Pastoral Scenery Composition (19 recommended)
Youth is used to waste
2024-01-06 05:04:36

Pastoral Scenery Composition (1)

The wind is blowing the red maple leaves on Baiyun Mountain in Luoyang, making them rustle and rush to the mountain mother's arms in a circle. The sky is bluer than anywhere else, white clouds seem to be within reach, and the sun is more brilliant, shining Baiyun Mountain.

Pedestrians come and go on the mountain like a long dragon. Holding the long bamboo pole, while walking, he shook his sweat and exclaimed, "This mountain is rolling, and the higher the higher the more magnificent it is, watching the waterfall fly down, and watching the towering trees, it is really a great joy in life!"

In the lake at the foot of the mountain, the fish are free, swinging their small tails. For a while, I bent over and stared at the green grass "dancing", for a while, I looked up and looked at the tall and straight Baiyun Mountain. The beautiful makeup of weeping willows is reflected on the sparkling lake, and the fallen leaves wet by the lake lie quietly on the bank.

When I came to the Peony Garden, the autumn wind blew, but there were still a few unshaven buds hanging on the high branches in the garden. Gently smell, faint fragrance. The indomitable petals are like a touch of red on the sunset, dim and fragrant. I don't know which naughty yellow butterfly is playing hide and seek with the wind. One moment it flies to the peony like a lifelike flower petal, and one moment it floats to the peony stem, standing still. It looks like an exquisite bow.

Climbing to the top of the mountain and standing on the towering Baiyun Mountain, everything is so beautiful. Pine trees, maple trees, birches... form a colorful picture. Squirrel is like a lovely elf, jumping from one tree to another, adding a happy atmosphere to the picture.

Looking at the magnificent waterfalls, it really means that "the Milky Way falls nine days after it flies down three thousand feet"! Sometimes the sound of the waterfall is like the anger of the Emperor of Heaven, and sometimes it is like a little girl dancing on tiptoe. The waterfall has long flowing hair, like a poem. It takes a handful of water and throws it on its face, fresh and refreshing. The towering Baiyun Mountain looks like a giant, dressed in colorful robes, silently watching the tourists.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (2)

Rural families have a unique and charming scenery. Last autumn, I went back to my hometown. Now let me tell you about my hometown!

When you go to the countryside, you can often see many courtyards, which are made of green bricks one by one. Some brick walls are painted with paint, and there are also words written on them, which is very similar to the handwriting of a calligrapher!

Now let's go to the fields and have a look. When we get there, we can see a golden field. The first thing we see is the first stop "cornfield". If you stand in front of it, you will see corn grinning and greeting you. We walked around the corn field and came to the second stop, "Luffa Field". Miss Luffa seemed to be sitting on a rack and playing on a swing. Miss Luffa's companions danced with her. You can't touch it with your hands. Once the fuzz has gone, it can't live.

Now let's come to the last stop, the "tomato field". These red tomatoes have smooth skins. No one uses pesticides on them, and no insects eat them. If you are tired and thirsty, you can pick a tomato at any time and eat it to your heart's content. The inside is sweet and sour. If you want to eat one, it can also help you relieve your fatigue, It can also help you supplement vitamin c.

In the afternoon, when the old people have nothing to do, they set up a mini table to play poker and talk. This is a matter of idleness for the city people.

Rural people, both inside and outside the village, are so simple, so hot, and so harmonious.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (3)

Pastoral scenery is an indispensable gem in landscape painting. Now let me tell you about it!

When you walk on the country road, with soft and fertile soil under your feet, breathing slightly sweet air, it is refreshing.

Passing through the woods, you will see many fruits on the branches and branches. The aroma of the fruits will float through your nose, which will make you salivate. As long as you take a step closer, you will be eager to put on a pair of wings, pick off the fruits and have a good meal.

Walking through the woods, you will see the green grass. A group of chickens will come to you. They will shuttle and play among the grass. Sometimes they will jump up and peck at you. They will frighten you out of your wits. When you come back to your senses, they will have fled. Lying on the soft grass, enjoying all this, people can't help falling asleep.

The pastoral scenery is really beautiful!

Pastoral Scenery Composition (4)

The day before the Mid Autumn Festival, I returned to my hometown, Wuhua, to enjoy the beautiful pastoral scenery.

In the morning, accompanied by the crowing of roosters, I walked along the narrow paths in the fields. Listen, the birds chirp, the frogs croak, and the rooster comes to show his tenor. The singing of so many famous singers, mixed together, has become a unique rural "pastoral symphony". Looking up at the sky, far away, there is a white fish belly, everyone should wake up, right?

At noon, the farmers gathered their tools at the edge of the field and prepared to go home. In the chimney not far away, smoke curled up like silver snakes. I know that people in the village have started cooking! I came to the small pond near the yard. Look, the water in the pond is clear to the bottom, and there are several small fish swimming freely. How happy! I can't help but put my hands into the water. It's very refreshing. I wipe the water on my face. Wow! The whole person felt relaxed and happy.

In the afternoon, the sky was no longer as blue and pale as noon. The crops in the fields are so tall that they look as if they are covered with a green carpet. Dark green, light green, tender green, yellow green... all kinds of green interweave together, making people feel very comfortable.

In the evening, the sky also gradually darkened, and the sky was blue and black. After a while, the sky was completely dark, like an ink bottle that had been knocked over. A bright moon was hanging high in the sky, round like a plate. It was worthy of saying that "when the hour did not know the moon, it was called a white jade plate"! There are only a few stars in the sky, the full moon and few stars. At this time, the countryside was extremely quiet, and only the barking of dogs outside could be heard. I don't know when, sleep has crept all over my body, and slowly I entered a sweet dream.

In short, the pastoral scenery can only be described in three words: "abundant", "beautiful" and "soft". I hope you can visit my hometown when you are free!

Pastoral Scenery Composition (5)

Hope, hope, finally hope to the weekend, under my hard and soft temper, my father finally agreed to take me back to my hometown, which made me ecstatic.

It's already ten minutes after noon when you step into your hometown. Looking across the vast field, you will see a green seedling. Under the breeze, the seedling turns up green waves, as if waving to us: "Welcome back". The corn in the field has grown to a height of 60 or 70 cm, which is also green and pleasant to watch. The noon sun was scorching, and the cicadas kept calling: "cicadas, cicadas". There were also farmers working in the fields, which made me think of "Compassion for Farmers": "At noon when hoeing, sweat drips down the grain. Who knows that every grain is hard to eat." This is the hometown field.

The vegetable fields at home are planted with water spinach, mustard, Shanghai greens, melon seedlings, cucumbers, peppers... There are many tender and green vegetables that I don't know. These are pollution-free green food grown with farmyard manure. These green food can be called delicious food. This is the home garden.

At sunset, I saw the red sunset glow dyed most of the sky red. The clouds of various shapes were so beautiful and moving against the sunset glow, and wisps of light smoke floated out of the chimneys of every household. People who had worked all day began to prepare dinner. At this time, I made an appointment with several friends to play near the stream not far from home. The water of the stream was clear, and it was still singing. Ah, it was very cool here. Look, there are also colorful wild flowers blooming by the stream, which can send out bursts of fragrance from time to time. I stood on the flagstone beside the stream and looked far away at the straight cement road leading to the village. All the farmers and uncles who had been busy all day were carrying hoes and holding cows, and happily and hurriedly returned home. In the setting sun, birds returning to their nests in the sky and people in the countryside together form a harmonious pastoral landscape. I can't help but be intoxicated by the charming scenery. This is the beauty of my hometown.

In particular, the yard and houses in the countryside are very special. People will plant something in front of and behind the yard, some flowers, some melons, some fruits, some vegetables, and some crops. As a rule, rural people cannot live without dogs and chickens. Dogs have a great use in rural families. If there is someone, dogs can bark. Remind people in the house that when they hear the barking, they will know that people are coming. The hens walked up and down in the yard, and the hens led this group of chickens to walk up and down in the open yard. The chimneys on the roof curled smoke.

The countryside is beautiful and beautiful. I like the countryside.

I like the beautiful pastoral scenery and charming hometown scenery.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (6)

Have you ever been to the countryside? Come and experience the beautiful pastoral scenery with me!

On the way to Xianyu Ridge, there are always several mountains in the distance following us. Because it rained a little, I could only see the outline of the mountain, adding some mysterious color to the original green mountain

Not far away, I can occasionally hear the cries of several chickens, which represents the arrival of Xianyu Ridge! I was ecstatic and thought: Ha ha, it's finally here! What will the pastoral scenery look like?

I took the lead and rushed to the vegetable field. The food on the vegetable field opened my eyes: my younger brother, Onion, pushed up hard and determined a thin onion; Brother Pepper is not willing to be outdone, and has grown tender green leaves; The sweet potato aunt is shy, so that the leaves are slightly red; Mr. Peanut is very tall, but there are people outside. Brother Luffa quietly climbs up the high trellis and has leaves like darts

Rape girl took off the golden leaves and produced light green pods. Large areas of rapeseed trees formed a light green picture. Next to this picture, there are several fishermen fishing. They throw fish food into the water one by one, causing waves. When the fish finished eating, they patted the water happily and swam away mischievously, while the fishermen waited patiently for the little fish to bite. Sure enough, a fisherman pulled the rod and a fish came to the surface. Their faces were smiling triumphantly.

I mustered up my courage, borrowed a fishing rod from the fishermen, and pretended to catch it. My father helped me feed while the small fish army finished eating, and then patted the water. It seemed that I was saying to me, "Ha ha, big fool, can't catch us?" But I was unmoved. A stupid fish got hooked! I was ecstatic. I pulled the rod quickly, but I didn't expect that the fish was so powerful that it pulled me. Without the help of adults, I would have fallen into the river. How dangerous!

I like the pastoral scenery, which makes me intoxicated.

"Didi" is the sound of the car horn again. Are you tired of this bustling city? Then come and visit the natural and harmonious countryside with me!

Just entering the pastoral path, I felt the quiet of the countryside. Rows of trees stood on both sides of the road like guards guarding the road; Xiaohua is showing off her new skirt. He sticks out his waist and shouts, "Come and see my new skirt!" Xiaocao changes into a green new dress and dances beautifully in the wind.

But after a while, I heard the crowing of chickens. I was ecstatic and thought: Ha ha! This means that the countryside is approaching. What is the vegetable plot like? We can't wait to get to the vegetable field, and my previous mystery has finally been solved. The rape girl in the vegetable field took off her golden clothes and produced dense light green pods. The peppers were unwilling to be outdone and grew pieces of green leaves.

There is a small river in the distance. Several farmer uncles are fishing. I want to go fishing with them, but I am a little shy and dare not go forward. Seeing their happy expressions, I can't help but summon up my courage, go forward, ask them for fishing rods and bait, and start fishing. But every time I dropped the bait, I was stolen by those crafty fish, who slapped the water with their tails, as if to say, "Fool! You can't catch me, ha ha!".

Soon, it was evening. We were going back. The scenery here made me linger.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (7)

At the weekend, we went to visit my uncle's house in the countryside. They have a big yard, near the kitchen door, and built a vine. The sturdy vines climbed along the shelf and covered most of the yard with strings of small grapes. Uncle told me that I could eat sweet grapes when I came back in August and September.

The sun was just right outside. My grandfather was sitting on a small stool, leaning against the eaves, basking in the sun. At his feet lay a lazy cat, next to which ran a vigorous yellow dog, running tirelessly around the yard. Sometimes a few big roosters who are looking for food are accidentally bumped into, which will lead to a war of "chicken flying and dog jumping". I was amused to laugh, but the lazy cat was very calm, only opened his eyes to sweep a few times, and then continued to sleep

My father took me for a walk in the field. The green wheat grew vigorously. A gust of wind blew and said hello to us in unison. There are still some unknown flowers and grass growing on the ridge of the farmland. Although there is no grace of peony and enchantment of peony, they stretch their arms in the breeze of the field and dance freely. I also learned to spread my arms and breathe deeply. The fresh air after the rain always reminds me of the smell of watermelon that has just been opened. When I told my father, he laughed that I was a greedy cat. The sky is full of blue clouds. Without the interference of artificial buildings, the mind suddenly becomes open.

This feeling of true love, perhaps this is the taste of freedom, I love the pastoral scenery!

Pastoral Scenery Composition (8)

The countryside is so beautiful, the air is so fresh, and the people are so industrious. It will make you linger and forget to return. Be deeply attracted by this beautiful picture.

When I first came to the countryside, I smelled a faint fragrance, which made me intoxicated. When I walked over again, I found that the pear flowers were as white as snow, and the vast pear flowers looked like a piece of snow that never melted all the year round. Close up, it looks like snow white silk. After another walk, there are many green rice in the fields. It seems that they are bathing themselves in the water. There is corn beside the rice. The corn is wrapped in green clothes, and only a few whiskers are exposed. There are also golden rape flowers, which look like glittering gold on the vegetables and like a golden ocean from a distance. The sky is blue, like a piece of blue crystal silk, and several white clouds are walking slowly in the air. There is clear water in the brook beside them, running noisily. There are also several small fish swimming freely, as if playing hide and seek. At this time, flowers are in full bloom, golden jasmine and rape flowers, snow-white pear flowers and cotton, pink peach flowers. So many flowers compete with each other, as if to say, "I am the most beautiful! I am the most beautiful!"

In fact, the industrious farmers in the countryside, the beautiful pictures and the fresh air are a vivid landscape painting!

Pastoral Scenery Composition (9)

I like the bustling city, I like the happy and beautiful resort, but I prefer the rural scenery.

Today, under the guidance of our teacher, we came to Yangzhou Village, about 5 kilometers away from the estuary, to enjoy the pastoral scenery.

First of all, we came to the 100 mu vineyard. Looking down from the height, the vineyard seemed to be a green ocean, so spectacular! Go straight into a 100m "green corridor". The vines are covered with small clusters of green grapes the size of beans. Oh, what a lovely elf! They shine all over, like small eyes watching us, and like lovely babies sleeping in their mother's arms. Look at the grape leaves on one side, like huge palms, blocking the hot sun. Not far away, there are two farmers, one is pruning grapes, the other is spraying pesticides. Looking at these clusters of green grapes that have not yet matured, I seem to see the grapes change from green to purple, turning into delicious purple grapes, emitting bursts of fragrance.

Cross the road, then we came to the vegetable greenhouse. The curved bamboo strips support the white vegetable greenhouses. It's so hot to walk into the greenhouses! The air seems to be heated by someone. The green pepper is long and fat, which makes people salivate.

Then we came to the beautiful lotus pond, where the lotus leaves are big and round, like a green plate. A breeze blew, and the lotus leaf danced beautifully. The water on the lotus leaf rolled like pearls. I really want to string it together and give it to my beloved teacher. Looking at the beautiful scenery, we couldn't help singing "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond": "Cut a period of time to flow slowly..." At this time, a group of ducks swam from afar, playing in the river, playing hide and seek, and hunting.

On the green grass, cows are eating grass leisurely, and some calves are sucking sweet milk under cows. The lonely grass is decorated with wild flowers all over the ground. The frogs hiding in the grass are awakened by us and jump out of the grass.

The breeze caresses your face, smells the faint fragrance of grass, looks at the bright green everywhere, and listens to the chirping birds, which makes you feel as if you are in a paradise. Oh, the charming pastoral scenery is refreshing and unforgettable.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (10)

Living in a beautiful village, my mood every day is like the pastoral scenery in the morning.

In the spring, on the way to school in the morning, there was no cloudy air in the city. The farmers hurried to their own fields. There were chirping cheers from the branches of small trees along the road, as if saying, "Children, go to primary school quickly." On the way, we were walking toward the school happily

If it is summer, you will hear many insects chirping and frogs croaking. The fruits and melons in the countryside are very popular. The industrious people see the hope of life for these crops. Although they are industrious and practical, they have created a beautiful landscape in the countryside. If you look at it, there are a series of crops, such as green rice fields, beautiful mountains and fruit forests, It is all the beautiful scenery they have bought with their hard work.

There is also the old man who plays bamboo flute to herd cattle. As long as you observe carefully, you will find that the old man, cattle, flowers and plants are a harmonious landscape blueprint of the countryside.

People here are busy with the change of seasons. The winding river and clear water irrigate everything. The calm river is like a bright mirror. Inside the mirror is a beautiful picture of the countryside. The bamboo raft in the river moves slowly, the small fish wander gently in the water, the children on the river bank are playing and chasing, and the flowers and plants on both sides of the river are blooming in full bloom. This is our rural scenery. I love my beautiful countryside.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (11)

Rural life is colorful. It is a rainbow, colorful; It is a ray of sunshine, shining into our hearts.

With the warm spring wind and fine spring rain, Spring Girl came with light steps. Look! The golden rape flowers are like little girls with bright smiles; And the pink peach blossoms hanging on the branches, like graceful girls

As soon as the lovely Spring Girl left, summer came with hot enthusiasm. The fiery red sun scorched the earth relentlessly. Peasant uncles bent over to transplant rice seedlings. They were all sweating and sweating. They were sowing today's seeds and harvesting tomorrow's hope.

In the golden autumn, golden rice shows its charm. A gust of wind blows, and the golden wheat waves dance with the melody of the wind. Autumn is also the time when osmanthus fragrans are fragrant. Fragrant osmanthus makes me intoxicated. Autumn is also a harvest season. Look! Brother Pear put on his famous yellow jacket and hung it proudly on the branch; There are also red apples, and my face is red with anxiety

Winter turned into a gust of wind, sending autumn and winter. The snowflakes were flying, and the little elves were falling on the branches and making their homes there.

No matter how many flowery words and beautiful sentences you use, you can't interpret the beauty of your hometown.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (12)

In the harmonious and peaceful countryside, there is no prosperity in the city, but there is its own unique rural scenery; There is no traffic in the city, but there is peace on the narrow lane; There is no tall building in the city, but there is the warmth of your own house; There is no fun game facilities in the city, but there is another interesting game

In the morning, the air is fresh, and the cool wind blowing in the face will make you feel refreshed. The cock with a red crown wakes you up with his loud voice. The birds are chirping and singing morning songs. The brook flows slowly. The sun shines the warm sunshine on the countryside. The willow trees absorb the sunshine and become energetic. They listen to the birds singing with relish. He gently waves his arms in the breeze, as if dancing with the beautiful songs of the birds.

At night, the sun reluctantly leaves the sky, the beautiful moon casts a silver glow on the quiet land, and the gentle moonlight shines on the stream, making the stream more beautiful, like an unpolished mirror. It is really "the lake and the moon are in harmony, and the pool has no wind mirror.". The sky is like a blue Persian carpet, which is inlaid with yellow "small stones". The quiet night was quiet and charming, and everyone fell into a sweet dream. Moonlight sprinkled on buckwheat flowers is as pure as snow, which really corresponds to the poem of Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, "Go out of the front door to look at the wild fields alone, and buckwheat flowers are as pure as snow in the moonlight". Such beautiful scenery makes the countryside at night more quiet.

The countryside is a picture, a poem, a song, always rippling in our minds.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (13)

The beauty of the countryside is like a beautiful song, which makes me unforgettable; The beauty of the countryside is like a difficult problem, which makes me miss it.

The beauty of the countryside is in front of us. In autumn, when I stood in the field and looked around, I saw golden ears of wheat shaking in the breeze, just like waves. It reminds me of "the wind blows the wheat". Walking to the lake, the lake was calm like a big mirror. After a breeze, the golden maple leaves on the trees fell on the lake, making the lake ripples. It's so beautiful!

Turning around, I saw a big orchard behind me. When I walked into the orchard, I would smell fresh and pleasant fruit fragrance, refreshing and unforgettable. Lying on the grass in the orchard, hearing the lark singing for you and smelling the faint aroma of fruit, you can immediately fall asleep and have a sweet dream.

When you wake up at night, you look at the bright moon in the sky, as if you saw Chang'e and the Moon Rabbit dancing on it, and your heart will fly there. When you come back to your senses, you will feel that Sister Xing'er is telling you a beautiful and moving story for you to enjoy.

The beauty of the countryside is like a paintbrush. Put the beauty of the countryside in my mind. No, it should be engraved in my mind and I will never forget it. I love the beautiful countryside!

Pastoral Scenery Composition (14)

In spring, the pastoral scenery is beautiful. Now let me take you

A group of cute ducklings swam in the clear river. They played in the water and plunged their heads into the water from time to time to find food. Even if there were women pounding clothes on the nearby stones, they would never be surprised.

On the lawn, grass sticks out and breathes fresh air. The flowers also opened, including peony, impatiens, cockscomb and dahlias. They were dressed in seasonal fashion and opened in order. They were simple and somewhat gorgeous, showing a unique rural scenery. Look at the white sheep, carefree.

Ah! The beautiful pastoral scenery is like a picture, like a poem, like a song, which is beautiful and memorable.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (15)

This afternoon, I went to my grandma's house by car. We flew on the flat and straight asphalt road, with rows of tall, straight and green trees on both sides, like solemn sentries standing guard. I sat in the car and looked out. Large green seedlings emerged from the endless fields, stood upright, and were greedily breathing the sun. The golden rape flower has now turned into green rapeseed, and the soil has also turned over. In the distance, you can see almost people, and the roof is rising with smoke, Everywhere was a scene of vitality.

After about 20 minutes' journey, we arrived at Grandma's house. After lunch, we went out to see the pastoral scenery. Standing in front of Grandma's house, looking out, the mountains in the distance are like the backs of camels, rolling, they are racing! Large green bamboos look like a green sea. There is a small stream at the entrance of the village. The river water is clear to the bottom. You can see groups of small black tadpoles swimming among the water and grass. Sometimes, several playful ducks will appear on the river, swimming happily and shouting "quack" at the same time. I thought: Isn't this the scene of the green village and the green hills leaning outward?

When we went to the fields, we saw all kinds of unknown flowers. The noon sun was so dazzling that I couldn't open my eyes, but the flowers were blooming more colorful in the fierce sun. I saw butterflies dancing among the flowers, bees buzzing busily... The vines of Sijidou climbed onto the trellis. The soybeans had borne fruit, and its fruits were covered with green armor, It is firm. Walking in the fields, you can hear chirping birds everywhere, but you can't see their shadow. In fact, they are playing hide and seek with us!

Now is the good season for sowing. People are cutting wheat, picking beans and planting in the fields. It is a busy scene. In April, there are few idle people in the countryside. It is only after sericulture and planting in the fields. Yes, the pastoral scenery is like a picture, like a poem, like a Qingyuan song. Ah, the pastoral scenery doesn't make people nostalgic!

Pastoral Scenery Composition (16)

The countryside, all year round, spring, summer, autumn and winter, is so attractive and unique that you can indulge in it. What scenery can be more attractive than the magnificent countryside?

The charming spring is coming. The fields are yellow and green, and the buds have just opened. The willow buds are no longer timid, and slowly pop out their pointy little heads. Looking left and right, they are full of curiosity about the world; Xiaohua sister stretched their beautiful arms one by one, stretched out her bent body and yawned; Xiao Cao's younger brother also changed into a bright light green new dress and chatted with each other; The wild geese and the swallow also flew back to the north, and hurry to build a new nest

Brother Xia took the warm wind to the countryside, and playfully hung the warm sun high in the sky. The crazy sun baked the earth, and the wheat looked golden, dancing with the wind in the sun, like pieces of gold bars; By the brook, two old people sat on the riverside and talked happily. Three or four children were fighting water fights, turning somersaults, raising dragonflies and whistling wheat; In the stream, a group of ducks play in the water, which can be said to be "ducks play in the water"

The gentle elder sister Qiu came to the countryside with beautiful steps. The farmer uncle looked at the good harvest this year in front of his house and smiled; The red apple looks like a timid and shy girl, blushing and refusing to leave the tree mother; One after another, the big yellow pears are hanging on the tree like lanterns, and like the legendary gourds; Shuilingling's big grapes are plump on the big leaves, red, white, green, purple... The wheat field is golden with Sister Qiu's watercolor pen, showing off her beautiful new clothes.

Grandpa Winter drove the snowflake car slowly to the lovely fields and couldn't wait to get the biggest snow this year. Trees, grass, wheat fields and rivers were covered with thick quilts and passed the winter peacefully; The children are not afraid of the cold. They put on their mother's cotton padded jacket and happily made snowmen on the earth. Look! So many people seem to be alive. I want to dance with children!

In such a season and such a landscape, every landscape can not compare with this natural and harmonious pastoral landscape painting!

Pastoral Scenery Composition (17)

Rural scenery

The air in the countryside is so clear, the sky in the countryside is so blue, and the scenery in the countryside is so beautiful. The countryside in summer will make you linger.


In the morning, the east has just turned white, the earth is sleeping, and the beautiful little face of the flowers is rolling with crystal dew, which lies in the cradle of grass silently. "Cluck cluck cluck" A rooster made a few clear calls, and the sleeping village woke up: birds chirped and chattered; The brook began to sing songs; The sun grandfather did not know when he went to the sky so high; The weeping willows by the brook are looking at the "mirror" of the brook, combing their hair! Grannies and aunts in the village are making breakfast, and wisps of cooking smoke are rising. The morning air is so clear and refreshing. At this time, people who had a night's rest began their day's work.


At noon, there was no cloud, the sun was scorching the earth, the weather was sultry, not as cool as in the morning. The cicadas kept singing: "cicadas, cicadas..." The dogs kept sticking out their tongues, and the birds were tired of chatting, so they all dozed in the trees. But the children in the countryside happily jumped into the cool brook one by one, and the brook greeted him (her) with the joyful sound of water. They came to a "water fight" and fought for a "life and death". "Pa, pa" water splashed out with laughter, looking at how fierce they fought, as if they were on a real battlefield! The joy of children's play also melted into the air, adding a few strands of joy to the stuffy noon. Adults are talking and laughing under the shade of trees with cattail fans.


A wisp of light smoke floated out of the chimney, and the mothers had already started to prepare dinner. The ground still left a trace of waste heat, and the dusk was not as stuffy as noon. Looking up at the sky, maybe some painter accidentally knocked over the paint bottle, and red juice flowed out and dyed the sky red; Maybe the sun father went too fast and accidentally pulled off the red shawl. When the sunset sister saw it, she put it on her playfully; Maybe it was the sister of Sunset who drunk Brother Lantian, revealing her red face. The sunset has already dyed more than half of the sky red, and the color is still changing: red, pink. Fire clouds come, and their shapes are even more varied: look! A ferocious tiger is chasing a rabbit. Running, running, and missing, there is a horse running on the boundless grassland... It seems to be the wonderful magic of a magic master.


The dark night came, and the dark blue sky seemed washed by clear water. The beautiful moon hanging on the edge of the sky cast a silver glow on the earth. The gentle moonlight was as calm as water and scattered on people's faces. The beautiful sky is like a dark blue carpet, inlaid with countless shiny "small diamonds", which are extremely beautiful. Twinkling and twinkling, the sky is filled with small stars, who sing a happy song. Late at night, chickens, ducks, dogs and geese all slept, grass, flowers and trees slept, and people fell asleep

The countryside is like a picture, a song, a poem. The beauty of the countryside makes you nostalgic!

Rural scenery

The air in the countryside is fresh, the sky in the countryside is blue, the scenery in the countryside is unique, and the countryside will be your nostalgia.


In the morning, the cool wind blowing from the fresh air will make you feel refreshed. Look! The birds are chirping in the morning songs, the brook flows slowly, the sun shines the warm sunshine on the countryside, the willow trees absorb the sunshine and become energetic and enjoy listening to the birds singing.


At noon, the weather was sultry and not as cool as it was in the morning. The cicadas sang "Zhizhizhi" in unison... The birds in the morning were tired and lay listlessly on the branches of the trees. The willow trees were tired and bent down. The children in the countryside jumped into the brook one by one. The brook welcomed the children's arrival and embraced them with spray. The children played water polo, The children's laughter and happy mood melted into the air, adding some fun to the stuffy noon.


At dusk, a wisp of smoke rises from the remote hilltop, and there is still a trace of residual heat when you touch the ground with your hands. There is a trace of warmth in the cool breeze. The dark red sunset glow in the sky has dyed half the sky red. The blue sky has changed into a dark red skirt. The beautiful sunset glow has different shapes. Two horses are racing in the air, running and disappearing. Which magician dressed the sunset as beautiful and charming as this?


At night, the sun reluctantly leaves the sky. The beautiful moon casts a silver glow on the quiet earth. The gentle moonlight shines on the brook. The brook looks more beautiful. The sky is like a blue Persian carpet inlaid with yellow "little gems". "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, and the sky is full of little stars." The little stars sing a beautiful song. The quiet night is quiet and charming, chicken. dog. Cats. Duck. All sleep, flowers and grass also sleep, people have entered a sweet dream.

The countryside is like a picture, like a poem, like a song. The beauty of the countryside makes you nostalgic!

Rural scenery

From time to time in the fields, the fragrance of soil wafts. Looking around, the eyes are full of green wheat seedlings, extending to the distant horizon, and the rays of the sun leave its attachment to the sky as well as the earth. When the sun was almost setting, it was still very bright. At this time, there were only a few white clouds in the sky, just like several sailing boats sailing on the sea. At this time, the birds in the trees and on the ground have almost returned to their nests, but some birds are out looking for food. Suddenly, not only one bird was frightened and flew away with a long cry.

When the last ray of sunset was taken away, it was already dark. At this time, the white smoke and gray twilight rose continuously, enveloping the whole village, just like covering the village with a veil, making the village's beautiful scenery indistinct. The tree reflected in the calm water looks like a tree princess dressing up. Oh, what a beautiful pastoral scenery. If you come to watch it, you will be fascinated by the poetic dusk and immersed in the beauty of nature. Nearby, big trees stand tall and hold their heads up. The dense leaves are shining through the shadow of the sun, and life is very vigorous. From a distance, these trees look like a powerful soldier, guarding every flower and grass here. Xiaocao is like an elegant dancer, dancing in the breeze with beautiful and charming dance. In the distance, flowers are competing for beauty. Look! Red like fire, white like snow, pink like rosy clouds, yellow Saijin is extremely beautiful. Bursts of fragrance will surely make you intoxicated. I cannot part with my thoughts.

Rural scenery

My grandmother's family lives in the countryside, and the pastoral scenery is like a picture. Large areas of bamboo forests are full of bamboo shoots, and the side of the river is full of soft reeds. When the wind blows, the goose like reeds will fly up quietly, covering the grass higher than the legs of horses. In the grass, you can always see cattle and sheep grazing, and the vigorous figure is wandering. When spring comes, There will also be wild flowers blooming in the grass, as if there are scattered colorful in the thick green.

In the clear river, the fish are playing freely, and the big white goose stretches its neck and digs its head into the water for food. The big lobster waved the big tongs and walked around majestically, setting off the unique scenery of the countryside

In front of each family's brick and tile house, they will set up a melon rack, and they can plant fruits and vegetables at will, so that those fruits and vegetables can crawl up along the melon rack. When the flowers wither, full fruits will hang in front of the house, covering the summer heat, and the sun will become a blurred light spot, jumping among the green leaves. It also covers the cold wind in winter. When the wind blows, the leaves next to each other collide and make rustling sound. That sound is really nice. Some people will plant flowers between the cracks of the house. Dahlia, impatiens or a pot of green iron trees can reflect the characteristics of a farmer's family, which is a bit gorgeous in simplicity.

On the mountain behind the house, there are also tea trees, which can give off a faint fragrance, so that people who are tired of a day can fall asleep in the fragrance. In the season of cultivation, tea picking women will carry bamboo baskets to pick tea in the mountains, forming an interesting feature.

Between the mountains and rivers, people are intoxicated. The sky is cloudy, the streams are clear, the mountains are continuous, and the air is fresh. What kind of scenery can compare with the picturesque countryside?

Rural scenery

In the countryside in spring, the humid air is full of attractive grass fragrance; From time to time, the fragrance of the soil wafts from the fields. Looking around, there are green wheat seedlings all over the eyes, extending to the distant horizon. While the glow leaves its memory to the sky, it also leaves it to the earth. The spring breeze gently blows, and the fields are filled with wheat waves. At this time, people's feelings and thoughts also fluctuate with the wheat waves, and can not be calm for a long time. The rural scenery is really like a long scroll slowly displayed in front of people. However, the beautiful scroll is decorated with colorful and brilliant, but it is a slow display of the ingenious integration of people and nature after a day's work. At dusk, people who had worked all day came back from work with joy. They carried hoes and walked on the country stalks. When the sun shone red on their dark faces, everyone talked and laughed, as if they had forgotten the tiredness of the day. Their figures were drawn long by the sunset. The sun went down, but the sky was still bright. The blue sky is sparsely dotted with a few pale white clouds, which reveal a trace of elegant beauty, as if there are boats floating on the blue sea. At this time, the white clouds have been put on a golden coat by the glow. The birds frolicking in the trees and grass gradually quieted down. Maybe it was dusk, and they returned to their nests to rest. Occasionally, some birds, I don't know what frighten them, drag a long cry across the sky and fly towards the distance. When the sunset brought the last glow home, the sky and earth became silver gray. The milky smoke and gray twilight blend together, just like a veil covering the roof, wall, trees and fields. At this moment, the countryside also becomes indistinct, hazy and magical. However, the river outside the village is still clear and bright, the river flows quietly with a spin, and there are reflections of trees in the water! Occasionally, some fish come out of the water, breathe the air of nature, and then plunge into the water. The fish's frolic makes a circle of ripples on the calm water surface. The shadows of those trees, like snakes, wriggle in the water. With the passage of time, the ripples slowly disappeared and calmed down, and the reflection of trees in the water was still clear and visible. As night fell, the countryside, fields, trees and rivers gradually became blurred. Occasionally from the countryside, there were bursts of children's noise, but soon disappeared, gradually, everything was covered by the diffuse darkness. Oh, what a quiet and elegant rural scenery! The poetic dusk is intoxicating and makes people calm in the beauty of nature!

The poetic dusk is intoxicating and makes people calm in the beauty of nature!

Rural scenery

In spring, the pastoral scenery is beautiful. Let me take you there now.

A group of cute ducklings swam in the clear river. They played in the water and plunged their heads into the water from time to time to find food. Even if there are women stamping clothes in the nearby rocks, they are never surprised. On the lawn, grass sticks out and breathes fresh air. The flowers also opened, including peony, impatiens, cockscomb and dahlia. They opened in order according to the season, simple and somewhat gorgeous, showing a unique rural scenery. Look at the white sheep on the grass, carefree.

Although the houses at the foot of the hillside are small, they are well arranged and have a unique flavor! There was a family whose smoke was rising on the roof, like a white dragon flying towards the sky. Oh, there was a farmer cooking!

If you go out for a walk in the summer evening, you will often see people in the countryside eating dinner. They move the tables, chairs and meals to the front door and eat them in a big way. The rosy clouds in the sky, the evening breeze, and the birds flying over their heads are all their friends. Together with the villagers, they form a natural and harmonious natural landscape painting.

In front of the house, there is a large golden rape field, like a golden ocean. There is a winding path in the flowers, like a long dragon, very beautiful!

Ah! The beautiful pastoral scenery is like a picture, like a poem, like a song, which is beautiful and memorable.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (18)

Rural scenery

The endless wheat fields, golden rape flowers, and fresh air... One shot after another flashed in my mind. Last Sunday, I came to the field to experience the beautiful pastoral scenery.

Walking out of the county town, I came to the vast field, where a strong fragrance of soil came to my face. The endless green wheat fields extended to the distance, and I could not see the end at a glance. It seemed that the earth was covered with a green quilt, and it was like a big carpet. With the accompaniment of Miss Feng, the tender green wheat sprouts danced and danced a beautiful and moving "waltz". Even the birds on the branches were fascinated by this moving dance and chattered incessantly, as if they were cheering for the beautiful spring and enjoying the dancer's dance.

Suddenly, a large area of rape flowers attracted my attention. I saw a large area of rape flowers standing in the soil, and an attractive smell of rape flowers was refreshing. Look, the green leaves and yellow flowers set off each other, which is particularly beautiful. As soon as I walked past, two birds with bright feathers and a long tail flew out of the flowers like peacocks as if they had received an order, which scared me. My father said to me, "This is a pheasant, but you can't see it in the city!"

Going further, I saw several greenhouses. What was it like inside? Curious, I put my head into the greenhouse and said, "Wow!" A stream of hot air was coming, which was really hot! There are all kinds of fresh vegetables, including slender cucumbers, round tomatoes and flat beans. Looking back, a large forest stands in the field, lush and lively. I can't wait to come to the forest and feel the cool wind, fresh air, especially fresh and comfortable. The fields are full of farmer uncles in twos and threes who are working hard, sowing the hope of harvest.

What a beautiful idyllic scenery, picturesque and intoxicating, I could not help sighing: "I love this charming idyllic scenery!"

Rural scenery

"The mountains are green and the rivers are white, and the sound of the rules is like rain. There are few idle people in the countryside in April, so the silkworm can be planted in the fields." When I read this poem, I remembered the charming pastoral scenery.

When I came to the fields in the morning, I saw the green crops. I saw rows of crops standing in the fields in order, energetic, with their heads raised and their chests raised. When the wind blew, they bent down, as if bowing to me! The rape flowers along the road are blossoming, golden yellow, and some have already produced black seeds, which are extremely beautiful. By the pond, a group of ducks are playing. They are white and yellow, and their yellow flat mouths keep shouting: "Quack quack". Although the voice is hoarse, it is very loud and powerful. I feel they are very proud!

Next to the fields, there are large green tea fields, and at a glance, there is a new green. Take a deep breath, and the fresh fragrance of tea will immediately enter your nose, leaving you refreshed. The taste of tea will stay in your nose for a long time.

At noon, the hot sun was shining in the sky. When you go to the field at this time, you may see several buffaloes working in the field. I saw them laboriously pulling the plow in the soft fields, although heavy, but never rest. Look how happy they are! They also make a few moos from time to time!

At night, when you look up to the sky, you will see many stars. Some kept blinking, as if winking at us. Some did not blink, as if they were staring at us all the time, while others were moving slowly, as if they were also looking at us from another position. Look carefully, you can still see the Big Dipper. The Big Dipper is like a big spoon. It is specially for giants made of stars.

The pastoral scenery is really beautiful!

Rural scenery

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo..." The cuckoo bird is singing happily. "It is true that every day goes out of the field and every night brings success, and every village has its own sons and daughters.". The farmers are busy working in the fields and take good care of the young seedlings. In this good season of cultivation, my mother and I came to the countryside around the railway station to see the pastoral scenery here.

Behind the farmers' small houses, large areas of golden wheat seedlings came into sight. Overlooking from afar, the wheat field looks like a golden ocean. The wheat sways with the wind and reminds me of the wheat waves.

"Mom, look," I pointed to a tomato field and said, "That's a tomato." Mom looked in the direction of my fingers and replied. Tomatoes are hung on the human shaped scaffolding, red like small lanterns, green like green agates.

By the ditch near the field, several snow-white geese swaggered around, flapping their wings from time to time. Their necks are always straight and motionless, as if they were carrying a irrigation of water on their heads.

On the edge of the ridge, several children were picking wild flowers. Red, white, yellow, pure, small and bright; Colorful, fragrant. Adults hoe in the fields and work hard. In the grass, an old man was herding. Everything is so harmonious.

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo..." The cuckoo bird sang more happily.

The sun was scorching. At noon, it was time for lunch. My mother and I left the countryside. Although everything here is not as prosperous as in the city, it is also beautiful because of the sweat of farmers, the laughter of children, and farmers' endless expectations for harvest.

Rural scenery

The four seasons in the countryside are as beautiful as dreams.

Spring girl wakes up Xiaocao's younger brother, and Xiaocao stretches to raise his dewy face and smiles sweetly. The farmers are busy planting crops, which reminds me of a poem, "There are few idle people in the countryside in April. They step on the sericulture and then insert the fields.

The hot summer is coming, so hot that the little loach scurries in the ditch. The countryside is yellow and green, which looks like a forest from a distance and a grass, bringing people cool. The little frogs in the field "quack quack" desperately, and the cucumbers also climbed onto the trellis, like children playing on the swing.

Sister Qiu came, and she changed the rice fields into golden autumn clothes. "The autumn wind blows, and the smell of rice is like gold!" The cotton field is white, like laying the ground with heavy snow. The golden rape flowers are endless, and the rape flowers also emit attractive fragrance. Butterflies and bees dance around it. Seen from afar, it looks like a golden sea and a golden carpet. I really want to shuttle among rape flowers to let its fragrance stay on my clothes. The fiery sorghum straightened its back and nodded to us. The farmers took sickles to harvest. The countryside was full of laughter. Autumn is a favorite season for farmers.

The cold winter is coming. The snow was white, and the cold wind was blowing on my face, which hurt like a knife. The snowflakes were flying in the air. The children of farmers were playing snowball fights in the fields, making snowmen... The snow covered the earth, like putting a thick cotton padded jacket on the earth.

The countryside is like a dream. It is a colorful dream, with the colors of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Rural scenery

My grandmother's family lives in the countryside, and the pastoral scenery is like a picture. Large areas of bamboo forests are full of bamboo shoots, and the side of the river is full of soft reeds. When the wind blows, the goose like reeds will fly up quietly, covering the grass higher than the legs of horses. In the grass, you can always see cattle and sheep grazing, and the vigorous figure is wandering. When spring comes, There will also be wild flowers blooming in the grass, as if there are scattered colorful in the thick green.

In the clear river, the fish are playing freely, and the big white goose stretches its neck and digs its head into the water for food. The big lobster waved the big tongs and walked around majestically, setting off the unique scenery of the countryside

In front of each family's brick and tile house, they will set up a melon rack, and they can plant fruits and vegetables at will, so that those fruits and vegetables can crawl up along the melon rack. When the flowers wither, full fruits will hang in front of the house, covering the summer heat, and the sun will become a blurred light spot, jumping among the green leaves. It also covers the cold wind in winter. When the wind blows, the leaves next to each other collide and make rustling sound. That sound is really nice. Some people will plant flowers between the cracks of the house. Dahlia, impatiens or a pot of green iron trees can reflect the characteristics of a farmer's family, which is a bit gorgeous in simplicity.

On the 'big mountain' behind the house, there are also tea trees, which can give out a faint fragrance, so that people who are tired of a day can fall asleep in the fragrance. Every time the season of cultivation, tea picking women will carry bamboo baskets to pick tea in the mountain, forming a unique interesting feature.

Between the mountains and rivers, people are intoxicated. The sky is cloudy, the streams are clear, the mountains are continuous, and the air is fresh. What kind of scenery can compare with the picturesque countryside?

Rural scenery

When it comes to the countryside, the countryside often gives people a good feeling. Everything in the countryside is so beautiful, so natural and harmonious.

Get off the road and go to the countryside. We walked on the soft beach with light steps. It was very comfortable. If you go down, you will see rows of houses, which are so warm and sweet. The houses are made of bricks and tiles, and there are windows on the houses. We can see the beautiful scenery from the windows of our homes.

Every summer, the melon rack in front of the house is green with all kinds of strange shaped claws, making people feel like they are in a green ocean. At noon and in the evening, we will move to a small table to put food on the table, and eat in a big way.

In the countryside, each family raises several chickens. In the early morning, when the rooster crows, people get up early to work. We children! Having nothing to do and being idle, he followed the hen every day, hoping to harvest some eggs.

In front of the gate, clear streams crisscross, and the sound of "hula, hula" water flows into your ears. We children like water best. Usually, we always play "drifting branches", "splashing" and other games on the brook, and occasionally swing our feet in the water.

Seen from a high place, the fields are green. The hardworking farmers planted seeds and seedlings in summer, hoping that this autumn will be another harvest season.

I often stand in a quiet and comfortable place, look up, look at the beautiful scene, breathe the fresh and sweet air, and then I accidentally find that the sky in the countryside is so blue; The clouds are so white and soft; The trees are so tall and luxuriant. At this moment, I have endless words

Although the countryside is not as prosperous as the city, it can be so quiet.

In the countryside, although there is no high-rise building in the city, it has rows of sweet houses.

Although there is no big pool in the city, there are no streams full of childlike charm in the countryside.

Although there is no entertainment park in the countryside, the vast land is the best paradise for children

I love my hometown, and I love the pastoral scenery, because it is always so beautiful at any time and in any season, and always has a unique, attractive and beautiful scenery.

Pastoral Scenery Composition (19)

In spring, I go home to play. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a large green field and many irregular pools. When I first breathed, I felt refreshed. I could vaguely see several mountains not far away. There was a large piece of grass leaning nearby, as if "waving" to us, and the wind seemed to be the mother of the grass driving the grass to "wave" to us. Not far away, a group of people can be seen planting rice seedlings. They squat with bent backs while planting. They hold a bundle of rice seedlings in their left hand, pull out a rice seedling with their right hand and plant it in the field; On a nearby field, a farmer uncle was driving a cow with a plow tied to it; Another farmer uncle is watering the seedlings nearby?? You can't imagine that this place is still an animal kingdom! Do you believe it? Come with me if you don't believe me. Look, there is a butterfly picking pollen on this flower, and here is a hard-working bee picking nectar, and there is an earthworm on the ground loosening the soil?? The countryside is like a poem, a picture, and an animal kingdom?? In fact, it is nothing like a pianist playing his own music well, and the people here are just like the notes on the music score, making the music more beautiful and moving.