of my heart. Many people may be able to stick to it for ten days and a half months, but I'm afraid there are few people who have been consistent for more than ten years. Therefore, after so many years, Los Angeles is still as dark as before at four o'clock in the morning, but Kobe has become a "muscular, powerful, high hit rate athlete". I admire his tenacity, and I have gradually learned his story, which is simply a legend!

Kobe was just an ordinary child. After more than ten years of hard training, he became a world-class sports star. He is not only an excellent scorer, but also an excellent defender. At the same time, he has outstanding organizational ability. However, he is not complacent, but continues to fight. Throughout his NBA career, he has made countless achievements. After 20 years of hard work in his career, he won various awards and created many records. Finally, in 20xx, he retired with full glory.

Although Kobe Bryant has faded out of our sight, the scene of his hard training in the early morning and his flying figure on the court have deeply stayed in my heart. Kobe is a legend, which is written by his hard work and never give up sportsmanship. He tells us with his inspirational story that there is no shortcut to success. Only through continuous efforts can we get closer to our dreams and reach the other side of success.

My Favorite Star 600 Word Composition (4)

"Absolutely perfect hands, not sweating or trembling, crossed behind the smile, hidden dangerous outline, when you are most relaxed..." I am a small fan, and I hum several songs almost every day. Do you know what I am singing now? Yes, he is the killer of JJ Lin.

This song is very long, and it takes five minutes to finish the whole song. At the beginning, Kugou played a very sad music, as if he was telling about another killer in the world. Then, when the music went up, Lin Junjie sang: "Absolutely perfect hands, no sweating and no shaking, crossed behind the smile, hidden the dangerous outline, when you are most relaxed..." It seems to be telling the terrible history of a killer. The music is gloomy, but it is a bit cheerful, with a unique tone, and a slightly sad voice, which makes people feel very comfortable.

The song repeats a lyric: "You don't understand, I don't understand, why the killer exists because of love, or the unknown future, relax and swing, count your heartbeat 300 meters away..." Here, Lin Junjie sings very loudly, hoping that there is a killer in front of you, looking at you darkly, and positioning you as the next target. At this moment, the music is suddenly very happy. It seems that there is a savior standing in front of you, fighting with the killer and protecting you

The rhyme of this song is very special. Other songs sing out the ideas expressed in this song at the beginning, such as "Go Home and Have a Look", "Heaven"... It is very gloomy and scary at first, but in the dark of terror, it is a bit sad and joyful, which makes people feel very comfortable. Then, Lin Junjie's voice is getting higher and higher, More and more cheerful and unforgettable.

I like this song very much. The silence has reached a level that I can't give up. I will delete ordinary songs when I hear them well, but no matter how many times I listen to the killer, I will never delete them!

My Favorite Star 600 Word Composition (5)

In other people's minds, stars refer to those who have great reputation on the Internet. But in my heart, my grandma is my star. My grandmother is a farmer. She is 162 tall. Her back is not bent like other old people, but always straight. I asked her why. She said that her back is like a pen pole, which cannot be bent. Her words awed me. Her skin seemed to be tanned because she often worked in the fields. Her hands were thin like dead branches, but they were covered with calluses.

In my memory, I grew up under this skinny hand. When I was young, I saw 20 yuan on the neighbor's table, so I stole the money secretly. That day, I did everything secretly, until the evening, I planned to use the money to buy food. As soon as I rushed out of the house, my grandmother caught me in the face. I dared not go out, so I stood in front of her, holding the 20 yuan in my hand. Grandma looked down and saw the money in my hand, so she asked me, 'Where did the money come from?' I said nervously that it was stolen. Without saying a word, Grandma hit me on the head with her hand like a dead tree branch, and my tears came out at once. Grandma touched my head and said, 'Son, when you are young, you can steal silver and grow up to steal gold! You can't learn bad! ' I nodded with tears in my eyes.

One more thing, when Grandma walked on the street, she met some small tyrants in the village. They always talked without thinking. So they said that Grandma was a thin old woman. I was so angry that I took my grandmother away. Later, I asked my grandmother not to take this matter to heart, and she said to me, 'It's OK. Let them talk! '

This is my grandma, a star whom I respect! I will always be her most loyal fan!