600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (10 in general)
Peach Blossom Cheongsam
2023-08-27 02:48:33

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (1)

That blooming gardenia, in the storm under the wind and rain, but after the wind and rain, there are strands of faint fragrance-- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In fact, God is very fair. Although he gives too much suffering to someone, on the other hand, he makes you gain a lot from suffering.

When I think back to that incident, I think it was really a challenge in my growth.

I lost the election -- I prepared for three weeks to run for captain. Maybe God thought I didn't work hard enough, and finally gave me two devil like words --- elimination. It was like a bolt from the blue, hitting me hard!

The weather is my mood. Just now, the sky was still sunny, and suddenly it was dark, and the rain was splashing wantonly. I can't stand it. I run on the path with a small umbrella just to vent.

Suddenly, my pace slowed down, and a little girl attracted me. She is about 8 years old, wearing a bright red scarf, running on the road. She seemed to be in a hurry and ran unsteadily. She fell down accidentally. I thought she would cry and wait for my help. But I was totally wrong. She not only didn't cry, but also tried hard to stand up. Because of the heavy fall, no matter how she stood, it was useless. I was trying to help her. She stood up with her hands on a big tree and walked away with support, but did not forget to smile back at me.

I stood stunned on the path, the rain poured down, and my little umbrella seemed weak. I simply threw away my umbrella and happily soaked, letting the heavy rain beat my body and the wind blow my hair. At this moment, my face only rain, no tears.

A little girl knows how to stand up again when she falls. Why should I wait for others' help? "I can certainly cross this barrier!" -- I clenched my lips and ran home.

People in life are not all plain sailing. Frustration and suffering are just like the ups and downs of the journey of life. Mountains and torrents are always accompanied by obstacles. But because of them, the aftertaste of life is colorful.

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (2)

"How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can!" This song sings very well. It is true that no one can have a smooth life, but the wind and rain are smaller. I think only after experiencing wind and rain, when I finally recall it, I will not regret it, but it will be very meaningful!

I think I can be regarded as a girl who grew up in frustration and grew up in the wind and rain! When I was a child, I was not outstanding, and my grades were average. I was not as good as the top students in my class. So I bit my teeth and said to others, I will succeed and surpass them. At that time, I heard several girls sneering and saying, "It's up to you! Damn, Lai Toad still wants to eat swan meat. Don't daydream!" I was very angry, but I soon became calm. The anger in my heart kept burning. Since then, I have stopped playing. From then on, there was no sign of me on the playground between classes. I often see me studying at night, and finally I surpass him, the person I have always wanted to surpass. But at the end of class, I suddenly heard several girls whispering, "She must have copied someone else this time, or how could she have won the first place?" I heard that when I ran back to the classroom and picked up the bench, I almost fought with someone else. Now when I think about it, I don't know why I used the bench to fight with others. Maybe it was for the maintenance of self-esteem!

Another time, my most sincere friend left and was about to transfer to another school. This was more painful than my pride. On that quiet afternoon, Xu Yun and I came to a "secret base" that only she and I knew. I held Yun together. She said to me, "Old Dongxi, you should study hard. Don't think about me, can you hear me? I will come to check it then." I obviously heard a lump in his throat, some hoarseness, and something bright in his eyes. Suddenly, she hugged me, and I felt some hot tears on my neck!

She left, I was so sad, but I recovered, this is the biggest setback I faced, I for her, for her!! Don't be upset. I bravely resisted the pain alone, and smiled obstinately before she left!

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (3)

There will certainly be some setbacks on the road of growth. Everyone will certainly encounter setbacks, but the way to face setbacks will be somewhat different. Some people do not know how to face setbacks, and use some improper behaviors, which may hurt you. Some people will be happy to face setbacks. If they don't work hard this time, they will succeed after several more attempts. The so-called frustration is the difficulty that you dare not face directly. If the fear of frustration appears in people's psychology, then the person will give in. If there are no setbacks on the road of life, then this person is immature. For example, the Nielao people lack education after tomorrow, so growth needs setbacks to exercise!

I also encountered some setbacks on my way to growth! I can never forget these setbacks in my mind.

Once, when I was still in primary school, I failed to perform well in the final exam! After the score sheet came out, I was surprised to see that score sheet, and I didn't know what to do, how to face my parents! What I am afraid of is not the beating and scolding of my parents, but how to face the kindness of my parents to raise me. My parents have done so many things, everything is for me, waiting for my grades and future, but I failed in the exam!

Thinking of this, I felt guilty. Even when my classmates asked me how I had done in the exam, I was embarrassed to speak! I am so ashamed that I have nothing to say. Later, I returned home with my head bowed in shame. My mother knew I didn't do well in the exam when she saw me like this. She knew that I was introspecting myself. After learning about my exam situation, she just kept silent. She didn't ask me how I did in the exam, nor beat or scolded me. She was afraid that I would lose face, feel sorry for myself, and be unable to forgive my mistakes. So she pretended as usual, as if nothing had happened, but I knew she was very angry. After all, I knew my parents and my study was so poor. I thought to myself: I am too stupid. I blame myself for not reviewing enough. I am lazy at ordinary times, and the class is not good. It seems that I can do everything. Now, I can't remember when I take the exam!

On the road of growth, we absolutely need setbacks. Only with setbacks can we achieve success and grow well.

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (4)

On this life road full of setbacks and temptations, I keep running, constantly surpass myself, and break more records. However, in this life geography, maybe we will be stumbling blocks, but we should be strong, not fall down, and bear the pain to stand up, move forward bravely, and accept more challenges.

That time, I met a stumbling block. The school has carried out calligraphy and other training classes, and I hope to be influenced by art. In class, the teacher took a big brush and wrote several radicals and characters on the blackboard. Then we began to practice writing. I picked up the brush, looked at the copybook for a while, thought about the order of the brush, and then waved the brush to write. All of a sudden, several brush words filled with ink came into view. I looked at my deskmate again, and saw that she was holding her breath, waving her brush, moving like a dragon, flying like a phoenix, and finishing in one go. The characters she wrote were compact in structure, strong in strength, free and easy. As for mine, it is written in a twisted way, which is not beautiful at all. I felt like a knife in my heart. We learned at the same time. Why did she write better than me? Maybe she was born to learn calligraphy. However, I will not succumb to fate. I will defeat fate. Therefore, I worked harder to practice calligraphy. In class, I listened attentively, carefully pondered the structure and order of each word, studied and practiced diligently, and was not ashamed to ask questions. After finishing my homework after school, I will practice calligraphy against time. Whenever I am not satisfied with the words I have written and feel that learning calligraphy is boring, I will remember a maxim: persistence is victory. This famous saying accompanied me like a friend who comforted me in the face of adversity until I walked on the podium of the calligraphy contest, as long as the kung fu was ground into a needle with a deep iron pestle. Finally, I won.

Carlyle once said: "Stop fighting, and life will stop." Yes, human life is a life of struggle, and only those who dare to struggle can achieve success. In the desperate situation, if you try again, you may see that there are hidden dangers and bright flowers; In the severe cold of ice and snow, if you try again, you will surely welcome the warm spring breeze. Thanks for the setbacks, which made me take a solid step on the road of life.

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (5)

We should thank our opponents for giving me the strength to make progress; We should thank love, let our hearts full of sunshine; We want to thank our friends for growing up happily with me... Here, I want to thank setbacks, so that I can learn to be strong and step by step towards success.

I remember one time, our Chinese painting teacher taught us to draw morning glory. He taught several times, and then let the students practice. "This is too simple!" My deskmate waved his pen and then drew one. It was really lifelike! Even the teacher praised him. Then, many students drew pictures. The teacher looked at them one by one and instructed them with a smile.

"It seems very simple!" I slowly drew, thinking about the outline before writing. "Good heavens! What is this?" The teacher exclaimed: a crooked and unseemly "morning glory" does not match the white rice paper at all. The teacher taught me several times, but I just can't learn. "Why are you so stupid? Is this difficult?" The teacher left angrily, and the students also laughed at me. I heard that, tears flowed down.

After school, I went home dejected and told my mother everything. "Don't you know the truth of 'where there is a will, there is a way'? Besides, other people are not your mirror. Are you really stupid if you say you are stupid? Everything is always difficult but easy, don't you know?"

"Oh!" I suddenly realized, immediately paved the brush, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to practice seriously. Mother also took the guide book and looked at it. At the beginning, what I drew was simply "four different", but I was not discouraged. Instead, I practiced more diligently and drew one after another. "This is good, but who needs more?" "A darker color would be better."...... "This is very good!" Mom pointed to the seventh picture and said to me. "You are not stupid at all! As long as you practice more, you can surpass others!" I once again tasted the taste of success.

"Even if there is severe cold, holding the dream will blossom, and it will also open in the ice and snow; even if there is a dangerous pass, holding the dream of the river, it will also rush to the distance." I want to thank setbacks, so that I learned to be strong, and know the truth that "where there is a will, there is a way", so that I step by step towards success. Thank you, frustration!

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (6)

Adversity can experience life and shine. "The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold." Beethoven was deaf in both ears, but he was able to create an immortal symphony in the ordeal, which shocked people's hearts. That is because he did not yield to the pressure of fate and tenaciously resisted the bad luck, so that he could compose the song of human soul, as well as Li Ning and others. These people who have made great achievements because of setbacks are rooted in the soil, and eventually become towering trees and flowers.

One sunny morning, we had a test in math class. I am different from other girls. I like and love mathematics. I don't want to see my math exam fail. However, when I was feeling uneasy, I met the test of frustration. When I heard it, my heart was as heavy as lead stone. The taste of this pain spread in my heart for a long time. Later, I lived in a dark world for a long time.

But I know that I should face setbacks correctly and reflect on my own shortcomings. I should not choose to escape. Life is accumulated by countless setbacks. If you can't stand the strong winds and waves, and face many difficulties and dangers, you can't defeat yourself, and you will be overwhelmed and yield.

Frustration is not necessarily bad, but wealth. Because of the setbacks and failures in learning, I now know how to support the canoe in the upstream.

"How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? No one can casually succeed." Although the rainbow is beautiful, it can only be seen after the wind and rain. Frustration accompanies my growth, makes me learn to be strong, and makes my life wonderful.

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (7)

Before Edison invented the electric lamp, he tried to use thousands of materials to make the filament, but all failed, so he was ridiculed

Edison's attitude impressed me. Indeed, setbacks have two sides. However, people often only see the negative side, always face setbacks in frustration, and exclaim "Why did I fail again?", but they don't know that setbacks just tell us "This road is blocked, please detour". Edison's behavior made me deeply understand that although success must be pursued, cherishing the immediate setbacks and facing them bravely is another kind of success.

The first time I failed the examination paper, I hid in the room and sobbed, complaining about the teacher's fault. He should not give me such a low score, and he should not give me a wrong number here and there. I don't understand. My answer is perfect in my own eyes, but why is it a model of mistakes in the teacher's eyes? I can't face such a low score, let alone the ridicule of my classmates. So I began to resent the teacher and stopped listening carefully in class. Sometimes I even started to laugh when I felt uncomfortable. In this way, I don't want to face the consequences of that achievement again and again, but I carefully avoid it. My mother seemed to be aware of all my changes, so she questioned me out of concern. When she learned about the situation, she smiled and said, "Silly boy, if you can't face this small failure, it will make you lose confidence in learning, so what else can you do? You should face him optimistically, cherish this rare difficulty, and inspire you!" I regret hearing that. Gradually, they began to learn to analyze their own shortcomings, and more importantly, they were optimistic about the failure, rather than trying to avoid it like fooling themselves. After that, every time I failed to get the ideal result, I learned to face it squarely and cherish these tearful experiences.

Life candy is a piece of chocolate. It is bitter and astringent, because setbacks will make people sad after all, but it is also delicious, because you cherish the other side of it optimistically. Expectation contains hardships, it is better to have endless aftertaste, but you should learn to cherish every setback on the way of life.

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (8)

It's like watching people rushing back and forth against the lamp post, watching the clock swing like a tram, watching the darkness press down quietly, leaving me no chance to breathe. Stepped into the door of junior high school, no longer tears for frustration.

I vaguely picked up a stone and threw it into the boundless sky, breaking the deep wailing. There were only one or two birds in the sky that shook into the dream and took over my boundless magnificence - I was used to setbacks.

I am used to seeing the dim marks on the examination paper and the sky is getting brighter. I am used to raising my head and saying, "I will still be a hero in eighteen years". I am used to forgetting to punish myself on duty. All footprints have become blurred, leaving only the perseverance of early spring in frustration in reality.

One has matured, one is dying, one has failed, and one has started again. Frustration was finally picked up by me in the curtain of this junior high school. Young unyielding accompanied by the yellow sand fire dance—— As a junior high school student, setbacks have become a habit.

I like this young frivolity, like this ambition. I step on the Huanxi sand to find the unrestrained and unrestrained debauchery. I sing water melody songs under the cold stars and embrace the gift of God of Hope again.

As a junior high school student, I am immune to setbacks; I am open-minded and hold my head high against difficulties. After entering junior high school, I will not cry for setbacks. After entering junior high school, I will not be sentimental for setbacks.

When I entered junior high school, I had perseverance and elegance. Give up staying and chase my big dream.

Taking up the indomitable spirit of China since ancient times, he foolishly shouted "wait and see" to others, held books in his hands to review for a whole day, and waited for another exam that I would take. After entering junior high school, I know how to bear setbacks and move forward again.

The flowers on the trees fell all over the ground again, paving the way for dazzling brilliance. The flowing water lingered in the countryside, telling Qu Yuan's vulnerability. Sima Qian's pen waved. I knew that the kiss between heaven and earth was not the bitter water of the ancients, but my unyielding tears. After entering junior high school, I have been used to facing setbacks.

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (9)

For students like us who are wandering in the sea of knowledge, the difficulty is nothing more than those problems that are beyond our comprehension. I always rack my brains to overcome them. I understand a truth: as long as I do my best and make unremitting efforts, I will be able to overcome difficulties and taste the joy of success! You are also a shining pearl.

On the road of life, there are bitter and sweet, crying and laughing, failure and success. In the face of a setback, a failure, perhaps someone will be depressed, and therefore inferiority, self abandonment. However, do you know how hard the process of sand becoming a pearl is? There are no people who are sailing smoothly in the world. Believe yourself: you are also a shining pearl. The sword edge comes from grinding and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. Only after a cold spell can plum blossom smell good. Perseverance in difficult situations and bravely facing difficulties will eventually lead to a happy ending.

Edison, the famous inventor, experienced more than 1200 times when he invented the electric light, but he never gave up and still worked hard. In the face of others' ridicule and satire, he never inferiority, but with an optimistic attitude to face every failure, every laugh and satire. In the end, he succeeded. He brought light to the world, to mankind, and became a shining pearl.

Yes, the process of becoming a pearl is hard, but it is essential. Only through constant infatuation, constant shaping and more perfect self shaping can pearl show its due style.

When the sky is about to place a great responsibility on such people, they must first work hard on their hearts and minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, and empty their bodies. Lu Xun, a great revolutionist, litterateur, thinker, faced the dark social reality, he once hesitated and shouted, but he was not buried by the dark society. He stood up again. With full of blood and fighting spirit, he used his pen as a gun and pointed directly at the heart of the enemy. He wrote excellent articles of burning people, which were praised by the successors and became a shining pearl

Throughout history, every famous person and great person has untold bitterness and pain behind their success. In fact, our success is the same. If you want to be a shining pearl, don't be afraid of the thorns and frustrations on the road. Even if you are stabbed by it, it is worth it. Because you are also a shining pearl, and the pearl must withstand the test.

No one can casually succeed without experiencing the wind and rain. Because the crown of victory is woven of thorns, and the road to success extends from failure. To experience failure is a kind of success. Just as people should learn to walk, they should not be afraid of wrestling. In fact, you are also a shining pearl. You can bear the difficulties, face them bravely, and emit the luster that a pearl should have! There are many setbacks in life, but these setbacks can experience us and make us closer to success.

600 word Narrative Composition of Frustration (10)

Narrative composition about setbacks 600 words 1

A good book is a sun. The bright sunshine shines on our growth.

I love reading, and I am a real "little bookworm". Recently, I read the book "Little Princess" again. This book is wonderful! It mainly wrote about Sarah's death at the age of 11 due to her father's illness, which changed her fate greatly. But she did not bow to the fate, and always maintained an optimistic and upward heart of the princess.

The most unforgettable thing in the book is that when the mercenary Miss Mingqing learned that Sarah's father had died, she immediately forced her to change her gorgeous clothes into shabby clothes; Take the luxurious house and let her live in the dirty attic. Little Sara did not show her child's panic and fear when facing the ruthless Miss Mingqing. In the attic, she accepted the cook's shouts; Miss Mingqing's abuse insulted her patience; The dark and humid attic, even the terrible mice were conquered by her. In the face of these experiences, little Sara never complains, but lives a peaceful life as before, acting like a happy princess! I was completely impressed by Sarah's love of life and optimistic spirit. If I were you, the dark damp and terrible mice in the attic would have scared me out of breath. In addition to the cook's yelling, beating and hunger and cold, my spirit will collapse!

Compared with Sarah's difficulties, no matter how hard the study is, it is nothing. And I often lose my temper because of my studies. I remember one time, the teacher left a lot of homework, and I had to prepare for the speech the next day. When I think of so many tasks, I feel restless. On the way home, he began to complain incessantly. At home, I could not rest on my homework, complaining and blaming. I was so angry that my face was red and my head seemed to explode! No matter how reasonable my mother is, it doesn't help. It was not until I read the book "The Little Princess" that I fully understood that it was useless to complain about difficulties. Only when we face it with a calm heart and accept it optimistically can we do a good job!

It is books that help me grow, and books that let me know how to face setbacks with a smile!

Narrative composition about setbacks 600 words 2

Frustration and misfortune are the companions of life, but also a wealth of life, which can make people sober and urge people to advance.

In the face of setbacks and misfortunes, pessimists see death approaching, and optimists see life turning around.

In history, Xiang Yu, the king of Chu who fought between Chu and Han, was surrounded by Liu Bang's four armies and faced a desperate situation. In the face of life's setbacks, Xiang Yu has no sense of being a gentleman, which is regrettable. If he laughs at the setbacks and breaks through the encirclement, he may rally like General Wellington and usher in the overall victory.

There is an old Chinese saying: "There is no way out between heaven and man.". There is no impasse in life. Any objective environment that seems to be desperate will change under certain conditions. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Gou Jian, the King of Yue, became a prisoner. In prison, he tried hard to accumulate strength and finally destroyed the State of Wu 20xx years later. In the face of setbacks and misfortunes, Gou Jian did not lose heart or give up, and finally ushered in a good life situation of "no way out after mountains and rivers are over, and there will be another village in the dark".

All life in the world cannot refuse setbacks and painful visits. What should we do to overcome setbacks and misfortunes?

First of all, we should learn to examine ourselves, see the advantages and disadvantages of the objective conditions, and find the fulcrum of our own life. This fulcrum is our hope for the future. After the American poet Whitman's Leaves of Grass was written, it was rejected by more than 40 publishers. However, he did not give up easily. After many setbacks, he finally printed and published Leaves of Grass at his own expense, presenting a magnificent treasure to the world literature treasure house.

Secondly, we need to have the courage, perseverance and optimistic spirit of perseverance and unremitting struggle. Edison, the American inventor, often asked some strange questions when he was young, but his teacher disliked him and he was expelled from school. But he did not stop there. Inspired by his mother, he made great efforts to explore and created more than 1300 inventions.

"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs, which is difficult to complete." We should greet setbacks and painful visits with smiling faces, accept setbacks and painful baptism with courage and confidence, grasp the wealth that God has given us, and become a strong person in life.

Narrative composition about setbacks 600 words 3

Laugh at setbacks, because it makes me understand my own small.

Life is like a small train on the mountain, always up and down, not only can't figure out its rules, but also people worry that the train will get off the track. But as long as we grasp the direction, I believe that we can survive even the steepest road.

The person who has not encountered setbacks is not a person with complete soul. This time, my heart was spelled out.

A few days ago, I participated in several primary entrance examinations of private schools. Although I knew in advance how difficult it was to enter those private schools, and I wanted to enter the public classes, I was never afraid. In the exam after exam, I constantly learned lessons, tried to do my best, played my best level, and did not leave regrets to myself. When I came to Kao Hanlin Middle School, I kept reminding myself that whether I could go to a good junior high school or not was in my hands. I must not let it slip away. In this way, I went to the exam with confidence and tried my best. When I walked out of the exam room, I really felt that I had grown up. I really wanted to shout: This time, I have no regrets. After coming out, my father told me that he had been admitted to the private class of Donghua Middle School. Although I was a little depressed after hearing that, I encouraged myself. I thought there would be better opportunities in the future. Just yesterday, I confirmed from my relatives that I had been admitted to the public class of Hanlin Middle School. I smiled with tears, and I laughed out my confidence and success after setbacks.

Indeed, although setbacks are eternal, they are also forever past. Those who only look back and sigh about their fate will always be losers. Because only when we have experienced failure can we know what success is; Only after experiencing setbacks can we learn to live. Life is not perfect. Only those who have experienced setbacks will be strong and successful. Failure cannot be avoided in life, because life needs it, and everyone needs it for growth.

Friends, laugh at setbacks! In this way, our life will be free of regrets!