Composition Son (16 Collections)
A game, a dream
2023-08-10 06:01:47
topic of conversation

Composition Son (1)

"You are a studious boy. When you greet the teacher, your voice is loud and pleasant. In class, you can always raise your hand in time and speak boldly. You are very serious about learning, and your homework is written neatly. You are very active in reciting the text, and the teacher praises you!" This is the teacher's comment on my little son this semester.

My little son is eight years old this year. This is the first semester of his first grade in primary school. From the teacher's comments, it can be seen that the teacher has given full recognition and appreciation to my son's performance in school for one semester. My son's exam results this semester are also quite good. As a mother, I am very proud and full of joy. I remember that on the day when school began on September 1, when my son carried his schoolbag and walked into the campus, I was secretly worried that he would not be familiar with everything when he just walked into the school gate, that he would not adapt to primary school life, that he would not follow the teacher's lessons, and that he would not be able to follow the footsteps of other students. Now it seems that my worry is superfluous. My son can not only adapt to primary school life, but also become an excellent primary school student better. My son is awesome, and my mother is really proud of you.

This is the first step in my son's life and study. It is particularly important to get the teacher's affirmation of my son. The next unknown journey of life is still a long one. As a mother, I will always urge my son to take every step of his schooling seriously. I also believe that my son will get better and better. Come on, son!

Composition Son (2)

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom of cars. There were all kinds of cars, including buses and cars. The king of this country was a racing car.

When the king was young, he was the fastest and wisest in the kingdom. So when the king was chosen in the competition, he became the king. But now he is too old to run. So he wanted to make one of his three sons king.

When the three sons heard about it, they began to talk about it: the eldest son proudly said, "I have to decide the throne. I run faster than you all, and I must be the king." The second son was unconvinced, and angrily said, "Why did you do it? I am smarter than you, and I should be the king." The third son was very modest and said, "I am too young to be king. Moreover, all this was arranged by my father, and it was not won by you."

The king clearly heard what the three sons said, so he didn't say who was the king until he was seriously ill. Before he died, he called all the three sons and said, "If I die, the third son will be the king after that!" The eldest son and the second son were not happy to hear this, and asked, "Why?" The king said, "You have been fighting all the time. Only the third one is the most modest. He is the best king and deserves it." The eldest son and the second son listened and bowed their heads in shame.

Finally, the third man became the new king and managed the auto kingdom in order. It was a right choice to make him the king.

Composition Son (3)

Duoduo is a puppy I raised. It is as black as black charcoal, and its fur is like the sea. Its big waves and water smart eyes are like attractive chocolate beans. It can run quickly! Look! Did a burst of black wind frighten you?

One after another has a great disadvantage and a great advantage. Listen, "blossoming! You ate the meat again!" You listen to my mother again, blossoming like a wrong child, depressed and silent. Alas! My dear son, who made you so greedy?

Of course, blossoming is also very smart. I often teach it to sit, roll, and even say New Year's greetings. I felt like I had eaten honey when I watched the guests praise each other.

How can my lovely son not let me love and hate.

Composition Son (4)

Today, I want to introduce a person to you. He is my classmate and my beloved son - "Huang Lei"! Speaking of him, everyone knows him! Why would I say that? Then you have to listen to me slowly.

Zero zero zero! The bell rang, and the students all ran back to the classroom, but what about Huang Lei? It turned out that he was enjoying the scenery in the corridor! I shouted to him, "Son, it's not the time to enjoy the scenery. The teacher is coming. Come back soon!" What do you think he said? He said slowly, "Dad, don't be afraid, don't be afraid! It's not too late to go in when the teacher comes. Look, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery together!" I listened and said to him, "OK, you are so brave, Dad, I am too lazy to pay attention to you." After a while, the teacher really came. Xiaolei was caught by the teacher just wanted to go back to the classroom, The teacher said to him, "Why are you still here after class? Go back to me and copy this text 10 times after you go back." I listened and sniggered at the back. I advised you not to listen. It's a good time! That text has more than 600 words! After class, I ran up to him and said to him, "Don't listen to my father, I will suffer! Hee hee!" But he cheekily said to me, "Do you understand? The teacher cares about me and makes me familiar with the text. You want to write it yet!" I thought to myself, "What a Huang Lei! How cheeky!"

Another time, it happened in a dignified examination room. At that time, we were concentrating on writing the test questions, but he raised his legs and hummed a song for you to play Chopin's nocturne to commemorate my dead love, like... when the invigilator came over, picked up his test paper, glanced at it, and then confiscated it. Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, and then said to us, "It doesn't matter. He will give me back. It's useless for him to come." The exam room immediately burst into laughter! Indeed, the teacher had no choice but to give him the test paper back. After that, he said, "Well, I'm very accurate! Come on! Come on! Today, the prediction genius predicts the exam scores for everyone. Come on! Come on! Very accurate!" I almost fainted after hearing that.

What about? After listening to my introduction, you should have fully known my "son"! He is a cheeky student. In fact, he has many advantages, such as: he is very loyal to friends! Good at basketball... If you want to know him better, you can be friends with me! As a "father", I will tell you all his stories!

Composition Son (5)

My mother bought many books for me. There is an interesting story in Aesop's fable, called "The Farmer and His Three Sons". Let me tell you.

Once there was a farmer who had a large vineyard. He worked hard in the vineyard all day. But his three sons were very lazy. The farmer wanted the boss to help him, but the boss said, "It's too hot outside. I'm tired and I'd better let the second child help you.". So the farmer went to call the second child, and the second child said, "I didn't sleep well last night, and my body is sore today. Besides, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. You'd better call the third child to help you.". The farmer had to come to the third man, hoping that he would stop doing nothing and help him. But the third one replied: Dad, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well today. i got headache. The farmer replied disappointedly: No! Last time you said you had a stomachache. In the following days, farmers worked hard for years. Finally one day, the farmer fell ill, and he could no longer work in the field. The farmer thought that he was going to die. The vineyard he had worked all his life was no longer managed. His three sons would starve to death. He was very worried. Children, guess what idea the farmer has in mind?

The farmer called the children to the bed and said, "Children, I only have this vineyard and you three children in my life.". I am not partial at all. I have prepared a piece of gold and silver treasure for each of you in the vineyard. As long as you search the whole garden, you will find it. The farmer died soon. The three sons continued to dig and dig in the fields, and were busy for several months day and night. When autumn came, the children did not find gold, but the orchard was full of mature grapes because of their hard work. The three brothers became very rich after selling grapes.

After reading this story, I understand that the farmer did not cheat his three sons. The gold he left to the children was their industrious hands. Yes, we can create wealth without fear of difficulties by working hard with our hands. I need to refuel, and you?

Composition Son (6)

Son, my heart is as sweet as honey when I miss your brisk voice of calling mother; Son, I can't wait to smell the faint fragrance on you; Son, I would like to comfort the salty tears you cry; Son, if I want to see your brilliant smiling face, I can only dream. Son, it is you who let me know how long I miss you. I will write it in my diary for your future reference!

Yellowish hair is the malnutrition caused by your pickiness, high forehead is the manifestation of your intelligence, slightly bent eyebrows are a pair of black eyes, an upright nose is located in the center of the face, a pair of red lips, and yellow skin is the natural color of Chinese people. Although not beautiful, it is very durable.

The first time I saw you, you were sleeping quietly with your eyes closed. Your face was red like an attractive apple. I couldn't help but come up and steal a kiss. After a while, you seem to feel your mother's eyes, slowly open your eyes and look around the world. Your birth makes everyone very happy, especially your grandfather, who always hugs you and kisses you in a short while, just like a treasure in his hand.

After the full moon, I hold you to play around and teach you to recognize trees and flowers. You always gently "oh oh" to me, and then smile, how lovely!

You have known the bus since three or four months ago. Every time the bus comes, you will run around in my arms, and your sight will always move with the bus.

Six or seven months will sit down. I put you on the bed and bought a lot of toys. You, my sister, and I, the three of us played together. We played with building blocks, built houses, and made phone calls. It was fun. Laughter echoed in the room

In eight months, you will climb. You will have a broader space on the bed, the ground, and the table.

In ten months, you will stand, holding the wall against the chair, standing there with your hands moving, picking and touching, showing curiosity. Then I learned to walk. I didn't know how many falls I had.

After one year old, you will finally leave. You throw the cup away, lift the chair, and trample the vegetables... How naughty you are!

Going to someone else's house is like going to your own house. You dare to take anything and throw it away. There is nothing you can do about it. As soon as you are mentioned, you will grin and grimace, making people's anger dissipate in an instant.

One day, you threw out Da Nai's water bottle, but I didn't catch it. Later, I bought one and gave it back; You lifted the second wife's melon seed dish again, and I ran to pick it up again; The next day he kicked Yaonai's basin as a ball. I went to wash it and dry it. Alas, my son, it's really tiring to serve you!

You take the stick to hit your grandmother, and give your sister a stick to fight with you. I can't stand it. I taught you two hard. When you see that I am angry, you quickly come to coax me. You kiss and smile at me, but I still have a serious expression. You will not fight again!

Take you to the supermarket. You want everything you see, but people have to choose something. I will buy you something useful. In the amusement park, you are like a runaway wild horse. It's fun to play!

My sister rides a skateboard and drives you. It seems so friendly. My sister leads you along the road. The background is so warm. Every time you are bullied, your sister looks like a big sister. She bullies others, then holds you and leaves... You must love each other in the future!

Baby, mom misses you so much, mom and dad will work hard actively, just for your bright smile. Baby, wait for mom, mom will pick you up soon!

Composition Son (7)

His son Yuanyuan, a tiger, is over eight years old and in the third grade of primary school. My son Yuanyuan is a handsome young man with fine features, lively and lovely. I love his watery black eyes, which make me happy, love and hope

His academic record should be above average. But I don't blame him, because he can do the difficult questions correctly every time he takes an exam; For easy questions, he is always careless and always makes mistakes. I always think it's not a big problem. I always think that carelessness can be changed, but stupidity seems to be the essence. Fortunately, he is clever.

In learning, I am most satisfied with his excellent composition. I'm very pleased, as if I have my inheritance. Every time, the teacher was very satisfied with his composition, saying it was written fast, long and beautiful. I remember that when he first learned to write a composition, he was also like a monk in law. I always helped him write it, asked him to copy it, and asked him to read it. Fortunately, he has some talent for imitation. He gradually gets used to imitation, gradually surpasses imitation, and gradually forgets imitation

In fact, my son is very lively and outgoing, which is not like me. But in the class, because of the secular reasons of the head teacher's adults, there is no more space and stage for the son. My wife and I are worried, but fortunately, children can always forget their unhappiness, always find their own space and stage, and always grow up healthily and happily.

My son is very kind and honest. This often worries the lover that he will suffer losses when he grows up. After all, this is not a society where kindness and honesty can run rampant. Maybe he should be more aggressive; Maybe he should be more adaptable.

My son is very popular. Boys and girls in the class like to play with him; Children in residential buildings also like to play games with him. I was satisfied to see him sweating, his red face, and his crazy chase. When I am fuzzy, I always feel that I was once in the Huangjing Forest: the Huangjing Tree.

The most pleasant thing is that my son always likes to poke my hair and tear off my growing white hair one by one in the warm afternoon when he is basking in the sun. Every time, there are always more than ten pieces torn off, and I always have more than ten pains.

As time goes by, he grows up and I grow old. I feel a little sad. Fortunately, there has always been hope, hope has always continued. My hope, my dream, just like my soul has always accompanied his healthy growth, never far away, never give up.

All foster children hope to be smart, and I was mistakenly smart for my whole life. I can't bear to look back, I buried the past, I stuck to hope. Even if I am frustrated and live a lifetime, I will try my best to realize my hope; Even if it is a bubble, it should be without regret. If it is a bubble, I will live in hell

I always like to use blue as the font color when I write my articles. Today, I want to use green because green is more representative of hope.

At the end, I want to end with Mr. Lu Xun's words: hope is that there is no such thing as there is, there is no such thing as nothing. This is just like the road on the ground. In fact, there is no road on the ground, and when there are many people walking, it becomes a road

Composition Son (8)

"Write quickly, don't look!" The teacher's voice came again. She asked us to write the paper.

"Ding Lingling ------" That's great. The class is over at last. I don't need to write anything.

The final exam will be held the day after tomorrow, can't you? We several classmates got together again: "Alas! Too tired, almost tired." "Isn't it the exam? Is it worth it?" Really ------, I'm bored to death. We have all Chinese and math classes this week. In class, we either do papers or take notes. Sometimes we have to write after class. Really!

Alas! I can't help it. Who calls it an era of fierce competition? If you don't study well, you can't get into a good junior high school, a good high school, or a good university-------

Finally, it was the day of the exam. We came and left happily, no matter how the exam went. I played at home for four or five days. Although I felt a little uneasy at the thought of my grades, I still enjoyed myself. Until the results were announced, the parents' meeting and the school break ceremony were held. My exam was a mess, and my grades were not as good as before. Both Chinese and math fell below 90 points, which is miserable! What's the reason? I just wanted to play before the exam, and didn't study hard! Now, I'm in a bad mood.

These days, I dare not go to my grandparents' house for fear that they will be disappointed. But my mother said to me: the best result is always the next time! Don't lose heart. Mom believes you will do well in the exam! I said to my mother with confidence: I will try my best next time!

This summer vacation, I will redouble my efforts, not play, do my homework carefully, and achieve good results in Grade 6, so that my grandparents, grandparents, parents can rest assured, and let them be proud of me!

Composition Son (9)

Son, when you came to this world when you were born, you knew how happy I was with your mother, grandparents, grandparents and all the relatives.

Looking at you, you are simple and lovely; Children in other families are crying loudly: you are sleeping soundly like nobody else. At that time, your aunt thought there was something wrong with you! At that time, I also glared at your aunt. Say she can't talk! Watch you babbling, slowly learn to walk. Mom and Dad, how happy your mother and I were at that time!

In kindergarten. Once during a holiday, you shouted to ride a donkey to Grandma's house, but the master who boarded the car was careless; Throw me out and put you under the car. When I pick you up from the car; Your face is covered with blood. I thought you would be badly hurt. I stopped a car to take you to the hospital, but it only scratched a little!

Another time you had a minor operation, and when the suture was removed, the doctor was surprised. I don't know when you removed the thread yourself? When you were a child, you were naughty and cute. Once you played with sweat. Your mother and I were so worried that we sent you to the hospital. After injection, you yell at home and say nothing about staying in the hospital! When you were in primary school, you stayed at the teacher's house to make up lessons. I secretly hid beside the school and watched you and other students go home with the teacher. I had an unspeakable taste in my heart; Have pity on the parents of the world! Parents are looking forward to your growing up day by day, and now you have grown up; Parents don't expect anything from you, they just hope you can study hard. In the future, I will have a life of my own! Parents will be satisfied. My father worked after graduating from middle school because there were many poor children in his family at that time. If I had more knowledge at that time, I would not become a useless and wandering migrant worker now! It's too late to regret now, son. How wonderful your age is! Food and clothing, food and clothing to open the hand. There is also pocket money, which we dare not even think about in those days. Every time I pay my tuition, I have to look at my mother's face and cheer her up for fear of leaving school! Son, your age is different, and the society is developing; Everything should be measured by knowledge. So you should study hard for yourself; To fulfill my father's dream of college!

Son, help me clean the table today. I know my son has grown up and become sensible. Father is very pleased! Parents are getting older and can't take care of you all your life. The way of life still depends on your own deep thinking and understanding. Don't blame your parents for their nagging. Your son will remember that there are no cruel parents. How many parents don't expect their children to be good! Children travel thousands of miles to care about their parents, and their father's love is like a mountain mother's love. Maybe when you reach my age, you will be able to appreciate the good intentions of parents. Only then can we understand what is true father son love, and can we feel strong mother son love. Son's life is short. How wonderful you are at your age! Don't neglect the good times because of temporary fun and confusion. How young is life? Cherish it! Perhaps the ideal will become reality because of your efforts. Come on, son; Your mother and I believe in you. Although your parents can't give you anything, they will accompany you on your way to the other shore of your ideal life in the ocean of learning!

Finally: I wish my son peace, happiness and happiness in the new year.

Composition Son (10)

My aunt's son's composition in primary school

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone knows nothing more about composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of solitude, calm our mind and think about our future direction. So, how to write a composition? The following is the primary school composition of the son of the aunt who helped everyone. I hope it can help everyone.

It's another fascinating summer vacation. Summer has accompanied us to live every hot and happy summer vacation. Summer vacation is mixed with summer homework troubles and play thoughts. Every child is looking forward to the arrival of summer vacation, and I am no exception! On the official holiday day, the school issued a lot of 'winter vacation homework'. Although there are only three subjects of English, English and English, I always feel too much. No one likes to do homework after all. They reluctantly put those homework into their schoolbags and took them home. When the school bell rang, my mind was full of freedom to play, and I completely forgot the troubles of summer vacation homework.

I returned home happily when my mother looked at me excitedly and said that she would tell me a good news. I listened curiously to my mother and said that I was going to visit my aunt's house for a few days. After hearing this, I was very excited. In order to go to her house smoothly, I carefully prepared for the loss of something. I had not seen my aunt for many years, I don't know what happened to my aunt's son. I prepared with great expectation for a long time.

What I remember most is playing firecrackers with my aunt's son, Xiao Kun. He played firecrackers in front of my eyes every time, relying on his ability to play firecrackers more than I do. But I think it is very dangerous, and I don't care how good he plays. I remember that he came to my house to pay New Year's greetings and buy firecrackers with me at that time. I was very unwilling, Finally, he persuaded me to buy it. Who knew that the firecrackers he was talking about were not firecrackers at all. Later, when I grew up, I realized that they were fireworks that were easy to play and were beautiful. He was very young and didn't know what to call them. But when I thought about playing for the New Year, I thought they were firecrackers. I really couldn't laugh or cry after I knew that, I didn't play in front of him because I was afraid of hurting myself. I always watched him play, so he sneered that I wouldn't play. It was interesting to think about what had happened before. I thought I would leave for my aunt's house in a few days.

Before leaving, my mother specially warned me to be polite. I remember to say hello to my aunts for many times, but I really need to pay more attention to it. Otherwise, others will say it is impolite, which will make me unhappy. Going to my aunt's home is a major topic in my summer vacation. I have loved going to her home since I was young, And every time I want to stay a few more days, but it is not my home. I came back after playing for a few days. I am reluctant to part with this. My aunt's home is very far away from my home, so I seldom have time to visit. Every time I go there, I should leave a deep memory, so that the memory will not disappear. I don't know when I will come to my aunt's home next time, so I will leave with reluctance.

Composition Son (11)

"Three Sons" is a thought-provoking article. Although the text is simple, it contains simple and profound truth, that is, "As a child, when Fang was young, the teaching reflection of" Three Sons ". Filial piety and kinship, we should stick to it." Facing three sons, the grandfather said that he only saw one son. What's the matter? My class starts here.

(1) Read the words of three mothers

I showed the words of three mothers when the students found them:

"My son is smart and strong, and no one can match him." (Sentence 1)

"My son sings very well. No one has such a good voice as his." (Sentence 2)

"What can be said? He has nothing special." (Sentence 3)

On the basis of the students' self reading, I asked: Do you have any ideas after listening to this mother? The student read (sentence 2) and said, "I can hear his son singing very well, and his mother said his song is very beautiful." Another student added, "I can also hear that this mother is very proud, because no one has such a good voice as his son, and his son's voice is the best." "Yes, this mother thinks it's very proud to have such a son. Who will read it?" The students read it with a good accent, and they all seemed so engaged, and all wanted to show their mother's pride.

Next, in the interpretation of (sentence 1), the student can think of this mother as proud from the perspective of "being smart and strong", because no one can compare with her son.

In the interpretation of (sentence 3), the students thought of "modesty" and said that the mother was very modest and did not think that her child had anything special. So, does the third son really have nothing to say? I threw the question to the students. The student immediately said, "No, maybe this mother thinks her son can sing, but his voice is ordinary, not particularly good, so she doesn't think there is anything special." Another student said, "Maybe her mother thinks her son is not particularly smart, and is similar to other children, so there is nothing to praise." Another student said, "Because her mother thinks his son's strength is not very strong, so she doesn't think it is necessary to say anything." From the students' answers, we can see that they have understood that "there is nothing special" is not really no, but his mother thinks his son may be very ordinary, and others also have something, So I don't think it's worth mentioning.

Finally, ask the students to read the words of the three mothers in different tones, so that we can once again feel the pride and pride of the first two mothers, and the modesty of the third mother.

(2) Experience the weight of a bucket of water

Why do mothers stop and go on their way home with buckets? Oh, the water is too heavy!

A bucket of water is heavy! The water was sloshing, and the three mothers walked and stopped. Their arms hurt and their waists hurt.

When I read the sentence, I asked the students: Where did you feel the water was heavy? The students expressed their opinions one after another. Some said, "I can see that the water is really heavy from 'a bucket of water is heavy'." Some said, "I know that the water is heavy from my straight swing." Some said, "I know that the water is heavy from my mother's walk, and they are tired from carrying it." Others said, "I know that the bucket of water is heavy from my mother's arm pain, waist pain, and I know that the water is heavy." So, I marked the words "wandering, stop and go, pain and sour" in red, and asked the students to read the sentences and read out such an unbearable burden. While reading together, the students read and leaned towards the table one by one, as if they were really powerless. I smiled and said: "You let me know that this bucket of water is really heavy, and we are almost exhausted when reading, so tired. What did the three sons do when they saw such heavy water? "

(3) Comprehend the practice of three sons

The students can easily find out how to have three sons from the text. They are: (Show sentences)

A child turns over like a wheel. It's really beautiful!

A child is singing, the voice is really beautiful.

Another child ran to his mother, took the heavy bucket in her mother's hand, and carried it away.

Let me show you sentence by sentence, and let students understand what my son is doing. The student said that the first son turned somersaults like a wheel, indicating that he was very fast, and he also saw that his strength was great. The second son's singing voice is very beautiful, very pleasant, as his mother said earlier, very pleasant, teaching reflection "Three Sons" teaching reflection. Everyone thinks that the third son is very filial because he helps his mother carry the bucket. At this time, Yaya said, "I think the third son is the one mentioned by the first mother. Because of his strength, his mother would say that he is smart and strong." The students immediately made a "ah" sound to express their objection. I smiled and said, "Do you think so? Is this son what the first mother said?" "No!" The students almost said in unison. "Then who can tell which son is the one who carries the bucket for his mother?"

"I think it should be the son that the third mother said. Because the first mother said that the son came with a somersault, the second mother said that the son came with a song, and the third mother said that the son was the son who helped his mother carry the bucket. This is corresponding." Xiao Jie said his opinion. One of the students immediately echoed and said, "Yes, yes, I think so too." Then I said, "Well, do you still think the third son has nothing to say? Why does his mother think his son has nothing special to say?" "Maybe his mother thinks that helping his mother is something he should do, so she doesn't think it is necessary to say." "Maybe his mother thinks there is nothing to boast about."...... "Then, is it possible that something like this can also be done by him? So his mother has become accustomed to it?"

Now if these three sons stood in front of you, who would you say to?

Most of the students affirmed the advantages of the first two sons, but some made suggestions to them, hoping that they could help their mother do something.

Through reading the words of the three mothers, the students realized that the three sons had different ways of doing things. They all understood that the third son expressed his love for his mother with his own practical actions. Although the other two sons performed very well, they did not help her, which was a bit disappointing.

(4) Return to and sublimate the theme

After realizing the different ways of the three sons, the students were moved by the third son. Then they took out the words of the grandfather, "Three sons?" "No, I can only see one son." Let the students talk about which son the grandfather saw in his eyes? Of course, the student did not hesitate to say that what Grandpa saw was the son who helped his mother carry the bucket, because only he was the most filial son.

Yes, Mom and Dad gave us life and raised us. How hard it is! Only children who are filial to their parents are really good children. Children, what can we do now to be filial to our parents?

S1: I will listen to my mother in the future. Don't let my mother be unhappy by thinking about my own ideas.

Student 2: It's hard for my mother to wash dishes for us every day. In the future, I will help my mother wash dishes more, so that she can have more rest time.

Student 3: If my mother asks me to buy something, I will go right away, so that I can also help my mother.

Student 4: I can help my mother do some housework within my power at home, such as mopping the floor, washing dishes, taking out garbage, cleaning the room

Teacher: Learning this reminds me of a sentence in the Three Character Classic: "Being a son of man is a young man. Filial piety and kinship should be respected."

Read this sentence to understand its meaning. Although the students' guesses made people laugh, they also saw the children's pure hearts. When I said what I meant to the students, the children opened their eyes one by one. (The meaning is roughly like this: Although the children of parents are still young, they should be filial to their parents, which is what everyone should do.) Finally, let's be grateful to our parents. Let's give our love while fully enjoying love, OK?

The class ended in the song "Heart of Gratitude". I think through the interpretation of the text, the students know that we should be filial to our parents since childhood, just like the third son, to help our mother do something within our power and be a really good child who is filial to their parents. It is also in the process of interpretation that children learn with great interest, read in high spirits, read out the feelings and feelings of the characters.

Of course, due to time constraints, I don't think I have enough time for students to read the text thoroughly in class. For example, the pride of the first two mothers when they praise is not very full. If students add actions, I think the pride and pride will highlight better.

Composition Son (12)

He is the eldest son of the family. With his father's education, he understood that he must become a responsible man. Be a child that makes fathers proud. He understood that he would work hard and make great efforts.

Since childhood, my family is poor. He also followed his parents and had to move in a few months. Always wandering, but finally there is a settlement. He began his reading career here.

Since he was young, his qualifications are very good. Be willing to work hard at anything. Write and draw. He learned these lessons earlier than his peers. Moreover, his handwriting is very neat, and he is always praised by teachers in school. Therefore, every time the school newspaper teacher would recommend him

Go. His painting skills are also very good. He can depict some small animals vividly, which is the envy of the students. In addition, his academic performance is also very good, ranking first in his class. Fortunately, he was able to participate in the municipal competition, and he won the prize, winning honor for the school. However, in the eyes of the stern father, none of this was very glorious. Because he thinks his children are much worse than others' children. His father often said these words in front of him. He said that if you look at other people's children, they eat some sweet potatoes all day long, and don't know whether they eat meat all year round. Their academic achievements are top of the school. You see, none of the college students who were admitted to Beijing University of Tsinghua University had suffered from the countryside. A small heart, he has pressure. He knew that nothing he did could satisfy his father.

So he worked harder and harder. He wants to do his best. Yes, he did. He was the first in school. No matter what, they are better than others. However, in fact, he would be tired, but no one told him. Sometimes he wants to relax himself. On holidays, he will go to the library to borrow books. All I saw were fables. However, when his father learned about this, he was very angry. He threw all his books on the ground on the spot. He would say that he would only read these books all day long

Have you passed the exam? In fact, my father didn't see that he was studying hard sometimes, but he just saw him when he was doing other things. But he didn't cry. He watched his father throw his book on the ground. He knew that he wanted to be strong.

He likes playing basketball very much, and he also believes that playing basketball is a way to relieve the pressure of learning. He plays basketball very well. But the father seemed to be dissatisfied with everything he did. He was eager to see his son reading with a book every day. because

He often said that the neighbor's children went to the farm to help with a book. When you are free, you can sit on the grass and read. You see, this is called a scholar. However, he did not give up playing basketball because of his father's words, because he was keen on basketball. His academic record is still top. At least in their school. In fact, he has to work harder than anyone. When the high school entrance exam is approaching, he studies late every day. Because he wanted to make his father happy by getting a good result.

His father is a supreme person to him, and he has great prestige. But his father never said encouraging words to him. If his grades are bad, his father will always scold him for not understanding his parents' hard work. The child was in a bad mood when he did not do well in the exam, but his father would not encourage him. He told him that it was OK, and he would work hard next time. Father would never do that. When students talk about their families, they say that parents should be considerate of them. I won't scold him loudly when my grades are not good. Just say a few words, and then encourage them to work hard. In fact, he really envies other students. In fact, he really hoped that his father would encourage him rather than scold him.

The night before the senior high school entrance examination, he may have lost sleep because of too much pressure. Of course, I didn't play well in the exam. However, he was admitted to the best high school in his city with the first grade. He was a little happy, but at the same time, he was a little regretful, because he could have played better and entered the key class. My father should be a little happy. After all, he is the best high school in the city. But he would still say that the children of others are in key classes. You haven't even entered. He knew that he needed to work harder and study hard in high school.

Father is nearly 50 years old. The hair is also a little gray. He leaves early and returns late every day in order to provide a good learning environment for children. Let his children not bow their heads in front of others. He understood his father's hard work. That's what he did

What is the reason for studying hard. But in the best high schools, the competitiveness is very strong. More and more people are more powerful than him. He used to be the first in their school, but now in this high school, he can never squeeze into the ranks of the first, and his pressure is really great. But his father did not pay attention to the pressure. He always thinks reading is easy. Father would tell him that when they were studying, they had to go to the farmland to help, and they had to light candles to read at night. Now children, the learning environment is much better than before. So we should study hard. His father and he never had a good communication, which became a barrier between father and son. Therefore, since he went to high school, the pressure has expanded immensely, and when he is in adolescence, he will also rebel. He will no longer accept his father's scolding wrongly, and he has finally learned to resist. He will argue with his father for a reason. Every time when it comes to learning at dinner, there must be a quarrel between father and son, and the quarrel is getting worse and worse. This makes the feelings between father and son gradually fade away.

He sometimes goes to play basketball on Saturdays, and every time he comes back near dinner, there will be a quarrel between father and son, and his father will scold him for being too incompetent and only knows how to play basketball. Sometimes when my father was very angry, he would say that he would not go to school. I don't know how to behave after reading too many books. It means to scold him for not knowing the truth of being a man. In fact, sometimes my father finds something to do. My father always finds many topics to tell him, most of which are to say that he must study hard to make him stand out. In fact, he knows all these things because he has grown up. Father will also interfere with his ideals. The father's traditional thought also wants to suppress his son. He wants his son to become an official after he studies. This is ridiculous

Talk about. Because he doesn't like being an official, he likes to be free, and he wants to start his own business. Therefore, the father and son disagreed because of these things. Many times.

Three years of high school will soon pass. His grades are fairly good, and all of them are within 100. In their high school, this ranking is quite good. Father will never be satisfied. He hoped that his son would be among the best.

But all of these are really not easy, these are relatively difficult to do. He also worked hard to reach his goal and was approaching the college entrance examination. His pressure is so high that he can withstand one atmosphere. His future life depends on an exam.

In particular, the performance of Model One is not ideal. When father knew it. I'm so angry that I don't know what to say. As a father, he even exerted more pressure on his son when the college entrance examination was approaching. His father would still scold him, but now he was unwilling to resist again. Because he was tired and quarreled with his father. He knew that his father was like that and would only talk about his bad behavior endlessly. So every time he comes home from vacation, he is very silent at dinner, because his father will scold him loudly

Poor performance. In fact, he didn't want to do that. He also wanted to do better in the exam. But who can predict what will happen in the examination room?

He still studies very hard. At the last parents' meeting, he handed the invitation to his father, who said he was too busy to go. In fact, he doesn't care whether his father goes or not. But my father is duplicitous. most

Later, he went to the children's parents' meeting. But this time, he completely collapsed.

His achievements were not very satisfactory several times. Among more than 3000 people, he ranked more than 200. Only in their two key classes, his grades are counted down. Father could not accept such a fact. He was furious. He didn't completely attend the parents

He left because he felt that his child's achievements made him too ashamed. Go out of the school gate. Father said to him, think about your mother sewing clothes every day. How do you get your money for food, clothing and clothes? That's it, Father

Then he left angrily. He was left standing alone at the school gate. The breeze blew his face, which was very cold. But he did not shed a tear when facing such a situation.

When the father came home and told the other children about this, he became so angry that he fell ill. He said how he could have such a son. It's so unpromising that my grades are counted down in the class. He said that he would not pick up the children in the future. If he wanted to, he would

Walk back or go to the bus with others. His father said that he didn't know how to cherish the life he had given him. He said that he would stop caring about him and let him live and die by himself.

In this way, he didn't call home. It seems that he didn't take the battery with him and the school didn't charge it. Does the mother care about her children every day? Is it warm? Is there anything wrong with your body? But when mother talks about this, father

The kiss was very angry and said, "Don't bother him.". In this way, a week later, my father did not pick him up. My mother called me and my cell phone was turned off.

As weeks passed, the mother missed her son. He asked his father to call their dormitory. In fact, the father is worried about his own children. He is a duplicitous person, but he is not very good at expressing himself. He was also worried that the child

How is school? I haven't been back for weeks. Finally, the father picked up his mobile phone and called his son's dormitory. Nobody answered. Maybe I went to class. Father thinks so. Please call him after class.

My father was worried. He always asked the family whether his son had finished school or not. In this way, he waited until more than ten o'clock, when class should be over. He called the dormitory again. Finally someone came to pick him up. It was his son.

Hello. " Suddenly, my father didn't know how to speak. He choked up and said, "My son, it's me, Dad. Why don't you go home for weeks? Have you had enough food, have you put on more clothes in the cold weather, and have you felt uncomfortable?". He.

Suddenly, he didn't know how to answer his father, because in his eyes, he never cared about him and encouraged him. He has been studying outside for so long that his father has never called him. He choked and said, "Oh, it's Dad

I haven't gone home since the exam is coming. Everything is fine here. I'm full of food, warm clothes and good health. " "Well, that's good. It's time for an exam, so let's do it well. I've just called so many times. Why

Nobody answered. What about your roommate? ". The father asked. He said, "Well, my roommates have all gone back, and I am alone in the dormitory. I will take the exam. That's it. Goodbye.". When father hung up the phone, tears welled up from the corners of his eyes.

He said that the stupid boy didn't go home, and he was alone in the dormitory. At this moment, for the first time in many years, my father would say so, because he loved his child.

After answering the phone, he felt that everything was clear. His father actually cared about him. Father's love for him is the strict love. The first time he studied abroad, the first time he received a phone call from his father, the first time he finally put all his years of grievances

I cried. Since then, he has studied harder. He still didn't go home. Because he wants to calm down and fight for his life.

On the day of the college entrance examination, the parents of other students called to ask for help. Some parents also go to see their children. However, because his father was very busy, he had no time to visit the children. He just hopes that the child can do well in the exam and won't let him

Composition Son (13)

Spring came when the elephant looked for his son. The spring wind blew gently, and the drizzle fell from the sky. Thousands of willows spread out their yellow color. Green grass, green buds and colorful flowers all gathered like a fair, forming a brilliant spring. One day, the little elephant took advantage of the spring look to play in the forest. Playing, the little elephant suddenly got lost and could not find the way home. In the evening, when the baby elephant had not returned home, the mother elephant was worried about her child. She was so worried that she looked everywhere for him. The little elephant also cried and shouted "Mom, help me" in fear. No matter what it is called, it is useless. The elephant suddenly had a brainstorm. Why should I cry! When encountering difficulties, we should use our brains to judge the direction in the forest. He confidently swung his long nose and walked home. When the little elephant came to the door of his house, he saw his mother turning around anxiously, and said, "Come back quickly, my child! Mom is worried to death." The little elephant felt bad when he saw her. Mom, I came back, "I won't run away alone again." The elephant said.

Composition Son (14)

Dear son


For 12 years, in the days of growing up with you, my mother remembered joy, pride, surprise, and heartache, but she forgot the hard work and difficulty of raising you. Because love you, pay also become a kind of happiness; Because I love you, my mother understands what true love is; Because I love you, my mother knows what real happiness is. You came to my parents' lives, which brought us happiness far beyond the hard work of raising you.

Son, you will soon be 12 years old, and you have already had some small life experiences. Whether it is setbacks, difficulties, success or gains, you have begun to understand something vaguely. So there are some words that Mom and Dad think they should tell you. The road of life is not always a smooth road, but there will also be muddy twists and turns, and no one can be exceptional. If you think about it, have you ever experienced it? When you were six years old, your mother left you to work in other places. You had to adapt to the life away from your mother by yourself. Until now, my mother still remembers that every time you call, you are reluctant to put down the phone and ask why. You just think that maybe your mother's voice will be heard on the phone. In the fourth grade, you moved from a familiar hometown and school to a new real school. You didn't have a friend, which was accompanied by loneliness and frustration... You bravely passed through. You are still the sunny boy who makes parents proud. In fact, difficulties are not terrible. As long as you have the courage to face them, they will become wealth to enrich your life. Don't we often talk about how we can see a rainbow without wind and rain! So, child, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, face your life bravely. No matter where you go, no matter what you face, parents will always support you, love you, trust you!

Dear son, you should also have a grateful heart. Anyone who helps you and cares about you is not taken for granted. You should learn to thank. In addition to the care of your parents, there are many people who love you when you grow up - the care of your grandparents, the care of your teachers, the friendship of your classmates, etc; These are all your luck in life. To experience them, you need to have a grateful heart. At the same time, you will also feel the happiness of life and have a happy life.

Bless you, son! I wish you happiness forever, peace and happiness in your life!

Love your mother

September 8, 20__

Composition Son (15)

Dear son


High school studies are about to end. The graduation ceremony office director hopes parents to write a letter to their children. In the age of information flooding, father doesn't know what to write. When I picked up my pen, the pop song "Where Has Time Gone" echoed in my ears, and I felt a touch of sadness in my heart.

Dad really doesn't want you to graduate from high school so soon, but time is so fast. For you, one stage of your life is coming to an end, from kindergarten to high school, which is 14 or 15 years. In this time, you have both happiness and pain; Both passive learning and active learning; Both ignorant and knowledgeable, it seems that the days passed quietly in the vague and contradictory time. Time goes by so fast that both parents are a little dazed.

Dad doesn't know if you have started to think about the track of time. Whether it's worth it or not, it's the price and necessity of growth. There is nothing good or bad about knowing, but moving forward is more important.

As a parent, maybe parents don't have enough time to communicate with you, or even lack it, so they may not really understand you. Of course, when you grow up, you will not suddenly understand your parents' intentions and be willing to pour your heart into them. We are guilty. We love you deeply, but there is no good way. Our loving parents are prone to make mistakes. But we know that you also deeply understand and love us. It's just that it's in your heart and needs time to prove and express.

You are smart. You have your own interest in life, and you have transformed your interest into part of your studies. You have achieved your expertise and opened a way for further study. However, too much time consuming interest has also affected your academic work and caused pressure on your cultural college entrance examination. I don't know if Mom and Dad are right. You might as well think about it.

Today is your high school graduation ceremony. Mom and Dad are more willing to believe that this is your bar mitzvah. From then on, you will understand life better, learn self-discipline and correct mistakes, and work hard to meet challenges boldly, embrace new hopes, and create the desired future. There will be no unprovoked success in life, and it is impossible for aging parents to create a future for you. You have to go by yourself. Dad once said that adversity makes people strong, and experience makes people grow. God only rewards those who strive to make progress in life, and will not throw the pie to lazy people who do not work hard. This can be regarded as a farewell message from your parents to your graduation from high school.

Well, the challenge of the college entrance examination is right in front of you, and you are working hard at this time! Do you do well or not? Don't think too much now. As long as you keep working hard, you will live up to the hope of sweat.

We believe you understand your parents' intentions now. In any case, we will love you deeply, be happy and proud of you, because now is not the end of learning life, but the learning of life has just begun!

Come on, son!



Composition Son (16)

Dear son

You may find it strange to see my mother's letter. Maybe you think I haven't talked enough in real life, and I still need to write a new chapter on the paper. But it's not what you think. Today I just want to talk about my heart.

Without being a parent, children will never realize how much love and affection are contained in their elders' nagging. When you were a child, you took your mother's nagging as an exhortation, as a way of education. In my nagging and your practice, you feel that you have benefited, and then you silently recognize your mother's nagging. However, as you grow older, you have your own thoughts and feel that you have grown up, so you regard your mother's advice as nagging and a burden.

But son, no matter how old you are and how far you go, you will always be my baby in my mother's mind, and this nagging will accompany you. When you are with your peers, you have many topics in common. It is your favorite way to form an interaction between you; With our parents, we also have many common topics, and there are many exchanges between us. However, in addition to exchanges, we also have a care, a mandate. Because we think you are like a small tree. In the process of growth, we need to constantly supply nutrients. When the small tree grows crooked, we need to help it. Whenever I see your mother preaching and nagging, you are very sensible to stare at a pair of ignorant eyes and listen to me patiently, as if a stream is pouring into your heart, but I know you are very upset. So, thank you very much, your son, for your patience, and for not breaking out in my nagging. Maybe you can realize that my nagging is the best part of my intended nagging, which you have carefully accumulated during the two weeks when you were away from home.

Son, this letter is more a thank-you letter from your mother than telling you my heart. Thanks to my son, who has withstood his mother's nagging and understood her mother's hard work.

Thank you, son!


January 7, 20__