Maternal Love in the Third Year of Junior High School (Practical 17)
Catcher in the Rye Field
2024-02-07 07:55:42
Junior three

Maternal Love in Junior Three (1)

Every night, there is a figure like this. It comes to us quietly, covers us with the warmth of love, interprets the greatness of maternal love with little things, composes songs of maternal love, and feels the taste of maternal love!

It was late that night, and the cold north wind was howling and roaring, beating the window crazily. The piercing cold wind pierced through the gap of the window and blew on my face like a knife. I clenched my teeth and shivered, huddled in cold, and tightened the quilt a bit

The gentle knock on the door made me look out curiously. I looked at this figure through the dim moonlight. Her body was wrapped in thin pajamas, and her sight was almost covered by the heavy quilt in her hand. However, she, gently, gently, came to my side.

I squinted and pretended to sleep, only to see her gently bent over, put the quilt on my body and paved it carefully. I just feel the whole warmth flowing into the heart river, and the lake waves in my heart are like a stone being thrown down, which can't be calm for a long time.

Then there was a slight sound of closing the window. Without the cold brought by the strong wind, the roar was swallowed up in an instant. However, there was a chill in front of my forehead. She stroked my head with her cool hands, and I looked at her. A myriad of thoughts, the taste of maternal love is so sour that ripples in my heart

My mother, how many wrinkles on her eyebrows grow for me? How many of her white mixed black hair are dyed for my hard work? How many little things have she done for me with her rough hands that I don't know? How many copies of her love have I neglected? A greeting? A scolding?

My nose was sore, tears welled up in my eyes, and a soft voice whispered: "Alas, I'm too careless! It's so cold that I forgot to change her quilt. I hope she won't catch a cold tomorrow, alas."

She gently left again. I couldn't stand it anymore. Hot tears flowed out of my eyes.

The moonlight became thicker, splashed on the window and fell on the bed

This figure will be forever branded in my heart, feeling the taste of maternal love!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (2)

Gently knock on the open door of memory, and the mother's kind face will appear in front of us.

The purest and greatest love in the world is maternal love. I have been bathed in the sunshine of love since I was young and reveled in the warm river of love.

When I didn't know how to do my homework, my mother helped me and supported me so that I could think about and solve problems by myself; When I failed in my proficiency test, my mother patiently explained my mistakes and asked me to correct them; When I was ill, my mother carried me to the health station from home and was anxious to find a doctor to see me

I remember one time after school, God suddenly became angry, and suddenly dark clouds, lightning and thunder. Soybean like raindrops poured down like tens of thousands of pearls. But I didn't bring an umbrella, so I had to sit in the classroom and wait for God to calm down. Suddenly, the rest of my eyes seemed to catch a familiar figure. I fixed my eyes and was stunned. It was my mother. She was facing the students who rushed out of the classroom. When she saw me coming, she smiled and said to me, "My child, I have sent you an umbrella.". On the way home, my mother rolled her tired body around me. I secretly begged God: God, stop blowing and raining! On the way, my mother also moved her umbrella to me, and her clothes were wet by the rain. When I saw my mother's haggard face, tears came out of my eyes.

Ah, my mother's love for me is as warm as spring, and as delicate as the breeze catching the water. Higher than the mountain, deeper than the sea, longer than the sun and the moon

May mother live a healthy and safe life!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (3)

Everyone says that the greatest, selfless and purest love is maternal love, and I think so too.

One morning, it was still drizzling at the beginning. After a while, it began to rain cats and dogs. The rain seemed to splash, slapping the window and making a sound of "slapping". One day, my mother took me to Grandma's house, but she forgot to bring her umbrella. She put her coat on me, and suddenly, it seemed that a warm current flooded into my heart. What is this? It is my mother's meticulous love for me.

Another time, when the cold wind blew and it snowed like goose feather, I carried my bag and walked to the school. And mother? Mother thought I was wearing too little, so she brought me a sweater and chased me behind. "Mom, you are shivering with cold, so don't bother me," I said to my mother. My mother smiled and said to me, "My child, it doesn't matter if I'm cold, but I'm afraid you'll catch a cold!" After hearing this, my tears flowed down like broken beads, and my eyes were blurred by tears. At this time, I was already full of tears. I gratefully took the clothes my mother gave me and said to her, "Thank you.". My mother said, "You are welcome.".

Another time, I got pneumonia with a high fever of 39 degrees. My mother stayed by my side all the time, taking medicine, rubbing wine, and sleeping at night and with lights. But my mother was still on duty. I couldn't help myself - I cried. Tears like a car, carrying me, running on the track of maternal love.

If my mother is the sky, I am a bird flying freely in the sky. If my mother is the sea, I am a spray in the sea. If my mother is the universe, I am a star in the universe. My mother is like a fire in winter, warming my heart. How great maternal love is!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (4)

There is a person in the world whose heart is always close to yours. You are happy, she is happy; You suffer, she is sad. You are everything to her, she is everything to you. This person, her name is Mother.

Because of my mother, I will not cry when I fall, but choose to be strong.

I remember that one day when I was in the second grade of primary school, my father bought me a skateboard that I had dreamed of for a long time. I was very happy. As soon as I had dinner in the afternoon, my mother was still cleaning up the dishes. I couldn't wait to take the skateboard and run downstairs. Mom saw it and quickly put down the things in her hands to follow me. When I get downstairs, let me have a look. Oh! A few children are sliding with strength. Looking at their appearance, my heart is like a cat scratch. I really want to learn it right away. I put the skateboard on the ground, and immediately stepped on it with one foot. Because I didn't grasp the balance, I fell to the ground. The boys were laughing and turning. My mother quickly ran to me and helped me up. She patted the mud on my body and asked anxiously, "Son, is it hurt? Be careful!" Then my mother was skilled and a man should be strong. Then my mother asked me to stand on the skateboard. She held me tightly with both hands and kept telling me to be careful. My mother followed me for several laps on the playground. Her forehead was full of sweat and panting, but she still accompanied me to practice on the playground. Under the guidance of my mother, I gradually mastered the essentials and became a little skilled. Later, my mother let go, and I was able to slide. It was already dark, and only my mother and I were on the playground. My mother is still with me, encouraging me. With my mother's encouragement, I finally learned to skateboard. When I got home, my mother went on to do housework despite her tiredness. Looking at my mother's back, my tears could not help flowing down again.

Because of my mother, I am no longer afraid when I encounter difficulties in learning, but choose to work hard.

In learning, my mother is very strict with me, and when I encounter difficulties, she always tutors me patiently and gives me directions. One day when I came home from school, I took out my exercise book to do my homework. When I saw the homework assigned by the teacher, I felt "clunky". It was all thinking. I was a little lazy at ordinary times and didn't want to use my brain. Just when I was at a loss and couldn't do anything, my mother came to me after finishing the housework and asked me kindly, "Why, have you met any problems? You read the topic carefully and think about it carefully, and you will do it." With my mother's encouragement and guidance, I read the topic again carefully, and then suddenly realized, Isn't this type of question exactly what the teacher said in class today about the relationship between and times? I finally started this problem. At this time, it was past nine o'clock in the evening, and my mother had to prepare for tomorrow's course. Tomorrow she would also give lectures to her students!

Each of us, because of the mother, no longer lonely, no longer afraid. In winter, when the snow is falling, she puts on a warm coat for us; Because with a mother, when we are sick, she is taking care of us meticulously, encouraging us to drive away the disease; Because of mothers, each of us grows happily under their careful care.

Mother, your love has given me infinite power! You let me learn tenacity in the face of difficulties, travel in the ocean of knowledge, and set sail on the road of life.

Mother, I love you!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (5)

Mother, an eternal and great name. Mother's love is the sea, the field of early spring, half brilliant, half brilliant, that is where the spring breeze has passed.

It was May, and it was full of spring. Walking on the way home, the sun was like fire, the wind was blowing, and the smell of grass followed. In May, my heart suddenly surprised, Mother's Day. It's better to send an early gift to my mother during the big holiday.

The next morning, I got up early, crept into the study and started my secret plan. Open the drawer quietly, take out a postcard that has been treasured for a long time, and write down Wang Guozhen's poem "Your Beauty" with a colorful pen. "Your beauty cannot be conveyed in words, nor can it be translated by Ren Chunchun..." After writing, the colorful pen depicts the lace, and the date, signature, and gratitude and blessing to mother are written in the lower right corner. Put it in my mother's bag, and my mouth lifted a soft smile... A thin postcard is full of deep love for my mother in my heart.

After lunch, my father and I planned to go to Sanlang Cave for an outing with my mother and grandfather, which can also be regarded as a holiday gift for my mother. Drive north all the way to Beixiaodian Town. In the countryside in spring, the moist air is filled with refreshing grass fragrance; From time to time in the fields, the fragrance of soil drifted. The blue sky was sparsely dotted with a few pale white clouds, which gave a hint of leisure beauty, like a leaf boat floating on the blue sea, carefree. The house not far away, wafting wisps of smoke. Through one tunnel after another, one mountain village after another, I enjoyed the countryside scenery with my mother. Mom was very excited. She kept taking pictures and praising, like a child.

At the destination, it was getting dark. Dad parked his car beside the stream, and I pushed my grandpa and walked along the river with my mother. Look up, the sky is blue, overlooking, the grass is green. Nearby came the clear bird singing in the forest, and the world was quiet. In this deep mountain, it is so wonderful to return to nature and talk with your family. While taking a deep breath, mother sighed with the beauty of nature. Looking at her joy, I couldn't help feeling happy from the bottom of my heart. "Mom, you have worked hard, happy Mother's Day!" Mom was stunned, then responded, red eyes gave me a big hug. The sun was setting in the west, and the ten thousand feet of glory gilded the clouds with a layer of gold edge. When I looked at my mother's soft side face, I felt warm in my heart.

My mother has been working hard for her family for many years. She has not even had time to sit down for a rest in a day. She has become ill from overwork and is in poor health. Grandfather lost his ability to take care of himself due to a sudden cerebral hemorrhage many years ago. Over the years, his mother has been caring for him with all her heart, even giving up a better job. In the first few years of my life, my mother took a 3-year long vacation to take better care of me and my grandpa, just to let me grow up healthily and happily. Mother has paid too much for our family, her youth, her beauty and her health. The traces of time crept up on her face, and a little white hair in the green silk stabbed my heart

Mother's love is the ocean, the field in front of us in early spring, half brilliant, half brilliant, that is the place where the spring breeze has passed, no matter the ends of the earth, mother's embrace is always the warmest place, mother, happy Mother's Day!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (6)

Stars flash out of the window, candles jump in the window, and power has been cut off at home for a long time.

Several candles were placed in my bedroom, but the light was still weak. I buried my head in the candles and studied hard. Mother still closed the door gently, quiet and lonely.

I always hope to finish my homework calmly. However, whenever I encounter a problem, I can't help but feel confused and irritable. I sigh repeatedly, making me feel that I am nowhere. I want to talk to others and find some fun in this room that can make me forget the sad things for the time being. However, I can't wake up my sleeping mother or call someone in the middle of the night. "Well," I said to myself, "learning is not easy, is not it a problem? Get up and walk around, maybe you will conquer it later?"

So, holding a dark candle, he gently opened the open stone door. After sitting for so long, it was time to go. When I approached my mother's bedroom, it seemed that there was a light candle light. I carefully placed the candle lamp on the ground and looked carefully from the door gap. This sight moved me and made me unforgettable.

A familiar candle light was beating, and only the mother's side face could be seen in the dim light. Mother sat in front of the desk, holding a pen to solve problems! On the table were my old textbooks and an exercise book, which were concealed by my mother's loose hair. Mother sat obliquely, with one hand holding her heavy chin, and the other hand writing fast. I was dozens of times less diligent! She sometimes takes off her glasses, rubs her tired eyes, and drinks tea to refresh herself. The window was still open, and I could still feel the waking breeze.

After writing for a while, she sat down on the bed and knitted a sweater. Every stitch was woven carefully and heavily, as if my heart was beating at the moment. Under the candle, the calluses on my mother's right hand were clearly reflected. It seemed that I had never seen such a mother who made me admire and love her so much. I don't know when tears are in my hand. It's already twelve o'clock.

Suddenly found that the night is no longer lonely.

Suddenly found that life will not be helpless.

Suddenly found that mother is no longer young.

Suddenly, I found that the person who loved me was right beside me.

Hello, Mom

Maternal Love in Junior Three (7)

After a long summer vacation, the new learning life is about to begin. My heart is shocked by the things that moved me. I can really feel that at that moment, my breath is trembling.

On the first day of school, my mother got up early. She gently opened the door and went out. I really wanted to see what her mother had done. It turned out that there was a bowl of hot bean curd on the table. I suddenly realized that my mother had gone to buy my favorite bean curd. My mother is still busy. She works so hard that I don't know how to help. The busy figure in the light shakes in front of me. I think I can be independent, but in my mother's eyes, I am always a child in need of care. The great mother makes people feel warm in the heart.

Most of all, the pain of parting is like a sharp knife cutting the flesh out of my heart. When I think about the comfortable family life and devote myself to the intense study, my heart will once again bear the precipitation brought by the achievements. I feel two shivers and almost want to run away. I dare not show my fear. I'm afraid my mother is worried. I dare not look at her eyes. I'm afraid to see her expected eyes. Looking back on the past, my mother moved me so much that I could not stop talking about it for three days and three nights. I can only do my best to help my regret. My mother was carsick, but she insisted on sending me to school. I know that obedience is better than respect. I know that accepting a love is the best way to express your love for others. I carried a big bag and followed my mother. My mother's back shook the emotion stored in my heart. Tears filled my eyes, but I didn't dare slip out. I really hate that. Why didn't I have Zhu Ziqing's talent? How can I express my deep love and attachment to my mother? How hurried and great is the mother's back?

Gently tears flow into my heart again. It surges to come, but quietly returns. This is its destiny. Its destiny predestines it. It cannot be revealed easily. I walked behind silently, familiar with the new environment, but my heart had already flown to my mother's heart. Let her heart contain me, protect me, give me strength, give me courage, and give me the source of love.

In the voyage of life, my mother is my beacon. In her eyes, I am her pride. Although I am not as good as other children, only she knows that her daughter is really sincere, to experience and accept her love, to be a loyal reader of her chapters. My mother's "article" infected me, guided me, and melted me. My soul will depend on this "article", which has more connotation and tacit understanding because of my soul.

The feeling of shoulder is brewed in my heart. When they are brewed into the most mellow wine in the world, I will dedicate it to my dearest mother and my dearest and loveliest people.

Maternal Love in Junior Three (8)

Maternal love - an eternal topic. It is like a star in the universe. Although not dazzling, it shines with the most beautiful, eternal and selfless light. It is like a pearl on the river bank. Although not dazzling, it has the most precious, simple and true value.

At dawn, the warm sun shines on the mother and child in the garden. The young mother is dressing the wound of the child who was injured in the run. His eyes are full of pity and care, regardless of the dust on his body and his sprained ankle

Oh, this is maternal love!

In the scorching sun, a mother and her son were exposed to the scorching sun. The middle-aged mother looked at the sweaty child. She seemed to understand something and immediately bought an ice lolly for the child, but she still licked her dry lips and touched the wet back

Oh, this is maternal love!

Under the waning moon, a cold wind blew a pair of mothers and sons, and the mother put on scarves for the scantily dressed children. Action is so gentle, so skilled, so affectionate, in the cold wind to ignore their own

Oh, this is maternal love!

Maybe maternal love doesn't need to be interpreted. It is as clear as the bright star on the autumn night. You should know how to feel it. It is like a string, you should know how to pity it. Just like tea, you need to know how to finish it. Like mountain and sea, we should know how to praise

Oh, I see!

The sun makes everything, clouds make raindrops, clams make pearls, and my mother makes me.

I remember a dream that my mother and I were walking in the autumn woods, where there were many fallen leaves and the place was golden and warm. The beautiful maple trees are falling leaves, as if presenting a dreamy and beautiful maple leaf rain. Suddenly, a heart-shaped maple leaf floated over, and I took it gently. The beautiful heart-shaped maple leaves actually confirmed my mother and I!

But when I woke up, the maple leaves were broken. I want to find it, but where to find it, dreams are always illusory and the most beautiful.

But one day I will give it to my mother, because it is the best interpretation of maternal love!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (9)

Love is the meeting of one heart and another heart, not one face and another face. Maternal love is no exception. What we can meet is our happiness.

Maternal love is very small. Only by seeing it with your eyes and understanding it with your heart can you deeply feel the happiness of maternal love. Some poets once said that the thread in the hands of a kind-hearted mother makes clothes for the body of her wayward son. Temporary tight joints, afraid of delay will make him late home. Who dares to say that children are filial like the weak and can repay their mothers' love like the sunshine in spring? Here we know how much work our mother has done for us.

Who is it? Let's come to this beautiful world and live in peace. Who is it? Let us move forward without hesitation in the face of difficulties and setbacks. Who is it? Let us get happiness and love of mother. Who is that? With the pace of time, the vicissitudes of time; The ancient city walls are carved with the sand of the past. On the way to growth, your company will not need anything else. That is our great mother.

Two weeks, such as May every year, is called Mother's Day. On this day, we should give some happiness, even if we say "Happy Mother's Day". Maybe my mother is satisfied. We live in happiness, so we should cherish it. Happiness is not saving, it can be saved later. Once lost, it can never be found again. So we should create happiness and a better world.

Our mistakes are temporary regrets, but missed ones are lifelong regrets. So be gentle with your parents. Let's not miss that happiness. Maybe you can never find it again.

Maternal Love in Junior Three (10)

In the ordinary and light daily life, everyone is familiar with the composition. The composition must focus on the theme, make in-depth exposition around the same theme, and avoid rambling, loose theme or even no theme. How to write a good composition? The following is the composition of praising maternal love in the third day of the junior high, which is compiled by Xiao Bian for you. You are welcome to use it for reference. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Time flies, time flows. Even if the mountain ridge is ground to the ground, it will not change the mother's love for us.

The greatest and highest love in the world is maternal love. Since I was born, I have bathed in the sunshine of maternal love, which silently permeates into the life bit by bit. It is like spring rain, nourishing the hearts of millions of children.

When I was born, my mother's joyful eyes greeted me; When I was babbling, I was concerned about my mother's feelings of love; When I was learning to walk, what drew me was my mother's loving hands; When I understand things, I expect my mother's infinite hope

I remember one time, I did very badly in my math exam. I was depressed all day and didn't feel like doing anything. My mother was not angry when she learned about it. Instead, she said to me earnestly: "Don't lose heart, son. You didn't do well in the exam this time, and next time, try your best to pick up the lost ones. But from today on, you should have a clear idea. Look at where you are wrong and where you have not learned well, especially some knowledge points. Take time to have a look and make up more. If you don't know what to ask me, let's solve it together... "Ah! mom! When I lost confidence, you gave me warmth and confidence. With your warm arms, I'm not afraid of anything. I dare to face anything!

No matter the alternation of night and day, the integration of happiness and sadness, success and failure behind us, there is always an exhortation to accompany us, there is always a look at us, there is always a person supporting us. This person is the mother. Mother has done too much for us. We can't be indifferent! We should take action and be grateful to our mother.

Filial piety is the foundation of a person. Only a person who knows how to be grateful to his parents can be regarded as a complete person. "Filial Piety First" is the principle of each of us as children. Yes! If a person is not filial to his mother, what great career can he achieve?

On March 8 Women's Day, we should wish mothers a happy holiday; Send a beautiful card; In daily life, we should talk more with our mother; She also helps her mother with housework.

Be grateful to our mother. She gave us life and brought us up. We can't help being grateful!

Time has mercilessly slipped away from me. In every inch of my life, my mother has paid a lot for me, and I always bathe in maternal love. Thanks to my mother, she gave me a lot of things. Maternal love is deep, maternal love is great, maternal love is lofty, I praise the great maternal love!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (11)

Gratitude comes from the heart. As the saying goes, "Every drop of grace will be rewarded by the spring." Parents have paid too much for us. How will we repay? Maternal love is more important. Maternal love is "priceless". Once it is lost, it will never be obtained. Not everyone can get the love from the great events described in the book. But when we observe carefully, we can actually feel that Muqin is love from every little thing.

But why can't my mother get the favor of the old man? The clothes are dirty, and sometimes they are clean again; When the grass withers, it will turn green again; The flowers have withered. It's time to bloom again. But, smart you tell me, why does mother's white hair never turn black again?

I don't know how many days my mother has accompanied me, but there are more and more wrinkles on my mother's forehead. I silently calculate that my mother's thousands of days have passed through my laughter and laughter; Like a grain of sand on the clothes falling into the desert, the mother's day falls into the desert of time, without sound or shadow.

Although they went, while they came, how about maternal love? When I got up in the morning, the hut was filled with the aroma of breakfast. I knew that my mother was cooking breakfast for me again. So -- when I went to school, my mother's love was active in her mother's "study hard", and when I had lunch, my mother's love was shining in the delicious food; When I was sleeping, my mother's love was permeated at the moment when my mother covered the quilt for me.

What can I do when I am surrounded by maternal love in the flying days? Can I only look at my mother's white hair more and more in this body? No, it can't. We should also offer them a greeting and comfort when they are feeling lost. What we can do is only these little things. Although mothers have devoted all their efforts and energy to us, they do not expect anything in return, but only hope that one day their children can become extraordinary in the ordinary.

Maternal love is deep, containing rich emotions and endless feelings; Maternal love is infinite, it opens countless flowers. It wafts with endless fragrance of flowers, maternal love is great, it contains profound meaning, it is brewing you and me. I really felt my mother's love for me. Motherly love is like a sea, I think it is like a cup of strong coffee! It's intoxicating!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (12)

Stars flash out of the window, candles jump in the window, and power has been cut off at home for a long time.

Several candles were placed in my bedroom, but the light was still weak. I buried my head in the candles and studied hard. Mother still closed the door gently, quiet and lonely.

I always hope to finish my homework calmly. However, whenever I encounter a problem, I can't help but feel confused and irritable. I sigh repeatedly, making me feel that I am nowhere. I want to talk to others and find some fun in this room that can make me forget the sad things for the time being. However, I can't wake up my sleeping mother or call someone in the middle of the night. "Well," I said to myself, "learning is not easy, is not it a problem? Get up and walk around, maybe you will conquer it later?"

So, holding a dark candle, he gently opened the open stone door. After sitting for so long, it was time to go. When I approached my mother's bedroom, it seemed that there was a light candle light. I carefully placed the candle lamp on the ground and looked carefully from the door gap. This sight moved me and made me unforgettable.

A familiar candle light was beating, and only the mother's side face could be seen in the dim light. Mother sat in front of the desk, holding a pen to solve problems! On the table were my old textbooks and an exercise book, which were concealed by my mother's loose hair. Mother sat obliquely, with one hand holding her heavy chin, and the other hand writing fast. I was dozens of times less diligent! She sometimes takes off her glasses, rubs her tired eyes, and drinks tea to refresh herself. The window was still open, and I could still feel the waking breeze.

After writing for a while, she sat down on the bed and knitted a sweater. Every stitch was woven carefully and heavily, as if my heart was beating at the moment. Under the candle, the calluses on my mother's right hand were clearly reflected. It seemed that I had never seen such a mother who made me admire and love her so much. I don't know when tears are in my hand. It's already twelve o'clock.

Suddenly found that the night is no longer lonely.

Suddenly found that life will not be helpless.

Suddenly found that mother is no longer young.

Suddenly, I found that the person who loved me was right beside me.

Maternal Love in Junior Three (13)

"There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, that is, the mother's call", yes! Each of us can't live without maternal love, which accompanies us to grow and walk the road of growth.

Nine years ago, I was three years old. "Son, come quickly! Look, I have funny toys and delicious sugar here. Come and chase me!" At that time, my mother amused me, played with me, and helped me walk through every step of life. This is maternal love, like a sweet sugar, sweet in my mouth, sweet in my heart.

Six years ago, I was in the first grade. A little boy plays all day long and only plays. "Don't play any more. Go to study." My mother said to me seriously. There was an irresistible voice in her voice. I had to study. My mother went to large and small bookstores to buy books for me. It was a good habit for me to read. At this time, maternal love, like a peppermint flavored sugar, was not as sweet as before, but it was my "fresh breath", encouraging me to make progress.

Now, I am a middle school student. I have been in the first semester of the first day of junior high school, and I have formed good study habits. One night, I was still studying at my desk. A small window divided the inside and outside of the window into two worlds. Inside the window, bright lights sprinkled all over the floor; Outside the window, it was pitch black. I don't know which painter dumped the black dye. Looking at a few thick books, I could not help feeling a bit bored, but when I remembered that this semester's study was just for this final exam, I immersed myself in hard work again.

Suddenly, the eardrum shook and a familiar sound of footsteps came into the room. The sound was so light and broken that I was afraid it would disturb me. With a squeak, the door opened, and my mother came in with a cup of fragrant tea. She said softly, "Children, drink a cup of hot tea! Of course, my mother hopes you can do well in the exam, but don't wear yourself out!" My eyes were wet, and I learned late every day that my mother accompanied me. At this time, a fragrance blended into my sense of smell and my heart. I could not tell whether it was tea or maternal love. At this time, maternal love is like a cup of tea, fragrant and natural.

We are growing and everything is changing. The taste of maternal love is also changing constantly. Mother's taste is also changing constantly to meet our needs at different times. Motherly love is like honey, nourishing our hearts; Motherly love, like mints, encourages us to grow; Motherly love is like a cup of tea, which protects us with its unique fragrance. Ah! Every step of our growth has the flavor of maternal love!

Maternal Love in Junior Three (14)

A mother's love for her children is like sunshine. When people stroll along the path in the sunny weather, they often only miss flowers and grass, but ignore the sunshine. In fact, what really brings you warmth and beauty is sunshine. In the sun, my mother's slightly bowed body came into my eyes, which was both strange and familiar. My mother gently rubbed my long hair, and her gestures were still so skilled.

When I was young, I was most afraid of washing my hair. My mother held me in one hand and washed me in the other, but I cried loudly. After washing, my mother often sweated heavily and could not breathe. Later, when I was a little older, my mother could no longer hold me with one hand. Of course, I was a little sensible and began to obey. I sat on a small bench, stretched my head out, and let my mother wash. But sometimes soapy water accidentally gets into my eyes, and I will cry and blame my mother for her carelessness. Mother was never annoyed. She quickly took a dry towel to clean it for me. When I was twelve years old, I cut off my long hair. Once my mother wanted to wash my hair again and again. I said impatiently: What can I do with such short hair? Don't hurt my head. Mother was speechless.

During this period, I always wanted to establish my own family and rely on myself. Later, I washed my hair by myself, turned on the tap, rubbed it roughly, and flushed it. I am very satisfied with my speed, which has continued to this day. Once, my mother said: Look at your black hair growing again, my hands are itchy, let me wash your head once! Yeah! It has been a long time, and there seems to be a distance between my mother and me.

I am very headstrong, and even stubbornly think that I have grown up, great. But the mother still kept her simplicity and kindness. We have many differences, probably the so-called generation gap. Sometimes they would quarrel, but they soon reconciled. Naturally, most of them were my mother's submission to me. Is it hot? Mother slowly washed down a pot of warm water. Mother is always very careful. Half a pot of hot water and half a pot of cold water are mixed together. She thinks the water is the most moderate, neither too hot nor too cold. Well, just right! Although it was a bit cold, I couldn't bear to spoil my mother's happiness. After washing, my mother straightened up, punched her waist, and sweated again. But she smiled and said to me: Now everything is electrified, and it is rare to wash her hair for such a big daughter!

I know that I will always be a child in my mother's heart. I dried my hair and raised my head abruptly. I found several strands of white hair on my mother's head. Yes, my mother is old and has worked hard for her daughter for half a lifetime. But why didn't I think of washing my mother's hair? Now I am 16 years old, but as long as my mother is free, she will ask her to wash my hair. She has completely lost the idea of establishing her own family in those days. No matter how long my mother rubs my head, I will not feel pain. I just have a sweet feeling in my heart. But now my mother has her own business to do. I regret the ignorance of the past. Now I even sometimes ask my mother to wash my hair. At this time, my mother always nags: I used to wash my hair for you, but you don't want to; Now you are pestering me to wash your hair.

Only when I have a mother on my way to grow up can I have these beautiful stories and beautiful feelings, and I feel that my life is full of sunshine.

Maternal Love in Junior Three (15)

What do you think maternal love is like? Like the rain that moistens us? Like the sea that holds us? Like a street lamp illuminating us? Like the sunshine warming us? I don't think it is like protecting our safe haven, but maternal love is like water.

Mother love is as plain as water, because she pays too much for you; Mother's love is as simple and elegant as water, because she leaves all the beautiful things to you; A mother's strong and unyielding love like water is because she helps you when you are in trouble.

Ah! My great mother, let me praise you. It was you who took me through my babbling childhood, accompanied me through many difficulties, and worked countless days and nights for me, but you were willing to pay for me and work for me without asking for return. Liu An of the Han Dynasty once said: A loving mother loves her son, not for reward. Jiang Shiquan also said: Love your son is endless, and you will be happy when you return home. Cold clothes are densely stitched, and letters are fresh. When I meet you, I feel pity and thin, and call my son to ask about hardship. I am ashamed of the son of man and dare not sigh the dust. I can't repay your love.

At the moment when I was born, at the moment when I babbled, at the moment when I marched forward bravely, no matter at that moment, I was full of maternal love. That is the taste of mother, the taste of mother's love for children. It tastes like a warm breeze, like happy laughter, like sweet songs, like as long as there is maternal love, there is no trouble; As long as there is maternal love, there is no danger. Ziyan once said: Mother is the first relative on earth; Maternal love is the first love in the world. So, the greatest person in the world is mother! It's maternal love! Maternal love is greater than the sky, maternal love is longer than the river, maternal love is higher than the world!

Mom, I wonder if you still remember one day that summer.

I felt uncomfortable that morning and didn't tell you because I didn't want to trouble you again. I thought it would be all right in a while, but things went beyond my imagination and I felt more and more uncomfortable. Beans of sweat kept coming out of my head. Not only that, but also there were headaches, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. My deskmate touched my hot forehead and immediately told the teacher. Soon, you came. When you see my weak appearance, your tears will flow down one by one like broken pearls. You took me to the hospital. When I checked, my temperature was! You should take me to get a bottle immediately. Before you hit it, you told me not to be afraid. It didn't hurt at all. I smiled weakly and said: It's all right. Don't worry about it. At that moment, I felt that I had grown up, was no longer the weak little girl, and became strong. You cried with joy. I asked you what was wrong. You held me in your arms and said with a smile: silly child, I am happy. As he spoke, tears of joy fell on my shoulder. I believe that tears must be sweet!

Who accompanies you in the stormy nights and arduous roads? It's mother! It is she who protects you from any harm. How can we repay this maternal love, which is bigger than the sky and deeper than the sea? Mother doesn't ask for anything to raise you all your life, just ask you to go home more when you grow up.

Oh, maternal love is like water.

Maternal Love in Junior Three (16)

Mother's love is like a long river. It is comfortable with slight ripples; It is clear and can see the pebbles; It gently and slowly sent me forward... My mother is from Shaoxing. She has no family in Shanghai. In my vague impression, there are many people living in a two room room, including grandparents, uncles and aunts. They bullied my mother because she had no relatives in Shanghai. They gave all the housework to my mother alone and often scolded her. When I was about four or five years old, my father had an affair, and he began to hit my mother. Those so-called "people who care about me" did not stop me, but laughed at my mother behind her back. I often see my mother crying alone in the room. I run to her and throw myself into her arms. She holds me and holds me with her hands full of tears.

From then on, I began to hate my father and my mother. After that, he became addicted to gambling again and made all the money in his family. His uncle and his family moved away. But the nightmare was not over. Dad beat my mother more severely. He beat in front of me. A person who never cared about me beat my favorite mother again and again in front of me, and I could not stop him. They are like nails in my mind, and can never be erased. "Mom, take me away!" I said to my mother more than once, but when she left, she had no choice but to say to me: "Where are we going?" "Back to Shaoxing!" "In the countryside, not only can't get a good education, but also people will look down on her because she doesn't have a father! Children, these are not what you can bear, and..." Anyway, my mother said a lot of things I don't understand, but in my opinion at that time, Mother is looking for an excuse, is cowardly, is timid! Now I understand that when I saw the teaching in a rural school in Shaoxing, when I saw a single parent's child being bullied, I understood that my mother was for my future, for my complete family, and for my healthy and happy growth.

And these are what she bought with her youth and self-esteem. Her strength and optimism come from her love for me. Because my mother loves me, she has been enduring physical and mental hardships without a word of complaint. In order to help me get out of the shadow of the past, she used her kindness to influence my father. When my father was poor, she did not dislike him or blame him; Give him the warmest hand when he is in pain; Little by little, he influenced my father and led him to the right path. I remember asking her why she wanted to help her mother because he is your father! A simple sentence, but let my heart, a long time can not calm. I love my mother, not only because blood is thicker than water, but also because my mother has given her all for me. I remember a famous saying: a person does not care how much he pays, but how much he gives.

Mother abandoned her pride, self-esteem and youth for me. For me, she changed my father with unremitting efforts. Because she loves me, she keeps dispelling my hatred and telling me that the greatest virtue of life is tolerance. In fact, she could have abandoned me and lived her own life, but she didn't because it was maternal love! My mother told me: "I don't have a mother. I know how hard it is to live without a mother. I also know that teaching in the countryside is not good at all. I don't even have a decent teacher. I want my daughter to read and receive a good education." Maybe it is my childhood experience that makes me understand the meaning of mother parents more.

Mother's love and strength create a good learning environment for me. Although our house is small and my pocket money is small, I think I am luckier than any of them. My mother is my first teacher and the first person to teach me tolerance and love. "Children with white hair are in debt, and there are deep lines of time". Millions of mothers in the world only want to give, and they have endured hardships. In mother's gentle river, every drop is her youth and painstaking efforts. If you didn't raise me, give me a warm life. If you didn't protect me, my destiny would be what you brought me up. Teach me to say the first word. It is you who give me a home, so that my heart will no longer have a shadow.

Maternal Love in Junior Three (17)

Warmth is a kind of harvest, warmth is a cup of hot water, but what I want to say more is that warmth is the love of mothers for children.

I remember one winter vacation, I was deeply moved by my mother's love. It was very small, but it included the greatness of maternal love. I remember that it was still winter vacation at that time. My mother took me and my family back to my hometown to pick fruit. It was cool in the afternoon. The breeze blew on my body, which was extremely cool. The leaves on the trees were blown off. The ground suddenly became rich, and then the ground was creaking and quiet. My mother and I went to the orchard in the backyard, and I quickly followed, As soon as I entered the fruit forest, I saw golden oranges hanging on the trees.

My mother said to me, "I'll pick one for you. It's sweet." Then my mother pulled an orange from the tree, peeled it for me on the spot, and handed it to me. My mother always let me eat first, and then she ate it. The more I went inside, the more oranges there were. My mother stopped, hung the bag on the branch of a tree, and put golden oranges into my pocket. I ate them leisurely and enjoyed the cold and sweet oranges. My mother went inside again, but I didn't follow her, Just wait and enjoy the sweet fruit in place.

When my mother came out, I saw the peeled orange on his hand at a glance, handed it to me, and told me, "It's very sweet, taste it." When I took the small and round orange, I found it was a heavy maternal love, higher than the sky and deeper than the sea! Although the orange is cold, but my mother gave me warmth, I do not feel cold. A warm breath immediately came to my heart and flowed in my heart, making me feel the warm moment. The warm time is very short, but it is a love, or a word, or an action, which can give people great warmth.

Mother's love nourishes my growth, brings me warmth and unselfish love. This love is heavy.