Youth Games (6 compilations)
2024-03-27 04:41:11
Junior two

Youth Games (1)

Youth seems to be a declaration, which shows the passion of heroes for youth since ancient times. Youth is also a gesture. There is a tiger in the heart, running with acceleration, and eager to find the answer to the future. Last Friday's outward bound sports meet let us rush to youth and interpret youth with flowing sweat.

On the hot afternoon of last Friday, the outreach sports meeting was held in the playground of the campus with energetic steps in the eyes of many expectations. It seemed to burn the hearts of each of our students. Everyone was eager to try and show their best side.

The exciting sports meeting is divided into three parts: trekking across mountains and rivers, escorting confidential documents, and seeking common ground while reserving differences. These are three different expansion projects that require sincere cooperation to complete smoothly. Just listen to the whistle of "Du", and the game begins. First of all, the opening scene was "wading across mountains and rivers". Everyone rubbed their hands together. The fireworks formed a stream of cold air and hot temperature intertwined to make the quiet sun become splashed and the sleepy world become excited immediately. The first student rushed out like an arrow out of the string, quickly leaped over one obstacle after another, and shook off his opponent with a gap of more than 10 meters. Just before the finish line, a classmate's shoes fell off. "Bad!" everyone shouted in unison. Just look at him non-stop, firmly moving towards the end. What spirit impelled him to move forward? I think it must be a strong sense of collective honor.

In the fierce competition, time is always fast, and soon it's my turn to play. I looked at the inflatable cushion, and pinched my stomach. I couldn't help hesitating. I twisted my clothes with both hands and feet, and kept my head down. My feet kept moving backwards, as if the low obstacles were like a mountain in front of me. At this moment, Miss Sun probably understood my embarrassment. She put her hand on my shoulder and said earnestly: "Liu Chengyu, courage is the most colorful primary color in our life. Only those who dare to fight can enjoy the most complete rainbow! After listening to Mr. Sun's words, I regained my fighting spirit and rushed out. Recalling Mr. Sun's encouragement, I ran faster and faster, and the speed was intertwined in the music drums! Rotate! Cohesion! Rushing! Radiation! Flip! Sublimation! When I jumped across the finish line, people became a vast expanse, the sound became a vast expanse

This outward bound sports meeting is the most unforgettable one for me. It enabled me to overcome my own shortcomings and psychological self-confidence, cross the destination with high spirits, and let youth shine in the outward bound sports meeting.

Youth Games (2)

As time goes by, with the pace of time, we grow up slowly, and have forgotten how many years we have experienced and participated in sports games. I only know that every sports meeting will yield a lot, a lot

Look back and turn around to review the Games carefully. The youth sports meeting recorded how many laughter and sweat, carried how many glory and dreams, wrote how many successes and failures, and witnessed how many feelings and joy... At the sports meeting, all the time, the grand youth was played and countless enthusiasm was gained.

Time and time again, we know a lot.

Time and time again, you will find that you are growing.

Games again and again, linked with youth, leading to the future.

From the warm applause and cheers, I read your success. From the firm eyes, I understand your persistence and dedication. Smiling, I recalled the cool and heroic appearance, vigorous steps and unswerving smiling faces on the match field. It was because of these that the perfect movement of youth played. No matter how time goes by, I think I can't forget the youth breath I found in the sports meeting. The game is always about winning or losing, but no matter what the result is, as long as there is hope hidden in your heart, you are willing to rise up again and bloom your youth. I believe that one day, we will reach the ideal peak and feel the mood of seeing the small mountains.

At a sports meeting, I saw a lot of people: the cheering and cheering that disregarded the image, the unbridled laughter, the youthful smile, the energetic figure, and the chic back, all of which expressed our youthful youth. The trouser legs pulled up in late autumn for sprint, the trousers and clothes covered with dirt for long jump, the high jump without fear of falling down again and again, and the relay race with hard cooperation. Did anyone pay attention to these small details? This vividly reflects our youth of hard work. The students beside the runway prepared water for the athletes, and watched the students on the playground cheer for the athletes. All of this is the youth we all enjoy together when we are young.

We will gain a lot in the next sports meeting.

The next sports meeting, you will find that you have grown up.

The next sports meeting, presumably, will bring us closer to our dreams.

In our youth sports meeting, we will carry our dreams and fly with our youth. We will enjoy the sunshine without fear, sing songs and grow together.

Youth Games (3)

The first ray of sunshine in autumn shines on the playground.

Familiar playground, familiar coaches and teachers... The upcoming "Autumn Track and Field Games" of our school is also the last sports meeting of all sixth graders before graduation.

On the morning of November 3, several white clouds floated in the blue sky, as if waiting for the wonderful sports meeting. At 8:30, all the students in the school gathered on the playground in line with their heads held high, energetic and neatly dressed uniforms. Look, the colorful flag fluttering in the wind is held high in the sky, and our national flag formation team enters the arena, adding some vitality to the game; Listen, there are neat teams and loud slogans around the playground. The representative teams of athletes from all classes are playing! "I declare that the autumn track and field games have officially started!" With the president's announcement, everyone applauded to celebrate the official opening of the games!

The bright sunshine brought a gentle warmth, and the tug of war players from all classes of Grade 6 were preparing on the tug of war field. In this round, our Class 6 (8) is playing against Class 6 (11). The boys and girls in our class are standing next to the rope on the right side of each other. They are all riveted and ready to start the tug of war. "Cheek!" With the whistle in the mouth of the referee blowing a loud and sharp whistle that cut through the sky, the tug of war players started! The contestants in our class used all their strength to pull the rough rope in their hands, "One Two! One Two! One Two!", "Come on! Come on! Class 68, come on!" The voice of the teacher's guidance and the voice of other students cheering filled the whole tug of war arena. The referee always pays attention to the movement of the red scarf in the middle of the rope, and the cheerleaders keep cheering for the players in each class! "Cheek!" Another sharp whistle sounded, and the other player shouted - our class lost the battle. Looking at the scene of their cheering, we were distressed, depressed, and kept silent with our heads bowed. "Oh!", "Alas!" A sigh and a cheer ended the tug of war.

November 4, the race of the next day - the relay race.

15 boys and 15 girls from each class form a vertical line to wait at the starting point of each class. "Bang!" On the field, with the sound of a shot from the referee, the athletes in each class ran to the end quickly like an arrow. They waved the youth baton with both hands, and their legs were condensed with hope and strength, and the sparks of air friction, strength and beauty. "Come on! Come on! Come on!" On the sideline, the cheering group of our class shouted the cheering slogan at the top of their lungs, "68688, sports are developed! Unite and win the first place!" No matter whether the athletes of our class are in the first place or not, no matter whether our throat is hoarse, we will always cheer for them on the field and encourage them, because we are classmates, because we are friends. Finally, the athletes of our class won the first place, and everyone kept cheering outside the court.

Cheers, cheers, successes and failures... We will never forget the scene of our Class 6 (8) united and fighting bravely on the field. Fight for yourself and cheer for youth. The familiar cheering words resounded in our hearts: "6868, the movement is developed! Unite and win the first place!"

Youth Games (4)

Ditan Stadium has experienced many years, held many sports meetings, and recorded many laughter and sweat; How many glories and dreams have been carried, how many successes and failures have been written, how many feelings and joys have been witnessed, and how many achievements have been made along the way through the invincible and vigorous youth.

We know a lot about the annual sports meeting

Year by year sports meet, you will find that you are growing.

Year by year sports meet, linked with youth, leads to the future.

Regardless of the image of the cheering, unbridled laughter, sweaty smile, youthful and energetic figure, the 'back' of the rampage; Shorts worn in late autumn for sprint and trousers covered with dirt for long jump; The water and towel prepared by the girls beside the runway for the boys, and the cheering voice of the students in the stands for the athletes, all of which are the youth we all enjoy together in our youth.

There was a small mistake in the relay in our class. The second difference between our class and the Korean class was 0.03 seconds, and we became the second place in the senior high school group. I still remember that when the fourth stick in red sportswear ran across the end line at the speed of light that day, the grandstand at the foot of Class 2 of Senior High School Grade 2 shook to collapse. We were confident to be the first, but we rewrote it because of a small accident. Although a little regretful, we are not discouraged. Life develops in constant accidents. The emergence of accidents promotes us to work hard to create the splendor of life. Even if we can try to create accidents, it can be said to be a miracle. It will make us do better next time!

Look at a sports meeting. Behind the success and failure, under the halo of glory and dream, in the sweat and joy: we carry our dreams, fly in youth, and we enjoy the sunshine without fear. We grow together along the way.

Youth Games (5)

In the morning, before the sun opened its eyes, the mist covered the mountain city with a veil. I run and jump on my way to school.

Because the school will hold the sports meeting I look forward to.

Entering the campus, many competitors have already warmed up on the playground. The long rope dance is flying here, the running side is brisk, and the long jump is as light as a swallow.

In the afternoon, the long rope competition will begin. The students come to the competition field in high spirits and high morale, and touch their fists and wipe their palms in order to win the championship. When the whistle sounded, the game began. The ropes were dancing and people were jumping on the playground. When the competition was very fierce, Zhou Yongfeng suddenly flew out of the rope stick carelessly, which made the students cry out in alarm. He quickly picked up the rope stick. Then Yu Wuruo accidentally stumbled over the rope, but he quickly jumped out with a swing of his foot. Later, there were some mistakes, but they all saved the day. At the same time, the students outside the stadium cheered for us. Come on! come on. Class 35 champion! Class 35 champion! Hearing the cheers, the students who participated in the competition became more ambitious and worked hard.

The five minute game soon ended. Although it is a pity that our class did not win the championship, this competition reflects our class's spirit of collective unity, cooperation and perseverance.

Chapter 2

Today is the "three jumps" sports meeting in the sand area. The weather is sunny. The students came to the school with great excitement wearing neat school uniforms and holding flowers.

The opening ceremony began, and the rostrum was full of leaders from the sand area and the school. The first team to play was the Founder Team, which was composed of six people. They walked with neat steps and held a five-star red flag to us. The five-star red flag looks more bright in the sunlight.

After the opening ceremony, the first performance was martial arts. With 18 classes of weapons in hand, they were all lively. They only took a few minutes to play a set of martial arts routines and won applause from the audience.

The next performance is basketball calisthenics. They dance happily with the light music. Basketball is passed to each other in their hands in harmony. Basketball is like obedient children.

Although the performance has ended, I still have the scene of the sports meeting in my mind, which gives me endless aftertaste.

Chapter 3

This morning, with blue sky and white clouds, sunny and sunny, our school will hold a grand spring sports meeting.

I got up early this morning, washed quickly and hurried to school. We lined up to the playground. The children in the playground were very excited, and I was also very excited.

In the sports meeting, we competed in 60m relay in collective events, 100m, 200m, 400m in individual events, long jump and softball.

At the opening ceremony, there were first grade children performing and big brothers shooting for us. They are so awesome, but I also know they work hard to train. And the children in the model class performed rocket launching. Wow, how tall! Maybe Rockets and Go are playing games.

The race began. Our class also took part in the 60m relay. The children rushed out like arrows, and they strove forward. We also cheered hard below, "Come on! Class 10, come on! Class 10." The friends who participated in the individual events worked hard, and all wanted to achieve good results to add points for our class. After three days of competition, Our class got the third place in the whole grade.

I didn't take part in any of the sports meeting. I'm worried that I can't run fast and drag my legs in the class, so I didn't dare to register. I will strengthen my training in the future, so that I can also participate in the next sports meeting to win honor for our class.

Chapter 4

Today, our school held a sports meeting. I came to the school early because I wanted to participate in the competition.

Our junior sports include sprinting, rabbit jumping, rope skipping and softball. My sports are softball. Before pitching, I was a little nervous. When I saw the expectant eyes of my classmates, I gathered my courage, posed, and threw the softball to the upper left with all my strength. I saw the softball spinning to a far place. The students all applauded for me, and I felt very happy.

At the same time, other sports are also going on fiercely. Liu Zedai, who took part in the rabbit dance, was like a cute rabbit, bouncing to the finish line first. Li Mingyang, who took part in the 60 meter dash, was like a small wild horse running to the end of the race. Hao Lin, who took part in the rope skipping race, was like a lively kangaroo jumping around constantly. The whole stadium was filled with warm applause and cheers for the athletes.

The sports meeting was almost over at noon, but the wonderful scenes of the sports meeting remained in our hearts forever.

Chapter Five

From Monday afternoon to Tuesday, we held a sports meeting.

There are five first places in our class. I think it should be the first in the whole grade! As I ran slowly, I didn't take part in any of them.

I mainly observed He Yixing's game. The first is the 400m in the fourth grade group. The playground was filled with a strong smell of *. With a clear gunshot, the athletes began to run on the track. Now, the first class is Class 4. He runs very fast, leaving our class and other classes behind. I'm sure he can't win the first place. Because Mr. Liu told us that if we run fastest at the beginning, we will lose strength in the end, so we should allocate the speed reasonably. As expected, the fourth class only took the fourth, and our class was the third.

The 4 * 100 relay, the most suspended event in our class, is only a few centimeters away from the second place. The most important thing is the sprint. Our class and Class 4 are neck and neck. At one moment, our class is in front, while their class is in front. Our voices are almost hoarse. As it was too far away from the finish line, I could not see clearly, and the cry of "Yes!" that our class won immediately rang in my ears.

The sports meeting is over, and happiness is over.

Chapter Six

Today is Friday, November 12. The weather is sunny. Our school held the annual autumn sports meeting.

We lined up in front of the rostrum, and the head of the university solemnly announced on the rostrum: "Now, the sports meet officially begins!" "Look! The competition is about to begin." I said excitedly. There are many events in this sports meeting, including rope skipping, shuttlecock kicking, softball playing, 50 meter running, face to face relay running... I think the most exciting is face to face relay running.

The athletes who took part in the face to face relay race have lined up and made preparations. "Ready to start." With the order of the referee, the athletes ran to the other end like arrows. The athletes who received the baton on the opposite side were also very nervous. Their hands were stretched out for a long time, and they kept shouting: "Hurry! Hurry!" Some of the students who watched on the playground had already stood up, and some of them had stretched out their heads, and they were all eager to watch the wonderful game. Cheerleaders were desperately cheering for their own class, and the shouts were continuous. Everyone seems to want to pass all their strength to the athletes who are rushing to the end. The game was finally over, and the victorious athletes cheered happily.

The competition is still going on fiercely, and the cheering voice of the cheerleaders is getting higher and higher, which is just a wonderful sports meeting.

Chapter 7

Today, it is the first time for Class 3 (2) to participate in the sports meeting. With the "Athletes March", our athletes came to the playground with great pride.

When the starting gun sounded, the athletes rushed out like an arrow. Look, Yuan Zhenxuan in my class, his face is red, his head is high, and he runs forward with all his strength. The monitor strode forward with her long legs. Others clenched their fists tightly and accelerated their speed constantly, like comparing with the wind. Each team member gave play to his own advantages.

I am most impressed. The most intense competition is the third grade relay race. At first, our athletes performed very well, but at the critical moment when He Zixun and Shi Qi handed in the baton, the baton fell down. Watching the race, I wanted to rush up and take the baton to race for them. Finally, we lost our place. The competition items of this sport include: softball throwing, men's 400m race, women's 400m race

At this sports meeting, our monitor Zhang Zhengsi won the second place in the women's race. Although our class won only one place, we were very happy. The athletes' efforts to compete were deeply engraved in my heart. I want to exercise more and strive to become a sports athlete next time!

Chapter VIII

The long-awaited autumn sports meet has opened, which I have been looking forward to for more than a month! The teacher told me that the sports meeting would be held this Friday. I was so happy that I didn't sleep for several nights.

Although it was drizzling that day, our hearts were sunny. First, the military band began to play. With the moving sound of the military band, the five-star red flag rose slowly. Then, the principal spoke. Finally, the competition officially began.

Although I am not an athlete this time, I also came in handy. Ge Yumiao did sit ups, and I helped her hold her foot. When she was dying, I helped her cheer on, and she finally won the fourth place.

The most wonderful thing is the tug of war. "Preparation, start!" I saw that our class was full of vigor and vitality, and we had a good chance of winning. I won the first game! Yep -- Don't worry about happiness, but also exchange positions. With the sound of the beginning, the most intense second game began. Look at Teng Zhaohong. He holds his hands tightly, squats down, leans back and drags hard. Look at Xu Shuoming again. His face is red and he presses down on the rope. His hands are like small pincers, as if he has endless strength. Our female classmates also changed their usual quiet appearance, their eyes were wide open, and they became little fighters. With the concerted efforts of the whole class, we finally defeated Class 2. The students danced and laughed and enjoyed the fruits of the victory!

This is really an unforgettable sports meeting, wonderful sports meeting! It not only strengthens our physique, but also enables us to learn sports that we did not know before. I hope the next sports meeting will come soon!

Chapter 9

In a season of sweet scented osmanthus and golden breeze, the school held the annual autumn sports meeting.

Camera 1: Running

The sweet voice of the announcer came out from the radio: "Please invite the fourth grade women group to the starting point, and invite the fourth grade women group to the starting point." We wanted to cheer for them loudly, but the school stipulated that there should be no loud noise at the sports meeting, so those words had to be suppressed in our stomach. Wang Heying, a student in my class, was always in the second place. When she came to the finish line, she quickly ran a few steps and became the first player to cross the finish line. Won three small red flags for my class.

Shot 2: Long jump

"Boys and girls, come on, victory is ahead!" The announcer said how many of our classmates said! It can be seen that Lu Meikun in my class still won the first place. Ah! The students in Class 4 (1) surpassed Lu Meikun in my class, and finally we won the second place.

I love this passionate sports meet!

Chapter 10

Today, let's finally open the long-awaited sports meeting!

We couldn't wait to come to the school. I was a member of the bouquet team. As soon as I came to the playground of the Affiliated High School of Shanxi Normal University, I went with other members of the bouquet team to run the bouquet team. The bouquet team was composed of 60 female students selected by each class of grade three, representing grade three to participate in the school entrance ceremony.

When we returned to our seats after the entrance ceremony, our mothers gave each of us a colored ribbon and a slap palm, and two students held two flags with the slogan "3.1 Must win" on them, and a long banner with the slogan "3.1 Come on! I exercise and I am happy" on it. We were all excitedly waiting for the arrival of the game.

At this time, Mr. Qin called all our competitors to the side and let us do pre competition activities. We exercised our wrists and ankles and trotted for a while. The 60 meter run started. As soon as the athletes came, we clapped our hands, shook the ribbons, and shouted: Come on!!! come on. The next step is the 100 meters. I am the one who participated in the 100 meters women's running. I was in Group 6. Before my turn, I was very nervous. When I was nervous, I liked to scratch my clothes, so my clothes were almost torn by me. The gun sounded, I ran forward desperately, and finally entered the final. In the final, I won the eighth place in the women's 100 meters.

In the afternoon, I participated in the holding ball race, and our class won the fifth place. At the closing ceremony of the sports meeting, our class won the sixth place in the total score of the group.

Through this competition, I understand the truth that there are people out there and there is a heaven out there. I am ready to practice running well, and strive to achieve more excellent results in the sports meeting next year, so as to win honor for our class!

Youth Games (6)

The blue sky belongs to you.

In the moment you leap.

At the same time, our hope leaped out.

The grass appreciates you.

White clouds welcome you.

Light as a swallow, flying in the blue sky.

The Olympic spirit is embodied in you.

Jump, jump out of your confidence.

Jump out of your top.

Jump out of your winning hill.

2. After a powerful run-up

You soar


You stretch out your vigorous wings


There will be a distance for you

No matter far or near

It's all youthful

No matter win or lose

It's a moving melody