Composition on Caring High School (7 preferred)
A real traveler's province is boundless
2023-11-26 08:43:07
high school

Composition on Caring High School (1)

Caring -- feelings after the earthquake

Caring is a kind of happiness, getting care from others is a kind of happiness, and caring for others is even more a kind of happiness.

Money is not everything. Caring needs the common concern of the society.

Caring is caring. It is everywhere around us. Each of us needs love, and there is no lack of love in life. If others give us love, we should care more about others, so that the world will be full of love!

Care is a kind of pay, care is a kind of dedication, care is a kind of virtue. Let's start from the little things in life, learn to understand, learn to care, and learn to be human. "Love" is the sail and "love yourself" is the boat. Only by pushing and supporting each other can we keep love and love forever.

Caring for others is caring for yourself, because only when you care for others, others will repay you when you need help. Caring for others is actually caring for ourselves. Caring for others is the premise for us to get others' care.

To be human is to be self.

"Caring for life" is a responsible attitude towards life; Those who ignore their own lives and trample on others' lives willfully are pathetic and hateful, because what they or they bring is sadness, pain, even hatred; For all life, we should have a "caring heart". We should not only care about our peers, but also care about other life on the earth, because their existence is closely related to us in the unique biosphere, and it is their existence that makes our planet more colorful; Caring for life, we should also pay attention to the way, the growth of life has its natural laws, improper care is killing life; Caring for life, we should say goodbye to all bad habits, stay away from things that will poison our life, such as drugs, and let ourselves live healthily is also a manifestation of caring for life

Boiled water is really a good medicine to wake people up. Open your eyes, look at the world, care about yourself and others.

When others need help, it is commendable if a person can sacrifice his own interests without hesitation, even if only a little, without the knowledge of others. To help others is often to help yourself.

Helping others is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. When a person grows up, he must have received help and care from many people. Everyone helps each other to form a harmonious society.

Friends are the seeds of friendship and warmth you sow, which will germinate and grow; It is the people you have helped and warmed that will ultimately benefit you.

Only pure warmth can warm people's hearts, and only sincere feelings can move others. The so-called help wrapped in money and interests will only be disgusting.

The real helpers are real heroes who help others to improve their own personality. They don't want to return. The perfection of personality is the highest level.

The infinite fragrance falls down, but the green trees remain. Because it is rooted in the soil of personality, silently offering itself, and gradually growing itself.

Belated love

Caring for veterans, they are not and should not be abandoned by history. They have made contributions to the War of Resistance, and they do not ask the society to give them any honor. What they wait for is just one sentence: I have made contributions to the War of Resistance, is it really so difficult? Veterans are old, and their days are counted by heaven. We don't know that they can't afford to wait. Some veterans have arrived, but some have not. This is never to be remedied. It is also the fault of our future generations. Today's society is too unfair. The rich live in luxury villas and drink human milk, while the veterans live near toilets and in dilapidated houses, People in this society are too heartless. The relatives of veterans do not care for them. Their son lives in a western-style house, but their father lives in Tu Peifang. When interviewed, the old man also said: "I have been worthy of the country and the famous people in my life, but I am sorry for my family. Is it true that the old man is sorry for his family?"? No, they are not. They are worthy of the country, the famous people and their families. Without them, where will the new China come from, and where will we come from? It is the society that has wronged them. Don't let the veterans feel sorry for their families any more. The children of the veterans should feel their conscience and be more filial to their father. The social environment has been very bad and unfair for the elderly. Do you want to do this? It's sad that this society is too impetuous. When something small happens, people who are full and have nothing to do will be posted online. But how many people focus on veterans to understand their lives and care for them? Now there are more than 2000 veterans in China. They are already very old. This is an opportunity for us to care for them. Don't let this opportunity slip away. It's hard to say. Ten years later, there will be fewer veterans in China. At that time, we will have no chance to care for them. We should cherish the hard won opportunity. They will defend their country, But when we get old, our basic life becomes a problem. What's the matter? Is it the sorrow of the society, or the sorrow of countries and ethnic groups? This is a socialist society, an era of reform and opening up. The people are the masters of the country. Where are the government's documents on protecting veterans? Aye.

Caring for veterans so that they can enjoy their old age happily and live with dignity requires the government and all sectors of society to work together to give them a happy old age.

Care for life

Life, a familiar word, is like a powerful wizard. It makes people think, observe and listen, but it is also like a weak grass. It is so fragile that it will be uprooted if you don't pay attention to it. Therefore, safety has become the bodyguard of life.

There are many reasons for the death of life, sometimes a small reason will lead to death. Excluding some physiological factors, we will find that in many cases it is human - we caused our own death.

It is not only an ordinary slogan, but also people's desire for peace, concern and wishes for their relatives who go out. For each of our Dayan employees, safety is the biggest commitment to ourselves, and also the best return to the waiting relatives; For every Dayan employee, ensuring safety is to ensure the efficiency of Dayan team.

More than once, I saw such a case on TV: due to my negligence, I was accidentally bitten by the machine on my feet and arms, and finally I saved my life, but I still paid the price of one leg or one arm!

Last year, in a company, an employee accidentally fell off the crown block while climbing to repair it, and was sent to the hospital for treatment. His family members were devastated

During the May Day holiday, two speeding motorcycles collided on a village road, and two people died on the spot. The other one escaped from the jaws of death, but also paid the price of blood!


We were shocked by the blood stains and tragic images. Fools exchange blood for lessons, while wise people use lessons to avoid bloodshed. One by one living case, all these tragedies bought with blood, can't we wake up people's sleeping vigilance?

Traffic rules shall be observed when crossing the road, and safety operation rules shall be observed during construction... start from yourself and every little thing around you! Children are looking forward to father's love, wives are looking forward to it, parents are waiting for reunion

As soon as you think about it, a fresh life will disappear from this beautiful planet, leaving behind permanent pain and memories. It is a kind of real pain that the voice and face are still smiling, but the life is gone. Life is so fragile, so vulnerable, we ignore the existence of life, often leaving a painful lesson.

Everyone is responsible for how to avoid it. The beauty of maintaining life lies in cherishing your own life. Safety is the first. Safety is gold, safety is happiness, safety can go home!

Composition on Caring High School (2)

Everyone is immersed in love as soon as he is born. Even if it is just a small matter, it is also permeated with the deep love of parents and relatives. However, it is not only relatives who can give you that warm feeling, making you feel more intimate.

When I was in kindergarten, my grandma came to pick me up. Going to school and going out of school are all by bus. During that period of time, I often dealt with buses. However, not every time you can grab a seat.

I clearly remember that day when the school was over, there were many people on the bus. Everyone could only stand in a small place. The people on the bus were crowded. Grandma and I stood there, feeling suffocated. In this case, naturally no one will give up his seat. I am very angry. An old man and a child got on the bus, but no one gave up his seat. Is that too ungrateful? My grandmother and I struggled to get behind. I was overwhelmed by the crowd and reached out to push the people next to me to breathe. But I didn't want to be stable. The car shook and I fell down. I thought, this is over. I guess I will be sent to the hospital. But someone held me at the most critical moment, and I immediately looked up. In front of me was an uncle with bags in his hands. I stood up straight, smiled at him with embarrassment, said thank you, quickly turned back, held the handrail, but heard a voice in my ear: "This is too dangerous, why don't you sit here?" I looked back, saw my uncle just smiling at me, and got up to offer my seat. I was very happy. I took Grandma's hand and walked over. Grandma was very disappointed to say that uncle had too many things in his hands, and it was inconvenient to stand. I'm very disappointed. I don't understand. Someone offers you a seat. Why not sit down? "It's OK, please sit down! I'm almost there!" With that, my uncle went straight to the exit. I recovered my mood and pulled my grandmother to sit down. However, only a few stops later, I saw his figure in the crowded crowd. He obviously saw me and smiled at me. At that moment, I was so moved.

Since then, that simple smiling face has become an unforgettable moment in my life. I will always remember that gentle sentence, so I can't forget it for a long time.

Composition on Caring High School (3)

Caring for others, start from the side. "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world!" This song says well. Many things can not be accomplished by one person alone. For example, 5 last year. In the Wenchuan Earthquake, it would be useless to donate money and goods by only one person. Similarly, in this world, depending on one person to care for others, the whole earth will become desolate.

One winter, a new family moved into the garden of the community. The clothes that the family wore were not very warm. What attracted my attention was the children of the family, who were about the same age as me. Her face was white and cold from the piercing cold wind, and she could not feel any warmth. She was wearing an old cotton padded jacket with exposed cotton. The place where she stood was the place where the wind blew the most. She stood there, her thin legs trembling all the time. It is obvious that their family is poor. At night, several of our friends went downstairs to play as usual. When she saw us playing downstairs, she came up and said, "Can I play games with you?" Before we react, a warm-hearted and impatient partner readily agreed. So we played together.

That night, dark clouds covered the sky, and the moon and stars could not be seen, which could be said to be "out of sight". A friend named Chen Siya looked at the sky and said to himself, "It seems that there will be a strong wind soon." Chen Siya suddenly said such a sentence in a cold voice, which shocked our little friends who were playing games with relish, but we didn't take Chen Siya's words to heart, because after all, it is such a small child, how can there be a prophet! We were playing hard when suddenly a gust of wind blew. Because we were all wearing warm cotton padded jackets, only the girl shivered. Chen Siya couldn't look past it and said, "It's not my style to refuse to help in case of death." Just thinking about it, Chen Siya firmly held her hand and took her home. He took out a new, warm cotton padded jacket from his wardrobe, and without hesitation handed it to her and helped her put it on. Now she wears it on her body and warms her heart. "Pa da!" One of her tears fell out of her eyes. Chen Siya looked at her and was silent. Then there were a series of "pats..." After several times, Chen Siya realized that these were tears of gratitude. She smiled happily. Chen Siya looked at her, a faint smile flashed on her mouth, and several little friends laughed happily together.

Yeah! Caring for others is a virtue, you will be happy, and the loved ones will also be happy.

Composition on Caring High School (4)

Caring, as its name implies, is caring and caring. It is everywhere around us. Each of us needs love, and there is no lack of love in life. If others give us love, we should care more about others, so that the world will be full of love! Caring for others can start from small things, such as helping a classmate with homework, a good teacher's advice or a few words of encouragement can often bring unremitting motivation to students, or you can help a blind person cross the road, talk with the elderly......>

This is all about caring for others. If you care for others, you will feel happy in your heart. Suhomlinski once said: "If every child's joy and distress strike your heart and cause you to think, care and worry, then you should bravely choose the noble teaching job as your career, in which you can find the joy of creation." Because of love, there will be the joy of creation, and because of the joy of creation, there will be the joy of education More loving feelings towards students. The teacher loves us, and her love is selfless! Parents give us love, their love is great! We should also learn to love, love others, love ourselves!

Here I sincerely call for friends all over the world to care for others and themselves! Let yourself and everyone around you be full of love! Let the world be full of love! Let the world be filled with love!

Love, love, love around, everywhere!

Composition on Caring High School (5)

We are enjoying the beautiful scenes given to us by the big area all the time. However, some people not only cannot enjoy these scenes, but also face people's different eyes. They are the disabled.

People with disabilities have a low status in our eyes. Instead of getting help, they will be abandoned and laughed at. In fact, the disabled are also human beings, and we should not laugh at them.

Helen? Keller was born in the southern United States. When she was 19 months old, she lost her sight and hearing due to illness and fell into the darkness of blindness, deafness and muteness. At the age of six, she began to learn to speak and write Braille. Later, she graduated from Havedke College with excellent results, and became a well-known writer and educator with profound knowledge of English, French, German, Latin and Greek languages. She is the first deaf and blind person in the world to complete college education. From here, we can see that she is very strong, brave, and brave to face life, which is worth learning.

What I admire most is Edison. Although he is deaf, he still insists on making more than 1000 inventions. Among them, he invented the electric light, made countless experiments, and used countless materials. Failure is the mother of success. After countless failures, he finally achieved success. His perseverance is also worth learning.

Zhang Haidi is the chairman of the fifth presidium of the Disabled Persons' Federation. When she was 5 years old and unable to go to school due to illness, she taught herself at home to complete the middle school curriculum. She also taught herself acupuncture medicine to treat villagers free of charge. Later, Zhang Haidi also worked as a radio repairman. Although she did not enter the campus, she worked hard to learn. Her self-learning ability and strong willpower are more worthy of our study.

We should not laugh at the disabled because they are human beings and have their own dignity. Therefore, we should help them, protect them, learn from them, and be considerate of them.

Composition on Caring High School (6)

There are some unfortunate disabled children living around us. Their physical disability makes them unable to enjoy the happiness of life. Some of them live in a dark world forever, unaware that the world is so colorful and beautiful; Some people live in a silent world forever. They have never heard the chirping of birds. They can't express their wishes with words, nor can they express their happiness with songs; Some cannot play happily because of their disabled legs; Some people can't live normally because of their disabled hands.

Therefore, each of us should feel happy because we have a healthy body and can feel the beauty and magic of nature; We can enjoy the colorful world with our eyes, and enjoy beautiful music with our ears; We can speak and sing with sweet voice; We can play happily and enjoy ourselves. However, some disabled people still tenaciously fight against life. Helen, the heroine in "If You Give Me Three Days of Light"; Keller's story deeply moved me.

Helen lost her sight and hearing, lost her language ability, and was very grumpy. It was Miss Sullivan who lit the spark of her life in this dark and lonely time. It was she who let Helen open her heart's eyes, and she saved Helen with love. In Annie; With the patient training of Miss Sullivan, she learned to spell words and communicate with people. Finally, with her strong perseverance, she was admitted to Harvard University with excellent results. From then on, she began to write with her heart full of hope and became a respected writer. Without the patient instruction of Miss Sullivan, Helen would never be able to walk out of the dark world.

In life, there are many people like Miss Sullivan who are enthusiastic about helping the disabled. I saw such a thing in the TV program "True Family": there was a disabled child with congenital leukemia. His family is too poor to cure him. After the news report, people from all walks of life extended a helping hand to him. Project Hope also donated money to the disabled child. Disabled children feel happiness and warmth that they have never had before. His ward is full of warmth, because many people love him. Instead of waiting for death in despair, he felt extremely happy. His illness miraculously improved. The first thing he wanted to do was to repay Mr. Wu, who had helped her countless times. He went to great lengths to find Mr. Wu, and after three years of searching. With the help of the Municipal Workers' Association, the reporter found Mr. Wu. It fulfills the wishes of disabled children. The disabled children held Mr. Wu's hand tightly, and tears filled his eyes. Without Mr. Wu's help, the disabled children would not get well. It is because of the care of others that his illness will be cured.

Students, let's take action! Let's help and care for the disabled! Let the disabled feel the warmth of society forever!

Composition on Caring High School (7)

In our life, there are many disabled people. When they face the difference between themselves and normal people, they do not feel sad, discouraged, or give up. Instead, they bravely face life and work hard towards their dreams.

Once when I was walking in the street, I saw an uncle by the bridge in rags. In front of him, there were several pieces of yellow rice paper, and there was some ink in the inkstone. Later, however, I saw his empty trouser legs, wrinkled on the ground, and saw him writing on the paper with a brush. Maybe it was because he had no legs and could only "walk" with his hands. All his hands had many calluses, and there were deep and shallow openings, which were also embedded with mud. However, the brush words he wrote were flying like a stream of calligraphy, It can be seen that he must have practiced calligraphy for a long time and hard. A lot of people immediately gathered around him. They all admired him and took out money and put it in the small cardboard box in front of him. He bowed deeply to everyone to express his gratitude. My little friend and I took out the money together, but it was only three yuan and fifty cents in total. He also bowed to us. Why?

It turns out that the disabled uncle needs respect, care, equality, not ridicule and look down upon him!

Yeah! Love can be a look, but it can give people great comfort, love can also be a smile, but it can give people great warmth, love can also be a seat, but it can give people great touch.

In addition, there is a disabled person whose story is also quite touching. He is very sunny and likes playing basketball very much, but his way of playing basketball is very strange. He always plays with his left hand. He can shoot with one hand and is so accurate every time.

The reason why he did this was not to show off his skills, but because he had only one hand. This magical left hand can play a good game, write a good hand, and even play beautiful music on the piano.

Although one of his hands was disabled, he never considered himself disabled. These physically disabled but mentally healthy people deserve our study.

After reading these stories, I understand that the world has sunshine and rain because of love, and the world has flowers and trees because of cherishing. All of us start from the little things around us, from ourselves, learn to respect, learn to tolerate, learn to help, learn to care, more love, less disputes, more love, less contradictions, the world will become more and more beautiful. Let's join hands and walk with love.