Selected 48 sentences describing Begonia
Elegant and indifferent
2023-06-12 16:55:38
Mood sentence

1. Crabapple flower is charming and moving, with natural and unrestrained appearance and beautiful flowers. It is a famous flower for both refined and popular tastes, known as "national beauty", known as "fairy in flowers", "flower dignity", and also known as "Jieyuhua". "The snowy lake with rosy clouds and brocade water head is the most fashionable in spring."

2. The osmanthus on campus is the golden osmanthus, which blooms early. Students like it very much. Although it doesn't have the beauty of roses, the amazement of epiphyllum, the elegance of peony, and the purity of lotus, it gives us joy and embellishes our childhood!

3. Each pot of Begonia flowers is covered with green leaves of different sizes. The small leaf has a hard * size, and the big leaf is actually not big, only the size of the dumpling skin. Each leaf is emerald green and shiny, like a green shell. There are many small thorns near the leaves, but they don't stab people at all. Look at its stems. The old ones are purple and red, and the stems seem to be full of juice. The tender stems are light green. They really look like transparent crystals. They are very beautiful!

4. A closer look reveals that the flowers of Begonia are composed of many small flowers.

5. In the alternate seasons of autumn and winter, I deeply miss my beautiful and moderately thick Begonia flowers.

6. The original blue dream is blooming magnificently! Chasing the sunshine and listening to the wind and moon

7. The four season flowering crabapple is bright red and its color is dazzling. The stamens of Four Seasons Begonia are very small. You must break the petals carefully to see the small stamens inside. The stamens are light yellow, so beautiful! Its petals are numerous layer by layer. Some four season crabapple flowers are in bud. The leaves of Four Seasons Begonia are flat and green, just like maple leaves. Its stem is emerald green, a little transparent.

8. A total of 40 varieties, more than 400 plants and 270 pots were exhibited in the Begonia Culture Festival.

9. The sweet scented osmanthus tree has emerald green leaves, broad leaves, sharp at both ends, and is particularly lush all the year round. Around the Mid Autumn Festival, osmanthus bloomed. The flower is golden yellow and small, and its petals are only as big as grains of rice. The flowers are dense, one cluster after another, and from a distance, it seems that the green leaves are dotted with broken gold. Under the autumn sun, osmanthus trees

10. The branches of Begonia are uneven, brown and gray, and the surface feels smooth. Its flowers are red. One flower is made up of many small flowers, and one flower is made up of five petals. Its flower core is also red. Touch the florets. There are also small hairs on them. They are soft and comfortable! Accompanied by the flowers are green leaves, round like lotus leaves. Touch the leaves with small gaps, which are also soft and full of vitality.

11. I have a pot of beautiful Begonia flowers. The petals are red like fire, and the flower core is yellow like gold. Some petals are together like a mother holding a baby, the flowers are open like a little sister's little face, and the two petals are together like a happy butterfly.

12. The big crabapple tree not far away is full of dense layers of light red flowers, which look like several fountains in the sun.

13. Until today, I have been secretly in love with my first love - Begonia. Her purity, her simplicity, her sincerity, her color, has always been the subject of my love.

14. Crabapple flowers are bright red. They hang on the branches like strings of candied haws. I was fascinated. I thought they were candied haws. I couldn't help coming up to them and smelling them

15. Seen from a distance, the Begonia flowers in full bloom among the green leaves are very bright, just like the burning flames, forming a sharp contrast with the green leaves.

16. Staring at the charming and naive look of Begonia, I almost saw that she would choose to bring a touch of sweet innocence, or playful, or elegant bloom!

17. Begonia flowers are curved, with pink florets, and small green leaves mixed beside the florets, creating a sense of beauty of rambling branches.

18. The Begonia Culture Festival has 40 varieties, more than 400 plants and pots on display.

19. A closer look reveals that the flowers of Begonia are composed of many small flowers. Each flower is like a drop of red water, emitting a sweet smell.

20. Begonia blooms brightly. Each flower is a fountain, which adds infinite life to the brilliant spring.

21. A total of 40 varieties, more than 400 plants and 270 pots were exhibited in the Begonia Culture Festival. Look! Crabapple is a pink flower bud; The flowers of the stem sticking crabapple are very angry and open towards the sky; One tree of Changshouguan Begonia has two colors of flowers, pink and red.

22. The small petals will emit a charming and long fragrance, making people relaxed and happy. And when the osmanthus blooms most attractively, the fragrance is really haunting.

23. Begonia flowers are curved, with pink florets and green leaves mixed beside them, creating a sense of beauty of rambling branches. Some of them are blossoming, as if they are about to bloom bright flowers; Some have opened countless flowers, like wearing a gorgeous dress. Under the crabapple flowers, there are pots of butterfly flowers in full bloom, like dancers in the sun

24. Begonia blooms in the late spring and early summer when the weather starts to heat up. It is a tree that blooms after it has grown enough leaves.

25. The pink flowers on the crabapple branches are swaying in the wind row by row, and the crystal green leaves are reflected among the flowers

26. The page of Begonia flower is dark green, and there are many white dots of different sizes on it. The back of the leaves is vermilion, facing the sunset. The leaf edge is zigzag, like the beautiful lace of a skirt.

27. Crabapple flowers are bright red. They hang on the branches like strings of candied haws. I was fascinated and thought it was really candied haws. I couldn't help coming forward to smell it. Ah! It smells good.

28. Rows of pink flowers on the branches of crabapple trees sway with the wind. The flowers are set off by crystal green leaves, which are fresh, graceful, and playful. The spring wind blows gently against the wind, and the rain is continuous. It seems to hear the beautiful words of crabapple flowers again.

29. The big crabapple tree not far away is full of dense layers of light red flowers, which look like several fountains in the sun. Walking forward, some crabapple flowers smiled happily, revealing pink "dimples"; Some Begonia flowers looked at me shyly, as if to say to me, "Do you think I am beautiful?" People came to watch in an endless stream and took photos with them.

30. Crabapple flowers are curved, with pink florets, and small green leaves mixed beside the florets, creating a sense of beauty of rambling branches. Some of them are blossoming, as if they are about to bloom bright flowers; Some have opened countless flowers, like wearing a gorgeous dress. Under the crabapple flowers are placed pots of butterfly flowers, which are blooming like dancers, dancing in the sun, revealing its charming fragrance.

31. Malus blooms beautifully and attractively. The general Malus has no fragrance. Even the top grade of Malus, Xifu Malus, has no fragrance, but the flowers are more colorful than other Malus flowers. When the flowers are not in bloom, the buds are red, like rouge spots. After opening, they gradually turn pink, like the dawn.

32. Looking at those small begonia flowers from afar, they grow in a big round pot. I ran to see it at once, and could smell the fragrance of talking when I stood there. I looked carefully again and found that there were only five petals in the Begonia flower, but there was no sixth one. The Begonia flower was purple, and its shape was strange, big and small. Its leaves are like a green boat, and crabapple flowers emerge from between two green boats.

33. In the alternate seasons of autumn and winter, I am deeply nostalgic for my beautiful and moderately thick Begonia flowers.

34. Begonia blooms in the late spring and early summer when the weather starts to heat up. It is a tree that blooms after it has grown enough leaves. () A flower bone flower is picked on one needle and slowly blooms. It is red on the outside and pink on the inside, redder than apricot flowers and peach pollen, and its pistils are yellowish, with moderate shade, small and exquisite, pleasing to the eye.

35. Some of the stems supporting the Begonia flowers are thin and some are thick. The slender stems are like a girl's soft waist; The stout flower stems are like a real man's tall and straight body.

36. Four season crabapple flower is different from other flowers. It stretches out seven or eight "arms" from the soil. The branches and leaves are densely covered with pink flowers, leaving no gaps. Each pot has more than twenty small flowers, which can be called the most blooming flowers in the campus. If the Begonia flower is not in full bloom, it will look like many small stars, with only four small petals, and a little green in its red and watery complexion; Begonia flowers are in full bloom, and pink petals emerge from the middle of the leaves. The pink petals of the Begonia flower contain many yellow filaments, which are called buds. Begonia flower really looks like a beautiful girl in pink gauze clothes! When the breeze blows, the crabapple flowers are swaying, like happy little butterflies dancing! If you go forward and smell the fragrance, you will understand what is called "flower intoxication".

37. Crabapple has beautiful flowers, so it has been a famous flower for both refined and popular tastes since ancient times, known as "fairy in flowers", "flower princess" and "flower dignity"! Just look at the two pots of Four Seasons Crabapple at the door of our classroom, which is just opposite to the evergreen hanging orchids on the left and right sides of the room. It really has the artistic conception of "prosperity and wealth of crabapple"! Look carefully. There is a lot of new green among the branches, and Xiaolei is a little red. How intoxicating! Begonia flowers are enchanting, gorgeous and charming, but they are like shy girls who hide their faces and keep silent. They really know self-respect and self love! Lu You, a poet of the Song Dynasty, praised the begonia flowers. He said: "The place name of Shu is good at flowers in ancient and modern times. One branch of qi can hold thousands of villages. If the roots of begonia can be moved, the peony in Yangzhou should die of shame." It turns out that under the poet's pen, the begonia flowers are more graceful.

38. The view turns. The snow bathing begonia is really beautiful. Just a window away, it has both winter and spring. The flying snowflakes, with their unique dancing posture, frequently attract households, invite the flowers to dance together, and the flowers are coyly hidden under the thick oval leaves. The leaves of the begonia are green on the surface, covered with white dots, red on the back, and wavy on the edge, The flowers appear and disappear from time to time, which is very beautiful. Begonia flower is only greedy for the protection of leaves, and is not moved. This pink seems to be lingering silently when it moves.

39. The Begonia flower has only five petals, but there is no sixth one. The Begonia flower is purple, and its shape is strange, large and small. Its leaves are like a green boat, and crabapple flowers emerge from between two green boats.

40. When the Begonia flower first blooms, its petals are dark red and gradually turn pink. The size of the petals is as big as the finger cap of the thumb. It has four petals on one flower, two on the outside and two on the inside, which is very beautiful. Begonia flower is small but it is very fragrant. It is called "fairy in flowers".

41. A few days later, Begonia bloomed one after another. The flowers are mostly five petal, light red in color, like peach flowers, with golden stamens and no fragrance. A lot of flowers are squeezed on several short branches, which are stacked one after another. They are bright and bright, which is different from other flowers.

42. If the Begonia flower is like a beautiful girl, then the leaves of the Begonia flower are like her clothes. It may be related to the uneven sunshine. The round green leaves are dark green at the front and light green at the back; The thin veins are evenly distributed and combined with a circle of small serrations on the edge of the leaf to form a special pattern of the green coat; The most amazing thing is that there is a thin layer of hair on the leaves, which is like a "warm" one, very cute.

43. In summer, the white begonia flowers like snow gradually fell, and the green leaves on the branches became more luxuriant. The emerald leaves covered the branches and branches. Soon, small green crabapples rolled out of their heads from the green leaves.

44. Careful observation shows that these clusters of Begonia flowers are set off by green leaves.

45. There are so many Begonia flowers, one by one. Some petals are all unfolded. Each petal changes from dark red to light red from the outside to the inside, and finally becomes white. The stamens are yellow, like lovely bean sprouts; Some just spread two or three petals, like a pink trumpet or a small bell; Some of them are about to burst, and the flower stems and receptacle are very tender and bright red; Some are still blossoming, blood red, like a small tomato, like a small cherry, more like a bright red lantern.

46. Her flowering period is very long. It seems that she deliberately blooms for several more days. After we have seen enough and praised enough, she gradually recedes her petals and shows small green fruits. We always watch it in the sun during the day and at night with lanterns. Only later did I understand the truth of "flowers look more beautiful under the lamp" and the meaning of "burning silver candles to illuminate red makeup for fear of flowers falling asleep late at night".

47. Even if the cold winter comes, the cold current is tearing and biting the Begonia flower, and attacking its fragrance... However, the Begonia flower is just holding its unyielding body high, and finally defeated the cold current that forcibly harassed them with their fiery fighting spirit. In winter, the flowering of crabapple in four seasons is really more brilliant. Four Seasons Begonia competes to open all the year round. It really deserves the name!

48. The stems of Four Seasons Begonia are thick and thin, and bifurcated. The leaves are like a peach, and the veins are like blood vessels with palm lines. The veins of the leaves are light green, the color of the flowers is red, and two small petals are sandwiched between the two large petals, like bows on girls' heads, or red butterflies picking honey from flowers, flying and picking honey at the same time.