600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (20 anthologies)
2024-02-18 00:57:08

The composition of 600 words I grew up at that moment (1)

Time flies, time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, I have spent 13 years of youth in the world. Although the 13 years of life is not very exciting, I think I am a relatively independent child, because at that moment, I grew up.

It was a weekend. I opened the package my parents bought for me. It turned out to be my favorite roller skates. I was so happy that I immediately put it on my feet. I stood up excitedly, but I didn't stand firmly and fell down. I stood up carefully again, trying to walk on a slippery path. But the reality hit me hard. Although I moved slowly step by step, I still fell. I was very sad and took off my shoes in disappointment. Dad encouraged me to try again outside. I picked up my confidence again, picked up my shoes and walked outside. Dad helped me slide out one step, then the second step, the third step Ha ha, if my father doesn't help me, I can do it. Look at the difficult movements of the little partner next to me, and I also jump up. However, when I landed, one foot didn't stand firmly, and another dog fell on the mud. I felt a slight pain in my knee. At first, the rough ground wiped the delicate skin out of blood, and I wanted my father to help me up. But my father said, "The flowers under the greenhouse will eventually wither. My child, you should learn to be strong. You should learn not to rely on others and rely on yourself, and let you get up is the first step." I thought: My father will eventually grow old. When my father grows old, can I rely on my father again? So I slowly got up, and then slid up again, and then fell down again, and stood up again, and stood up and continued to slide. With my efforts, my gliding skills are getting better and better, and I feel more and more comfortable running, leaping and gliding. From time to time, I still show off my strength in front of my friends.

If it had not been for that time, I would never have been independent and could never change the habit of relying on my parents for everything.

The composition of 600 words I grew up at that moment (2)

I believe that everyone has had the experience of wrestling, and I also have. I wrestled not because of mischief, but because of learning to ride a bicycle.

I shouted: "Mom, I want to learn bicycle." Mom listened and said: "Are you sure? You will fall down in the process of learning bicycle." I said: "I'm sure, very, very sure."

I immediately pushed my sister's bike into the park. Looking at the bike, I felt very happy. But when I just got on the bike, it shook like a drunk. I frowned and said, "Why can't I learn?" My mother said to me patiently: "You should pay attention, look ahead, put your right foot on the pedal first, and then push your foot." Then I did as my mother said, put my right foot on the pedal first, and put my left foot on tiptoe, look forward, and push hard. I felt the car fell to the right. "No, no, I'm going to fall!" I cried, and my little body was pressed under the car.

My mother ran quickly to help me and said, "Don't worry, my mother will encourage you." I tried several times again and gradually found a trace of feeling. "Try again" I said to myself secretly. I stepped onto the bike again and pedaled. Ah, the "stubborn monkey" of the bike suddenly became clever and no longer swayed from side to side. Just when I was secretly proud, a little black dog came out of nowhere and shouted at me "bark, bark". I braked hard and fell again. This time, I didn't have time to cry out for pain. I was afraid that the dog would catch up with me, so I quickly rode on my bike and threw the little black dog far away

At that moment, I rode my bike and felt that I had grown up in the gentle wind.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (3)

When I got the Wooden Horse Reading Assessment issued by the Chinese teacher, I saw the bright red "unqualified" and 9 points (out of 21 points) on it, which made me feel like a deflated ball.

When I got home, I was thinking about how to explain to my mother, but my mother said, "Liu Liu, I heard that you did poorly in the wooden horse test this time, let me see." I slowly handed my homework book to my mother, not daring to face her serious face. "9 points? The total score is 21 points, and you only get 9 points? Others get 19 points, and you only get 9 points? Have you not woken up from the holiday yet? Usually you are asked to study hard, but you just can't listen to it. Without knowledge, how can you stand in the society in the future?" "Stop talking!" I yelled. My mother was stunned. She looked at me in surprise. I could no longer control myself. I ran into my room crying, closed the door with a bang, and fell on the bed crying. It's not my intention to do so badly. Why do you say that about me? How can I not stand on the society in the future?

After a while, I felt a little hungry and had to sneak into the kitchen to find food. I went into the kitchen and opened the lid of the pot. The food was hot inside, and there was my favorite tomato and beef brisket inside. Suddenly, I regretted it. My father works in water distribution and comes back only once a week. Mom is very busy at work, and she has to take care of me and cook and wash clothes for me. How difficult it is for her! But I was so headstrong and lost my temper with him.

At that moment, I grew up. Dear mother, I will never be so headstrong again. I will study hard and never hurt you again. I must grow up.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (4)

Motherly love is like a clear stream. You can see its bottom, but you don't know how deep it is; A mother's love is like a red maple leaf. You can see its muscles, but you don't know how many days and nights it has gone through.

It was one night last winter. I didn't know what I had eaten wrong. Suddenly, a disgusting heat came from my stomach and passed through my throat. I felt that I was going to throw up soon. Even I didn't have time to wear shoes, so I ran to the bathroom and threw up violently. Mom ran out of the room immediately after hearing the voice, patted my back, and nervously asked, "What's wrong, baby? Did you vomit it all out? Was it better?" Mom's words were surprised and distressed. After vomiting, my mother helped me to go back to the room to let me rest, and found a "safe stomach" from the drawer, poured boiled water for me to eat, but the medicine had not reached my stomach, and suddenly vomited again. This vomit, because it came suddenly, I did not react to it. My mother's clothes have been stained with my "masterpiece", becoming a "map of China". Not to mention that, gradually I also had a fever, which was very busy for my mother. She fed me with antipyretic drugs and put antipyretic stickers on my head. She gently stroked the poor me with her hands and sang songs for me. Gradually, I felt that the fever had subsided. After a while, I fell asleep.

The next morning, when I woke up, I saw my mother's eyes were red and swollen, but she was still busy in the kitchen. My father told me that my mother didn't sleep for me all night. At that moment, I was stunned. At this time, my mother came up to me with a bowl of porridge, fed me with a spoon one mouthful at a time, and said, "My dear, after eating this bowl of porridge, the disease will run away." Hearing this sweet voice, I recalled the scenes of my mother taking care of me last night. My tears unconsciously rolled in my eyes, and I couldn't help saying loudly to my mother, "Mom, I love you!

At that moment, I felt that I had grown up, really grew up

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (5)

On the way of growth, there must be unexpected gains, and then the rough road of harvest is also a big stone that can not be bypassed.

The composition class in the morning was very lively. It was like a holiday. The teacher told us to play a game of looking for treasure. There were candy and toys in the treasure, so the whole class couldn't wait to attack the treasure.

At this time, the class was in chaos like a chicken house. A group of "chicks" lowered their heads and bent over, as if they were pecking rice. When I heard someone shouting, "I found it!", my heart was in chaos like a tangle of wool. The students they found were as beautiful as white clouds floating in the sky. Alas, even an empty bag is better than nothing, but why can't I find it? It may be because there is no plan in advance, if it is too late to plan now. Listening to the cheers of my classmates who found the treasure, I was really sad. Although there were some classmates who didn't find it with me, I didn't find the treasure after all. When the teacher announced that the game was suspended, probably many of my classmates were sad. Don't know my sad situation! Seeing the look of the students who found the treasure, who was not angry, so they had to continue to work hard for a while.

When the second round of the game began, I glanced at the place where I had planned to hide something, and first rushed to the wire. Damn it, I could almost find the treasure, but the other students beat me to it. I was so angry that when I looked at the whole class, they all bumped like flies without heads. I could only say that "raising a cup to pour out more sorrow, and cutting off more water". It's probably the most painful thing in the world to watch time go by, but I can't do anything about it. What else can a slapped classroom do! But just then the teacher told us that the time was up and the game was over. I had to go back to my seat unhappily, my hands empty. At this time, the students found were so happy that they almost took the cloud to heaven. If they did not find the students, it would be like chasing into a thousand layers of hell immediately.

This event has formed a big wave in my heart, pushing me, making me grow and progress, and letting me know that nothing can be done in a hurry. Only a peaceful mood can make things happen, just like only a quiet stream can flow into rivers, lakes and seas.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (6)

Everyone has a moment to grow up, so do I.

My mother went home to monitor the health of the community quarantine personnel who returned to Hangzhou from Wuhan and Wenzhou. My father was still fighting for "micro lessons" in his study. Today was Valentine's Day. I began to think: "What kind of gift can I send to my parents?"

I can't make up my mind all the time. I had a brainwave: why not just cook a dish!

I will act at once. I picked a larger potato in the paper box, washed it with water, and then took a plane to remove the yellow skin. Each skin was left a long roll by me. It seemed that the yellow waterfall "flew down three thousand feet". A potato was soon cleaned by me, and the round faced Tudouwa had become a tough man with angular faces.

Take out the cutting board and kitchen knife from the kitchen cabinet, cut the potatoes into pieces first, and then cut them into thin strips. Open the fire, put a piece of lard into the pot to melt and turn into water. Wait until the oily water starts to smoke, then pour the cut potato shreds into the pot and stir quickly with a spatula. Add a small cup of water, cover the lid of the pot, and keep the temperature in the pot rising. When the lid begins to shake, the pot can be opened. Add vinegar, stir fry a few times, add a small spoon of salt, stir fry a few more times, sprinkle a small handful of dry pepper, stir fry a few more times, and you can get out of the pot.

I think my parents will like this "delicious" food I make.

In the evening, when my father, mother and I had dinner together, the hot and sour potato shreds I fried were immediately swept away and were praised by my father and mother.

Looking at my parents' happy smiles, I felt that I had grown up at that moment. Originally, growing up is like this: happiness, warmth.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (7)

It was a sunny day, and the breeze brought the fragrance of flowers.

My teacher and I are going to cook lunch. The teacher said that she cooked and I cooked. So I began to prepare dishes. I will prepare this and that later. I am so busy that I feel dizzy. How difficult it is to prepare dishes!

The necessary dishes and spices are finally ready. I thought, "You can cut vegetables now.". Unexpectedly, the teacher replied that the dishes should be washed before cutting. When I heard these words, it seemed that it was raining cats and dogs in my heart. Looking out of the window at the bamboo forest, it seemed that I was also hit by the rain.

The stomach growled impatiently. If you want to eat delicious dishes, you'd better wash them. Just wash it. Unexpectedly, the teacher asked to put the dishes in order. I... I picked up the dishes angrily. I didn't put the dishes in order for several times. I began to beat them and said, "Don't listen. I told you to go and lie down.". I hurt my arms, so I won't hit them. Finally, I insisted on cleaning them and tiding them up.

At the cutting link, the teacher brought me the sorted vegetables, and I cut them quickly. After cutting the vegetables, the teacher asked me to pat the garlic. When I rushed towards them with the back of my knife, I didn't expect that these garlic quickly flew away from the cutting board. I thought to myself, "How can these garlic fly? Do they have wings?" Then the teacher demonstrated to me, and I knew that pressing with the back of a knife was also OK. The garlic can't fly. Hey hey... lie down quietly and peel their skin for me.

The food was finally ready, and I couldn't wait to taste it to comfort my growling stomach.

It suddenly occurred to me that I could eat delicious food cooked by my parents every day when I was at home. How hard and tired parents are on weekdays! I also need to understand my parents' feelings in the future. Help them more. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for taking care of me!

At that moment, I found that I really grew up.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (8)

On a cold winter night, with the wind blowing, my father accompanied me to class. At the end of class, Dad couldn't get the car because of the evening rush hour, so we had to decide to walk home.

It's already very dark. The road was empty, with only a few flickering street lights flashing. The branches of the dead trees were swayed by the wind. Soon, it began to rain. The rain was blown down all around by the wind and drifted in from my collar. I shivered with cold. My father was just like me. He would take off his coat and put it on for me. I said to my father, "Wear it. If you catch a cold, you won't be able to go to work tomorrow." My father said, "It's OK, I'm strong." He also put a superman pose.

I was amused by my father, so I put on his clothes, and instantly I felt warmer. When I shook Dad's hand, the temperature of his hand was much lower than before. After walking for a while, I saw a convenience store on the roadside, so I said to my father, "Dad, I'll buy you a bottle of hot milk!" So I used my pocket money to buy two bottles of hot milk. I was very happy to see my father drinking milk. My father bowed his head, and I suddenly found that my father was much thinner than before, and there were several wrinkles on his handsome face. I think my father has been worrying too much these months, and he has been working late in recent nights. I went to the company at 5:00 in the morning. Dad really worked too hard, but I just complained that he didn't get a taxi. I should also be considerate of my parents and take on a little housework for my family.

At that moment, I grew up. I feel a heavy sense of responsibility on my shoulder. I should work harder and not let my parents worry.

The composition of 600 words I grew up at that moment (9)

My cousin and I are studying in the same college. Usually my grandpa picks us up after school. Often after school, when he got rid of the school gate, grandpa would help everyone to receive a schoolbag, one on each shoulder, and everyone would easily urge him to go in front of him. But each time he walked slowly and limped, but it could be seen that he was following everyone as closely as possible. I sometimes thought: Is it inconvenient to have two schoolbags? Adults are powerful. My schoolbag is not particularly heavy. My cousin's schoolbag is similar to mine. Does he want to fall behind everyone and not want to go with us?

Until one day, the aunt of the next door neighbor had something to do and asked me to pick up my daughter Xinxin, a freshman in our college, after school. After school at noon that day, I received a large schoolbag that did not match her figure after receiving Xinxin. I planned to help her carry it, so I learned from my grandfather's appearance to carry a schoolbag on one shoulder (one of them is mine naturally). At this time, I suddenly felt that the schoolbag I usually carried was heavy. If I wanted to walk faster, my body would shake up and down, and the schoolbag would keep kicking, I don't think my backpack is just two big iron pieces.

At this moment, because I understood why Grandpa walked so slowly, it was at that moment that I suddenly felt that what he was carrying was not only a schoolbag, but also a concern, an obligation, a true feeling of the next generation and the fatigue of repeatedly agreeing to carry on.

At that moment, I thought I would grow up suddenly. What I carry is not only a schoolbag, but also a trust, a help and a care. I want to lighten the burden for Xinxin and send her home safely like an adult.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (10)

Growing up is a journey that everyone must go through. Everyone is growing every day. But someone's growth is only physical growth, and what we need is not only physical growth, but more growth of thoughts and minds. You may say, I'm still a child, and I haven't experienced wind and rain. How can I grow my heart? Let me tell you that the moment when I think I grow up, maybe it will enlighten you.

People say that only mothers are good in the world, and children with mothers are like treasure. It's true that I have always been a happy child with my mother's careful care since childhood, and I never felt bad about this. My mother is an omnipotent superman in my mind until one afternoon

It was a sunny afternoon. The sun shone on me warmly, and the world became gentle. But I was very angry sitting on the bench in the park. Looking at the shoelaces that were still in a mess after countless times of tying, I was extremely upset. When my mother anxiously found me, I stretched out my feet wrongly and said: Damn shoelaces, how can you tie them! My mother still smiled and said to me: Come, I will!

At this time, the sun hit the mother who bent over to tie my shoelaces, bright and bright. Suddenly, I found a thin white hair in my mother's beautiful brown curly hair, smiling proudly. I was stunned. My mother had white hair. When did time make her old?

Watching the shoelaces turning into beautiful bows in my mother's hands, at this moment, I really felt that I had grown up, I should grow up, I can't always rely on my mother to take care of me, I should do what I can! I said loudly to my mother: Mom, teach me how to do it. I can take care of myself and I can take care of you! The mother was stunned for a moment, smiled and said: OK, little girl has grown up!

In life, many times we just grow up suddenly and carelessly. We don't need to experience any big storms. A small thing can also touch our hearts.

At sunset, my mother and I were walking home. In the roadside trees, the young birds were practicing flying. The mother bird followed the bird closely to protect it, chirping. It seemed that my mother was telling me that at this moment, I felt I had grown up!

The composition of 600 words I grew up at that moment (11)

"My mother gave me a few dollars and I want to buy sugar," I often said to my mother. But my mother always sighed, "Alas, I want money again, and I don't know how to save at all." Finally, my mother could not resist my indomitable efforts, but gave me the money helplessly. Although my mother gave me money, I still said in my heart: What a cheapskate. Just a few yuan. But one thing changed my opinion of my mother.

The Little Journalists Association held a newspaper selling activity. The moment I got the newspaper, I was excited and full of confidence. Because it can be sold out in a few minutes. But no one came to ask when it was just on sale, and I was embarrassed to ask others whether to buy it. I stood there for a long time, a little worried. At this time, an aunt said behind her, "Do you sell newspapers, little friend?"? We turned around and nodded vigorously. Then I handed her this newspaper, and I became bolder and began to ask others whether they wanted to buy newspapers. But those aunts and uncles either said that they had made a decision at home. Or I'm too busy at work to read newspapers. At this time, the self-confidence I had just established was going with the wind.

Just as I was losing confidence, a voice came from behind: "Little sister, give me a newspaper!" I quickly handed the newspaper to the sister after listening. That sister helped me regain my confidence. I opened my throat and shouted, "Sell newspapers, sell newspapers." One, two, three newspapers. One newspaper in my hand decreased. By noon, I had sold out all the newspapers in my hand. I was happy to count the large amount of change in my pocket. It's eight yuan and fifty cents, but no matter how many times I count it, it's only eight yuan and fifty cents. Only then did I earn a few sweets. After subtracting the five yuan promised to my father, I only had three yuan and fifty cents left. I've worked hard all morning to earn so much money. It's not easy to earn money. No wonder my mother blamed me for spending money indiscriminately at that time. From this incident, I realized that it is not easy for my parents to earn money.

At that moment, I understood that it was easier to spend money than to earn money. At that moment, I grew up.

The composition of 600 words I grew up at that moment (12)

At that moment, I was deeply impressed on my mind, and I benefited a lot from that moment. At that moment, I really grew up!

At that moment, I was holding the paper in my hands feebly, and I dragged a heavy step, carrying a "golden heavy" schoolbag. I prayed to the heaven, with infinite emotion in my heart. How I hoped that the 70 points paper could become 90 points!

I thought that going home would only be a beating, but that day I was condemned by my conscience. Before I got home, I heard my father's kind call. When I got home, let alone my father, he didn't ask me anything. He didn't ask me everything about my study, but he was concerned about asking me: "Are you hungry? Go to the kitchen to eat!" When I came to the kitchen, I saw such a scene, A bowl of hot rice, steaming dishes, and a pair of clean and tidy chopsticks were placed on the table. Compared with my 70 point paper, Dad gave me too much. After dinner, my father was not busy asking me to do my homework, but asked me to sit on the sofa and rest. After a while, I could not face everything in front of me. I was ashamed. I lowered my head and told my father my achievements in a low voice. Just now, I was still "the father of heaven". Suddenly, I felt like falling into hell, and cried like a child. I felt ashamed and ran to my study. After a while, I remembered that I was really sorry for my father's crying, so I decided to improve my grades again.

This time with tears in my eyes: slow down the time! Don't let you grow old again. I would like to use everything I have for your long stay. Dad takes your meticulous care! Please believe that your son, I am not a coward, but a man of indomitable spirit! You only need to give me ten days. When I think about this, I can't hold back the tears in my eyes. I really find that I have grown up.

The composition of 600 words I grew up at that moment (13)

When I was young, I wanted to grow up. I think growing taller and more knowledgeable means growing up, and I always hope to grow up faster.

Soon, I grew taller. Once when I went out, my father smiled and said to me, "Time flies. In a twinkling, you will grow up!" I thought: Have I grown up? How do you feel when you grow up?

Once, my father and mother went to work, my grandmother and sister fell asleep, and I was doing my homework in my room. At this time, I heard a familiar voice: "Mom!" "Mom --" Listen carefully. It was my sister who woke up and was calling her mother. I rushed to the bedside like lightning, and saw my sister lying on the bed. Her little eyes were blinking at me, and I was amused by her lovely little eyes. I just wanted to ask Grandma to come and take her away and dress her, but I swallowed the words I was about to blurt out: Grandma usually looks at her sister so hard, and she has to cook and wash clothes for us... Grandma seems to be busy in front of my eyes.

I picked my sister up carefully from the bed, changed her diapers, wet her clothes... It's really difficult just to tell her to dress her. Although there are only a few pieces, it's OK to put them on. But my sister is not so obedient. She always likes to move around when dressing. I'm clumsy. I either put my clothes on backwards or put them on wrong. "Huh --" I took a long breath. It was so hard to take care of the children that I changed my sister's clothes. I was half dead, let alone

At this time, Grandma also woke up. Grandma saw that her sister woke up, and her clothes and diapers were also changed. A little surprise flashed in her eyes. Grandma was so stunned for a few seconds, then smiled and said to me: "My blossoming has grown up, and I will change my sister's clothes!" Grandma's eyes and mouth showed a happy smile. At that moment, I also felt that I really grew up.

This "growing up" is not as simple as my father said, nor as easy as learning. It is an unforgettable feeling and unforgettable.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (14)

The word "growth" is familiar to everyone. Many people think that growth is a long process, but I think that growth is only in a moment.

It was a winter morning. Because I got up late, I grabbed my schoolbag in a hurry and asked my father to send me to school. On the way, I frequently looked at my watch for fear of being late. At the school gate, my father told me before leaving: "When you come to the classroom, read carefully, and review more Chinese content." Wait, Chinese? Chinese books! It suddenly occurred to me that after my mother recited the Chinese text for me last night, she put the Chinese book on the bed and told me to put it away. I was thinking that my homework was finally finished. I forgot my mother's words in a twinkling of an eye and went to bed after washing directly! What should I do? What should I do? I didn't bring my Chinese book! I immediately lost my mind. I grabbed my father and said anxiously, "Dad, my Chinese book left on the bed..." Then I bowed my head and waited for his scolding. "You wait, I'll go back and get it for you." But what I waited for was Dad's powerful words. I raised my head in surprise and watched my father running towards the car with mixed feelings: anxious, regretful, moved

I felt extremely embarrassed when I watched other students carrying their schoolbags into the school one by one, and also cast puzzled glances at me from time to time as I turned around at the school gate. I kept looking at my watch and anxiously kept looking in the direction of my father's coming. It was only 10 minutes before I was late. Is my father in time for such a short time? Shall I go first before it's too late? What if my father comes when I just go in? My mind is full of these questions.

At this time, a running figure in the distance attracted my eyes. It's Dad! Because there were many cars at the school gate, he had to park his car far away. In order to let me get the book in time, he ran and sprinted like an athlete. The cold wind ruffled his hair and flushed his cheeks. I took the book in my father's hand and felt that it was so heavy. Tears were rolling in my eyes.

At that moment, I felt my parents' deep love that was not easy to express; At that moment, I understood the greatness of my parents; At that moment, I decided to change my bad habits; At that moment, I grew up!

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (15)

In daily life or work and study, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Writing compositions is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the moment when Xiao Bian helped you sort out my composition, which is 600 words long, for reference only, and I hope it can help you.

"Come down for dinner soon!" Hearing my mother's call, I still buried my head in the quilt when I was resting on the second floor. I didn't stretch out my head from the quilt until I covered my head with sweat.

When I washed my face and was brushing my teeth, my mother put her hand on my forehead, which frightened me. I almost fell to the ground and water spilled on my clothes. I thought to myself: What's Mom doing? Does she think I have a fever?

After breakfast, when I was finishing the recitation homework assigned by the teacher, my mother came up and said, "Don't recite it now, relax." I rolled my eyes to her and said, "Didn't you let me recite it quickly?" My mother shook her head and walked away helplessly.

When I finished an assignment and wanted to lie down on the sofa for a rest, my mother came up and said, "I want to be lazy just after finishing an assignment. Who do you want to finish the task for?" I stretched and said, "Oh, I stretched and didn't say or write." My mother sighed and went out without saying anything more.

In the evening, I was playing poker with my grandparents. My mother came and said, "It's too late to sleep!" I was having a good time. Naturally, I couldn't listen. My mother said to my grandfather, "Dad, stop playing. It's time to sleep." My grandfather looked at me and said, "My grandson is having a good time. Let's play again." My mother had to wash some fruit for us and take a rest by herself.

During the Spring Festival cleaning, I was responsible for the room sanitation on the second floor, my mother was responsible for the hall sanitation, my father used the water pipe to flush the yard, and my brother pasted the Spring Festival couplets. After cleaning, I felt very tired, so I lay down on the bed and fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself lying in my mother's warm and comfortable bed. When I rolled over, I felt something was under my head, and stood up to see, It's a pile of white hair.

Suddenly, my nose got sour - my mother lost so many white hairs to cultivate us! It is this pile of white hair that once made me choke, and tears have been flowing down. I can't believe that so young mother is getting old day by day. I just wanted to say to my mother, "I will never be angry with you again, and I will never be stubborn, and I will never dislike your nagging." At that moment, I seemed to grow up all of a sudden.

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (16)

We are all familiar with the word "grow up".

Many people believe that growth is a long process; But I think that growth sometimes only happens in a flash.

It was a Saturday afternoon. It was sunny. Mom and Dad went shopping together. My sister was invited out by her classmates. I was the only one left at home. Looking at the mess of the house, I suddenly felt a little unbearable, so I decided to clean it.

Let's do what we say. Where should we start? Let's start from the living room. I cleaned and dragged on for a long time. Then it's time to sort out the things in the bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. While I'm thinking about placing things, I occasionally look around to see whether the items are reasonably placed and whether they are harmonious with each other. When everything was in order, I found that my back was aching and my head was sweating. I couldn't help asking myself: Mom does this every few days. Isn't she tired?

In fact, it was not this event that really made me find myself growing up, but one day in primary school.

One afternoon near the graduation of primary school, the homework assigned by the Chinese teacher was: each person would bring an egg tomorrow, and each person would protect it for three days. We all don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd.

The next day, as soon as I came to the classroom, I saw that many students' eggs were broken. The yolks and whites were all over the floor. I could not help but take a breath and touch my eggs. Fortunately, they didn't break. Today's atmosphere is totally different from usual. Usually, strong women go to teach the boys who make her angry after class. Today, they become a "lady".

In this way, on the third day, the eggs of the students in the class were broken. At the same time, we also understood the intention of the teacher: Don't parents watch us grow up in such a "panic" every day? We are like these eggs, growing up every day under the careful care of our parents, who care more about us than about themselves.

Parents must be very careful to protect us from eggs... I suddenly saw groups of parents ignoring themselves to protect their children.

At that moment, I knew I had grown up

600 words of composition I grew up at that moment (17)

Growth is a long process. From a crying baby to a strong teenager; An excellent student who has never been sensible and mischievous to respect teachers. For me, this is growth.

When I was young, I always hated my grandmother. No matter how good she was to me, I was ungrateful. She was very thrifty. She used water again, hardly turned on the lights at night, and even picked up several discarded drink bottles on the street. She once made my uncle's house look like a garbage mountain. For this reason, the family did not say less about her. But she always said, "When the days are better now, we will forget the past hardships."

But as we grow older, we experience more and more things. I also gradually understand my grandmother's behavior. "Children, eat!" Grandma shouted loudly. After drinking the little porridge, I put the Buddha to see Grandma sitting at the dinner table happily. Grandma is 80 years old, and her white hair has already covered her forehead. The wrinkles on her face replaced the smooth skin in the past. On her toes, irregular nails and calluses often made her itch and pain unbearable. But still helping us all day long, I can't help crying: "Grandma, let me help you wash your feet tonight."

In the evening, I hit a basin of hot water. Grandma said that if I scalded her feet, it would stop itching. I carefully rubbed her toes and separated them to scratch her. When I wiped her feet, I found her eyes red and said excitedly, "The child is playing, sensible, and don't dislike grandma." Yes, from that moment on, I knew how to be filial to grandma and understand her mood. I -- grew up!

At that moment, I grew up with 600 words of composition (18)

When everyone was young, they hoped that they could grow up quickly, because they could do many things that they wanted and liked freely. Of course, I am no exception. I think that growth should be joyful for both boys and girls!

When I was 11 years old, I remember that in the summer vacation, my parents went out early and returned late for work reasons. At first, my grandmother accompanied me. Later, for many reasons, she also returned to the countryside. So I was alone at home for a long time.

Every morning when I got up, my parents had already gone out. After I washed in a leisurely manner, I had no appetite at that time. I read about half an hour more before I reluctantly walked to the kitchen.

Go into the kitchen and see how it is the same as yesterday. There are eggs, bread, milk and apples on the table. Anyway, it's better to have something to eat than nothing. I eat carelessly.

When I clean up the dishes and wash the dishes, and see the clean tableware as new, I don't know why, I always have a sweet taste in my heart.

Quickly finish the homework of the day, and then lie in bed and read. I wanted to get a glass of water, but suddenly I found that the study was in a mess. People who didn't know this thought there was a thief at home! Books, snack bags, tests, exercises and clothes are everywhere. The bed sheets have dropped to the ground, and the quilts are completely spread on the ground... I quickly returned the books to the bookshelf, shook the bed sheets, spread them on the bed, and folded the quilts neatly there. And put all the garbage bags and drink buckets into the bags.

Then, he picked up the broom, and soon the sound of "Shua Shua" sounded all around, like a wonderful music. The place where we heard the noise was clean. Soon, the "garbage army" was gathered at the door, and I sent our "garbage general" - "broom general" to fight. It's really worthy of being "an old general, one is the top two". Look, the "garbage army" has been completely wiped out.

In the evening, when my mother came back, she casually looked at my study and said in surprise, "Son, did you do this?"

I replied proudly, "Of course, clean!"

My mother ran quickly to give me a big hug, and my father gave me a thumbs up, and couldn't help saying: "Great, son, you have grown up!"

At that moment, it seemed that I really grew up!

At that moment, I grew up with 600 words of composition (19)

When you can face up to those setbacks and failures, I think you have grown up—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

God seems to have played a big joke on me. I lost my reputation. After getting up early and going to bed late for several days and nights, the carefully written composition did not make it to the top of the list and failed to win the prize.

Teachers' encouragement and classmates' blessing, as well as my mother's emphasis on the Sydney soup she cooks for me every day when I catch a cold... not to mention my grandparents, I heard that my composition entered the final, and discussed how to celebrate for me every day. But I——

I am so unwilling to run all the way, just want to escape, just want to leave this familiar environment, leave this place that gives me infinite hope and happiness. It seems that only in this way can we unload our burden; The heart can no longer hurt like that. I don't know how long I ran. When I could not run, I stopped. Everything around us seems familiar. Oh, it turns out that this is a small park that I often go to. In memory, it is so cute. But now, is it about to be demolished? Looking at the desolate scenery around, the warmth that just rose in my heart was once again covered and destroyed by the ruthless reality.

"Girl." In a daze, someone called me. It was Dad. I didn't look back because I didn't want to see Dad's disappointed eyes. Will Dad be disappointed? I can't help asking myself. "No one will blame you." Dad stood behind me and said softly, "Failure will pass; success lies in continuing to work hard. The sun and the moon also work alternately." I didn't speak, and the pain of failure made me unable to pretend to be relaxed. "Success is made of failures. Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. Only by facing setbacks and failures can you defeat yourself and surpass the past..."

As usual, Dad didn't talk much, but he always made me think deeply. Heart, gradually calm down. The wind blew gently and sent the unique fragrance of the big tree. The happiness of growing up also comes to mind bit by bit. The corners of the mouth rise unconsciously. Yes, I have so much love and happiness. A little failure is nothing. Hope is the chord of my life! The mood suddenly relaxed. I just felt that I was mature. It seemed that something was shouting, jumping, and pounding all over the place. "I will succeed!" Looking up at the sky, the clouds were red with sunset glow, and my face was also red with reflection.

I turned around and smiled mischievously with my father. "I'm not a child anymore. What are you doing with me?" My father was stunned, and then smiled knowingly. "Girl, you've grown up." Yes, I've grown up. At that moment, I realized that growing up is not only the development of the body, but also the strength of the mind and the maturity of the mind!

At that moment, I really grew up

At that moment, I grew up with 600 words of composition (20)

On the weekend, I was sleeping in. "Ding Lingling -" Who is that in the morning? When I answered the phone, it was my mother: "Look, is there a report on my desk?"

I went to the study, and a "report" was placed in the middle of the table; "Yes, it is!"! Mom's anxious voice came from the phone: "Please help mom send it"! "Ah? It's raining heavily outside..."! Just when I was in trouble, my mother changed her tongue and said, "Forget it." At noon, I will go home and get it myself! I put down the phone and my mother's words echoed in my ears. Mom came back in the rain to get it, and she had to go to work. How hard it is! If it rains, I will send it to my mother!

I walked to the station with an umbrella and watched the buses passing by one by one, but I could not see the bus I was waiting for. I was very depressed. My feet curled up involuntarily under the "siege" of the rain, and the piercing wind blew on me. How cold it was! I stood shivering in the cold wind. The rain hit me obliquely and ran down my cheeks, making me shiver with cold. Half an hour passed, but the bus still didn't come. I turned to look at the stop, unable to do anything. The car finally came! The carriage is already full. I tried hard to get on the bus and was "concentrated" in the crowd, just like the taste of sandwiched biscuits. It was very uncomfortable. Does mom go to work like this every day? How hard it is! I was suffering in the cracks of smaller and smaller people. The four short stops were as long as four centuries.

Finally arrived at the station, I squeezed out of the bus and got back to the original shape. Rubbing my numb body, I walked into my mother's office. I called softly: "Mom." She looked up in surprise and said: "How did you come, daughter?". I took out the "report" from my arms. Fortunately, it was not wet by the rain. When mother saw the "report", her frown opened, her eyes were full of joy and joy. She wiped the glistening rain from my face, gently combed my wet hair, smiled and said to me, "My daughter has grown up and can help my mother!"

My mother sent me to the door of my work unit and asked me to take a taxi home. I looked at my mother's tired face and decided not to take a taxi. I waved to my mother and walked to the bus stop again