Composition of Cousin Coming (3 Collections)
beautiful country scene
2023-08-23 02:48:27

Cousin Comes Composition (1)

Today, when I came home from my calligraphy class, my mother said to me in the car, "There will be a surprise when I get home! Now it's confidential." What surprise will it be? So I returned home in anticipation.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I heard the voice of my cousin and aunt. I was stunned for a while at first, but immediately cheered up, shouted my cousin's name, and rushed into the room as fast as I could. Immediately, he and his cousin "fought" together. After playing for a while, I suggested playing live CS, and my cousin agreed.

I took out the toy gun and threw another one to him at random. Then I rushed into my room in a flash and hid behind the cabinet for protection. Then my cousin rushed in. I saw my cousin and shot him. He didn't escape, but was hit by a bullet. He ran away.

At this time, my brother saw our game was fun, picked up another gun and wanted to play. I taught him, and he would soon be there. He also pulled the trigger, and the bullet bounced to the ceiling and landed on my head. Everyone laughed loudly.

Later, my cousin found another toy of mine - building blocks stacked high, so we played with building blocks. We first put the building blocks together one by one to form a large cuboid, and then take turns to pull them out one by one. Whoever finishes or falls when he finishes, he will lose. I won a game 2-1. Later, I used these building blocks to make "dominoes", which made my brothers dumbfounded.

Until evening, my aunt said, "We should go home!" So I said goodbye to my aunt and them reluctantly. I had a good time with my cousin today! I hope my aunt and others will come to my house more often!

Cousin Comes Composition (2)

My cousin Kai Kai will finally come tomorrow! I'm so excited. Although I come here every week, I still miss you very much.

The day before yesterday, my mother received a message: Kai Kai will come the day after tomorrow! I immediately rushed into the room and started the homework mode. During the break, I always look at two boxes of dolls and wonder which one to take to play imagination games with him.

But because I was crazy, I didn't finish half of my homework all day. In the evening, I thought in bed, what should I do tomorrow? Be sure to finish your homework quickly! That day tomorrow, today's yesterday, I got out of bed and went to do my homework. The speed of homework on that day was slow and fast. I wrote slowly, but when I thought of regular script, I wrote quickly again. Last night was a little special. My father's friends invited us to have tea on the top floor of his house! I want to drink tea and write my homework and play regular script. I thought and thought, but I couldn't figure it out, so I had to ask my mother to decide. My mother told me that I would take a bath first, go to do my homework immediately after taking a bath, and then my mother would call me when they were going to make tea.

It was another day. Early in the morning, because my mother and we got up late, I played with my brother all morning. In the afternoon, I was sleepy when I wrote a little homework. It seems that my habitual sleeping mode has started again! Before going to bed, I looked out of the window. It seemed that I could not play with Kaikai safely!

When I got up, I found it was 5 o'clock! I went to KFC with my mother and brother, and immediately "flew" to the One+class.

This evening, I was thinking about Kaikai, and I wrote this composition. I hope you can understand.

Cousin Comes Composition (3)

I had just arrived at my home after school in the afternoon when I heard a pleasant laugh. Needless to say, it must be the eggs that came back. I hurriedly unloaded my schoolbag and ran to him at the speed of 100 meters.

When I was ready to hold him, he hid his head. I held him here, he hid there, and I went there and he hid here. When I opened my hands to embrace him, he shrank his neck into his clothes. After several twists and turns, I still couldn't hold him, so I had to give up the plan temporarily.

Before long, an idea came into my mind: strong attack. When he was unprepared, he forcibly snatched him from Grandma's hand and held him in my arms. But he used his little hands like chicken feet to dig here and there on my face. Finally, somehow, I dug my eyes out, and my eyes began to blur. I couldn't see clearly for a long time. I quickly handed him over to Grandma, and he stopped fighting. But I can only endure the pain, suffering in my stomach. Grandma said to me earnestly: "The eggs have changed, and they are beginning to recognize strangers! You'd better wait for him to be familiar before you embrace him!"

When I came back the next afternoon, my desire to hold him burned again. This time, I want to outwit him. When I reached out to hold him, his arms curled up in Grandma's arms with force, his head also shrunk like a snail. From time to time, he shook left and right, looked up and shrunk down, still trying every means to avoid my "threat" to him. Hum! Stop hugging you. Don't always think you are an emperor and a beloved child. Everyone wants to hug you. I went upstairs to do my homework with my schoolbag on my back.

Since this incident, my previous impression of Dandan has changed a lot. Now there is only his wayward side in my brain. When he gets it right, I will delete these ideas!

Eggs! You should know that when you came back, I didn't prepare milk and water for you... to provide services for you, so you should be kind to me, and stop digging on my meaty face with your chicken feet, OK? Because you have always been the treasure in my heart!