Composition of Friends and Competitors (19 selected)
Middle aged people are like fallen leaves
2023-08-06 03:40:56
Argumentative paper

Composition of Friends and Competitors (1)

I remember when I was in the fifth grade, the head teacher of our class, Mr. Cheng, arranged an opponent for each of us in order to make our study more active. My opponent is Xiao Ming, who is also my best friend, a good helper in life, and a good helper when I encounter difficulties.

Once, when I was doing exercises in school, I met a difficult problem. I racked my brains, and finally I didn't think of it. Just then I saw my opponent, Xiao Ming, handed the exercise to the teacher. I thought: Damn, he even finished it and got this question right. No, I will lose to him, right? At this time, I raised my spirits again and began to challenge this question. At this moment, Xiao Ming came. I thought: No, he will not laugh at me even this question. But what he did was totally different from what I imagined. Xiao Ming said, "Come on, Xiao Tong, let me teach you how to do this problem?

Xiaoming and I are not only rivals in study, but also good friends and partners in life and study. We help each other. Xiaoming has taken a large part of the credit for my good performance today.

Composition of Friends and Competitors (2)

In the second grade, I met my good friend, Yoko. He is not only my best friend, but also my best opponent.

Let's talk about friends first. Once when I was playing games with my classmates on the playground, when we ran carelessly, we fell to the ground. Without saying a word, Yangzi quickly ran over and said, "Yang Fan, what's wrong? Let me help you up." When he found that my hand was bruised and the pain made me cry, he hurriedly said, "Don't cry, be strong, let's go to the teacher together." I was embarrassed and sobbed. He helped me to find my teacher, who called my mother. My mother came, and I was just about to say "thank you" to him when I found that he had gone quietly. Since then, he and I have become good friends.

Let's talk about opponents. Yangzi studies hard and gets good grades. I remember that he and I got the same score in the second unit exam of the second grade next semester! It's 98%, but I know I'm lucky this time. So I secretly decided to surpass him and defeat him. From then on, I worked very hard and regarded him as the biggest "enemy". I was very happy when I finally overtook him in the third unit exam. After the exam, I kept thinking: Thank you, Yoko. If I didn't have a good opponent like you, I would not have my score today!

Later, we often played, studied, studied and made progress together. Yangzi, I want to say to you: Thank you. I would not be so happy without you as a good friend. I hope we can be good friends for life, let our friendship become deeper and deeper, and climb the peak together on the road of learning.

Composition of Friends and Competitors (3)

Everyone has opponents in life, such as opponents in learning, opponents in dancing, opponents in painting,... I have an opponent in playing zither.

She - a pair of big round eyes embedded in a round face. Often lit, a fire on the forehead on a lot of red beans. She also has a good hand at playing the piano. She is Zhang Shiyu.

She is a pupil in the second grade of primary school.

She and I are both friends and rivals. We both learned level four Guzheng music, so the teacher arranged us to study in the same classroom at the same time. Once, the teacher taught us "busy spinning". The teacher sat on my seat and said, "Today we learn to play" busy spinning ". I will play it again for you. You can beat the time and sing the score with the rhythm of the music I play.

The teacher began to play. My beat is not very good. I always play backwards or wrongly. Alas! No, I have the wrong number. It's upside down! I watched her one by one, but she was able to keep up with the rhythm of the teacher, beating up and down. The teacher stopped playing, taught me to beat the beat correctly several times, and asked me to practice myself several times until it was correct.

I buried my head low, listening to the teacher playing the fast, slow, emotional music... Suddenly, I raised my head and saw her expression of pride and encouragement, I felt ashamed. After class, she came over and said, "You study very hard, why can't you always beat the time well?" "Well, who knows, since I first started learning zither, the time is not very good." I sighed to her.

I made up my mind to practice my beat. So, as soon as I had time, I practiced. Sometimes I felt numb when I clapped, but I kept practicing and playing. At last, my kung fu is worth the effort. After repeated hard practice, I can hardly beat the wrong time. In class a few weeks ago, the teacher said that I played better than her. I was very happy. She seemed a little shy and secretly decided to take me as her opponent. She also passed the last class.

In this way, we are rivals in learning from each other. In the process, we help each other and learn from each other's advantages. We all hope to successfully pass the band four music exam next year.

Composition of Friends and Competitors (4)

In school, our class and Class 6 (1) can be said to be incompatible. Our class leader and Class 6 (1) leader have also become irreconcilable group commanders, and have quarreled for the interests of the class. Look, the "war" has begun again.

On the day when the monitor of Class 6 (1) was on duty, I, the "Commander in Chief of the Group Army", said: "Today our enemy is an inspector, and you must strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school, so that she can not take advantage of it." In the face of a big enemy, "officers and men" dare not neglect. When reading in the morning, the class was full of books. Even Wang Xiaobin, who is usually the most active, sat with his eyes on the books. It's time for lunch break. Usually, this is a good time for students to exert their talents. But today, we can only hear the rustling of writing. The students are all immersed in their homework. The "inspector" made several unannounced inspections and walked away shaking his head. After school in the afternoon, it's time to clean up the "battlefield". The student on duty conscientiously cleaned up, and then went back with the song of "The sunset is the west, the red clouds fly, and the soldiers return to the camp by shooting".

The two class groups confront each other like this. You won't let me, and I won't let you. However, the appearance of the class is changing quietly - the phenomenon of eating snacks is gone, and the bad habit of littering everywhere is gone. The headmaster also praised our two classes at the school meeting.

As graduation approaches, graduation messages are blowing in the campus. The two "Commander in Chief of the Group Army" coincidentally wrote "enemy=friend" on each other's message book.

Yes, if the "rivals" can interact well, supervise each other, and make progress together, wouldn't they be friends?

Composition of Friends and Competitors (5)

Of course, opponents do not necessarily mean enemies. Some also mean friends. I have such a friend. She is not tall or short, her small face is sunken into her big head, and she always keeps a bright smile on her face. Who is she—— Fang Hu Lotian. Fang Hu Lotian is the same as me in every exam, even better than me in the exam, and his homework is also better than me. Once, after handing out the math test paper, Fang Hu Letian and I rushed to the podium together and changed the correction to the teacher. Unexpectedly, she asked me to change it first. I think she must be angry... I took a look at her test paper, huh? It's also 96 points. Like me, we are tied for the second place. She also knew that I had 96 points, but she learned to be modest and use a smile. Read here, you may think she is a quiet girl. Not really? She is very angry. Once, I copied the words twice and went out to play. When she checked my homework, she saw the scrawled words. She immediately found me, picked up my homework book, opened her eyes wide, and shouted, "What kind of homework you are! Take it and rewrite it!" I saw the teacher watching at the corner of the door, so I had to take it and rewrite it. Back in the classroom, I thought: I can't write well, nor can you. So I went to her schoolbag to look through her homework, because she had already played. When I got her exercise book, I walked straight to the office. When I turned to the first page, I was stunned and stopped. Lines of beautiful words immediately appeared in front of me. I had to write it again twice. In this way, she became my friend in life and my rival in study.

Composition of Friends and Competitors (6)

There is no absolute friend in life, but there is eternal friendship.


I just met Huang Zixuan in the first semester of Grade 7.

At the beginning of school, the seats were randomly arranged. The teacher said, "How can you arrange them?" In such a casual arrangement, I was placed at the fifth table and looked around. There were no acquaintances, even strangers. This was really like hell on earth for me, who was so talkative.

The next day is the day for selecting class cadres. After selecting the class leader, the labor committee members and study committee members will be selected.

When the teacher said that anyone wanted to be a study committee member? However, no one raised their hands. The teacher casually called Huang Zixuan to go up. She played on the spot and all the staff passed. The teacher said that as a study committee member, we should work together with our classmates in learning.

The midterm exam came in the twinkling of an eye, and when I saw the results after the exam, I could only look at the middle and upper reaches, and then glance up. Huang Zixuan's score was in the top ten in the class. I think it might be impossible to catch up with her, but I think we should find a person who always ranked in the top ten in the class as the goal, as an example, to learn more from her and strive to be the best.

After the mid-term exam, the school sports meeting that excited all our boys came. Of course, girls are no exception.

Except that I won the first place in shot put because of my strength, I didn't make any contribution, and she won a good place in every project she was good at. Alas, I can't compete in sports. It seems that I really have to work hard.

After several examinations, the gap between her and me has been narrowing until the middle of the seventh grade. After so long of efforts, I finally caught up with him. I felt proud and immediately returned to my true colors. At the end of the second semester of the seventh grade, I returned again, while she still remained in the top ten of the class. Perhaps this is the most perfect interpretation of the retrogression caused by pride.

I can't help but go to cram school. When I asked her if she had attended a cram school, she said no, what was a cram school? I haven't played it yet. After listening to her, I was stunned, so I had to study hard to make up the gap with her. Finally, I got the third best result in the final exam of the eighth semester in my class. With a sigh, I finally passed her.

There are many similarities between her and me.

I love to laugh, and she also likes to laugh. Two people who love to laugh will laugh all the time. Laughing can bring people closer and resolve the embarrassment with others.

I am an optimist, and she is also an optimist. Her optimism lies on the surface, and I am the same. She is almost not worried about anything, because she has been prepared, and I am not prepared. Almost everything is improvised, and what you think is said, is arbitrary.

She is a tomboy. Except that she won't come back to the classroom with sweat and playing ball every day like our boys, there is almost nothing different from our boys. Really, we almost regard her as a man and a brother. Although she is a girl, of course, she doesn't mind this.

There are often some petty fights with her, and no boy dares to provoke her, because she will often "form cliques", "fight in groups", and lie on the ground. If you think she is very bad, I will definitely be the first to stand up against you. She is not very bad, she is very bad. But she is just like a child in some trivial matters, that is, between friends. Today you bully me, and tomorrow I will bully back. But she is always so clear about important things.

There is no absolute opposition between people, but there is a deep friendship.

Composition of Friends and Competitors (7)

Competitors and friends compose

In daily study, work and life, everyone is indifferent to the composition. The composition must focus on the theme and make in-depth exposition around the unified theme. Do not ramble about, lose focus on the theme or even have no theme. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is the composition of the rival and friend of Xiaobian, who helped everyone. For your reference, I hope we can help those in need.

Someone said: "An opponent is the object to be defeated. Try every means to defeat him; the opponent is still a partner of the competition, and we should develop together in the competition; the opponent is also a debater on the forum. If one party loses, the other party will lose its meaning..."

And I firmly believe that the competitor is the competitor. The United States is a major military power in the world. It has many world-class high technologies, but they never give up inheritance and development for this. Americans often predict whether other military powers will surpass them. Therefore, in the competition, they turned the pressure from their rivals into motivation and never interrupted their efforts. Therefore, the American people are always vigilant and release pressure to themselves without interruption.

How important the opponent is!

In our real life, how cruel our competitors are! This is also true in our study. If there is no competitor, we don't have to go back and forth between school and home every day. It is just these that give me endless power to work hard for my dream! Let me improve myself without interruption!

How important the opponent is!

In coastal areas, there are many tropical fish. Eel is one of the delicious and fresh fish. Local fishermen often go to catch the eel in the sea. However, they are often damaged during the transportation, and the eels are also unlucky. But the old fisherman with special experience came up with an idea. As the dog fish is the natural enemy of the eel, the old fisherman transported the dog fish together. Unexpectedly, none of the eels died, and they are still alive. There is no denying that in the time of crisis, opponents always give themselves pressure and motivation. Eel will do everything to protect its life just when it meets its natural enemies.

How important the opponent is!

Thank you, there is no match without hair. Your existence makes me never give up striving and surpassing.

Thank you, the opponent who advances side by side, your presence makes me enthusiastic!

Opponent - my partner, let's go to the other side of knowledge together!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (8)

From childhood to adulthood, we tend to remember only those so-called "friends", but few people will remember those who used to be hostile to us. I have the impression that she is your "enemy". It is because of her that you can grow rapidly.

When I was in primary school, there was a lot of competition in my class, but I managed to win a good place. The students who scored higher or lower seemed far away from me, and I didn't know why. I didn't care too much and shook my head silently.

Until one day, a new student came here, and for some reason, some precious things that I usually ignore have gone away from me - the excellent medal at the end of that semester; The medal of the sports meeting; Full score test paper; The favorite of teachers in all subjects

Finally, when the dance teacher selected the first dance, he gently pointed at the new student. I almost sat on the ground and exclaimed, "Why?!" Maybe I didn't shout out. In the applause of others, no one looked at me with tears soaked in my face.

Before the late repair, or at some other time, the lost 'cold' has frozen my view of time. I didn't change my dancing skirt, and huddled in the corner of the other room of the dance room, shivering: Why? I am so excellent, no one will work harder than me. How much have I paid for this?! The lights of the dance room were still on, the music was still ethereal, they were preparing for the competition, and an idea flashed in their mind: surpass her! The swollen eyes were still leaking tears, and the eyes were hazy, with stiff limbs stretched out according to the feeling

Suddenly, a slender hand held me: "The movement is too slow, so do your right hand..." I opened my eyes in surprise. The dance teacher smiled and whispered to me: "Very good, you come for the first dance, congratulations!". I saw my new classmate smiling slightly. I was not proud of myself, and even made a move that surprised me. I went to hold her hand and silently said, "Come on together."

Friend is the angel who gave me the greatest encouragement when I fell; The opponent is the devil who gives me the most accurate guidance when I get complacent. The devil is terrible, but he gives us nothing different from angels.

I know that although we are hostile, you have been regarded as my friend in my dictionary. The opponent is another kind of friend!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (9)

Since you came to our class, I know you are not a fuel efficient lamp. Your popularity is very good. When you ran for the squadron leader, you won the first place in the number of votes. Later, your promotion almost pushed me down, but I have the feeling that heroes cherish heroes, but I can only keep this sentence in my heart, not let you know.

In the moral class, I listened to the teacher's hypnotic music. The sound of snoring came from the stage. Even though the punctuation of the moral teacher swept thousands of miles, some students could not raise their heads and entered the dreamland.

Hu Xiaodie, how do you answer this question? The character teacher has selected you who is dating Duke Zhou. So you opened your misty eyes and dawdled for a long time before you opened your golden mouth: Teacher, you forgot to take your eyes with you and can't see. It was clear that the glasses were on the corner of the table, so the moral teacher let them go.

My comrade Xiao Hu, your trick to cheat the teacher has already been used by Confucius' students. I'm afraid it's too late for you to use it now! After class, I will laugh at you.

Be careful that I make contributions to you! If you are obsessed, you use professional terms. If a child is not a fish, he will know the joy of the fish. I found an ancient text to stop your mouth. Wrong, I am the Monkey King. I have great power. You are not a fish. How do you know I don't know about you?

When alone, we are rivals; When there are outsiders, we are consistent and friends.

It's time for the exam. When we looked at each other, we all felt the smell of fighting in the air, and the Great Wall was written in our eyes. I walked up to you and gave you a book. Hu Xiaodie, look, remember to pay me back next week. You have a look at the title of the book "Final Review Outline", throw a piece of paper to meet you in the classroom at the staircase this afternoon! I decided to go to the party alone and go to your feast

As a result, I ranked first with you in this exam. You look at me and I look at you. We both laughed from the bottom of our hearts.

We are both friends and competitors.

Composition of Friends and Competitors (10)

The ancients said, "Life is bleak and colorless without rivals." The opponent of Tan Er, Huang Ziqi, is also a friend of Tan Er, but he is willing to compete with him.

I still remember that the sun was shining, and the bird kept singing. Erban welcomes the New Year celebration project - "English Calligraphy Contest for the New Year".

Listen, ha! The students of Erban jumped up and down with joy; Have their excited cheering; He was also a little lost. He took his place and did not move... At this time, he clenched his fist, made up his mind, and swore that he would defeat Huang Ziqi in this competition. If he lost, he would swear not to be a human being!

When the bell rings, I will return to my seat with others and wait for the game to begin. At this time, as soon as our teacher entered, everyone started the race with the speed of thunder. You should take books with your left hand and books with your right hand and put them on the table together. Then you should take your pen and write on the table. The competition is extremely fierce. "Must win, must win!" A voice thundered to his ears. Since then, I have been more careful and serious, and can be described as a diligent bee.

Class over, hand in! You seem to have thousands of horses in your heart, rushing everywhere.

At the end of the second day, my teacher gave awards. "Xia Jing, the first prize!" I was surprised and did not respond. I was really flattered! When receiving the award, his body feels light and soft, like floating clouds; Feathery; It looks like cotton... How wonderful! Huang Ziqi only won the excellent award, and I finally surpassed her once. Suddenly, I felt that I was suddenly enlightened. How wonderful!

friend? opponent? Both of them should be given. You can be happy only when you are rivals; Only your opponents can give you the ceaseless upward spirit!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (11)

The opponent is the opponent, no doubt. They have the same or more talents with us. They compete with us in the same field to catch up and compete for the Central Plains. They are the people who compete with us for the tickets of the cruise ship to reach the other side of success. They are the people who rush with us to the victory end, and they are the people who strive with us to the top of the tower of hope. Sometimes, because of their existence, our already circuitous journey to realize our dreams may be full of more difficulties and obstacles.

What is a friend? Friends are the people who always wait beside us and watch us silently, who always stand out in times of crisis, who share the deep sea with us, who always cheer you up when you are discouraged, who add oil when you are stagnant, and who light the light of your life. Because of their existence, our difficult life journey has become richer, brighter and brighter. It can be said that a friend is a palette, a paintbrush that paints a rainbow in life.

Some people will feel the cold wind when they hear the opponent even in the hot June, and feel the warmth when they see the friend even in the deep winter and December. Opponents and friends seem to be the opposite of each other, but in fact, they are not necessarily friends.

Just ask, friends are the people who make us progress, while opponents are not such people? Yes, they will indeed impose many obstacles on our progress, making us suffer from mental pressure. But from another perspective, it is precisely because of such obstacles and difficulties that we will spare no effort to break through them and surpass them, so as to obtain the happiness of success. At this time, the so-called pressure will become a kind of power? A friend always opens a door for you when your life is at a low ebb, while an opponent will leave you alone in the dark at this time. You can only find a way to the bright in the dark by relying on your own repeated or even bloody collisions. In this sense, a friend is a person who has helped and encouraged you, while an opponent is a person who has helped you - he has taught you to be independent, persistent, and patient, and he can make you "be patient and gain what you cannot".

Life needs friends as well as rivals. Opponents are friends in another sense, because of them, our life will not be missing. There is no opponent. The state of "going to the west tower without words" is a kind of loneliness, is it also a kind of sadness? Enjoy your life, treat your opponent as your opponent and also as your friend. The gloomy journey of life will be lit up at this time!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (12)

During the Spring Festival this year, everyone talked and laughed, preparing for a beautiful and reunited Spring Festival, but I shed tears

It was an article in the "Youth Expo". It was called "Competitor · Friend". I read it with great interest. Can not see do not know, a look but shed tears. The article tells that a little girl named Guo Jia's composition has always been the first, but until the first year of senior high school, a little girl named Ding Lili was better than her in all aspects, so she and Ding Lili began to fight openly and secretly. At the end of the first year of high school, Ding Lili was about to transfer to another school. Then he realized that they were both rivals and friends. They agreed that they would go to the same university and continue to be rivals and friends. When they met again at Beijing Normal University, others thought they were friends, but they answered with one voice: they were rivals!

Opponents and friends are a pair of antonyms, but in some special cases, they are synonyms, but can be used in general. For example, in this article, opponents and friends are synonyms. In fact, every opponent is your friend. When you fight openly and secretly, your opponent is always helping you move forward. When you find that your opponent is stronger than you, you will try your best to catch up. When you exceed her, you will have a great comfort. At the same time, there is an unprecedented sense of pride. But at this time, your opponent is also working hard to prepare for a "life and death struggle". The rivalry between opponents is always like this, never stopped, never ended. The competition between rivals is endless, and there will never be a winner. When you are about to part, you will suddenly find that you are not only rivals, but also good friends. You are the best and best friends in the world. There is also a deep friendship between you. When you look back, you will find that your opponent has given you so much help and made you progress so quickly. When you want to search again, you will only see the footprints of two people one behind the other.

In real life, I also have my rivals, and I also have my friends. There are my friends in the opposite hands, and there are also my rivals in the friends. It is the most meaningful contest to be both an opponent and a friend.

My opponents, my friends, let's work hard together!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (13)

From childhood to adulthood, we tend to remember only those so-called "friends", but few people will remember those who used to be hostile to us. I have the impression that she is your "enemy". It is because of her that you can grow rapidly.

When I was in primary school, there was a lot of competition in my class, but I managed to win a good place. The students who scored higher or lower seemed far away from me, and I didn't know why. I didn't care too much and shook my head silently.

Until one day, a new student came here, and for some reason, some precious things that I usually ignore have gone away from me - the excellent medal at the end of that semester; The medal of the sports meeting; Full score test paper; The favorite of teachers in all subjects

Finally, when the dance teacher selected the first dance, he gently pointed at the new student. I almost sat down on the ground and exclaimed, "Why?!" Maybe I didn't shout out. In the applause of others, no one looked at me with tears on my face.

Before the late repair, or some other time, the lost cold has frozen my view of time. I didn't change my dancing skirt, and huddled in the corner of the other room of the dance room, shivering: Why? I am so excellent, no one will work harder than me. How much have I paid for this?! The lights of the dance room were still on, the music was still ethereal, they were preparing for the competition, and an idea flashed in their mind: surpass her! The swollen eyes were still leaking tears, and the eyes were hazy, with stiff limbs stretched out according to the feeling

Suddenly, a slender hand held me: "The movement is too slow, so do your right hand..." I opened my eyes in surprise. The dance teacher smiled and whispered to me: "Very good, you come for the first dance, congratulations!". I saw my new classmate smiling slightly. I was not proud of myself, and even made a move that surprised me. I went to hold her hand and silently said, "Come on together."

Friend is the angel who gave me the greatest encouragement when I fell; The opponent is the devil who gives me the most accurate guidance when I get complacent. The devil is terrible, but he gives us nothing different from angels.

I know that although we are hostile, you have been regarded as my friend in my dictionary. The opponent is another kind of friend!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (14)

During the Spring Festival this year, everyone talked and laughed, preparing for a beautiful and reunited Spring Festival, but I shed tears

It was an article in the "Youth Expo". It was called "Competitor · Friend". I read it with great interest. Can not see do not know, a look but shed tears. The article is about a girl named Guo Jia. The little girl's composition has always been the first, but until the first year of senior high school, a little girl named Ding Lili was better than her in all aspects, so she and Ding Lili began to fight openly and secretly. At the end of the first year of high school, Ding Lili was about to transfer to another school. Then he realized that they were both rivals and friends. They agreed that they would go to the same university and continue to be rivals and friends. When they met again at Beijing Normal University, others thought they were friends, but they answered with one voice: they were rivals!

Opponents and friends are a pair of antonyms, but in some special cases, they are synonyms, but can be used in general. For example, in this article, opponents and friends are synonyms. In fact, every opponent is your friend. When you fight openly and secretly, your opponent is always helping you move forward. When you find that your opponent is stronger than you, you will try your best to catch up. When you exceed her, you will have a great comfort. At the same time, there is an unprecedented sense of pride. But at this time, your opponent is also working hard to prepare for a "life and death struggle". The rivalry between opponents is always like this, never stopped, never ended. The competition between rivals is endless, and there will never be a winner. When you are about to part, you will suddenly find that you are not only rivals, but also good friends. You are the best and best friends in the world. There is also a deep friendship between you. When you look back, you will find that your opponent has given you so much help and made you progress so quickly. When you want to search again, you will only see the footprints of two people one in front of the other.

In real life, I also have my rivals, and I also have my friends. There are my friends in the opposite hands, and there are also my rivals in the friends. It is the most meaningful contest to be both an opponent and a friend.

My opponents, my friends, let's work hard together!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (15)

"Opponent" is a word we are all familiar with. I have a very special opponent, whose nickname is "Wen Blind". We are opponents on the court, but we are friends off the court.

Blind Wen is my friend's nickname. In fact, his original name is "Wenbo". It's only because he always smiles all day long and his eyes always seem to be closed, so everyone gives him such a good name. He is very humorous and is a real comedian in our class. As long as he is in our class, he must be happy. However, in my life, he has always been my strong opponent.

Once, we had a midterm exam. Before the exam, the old man slightly provocatively comforted me and said, "It's OK, it's just the exam, isn't it? If you don't do well in the exam, don't lose heart. Take your time!" When I heard this sentence, I felt very uncomfortable and thought, "Why does he always feel better than me? Hum, I must surpass him!"

So, when I was taking the exam, I worked hard on every question. I was afraid that I had written a wrong question or forgot to write it. But when you look at my opponent, he is lying on the table leisurely, and creatively folded the paper into the shape of a cigarette, and put it in his mouth to pretend to smoke and pack boss! From time to time, the corners of his mouth also showed a few smug smiles!

After the exam, the old man smiled and said to me, "I'm sure I'll surpass you this time!" I was very unconvinced, so I bet him one yuan. In the end, my grades surpassed him, and what about him? But I hide from him every day.

Through this competition, I understand that there are many rivals in life, but they are not difficult to surpass. Only you are your biggest opponent. If you surpass yourself, you will be successful!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (16)

If an animal has no rivals, it will lose its vitality!

If a person has no competitors, he will lose the power to move forward!

If a group has no competitors, it will not reach the peak of the mountain!

As long as we have opponents and goals, we will strive for higher goals! On the running field, with the encouragement of powerful opponents, we have more strength to rush to the first place. In learning, only when you have rivals can you gain motivation and achieve ideal results. Therefore, we would like to thank them:

At home, my mother often asked me to help her do some housework, washing dishes, sweeping the floor, but I always reluctantly accept, or make excuses.

Mom will say: "You see, your class's -- x (he) is not only good at learning, but also good at housework. You should learn from him!" I calm down, why am I inferior to him? Since then, I began to work consciously, because I know that I will do better than him if I work hard!

Therefore, I will not only compete with him in labor, but also in study! Of course, in school, we didn't have any conflicts. I admire him even more, and I have the motivation to work harder!

You see, it is very helpful to listen to others' opinions and learn from each other!

Do you think cooperation is important or competition is important? I think neither can be lacking. In cooperation, we learn how to cooperate. With one more competitor, we have greater motivation to make progress. When we have one more cooperative friend, we will learn to learn from each other to make up for our shortcomings, so that our knowledge will be richer. So we should remember one sentence: "The science of competition requires cooperation, and there is competition in cooperation!"

Don't you owe thanks to your opponents and friends?

Composition of Friends and Competitors (17)

Comments: The people who really know you are your opponents in addition to your friends. So pay attention to your opponent. Because he forces you to strengthen your own ability, thank your opponent, because he makes you grow better. Once an opponent turns into a friend, he will have precious friendship. Liu Xiang and Alan are the best examples.

Composition of Friends and Competitors (18)

Opponent is also a friend 600 words Composition 1

Sweet and Sour Friendship is both an opponent and a friend

In early summer, everything is no longer happy and free. The sun in the sky scorched the earth so hot that no bird could be heard. It seems that everything has been solidified by the sun.

"Xier, wait, you misunderstood me, I didn't mean that." Chu Xiaohan loudly defended while chasing a girl. Obviously, that person is Xi Er.

Xi'er has been fighting back tears to prevent it from falling down. She didn't answer Xiao Han, but ran desperately to the open grassland opposite the teaching building.

"Xier, Xier!"

In Xiaohan's shouts, Xi'er's tears finally fall down. "No, you are right. You will always be the first, and I will always be worse than you. How can I get into college like me? Maybe I don't deserve to enter this famous high school, I don't deserve it. I don't deserve it. Do you understand?" Xier sobbed, and she cried with her arms folded, looking even more sad under the cruel sun.

"Xier, you..."

"Me? What's wrong with me? Oh! By the way, I'm worse than you. Is that right?" Xi Er stopped crying, but laughed at herself.

Xiaohan's eyes were no longer full of hope, and gradually faded, and she squatted down slowly. The two girls had been squatting there without talking. The silence just now came back, and time was frozen again.

After this lasted for a while, it seemed that something suddenly occurred to Xiao Han. She suddenly stood up, shook Xier vigorously, and said, "Xier, have you forgotten our agreement? Didn't you say that we should work together to enter Tsinghua University? Xier Xier!"

Xier looked up at Xiao Han and thought for a while.

Seeing that Xier didn't immediately let her confidence belong to her, Xiao Han continued: "Xier, this is not the college entrance exam. Although it is a mock exam, you have won more than ten places this time, which doesn't mean that you can't do well in the college entrance exam. We still have to compete! We also need to be good friends!"

Xier regained her original confidence. She stood up and said firmly, "Hmm! Work together! It's both an opponent and a friend!"

The two girls held hands together again, and their backs and laughter looked very beautiful and beautiful under the red glow of the setting sun

Opponent is also a friend 600 words Composition 2

Opponents and friends

On Sunday morning, I competed in the 200 meter medley. I am very sure of winning the top three of the group, because there is a girl named Weiwei in our swimming team; The level of other people is probably not as good as mine.

There was a girl named Liang Hanfang in our group who beat me in the 50 meter butterfly. This time, in order to be prepared, she asked everywhere, "Are you strong or not?" "Are you fast?".

Liang Hanfang asked us, "Do you know Wu Yiting?" I glanced at the girl next to Weiwei, wrinkled my nose slightly in the direction of Weiwei, and suggested to Liang Hanfang that the girl next to Weiwei was Wu Yiting. Unfortunately, Hanfang didn't see it. Her words must be heard by Wu Yiting. Sure enough, Yi Ting hid her head behind Wei Wei as soon as she heard them. At this time, Hanfang felt embarrassed and funny - why is it so difficult to understand something?

When it was time for us to play, I heard the whistle and jumped out. My main event is butterfly, so I have a slight advantage in the first 50 meters. Unfortunately, backstroke is my weakness. At the beginning, I was tied with Liang Hanfang for the first place in the group and fell behind to the fourth place in the group. Although my breaststroke and freestyle are both good, I will continue to rush forward with such advantages! However, the fourth place in the group has been irretrievable - the time of 3:28 has been frozen.

"There is no reason in the world! When I was training, my fastest speed was 3:15 seconds, which was 13 seconds slower. Thirteen seconds was enough for me to swim 17 meters! It's unreasonable! Even Wu Yiting is faster than me!" I shouted angrily on the court.

Alas, forget it. There are always victories and failures in the game. The most important thing is to participate in it. Besides, I have also gained. Besides, I know several girls. Although we are rivals in the game, we are friends off the court!

Opponent is also a friend 600 words Composition 3

Opponents are also friends

From childhood to adulthood, we tend to remember only those so-called "friends", but few people will remember those who used to be hostile to us. I have the impression that she is your "enemy". It is because of her that you can grow rapidly.

When I was in primary school, there was a lot of competition in my class, but I managed to win a good place. The students who scored higher or lower seemed far away from me, and I didn't know why. I didn't care too much and shook my head silently.

Until one day, a new student came here, and for some reason, some precious things that I usually ignore have gone away from me - the excellent medal at the end of that semester; The medal of the sports meeting; Full score test paper; The favorite of teachers in all subjects

Finally, when the dance teacher selected the first dance, he gently pointed at the new student. I almost sat down on the ground and exclaimed, "Why?!" Maybe I didn't shout out. In the applause of others, no one looked at me with tears on my face.

Before the late repair, or some other time, the lost cold has frozen my view of time. I didn't change my dancing skirt, and huddled in the corner of the other room of the dance room, shivering: Why? I am so excellent, no one will work harder than me. How much have I paid for this?! The lights of the dance room were still on, the music was still ethereal, they were preparing for the competition, and an idea flashed in their mind: surpass her! The swollen eyes were still leaking tears, and the eyes were hazy, with stiff limbs stretched out according to the feeling

Suddenly, a slender hand held me: "The movement is too slow, so do your right hand..." I opened my eyes in surprise. The dance teacher smiled and whispered to me: "Very good, you come for the first dance, congratulations!". I saw my new classmate smiling slightly. I was not proud of myself, and even made a move that surprised me. I went to hold her hand and silently said, "Come on together."

Friend is the angel who gave me the greatest encouragement when I fell; The opponent is the devil who gives me the most accurate guidance when I get complacent. The devil is terrible, but he gives us nothing different from angels.

I know that although we are hostile, you have been regarded as my friend in my dictionary. The opponent is another kind of friend!

Composition of Friends and Competitors (19)

Opponent is also a friend 600 words Composition 1

Sweet and Sour Friendship is both an opponent and a friend

In early summer, everything is no longer happy and free. The sun in the sky scorched the earth so hot that no bird could be heard. It seems that everything has been solidified by the sun.

"Xier, wait, you misunderstood me, I didn't mean that." Chu Xiaohan loudly defended while chasing a girl. Obviously, that person is Xi Er.

Xi'er has been fighting back tears to prevent it from falling down. She didn't answer Xiao Han, but ran desperately to the open grassland opposite the teaching building.

"Xier, Xier!"

In Xiaohan's shouts, Xi'er's tears finally fall down. "No, you are right. You will always be the first, and I will always be worse than you. How can I get into college like me? Maybe I don't deserve to enter this famous high school, I don't deserve it. I don't deserve it. Do you understand?" Xier sobbed, and she cried with her arms folded, looking even more sad under the cruel sun.

"Xier, you..."

"Me? What's wrong with me? Oh! By the way, I'm worse than you. Is that right?" Xi Er stopped crying, but laughed at herself.

Xiaohan's eyes were no longer full of hope, and gradually faded, and she squatted down slowly. The two girls had been squatting there without talking. The silence just now came back, and time was frozen again.

After this lasted for a while, it seemed that something suddenly occurred to Xiao Han. She suddenly stood up, shook Xier vigorously, and said, "Xier, have you forgotten our agreement? Didn't you say that we should work together to enter Tsinghua University? Xier Xier!"

Xier looked up at Xiao Han and thought for a while.

Seeing that Xier didn't immediately let her confidence belong to her, Xiao Han continued: "Xier, this is not the college entrance exam. Although it is a mock exam, you have won more than ten places this time, which doesn't mean that you can't do well in the college entrance exam. We still have to compete! We also need to be good friends!"

Xier regained her original confidence. She stood up and said firmly, "Hmm! Work together! It's both an opponent and a friend!"

The two girls held hands together again, and their backs and laughter looked very beautiful and beautiful under the red glow of the setting sun

Opponent is also a friend 600 words Composition 2

Opponents and friends

On Sunday morning, I competed in the 200 meter medley. I am very sure of winning the top three of the group, because there is a girl named Weiwei in our swimming team; The level of other people is probably not as good as mine.

There was a girl named Liang Hanfang in our group who beat me in the 50 meter butterfly. This time, in order to be prepared, she asked everywhere, "Are you strong or not?" "Are you fast?".

Liang Hanfang asked us, "Do you know Wu Yiting?" I glanced at the girl next to Weiwei, wrinkled my nose slightly in the direction of Weiwei, and suggested to Liang Hanfang that the girl next to Weiwei was Wu Yiting. Unfortunately, Hanfang didn't see it. Her words must be heard by Wu Yiting. Sure enough, Yi Ting hid her head behind Wei Wei as soon as she heard them. At this time, Hanfang felt embarrassed and funny - why is it so difficult to understand something?

When it was time for us to play, I heard the whistle and jumped out. My main event is butterfly, so I have a slight advantage in the first 50 meters. Unfortunately, backstroke is my weakness. At the beginning, I was tied with Liang Hanfang for the first place in the group and fell behind to the fourth place in the group. Although my breaststroke and freestyle are both good, I will continue to rush forward with such advantages! However, the fourth place in the group has been irretrievable - the time of 3:28 has been frozen.

"There is no reason in the world! When I was training, my fastest speed was 3:15 seconds, which was 13 seconds slower. Thirteen seconds was enough for me to swim 17 meters! It's unreasonable! Even Wu Yiting is faster than me!" I shouted angrily on the court.

Alas, forget it. There are always victories and failures in the game. The most important thing is to participate in it. Besides, I have also gained. Besides, I know several girls. Although we are rivals in the game, we are friends off the court!

Opponent is also a friend 600 words Composition 3

Opponents are also friends

From childhood to adulthood, we tend to remember only those so-called "friends", but few people will remember those who used to be hostile to us. I have the impression that she is your "enemy". It is because of her that you can grow rapidly.

When I was in primary school, there was a lot of competition in my class, but I managed to win a good place. The students who scored higher or lower seemed far away from me, and I didn't know why. I didn't care too much and shook my head silently.

Until one day, a new student came here, and for some reason, some precious things that I usually ignore have gone away from me - the excellent medal at the end of that semester; The medal of the sports meeting; Full score test paper; The favorite of teachers in all subjects

Finally, when the dance teacher selected the first dance, he gently pointed at the new student. I almost sat on the ground and exclaimed, "Why?!" Maybe I didn't shout out. In the applause of others, no one looked at me with tears soaked in my face.

Before the late repair, or some other time, the lost cold has frozen my view of time. I didn't change my dancing skirt, and huddled in the corner of the other room of the dance room, shivering: Why? I am so excellent, no one will work harder than me. How much have I paid for this?! The lights of the dance room were still on, the music was still ethereal, they were preparing for the competition, and an idea flashed in their mind: surpass her! The swollen eyes were still leaking tears, and the eyes were hazy, with stiff limbs stretched out according to the feeling

Suddenly, a slender hand held me: "The movement is too slow, so do your right hand..." I opened my eyes in surprise. The dance teacher smiled and whispered to me: "Very good, you come for the first dance, congratulations!". I saw my new classmate smiling slightly. I was not proud of myself, and even made a move that surprised me. I went to hold her hand and silently said, "Come on together."

Friend is the angel who gave me the greatest encouragement when I fell; The opponent is the devil who gives me the most accurate guidance when I get complacent. The devil is terrible, but he gives us nothing different from angels.

I know that although we are hostile, you have been regarded as my friend in my dictionary. The opponent is another kind of friend!