Summer Swimming (18 popular articles)
The more quiet you think
2024-03-25 05:45:15

Summer Swimming (1)

This summer vacation, I was lucky enough to travel to Hainan and play a lot of places, but what made me deepest was swimming in the Dadonghai scenic spot.

As soon as I came to the Dadonghai scenic spot, I was attracted by its blue sky, sea and beach. Looking far away, wow, many people are swimming, and I am also itching. Unfortunately, my swimming level is very low, so I have to rent a life buoy.

I looked around on the beach, but I found nothing. Just when I was depressed, I found a place to rent a life buoy. It was really "no place to find it if you break through iron shoes. It didn't take much time". I begged my mother again and again to let me go swimming. Finally, my mother agreed. Now it is "everything is ready, only Dongfeng": waiting for the water.

I thought the water was very hot under the sun, so I almost went into the water with my eyes closed, but I soon found that the water was cool, so I swam like a fish. From a distance, the water and the sky are the same color. The sun shines on the sea like a mirror covered with broken gold. I am intoxicated. When I was fascinated, I shivered. I was drifting to the far sea. I was scared out of my wits and struggled desperately. But it still didn't help. At this time, I found that many people used their hands to paddle and then used their feet to paddle back to the beach. But I knew that one wave was not even and another wave was rising: I thought it would be safe at the beach. He gave up the life buoy. Traveling by myself, I didn't know that I lacked self-knowledge. I thought I was good at swimming. As a result, he sank into the sea. I just stood up and fell down again due to the shift of the center of gravity. I drank several mouthfuls of sea water, which was salty and astringent. It was really a dumb person eating yellow lotus. It was hard to say. Fortunately, my father helped me to get up, otherwise my life would be lost.

This swimming in the sea emboldened me. Learning to swim is not terrible.

Summer Swimming (2)

This summer vacation I have had many swims, estimated to have more than 20. First, in the swimming pool near Grandpa's house. Later, I signed up for a swimming class at the swimming pool near our school.

In the first few lessons, we walked in the swimming pool by holding the edge of the swimming pool, and then the teacher taught us how to do the breaststroke pose and put our legs in the water to practice. Later, we put on floats and swimming boards and began to learn breaststroke in the water. After swimming back and forth, we returned to the edge of the pool for "splinting". In a few days, we can throw away the float and swim in the water only by swimming on the board, and I can breathe skillfully.

I didn't go to the last three classes because I was ill. If I did, I would not swim in the water on the swimming board. When I'm well, I'll go to the teacher to make up lessons.

Summer Swimming (3)

Come, the long - awaited summer vacation; Here comes the energetic summer vacation; Here comes the vibrant summer vacation; Here comes the wonderful summer vacation! The closing ceremony has come to an end, and the summer vacation has been surrounded by our laughter! In the hot summer vacation, what sports do people most expect? Swimming, of course! Please think how wonderful it is to feel the cold water in the sea! Today, I will swim in the vast sea with my father and sister.

When I got to the sea, I found that many people had got ahead of me. They are wearing colorful swimsuits, playing in the water, and the laughter is heard everywhere. From a distance, the sea becomes colorful. I can't wait to change my swimsuit, shake my hands and press my legs at the sea, and start warming up. After warming up, I jumped into the water and began to swim like a duck. When I was swimming butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke, everyone around me applauded. Even my discerning father couldn't help saying, "Not bad!"

I can't help being complacent and doing more tricks. At this time, my sister, who has been silent, suddenly said, "Do you dare to swim upstream?" I said without hesitation, "What dare you?" And I began to swim upstream. I swam for five or six minutes. I felt good about myself and thought proudly: What's the difficulty of going upstream? But after swimming for more than ten minutes, my feet seemed to be filled with lead, and the impact of countercurrent seemed to suddenly become very powerful. I tried to hold on, but after a while, I was rushed to the original place by the current. I took a break and prepared to continue to challenge against the current. My father dissuaded me: "Forget it, go ashore and have a rest." I pretended not to hear, and began to swim. Unexpectedly, this time it was worse than last time. Seven or eight minutes later, I had no choice but to return to my original position. At this time, my sister came over, I thought she was coming to laugh at me, but she said quietly: "'If you don't work hard, you can only retreat until you return to the origin." She left, and I fell into meditation.

When I came home, I finally understood that my sister wanted to tell me to keep forging ahead and working hard during the summer vacation, without any slack, or I would be swept back to the origin by the current just like I was swimming.

Summer Swimming (4)

This summer I went to learn swimming again. I was a little nervous because I hadn't gone swimming for a year.

On the first day of swimming, we reviewed breaststroke indoors and practiced holding our breath. Fortunately, we didn't forget it completely. I held it for three times, each time exceeding 20 seconds. The teacher praised me, I am confident! The next day, we will go to the outdoor swimming pool. The outdoor swimming pool is different from the indoor swimming pool. The outdoor swimming pool is from shallow to deep. At the beginning, we had been swimming in the shallow water. Slowly, I began to swim to the deep water. In the next few days, we began to learn freestyle and water fetching.

There are eight students in our class. I am the shortest one, so some students call me Xiaopindian and Dwarf Wax Gourd. But I ignored them, because I know that people who laugh at others are not powerful, but those who use their strength to win others are powerful. So I practice more attentively than other children. Finally, it was the day of the exam. Through my efforts, I won the first place in the freestyle group. I believe that next year will be better.

Summer Swimming (5)

[Chapter 1]

Summer Swimming

In my third grade, I learned freestyle and breaststroke. I still mastered breaststroke well, but I didn't swim freestyle very well. In this summer vacation, I went to the freestyle training again. In the training process, I realized that nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart!

I am not very brave. Although I am a boy, I am afraid of water. The first time I learned to swim, I overcame my fear slowly with the encouragement of my coach and parents. I challenged the first hurdle and learned breaststroke. After I learned it, I relaxed my demands on myself. I felt that swimming by myself was difficult, so I didn't practice hard.

On the first day of class, I saw the blue water in the swimming pool, and saw some adults exercising freely in it, one breaststroke, one freestyle, one backstroke, so skilful, so natural. Not only did I exercise my body, improve my physical quality, but also increased my endurance. I could not help but secretly resolved to learn from them and persevere in overcoming myself to meet their needs, The mentality of not striving for progress!

Although I have a little foundation, I still earnestly follow the coach's requirements to warm up, practice holding my breath in the water and regulate my movements. In the process of swimming, the coach found my shortcomings. My arm stroke and leg kick were not coordinated, so my overall speed was down. I first practiced the coordination of my arms and legs with a length of 20 meters. I concentrated on my mind, remembered the essentials taught by my coach, and kept practicing back and forth repeatedly. The coach asked me to take a rest, but I didn't want to rest. I took time to practice. After several classes of special training, my coordination of my arms and legs improved significantly. I realized a little from the process of practicing this item, unremittingly!

Next, I will improve my speed by kicking my legs forcefully. Only after this exercise is completed, can I improve my speed. In the process of swimming, I found that my body would not move forward if I kicked my legs forcefully. When my strength was used, I did not reach the point. The coach corrected me in time, and my feet were balanced up and down to kick the water, just like a fish gently shuttling in the water. Naturally, But powerful! My coordination of hands and legs combines all the points of attention of leg pumping. Slowly, slowly, slowly, and slowly come up. You can achieve your goal with a progressive mind, a dedicated attitude, and hard practice!

After a period of practice, my two swimming styles ended the training class with excellent results in the graduation class! Ripple in the blue water, stretch your body, and move forward freely like a fish!

[Chapter 2]

The hot summer is unbearable, and the temperature rises day by day: 38 degrees! 39 degrees! 40 degrees! The wind is hot and the water is hot. I can't stand it. I want my mother to take me to swim. My mother asked me to wait a few days. I look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, I look forward to this day.

On August 5, it was a hot day again. It was 37 degrees centigrade. When I got to the swimming pool, I couldn't wait to jump out of the water and felt cold all over my body. It was extremely cool. Because I had stopped swimming for a long time, I almost forgot about it. I had to watch others swim first. I found that some people could swim just as easily as I did. I practiced with the swimming ring. Although I didn't know how to swim, at least I remembered, Then I practiced on my own. I put my hands flat and began to practice parallel to the water. I slapped the water hard and imagined that I was really swimming. After a while, I felt that I had almost practiced, so I was ready to swim. I grabbed the fence, took a big breath and swam to the opposite bank. My feet beat the water hard, and my hands slid like oars. The water splashed on the water seemed to cheer me up, which made me more energetic. I wanted to try to breathe, but I could hardly hold it. Unexpectedly, I drank a big mouthful of water. It seems that I need to practice more when I breathe. To tell the truth, I can't breathe when I am learning to swim, Every time I practice breathing, I often drink a mouthful of water and sometimes choke on water. Now it's also natural for me to drink water. I'm used to it. But I can't swim without breathing. I must learn to make up my mind.

I am going to practice breathing well in the shallow water area, and then go to a deeper place. I still imagine that I am really swimming and breathing just like swimming. I put my whole head into the water, and swing my hands back and forth. When my left hand moves forward, my head will breathe in the same direction. When my right hand moves forward, my head will breathe in the same direction. I have done this for several times, I felt that I had almost met, so I began to swim. One, two, three, I had a breath, and my first breath was successful! The second breath, one, two, three, change, good, the second time also succeeded! Then I changed several times, and all of them were successful. I gradually swam into the deep water area. I had no feeling, and I was completely intoxicated with it.

As time goes by, I should also go home. I look forward to coming again next time.

Summer Swimming (6)

It's so stuffy tonight~I closed all the windows that I opened when I was breathing at home in the afternoon and turned on the air conditioner. "Well, it's so cool." I can't help talking.

I sat on the sofa, eating ice cream and reading books. While enjoying myself like this, my mother even asked me to walk the dog together. "God!" I complained. Although I am reluctant to go out at such a time, after all, I want to keep a dog, and it is also a life. I have no choice but to walk the dog with my mother.

As soon as I left home, I was depressed by the stuffy feeling. I thought: The air-conditioned room is 100 times cooler than now. I am listless and follow my mother. Our dog seems very excited. "Wearing" a "fur coat for a walk in this hot weather, he even ran around, asking around and sniffing around like a professional police dog looking for a criminal suspect." "Oh, I wish I had such spirit." I think.

When I walked to the square of the Bank of China, my eyes lit up. There was a fountain beside the square, which had been out of use for many years. It should not have electricity. After asking the security guard, the security guard said that the water in the fountain was normal tap water, very clean, without electricity, and not deep, so the dog could go swimming. With the consent, I gently picked up the dog and put it into the pool. He was very nervous and didn't know what to do. I desperately want to climb up, and now I have the spirit to see how it swims.

I ran to the other end of the pool and shouted its name to let it come. When he heard me calling him, he threw his previous fear out of the sky and swam with full strength. While swimming, his tail shook and his body twisted. Ha, how lovely! The tail is like its balance bar, which balances each other and sways from side to side. "Well, its body coordination ability is really good. Its four feet keep paddling back and forth, and its tail keeps swinging from side to side. I can't draw a circle with one hand and a triangle with one hand." I thought to myself. I looked at the dog again. He was tired from swimming and was resting on the fountain pole! I saw that he was breathing heavily, so I let him come to me. I gently picked him up. He shook his body and followed us home.

At home, when I was bathing my dog, I thought: It seems that we should not always stay in the air conditioning room in the future, but also go out more. It's also very interesting!

Summer Swimming (7)

Come, the long - awaited summer vacation; Here comes the energetic summer vacation; Here comes the vibrant summer vacation; Here comes the wonderful summer vacation! The closing ceremony has come to an end, and the summer vacation has been surrounded by our laughter! In the hot summer vacation, what sports do people most expect? Swimming, of course! Please think how wonderful it is to feel the cold water in the sea! Today, I will swim in the vast sea with my father and sister.

When I got to the sea, I found that many people had got ahead of me. They are wearing colorful swimsuits, playing in the water, and the laughter is heard everywhere. From a distance, the sea becomes colorful. I can't wait to change my swimsuit, shake my hands and press my legs at the sea, and start warming up. After warming up, I jumped into the water and began to swim like a duck. When I was swimming butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke, everyone around me applauded. Even my discerning father couldn't help saying, "Not bad!"

I can't help being complacent and doing more tricks. At this time, my sister, who has been silent, suddenly said, "Do you dare to swim upstream?" I said without hesitation, "What dare you?" And I began to swim upstream. I swam for five or six minutes. I felt good about myself and thought proudly: What's the difficulty of going upstream? But after swimming for more than ten minutes, my feet seemed to be filled with lead, and the impact of countercurrent seemed to suddenly become very powerful. I tried to hold on, but after a while, I was rushed to the original place by the current. I took a break and prepared to continue to challenge against the current. My father dissuaded me: "Forget it, go ashore and have a rest." I pretended not to hear, and began to swim. Unexpectedly, this time it was worse than last time. Seven or eight minutes later, I had no choice but to return to my original position. At this time, my sister came over, I thought she was coming to laugh at me, but she said quietly: "'If you don't work hard, you can only retreat until you return to the origin." She left, and I fell into meditation.

When I came home, I finally understood that my sister wanted to tell me to keep forging ahead and working hard during the summer vacation, without any slack, or I would be swept back to the origin by the current just like I was swimming.

Grade 5: 25k handsome

Summer Swimming (8)

Before the summer vacation, I cried every day that my mother must let me learn swimming in the summer vacation, and I wanted to learn swimming very much. On July 1, my summer vacation officially began, which was also the first day I learned to swim. In the morning, I came to the swimming pool cheerfully. When I got off the pool, I saw the students in colorful swimsuits playing in the pool with the water temperature of 28 degrees. The water splashed everywhere. I felt like a duck swimming in the water!

On the first day, we should be familiar with the water quality. The teacher asked us to learn to hold our breath. Holding our nose and putting our head into the swimming pool, I could hold it for only 15 seconds, but by the third day, I could hold it for 30 seconds. It's difficult at the beginning of everything. It's a little difficult to learn to hold my breath in the last two days. I had the idea of not wanting to swim! But my mother told me that we should lay a good foundation before doing anything. Although it is a little difficult to learn to hold our breath, only by learning it well can we learn to swim. Sure enough, on the seventh day, the teacher asked me to make another child! I am so happy. Persistence will definitely bring you something! In the following days, the teacher taught us to pedal, hold our breath and row. Today, on the tenth day, I can swim more than 1 meter. In these short days of study, although I could not swim very long, I learned a lot of truth through swimming. Anything that I stick to will be fruitful. I also tasted the taste of bitter before sweet, which made me appreciate the joy of overcoming fear and achieving success! In the future, I will practice harder and strive for greater progress

Summer Swimming (9)

One day in the summer vacation, the weather was hot. The cicada kept barking in the tree, the willow did not move, and the dog lay on the ground, sticking out his tongue. I didn't even have the heart to write. I saw other children swimming in the sea with life buoys. I'm so envious that I want to go swimming. Toward evening, the teacher suddenly said that he would take us to swim. We were very happy to hear that.

So we went to the seaside happily, and the setting sun shone on the sea with little golden light. There are many colorful life buoys floating on the sea, with small heads sticking out of them. Look at them swimming happily in the sea like fish. I really want to jump into the sea. So we quickly took off our clothes and walked carefully to the sea. At this time, my whole body is very cool and comfortable. A wave head rushed at me like a wild horse off the rope, making me drink some salty and bitter seawater, and my eyes could not open. The teacher saw that none of us could swim, so he held my waist, let my hands paddle to both sides, and my feet kick back like frogs. But my hands and feet don't listen to me. They always run up and down. No matter how the teacher taught us, we didn't learn anything like wood. I really envy watching them swim happily in the sea and break the sunset reflected on the sea from time to time. But I had to play with the stones in the sea. When a wave pushed me, my feet floated up and my body floated on the sea, which was also very interesting.

When night fell, the teacher said he would not swim. We reluctantly left the embrace of the sea. Although I didn't learn to swim this time, I felt the taste of being in the sea and was very happy.

Summer Swimming (10)

The hot summer is unbearable, and the temperature rises day by day: 38 degrees! 39 degrees! 40 degrees! The wind is hot and the water is hot. I can't stand it. I want my mother to take me to swim. My mother asked me to wait a few days. I look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, I look forward to this day.

On August 5, it was a hot day again. It was 37 degrees centigrade. When I got to the swimming pool, I couldn't wait to jump out of the water and felt cold all over my body. It was extremely cool. Because I had stopped swimming for a long time, I almost forgot about it. I had to watch others swim first. I found that some people could swim just as easily as I did. I practiced with the swimming ring. Although I didn't know how to swim, at least I remembered, Then I practiced on my own. I put my hands flat and began to practice parallel to the water. I slapped the water hard and imagined that I was really swimming. After a while, I felt that I had almost practiced, so I was ready to swim. I grabbed the fence, took a big breath and swam to the opposite bank. My feet beat the water hard, and my hands slid like oars. The water splashed on the water seemed to cheer me up, which made me more energetic. I wanted to try to breathe, but I could hardly hold it. Unexpectedly, I drank a big mouthful of water. It seems that I need to practice more when I breathe. To tell the truth, I can't breathe when I am learning to swim, Every time I practice breathing, I often drink a mouthful of water and sometimes choke on water. Now it's also natural for me to drink water. I'm used to it. But I can't swim without breathing. I must learn to make up my mind.

I am going to practice breathing well in the shallow water area, and then go to a deeper place. I still imagine that I am really swimming and breathing just like swimming. I put my whole head into the water, and swing my hands back and forth. When my left hand moves forward, my head will breathe in the same direction. When my right hand moves forward, my head will breathe in the same direction. I have done this for several times, I felt that I had almost met, so I began to swim. One, two, three, I had a breath, and my first breath was successful! The second breath, one, two, three, change, good, the second time also succeeded! Then I changed several times, and all of them were successful. I gradually swam into the deep water area. I had no feeling, and I was completely intoxicated with it.

As time goes by, I should also go home. I look forward to coming again next time.

Summer Swimming (11)

In my third grade, I learned freestyle and breaststroke. I still mastered breaststroke well, but I didn't swim freestyle very well. In this summer vacation, I went to the freestyle training again. In the training process, I realized that nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart!

I am not very brave. Although I am a boy, I am afraid of water. The first time I learned to swim, I overcame my fear slowly with the encouragement of my coach and parents. I challenged the first hurdle and learned breaststroke. After I learned it, I relaxed my demands on myself. I felt that swimming by myself was difficult, so I didn't practice hard.

On the first day of class, I saw the blue water in the swimming pool, and saw some adults exercising freely in it, one breaststroke, one freestyle, one backstroke, so skilful, so natural. Not only did I exercise my body, improve my physical quality, but also increased my endurance. I could not help but secretly resolved to learn from them and persevere in overcoming myself to meet their needs, The mentality of not striving for progress!

Although I have a little foundation, I still earnestly follow the coach's requirements to warm up, practice holding my breath in the water and regulate my movements. In the process of swimming, the coach found my shortcomings. My arm stroke and leg kick were not coordinated, so my overall speed was down. I first practiced the coordination of my arms and legs with a length of 20 meters. I concentrated on my mind, remembered the essentials taught by my coach, and kept practicing back and forth repeatedly. The coach asked me to take a rest, but I didn't want to rest. I took time to practice. After several classes of special training, my coordination of my arms and legs improved significantly. I realized a little from the process of practicing this item, unremittingly!

Next, I will improve my speed by kicking my legs forcefully. Only after this exercise is completed, can I improve my speed. In the process of swimming, I found that my body would not move forward if I kicked my legs forcefully. When my strength was used, I did not reach the point. The coach corrected me in time, and my feet were balanced up and down to kick the water, just like a fish gently shuttling in the water. Naturally, But powerful! My coordination of hands and legs combines all the points of attention of leg pumping. Slowly, slowly, slowly, and slowly come up. You can achieve your goal with a progressive mind, a dedicated attitude, and hard practice!

After a period of practice, my two swimming styles ended the training class with excellent results in the graduation class! Ripple in the blue water, stretch your body, and move forward freely like a fish!

Summer Swimming (12)

The summer vacation has come, the long-awaited summer vacation; Here comes the energetic summer vacation; Here comes the vibrant summer vacation; Here comes the wonderful summer vacation! The closing ceremony has come to an end, and the summer vacation has been surrounded by our laughter! In the hot summer vacation, what sports do people most expect? Swimming, of course! Please think how wonderful it is to feel the cold water in the sea! Today, I will swim in the vast sea with my father and sister.

When I got to the sea, I found that many people had got ahead of me. They are wearing colorful swimsuits, playing in the water, and the laughter is heard everywhere. From a distance, the sea becomes colorful. I can't wait to change my swimsuit, shake my hands and press my legs at the sea, and start warming up. After warming up, I jumped into the water and began to swim like a duck. When I was swimming butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke, everyone around me applauded. Even my discerning father couldn't help saying, "Not bad!"!

I can't help being complacent and doing more tricks. At this moment, the sister who has been silent suddenly said: Do you dare to go upstream? I did not hesitate to say: What dare you? With these words, I began to go upstream. I swam for five or six minutes. I felt good about myself and thought proudly: What's the difficulty of going upstream? But after swimming for more than ten minutes, my feet seemed to be filled with lead, and the impact of countercurrent seemed to suddenly become very powerful. I tried to hold on, but after a while, I was rushed to the original place by the current. I took a break and prepared to continue to challenge against the current. Dad dissuaded me: Forget it, go ashore and have a rest. I pretended not to hear and began to swim. Unexpectedly, this time it was worse than last time. Seven or eight minutes later, I had no choice but to return to my original position. At this time, my sister came over. I thought she was coming to laugh at me, but she said quietly: 'If you don't work hard, you can only retreat until you return to the origin. Then she left, and I was lost in thought.

When I came home, I finally understood that my sister wanted to tell me to keep forging ahead and working hard during the summer vacation, without any slack, or I would be swept back to the origin by the current just like I was swimming.

Summer Swimming (13)

The weather is very hot these days. The whole earth is like a big steamer. Everyone seems to be steaming in a sauna. A little movement makes them sweat like rain. The children's faces are as red as baked sweet potatoes.

So my father and I went to the "Jiuzhou Huanyu Hotel" to swim and enjoy the cool. Every time I change my swimsuit and walk into the pool, wow! It's so cool to see the clear water. I really want to fall down! However, I still have a "learning task". My father is always so strict. He asked me to wrap my shoulders and kick my legs first, and then I could go into the water after making full preparations. Finally, I can go into the water. I hold the handrail and slowly go to the underground pool. I put on my glasses on the first step, and then I jumped into the water with a "plop". I tried hard to swim to the shallow water area. After a few strokes, I couldn't hold back. I quickly stood up, took a breath on tiptoe, continued diving, and floated to the shore. Wow! How cool!

How many people come to swim in the swimming pool! Some of them play in the water, some practice with a floating board, and some fight water fights. It's really lively!

In the hot summer, it's really a great pleasure to swim happily in the swimming pool!

Summer Swimming (14)

Although it has been two months since the Wenchuan 8.0 Richter scale earthquake on May 12, my heart still cannot be calm for a long time.

On the Internet, the latest news, pictures and videos are constantly coming, and one of the videos is even more unforgettable: the first picture of the video is a collapsed building, which used to be a beautiful campus.

In the collapsed rubble, a young face appeared in front of me. That is a little girl in grade one or two. After a day of burying, the little girl's face has become black, yellow, black and yellow due to excessive hunger and hypoxia. On her face, you can vaguely see the tears of crying, as well as the faint despair.

The little girl's mouth was still opening and closing, but her voice could not be heard in the video. It seems that the little girl cried and asked for help when she was buried in the ruins, and her voice has become hoarse. Seeing this little girl, my heart was filled with emotion. The earthquake in Sichuan has led to tens of thousands of people trapped in the ruins.

Like the little girl, they could not help themselves in the rubble. If the officers and soldiers did not rescue them in time, the lives of these people would be in jeopardy and oppressed by the god of death. At this time, only heard a loud cry: "There are people here!" A group of officers and soldiers came running, excitedly carrying out the rescue work. The little girl's face was filled with joy and shouted, "Come and save me!" A soldier lowered his head and said to the little girl, "Little sister, we are saving you.

Don't talk, just wait for us patiently! " The little girl obediently stopped talking and looked at the officers and soldiers eagerly. As the little girl is in the inner layer of the ruins, if some rescue machines are used, the ruins may collapse again, endangering the little girl's life. Unable to use the machine, the officers and soldiers formed a circle and lay down to dig the rubble with their hands.

It was one o'clock in the morning. These officers and soldiers had saved several collapsed sites and were already exhausted. However, as long as you relax for a second, people trapped under the ruins may face the danger of death! It is nothing to suffer or be tired for the sake of the disaster stricken people.

In the face of disaster, unity is strength. When 1.3 billion Chinese people stand shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand and heart to heart, any difficulty is temporary and any disaster can be overcome!

Summer Swimming (15)

The long awaited summer vacation has come, and I can finally freely arrange my time. One day my mother asked me, "Tingting, do you want to learn swimming?" Yes, it must be cool to learn swimming in such a hot day. I was happy to choose swimsuits, caps and goggles with my mother. Prepare to learn swimming in the evening.

This is the first time to learn swimming. After the class was divided, the coach began to teach us the breaststroke. After practicing for a long time, the coach asked us to flush cold water to prevent cramps in hands and feet after entering the water. Then the coach finally announced the launch. We lined up to launch one by one. It was my turn finally. I carefully held the handrail and stepped into the water. The water was cool and comfortable. Standing in the water is different from standing on the ground. It feels as if it is going to float. Then the coach asked me to practice breaststroke in the water, and this lesson was spent in the fun.

The next night, a very fierce coach was changed. He shouted at us as soon as we got into the water; "Stand up for me. Hold your breath today. Don't look up until you hold it for 20 seconds." Fortunately, my vital capacity is OK, and I fulfilled the requirement. Some people are miserable. Some young people cry with fear, some are being scolded by the coach, and some have choked a few mouthfuls of water and coughed. Their faces are red. I didn't expect learning swimming to be so difficult!

After several classes, we finally stopped practicing and suffocated. The coach asked us to lay on the water line and kick breaststroke legs, asking us to float. At the moment, my body seems to weigh a thousand kilograms, and I can't float any more. Watching others float in the water happily kicking their legs, my heart burst with frustration. But I immediately got confidence again, "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want to." I believe I can learn it well, so I focused on practicing again.

My kung fu pays off. On the fourth day, I was able to float on the water. It felt good to float. I felt like a happy duckling floating on the water. Then it was easy. I used both hands and feet, like a small fish, and swam easily. I swim in the water and enjoy the happiness of "like a fish in water".

On the last day of learning to swim, I got sixty meters at a time, and everyone praised me for my good swimming. My swimming record has finally come to a full stop.

Summer Swimming (16)

The long term has passed, and I have ushered in a new and happy summer vacation.

"Ah! It's really hot," I said, sweating. "Yes!" Dad continued, "Let's go swimming!" "But I'm not big enough yet!" "Let me take you to the swimming pool to learn!" "OK!" I applauded.

So we came to the gym, where there were so many people swimming. There is a family, several partners, and adults with children. My mother signed up for me. We took the sign and went to the swimming pool when we were ready.

My father asked me to do some preparatory exercises first, and I followed him to turn around, twist my neck and bend my waist. After getting ready for the activity, I followed my father into the water. I also learned from those children, putting my feet into the water and slapping them. The water splashed out along my toenails, which really seemed to tickle me. Dad started to teach me to hold my breath again. I remembered the method that my coach taught me last year. I held my breath and blushed. But I can't bear it after holding it for a while. Dad told me not to be too nervous. It would be better to relax. Slowly, I can hold it for a long time. Later, I followed my father to learn the freestyle position, and threw my arms in the water. Wow! I'm floating. I can swim some distance in the water. I'm so happy!

In the next few days, my father took me to learn swimming, and my swimming skills became better and better. Under my father's guidance, I finally learned to swim. Ah, I'm so happy!

Summer Swimming (17)

The summer vacation has come, the long-awaited summer vacation; Here comes the energetic summer vacation; Here comes the vibrant summer vacation; Here comes the wonderful summer vacation! The closing ceremony has come to an end, and the summer vacation has been surrounded by our laughter! In the hot summer vacation, what sports do people most expect? Swimming, of course! Please think how wonderful it is to feel the cold water in the sea! Today, I will swim in the vast sea with my father and sister.

When I got to the sea, I found that many people had got ahead of me. They are wearing colorful swimsuits, playing in the water, and the laughter is heard everywhere. From a distance, the sea becomes colorful. I can't wait to change my swimsuit, shake my hands and press my legs at the sea, and start warming up. After warming up, I jumped into the water and began to swim like a duck. When I was swimming butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke, everyone around me applauded. Even my discerning father couldn't help saying, "Not bad!"

I can't help being complacent and doing more tricks. At this time, my sister, who has been silent, suddenly said, "Do you dare to swim upstream?" I said without hesitation, "What dare you?" And I began to swim upstream. I swam for five or six minutes. I felt good about myself and thought proudly: What's the difficulty of going upstream? But after swimming for more than ten minutes, my feet seemed to be filled with lead, and the impact of countercurrent seemed to suddenly become very powerful. I tried to hold on, but after a while, I was rushed to the original place by the current. I took a break and prepared to continue to challenge against the current. My father dissuaded me: "Forget it, go ashore and have a rest." I pretended not to hear, and began to swim. Unexpectedly, this time it was worse than last time. Seven or eight minutes later, I had no choice but to return to my original position. At this time, my sister came over, I thought she was coming to laugh at me, but she said quietly: "'If you don't work hard, you can only retreat until you return to the origin." She left, and I fell into meditation.

When I came home, I finally understood that my sister wanted to tell me to keep forging ahead and working hard during the summer vacation, without any slack, or I would be swept back to the origin by the current just like I was swimming.

Summer Swimming (18)

In the hot summer vacation, what sports do people most expect? Swimming, of course! Please think about how wonderful it is to feel the cold water in the stream and play with small fish and shrimp! Today, I went swimming in the brook near my home with my father and sister.

When I got to the brook, I found that many people had got ahead of me. They are wearing colorful swimsuits, playing in the water, and the laughter is heard everywhere. Seen from afar, the stream becomes colorful. I can't wait to change my swimsuit, shake my hands and press my legs at the brook, and start warming up. After warming up, I jumped into the water and began to swim like a duck. When I was swimming butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke, everyone around me applauded. Even my discerning father couldn't help saying, "Not bad!"

I can't help being complacent and doing something. At this time, my sister, who has been silent, suddenly said, "Do you dare to swim upstream?" I said without hesitation, "What dare you?" And I began to swim upstream.

I swam for five or six minutes. I felt good about myself and thought proudly: What's the difficulty of going upstream? But after swimming for more than ten minutes, my feet seemed to be filled with lead, and the impact of countercurrent seemed to suddenly become very powerful. I tried to hold on, but after a while, I was rushed to the original place by the current. I took a break and prepared to continue to challenge against the current. My father dissuaded me: "Forget it, go ashore and have a rest." I pretended not to hear, and began to swim.

Unexpectedly, this time it was worse than last time. Seven or eight minutes later, I had no choice but to return to my original position. At this time, my sister came over, I thought she was coming to laugh at me, but she said quietly: "'If you don't work hard, you can only retreat until you return to the origin." She left, and I fell into meditation.

When I came home, I finally understood that my sister wanted to tell me to keep forging ahead and working hard during the summer vacation, without any slack, or I would be swept back to the origin by the current just like I was swimming.