Composition on tail (6 recommended)
Still love you
2024-05-03 06:59:41

Composition on Tail (1)

In anyone's eyes, green is the color of human life.

But in my eyes, green is my dream, while grass is the messenger of green and the symbol of life. Look! Here comes green. Wild: flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and the whole nature is full of vitality. I love the spring when trees compete for spring, especially the green grass. Because its survival does not require a good place. Whether in dry lands, deserts, ditches, cliffs, mountains, etc., as long as there is a little soil, it will take root, miraculously grow up, and decorate the earth with a new layer of green. Moreover, it will not deliberately win the sympathy of others; No matter how thirsty it is, if it still has some vitality, it does not need people to water and fertilize it, but relies on its own tenacious strength to strive to obtain the right to live. You know what? There are many songs praising grass in the world!

"No flower fragrance, no tree height, I am a grass nobody knows. Never lonely and never worried, you see my partners everywhere......"

Grass, regardless of the harsh environment. No matter the weather is cold and the trees are withering, the grass still keeps the seeds and roots of hope buried in the motherly bosom.

The grass has a more beautiful side: under the wind of spring, the grass suddenly jumps up "disco", sometimes swaying from side to side, sometimes waving like passers-by; Sometimes stretch your arms, like a graceful girl playing to her heart's content. At this time, if you stop to watch it, you will be attracted by the pleasant scenery.

Perhaps, some people will praise the charming and beautiful flowers; Some people will praise tall and straight trees to shelter people from wind and rain; But I would like to praise the nameless grass loudly, because with its background, those flowers are more charming and beautiful; It is because of its small helplessness that trees appear tall and straight. The grass never competes with the flowers for beauty, and always silently brings green to the earth.

Composition on Tail (2)

Today, Mr. Liu showed us a video of mimosa. It is green, and there are some small leaves among the big ones. Its flowers are purple plush, lovely!

One day, my mother took me to a flower shop. I accidentally came across a mimosa, which immediately took back its leaves. I asked my mother, "Why does Mimosa shrink when you touch it?" My mother said, "You'd better check the information on the Internet!" So I launched an investigation based on the question "Why is Mimosa shy?". It turns out that if the leaves of mimosa are touched, they will immediately close. The greater the force of touch, the faster the closing, and the whole leaf will hang down like a limp, and the whole action will be completed in a few seconds. The leaves and petioles of Mimosa pudica have special structures. At the base of the petiole and the base of the leaflet of the compound leaf, there is a relatively expanded part called the pillow. The occipital is most sensitive to stimulation. Once touching a leaf, the stimulus will immediately spread to the pillow at the base of the petiole, causing the two leaflets to close, and the touch force will be greater. It will not only spread to the pillow of the leaflet, but also quickly spread to the pillow at the base of the petiole, and the entire petiole will droop. Why is this? This is because there is a large vascular bundle in the center of the pulvinus, and the vascular bundle is surrounded by parenchyma tissue with many cell gaps.

When the vibration is transmitted to the leaf pillow, the cell fluid in the parenchyma cells of the upper half of the leaf pillow is discharged into the cell gap, so that the expansion pressure of the cells of the upper half of the leaf pillow is reduced, while the gap of the parenchyma cells of the lower half remains the original expansion pressure, resulting in the erection of leaflets and the closure of two leaflets, even the whole leaf droops. It has been studied that the leaves of mimosa will close within 0.08 seconds after being stimulated. After being stimulated, the conduction speed is also very fast, with the maximum speed of 10 cm per second. After stimulation, after a period of time, everything slowly returned to normal, the leaflets expanded again, and the petioles also stood up. The recovery time is generally 5-10 minutes. However, if we continue to tease and stimulate its leaves continuously, it will have a sense of "boredom" and no longer have any response. This is because the continuous stimulation caused the loss of cell fluid in the occipital cells and could not be supplemented in time.

Mimosa is so cute.

Composition on Tail (3)

Many people love flowers because they are beautiful and colorful; Many people love willows because they are soft and beautiful; Many people love apples because they are delicious. However, I love those ordinary grass.

Grass is the messenger of spring. It comes to us with the pace of spring and reports the news of spring to people. Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, praised the grass with the phrase "the wild fire never burns out, and the spring wind blows again".

Grass is a very strong plant.

In a sunny spring, one feels the arrival of spring on the green grass. Looking around, a new green, grass straightened his waist, patted his chest and said: "I am not afraid of the wind, frost, snow, and even the wind and rain." Grass also danced with the accompaniment of the breeze from time to time. The dance is so graceful and impressive.

While indulging in the dancing of grass, the sky was full of dark clouds, and soon it began to rain cats and dogs. After the wind and rain, some grass is askew, some body is close to the earth, and some are bent by the sand washed by the rain. The grass suddenly turned into a clay doll.

There is always a rainbow after rain. When the sun hung the next time, the grass also straightened up, the soil on his body gradually fell off, and the grass came back to life again, and said proudly, "Look, I'm not very good, and our faces are still smiling."

How can flowers be beautiful without the background of green leaves? Where does the earth come from without the ornament of grass? Although a small drop of water is inconspicuous, isn't the vast sea also composed of a small drop of inconspicuous water? Moths to the fire, Kuafu chasing the day are so overestimated that they finally gave their lives. However, although they lost their lives, they got light and heat before they died.

Life is lovely, but a cold, lonely life is better than a vigorous death. The grass is the same. Although it is so inconspicuous, it still gives life to the earth.

Composition on Tail (4)

In my eyes, Class 1705 is like a flower room, and in this flower room, the boys are like class grasses - class grasses here are not used to describe the most handsome boys, but the most simple, responsible and down-to-earth people in the class. Although some students have not done enough, their hearts are not bad.

The first class grass, his eyes are small, like two slits, and his body is not tall, but all the students in the class look up to him. He is Cao Yi. His extreme enthusiasm for learning led him to the first place again and again. Every subject was easy for him to grasp. At the same time, he has a strong sense of responsibility. When the teacher is away, he will manage the class together with Yang Yumeng, the deputy monitor. He can also help resolve the conflicts between his classmates. He deserves to be a good student with both ability and integrity!

Another class grass, although his performance is not very good, is an honest man. Although his appearance is not very handsome, it can be seen that he is kind and simple in heart. This person is Peng Jiang. Peng Jiang's achievements are not outstanding, but he is really a skilled master in painting. He is very easy to be soft hearted. As long as you ask him for help a little, he will always go quietly. Maybe it is because of his honesty and loyalty that he is very popular in the class.

This class is good at both civil and martial arts. He is very tall, but also an innocent and simple person. It's always interesting to see how he talks. He is Liu Sheng. He is very enthusiastic about mathematics. He used to sit at his desk and can't do math problems. I would ask him and he explained it carefully. In physical education class, he walked like a fly, and ran far and far at once. In basketball games, he was also handy, and he could hit one in three or two.

The above is the class grass I introduced to you. They are pure and simple, with a pure and enthusiastic heart. In fact, there are many class grass, which will not be introduced here.

Composition on Tail (5)

Setaria viridis is a very common grass. It can be seen on farmland, roadside and even wasteland. Its leaf sheath hangs down slightly like a moon, wrapped by fluffy white fluff, a gentle wind blows through it, and its thin coat is dancing with its extremely soft body. It is very graceful, which is not to be underestimated. Its neck is so thin that it is hard to imagine the developed roots at its bottom. It looks small and helpless, as if it can be uprooted by a gust of wind. However, it is this ubiquitous languid dog tail grass that has an irreplaceable role. Its stems and leaves can not only be used as feed for poultry and fuel for cooking, but also have the functions of heat clearing, detoxification, eyesight dehumidification. It is so ordinary and great, just like many ordinary people in life, unknown but extremely tenacious, who contribute their own strength in various fields of this society. They may have been bowed down by the burden of life and occupation, just like the slender stems of dog tail grass, but what they are supporting is an orderly, stable and peaceful society. I praise the dog tail grass, because it is the portrayal of thousands of working people at the bottom of the society who do their jobs and pay silently. It is precisely because of their selfless dedication and perseverance that we can live in such a harmonious, stable and beautiful society.

All the sunflowers in my heart are happy and hurt, but they reward each other in their lives. They constantly meet and hug each other again. Then they see the seed you gave me planted in the sky. Your warm gaze is bright and bright like the sun. It accompanies me all the way through the mud, struggles, falls, and climbs up repeatedly, takes root and sprouts, still indomitably obeys the sky. When I have experienced joys and sorrows and want to share them with you, please let me hold your hand and accompany you to bask in the sun.

Composition on Tail (6)

It has no enchanting and gorgeous blue roses, no purity and sanctity of white roses, and no warm fashion of western cherry blossoms. It will always be just the unknown purple blue flower - lavender.

It always has only a faint fragrance, which is always connected with deeper melancholy. Melancholy, but not sad, is always thought-provoking.

Lavender flower language is waiting for love.

This is a legend about lavender. In an accident, the lavender angel flew over the light blue star. Since then, the star has fallen in love with the angel, and the angel often looks for the star. The star is plain, but the difference is that this star is shining light blue light. Perhaps it is this light blue that makes the stars themselves a tragedy. When the star was immersed in the lavender happiness, it did not think that the angel was only attracted by the light it emitted, but did not really love the star. Finally, the angel felt tired, so he went to find the stars less and less. The stars can't stand loneliness, so they cross mountains and rivers to find angels. But, unexpectedly, the angel coldly rejected it, flapped his wings and left. In the dark sky, a feather fell. It was an angel's feather! The star held the feather tightly and cried bitterly. Finally, when it ran out of strength, it leaned against the rock and closed its eyes and never woke up again... The next day, many lilac flowers grew around the star, just like the color on the angel's feathers. People say that the flower is called lavender, and the flower language is waiting for love

The purple elves swaying in the sea seemed to be telling the story of that year. When the wind blows, the fields are purple and the air is fragrant

I appreciate the elegant purple of lavender, taste the faint fragrance of lavender, and always immerse myself in the lavender fantasy