My brother's composition writer (15 selected)
The night is dim
2024-01-15 00:08:31

My brother writes a composition (1)

I have a little brother. He is very thin, but he has a smart big head. He smiles all day long. He has big bright eyes, which are round and smooth. His hair is also very long and curved. The grandmothers in the yard will say: "This child's eyes are really beautiful!"! My elder brother walks steadily. He talks beautifully and politely, but plays happily. He always takes us to play war games. What I envy most is that he always does his homework easily. I really like my brother!

My brother writes a composition (2)

My brother is a price shark and a naughty guy. Specially pick small and cheap items.

He has a round head, big eyes and long eyelashes. Under the high bridge of nose, there is a "tiger's mouth". Don't look at this "tiger's mouth". There are sweet words and disgusting words coming out of it. His most prominent feature is his purring cheek, which shakes up and down when talking. It's really fat! Secondly, the "bear paws" are not fat, but they are not small. It is easy to lift something weighing eight or nine kilograms. But these are not his specialties. His specialty is bargaining.

He speaks very well. He can buy lentils worth twenty cents a kilogram and get a small robot worth nine yuan for seven yuan. I clearly remember that one summer, we went to the food market to buy food, and my mother asked us to buy a pound of lentils. The market is very lively! People come and go, and there is a lot of traffic. We chose a stall, squatted down and asked the aunt who sold lentils to buy about one jin of lentils. Aunt put lentils in a bag. One appointment is exactly one jin. I said quietly to my brother: "It's true!" But my brother is now suspecting that there is a problem. He asked the aunt, "How much is a jin of lentils?" "Er Mao" said the aunt. He said, "Is a dime OK?" "No!" The aunt was a little unhappy. "Ermao, please!" I said. But my brother ignored me and continued to concentrate on bargaining. He saw his aunt's appearance and said to me, "Go! Don't buy it." The aunt quickly changed her face and said, "A dime is a dime!" So my brother gave her a dime and went away with lentils. Of course, the remaining one dime was "embezzled" by him. But I'm really convinced of his superb talking skills.

My brother's Kan skills are varied. For example, a while ago, I began to talk about my homework. At school, he didn't have the courage to talk to teachers. He talked to parents at home. No matter how much homework is done or how little homework is done, five cents will be given after 5 o'clock, four cents will be given after 6 o'clock, and so on. Of course, three cents will be given after 7 o'clock. I will talk with my parents. In my opinion, it is already extremely cheap. But he is not satisfied. that. When he finished his homework at 7 o'clock, his mother gave him 30 cents as usual, but he had to apply for some material rewards, relying on his mother to buy stickers. After a tense bargaining, a small poster came.

I was surprised by my brother's paid homework, and I admire his Kanyi even more. However, the fork always felt something was wrong. Brother, have you talked too much?

My brother writes a composition (3)

My brother has been very cute since he was young. He is white and fat, with a round face and round eyes. Now it's even more attractive. My brother has a flat head and two front teeth, so I call him "Big White Rabbit".

A lot of unforgettable things happened between us. Once, my brother and my mother were playing in the square of the riverside park in my hometown. My mother saw an acquaintance and hurried to greet him, saying, "My aunt and I will go for a walk and come back soon." We readily agreed, "OK, OK..." We were playing there. Suddenly, the fountain stopped and the children on the square walked away. We waited for a long time and didn't see my mother. I was afraid, so I cried, crying very sad. Brother patted his chest and said; "Never mind, I'm here, don't be afraid." My brother took my hand and set out on the way home. After returning home, I learned that my brother was also afraid, but he was still a real man in front of me.

I haven't seen my brother for a long time. Is he all right

My brother writes a composition (4)

My brother has a pair of bushy eyebrows and big eyes, and he has a burly figure. People always say that people in our family have beautiful eyes. Every time we hear these words, we are very proud. When I was young, my cousin always called my brother Puma. I thought it was very nice, so I followed my cousin to call my brother Puma. But once, my aunt told me that my brother and I are cousins, so we should call them brother, not puma. I didn't know what this meant before, but I did when I grew up. Later, my brother sent my uncle to join the army.

I miss playing computer games and cards with my brother. I still remember playing Bubble Hall with my brother on the computer. We are always a good couple. We applaud together if we win; If we lose, we encourage each other. So I think Bubble House is so interesting, but now when I play alone, I really think this game is so boring. When I win, no one laughs with me; When I lose, no one gives me encouragement.

I still remember my brother went out to work after graduation. A month later, he received his first salary. On that day, he came back happily with a bag of things in his hand. It was his brother who bought me delicious food with his first salary. Grandma said he shouldn't buy so many things at once. Brother said he would buy them for me to eat. I am very happy. I think it is more delicious than I used to eat. But now eating the same food, not only the delicious food at that time, but also the joy.

I haven't seen my brother for a long time, and sometimes I miss the happy time with my brother. Once, I was very happy when my brother's head lit up on the Internet. Since then, whenever I surf the Internet, I always check whether my brother's head is lit. Sometimes, my brother would call and tell me to study hard. Today is my brother's birthday. I really want to say to him, "Happy birthday, brother!"

X Grade 3: xx

My brother writes a composition (5)

At the age of 17, I was shameless. Who was this person who sang early in the morning when I took part in the competition? you 're right. Today I want to introduce the No. 1 protagonist, my brother Li Zonghan.

My brother is 16 years old this year! Tall, thin, and tanned due to playing basketball. The long hair is also very strange, short and curly. If you have no impression, just think about Lu Xun. ha-ha! Although his eyes are small, he often confidently calls himself "Dashuaiguo".

One of the characteristics of my brother's character is careless and heartless. Let's take an example: Mom stipulates that you can't play mobile games until the weekend. He just makes waves against the wind. If he is lucky enough not to be found, he will grin at me complacently. Hum! I don't envy him. Isn't he in this hole? He laughed at me when he did something stupid. But if my mother finds out, the baptism of that storm is really frightening! There are no big mistakes like this. There are too many small mistakes. I'm worried about my brother. He bared his teeth and said that it would never happen again! I'm speechless! Fortunately, my brother's awareness ability is still very high. He has realized his own shortcomings and has reformed. I am very happy for my brother's change!

Although my brother is a bit careless, he is a kind and filial person. Once, when he led me to play basketball in the park, one of my companions on the court sprained his foot, and the others were watching, bewildered. At this time, without saying a word, my brother picked him up and walked to the gate, using his trolley to send him home. Tell me on the way back; Be kind and brave, and be a responsible person. Mm-hmm. At this time, my brother really impressed me. My brother taught me how to fold the quilt, mop the floor, cook and brush the pot. I was often told that men should work more, and they were born to suffer. ha-ha! Such a careless person can say such philosophical words. I really convinced him! And whenever my mother criticized me, I would die unconvinced. When criticizing him, my brother will not say a word. Later, he will tell me why. It's not good except to make my mother angry. You should go in one ear and out the other, not to mention it. This is really a good effect! It seems that my brother needs me to learn a lot!

This is my brother. Although he has many shortcomings and is not so excellent, his brotherhood is thicker than water. Let me thank him for having such an excellent brother. I am proud of him.

My brother writes a composition (6)

I always envy those girls who have older brothers, because they will have older brothers to protect them. I am an only child and have no elder brother or sister, so the more I think about it, the more I hope to have an elder brother.

I used to see others write in their compositions that the boy took the girl's hand and comforted her by saying, "Don't cry, have a brother to protect you, and won't let others bully you anymore.". Or: Although my brother often bullied me and made me cry, I learned his love for me when I separated from him.

I am tired of living alone, and I have become numb to those false friendships. I only hope that the happiness of being protected and the happiness of not being oppressed can not be given by my parents.

When I was a child, my neighbor's brother took me to play with him. I was so happy when I thought of this, but my neighbor's brother could not always accompany me, and would always leave. Now, we have moved. If we really left with him, the only one who took my hand to buy snacks for me, and the brother who played with me also separated from me. I suddenly felt very empty. Will there be a brother to protect me like him? I don't know, but I'm afraid of loneliness. I would rather have a bully playing, making me cry and laughing happily, to protect my brother, than stay in this lonely and helpless moment.

Maybe others will say that I am stupid. An only child can get more love from her parents, but her brother's love is different from her parents' love.

I hope that the brother who loves me can listen to me and tell him my heart, comfort me when I am sad, help me when I am helpless, and accompany me when I am lonely. What a wonderful thing it is to have a brother. My brother's love can make me snuggle up in his arms like a bird, and make him satisfy my little wish. I think everything about my brother is so beautiful.

The laughter of the children downstairs broke my mind, which made me know that the vision is not reality.

I always feel the cold of loneliness coming at me, which makes me want to have a brother to protect me. In this way, I can show my friends that I also have a brother who loves me.

That's why I want to have a brother who loves me.

My brother writes a composition (7)

Every year I look forward to the arrival of summer vacation, because I can get together with my brother to "fight" in summer vacation.

My brother loved playing Chinese chess when he was young. My uncle said that the first word he could speak was "elephant". If I played chess with my brother, it was Confucius's move - a total loss, because he was once the top 50 player in the "Youth Chess Competition" in Henan Province.

My brother and I finally got together after the summer vacation. We started without saying a word. After a year of preparation, my chess skill has greatly improved. Compared with my brother, I am really "match the chess". At the beginning, there were many wars in the Chu River and Han Dynasty. My little head was like a computer, running at high speed, with clear chess moves and no confusion. As soon as my brother's "car" came out to cheer, my "cannon" pulled out. I said to my brother, "Don't think I'm a child. Hum, children are not easy to bully. I can resist any move you make.". Who would have thought that my brother set a trap for me to take the bait? His horse was eating my cannon. I thought that victory was in sight. I was so worried that I was sweating all over my head. The planned guns were gone, and my hot sweat turned into cold sweat. Seeing this, I moved the chess pieces again without thinking, and the victory waved to me again. But at this time, my brother was very calm, and no one knew what he was thinking. Finally, he took a step, and he used the "car" to destroy my plan again. At this time, I can only "play chess". The two of us soon formed a decisive battle situation. My brother's commander was at the lower right corner, the chariot was at the front, and the artillery was in the middle. My brother said, "General". I think: I will move it. But my brother's horse approached my general and said "General" again. Wow! If I fall into the trap, I will be powerless to go anywhere. My brother played a series of good chess games, which made the extremely complicated chess game as if it were peeling off the cocoon.

My expression changed from happy to proud to sad, just like the changeable weather. My brother said to me: "You have tried your best for so long, and I haven't played such good chess with you. It seems that I can't be careless in the future, and I can't treat you like a child anymore. But you can't be proud. You should learn chess seriously. We can get together and play again in the winter vacation. At that time, we can fight again.

My brother writes a composition (8)

My brother's name is Xu XX. He is a bully king. He goes farther and farther in the bully road, such as hitting me when he has nothing to do, deliberately spraying pomegranate juice on my face... Such things happen every day.

A few days ago, I was doing my homework. My brother spoiled him with his grandma, leaving his homework aside and playing with his mobile phone. I said that he sprayed the water in the kettle all over me. I'm not easy to get into trouble. I copied my grandfather's mobile phone and sent the video of him playing with his mobile phone and quarreling with his grandmother to my mother. Now he was angry and jumped at me and gave me a beating. I, after a hundred years of accumulation, wrote a sentence with experience: "Don't be soft or hard to deal with my brother." Then I picked up the newly bought "weapon" - bow and arrow, and gave him an arrow, which made him wince with pain. I gave him another arrow as soon as possible before he could fight back, which was even more cruel, When he shot him in the stomach, he shouted, "Why do you hit me?" I replied with the third arrow.

Another time, we played archery. I shot farther than him. He was a little jealous. He gave me another beating because he was taller and stronger than me, which made me dizzy. That's too much. I am an amazing archer. How can I be bullied by him like this? I said that I shot an arrow into the sky. The arrow fell from the air and went straight to his head. He also refused to be outdone and secretly pulled his bow to shoot an arrow at me. It was too late to sneak up on me. I grabbed another arrow, gently plucked the bow string, and the arrow shot out. The two arrows collided and landed together. Dad was surprised first and then laughed loudly.

I sometimes wonder why he always bullies me? Maybe I want to show off in front of my twin brother, who was born two minutes later than him. Since that's the case, don't blame me for being impolite. Let me "help" you to reform!

My brother writes a composition (9)

My brother's name is Lu Yixin. "One" is to rank with my sister. I thought there was a "thousand" in her name. "One" and "thousand" were both numbers. The fortune teller said that he was short of gold, so he chose a "Xin" with the word "gold".

My brother is very handsome. Under his thick eyebrows, there is a pair of big and divine eyes, and his small mouth contains rich expressions. When you are happy, you curl your mouth and half grimace; When angry, pout your mouth and say nothing. The words spoken from this mouth often make people laugh and laugh, which makes the nervous brain relax immediately.

My brother likes to play basketball. He often practices his racket and shooting at home. He also lets us fight for his ball as his opponents. In the summer, when the sun was scorching, he would also take the ball to the court for a few laps, often sweating until he came back. His favorite star is Yao Ming.

This is the naughty and lively Lu Yixin.

My brother writes a composition (10)

Since I was born, there has been an angel around me every day. He is my good example, playmate, and my best brother. Without this brother, I can't imagine how boring and lonely life will become. Maybe many childhood laughter will be forced to be deleted from memory, and life will no longer be complete.

My brother is a man of the moment in the school. He not only does well in his lessons and gets the first place in the exam, but also is a winner in the competition in painting, composition, speech and other aspects. In addition, my brother is also a good pianist, and many famous songs such as "For Alice", "Turkish March", "Moonlight" and so on can not defeat him. In swimming, he is more proficient in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, so in my mind, my brother is simply a versatile idol. The reason why my brother is so excellent is that no matter what he learns, he always devotes himself to learning and practices patiently, so what he learns is like what. In addition, my brother knows how to arrange his own time, so he can "master all 18 kinds of martial arts". Also because of the good example of my brother, I always take my brother as the model of learning on the way of learning, encouraging myself to follow his learning spirit. Although our interests sometimes differ, and the things we learn are not the same, every time I have three minutes of enthusiasm, or encounter setbacks and want to give up halfway, As long as you see your brother struggling forward, you will be ashamed to reflect on yourself, and then urge yourself to move forward. So if I don't have my brother, I think I may often lose the power to push forward.

Because my brother has performed well in many aspects, of course, he has also become my "personal little teacher". As long as there is any question about homework, or whether there is something wrong with piano, painting, swimming, etc., as long as I have a need, my brother is always willing to patiently guide me. If he has a problem that he will not, my brother will also inquire about relevant books, Or go online to find information, or even take me to consult with adults who understand, so my brother is really a good teacher and partner in my study! Without my brother, I think my study will be much more difficult and helpless!

In addition to studying, my brother is also my playmate. In his spare time, he would ask me to play baseball, practice golf, and sometimes throw basketball, watch movies, play gyroscope, ride a bike, play chess, and so on. With my brother's company, I will never be lonely. My neighbors know that we are inseparable brothers! In life, my brother always takes care of me actively. If my schoolbag is too heavy, he will help me carry it. If I have something delicious to eat, he will keep it for me. When someone tries to bully me, he must be the first to stand up. When we are happy, we laugh together; When I was depressed, my brother always stayed by to cheer me up. Especially a while ago, my mother was hospitalized for surgery, and later discharged from hospital for recuperation. During this period, my brother took me to English class and picked me up after class. When he took my hand to cross the road, I felt very warm. If I didn't have my brother, I would not have every bit of happiness in my life!

If there is no brother, I will lose a good example and good teacher in learning; Without my brother, I would lose a good partner who supports each other in life and a suitable playmate in my spare time; If there is no brother, no one to share when happy, no one to talk about when sad, such a day will become lonely and boring! I am very lucky to have such a good brother. I will cherish the time with my brother, and I hope my brother can accompany me forever.

My brother writes a composition (11)

My brother is a model in life and an example in life. From learning to living is a goal of my study.

My brother is a good student in his studies, and he is even more helpful in life. The most important thing in life is selflessness, and the most important thing is to make people feel warm.

My brother's academic performance is the top of the class, and he is a good student in the class. No one can surpass him in the class, and he is a model for the whole class. I always ask my brother what I can't do in my study. My brother is like a teacher when he explains. Yes, he teaches us the most knowledge. My study was not so good. With his brother's careful guidance, I have made a new leap, so that I can have a good result in the whole class. My brother always gives the most help in life, There are two students from poor families in our school. My brother always tries to help them, so that they can learn better and better understand that poverty is temporary, and will be better in the future. With the help of my brother, these two children passed the exam. These two children came back to visit my brother and brought him gifts. My brother was very happy because his efforts were rewarded after all, and after all, let the children embark on this path of schooling. The help of my brother makes us think that such students are good models, models for us to learn, and the best models in life, so that we can learn from him better.

My brother is a model for us to learn from, and a model for us to learn from in life.

My brother writes a composition (12)

In one week, we got to know each other. Maybe we didn't know each other for long and we didn't have deep feelings. Maybe you are my brother and I am my sister. But in this short time, you have known my past. Trust you, have no secrets from you, make the dull day become more and more full, more and more happy. Our communication is only in the identity of brother and sister. You asked me to call you Brother Ding, which is a grievance. How could I easily agree with my stubborn temper? So whenever you coax me into saying that I call you brother, I will tell you shamelessly that when I think you are like a brother, I will call you brother Ding. Whenever this time, my heart will always secretly rejoice: once again overbearing. You are different from other netizens. They just pester me to chat and use me as their tool to pass the time. But you are different. When you chat with you, you often forget the time. Every time you remind me that it is time to eat, go to class, and listen carefully... You said that you would supervise my study like my parents. I admit that you are a good brother and a responsible brother. Do you know? Whenever I call you, my classmates will envy me. They always joke that I don't have such a good brother? At this time, I always show off how good my brother is to me. I habitually log on QQ every day, because I know my brother will always talk to me. You will ask me about my study in class, whether you understand it, what I eat, what the weather is like here, and

Slowly, more and more dependent on you, more afraid of losing, I always ask you, how long will you accompany me? "Forever", "No Forever", "That's far, far..." You said that when I grow up, your task will be completed. Do you know how sad I feel after hearing this sentence? I don't want to grow up. I'm afraid you will leave

When my classmates asked me what my relationship was with you, I smiled without saying anything. When they saw me calling you, they always jokingly said, "Hey, honey?"? I just smile, don't want to tell them you are my brother. I just don't want to admit that you are my brother. I have to be coaxed to accompany me so late every day. I really like you. You said you were afraid that you cheated me, and you said a lot. I suddenly became realistic. Suddenly, I raised my mind to see how unrealistic it is

We dare not take a step forward, even if that is happiness.

If my brother can only be my brother, I would like to stay with him all the time

As you said, you will accompany me for a long time

My brother writes a composition (13)

I have five cousins in total, but I often stay with only two brothers, each of whom has a different personality.

I went back to my aunt's house to live in the summer vacation, sometimes to the old aunt's house, sometimes to the second aunt's house. The two aunts each have a son, and both have been admitted to two different universities - the University of Geosciences and the First Normal University in the past two years. I can only envy their good results.

When my second brother was admitted to college, I was in the second year of junior high school and often went to live with him. He tutored me in my lessons. It seems that he is always learning and doesn't talk much. My mother always said that she would be satisfied if she gave me half of his enthusiasm for learning, so I always envy him.

When other people are around, he doesn't like to talk or talk to me. But when other people are away, he becomes a little more cheerful and will take the initiative to talk to me. It seems that he always does everything perfectly and makes me do everything. He seldom quarrels with me and sometimes feels bored. He always keeps silent and helps me to finish everything silently. I just need to study hard.

"Stop playing and study." He always said to me. And I always learn obediently. It seems that I never pick on him. He always does things perfectly.

My brother Le is my youngest brother, but it's time to go to college this year.

I went to his home this summer because he called me a makeup teacher. In fact, he wanted to practice with me and become a teacher once. But he always could make the topic simple. It seems that there is no problem in the world that he cannot.

He just had a totally different personality from my second brother. It's new for him not to quarrel with me for a day. I will thank God. I can never argue with him. I always look so stupid in front of him. However, when he gave me a lecture, he was very serious. I should not lose my mind, otherwise he would be furious.

He seems to never forgive others, but after getting along for a long time, he will find that he has a sharp tongue and a bean curd heart. Once he didn't cook in the morning and had to go to the breakfast stall to eat. He said he wouldn't take me down, which was embarrassing. I wouldn't go down to eat when I was angry. He said he wouldn't go and I wouldn't bring you up. But later, they brought them to me. Several times it was my turn to wash the dishes for dinner, but I didn't wash them. He always hurt me after washing them, saying I owed him a favor. Sometimes I think, how can I have such a brother, but it's good to have these two brothers

Alas, my two brothers really give me a headache.

My brother writes a composition (14)

In one week, we got to know each other. Maybe we didn't know each other for long and we didn't have deep feelings. Maybe you are my brother and I am my sister. But in this short time, you have known my past. Trust you, have no secrets from you, make the dull day become more and more full, more and more happy. Our communication is only in the identity of brother and sister. You asked me to call you brother Ding. How could I easily agree to the grievance of my stubborn temper? So every time you coax me into saying that I call you brother, I will cheat and say that when I think you are like a brother, I will call you brother Ding. Whenever this time, my heart will always secretly rejoice: once again overbearing. You are different from other netizens. They just pester me to chat and use me as their tool to pass the time. But you are different. When you chat with you, you often forget the time. Every time you remind me that it is time to eat, go to class, and listen carefully... You said that you would supervise my study like my parents. I admit that you are a good brother and a responsible brother. Do you know? Whenever I call you, my classmates will envy me. They always joke that I don't have such a good brother? At this time, I always show off how good my brother is to me. I habitually log on QQ every day, because I know my brother will always talk to me. You will ask me about my study in class, whether you understand it, what I eat, what the weather is like here, and

Slowly, more and more dependent on you, more afraid of losing, I always ask you, how long will you accompany me? "Forever", "No Forever", "That's far, far..." You said that when I grow up, your task will be completed. Do you know how sad I feel after hearing this sentence? I don't want to grow up. I'm afraid you will leave

When my classmates asked me what my relationship was with you, I smiled without saying anything. When they saw me calling you, they always jokingly said, "Hey, honey?"? I just smile, don't want to tell them you are my brother. I just don't want to admit that you are my brother. I have to be coaxed to accompany me so late every day. I really like you. You said that you were afraid that you cheated me, and you said a lot. I suddenly became realistic, and suddenly raised my mind to see how unrealistic, how

We dare not take a step forward, even if that is happiness.

If my brother can only be my brother, I would like to stay with him all the time

As you said, you will accompany me for a long time

My brother writes a composition (15)

I have a brother born to a dragon and a phoenix. We were born on a cold night when it snowed. My name is Han Xue, and my brother's name is Han Lin. It's a good name. My parents hope that we will be the same as our name in the future. No matter how cold the night is, no matter how difficult life is, we will persist in biting our teeth and pass. My brother and I went to high school less than a year ago. My parents died in a car accident. Because it was raining that day, the road was washed away again. My brother and I took a path home. When we got home, it was dark, and the rain stopped. Lights are on in the courtyard, and villagers are crowded outside. My brother held my hand tightly, and we pushed through the crowd. The neighbor's aunt touched her tears and said, "My child, let's see your parents for the last time!" I stood there in tears, and people made their own way. The elder brother rushed in with bloodless face, and then I burst into tears.

The next day, the villagers donated money to bury my parents. I cried all the time that day, but my brother didn't shed a tear. Everyone in the village said that my brother was really "cold" like his name, and pointed at him behind his back. After my parents died, I became dependent on my brother. We live on government subsidies and our own scholarships. My brother and I have been in the same class from grade one to high school. Although my brother's grades are much better than mine, my grades are almost the same as my brother's when I come to the new school. When I was in primary school, my grades were not very good. My brother always forced me to study. He said that he would study hard if he loved him, and that we would never separate in the same class.

In order to make this commitment, my brother forced me to study every day in the sixth grade, and he found many math problems for me to do every day, basically at 10:30, but it was very late for a primary school student. Later, my parents told me that when I finished my homework, my brother would work overtime and stay up late to change it for me. That was a child aged 11 or 12.

Brother is a good student in the eyes of teachers, and his grades are first in grade; He was paralyzed in front of his classmates, and his brother didn't even smile in front of others; I think my brother is a warm man and a little woman; My brother doesn't like to laugh. He only smiles in my face. He doesn't want me to do housework at home, but I insist on doing it with him, so he will be happy when I am happy. A boy in the class pulled my braid on the first day of the junior high school. I screamed with pain. Without saying a word, my brother grabbed a chair and threw it at him. After school, the boy took several boys from other classes to insult me. He said that I was only one meter four meters old when I was 13 years old. He deliberately molested his brother. Before I spoke, the boy had stabbed his brother in the arm. The elder brother was angry and punched and kicked. The boy lived in the hospital for a long time.

Since then, my brother is no longer a good student in the eyes of the teacher, but a bad student who only beats his classmates. I have asked you many times that you don't regret doing that. But when the teacher thinks of you, you say: My brother should protect my sister. You also said that you don't want to be a good student. When the national flag is raised, you are basically writing speeches under the national flag. You have long been bored.

As the college entrance examination is approaching, my brother and I work overtime as usual to get into a good university. After twelve years of hard study, my brother and I were admitted to Tianjin University with the same score. There are two people standing at the gate of Tianjin University, one meter six and one meter eight. Yes, this is my brother and I. My brother and I have a very good relationship. Passers by think that we are lovers. In my eyes, my brother is both father and mother.