Compositions describing the path (collection of 16 articles)
We are changing
2024-05-03 04:32:59

Composition describing the path (1)

Autumn left quietly, and winter came. The country roads were covered with ice and frost, as if it had just snowed.

In the morning, my parents and I walked on the country road together.

As I walked, I enjoyed the scenery in the countryside. Suddenly, the "creak" sound startled me. I looked down and saw that the road was frozen! What fun! Later, the three of us stepped on the ice one after another, so happy!

We walked on, "Wei Wei, look!" Dad shouted to me. I ran to see curiously. It turned out that the leaves were frosted, and my breath was gone. It was like magic. It was very interesting!

Through this time, I found that the rural roads in winter were so interesting!

Composition describing the path (2)

Today, our family went to Grandma's house to play. Grandma's house is in the countryside, far away from home.

Walking into the country road, on both sides of the road is a tall green yarn tent - corn field. We suddenly felt a lot of coolness in the air, a little cold. We stopped to put on a coat. I saw wisps of sunset and fiery red sun hanging in the sky. At this time, I turned my head and was startled. The sun was still hanging in the sky. How did the moon come out? My mother said it was called the sun and the moon shine together. Then I looked back at the sun. The sun was in the middle of two mountains. The two mountains were like a gate. The sun was slowly closed inside, and the sky slowly darkened.

At Grandma's house, delicious food was waiting for us. After eating, my heart was warm and my body was warm, very comfortable. It's also very comfortable.

Composition describing the path (3)

Whenever I see a group photo with Grandma, I always think of a path in Grandma's yard, which is a path to Grandma's ranch.

The path in Grandma's yard is not only winding, but also very long. There are lots of tulips on both sides of the path. Behind the tulips, there is a large and tall willow tree. If you go further, you will find a clear stream. There are several farmers there. Some are washing fish, some are washing vegetables, and some are washing clothes. Grandma told me that they often played here when they were young. When you come to the middle of the path, the tulips on both sides become colorful chrysanthemums, and the willows behind the chrysanthemums also become tall and straight pines. Go further and you will see a bridge that is 23 meters high and 78 meters long. This is the "Tongtian Bridge". I've heard people say that "Tongtian Bridge" can take people to the sky, especially like a fairy flying in the sky. It's better to see than to hear! I climbed to the top, and suddenly a white fog blew and hit me on the face. It was soft, and indeed it was the cloud! I went on walking happily for about half an hour, and my feet were cramped. Grandma said, "I'm not tired yet, grandson, why are you tired?" Grandma's words gave me new strength, and I encouraged myself to say, "Yes! There is one more thing I must stick to!"

We finally got to the bottom. When I saw a ranch there, I asked my grandmother curiously: "Grandma, how could there be a ranch here?" Grandma smiled and said, "This is my ranch." I asked my grandmother doubtfully: "Grandma, why do you build a ranch in such a far and empty place?" Grandma said, "Because it's quiet here, I can work with ease."

I slowly approached and found that there were several sheep and many cows, as well as some pigs, chickens, ducks and other animals. How lovely!

Such a long journey, just on a beautiful path, can not let people nostalgia?

Composition describing the path (4)

On Sunday, I followed my parents to the countryside. The air in the countryside is so fresh, the sky is so blue, and the scenery is so unique, which makes me linger.

I unknowingly walked to the country road and saw those flowers, red, blue, purple... named, unknown, wild flowers all over the roadside. Although they are not as beautiful as roses in the park, they bring new fragrance to the earth. I suddenly found a clump of green grass. When I looked at it before running, I suddenly shouted: Autumn, do you know? Under your leaves, there are several clusters of new life growing!

The big trees beside the road, like brave brothers, have protected the flowers and grass under their feet despite the torture of the storm. The earth is still sleeping, and the beautiful little face of flowers is rolling with crystal dew.

In the evening, walking on the country road, I looked up and saw the rosy clouds in the sky, like naughty fairies dancing, and also like a magician performing a wonderful performance, which made people dizzy.

In the quiet night, my brother came with smiling stars and shy mother moon. I sat in the country road playing the zither, euphemistically beautiful. Suddenly, I stopped and found how lovely the star was! The small stars winked to say hello to me; The big stars stick their ears to listen to me; The bright star excitedly told me that it talked with the mother moon last night; The dark stars tell me sadly about his loneliness

The mother moon loomed, and then I heard the cheerful and loud motor sound, which was the construction march of the players.

In the moonlight, the flowers on the country road close their eyes and smile, and the grass dances mischievously with the wind; In the shadow of the moon, I seem to see Chang'e dancing beautifully, and the naughty rabbit jumping

This beautiful scenery has aroused many associations for me. I think of the scenes when I was young and picked flowers with my friends, and let my grandmother weave a wreath to wear on her head. I think of the trouble I made when I was young, and I think of my brother's words: You are 40 years old, and you are still my brother's little sister

I like this beautiful scenery - country roads, which is my favorite. I love the country road.

Composition describing the path (5)

The soft light of dusk scattered on the country road, extending continuously, seemingly without end. And that is the spiritual paradise in my heart.

The country road is my favorite. I don't know how many times I have seen the scenery on that road, but every time I feel different, it brings me different feelings. In addition to study and home, this path is the best place for me to go. There is no noise in the city, no tireless teachers, no laughter from the students, and there are only insights. I may be the only frequent visitor on this road. If I am selfish, I admit that this is my only love.

The country road is my listener. He is like my friend, listening to my grievances, listening to my joy, listening to my complaints. He did not answer me silently. Smile, then blow cool wind; Crying, leaves beat each other; It hurts, and unusual waves come from the lake. He listened to my heart every moment and was proud of me.

The country road is my soul. In this world, how many people know this situation, even though he is more quiet than the Beijing Zizhuyuan; Even stronger than Lugou Bridge; Even though it is still more unknown than Atlantis. This is like my soul. How many people know me? I have a firm spirit and am much quieter than ordinary people. This is not introverted, but I think a lot. This country road really exists in the world, but I don't know it.

In the quiet night, crickets in the grass are moaning; The sound of the whistle from afar also brings wisps of homesickness; The bright moonlight is reflected in the spring, reflecting my yearning for the old country road. Oh! When can I see you again? I don't know how much you have changed. Your young appearance will always be remembered in my heart, even if you become a trampled sidewalk in a big city. I will always remember you because what you brought me was the best childhood!

I pray every day, kind God, that you will not let the ocean of the city destroy my favorite path. How I am fascinated by all this. If one day you come here, maybe the whole country road will be echoed with the words I recited to the path, "There is no end to learning

Composition describing the path (6)

The paths in my memory are as numerous as the stars in the sky, and the one that I remember vividly is a country path of my grandma's house.

Just after the rain, I walked along the path. I saw the crystal clear "gems" on the leaves slowly falling. The beautiful flowers seemed to wave to me in the breeze. The air in the air was fragrant with flowers, mud, and, what's more, unique Mom's taste.

This road is just an ordinary and simple road, but she may have created feelings with me. Every time I come, there are many dragonflies and birds to dance and sing for me. This winding road seems to stretch to the towering mountains in the distance. She has brought me hope, confidence and courage.

After dinner, I walked along the path with my grandmother and mother. Because it had just rained, there was still a damp smell of soil in the air, but the air was very fresh. Several birds sang for us. I saw ants moving in groups. I was afraid to step on them, so I stood on tiptoe and walked. In front of the path is a running stream, in which the water is crystal clear. From a distance, I saw my corn, ah! It's three or four meters long! There is also a scarecrow beside the farmland that is about to harvest. He is responsible for protecting the crops. How valuable this spirit is!

This path also brews our family's feelings! We come for a walk every night. We talk about interesting things about school, news on TV, and our daily gains!

This road is not only paved with stones, but also mixed with our family's interesting stories. This is a simple and prosperous country road in our family.

Composition describing the path (7)

I like walking on the country road, because the feeling here is so beautiful for you.

On both sides of the road are large stretches of green grass. The thick grass looks like a group of children who respect their teachers. When Teacher Feng comes, they bow down and say hello to the teacher. On the leaves, glistening and plump dewdrops rolled, shining and twinkling in the dim sunlight, like naughty little stars and crystal gems. As soon as the wind blows, it seems to be answering my questions and welcoming me!

What are those green things? It was a vegetable garden, and wheat seedlings were testing in the breeze. They seemed very shy!! It poked out its head quietly, looked east and west, and after a while, it found that no one was there. It plucked up courage and straightened up its back. How straight! The farmer uncle is working. It's really "there are few idle people in the countryside in April, and they just cut the mulberry and planted the fields".

The tall and straight poplar trees along the road were playing. When Professor Feng came, the leaves began to read the text, as if to say, "Welcome, welcome to play here"! Looking up, in the distance, several thin wires are printed on the endless blue sky, several birds are singing happily, several antennas are like a staff, and several swallows are the dancing notes. They are playing a lively and moving song, also like a dance music, which accompanies people and adds infinite vitality to the countryside.

Although the countryside is not as comfortable and spacious as the county seat, and there is no neat and flat road, this winding path has left my joy and indelible memories! I love country roads.

Composition describing the path (8)

In my impression, Grandma's path is changeable. One season, one scenery.

In spring, the wild flowers and weeds on the roadside just woke up and received the call of Spring Girl. They dressed themselves up again. After the spring rain, the path was slippery and muddy. Some children go to school and see that the road is hard to walk, so they simply throw away their shoes and go to school barefoot. Don't be surprised, this kind of thing often happens.

In summer, the weather is dry and sultry. Those blooming flowers are discouraged and dare not look directly at the sun. The sun blazed down the path. The loess on the path is dry and cracked. Although the daytime is so boring, at night, the path is very lively because there is a concert. At the beginning of the concert, the crickets stood on the green leaves and came to play the "Violin Ensemble" with a loud and powerful voice, which was no less than our professional performers. "Guagua..." The frogs are unwilling to show off and beat their "drums". Hey, fireflies are dancing with little lanterns. Their dance steps must dazzle you.

In autumn morning, dew is rolling on the grass. Early in the morning, people began to cut grain. The path is full of harvest flavor.

In winter, there was no motley color on the path, only white. That was the thick "wool blanket" that Winter Girl spread on it with snowflakes.

The country roads are so colorful and charming!

Composition describing the path (9)

Walking on the road home, smelling the fragrance of grass, the faint smoke in the distance awakened the country road in my memory.


The country road in my mind is a rough road, and the fragrance of flowers, grass and soil cannot be erased from my mind.

When I saw this country road, I thought of my sister. When I was young, my sister lived in Liangxu. Every summer vacation, I always had a happy time here. Every afternoon, we played on the country road, Covering the whole rural road, the crow's feet on the corners of grandparents' eyes were crowded together for joy.

In a twinkling of an eye, a few years later, the country road is no longer the country road in the past. The small dirt road has disappeared and replaced by a wide cement road. The grass on the roadside has disappeared and become wide ditches. My sister has also gone to Nanjing. Everything in the past no longer exists. Only the memory of those years ago is still deeply branded in my mind.

One night in summer, I lay on the roof to watch the stars as I did a few years ago. I don't know what happened. A few years ago, there were fewer stars in the sky as dense as sesame seeds on sesame cakes. Is it the "boom" of road construction that scared away the stars, or the stars don't want to see everything disappear in the past?

Now the farmers are rich, and the environment of Liangxu is better, but everything in the past has disappeared. Whenever I see this country road, it will awaken the country road in my memory.

Composition Describing the Path (10)

Every time I return to the countryside, I feel very kind. Walking on the country road, every tree and grass on the roadside waved to me warmly. The orioles sang and butterflies danced as if they were welcoming me.

The country road is as winding as I can go. It seems to have no end. It is not like the city road, always straight body. From time to time, clusters of flowers and plants will appear around the path. Occasionally, a few grasshoppers or hares will jump out of the flowers and plants, which is amazing. The country road always stretches far away at will.

The country roads are sometimes noisy and sometimes quiet. In the morning, people are busy going to the market, and the voices of shouting are heard everywhere; At night, only one bright moon accompanied the path. Sometimes a few birds will fly in and say goodbye to the path. It is quiet and beautiful, which is the unique feature of rural roads!

What impressed me most was the rural roads in summer. At that time, the roads were full of vitality: chickens and ducks chasing and fighting, grass swaying with the wind, flowers showing smiling faces, and cicadas chirping impatiently. The nearby rhubarb dog also stuck out its tongue and gasped when it heard the cicadas' frequent calls in the tree. Isn't this the rural landscape that nature has sketched for us?

The country road serves people silently without seeking any return. Country roads, I like you!

Composition Describing the Path (11)

My family lives in Shanshui Wenyuan. There are waterfalls and gardens in the community. What I like most is a beautiful path in front of my house.

On the path, there are gray stone slabs. On both sides, there are verdant trees inlaid in the soil. The leaves of the trees are green, as if the baby just popped out of his mother's arms and the coffee colored branches formed a beautiful picture. In summer, people come here to enjoy the cool. Under the big tree, you will always see the flowers and bones blooming quietly. They stand proudly one by one, full of pride, bright and eye-catching, like roses so proud, cuckoos so noble. These ordinary nameless flowers, pure, small, bright, so many, so dense, so wide, have become a different kind of landscape painting. There are many colorful stones around the gray slate, big, small, wide, narrow, red, green, yellow, purple, just like the stars dotted in the dark sky.

The path in front of my house is really lovely and beautiful. I love the colorful path.

Composition Describing the Path (12)

My hope is to take a road of my own. The reclamation of a road full of wilderness and thirst is bound to be trampled on with wounds and feet full of blood and flesh.

The old road is full of footprints of ancestors. Even if I wander on the old road 10000 times, I will not be able to publish others' footprints. There is no need to let your footprints crowded on the old roads. So, there is no need to crowd, just stand in your own position and check whether there is a piece of grass in the world and the universe around.

In the face of this unknown scene, all we need is confidence and hope, as well as unique personality. If you want to show the rich connotation of your inner world and give weight to the boundless surrounding, then bravely step out your first step, the second step, and the third step until there is a clear path behind you.

This is a road, a road of hope created by oneself. If your vulgar days are enriched from now on, you don't need to pay too much attention to the bloodstains on the path. At least its existence has brightened the life brilliance of a path in the gap of nature.

The path presents and exists, and it is annotating a pure land style for you and me.

Composition Describing the Path (13)

"Four hundred and eighty temples in the Southern Dynasty, with many towers in the misty rain," said my hometown Nanjing. It is an ancient city with a long history, but also a beautiful painting.

Each season is a unique picture on the path in the countryside of Lishui.

In spring, the branches of the trees on both sides of the path sprouted fresh green buds, and the flowers gave off a faint fragrance. Some of them spread petals to show people their beautiful appearance. Some shyly unfolded the petals for two or three times, while others were in bud, just like the tips of a colorful pen. When the breeze blows, ripples rise on the river. Some fish swim happily, some take a leisurely walk, and some rest quietly.

In autumn, the peach tree on the left side of the path is mature. Its leaves are orange and dark yellow. Some leaves are swaying on the branches, as if they were swinging on a swing. The leaves of the big tree were blown down by the breeze and floated gently on the river, just like a boat, the petals also jumped into the river anxiously and began to swim.

The scenery there is as beautiful as poetry, as beautiful as painting, and as beautiful as music.

Composition Describing the Path (14)

The path of my hometown was not designed by any designer. In fact, there was no road on the ground, but people stepped on it. Apart from those deliberate designs, the path presents a natural beauty.

Every spring, a layer of tender green buds grows on the path. They are so gentle and lovely, just like naughty children. They are curious about the outside world, and they want to grow very tall at once.

When the hot summer comes, the path presents another scene: the sun shines hot, but the grass and wild flowers are not discouraged. They stand there firmly and unyielding, and become more green after some training.

When the steps of autumn are approaching, I like to take a walk on the path in the morning. Although it is a little cold in the morning, I like this feeling.

When Miss Dong came with her white footsteps, the path was covered with white snowflakes. Looking around the path, I saw a world of powder and jade. Step by step, she made a sound of "creaking". Behind me, deep footprints lined up, which often made me daydream.

The path of my hometown is so ordinary, but I think it is a gift of the beauty of nature. I will continue to walk along this path.

To a better bright road.

Composition Describing the Path (15)

Walking on the path of childhood, the wind blew gently, like singing an elegant variation for me, reminding me of my childhood memories

At that time, the blue sky was inlaid with goose like clouds, and the scorching sun was like a honey pot overturned. It fell down into the world and projected onto the leafy trees, reflecting little spots on the path. Once upon a time, I chased and played with my friends on the path. The glistening sweat turned into beautiful memories of childhood. It fell on the perfect pebbles and shone with colorful light under the sun!

At that time, in the blink of an eye, the path was already a piece of powder and jade. The north wind is whistling, and the goose down snow is dancing in the air. Inadvertently, the most pure carpet made of ice and snow has been paved on the path, and everything in the world seems to be dyed with silver.

At that time, we had a snow fight, and the laughter and shouts echoed on the snow covered path.

Composition Describing the Path (16)

"Walking on the country road, the voice of the shepherd boy is flying..." This is a simple and simple song. It describes the path of my hometown.

There are no scenic spots in my hometown, but this unknown hometown has a permanent memory in my eyes, that muddy and winding trail. I know that this path can never be compared with the wide and smooth asphalt road in the city. However, in my heart, she always regards her as a kind old man. Why do you say that? Because he has childhood memories that I can't erase.

How many stormy days, indulging in destroying him? However, he never admits defeat, and still insists on his original appearance. He is not afraid of being trampled by others, and still insists on lying down. He never complains about anything, and is selfless.

The memories of my childhood flooded into my mind. I remember that when I was four years old, we were all at a loss about the international future. We used to jump on this path! At that time, we were so happy here. The joy and interest of childhood were brought by that path. Now I just want to thank him!

Although he doesn't have a rich face and figure, he is full of children's laughter and childhood memories!