Banana Tree (7 Collections)
The past is over
2024-02-18 02:07:32

Banana Tree (1)

In my hometown, everything can be turned into useful materials. It is very normal for eggplant vines to be used as slingshots, pumpkins to change lights, and tree caves to become Buddha temples. But the most useful thing is plantain trees.

The leaves of the plantain tree are very big, like fans, one by one. From a distance, they look like plantain fans. They are the best toys for children.

Adults also like to tie brooms with banana leaves. First, tie several leaves together and insert a stick in the middle. When the leaves dry, they can be used as brooms.

During the Spring Festival, every family killed New Year pigs and smoked bacon. At this time, the banana leaf began to show its power again. The villagers first hung the meat, put it on the stick, opened the banana leaf, washed it, and then started the annual smoked bacon. The bear children sat beside them and saw the water flowing. How can it be said that the word "greediness" came into being.

When mother sends bean sprouts, she likes to cover mung beans with banana leaves. She waters the leaves every day to keep the humidity. Soon, fresh mung beans will be eaten.

Although plantain is used for many purposes, its growth conditions are not "particular" at all. It doesn't need to be spoiled. It only needs some water, some soil and some sunshine.

Banana Tree (2)

There is a row of banana trees in my community. They are green in spring and summer. They begin to wither in autumn and winter.

Banana tree is a kind of herbaceous plant. It feels thick, medium and thin, and its color is yellow and green. These banana trees are densely connected, which looks like a green ocean from a distance. In front of the banana tree, there are many sports equipment. Every morning, many people will come to exercise. When a gust of wind blows, the banana tree dances with the wind, like cheering for people who do morning exercises. When it rained, the plantain tree swayed in the wind, and the heavy rain knocked off two leaves of the plantain tree. The leaves hung their heads weakly, so delicate. When the rain stopped, the banana tree hung its head weakly, looking more delicate. He could not raise his head because the rain stopped. Maybe it was because the heavy rain had destroyed his partner!

In summer, my children and I played downstairs. We played hide and seek. I hid behind the banana tree, and the leaves covered me completely, so that no one could find me. I hid inside and looked up at the sky as if I had covered it.

It is a touch of spring in our community, which adds a lot of vitality to our community. I love plantain trees!

Fourth grade: Fu Hongyu

Banana Tree (3)

In the vegetable field, there are many plantain trees. The plantain trees are not as tall as other trees, but they grow much faster than other trees. The banana tree has many big leaves. It can't blossom, but it is green every year. It won't fall off its leaves because winter comes again. The roots of plantain trees are thick, but they are also very weak. As long as we push them slightly, the plantain trees will sway. Therefore, banana trees are also very fragile.

Of course, plantain trees also grow into plantains, which are much smaller than other plantains. And it is sweeter than the plantain. The plantain tree grows in the vegetable field and we like it very much. Banana is very chewy and sweet. The old man and the old woman who are farming in the vegetable field with his father are looking forward to the fruit of this banana tree. Not only that, everyone also took special care of this banana tree, so this banana tree became a treasure in their hearts.

No one can hurt the banana tree. I remember a time when several children and I ran to the vegetable field to play. It was very hot at that time, so we went to the plantain tree to enjoy the cool. It was very shady under the plantain tree, and it was very comfortable to sit there. But some of our friends don't just hang out in this place. We have to continue to play. But the sun is forcing us not to run around, perhaps because we are too naughty. But we came up with a very good idea.

We all said how to take the big leaves off the plantain tree and use them as umbrellas to cover your head so that you won't get sunstroke from the sun. When we heard this proposal, we all agreed, so we began to pick the leaves of banana trees. Just when we were about to pick them together. My father, the uncle in the field and the old woman hurried to stop us. They said that they could not hurt the banana tree or pick up its leaves. How did you scold us for being too naughty.

Later, after this lesson, we never had the idea of the banana tree again. Because we know that they all cherish the plantain tree and don't allow us to hurt it so much. In this way, we also began to protect the plantain tree and look forward to the day when it bears fruit. Finally one day, there were many small fruits growing under the plantain tree, all green and especially small. Even so, everyone of us was very happy and took care of it conscientiously afterwards.

We put all our expectations on this banana tree. Finally, in autumn, the banana of the banana tree has become yellow and very big. So we were very happy. We picked the fruit and everyone had something to eat. I remember being very happy at that time, because of the existence of banana trees!

Banana Tree (4)

A curved bridge is reflected on the lake. You can see here from the other side. Under the moonlight, you will be happy all the way—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

What can't be reached is called far away

You said you would go far away. I never knew where your so-called distance was. You said there is your dream and your future. You must go. Later, you made great efforts to prepare for your distance. You began to stay away from others, even I became a stranger in your eyes. You were hard on the road of dreams, walking step by step, without anyone's company.

I said, I would like to accompany you, you said, we are different. Is it different? What's the difference? Ideal? life style? Life values? I think I don't understand you any more. But I still stick to your side. I thought that one day you would look back at me.

You said that far away is a gorgeous world, just like the scenery on the other side of the mountain. But it's far away.

You gave up all the happiness you ever had, the simple happiness. Your handwriting is still clear on the banana leaves. You said that this is a gentle and beautiful place, and you are willing to stay in this paradise. Why did you decide to leave now?

Now, I am the only one left in the deep courtyard, looking up at the starry sky alone, overlooking the mountain, your distance.

Are you all right over there? You still decide to go. The peace of the village cannot keep you who have been occupied by the prosperity of the city.

In fact, I also want to leave, go to another city and live my life.

I think as long as this paradise doesn't abandon us, we will stay here for a long time. In the end, who abandoned whom?

The name of the person who can't go back is Hometown

I know this is my last time here. Here will be turned into a prosperous city, the corner tower will be replaced by a skyscraper, the courtyard will become a parking lot, and the banana tree will become something else. It will not exist before. So, how can I tell the next generation where my hometown is? Even if it was painted for her, she could not imagine her hometown in her mind. Because at that time, there were no villages that were purely natural.

According to the constructors, pulling up the plantain tree is the most difficult task, because its root has long been deeply embedded in the soil. Pulling it up may cause the soil to become loose and difficult to lay foundation. Even so, the plantain tree was pulled out alive with its flesh and blood. The place is deeply concave. A big pit, buried the memory of how many people. Still can't leave anything.

What does the progress of history bring us? What does the progress of life bring us? "X Former Residence" was demolished? XX Village "Disappear? The demise of historical heritage?

The value of some things will not change because of history. We should keep some things, something that proves that we have existed at a certain time and place.

Banana Tree (5)

The banana tree is like a soldier, guarding the community and protecting everyone's safety. When a breeze blows, it dances lightly. The broad leaves rustle like a soothing serenade. Walking from a distance, smelling a trace of the fragrance of soil, it felt wonderful and relaxed!

One day, I went out for a walk and found that the plantain was like a tree, like a tree, like grass, like grass. You say like a tree, it is really tall and sturdy, but there is no growth ring; You say it looks like grass, but it's grass here, isn't it too big?

Originally, this banana tree grew well, but its good times didn't last long. Someone always cut it again and again. I don't know what happened. Only one root was left, and all the other parts were gone! I must investigate this matter to the end.

I am lucky. A week later, when I came home, I happened to meet the man who was cutting plantains, so I hurried to stop him. The man stopped and I asked, "Uncle, how tenacious this plantain is! You cut and cut, and you cut and cut, and you cut and cut. What's the matter?" He said calmly, "Little friend, uncle security asked me to cut it. It is precisely because it is too luxuriant to cover the surveillance camera and cannot guarantee everyone's safety, so it was cut down. " I think his explanation is very convincing: looking back, there is really a surveillance camera installed on the wall! I was a little ashamed and hurriedly added, "Uncle, I'm sorry I misunderstood you. Goodbye!" He smiled and nodded, and went on working.

I applaud this plantain for its tenacious vitality. In my eyes, no matter how many trials it has gone through, it will always be as I imagined - tall and sturdy.

Banana Tree (6)

My hometown is not in the tropics. I just said that no snow can be seen in winter, let alone people wearing cotton padded jackets. But here, almost every family has planted some plantain trees more or less, saying that "when plantain trees are planted, good things will not happen". Therefore, neighbors always smile when they mention "banana".

Hometown, hidden beside the banana tree trunk. In the past, it was a remote place, and the favorite thing for children was to climb trees. It is difficult to climb plantain trees, and some plantain trees cannot climb at all. But some naughty boys also summarized the essentials of tree climbing and how to choose the tree that can be climbed from the "failures" of countless slips. They also made it into jingles. I still remember the first time I heard this formula. It was my cousin who told me. He put one hand behind his back and the other hand up, pointing at the banana tree in the air. He looks like a successful person returning home in prosperity. The plantain tree stood quietly, listening to the "tree climbing formula" that had been heard for many times. After saying the pithy formula, my cousin turned around, frowned, tried to put on a very serious expression, and said to me: "Well, I've talked so much, and the real world is the most important. Try it!" He didn't know that he said the wrong word, and backed away proudly. I looked up at the green plantain tree, and looked down at the unbranched trunk. I stared at the green banana leaves and said to my cousin, "Brother, I won't climb. The tree will hurt."

Hometown, hidden in banana leaves. Once, I followed my grandparents to the fields. Seeing my grandparents planting rice seedlings there, I sat on the side road. Before long, Grandma had to go to the other end of the village to pick vegetables. I took some vegetable baskets and followed my grandmother slowly to the other side of the village. The field is right beside a river, and people in the village love to visit it. Beside the river, there are rows of banana trees. Planted irregularly, the plantain leaves grow in perfect harmony. I stand under the banana tree, let the green cover me. Grandma bent over and cut the vegetables one by one. The basket beside her was already full of vegetables. The water in the river flows slowly and tirelessly. The sky is also gradually gloomy in the sound of water. "Granddaughter, it's going to rain!" Grandma looked up at the sky and said to me. Then she came to me. She sighed, walked to a relatively short banana tree next to her, raised her hand, and pulled two banana leaves. She smiled and said to me, "Granddaughter, the rain should not be big. Just put the banana leaves over the rain! Let's put the vegetables here and pick them up tomorrow!" Then she took my hand and handed me a banana leaf. The rain began to fall, and it was really not big. I lifted the banana leaf and covered my head with it. So did Grandma. We didn't have to hurry. The raindrops hit the leaves rhythmically. Some raindrops slid down the edge of the leaves, forming a rain curtain and a thin line.

The banana tree has now become an endless electric pole, and the straight banana tree standing like a soldier has disappeared. Are you really dead, guarding the plantain tree in the village? Can I only see you in my dream?

Banana Tree (7)

A curved bridge is reflected on the lake. You can see here from the other side. Under the moonlight, you will be happy all the way—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

What can't be reached is called far away

You said you would go far away. I never knew where your so-called distance was. You said there is your dream and your future. You must go. Later, you made great efforts to prepare for your distance. You began to stay away from others, even I became a stranger in your eyes. You were hard on the road of dreams, walking step by step, without anyone's company.

I said, I would like to accompany you, you said, we are different. Is it different? What's the difference? Ideal? life style? Life values? I think I don't understand you any more. But I still stick to your side. I thought that one day you would look back at me.

You said that far away is a gorgeous world, just like the scenery on the other side of the mountain. But it's far away.

You gave up all the happiness you ever had, the simple happiness. Your handwriting is still clear on the banana leaves. You said that this is a gentle and beautiful place, and you are willing to stay in this paradise. Why did you decide to leave now?

Now, I am the only one left in the deep courtyard, looking up at the starry sky alone, overlooking the other side of the mountain, your distance.

Are you all right over there? You still decide to go. The peace of the village cannot keep you who have been occupied by the prosperity of the city.

In fact, I also want to leave, go to another city and live my life.

I think as long as this paradise doesn't abandon us, we will stay here for a long time. In the end, who abandoned whom?

The name of the person who can't go back is Hometown

I know this is my last time here. Here will be turned into a prosperous city, the corner tower will be replaced by a skyscraper, the courtyard will become a parking lot, and the banana tree will become something else. It will not exist before. So, how can I tell the next generation where my hometown is? Even if it was painted for her, she could not imagine her hometown in her mind. Because at that time, there were no villages that were purely natural.

According to the constructors, pulling up the plantain tree is the most difficult task, because its root has long been deeply embedded in the soil. Pulling it up may cause the soil to become loose and difficult to lay foundation. Even so, the plantain tree was pulled out alive with its flesh and blood. The place is deeply concave. A big pit, buried the memory of how many people. Still can't leave anything.

What does the progress of history bring us? What does the progress of life bring us? "X Former Residence" demolished? "Disappearance" of xx village? The disappearance of historical heritage?