A Smile (18 compilations)
Show life with life
2024-02-07 01:54:54
Junior two

One Smile (1)

Time is like a broken movement.

Time goes by and becomes a magnificent imagination.

I suddenly stepped on the accelerator and followed them.

Memory is like things around you.

In an instant.

It disappears in an instant.

My thoughts also danced with me.

I ran into you for a week.

The more you think about it, the less unexpected it is.

Looking at your innocent smile.

What's the trouble.

Throw all into the resource recycling bucket.

Empty once.

Implicit and simple cultivation.

Innocent heart.

A cute tone.

Colorful expressions.

The girl is unique in the world.

I have an appointment with you.

Lead a dog, lead a dog, go to the riverside, eat a bowl of mango ice. Are you too innocent, or am I too stupid? The distance is just a little bit far. I left happiness behind in the crowd. The intersection I once walked through, I stopped and you walked away. Because the sound of flowers, winter, will be far away. Because the footprints of the sun, warm, to the earth. I am waiting for your next smile under the silent night sky.

One Smile (2)

I walked unsteadily to the teacher's office. Before I reached the door, I could smell the unknown atmosphere. I stopped nervously. I didn't have enough confidence that I could survive. Hey, what the hell! I took a deep breath of cold, step by step into the tiger like door.

"Newspaper - report." I tried hard to squeeze the words out of the mouth, but there was no response. I saw a vague figure in the corner of my eye. He was sitting on a large office chair facing me, his face was gloomy, and I could not believe that it was my math teacher. There was no way out. I boldly stepped in and waited for the arrival of the final judgment. Unexpectedly, he said this sentence with a smile. I was at a loss and totally unprepared for the situation. He seemed to be giving me courage. I looked up carefully at his shining glasses. Yes, he was smiling at me, but why did I make a mistake! Anyway, I still feel that the surroundings are much brighter.

He slowly took off his glasses. His eyes were full of kindness and expectation for me. Although his eyes showed a wrinkle, it could not hide his eyes that enriched his wisdom. He leaned forward and stood slowly with his hands on the handrail. He raised his hands and gently patted my forehead, smiled and said, "I hope you can continue to work hard, learn from others, and make yourself better!" Then he sighed deeply and said the last sentence, "Let's go!"

After listening to this, I was stunned for two seconds. After that, I was suddenly enlightened. Real love and trust need no more words. Just a smile is enough.

When I walked out of the office, I told myself that I would do it without you saying!

One Smile (3)

Laugh, there are many ways, laugh, smile, giggle, even laugh, this is laughter. As for me, it's a special case. I can laugh at almost anything, but the only thing I can't do is to "accidentally turn into a giggle" - smile.

I used to laugh and smile in front of the mirror, hoping to show a beautiful smile one day, but I didn't succeed. To my surprise, that little thing made me learn to smile

In the morning, due to my various delays, I was only five minutes away from school. I rushed to the stairs and rushed up without saying anything. When I got to the corner, I heard a sound of "Dong". I bumped into a girl. I felt my sore forehead. Before I could say I was sorry, I saw the test paper falling on the ground. I helped her pick it up immediately. She sorted out the test paper and said to me, "Thank you." "No thanks, I hit you, and I haven't apologized yet!" I said. The morning sun shines through the window and shines on my face. I bow my head and smile. With a cool breeze, my smile melts in the summer

After that, I remembered that I smiled! I learned to smile! I opened my mouth, raised my eyebrows, narrowed my eyes, and smiled a little naive and a little too excited. At this time, I looked at the time, wow! It's eight twenty! I rushed to the classroom and found that the teacher had not come. I felt so lucky.

The cool breeze blew, and the teacher's teaching voice surrounded my ears. This summer, my harvest is to learn to smile from the heart. How about you?

One Smile (4)

She, Juanjuan, has a white face, double eyelids, big eyes, and warped braids. She is very beautiful. But a small expressionless face is so flat and quiet that you can't feel the existence of the child. After class, most of the time is to sit in a seat silently and watch others play quietly. Her facial expression is indifferent, without excitement, and seldom sad. In addition to going to school and doing homework at home, she seldom pays attention to things around her, and rarely attracts the attention of her classmates and teachers. I have been in school for two weeks. When I mentioned her, many teachers still can't remember her clearly.

Since the first day of school, I haven't seen her smile or talk with other children. During recess, the children played games happily. But she either sat quietly in her seat or stood in the corridor watching the students play. Sometimes, when other students invite her to participate in activities, she always looks up slightly at her classmates, and then shakes her head to refuse. She is seldom praised for being advanced, and will never be criticized by teachers.

During the break, I purposely approached her and talked with her. She just looked at you silently without saying a word. Her eyes would never be aligned with yours. From her indifferent face, you could not feel whether she was listening or not. In this way, I communicated with her unilaterally for half a month, but I didn't hear a word from her. Later, after communicating with parents, I learned that when the child was in the kindergarten class, he was severely criticized by the teacher because he said something wrong. Since then, he never spoke again. In addition, his parents were busy at work and were taken care of by his retired grandfather alone. He was afraid that other children would bully her and never let her go downstairs alone. Since then, she has become silent and no longer likes to communicate with children, except her parents and grandfather. In this way, she closed herself and drifted away from the class.

After listening to the parents' introduction, my heart could not be calm for a long time. I must stop her silence. Since communicating with her parents, I have paid close attention to her all the time. I gradually found that her spelling is very beautiful. I took her spelling homework as a model for other students to write Pinyin, praised her every bit of progress in time, and encouraged class leaders and group leaders to make friends with her. After class, I often went to her to chat with her. Sometimes I held her in my arms, stroked her shoulder and whispered to her. At this time, other children looked at her with envy, as if the teacher had some preference for her. At the beginning, she just listened without expression and never said a word. For half a school year, I always told her to listen. At the end of the year, she was able to respond with the simple words of "Hmm, good" or nodded and shook her head. My happiness was sweeter than honey. I began to ask her to smile when you feel happy, to make the teacher happy.

One day in an extracurricular activity, I asked my classmates to play "skipping". The competition between male students and female students began, and she participated in the competition as the representative of female students. Unexpectedly, the physically powerful male students let the physically weak female students compete. The cheers of "How wonderful the female students are! How wonderful Juanjuan is!" shouted at the whole corridor. Looking at the happy spirit of the female students, Juanjuan raised her mouth and smiled, but soon her face was calm again. For the first time in more than a year, I saw Juanjuan's smile. Although the smile is fleeting, I think her smile is so cute and beautiful. I know that with this time, there will be more times. I hope that such a smile often hangs on Juanjuan's face. Sure enough, as time went by, the smile on her face became more and more bright.

Looking at Juanjuan's brilliant smile, I fell into deep thinking: in addition to careful guidance, we should learn to wait for such students. Only when the child's heart is opened, can we truly enter the child's heart and save the child's heart. We should use love to influence students and push them to make progress.

One Smile (5)

Smile is a symbol of spiritual wealth. Having a smile proves your warmth. Your heart is full of sunshine. When you face life with a smile, life will be small to you. I smile every day, because I know the truth that smile is ten years old. However, my happiest smile was that time, that was the first time I was so bright. I remember that time, my mother received a notice that said it was a document sent by the wounded. She wanted my mother to go to Shenzhen for a few months. That was because I was still young and didn't ask my mother what to do. After receiving the notice, my mother ran upstairs to pick up things without saying a word. I also followed her to help, and my mother praised that I was growing up. Early the next day, my mother left in a hurry with her salute. From that day on, I thought about it day by day and looked forward to it night by night. I hoped that my mother would come back early. Every day I stayed at the door and at night when I was going to close the door, I also looked outside. I waited and waited with hope every day.

A few months later, one day, my father said to me happily, "Your mother will be home tonight. After a while, two figures appeared in the distance, one was my father, the other was my mother! I was so happy that I ran to my mother happily. I could not help but call my mother and smile happily. My mother picked me up and our family was reunited.

One Smile (6)

The sky was covered with dark clouds, which made people gasp for breath. The light rain was continuous, and a white curtain opened in the sky. The rain hit my face, cold and cold, just like my heart.

"Hehe", a burst of laughter came from the playground. I was about to bow my head and walk away when a classmate ran up to me and asked, "Do you want to play football?" "No," I said. He seemed to see through my mind and said, "Oh, let's put our minds down and play a game.". Then he smiled at me. Suddenly, another classmate of mine came up to me with a ball in his arms, looked at me and said, "Come on, let's play football." His face was full of smiles.

I don't know when I feel warm in my heart. After I failed in the exam, my classmates gave me the greatest encouragement by smiling. Dark clouds seemed to have been smashed into a big hole. There was a rainbow in this big hole, and that rainbow was smiling at me all the time. The dark clouds in my heart dispersed, and I raised my feet and walked to the court step by step.

"That's right". One student said that he punched me in the chest while talking. "You're going to kill me," I said with a smile. At the beginning of the game, I kicked the ball out first, then I chased the ball and rushed towards the other side's door, killing a passer, but I stopped suddenly and shot at the last goal, and the ball was in. We ran around cheering, and my face slowly overflowed with smiles.

Smile is a key to open the bright world. Smile is a chicken soup for the soul.

One Smile (7)

In life, there will be many choices. Sometimes, the choices will come unexpectedly.
A few days ago, the school selected the members of the team. I am honored to be a member candidate of the brigade. As it is the last election in primary school, I cherish this precious opportunity very much. I carefully filled out the application form, prepared the manuscript needed for the video, and practiced again and again until I was satisfied. He also carefully designed a small pictorial for self introduction, and made a lot of efforts to prepare for the joy of success. But after several days, there was no news. Gradually, I also forgot about it. Until one day in the physical education class, I accidentally saw that the other two candidates in our class were wearing the team member's logo on their arms. The bright red three bars, which stood out in the sun, stabbed me straight.

Obviously, I failed. Looking at my goal, I feel bad

The next day in the class team class, the teacher gave the class cadres a sign of two bars. However, at the thought of the situation in the physical education class, I put the two bar signs into my schoolbag randomly, as if to hide something or escape something. As soon as class was over, the teacher called me to the office. My mind was full of ups and downs, carefully speculating what the teacher would say to me. When she arrived at the office, the teacher said, "Your ability is highly recognized by the teachers. Maybe, sometimes, you should give others some opportunities to try. Wang Tuo in 'The Voice of China', her strength can not be underestimated. Her elimination is a question of people rather than strength, and you are the same. The teacher believes in you, come on!" The teacher said, It makes me feel deeply and understand a lot. Back in the classroom, I found the two bars that I had discarded in a corner from my schoolbag and put them on my arms.

At the morning meeting of the Federation, I gave a sincere applause to the new members of the brigade. When the surprised eyes of my classmates gathered on me, I responded with a brilliant smile. The grass has experienced the hardships of breaking the ground and grows healthily; The butterfly experienced the struggle of breaking the cocoon, flying in the flowers, and the pearl experienced the torture of the clam, showing a dazzling light

When I heard Tagore's famous saying, "There is no trace of birds in the sky, but I have flown over." When I heard that "The First Dream" once again haunted my ears, I thought: even if the member of the brigade has no place for me, I have shown my ability when I was a candidate. One day, I will smile and say: "I am successful, because I have smiled when I failed."

One Smile (8)

No matter how tall a tree is, it will grow old one day; No matter how new things are, they will be eclipsed one day; No matter how strong people are, they will cry one day

Laughing is actually the best expression in one's life.

I still remember that Friday afternoon, because I was upset with my friends, I went out for a walk. When I was sitting on the fitness machine alone and staring at people coming and going, I saw a little girl with a white face and a naive smile. I was deeply attracted by her innocent smile. Maybe I used to love smiling too! She walked up to me, sat on the fitness machine beside me, and asked me happily: "Sister, how old are you?" I was surprised by her naive question, and then the corners of my mouth also rose to answer: "Well, how old are you?" "I'm six years old!" She said crisply. "Oh... I am seven years older than you! Guess how old I am?" "Hmm... You are thirteen years old!" She looked at me hesitantly. "Well, you guessed right, I'm thirteen." After answering, I got up and left.

At the moment when I got up, I smiled and knew what I should do. This time, the smile is from the heart and valuable.

After entering junior high school, we are like standing on a new starting line, facing everything is new. The first monthly exam is to witness my new level after entering junior high school. I made an agreement with my father: if I can get into the top three, he will give me a reward.

For this agreement, I have been working hard since the week before the exam. Every night, I quickly finish my homework, and then begin to review according to the plan I made. The first night, I seemed to be full of blood. After conscientiously reviewing, I began to look forward to tomorrow night. The second night, my confidence dropped by half. It was difficult to review and I didn't look forward to tomorrow. On the third night, I completely lost confidence and thought: Can I get the top three? Others are working hard. Why did I make this bet! However, this is the first time to take the exam. You must do well in the exam. You can no longer be like a primary school. If you fail in the exam, you will find a reason to fill it up. No matter what, we must persist and believe in ourselves. It's not that bad. So, I started to act again and work hard for the agreement.

The exam is over, and I'm looking forward to promulgating the results soon. When I knew that I was in the top three, I smiled, and this smile was also valuable.

Although tall trees will grow old, they make contributions and smile without complaint; Although new things will be eclipsed, but it has made people happy, it has been brilliant, it smiled with satisfaction; Although strong people have cried, but after tears can smile, he is good. Their laughter is valuable!

Laugh, it's not that difficult; Laugh, in fact, not so disgraceful; Laugh, it's not that complicated!

One Smile (9)

Time is like a broken movement.

Time goes by and becomes a magnificent imagination.

I suddenly stepped on the accelerator and followed them.

Memory is like things around you.

In an instant.

It disappears in an instant.

My thoughts also danced with me.

I ran into you for a week.

The more you think about it, the less unexpected it is.

Looking at your innocent smile.

What's the trouble.

Throw all into the resource recycling bucket.

Empty once.

Implicit and simple cultivation.

Innocent heart.

A cute tone.

Colorful expressions.

The girl is unique in the world.

I have an appointment with you.

Lead the dog.

Stroll along the riverside.

Eat a bowl of mango ice.

You are too innocent.

I am too stupid.

That's the distance

Pull away a little bit.

I'm the one in the crowd.

Leave happiness behind.

The intersection that once passed.

I stopped and you left.

Because of the sound of flowers.

In winter, it will be far away.

Because of the footprints of the sun.


To the earth.

I am under the silent night sky.

Waiting for your next smile.

One Smile (10)

Smile is an inspiring horn, a beacon for night lighting, and a key to communication.


In life, you can not be stiff faced every day, always sunny time more. Smile in your hands and feet, in the process of helping others again and again, in your dreams

Who hasn't accepted others' smile?

As a toddler, I seem to be more stupid than other children. When children of the same age walked, I still couldn't stand steadily; When I stood firm and wanted to learn to walk, I always fell down again and again. Whenever this time, my mother always smiles and lifts me up again and again. Looking at her smile, I seemed to understand something. When I didn't need my mother to help me, I learned to walk. Undoubtedly, it was my mother's smile that encouraged me and made me understand that I would never be discouraged.

In a twinkling of an eye, I had grown into a middle school student in my mother's arms. The burden of learning is on my shoulders. I try hard to "shoulder" the responsibility of learning, but it doesn't help. My academic performance is slipping unconsciously. I understand that men should learn early. I try my best to learn from the ancients - head suspended beam, cone stabbed thigh, which is to force myself to learn something; But in class, I couldn't help meeting Duke Zhou for a while. I remember that it was in a Chinese class. The first night there was a lot of homework, so I reviewed until eleven o'clock. The next day at the fourth class, I had a fight between the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid. Listen, I went to the Duke of Zhou. When the teacher came to me, he gently woke me up, the students laughed. I blushed to the root of my neck. The teacher did not criticize me, but gave me a smile and said, "Stand when you are sleepy, and sit when you are sober.". The teacher didn't criticize me. He was kind. I understand the meaning of the teacher's smile. That smile makes me remember for a lifetime, which is the biggest spur and encouragement to me! It is far more effective than shouting angrily. Let me work hard to do better in my future study and life

On holiday, our family went on a trip. Everyone on the train watched their luggage carefully! The carriage was very quiet, only the stewards who occasionally passed by and the passengers who went to the convenience! The atmosphere is so depressing! Sitting opposite me is a boy my age. I can see that he is as upset as I am! But when the eyes meet unintentionally, he gives me a smile, of course, I nod and smile back to him! It was this tiny expression that changed my depressed driving mood. We talked about astronomy, geography, sports literature, excited for the ever-changing motherland, and sighed for the revolutionary ancestors' bloody struggle! So we met late and became bosom friends! So far we are still communicating!

Reading the smile, let me know how to treat life. I know that there are always many disappointments in life. When faced with so many disappointments, you should think about your relatives, your teachers, and your friends. When you encounter difficulties, when you make mistakes, when you are upset and irritated, you will know what to do with the smiles you give to you again and again.

One Smile (11)

The sun shines through the thin clouds on the earth, but it is not as hot as usual, but very soft and warm.

My deskmate is a lively and cheerful little boy. He has two big grape like eyes, a pair of thick and thick eyebrows, a head of black hair, a big nose and a small mouth. If he wants, he can become the class grass of our class, and can be called "boss" in the school Rubik's Cube world. Last semester, he participated in the Rubik's Cube competition on behalf of his class and won the first prize.

Xiao Cai also likes playing basketball very much. He and I often play basketball together. Although we are not on the same team sometimes, we all try our best to grab, pitch, pass and catch the ball.

I remember a time when I, Xiao Tian, Xiao Wang and Xiao Cai went to play basketball together. The other side was very powerful, but Xiao Cai was not afraid. He made a breakthrough with the ball, and a three-step layup made the basketball fly into the box. In the second half, I was the worst player in our team. I always dragged our team back, and the score increased. I hated myself from the bottom of my heart: don't play if you can't play, You have to make a fool of yourself, don't you? How can you treat your team members like this? Xiao Cai seemed to see what I was thinking, walked up to me, smiled at me and said, "Come on!"! That smile is charming and warm. Then he shook his fist and made a gesture of strength to me.

That's wordless encouragement! I immediately felt confident, for the team members, for the victory, for the powerful fist. I tried my best, and Xiao Cai began to play his own strength. I followed Xiao Cai and passed the ball to each other. Finally, I pulled the score back and successfully defeated the other side.

That smile gave me strength and warmth. I remember it.

One Smile (12)

The day before yesterday was Grandma's 60th birthday, but my mother only took me to the gate of the community and said that she had something to deal with first and let me go in by myself. I listened to my mother's words and was at a loss. In the past, my mother accompanied me. I never went in alone, and I walked alone at night. The street lights in this community seem to be working against me. They all seem to be flashing out of order. I always feel a big and tall shadow swaying on the bright and dark road. At this time, I remembered that the evil spirits in the horror film appeared in the dark. The more I thought about it, the more scared I felt.

"Woman, your head can be broken, your blood can flow, and your face can't be lost..." I closed my eyes and stepped out of my right foot as if I were dying. At this time, a dark shadow suddenly appeared before my eyes; Dressed in white clothes with long black hair, the image of Zhen Zi in the TV suddenly appeared in my mind. "Maybe Zhen Zi came to kill me!" I spread my feet and ran forward, only to be tripped by something. I wanted to get up, but my feet were filled with lead, so I couldn't stand up. "Zhenzi, please forgive me..." I prayed silently in my heart. Then I heard, "Son, I'm walking down here. I put the food in the refrigerator. Remember to eat hot when you bring your grandson back later." Ouch! It was the walking aunt who was calling her son.

I stood up angrily from the ground, patted the ashes on my body, and shouted a few words. One wave is not even and another wave is rising. At this time, another shadow appears in front of me. "Don't be afraid, this time it must be someone's little naughty who is playing a prank. There is no ghost in the world. Smile, smile, my mother said that smile can make people brave." I walked forward with such a mind, and the closer I got, the more familiar I felt with this figure, ah! So it's Grandma. I said there must be no ghosts in the world.

After dinner, I played with my cousin for a while. Grandma told me that my mother was waiting for me at the gate of the community. Eh! Isn't mom here just now? Oh, it was premeditated.

Hum! Look down on your daughter. Not to mention Zhen Zi, even if it is black and white impermanence, I am not afraid now, because I have mastered 'the unique skill of ghost prevention is smile. Mother was right. Smiling makes people confident. Smiling in the face, the first night walk is not terrible.

One Smile (13)

I walked unsteadily to the teacher's office. Before I reached the door, I could smell the unknown atmosphere. I stopped nervously. I didn't have enough confidence that I could survive. Hey, what the hell! I took a deep breath of cold, step by step into the tiger like door.

"Newspaper - report." I tried hard to squeeze the words out of the door, but there was no response. I saw a vague figure in the corner of my eye. He was sitting on a large office chair facing me, his face was gloomy, and I could not believe that it was my math teacher. There was no way out. I boldly stepped in and waited for the arrival of the final judgment. Unexpectedly, he said this sentence with a smile. I was at a loss and totally unprepared for the situation. He seemed to be giving me courage. I looked up carefully at his shining glasses. Yes, he was smiling at me, but why did I make a mistake! Anyway, I still feel that the surroundings are much brighter.

He slowly took off his glasses. His eyes were full of kindness and expectation for me. Although his eyes showed a wrinkle, it could not hide his eyes that enriched his wisdom. He leaned forward and stood slowly with his hands on the handrail. He raised his hands and gently patted my forehead, smiled and said, "I hope you can continue to work hard, learn from others, and make yourself better!" Then he sighed deeply and said the last sentence, "Let's go!"

After listening to this, I was stunned for two seconds. After that, I was suddenly enlightened. Real love and trust need no more words. Just a smile is enough.

When I walked out of the office, I told myself that I would do it without you saying!

One Smile (14)

Smile, like ripe pistachios hanging on the branches. A noble smile can not only experience beauty, but also harvest beauty. Once I took the bus, I felt the happiness brought to me by the smiles again and again.

It was a bitterly cold winter, and the sun was so weak that my mother and I waited quietly for the bus on the road where cars were coming and going. Suddenly, a bus came from far away. When the bus stopped, we couldn't wait to get on the bus with the crowd. People on the bus hugged me and squeezed each other. After the bus passed a few stops, the person sitting next to me was about to get off. I took the opportunity to quickly occupy the seat. I shouted happily, "Mom, come here, come here!" Mother smiled and pushed her way from the crowded crowd to me. She held me and sat on the empty seat. Sitting on my mother's lap, I quietly enjoyed the happiness brought by my mother's love. With a sudden turn, my mother gave me a brilliant smile. My mother's smile made me feel better. At that moment, I felt the sky was so clear. My mother and I began to talk happily

The bus stopped and stopped on the road. After a few stops, an old woman with white hair and good spirit came up. She smiled and walked towards the direction where my mother and I sat. My mother pushed me and said to me in a low voice: "* *, come down and give that old woman a seat." I said reluctantly, "Oh..." Then my mother also stood up quickly, smiled and said, "Auntie, come and sit here!" But the old woman said, "No, I'm fine. You see, there are still children. Let her sit down! I don't sit down. "My heart suddenly became ashamed. I only thought of myself, not others. Then I felt that I was so selfish. After listening to her mother, she still smiled and said, "It's OK. She is still young. It's good for her to have more activities! You are old, and the bus is crowded and crowded, so it's not safe to stand." Finally, under her mother's repeated persuasion, she had to sit down happily and said to us repeatedly, "Thank you!".

The car passed a few more stops, and the old woman looked at us standing there all the time, so she said shyly, "Let the child be me. The child is very tired." I was very excited, and quickly said, "Thank you, grandma!" The old woman smiled at me happily, and suddenly the car suddenly braked, and I stumbled backward. At this time, the old woman grabbed my hand tightly, He said, "Niuniu, be careful!" My hand was suddenly held by a cold hand, but my heart was warm. I felt the kindness of an old man and saw a smiling face! I smiled, and so did the old woman. When my mother and I said goodbye to her, she could smile and say, "Slow down!" Her mother smiled and said, "See you next time, auntie!" I also smiled silently, my heart was as sweet as honey

Through this incident, I learned a profound truth: beauty is not only in the appearance, but in the heart. A good heart is the real beauty, just like mother and grandma. I was intoxicated with the smiles on the bus and felt deep love.

I think that in our life, if you treat others with a smile, then you will find that you also enjoy the happiness brought by the smile. Smile is like a picture, like wine, like song, like a book. With a smile, the picture will add a bright color. With a smile, the wine will float an attractive fragrance. With a smile, the song will have a moving melody. With a smile, the book will have a shining theme. Let's all smile more!

One Smile (15)

I will never forget that morning when she smiled kindly at everyone behind the dense fog rising from the hot egg cake. I think this is also a kind of positive energy transmission. Her smile became a flower in the sky of this city.

It was the morning of a cold winter, and the air was dry and cold. I carried my schoolbag on my back and went out of the house. The hot air from my mouth turned into a white fog. The cold wind blew and hurt my face. Unconsciously, I shrank back and stepped up. I thought it would be warm when I got to the classroom. I turned a corner and came to the main road. There were few people in the morning. People walked in twos and threes, most of them were school and work people. Most people are walking with their heads buried, or eating breakfast in their hands, and stamping their feet while eating.

There is a stand selling egg cakes on the side of the street. There are a lot of people around to buy egg cakes, but they all form a long line. Occasionally, some students are beside them and yell loudly, "Auntie, hurry up, I'm going to be late.". Jumping on one side. The aunt always smiles and says in a cheerful tone: "Wait, it will be ready soon, while putting vegetables into plastic bags with quick action.". Only then did I notice the smile on my aunt's face, which never disappeared, giving people a warm feeling. I just didn't have breakfast, so I stood at the end of the line waiting for the freshly baked egg cake. While waiting, I watched the smile on the aunt's face. She smiled at everyone. Why? Is it because many people go to her place to buy cakes? That's why I'm so happy, so I've been laughing? With such questions, I waited at the back of the line. My aunt was very fast. It was clear that there was a long line, and soon I arrived. I handed over the money: "Auntie, I want an egg cake!" "OK." Auntie took the money and put it into the pocket of her apron, then sprinkled oil in the pot, while rolling the cake. I couldn't help asking her, "Auntie, why are you smiling all the time? I think your smile is not just because there are many people coming to buy cakes and your business is good, right, Auntie? Hearing this, the smile on her face widened a bit. She looked up at my face and said," Little girl, I didn't expect you to notice. I'm not laughing because business is good. You guessed it right! " Auntie handed me the baked cake, and then continued to say, "In fact, in the morning, people who come to buy cakes either go to work or go to school. They have a lot of things to do all day long. Getting up early in the morning is mostly annoying. Although I don't know them and they don't understand the smile on my face, it's always a little easier to look at them. We people, at the age of aunt, are mostly supported by our children. It's too hard. I just do my best Yes, just smile. I hope this can help them reduce their troubles. " "But not everyone can notice it," I said. The aunt looked up at the sky and said, "It doesn't matter, someone will always notice it, just like you, little girl, didn't you find it?" So I returned a smile to my aunt, and I seemed to understand something. I turned my head and walked forward for a long time. Finally, I couldn't help looking back. The figure became blurred after a long distance. But I could see that the aunt began to pack up things and was ready to go.

So I turned around and started to run in the direction of the school. The cold wind hit my face like it did at the beginning. It was still very painful, but I gradually became warmer. I could not help but shrink back, not afraid of the cold, but nostalgic for the warmth from the bottom of my heart.

I know that this winter I embrace the smile and sunshine, so I will not fear the cold of winter.

The wind blows and the rain becomes flowers. Time cannot catch up with white horses. Do you still hold the dream words in your young palm tightly? Clouds turn into summer, tears are evaporated by the years. Are any of you, me or her on this road lost?

One Smile (16)

When I was a child, I was very timid. I was always afraid that others would blame me if things went wrong. Therefore, I did not dare to try or say what I thought.

I like to hide myself, and I don't like others to discover the true me, because I have already denied myself. So when others express their opinions, I will only nod my head and agree, for fear of offending others. Gradually, this became a habit of mine. I lived in my own fear and worry, so my life was not happy.

But a chance made me change my mind

"Do you want to be the host?" said the new head teacher with a bright smile standing on the platform. Many students raised their hands one after another, but I held the book in front of me, lowered my head deeply, held the book tightly with both hands, and silently read in my heart: "Don't hit me, don't hit me." But I gradually felt that the head teacher's burning eyes were on me. Sure enough, she slowly walked up to me and asked me with a smile: "Can you? This classmate!" In my panic, I nodded my head. Just wanted to refuse her, but the words of rejection had not yet been said. The teacher immediately said, "OK, it's you!" I had to look helpless. At this time, the students all looked back at me. After all, this was the first time.

The pink flowers outside the window are very bright in the sunshine!

After class, I was so happy that I thought it was because my classmates noticed me, but I was even more afraid because they noticed me! I began to panic, and could only sit on the seat in a daze. The head teacher seemed to see my mind. She went to my side, touched my shoulder, and smiled. The smile was as beautiful as a flower, but also had an indescribable tenderness. At this time, I seemed to be supported by a force, just like the window of my heart was opened in an instant. I began to recite the script carefully, and slowly I began to communicate with my classmates, and began to play. The timid and introverted I gradually disappeared

On that day, I walked to the platform in fear, and faced the microphone, I took a deep breath. Looking at the thousands of audience below, I could not help but become more nervous. When I looked around and was at a loss, I looked at the flowers not far away. Their faces seemed to be filled with smiles, just like the head teacher's smile! I suddenly had the spirit to complete this speech perfectly! The following students applauded for me, and my heart couldn't help getting excited!

I know that since then, the teacher's bright smile like a flower bloomed silently in my heart, making me more brave!

One Smile (17)

She can't smile any more since that sentence. A girl who likes to laugh at ordinary times can't smile any more. I Jiaoli thought of a very good way to make her smile, such as telling jokes, acting sketches... She didn't laugh, but she also cried, because: this sentence means: Jiaojiao is best at English, but this time I did a wrong question in the exercise book, So this time, the score was 60. Suddenly, my mother said something to me, and I said to Jiaojiao: "It doesn't matter if you are careless, even if you are careless, and the score reaches 0, it doesn't matter, only if you can't." Jiaojiao smiled, revealing two dimples.

Grade 4: Jiaoli

One Smile (18)

When night comes, it's quiet, and my tears are smiling like this. Is it good for a person, so good that I forget myself, so good that I can forget the world, so good that every word you hurt me, I will shed tears so consciously, and finally give me doubt. Because I loved you, I didn't ask for anything, but you didn't know. You know what? Almost every word you say can affect me for a long time. I know I have nothing for a long time, only my tears are smiling, but why am I still like that? Maybe it is the power of love's wings. How many distances will make us better, do you know? My mood every day is so hurt, so helpless. I also hope that I can give you my turbulent love like the sea, but I know that you don't want it. I know that feelings can not be forced, but I am disappointed that you did not understand my pain every day.

The past has scattered all over the place. The wind always makes me so careless of your long hair smile. You once asked me whether my hair was long or short and beautiful. I said that you should not cut your hair. Long hair is beautiful. But you know, I represent the wind blowing your long hair. The most beautiful collection in life, perhaps the tears, eyes will always shine. When I finish reading your articles, why do I always cry on my face? Maybe others seem to feel no pain. You know what? Sometimes I feel that even crying is my fault. You know what? In my dream, I dreamed that there was an earthquake on campus. I ran into your dormitory building and kept looking for you. You know what? Every day when I am invisible, I am waiting for you to chat with me happily. I hope you will miss me when you are free, but there is no miracle for you to be invisible online. You know what? I have lost sleep for you so many times. You know what? I really want to hear your voice, but I don't have the courage to hold your phone in my hand.

There are so many perfect love in the world, why don't I even have love. Friend, as your friend, it seems that you don't care so much, or I have done too much more than a friend should care. Tears are only for giving you a smile that turns around. Let the tears run out, and turn around before you can see my most beautiful smile. I know you can't see these articles, but I can feel you see me in the articles. If you stand in my eyes, I will not see the world, so I can only write about you and wish you to find the other half of your heart as soon as possible.

There will be beautiful flowers when you love with your heart, but I know that it will not be you. Sometimes I don't know what to say or do, but I just hope you can live well. I have never been in the love dock, but I am happy as long as I can see your happiness. How should I spend the night tonight? Why do I have such pain every day. Do you know that the words that appear on the screen of your mobile phone make you feel optimistic, make you laugh and help you think about ideas, while the other end of your mobile phone is a blurry caption. No more typing.

The heart and soul are in great pain.

But I know that there is always a time to face, when people say that a story written on paper will have an end, but there is no end in their hearts. Sometimes I would rather not have an end, but life is a reality, many people, many things, once turned around, it is a lifetime.

Forget it, my thoughts will fall into the dust with the rain, and gradually lose in that world.

Forget it, my sadness will fly into the air with the wind, and gradually disappear in that sky.

That's it. I've been to your world. It's good.

You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you are not with me