How to examine questions (5 articles)
2024-02-18 07:26:52

How to examine questions (1)

In classroom teaching, if you just blindly explain knowledge, teach students to know numbers and learn to calculate, students' attention will soon be distracted, especially the first grade students, who are usually lively and interested in games. The following editor has sorted out how to improve students' ability to examine mathematical problems. I hope it will be helpful to you!

Understand the topic and clarify the relationship

In the teaching of problem evaluation, students' real understanding of mathematical language and common sense of life in the topic must be the key point of training, so that students can understand the meaning of every word, word and sentence in the word problem. Reading a question requires students to carefully consider the mathematical language in the question on the basis of familiarity, understand common sense of life, clarify the relationship between the front and the back, straighten out the number of related, analyze the relationship between conditions and the relationship between conditions and problems, and then learn to find effective information and accurately understand the meaning of the question. First of all, students must correctly understand the mathematical terms in the questions. For example, mathematical terms such as "more than", "less than", "multiple", "average", etc., if students do not understand these terms correctly, they will not be able to straighten out the relationship between the related quantities, thus hindering the establishment of the correct quantitative relationship. Therefore, the key sentences of the quantitative relationship revealed by the mathematical terms in the question should guide students to think over and over again when reading the question, understand its true meaning, and pave the way for correct problem solving.

In addition, in ordinary teaching, when encountering questions of "more than", "less than", "how many times is...?", "how many times is...", and "how many times is...", the teacher asks students to change these key sentences into sequential and inverse narrative ways once. Through the exchange of mathematical languages, the difficulty of understanding the questions can be reduced, At the same time, it can enrich students' mathematical language and their ability to use mathematical language flexibly. When talking about the meaning of "average score", the teacher should demonstrate while explaining, and then let the students demonstrate and state the meaning of average score by themselves. So that students can learn to straighten out the relationship between conditions when reading problems, and improve the ability to solve problems. Secondly, when reading the questions smoothly, teachers are also required to infiltrate common sense of life in the process of guiding students to examine the questions. If language is the link between various conditions in word problems, the lack of common sense of life can be said to be a hindrance to solving problems. Therefore, in our teaching of word problems, teachers cannot ignore the timely guidance of students' common sense of life.

Contact life and choose strategies

To correctly understand the meaning of the topic, it is also necessary to make a correct and comprehensive observation of the topic. Psychology believes that the process of observation is always accompanied by thinking activities. In mathematics teaching, to improve students' ability to examine problems, teachers must also consciously guide students to learn to observe, cultivate students' ability to observe, and then improve students' ability to examine problems. First of all, students are required to know what is said in the question through reading the question, be able to enter the situation, further analyze the plot of the word problem, and be able to repeat the meaning of the question in simple language in order, and be able to relate to the reality of life. For example, in the addition and subtraction of decimals, there are shopping word problems. Teachers can stimulate students and relate to the reality of life, Find out the relationship between the amount of money needed to buy something, the amount of money you take, and the amount of money the salesperson gets back. This kind of practical problems will be solved easily. Try to make mathematics live and let students realize that there is mathematics everywhere in life. So as to improve the enthusiasm of learning mathematics.

Teachers should teach students to read the questions, read the sentences, make clear the meaning of the questions, use the existing mathematical knowledge, and strive to explore from different angles through different ways to finally solve the problems correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to go through strict and lasting training to train and improve their ability to examine problems. Lay a good foundation for future study. The cultivation of ability to examine problems is very important for students to learn mathematics well. The cultivation of this ability needs a process, and teachers need to practice and explore constantly in teaching.


Create a situation and attract people

The wonderful beginning of class can not only focus students' attention quickly, but also stimulate their interest in learning. Therefore, according to the content of the textbook and the psychological and age characteristics of the students, I created a situation for the students at the beginning of the class, brought them into the situation, made them curious and curious, and made them quickly enter the best learning state. For example, when I teach "the knowledge of 11~20 numbers", I introduce the new lesson as follows:

Teacher: Children, the New Year is coming. Shall we go to the supermarket to buy some stationery to prepare for the garden tour? Eh! What are these? (The courseware shows the pencils, pens, knives, and books that were originally packaged in the mall.) How did they be placed? Guide the students to observe and find that these items are placed in packages, and the quantity in each package is the same, 10. Teacher: (Showing the shopping list) Now, according to the requirements on these shopping lists, let's buy 14 pencils first. If you are a container aunt, you need to take out 14 pencils quickly and correctly. How will you take them The activity continues. We will buy 18 pens, 16 erasers, 15 books and 20 knives. How will you take them? (The students are all full of interest.)

Organize Math Games

In classroom teaching, if you just blindly explain knowledge, teach students to know numbers and learn to calculate, students' attention will soon be distracted, especially the first grade students, who are usually lively and interested in games. Therefore, the introduction of games into the classroom and teaching in games can enable students to master mathematical knowledge in relaxed and happy learning activities. For example, when teaching the "practice class of subtracting a few from a dozen", I first prepared two sets of cards in different colors. One set was written with 14-8, 12-5, 12-4, 16-9, 15-8, 11-3, 14-9, 13-6, 13-8 and other formula cards; Write a set of 5, 6, 7, 8 and other digital cards to start the "Find Friends" game. At the beginning of the game, the teacher first designated a student holding a digital card to the platform, for example, 5. The student held the card and asked the class: "5, where is your friend, Then they asked the students: "Are we right?" The whole class answered: "Yes, yes, yes!" Then they applauded warmly. Through such a game, students can consolidate the calculation method of "want to add, calculate and subtract", not only can correctly and quickly calculate the regressive subtraction of a dozen or less, but also enjoy the fun of learning mathematics.

Let students operate and acquire knowledge

Operation is the main way for students to acquire knowledge and one of the effective means of teaching. Action and thinking are inseparable, especially the first grade students are curious, active and willing to imitate. For example, when teaching "how much to compare", I asked students to take out six small circles and seven triangles to put them on a pendulum. When comparing who is more and who is less, I asked students to put the circles and triangles one by one, and discuss in groups how you judge who is more and who is less. In this way, students can intuitively see that there are fewer small circles and more triangles, and also realize that the number of more can be divided into two parts, one part is the same, and the other part is more. Such an intuitive and visual teaching is conducive to students' mastery of knowledge.

Activate knowledge accumulation and promote independent inquiry

The new curriculum concept tells us that any learning is an active construction process. Instead of passively accepting external information and simply transmitting and copying book knowledge, learners actively pay attention to and selectively perceive external information according to previous knowledge structure to construct current learning content. The new curriculum standard points out that "mathematics teaching activities must be based on students' cognitive development level and existing knowledge." In order to learn new knowledge, there must be a certain amount of knowledge accumulation, but having previous knowledge does not necessarily mean that you can learn and learn new knowledge well.

For example, when teaching the derivation of the formula for calculating the area of a circle, first let the students recall how the formula for calculating the plane figure learned before was obtained? Think about whether the circle can also be transformed into the figure learned before to derive the formula for calculating the circle area? Then let the students explore independently in groups and cooperate with each other; Finally, the evaluation is unified, and the thinking methods of each group are supplemented and improved. In the whole activity process, teachers activate students' knowledge accumulation, and naturally use previous experience to carry out a real cognitive process in the face of new problems. They personally experience the contrast and change process of previous and previous experiences, and their hearts are deeply shocked to feel the real changes and gains. Therefore, the new curriculum reform requires our teachers to actively guide students to carry out independent inquiry learning, strive to cultivate students' ability to find, explore and solve problems by relying on existing knowledge reserves, learn to independently acquire new knowledge from learned knowledge, gain new experience and generate new creation.

Enrich emotional experience and form a positive attitude

In classroom learning, if you lack emotional participation, you will not feel emotional charm. Learning without emotional experience is incomplete and lacks soul and vitality. Mathematics teaching activities should be the source of love and curiosity. The learning of every mathematical concept and the analysis of formulas, rules and quantitative relations in mathematics teaching can only cultivate students' self-confidence in learning mathematics and form a positive attitude when they experience the pleasure of success when they consciously participate in the teaching process.

In the mathematics classroom, students should learn to form appropriate emotional states according to their own wishes, and use the accuracy of mathematical logic, the certainty of mathematical concepts and conclusions, and reasoning rules to make them consciously follow the law of thinking, standardize the form of thinking, regulate the intensity of their emotions and emotions, and protect healthy and appropriate emotional states into mathematics classroom activities. Mathematical knowledge needs to be mastered through a certain amount of training, and mathematical thinking quality and mathematical ability also need to be cultivated through a certain amount of training. However, teachers should pay special attention to accurately grasp the timing and form of training, and pay attention to science, hierarchy and artistry.

1. The habit of listening carefully

Listening is the first door to receive information in class. If the gate is unblocked, the information input will be smooth; If this door is blocked, information input will be blocked. Therefore, listening ability is the primary factor determining the amount of information received. In class, I asked students to listen attentively, mainly by positive guidance. When I saw that students listened carefully, I would praise them timely. For example, "Wang Gang listens carefully, and some children should learn from him." When seeing some students who do not listen carefully, teachers can use their eyes to hint. The first grade students are very simple and like to be praised, so the effect of positive guidance will be better.

Because of their special age characteristics, the first grade students' thinking is more vivid. In specific teaching, I pay attention to the diversity and intuitiveness of teaching forms, try to use teaching wall charts, teaching aids, etc. to attract students' attention, and practice in a variety of games, so that students are not easily "distracted" in class, and put all their energy into learning. Over time, it is easy to form a good habit of listening carefully in class.

2. The habit of positive thinking

Mathematics is "thinking". It is impossible to learn mathematics well without active thinking. In the specific teaching process, I do not simply "teach" knowledge, but help students to do and think about knowledge through guidance. For example, when learning "the division and combination of 10", on the basis of reviewing the bedding, ask: "How many can 10 be divided into?" Guide students to think while painting abacus, so as to draw their own conclusions. It is better to ask more "why" than to tell students directly "it is like this".

3. The habit of speaking boldly

Speaking requires students to express their own thinking process in the form of words. To transform internal knowledge into external language, they must express clearly so that others can understand. Therefore, their internal thinking must be clear, so speaking can exercise students' thinking and expression ability. I try to create more opportunities for students to speak in class, and pay attention to the accuracy and preciseness of students' expressions. However, the opportunities for students to speak in one class are limited after all. Some students couldn't help themselves and said, "Teacher, why don't you call me?" I explained to the children: "In one class, the teacher can't make all the children in the class rise up to answer questions, but the children who dare to raise their hands are brave children who love learning. The teacher can't call you in this class, and the teacher will try to call you in the future. If you don't have time to tell the teacher what you think in class, you can tell the teacher after class. " As a result, some students who did not have time to answer questions in class would come to me after class to say their ideas, and timely praise still satisfied them. In addition, I also pay attention to the use of "peer to peer", "group discussion" and other forms to give students more opportunities to express their views.

How to improve students' ability to examine mathematical problems is related to:

How to examine questions (2)

The next day, the first mate woke up, saw the logbook written by the captain and made a strong protest, saying that if the record was not explained, his future would be ruined, because it would make people think that he often drank too much, but in fact, he had never been drunk before.

However, the captain was unmoved and insisted that all the records in the logbook were facts, so they could not be changed.

The next week, it was the chief mate's turn to record the logbook. On the last day of the week, he wrote the following sentence: "The captain was not drunk today." Do you know the meaning of this story?

[Password interpretation]

Examining the topic is the first important link that determines the success or failure of a composition. In the exam, only when you examine the questions correctly can you get basic scores; Otherwise, no matter how good the basic skills of writing are, they will be ruined. From proposition composition to general material composition to today's topic composition, the difficulty of topic review should be reduced step by step. In particular, topic composition provides a stage for students to show their talents freely with the openness of its proposition. However, the examination of questions should not be ignored. Inappropriate examination of the topic, deviation from the topic, or even starting a new career without the constraint of "topic" are all taboos of topic composition. It is precisely because of the lack of understanding of this point that many students made mistakes in writing, leaving deep regret.

We should pay close attention to the following points when examining the topic:

1. Comprehensively grasp topic materials. If the current topic composition provides us with a vast prairie where we can gallop freely, the first element of examining the topic is to comprehensively grasp the center of the materials and find out the reins to control the galloping of horses in the materials. In this way, we can accurately understand the intention of the proposition, find the common ground and intersection between the material and the topic composition, and examine the material from a certain height. When writing, we can grasp the center of the material and will not ignore one thing and lose another. For example, there is a question:

Some people say that it doesn't matter what you have, never get sick; It doesn't matter if there is nothing. Don't be without money. Some people also say that money is not everything, without money is absolutely impossible. Please write an article on the topic of "I see money".

After we get such a topic, if we write without thinking, it is easy to talk about the role of money. Maybe there is money worship, which is contrary to the intention of the proponent. The materials tell us that money certainly has a great role, but these two "some people say" are incorrect, is there any deviation? This requires us to further analyze the materials and grasp the proposition center of composition from the overall height of materials. These two "some people say" overestimate the role of money. It is inconvenient to have no money, but is money the only living condition for people? This statement represents many people's misunderstanding of money. The proposition intention of this topic composition is obviously that we should fully affirm the role of money, but also clarify the correct attitude towards money, that is, we should pursue money legally, use money correctly, and let money bring happiness to ourselves, family and society. This is to comprehensively grasp the materials, so that the article can gallop within a reasonable range, without dissociating from the proposition.

2. Carefully analyze topic materials. The correct choice of composition entry point comes from the scientific analysis of topic composition materials. If we want to write an excellent composition, we must scientifically analyze the composition materials before conceiving. It should be said that a composition question for the senior high school entrance examination condenses a lot of painstaking efforts of the proposition experts. Every sentence and word in the material has many profound connotations. If we turn a blind eye, or skim, it is difficult to grasp the center of the article, and it is very difficult to find the right entry point. Please look at the following composition question:

"Attention everywhere is knowledge". If you pay attention everywhere in life, observe carefully, and think hard, you can gain a lot of knowledge. Please take this as a topic and write an article based on your own reality.

If we want to have a good grasp of the center of the article, we must carefully analyze this material. The materials tell us that learning knowledge is not only from books, but also from life. The learning of this knowledge is "everywhere, wide range and large quantity", which gives examinees a wide space for materials, as if they can write anything. In fact, there are several elements in this material that must be carefully analyzed: "everywhere" is only the first requirement and prompt for the scope of appearance, and there is also "be careful" and careful observation below, that is to say, the material appearing in the composition must come from your own "conscientious observation" in your life. If it is hearsay, from the book, you can't write good articles. There is also the following "Be diligent in thinking". If you write about things without thinking and thinking deeply about the learning process, you will not be able to reflect the process deeply. In other words, your development grade may not be obtained. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the materials and analyze this link.

3. Carefully study the composition requirements. After the above two review links, do not think that you have completed the review task. Many students have good writing skills and selected good materials. Even if they did not write as required, the results were also regrettable.

Now the writing requirements are very broad, and the style can be freely selected. But it does not mean there is no requirement! Because the composition in the examination room is "dancing with shackles" after all. If you choose the genre of narrative, you must write according to the requirements of narrative. If you choose argumentation, you must have arguments, arguments, arguments, images and artistic conception in writing poetry, and sharp conflicts in writing drama. Therefore, when we review the topic, we should carefully study and see the composition requirements, give full play to our own advantages, and pay attention to the strengths and avoid weaknesses, so that we can write a masterpiece that best reflects our writing level.

As long as students can consciously follow the above three steps, I believe you will write a masterpiece that fully meets the requirements of the topic.

[Teach you a move]

How to review questions quickly

Topic composition "desalinization of topic" provides us with a free stage to show our talents. However, "desalinization of topic review" should be more serious and should not be trusted. Because, the one-sided understanding of the "three self policy" of topic composition and the "free play" of examinees can easily lead to off topic, off topic and other errors. So, how to quickly examine the topic in a short time?

1. Attach importance to the connotation of the concept. The topic sometimes appears in the form of a concept, such as "integrity", "appreciation", "choice", etc. Concepts all have specific connotations. Ignoring the connotation of a concept may lead to a problem. For example, when writing on the topic of "hot", the prompt has listed examples of "Internet craze", "work craze", "stock craze", etc., which refers to a social phenomenon, "hot" cannot be understood as "enthusiasm", "enthusiasm", etc. If the connotation is misunderstood, the composition will go astray at the beginning.

2. Pay attention to the direction of the background language. The background language is often a situation deliberately created by the proponent. Different background languages lead to different thinking trends. Only by examining the thinking direction of the background language can we ensure the connection between the thinking mode in writing and the internal context of the article. Please look at the following material: philosophy in life, always with, everything contains, everywhere appear. Adversity produces talents, but prosperity does not produce talents? If we stick to the principle of "walking square", we can abandon the strategy of "walking round" with lubrication function? In life, there are too many philosophies that need us to think about: virtue and talent, pain and happiness, beauty and ugliness, ignorance and wisdom, honor and disgrace... Please write an article on the topic of "philosophy of life". Reading the background language, we will find that the "philosophy" that we are required to write should be contradictory.

3. Pay attention to the hints of prompts. Topic composition is open and has restrictions, which mostly appear in prompts. For example, there is such a material:

People always have to deal with books in their life. In the process of contact with books, there must be some stories, and then the society will have some thoughts of its own. Please write an article based on your interaction with the book or your thinking about the book.

The prompt contains rich information. The hidden restrictions of "your interaction with the book" include at least: (1) you should write your own, not others'; (2) To write the process, it is better to write it in prose or narration. The information revealed by "thinking about books" includes: (1) to write the perception and experience of books, as well as the enlightenment and teaching of books to "me"; (2) Stylistically, it is better to write essays, essays or argumentations. With the above thinking, we can ensure that there are no major mistakes in the examination.

The examination of the composition for the senior high school entrance examination is a very important part. No matter how high the writing level is, the examination of the composition is not correct and deviates from the requirements, and no high score can be obtained. Accurately grasp the central requirements, carefully examine the topic, once the examination is over, the idea will be easy.

How to examine questions (3)

The next day, the first mate woke up, saw the logbook written by the captain and made a strong protest, saying that if the record was not explained, his future would be ruined, because it would make people think that he often drank too much, but in fact, he had never been drunk before.

However, the captain was unmoved and insisted that all the records in the logbook were facts, so they could not be changed.

The next week, it was the chief mate's turn to record the logbook. On the last day of the week, he wrote the following sentence: "The captain was not drunk today." Do you know the meaning of this story?

[Password interpretation]

Examining the topic is the first important link that determines the success or failure of a composition. In the exam, only when you examine the questions correctly can you get basic scores; Otherwise, no matter how good the basic skills of writing are, they will be ruined. From proposition composition to general material composition to today's topic composition, the difficulty of topic review should be reduced step by step. In particular, topic composition provides a stage for students to show their talents freely with the openness of its proposition. However, the examination of questions should not be ignored. Inappropriate examination of the topic, deviation from the topic, or even starting a new career without the constraint of "topic" are all taboos of topic composition. It is precisely because of the lack of understanding of this point that many students made mistakes in writing, leaving deep regret.

We should pay close attention to the following points when examining the topic:

1. Comprehensively grasp topic materials. If the current topic composition provides us with a vast prairie where we can gallop freely, the first element of examining the topic is to comprehensively grasp the center of the materials and find out the reins to control the galloping of horses in the materials. In this way, we can accurately understand the intention of the proposition, find the common ground and intersection between the material and the topic composition, and examine the material from a certain height. When writing, we can grasp the center of the material and will not ignore one thing and lose another. For example, there is a question:

Some people say that it doesn't matter what you have, never get sick; It doesn't matter if there is nothing. Don't be without money. Some people also say that money is not everything, without money is absolutely impossible. Please write an article on the topic of "I see money".

After we get such a topic, if we write without thinking, it is easy to talk about the role of money. Maybe there is money worship, which is contrary to the intention of the proponent. The materials tell us that money certainly has a great role, but these two "some people say" are incorrect, is there any deviation? This requires us to further analyze the materials and grasp the proposition center of composition from the overall height of materials. These two "some people say" overestimate the role of money. It is inconvenient to have no money, but is money the only living condition for people? This statement represents many people's misunderstanding of money. The proposition intention of this topic composition is obviously that we should fully affirm the role of money, but also clarify the correct attitude towards money, that is, we should pursue money legally, use money correctly, and let money bring happiness to ourselves, family and society. This is to comprehensively grasp the materials, so that the article can gallop within a reasonable range, without dissociating from the proposition.

2. Carefully analyze topic materials. The correct choice of composition entry point comes from the scientific analysis of topic composition materials. If we want to write an excellent composition, we must scientifically 'analyze the composition materials before conceiving. It should be said that a composition question for the senior high school entrance examination condenses a lot of painstaking efforts of the proposition experts. Every sentence and word in the material has many profound connotations. If we turn a blind eye, or skim, it is difficult to grasp the center of the article, and it is very difficult to find the right entry point. Please look at the following composition question:

"Attention everywhere is knowledge". If you pay attention everywhere in life, observe carefully, and think hard, you can gain a lot of knowledge. Please take this as a topic and write an article based on your own reality.

If we want to have a good grasp of the center of the article, we must carefully analyze this material. The materials tell us that learning knowledge is not only from books, but also from life. The learning of this knowledge is "everywhere, wide range and large quantity", which gives examinees a wide space for materials, as if they can write anything. In fact, there are several elements in this material that must be carefully analyzed: "everywhere" is only the first requirement and prompt for the scope of appearance, and there is also "be careful" and careful observation below, that is to say, the material appearing in the composition must come from your own "conscientious observation" in your life. If it is hearsay, from the book, you can't write good articles. There is also the following "Be diligent in thinking". If you write about things without thinking and thinking deeply about the learning process, you will not be able to reflect the process deeply. In other words, your development grade may not be obtained. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the materials and analyze this link.

3. Carefully study the composition requirements. After the above two review links, do not think that you have completed the review task. Many students have good writing skills and selected good materials. Even if they did not write as required, the results were also regrettable.

Now the writing requirements are very broad, and the style can be freely selected. But it does not mean there is no requirement! Because the composition in the examination room is "dancing with shackles" after all. If you choose the genre of narrative, you must write according to the requirements of narrative. If you choose argumentation, you must have arguments, arguments, arguments, images and artistic conception in writing poetry, and sharp conflicts in writing drama. Therefore, when we review the topic, we should carefully study and see the composition requirements, give full play to our own advantages, and pay attention to the strengths and avoid weaknesses, so that we can write a masterpiece that best reflects our writing level.

As long as students can consciously follow the above three steps, I believe you will write a masterpiece that fully meets the requirements of the topic.

[Teach you a move]

How to review questions quickly

Topic composition "desalinization of topic" provides us with a free stage to show our talents. However, "desalinization of topic review" should be more serious and should not be trusted. Because, the one-sided understanding of the "three self policy" of topic composition and the "free play" of examinees can easily lead to off topic, off topic and other errors. So, how to quickly examine the topic in a short time?

1. Attach importance to the connotation of the concept. The topic sometimes appears in the form of a concept, such as "integrity", "appreciation", "choice", etc. Concepts all have specific connotations. Ignoring the connotation of a concept may lead to a problem. For example, when writing on the topic of "hot", the prompt has listed examples of "Internet craze", "work craze", "stock craze", etc., which refers to a social phenomenon, "hot" cannot be understood as "enthusiasm", "enthusiasm", etc. If the connotation is misunderstood, the composition will go astray at the beginning.

2. Pay attention to the direction of the background language. The background language is often a situation deliberately created by the proponent. Different background languages lead to different thinking trends. Only by examining the thinking direction of the background language can we ensure the connection between the thinking mode in writing and the internal context of the article. Please look at the following material: philosophy in life, always with, everything contains, everywhere appear. Adversity produces talents, but prosperity does not produce talents? If we stick to the principle of "walking square", we can abandon the strategy of "walking round" with lubrication function? In life, there are too many philosophies that need us to think about: virtue and talent, pain and happiness, beauty and ugliness, ignorance and wisdom, honor and disgrace... Please write an article on the topic of "philosophy of life". Reading the background language, we will find that the "philosophy" that we are required to write should be contradictory.

3. Pay attention to the hints of prompts. Topic composition is open and has restrictions, which mostly appear in prompts. For example, there is such a material:

People always have to deal with books in their life. In the process of contact with books, there must be some stories, and then the society will have some thoughts of its own. Please write an article based on your interaction with the book or your thinking about the book.

The prompt contains rich information. The hidden restrictions of "your interaction with the book" include at least: (1) you should write your own, not others'; (2) To write the process, it is better to write it in prose or narration. The information revealed by "thinking about books" includes: (1) to write the perception and experience of books, as well as the enlightenment and teaching of books to "me"; (2) Stylistically, it is better to write essays, essays or argumentations. With the above thinking, we can ensure that there are no major mistakes in the examination.

The examination of the composition for the senior high school entrance examination is a very important part. No matter how high the writing level is, the examination of the composition is not correct and deviates from the requirements. Accurately grasp the central requirements, carefully examine the topic, once the examination is over, the idea will be easy.

How to examine questions (4)

1. Accuracy

That is to say, it is required to read and understand each part of the topic in accordance with the meaning of the topic, and write as required without bias or omission. Accuracy is the lifeblood of problem evaluation. For example, "Vision", although it is not difficult to examine the topic, there are still quite a few students who are inaccurate, biased or even off topic. Some only write their own good wishes, which is regarded as barely in line with the theme; Some only write their understanding of the word "vision", which is considered inappropriate. These situations are due to the uncertainty of the connotation of "vision". Vision refers to the desired prospect, which represents an expectation, an ideal and a vision for the future. This expectation can be personal, collective, national, national or social, but it must be beautiful and happy. But relatively speaking, writing your own "vision" is easier to show your personality. In terms of expression, it is better to combine narration, argumentation and lyricism. The description of "vision" in the text should be as vivid and touching as possible. How to realize the "vision" should be expressed concretely and realistically, otherwise it will become empty and flashy. The "vision" gives us the impetus to move forward, so that we will not be afraid of obstacles and become more and more brave. After the wind and rain, we will still stand proudly. When writing, we can focus on expressing the value orientation and social significance of the vision, and can also focus on recording the unremitting efforts to achieve the vision. Such reading and understanding will lead our thinking to the deep thinking of ourselves and society. In this way, the examination of the topic and the idea are accurate.

2. Comprehensive

That is to say, it is required to carefully ponder, speculate and analyze the meaning of each word and word and their relationship in the topic or the material, prompt, writing requirements, etc. in the topic, and then synthesize them to grasp the writing scope and key points prompted by the topic, and grasp the content of the topic as a whole. For example, "I want to hold your hand", the "you" in the title can be the relatives and friends, old and new knowledge in real life, or the great masters, great scholars and national heroes in history; "Hand" can refer to either real or virtual, that is, thoughts, feelings, spiritual qualities, etc; "Holding" means going to each other, approaching each other, paying attention to each other, and warming each other; "Thinking" indicates that "shaking hands" is just a yearning emotion, and the inner tendency does not really happen. At the same time, "I" also limits that the subject of seeing, hearing, feeling and understanding must be the author himself. Therefore, "I" must exist everywhere in the writing. "I want to hold your hand" is full of warmth and hope. If we ignore any of the words when we review the topic, it may lead to irrelevant words, so we must review the topic comprehensively.

The basic grading standard of composition in the examination room requires that the content of the question be consistent with the meaning of the question. Conforming to the meaning of the topic means understanding the meaning of the topic accurately, comprehensively and quickly, writing in strict accordance with the implicit or explicit requirements of the topic, and meeting the requirements set by the topic in terms of genre, material selection, center, emotion, expression, etc.

1. Accuracy

That is to say, it is required to read and understand each part of the topic in accordance with the meaning of the topic, and write as required without bias or omission. Accuracy is the lifeblood of problem evaluation. For example, "Vision", although it is not difficult to examine the topic, there are still quite a few students who are inaccurate, biased or even off topic. Some only write their own good wishes, which is regarded as barely in line with the theme; Some only write their understanding of the word "vision", which is considered inappropriate. These situations are due to the uncertainty of the connotation of "vision". Vision refers to the desired prospect, which represents an expectation, an ideal and a vision for the future. This expectation can be personal, collective, national, national or social, but it must be beautiful and happy. But relatively speaking, writing your own "vision" is easier to show your personality. In terms of expression, it is better to combine narration, argumentation and lyricism. The description of "vision" in the text should be as vivid and touching as possible. How to realize the "vision" should be expressed concretely and realistically, otherwise it will become empty and flashy. The "vision" gives us the impetus to move forward, so that we will not be afraid of obstacles and become more and more brave. After the wind and rain, we will still stand proudly. When writing, we can focus on expressing the value orientation and social significance of the vision, and can also focus on recording the unremitting efforts to achieve the vision. Such reading and understanding will lead our thinking to the deep thinking of ourselves and society. In this way, the examination of the topic and the idea are accurate.

2. Comprehensive

That is to say, it is required to carefully ponder, speculate and analyze the meaning of each word and word and their relationship in the topic or the material, prompt, writing requirements, etc. in the topic, and then synthesize them to grasp the writing scope and key points prompted by the topic, and grasp the content of the topic as a whole. For example, "I want to hold your hand", the "you" in the title can be the relatives and friends, old and new knowledge in real life, or the great masters, great scholars and national heroes in history; "Hand" can refer to either real or virtual, that is, thoughts, feelings, spiritual qualities, etc; "Holding" means going to each other, approaching each other, paying attention to each other, and warming each other; "Thinking" indicates that "shaking hands" is just a yearning emotion, and the inner tendency does not really happen. At the same time, "I" also limits that the subject of seeing, hearing, feeling and understanding must be the author himself. Therefore, "I" must exist everywhere in the writing. "I want to hold your hand" is full of warmth and hope. If we ignore any of the words when we review the topic, it may lead to irrelevant words, so we must review the topic comprehensively.

Type of examination

The proposition forms of composition are nothing more than propositional composition, semi propositional composition, material composition, topic composition and comprehensive composition (that is, material plus topic or material plus proposition, semi propositional composition). No matter what type of question, the requirements for examination are the same, but the angle of entry is different.

Propositional composition Propositional composition is to write an article according to the specified topic. In propositional composition, the topic is an important basis for selecting materials and determining the theme To fully understand the meaning of the question. Identify the requirements of the topic, and grasp the writing scope and key points suggested by the topic. For example, "Reading grows with me", the title requires changes and improvements in reading. If you only write about reading and not about growth, you will not be interested. (2) To identify the subtle meaning of the topic, grasp the center of writing. For example, "listening" should emphasize the process of listening and the inner feelings after hearing a certain voice. When writing, we must pay attention to the process, details, feelings and objects, because what we listen to is just an introduction, and the feelings caused by listening are the most important. Therefore, it is pertinent to show these feelings concretely, appreciably and perceptibly. In addition, "listening" is also related to acting and receiving. If someone listens to "I", it will become "I" talking, and it will not be relevant. (3) Choose a genre that suits the requirements of the topic. Some topics clearly express the requirements for the genre. For example, if there are words like "remember" and "thing" at the beginning and end of the topic, or if the requirements indicate the writing of a process or someone's deeds, it is suitable to write narrative articles. If there are words such as "talking", "discussing", "saying" and "discussing" at the beginning and end of the title, or if the requirements indicate the views on a certain event, a certain person, a certain problem, or a certain phenomenon, it is suitable to write argumentative articles.

Half proposition composition Half proposition composition refers to a composition in which only half or part of the composition topics appear, and the other half or part is supplemented by the examinee himself. The biggest feature of this type of question is that half or part of the right to set the question is in the hands of the author, and there is greater freedom in selecting materials. From the perspective of form, semi proposition composition is composed of text part and blank filling part. Some questions have a prompt at present, and there are specific requirements behind. We need to add the topic after making clear the meaning of the prompt. The supplementary essay is to change a semi proposition composition into a proposition composition. We should make full use of the characteristics of free material selection in semi propositional composition and fill in the content that we think is easier to write. For example, "Be kind to ____________ (relatives, life, oneself...)". From the existing text of this topic, "Be kind to" means to treat well. The objects of "Be kind to" can be relatives, life, oneself, or people, things, spirits, qualities, etc. that you think should be treated well. You can choose the words provided or choose another word. In a word, you should choose the content that you think is easy to write and has something to write to fill in the horizontal line within the scope of the topic requirements. It is worth noting that some examinees will fill in some negative content without showing their healthy and upward mentality, which naturally reduces the grade of composition. For example, "the taste of __________", some examinees filled in words such as "playing mahjong", "smoking", "drinking" and "committing suicide", which made the examinees gape and confused. Therefore, we should not fill in negative and extreme content due to temporary emotional impulse, or for novelty, but should fill in healthy content that is positive and reflects the style and features of youth.

If you write a good essay, it will become a proposition composition. You need to review the completed essay according to the requirements of the proposition composition, and judge the person, genre, focus and scope of materials. The selected materials should be carefully screened, and the most representative ones should be selected to express the theme of the article with appropriate techniques of expression and vivid language. For example, "______________, touched my heart". The world is full of colors. Anyone who makes you feel and deeply inspired can be included in the topic. It focuses on the growth of students' minds and the touch of their thoughts. If we can mobilize our life accumulation and emotional experience and find the right entrance, we can write good works. However, many examinees failed to grasp the key word "touch" in the essay, and only knew that the story would be over after the story was told. Although there were life stories, they lacked emotional touch and rational thinking. Many examinees will not dig out materials that can really move people's hearts from their ordinary lives. The clich é s such as delivering umbrellas in the rain, seeing a doctor late at night, and giving up seats on the bus are still everywhere, and there are also many obviously fabricated and disorderly compositions such as incurable serious diseases, broken families, and people dying.

How to examine questions (5)

The Method of Examining Questions in Narrative Writing of College Entrance Examination

1. Adjudicative style

Is it narrative style or argumentative style? Or the prose of interlocution? Or something else?

2. Scope of review

Time limit, character limit, event limit, space limit, subject limit; Limitations on function, construction, usage, etc

3. Audit content

What to write from what aspects

4. Trial relation

According to the relationships between concepts, such as being positive, parallel, causal, progressive, or inclusive, the logical relationship between the focus and content of the article can be established.

5. Sketching method

Pay attention to the prompts in the question stem, such as "connecting with reality", "using metaphor", "expanding imagination", "using multiple expressions", "rewriting", "continuation", etc. Determine the corresponding writing method.

Narrative of College Entrance Examination Composition 1: Fire Heading for Spring

What the wild horse yearns for is to run in the field and think for a moment. There is a vast grassland larger than the field; What the fish yearn for is to swim in the babbling brook and think for a moment. There is a boundless ocean bigger than the brook; What the eagle yearns for in his heart is to fly in the beautiful blue sky and think for a moment. What is bigger than the blue sky is to think for a moment in the boundless universe. There is a boundless spiritual world behind the appearance of things, which will be the starting point of your life train.

If we are good at thinking, many inconspicuous things in life may be a new starting point of our life. Dalton discovered color blindness with his habit of thinking, which made up a big gap in medical theory. Japanese businessman Ando Baifu saw the long line in front of the ramen stand, thought for a moment and felt the opportunity to start a new industry. A accidental mistake made by the French scientist Jolie led him to develop a new dry cleaning agent, which reformed the traditional laundry technology, thus making his life's train to light.

There are many such examples in life, so we should be good at thinking. Isn't the famous "broken vase theory" discovered after an accidental mistake? Jacob Boer, a famous Danish physicist, once accidentally broke a vase in an experiment. He intended to keep these fragments in the garbage heap with his hands. However, when he weighed these large and small fragments with a balance, he found a strange phenomenon: the mass of the larger fragment is 16 times that of the larger fragment, and the mass of the larger fragment is 16 times that of the smaller fragment, Later, he used this theory to restore meteorites and other unknown objects, which brought unexpected gains to archaeology and astrology. Doesn't the "broken vase theory" also mean that garbage may contain great treasure?

If we are good at finding and thinking in life, we may become great people, but the premise is that we must conscientiously and carefully analyze what happens in our life.

If we listen carefully to our world, the mundane and complicated sounds may also be a song. Fish swim freely under the water, leaving a lively voice, birds fly across the sky, leaving a beautiful voice, and soldiers rush to the battlefield, leaving a victory voice. This song exists in the ordinary world we live in.

Being good at thinking should not only exist on the stage of learning, but also should fly to every corner of the world like a bird with wings, so that the world is full of thinking everywhere and thinking everywhere.

There are many thorns on the road of life. If we take the sword of thinking, our life will be wonderful. Let our flower of life blossom and bear fruit in the tree soil of life, forming growth rings. Thinking is a ticket for the spring train.

Narrative of College Entrance Examination Composition 2: Three Realms of Reading

In the world of life, we should always contact the outside world. Reading is the main channel.

There are several kinds of reading, and most people's reading is recreational reading. The purpose of this kind of reading is to pass time. To put it more elegantly, it is to prevent time from passing in vain. Browse the web, browse the newspaper, watch TV, learn about some hot news, collect some celebrity gossip, inquire about where there are strange people and strange things, and see how many tigers have been investigated... It is very pleasant and proud to watch while having fun, and then swing with like-minded people.

The reading of leisure people is generally like this, and the reading of many office workers can also be classified into this category. We young students are sometimes willing to do these recreational reading. In order to relax and adjust some boring study life. In my opinion, "pastime" is a neutral word, which can even be classified as commendatory in a sense. After all, having fun means having something to trust, which is much better than doing nothing and having nothing to do.

The second level of reading is what I call rechargeable reading. This kind of reading has obvious realistic "utilitarianism", and it is quite meaningful to sell all the books now and to study hard temporarily. Take me as an example. It's time to hand in comprehensive research assignments. Then I search online for relevant materials, including cost books, magazines, and relevant papers. Then I burn the midnight oil, scan quickly, screen the ores I need, smelt and purify them, and finally form my own products. This kind of reading is efficient and impressive. Every little makes a mickle. I feel more and more things in my brain and have more and more taste. For the purpose of myopia, the effect is long-lasting. In fact, such reading is the step of our growth.

It is said that most adults, especially office workers, have some kind of "utilitarianism" in their reading. This is not a bad thing. The key is to transform these information reasonably, and do not copy mechanically. Otherwise, this kind of reading will become opium, and the side effects will not be ordinary.

The highest level of reading is spiritual reading, or spiritual reading. This kind of reading is completely personal interest. The process of reading is also the process of cultivating body and mind and cultivating sentiment. It is said that such a person will forget the existence of the world when watching the classic film and television works, and will be happy and sad with the fate of the people in the play; When I read a favorite literary masterpiece, I often like Mr. Wu Liu's saying, "Every time I understand something, I will gladly forget to eat". Unfortunately, I haven't reached this level yet, but I will work hard in this direction.

Lu Xun said that we should read all kinds of books, even if they have nothing to do with our own business. Rousseau emphasized that we should not read too much, but think more. The question of what books to read and how to read them is stated. If you know this clearly, you will reach the great realm if you practice it.

Narrative of College Entrance Examination Composition 3: Backward and Backward

People are born to aspire to excellence. If you are content with the status quo, do not want to make progress, and remain muddleheaded all day long, then how high your starting point is, how bad you will fall. In the same way, if you don't have a superior family background and rich family background, you should work harder. Don't let others leave you far behind, because you will be beaten if you fall behind.

Look at Japan, why is it always so arrogant? Has it always been so arrogant? Because it is a small island country, but it has become the world's third largest economy after the United States and China. But it was not always so arrogant. At that time, Japan was also knocked open by the American armored ship and signed a series of unequal humiliating treaties, because Japan was too weak and backward at that time. Look again, China was once the hegemon of the East, but it was trampled by the great powers because it closed its doors and sought happiness. Because then China was too weak and backward. Now, with the improvement of comprehensive national strength, the world position is becoming more and more important, so no one dares to underestimate us anymore. All this shows that backwardness means being beaten, while strength means being respected.

As a student, learning is naturally our first priority at present. Achievements are also becoming increasingly important. Because good grades mean external praise - teachers' appreciation, parents' praise and students' admiration. But brilliant achievements require sweat and effort.

Learning is like sailing against the current. If you are satisfied with your current achievements, you will fall back again and again, and eventually be left behind by others. Backwardness will be beaten. "Being beaten" is not only the external force, but also your own pressure.

Some people will work hard after being beaten. Even if their original achievements are not outstanding, such people will gradually improve after their efforts and will be praised by the outside world. Some people will abandon themselves and never recover.

But there is only one chance in life. Don't make the choice to regret.

Are you really willing to be inferior to others?

Whether it is competition between countries or academic competition. If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Don't hesitate, don't stop, let's hurry forward!