Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (collection of 17 articles)
Middle aged people are like fallen leaves
2024-05-29 02:35:42

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (1)

Last summer vacation, my cousin and I went to Hanpokou in Lushan Mountain to play. On that day, the sky was clear, the earth was like a wash, and nature showed its beautiful face. I stood on the Hanpo Pavilion and looked around. The green mountains, green crops and terraced fields were covered with tea trees, and even the village lanes were clearly visible. On the green earth, there are countless beauties. I was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery.

Suddenly, there was a cry of fog and fog in the crowd. I looked up and saw that the clouds were creeping up from the bottom of the mountain. One after another, like clouds or catkins, they were woven into a thin veil, covering the sky, the ground, the mountain, and the water. Everything in front of me was only showing a gray outline. The clouds and mist are still accumulating layer by layer, and they are getting thicker and thicker, forming a sea of clouds. Lushan Mountain has become a floating island in the vast sea of fog.

Clouds gather and disperse, sometimes like galloping horses, sometimes like leisurely sheep, sometimes like flying dragons. This is the famous sea of clouds on Mount Lushan. The clouds are as boundless as the sea. Tourists dissolve into the clouds as if they were in a fairyland.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (2)

Lushan Mountain, you must be familiar with it! Lushan Mountain is famous for its waterfalls, and the waterfalls are famous for their length. In "Watching Lushan Waterfall", Li Bai praised its length and grandeur with the poem "Flying down three thousand feet, the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days.".

When you enter Lushan Scenic Area, you will feel that the air is "spotless". Take two breaths, it's refreshing. As I walked, I felt that the trees were getting denser, the colors were getting greener, and the sound of waterfalls was getting closer. At first, there was a sound of "brawl", and then it came to us like a strong wind and a huge wave, which resounded through the sky and overcame the noise of people and horses, leaving only waterfalls singing between heaven and earth.

Unconsciously, we came to the foot of the waterfall. The cool splashes of water are like naughty children, jumping when they fall to the water, as if they are cheering their happiness. Looking up, a long silk ribbon is falling down from the hanging wall, like a small lion, which is both surprising and gratifying.

The scattered water in the "Milky Way" seems unwilling to slip away too early. They are like fairies with wings, flying with the wind and floating in the sky. What a magnificent scene! When Shuihua was tired of playing, she took the initiative to float down with a parachute and landed on the "string", playing a beautiful music. I seem to float in the sound waves, and every cell is full of vitality. Tourists are intoxicated by the music, and my heart is also intoxicated.

Suddenly, a sudden silver rain fell in the sky, making the waterfall more spectacular. The rain and the spray of the waterfall rushed down from the track like a racing car.

After the rain, the sun reflected rainbow after rainbow. The Rainbow Fairy is probably sitting on the colored bridge and gazing at the beautiful scenery of Lushan Mountain. The rainbow adds infinite charm to Lushan Waterfall. Lushan Waterfall in the rainbow is more beautiful and moving.

The charm of Lushan Waterfall is eternal, and its beauty is always fascinating.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (3)

The west sea of Lushan Mountain is in Yongxiu County, Jiangxi Province. She is like an ancient beauty, hidden in the boudoir building with deep courtyards and secluded paths. In fact, the West Sea of Lushan Mountain was reconstructed from the original Zhelin Reservoir. It is similar to Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang Province. Just like a pair of twins, of course, Qiandao Lake is the sister, and Zhelin Reservoir is the sister. Because Qiandao Lake is larger than Zhelin Reservoir, their beauty is equal. With the development of tourism, Zhelin Reservoir, because of its beauty and trade packaging, will become today's Lushan West Sea.

Standing on the dam of the west sea of Lushan Mountain, when we look up, we can see the endless green lake and dozens of islands of different shapes and sizes dotted in front of us, just like the chess pieces on the chessboard, which makes the whole scenic spot look like a maze, attracting many curious tourists to explore the mystery.

Our tour tool is yacht. Sitting on the yacht, I appreciate the beautiful and picturesque scenery, which makes people drunk. You see, the water of that lake is clear and bright. Although it is very deep, you can see the small fish at the bottom playing freely and leisurely, and you can also see them bubbling happily! In the distance, groups of mandarin ducks and wild ducks float on the water, drawing circles of ripples, just like a group of fairies dancing. The surrounding mountains are verdant and green, and they rush to the lake. They throw their beauty into the bad embrace of the lake, but we don't know whether the water is on the trees? Are the trees still underwater?

We came to Peach Blossom Island after playing all the way from Human Demon Island, Snake Island and Monkey Island. There was a haunted house on the island. The haunted house was not only dark and dark, but also shining in every corner of the house. The grimaces with blue faces and fangs appeared or disappeared in the light and shadow, and sent out a series of ferocious laughter. Several ghosts were under severe punishment in the 18th floor of Hell, and made a shrill sound like ghost crying and wolf howling. It was very scary and creepy. Many tourists are frightened to make shrill cries that are more terrible than ghost cries. I doubt that someone will urinate out of fear. But I feel very funny and exciting. Out of the haunted house, I wanted to go in again, but my timid mother resolutely refused, so I had to give up.

On the way to Crocodile Island, we will pass an iron bridge called Grandma Bridge. The iron bridge is more than 100 meters above the water. The bridge body is crossed by several iron cables on the stone pillars of the two islands. The iron cables are paved with pieces of wood boards. The whole bridge is like an inverted arc of color practice, which is very spectacular. Under the slightly strong mountain wind, it can swing gently. For this reason, people put up a notice board at the bridge head, which said: Old people and people with heart disease cannot cross the bridge. I smiled when I saw it. Ha ha, it just matched my character of being fearless that day. Unable to ignore my mother's call behind me, I rushed to the bridge. When sorting out, the bridge swayed from side to side, and many people were either frightened or pale. I didn't look scared, but I thought it was funny. When we got to the center of the bridge, I grabbed the fence of the bridge with my hands together with a few brave boys, and shook it vigorously. Everyone on the bridge was so frightened that they squatted there and didn't dare to move. We laughed happily!!! But in my heart, I muttered: if it is on the battlefield, those who are frightened to squat there and dare not move are the enemy, then it will be too easy for us to catch prisoners.

Ah! Lushan Mountain and the West Sea. It's hard for you to make me forget. I will definitely go there if I have a chance.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (4)

Lushan Tour

Lushan Mountain is a beautiful and magnificent place. In ancient times, some famous poets such as Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Lu You and so on came here in admiration of their names. Our family also took a fancy to this "fairyland on earth" and prepared to travel there this holiday!

After a long time, we drove up the mountain. We circled up the 'waist' of Lushan Mountain and came to the north gate of Lushan Mountain. Curious, I ran to the edge of the cliff to look at it, and saw Lushan towering up into the sky! Its' waist 'is tied with a ring of white clouds. I also seem to stand in the clouds and become a fairy! After settling down, the next day, we invited a tour guide sister to take us to Hanfankou, Colorful Waterfall and Sandie Spring. The most difficult thing to look at is the Sandi Spring. The people of Lushan have a saying, 'If you don't get to the Sandie Spring, you can't get to Lushan!' Sandie Spring is 252 meters high. It passes through three huge rocks of ten thousand kilograms, so it is called 'Sandi Spring'. In Li Bai's poem, "Flying down three thousand feet, the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days" is exactly the description of the Three Diequan Waterfall.

Although Lushan Mountain is beautiful, I hope the government can develop it more to make it more beautiful!

300 words of Lushan travel composition

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (5)

After a night's long journey, we finally reached the foot of Mount Lushan. There we ate something casually and began to march to the top of the mountain.

When we started to climb the mountain, the bus circled on the winding mountain road, and the guide told us that this mountain road had 396 curves, and each curve was a sharp turn, we all looked at the guide with suspicious eyes: "No!" The guide calmly said, "Yes, if you don't believe it, you can count!" I really didn't believe it, so I added 1 to each curve, I was dizzy before I counted to 50, and my stomach began to churn ceaselessly

When I finally reached the gate of the scenic spot, I couldn't wait to get off. The mountain is like a fairyland, with clouds around it. I wore long sleeves and trousers, but it was still a little cold. My mother bought me a poncho to put on, and then I felt a little warm.

We entered the scenic spot and began to climb the mountain on foot, climbing up the misty mountain road step by step. The weather there is like the face of a child. Just now, it was a sea of clouds. Suddenly, it disappeared, and all the beautiful scenery is clearly visible. At this time, everyone seemed to be excited.

With a good mood, we certainly climbed more vigorously and faster. Under the guidance of the tour guide and through our unremitting efforts, we finally arrived at the "infinite scenery in the dangerous peak"!

When we reached another peak from one peak, we looked back and could not find the way back. How proud we were then and how afraid we were!

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (6)

Although I have never been to Lushan Mountain, it is because my mother has been there that I know that my mother once told me that I can also see it from her photos.

The trees there grow luxuriantly, of which pine and cypress are the most. The welcoming pine treats guests like a person, and its branches stretch like a welcome to friends from all over the country.

Dayue Mountain is one of the peaks. At the foot of it, there is a Dayue Mountain Lake. The lake is beautiful and the trees on the Dayue Mountain are green and dense. The lake is clear and the shore is also covered with some yellow wild flowers. It is beautiful and makes people feel comfortable.

Lushan Waterfall is the most popular. Although it is not as spectacular as in ancient times, it is because the environment has changed and become very dry, and the water in the waterfall has become less. There is no momentum of "flying down three thousand feet". Now, Lushan Waterfall looks like a long white line from a distance, but it is not so spectacular from a close look. Lushan has many cliffs, caves, streams, canyons, and peaks. I really want to see them!

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (7)

The book says that the clouds on Mount Lushan change rapidly. Today, my father and I are going to play there for a few days. My heart is in full bloom with joy.

After a day's ride, I finally arrived. I looked at Lushan Mountain in front of me and was excited to ride up the mountain with my father. From the car, we can see that the clouds gather halfway up the mountain, and some are on the mountainside, like jade belts tied between the mountainsides; Clouds fill the valley, it is the vast sea of clouds; Clouds and fog block the mountain peak, which is also a huge sky curtain. I saw that the clouds on Lushan Mountain really changed as quickly as the book said, and the clouds looked like a naughty little brother for a while; For a moment, he looked like a white horse with four hooves and windy feet; In a moment, it looks like the nine sky Milky Way flowing thousands of miles.

We went up the mountain by car. There were many mountains here, rolling and we were surrounded by mountains. There are very dense trees, colorful wild flowers and green grass on the mountain. The whole mountain has become the home of flowers and trees.

Finally, we came to the largest waterfall on Lushan Mountain, "Sandie Spring". At this time, I thought of Li Bai's poem: "The river flies down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days." The white spring water poured down from the mountain, really like it was written in the poem.

We walked along the stairs to the highest peak of Lushan Mountain step by step. Unexpectedly, the lovely Yunwu little brother was also taking a leisurely walk here, and tourists walked past him one by one. We started to move up the mountain. After our efforts, we finally reached the top of the mountain. But there was a problem that worried me. The mountain road was so hard to walk. What should I do if I fell down? I suddenly remembered my little crutch. Finally, we went down the mountain safely.

Lushan Mountain is so beautiful. You should come here to have a look when you have the chance.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (8)

This summer vacation, my mother took me to Jiangxi to climb the famous Lushan Mountain. I was so excited all the way that we finally arrived at our destination after a whole night.

At the foot of Lushan Mountain, I looked up and said, "God!"! The mountain is so high that it seems to penetrate into the clouds. Can I climb it? Then look at the curved, narrow and steep stone steps. The wooden fence beside the stone steps looks very old and old. I thought at that time, could this guarantee my safety? When my mother saw my frightened and timid expression, she comforted me: "Don't worry, this guardrail was deliberately made in this old color by the worker uncle, in order to make the guardrail integrate into the nature." After hearing my mother's explanation, I felt relieved and climbed up the stone steps with my mother.

Along the way, the thick and green trees in the sky came into sight, there were many cute monkeys begging for food from tourists, and the clear stream was pleasing to the eyes: all of this was simply beautiful, and the physical fatigue and fear in the heart had already disappeared. When we arrived at the observation platform and saw the Lushan Waterfall described by the poet as "flying down three thousand feet, the Milky Way is suspected to fall nine days", my heart was surging! The "Hua Lala" spray rushed down, splashed the water mist, washed away the dust all over me, and made me feel refreshed in an instant.

My mother and I stood under the waterfall and looked at each other. The laughter echoed in the mountains with the sound of the waterfall!

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (9)

I think everyone knows about Lushan Mountain! I am so intoxicated when I think of the poem written by Su Shi. Today, I will tell you about Mount Lushan, a beautiful place.

Standing at the foot of Lushan Mountain, I think of the old poem written by Su Shi, "The mountain peaks are seen horizontally, and the distance is different from the height". Yes, how big Lushan Mountain is, standing in front of it, behind it, on the left, and on the right are different. Then go to see the waterfall on Lushan Mountain. The sound is deafening and people are afraid to hear it. But some people who like to travel are different. They are intoxicated by the beautiful scenery and shocked to travel on Lushan Mountain. From a distance, you can hear the waterfall "clattering" down from the top, like rain. The "cloth" flows down from the source, making you dazzled when you see Lushan Mountain. If you want to see the whole picture of the "cloth", you should go to the highest meeting of the waterfall

As the poet Li Bai said, "The river flies down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way is suspected to fall into the sky." The description of the waterfall on Mount Lushan made me fall. When I saw the waterfall gushing down, I seemed to see a fairy with her crystal tears, which was so intoxicating and comfortable. It reminds many people of those verses. Lushan Mountain is beautiful in spring. The dancing bees and butterflies are busy working. Lushan Mountain is bright in spring in summer, which reflects the rainbow in the sky. Lushan Mountain in autumn, where fish are playing hide and seek in the water, is also a good harvest day. The flowers of Lushan Mountain on the cliff in winter are still so beautiful! It reminds me of the persistent people. Visit Lushan Mountain

On the way home, I was still savoring the magnificent scene of Naxiong.

After listening to my introduction, the students also want to play. What about a tour?

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (10)

Last summer vacation, our family came to Lushan Scenic Area, which has been admired for a long time. Mount Lushan is famous for its majesty, wonder and danger. It is known as "Kuanglu's wonderful beauty is the best mountain in the world". It is a world-class cultural mountain with a long history.

As soon as we got off the bus, we went straight to the famous Sandian Spring Waterfall. There are high mountains and deep canyons. It takes more than 4000 steps to go back and forth. This is really a journey that needs perseverance! When we were tired and panting, the beautiful Sandian Spring Waterfall finally appeared in front of us. The pond here is sparkling with crystal. Looking up, we can see that the first, second and third layers of waterfalls are magnificent, throwing pearls and rolling jade. They are like a winding silver dragon falling from the sky, or a fairy in white clothes falling into the world. I can't help reading Li Bai's poem: "The Milky Way is flying down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling nine days." We bathed in the cool water mist near the pool, played and enjoyed the gifts of nature.

After watching the Sandian Spring Waterfall, we came to the Sanbao Tree. All the way I wondered: What is the Sambo tree? Is there a baby growing on the tree? Once there, wow! I was shocked! I saw three towering ancient trees with luxuriant branches and leaves in front of me. I have never seen such a big tree. Several adults can't hold hands together. They stand in the sky like three giant umbrellas covering the hot sun. Two of them are Cryptomeria fortunei and one is Ginkgo biloba. It is said that they are hundreds of years old and are the "grandfather" of many trees in Lushan Mountain. Now they have been listed as the key protected plants in Lushan Scenic Area.

There are two pools of water under the Three Treasure Tree. One is called Wulong Lake, and the other is called Huanglong Lake. When the breeze blows, the water in the pool is crystal clear and ripples in circles. The golden light is sparkling and dazzling. The stone at the bottom of Wulong Lake is black, which is why it has such a name. I reached out and touched the cold water, as if I had drunk a cool and delicious drink, which made me feel sweet.

Then, we went to Hanpokou, where we watched the sunrise of the old Poyang Lake, a botanical garden with more than 3000 kinds of plants, a five old peak with five old people standing side by side, a dangerous peak with infinite scenery... Every plant and tree in Lushan Mountain is so beautiful, it is really a charming natural landscape painting!

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (11)

Today is the second day of our trip to Lushan Mountain. Sitting on the bus, the beautiful Lushan Mountain is in front of us, towering green, a magnificent scene. People say that the mountain road has eighteen bends, but the local guide of Lushan told us that the mountain road to Lushan has more than 400 bends, which is very dangerous.

After more than an hour's journey, we arrived at Taohuayuan, which is also the starting point of our drifting. Drifting is one of our favorite tourist projects, so as soon as the bus stopped, we came to the drifting station excitedly. First put on the raincoat, then put on the yellow life jacket, we bought a water gun at the lake, and boarded the kayak. There are so many tourists in the lake. Just look at the kayak. Each kayak is closely connected, leaving no gap. We had a water fight in the lake for a while, and then the drifting began. Under the command of the staff, the gate was opened, and the water began to flow rapidly. The staff used an iron hook to pull us to the special channel for drifting one by one. Wow, a huge wave came over, and our kayak floated down the water. The shrieks kept rising and falling, and came to my ears in bursts. I closed my eyes tightly and pulled the special belt beside the kayak tightly. The snow-white spray soaked us all over, and the kayak floated downstream with the current

There were many waves like this. We all enjoyed ourselves. There were many kayaks overturned in the middle, but there was no need to be afraid. Although the waves were sharp, the water was not deep. When big waves come, my mother and I can't help screaming. It's so exciting!

Our kayak floats in the water. When the waves are smooth, I will close my eyes slightly and enjoy the natural scenery of Lushan Mountain. It took us more than an hour to reach the destination. I wanted to play again, but it was late, and we returned to the hotel by bus. Along the way, we recalled the wonderful and exciting moments of drifting.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (12)

"It looks like a peak on the side of a mountain, and its transportation is different. I don't know the true face of Mount Lushan, but only because I am in this mountain. This poem describes Mount Lushan, a fairyland on earth. I have always wanted to go to Mount Lushan. Last summer, my parents finally agreed to take me there.

At the foot of the mountain, we stepped on the path between the mountains. The bamboo on both sides was green, and there were birds singing crisp songs around. There was also a thick fog in the mountains, as if walking in the clouds. Unconsciously, we came to the Sandie Spring, and saw a waterfall descending from the sky with fierce momentum, which is a stack. The next step is steep to 60 degrees, which is called softening, but I go down and have a look, wow! It is indeed a triple waterfall falling from the sky. The highest cascade is about 200 meters. Half of the stream is blocked by a prominent cliff, and then it continues to flow. Before it reaches the peak, it is blocked again, forming a triple cascade. At the end of the waterfall, the terrain is flat, called "Longtan", and the pool water overflows the "Longtan" and continues to flow downward through the flowing force.

Leaving the magnificent Sandie Spring, we climbed the beautiful Wulaofeng again.

The Wulao Peak has many peaks and ranges, with dense ancient trees and various creatures covering the whole mountain. The flowers are red, the grass is green, the scenery is beautiful! Looking westward, we can see four peaks looming in the clouds, like five old people holding hands and bowing to greet each other, so they are called "Five Old Peaks".

This trip to Lushan made me realize that Lushan is magnificent, strange, beautiful and beautiful. The time in the west is so short, as if it had just begun and ended. But I believe it will remain in my best memory. Goodbye to trees, goodbye to grass, goodbye to my trip to Lushan Mountain.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (13)

Everyone has learned a poem: "The river flies down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way is suspected to fall into the sky".

Do you know where this is? Have you ever been here? This is the beautiful and historic Lushan Waterfall. Today, my father took me to the magnificent waterfall.

The waterfall is located in the Sandi Spring, which is more than 800 meters above sea level. There are more than 1000 steep stone steps. You should walk down the mountain to see the waterfall. The surrounding scenery is very beautiful. There are many people climbing the steps, but many people can't keep up. At first, I didn't feel tired, and I went down with all my strength; I feel more and more heavy when I walk, and my ankles are a little sour; After several hundred meters of walking, my calf and stomach began to ache. I was getting more and more tired and could hardly walk any more. I gritted my teeth and insisted on climbing another part of the way. I really couldn't hold on anymore. I really wanted to sit down! At this time, my father encouraged me to say, "Come on! Keep working! Listen, the sound of the water is getting closer and closer, and the waterfall is in front!" My father's words gave me strength. I mustered up the courage to continue to move forward. Sweat soaked my clothes, and I finally arrived at the waterfall!

The waterfalls fly down from the towering peaks in three folds, like pearls and snow, or fairy ribbons. It is refreshing in the green valleys. When I touch the cold spring water, my heart is filled with unspeakable joy

I reluctantly left the waterfall, but my heart is still flying in the rushing waterfall. This trip to Lushan has taught me that we must have strong perseverance and the spirit to forge ahead in everything we do.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (14)

Lushan Mountain is famous all over the world. When I visited Lushan Mountain for the first time, my heart was full of joy and novelty.

I really want to open my eyes and come to Lushan with curiosity. How beautiful Lushan is! Clouds and fog are winding around mountains. It makes people feel like they are in a fairyland.

We climbed to the top of the mountain step by step. The scenery is intoxicating. The whole mountain was filled with clouds. I felt as if I was dancing on the top of the mountain in my soft gauze clothes.

The fresh air in the morning, the breath of nature seems to have been secreted into my heart and spleen, so fascinating.

It's true: knowing it's not a cloud, it's like climbing into the sky. " The mountain seems like a shy little girl. Under the lingering clouds, it seems that she is covered with a gauze dress, like a pink girl with a little skin exposed.

The sun is rising slowly, and the fish belly is white in the east. The earth seemed to turn rose in an instant. The wind is intertwined with fog. When the breeze blows, it is really "the willow wind is not cold when blowing the face", like a mother's hand touching you. There is a kind of kind, loving, gentle, soft feeling.

The fog is coming. It was a mighty gas surge. The fog is like a thousand troops coming straight; It is also like the surging waves, rolling in and out.

When the sun is completely above the horizon. The fog is like a golden ocean. I really want to lie in this soft beach.

As the sun sets in the west, the afterglow shines on the earth. The fog that gets along with Mount Lushan day and night will disappear quietly again. The cloud and mist left quietly.

When the fog comes, the wind surges; When the fog goes, it floats.

When the fog is thick, it has a unique charm.

The fog is like clouds, thick. Mount Lushan has been covered more tightly. Thick clouds and mists surround the mountain. The fog is thin and transparent like gauze.

We came to the bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain. It really made me feel like I came to the purple bamboo forest of Guanyin in the South China Sea. The whole bamboo forest is hazy, and the bamboos stand like gentlemen and girls.

The charm of clouds on Lushan Mountain is better than Penglai Fairy Mirror; It is better than the Jade Pool in the sky and the purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea. It is like a Holy Land of Lingshan Mountain. "This scene should only be seen in the sky, while Mount Lushan can only be heard in the world."

The Lushan Mountain I visited for the first time really made me relaxed and happy, with endless aftertaste, lingering and enchanted.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (15)

Last year, I went to Lushan Mountain with my parents on Tomb Sweeping Day. After more than three hours' drive, we finally reached Lushan Mountain. As soon as the car stopped, I couldn't wait to jump out. Ah! There was a white fog all around, and it was like walking into a fairyland.

Soon after entering the Jinxiu Valley, we heard the sound of flowing water. As we continued to go deep, the sound of flowing water became louder and louder. Come closer, look up and see a small waterfall hanging in front of us, just like a beautiful landscape painting hanging in front of us. Around the waterfall, along the winding mountain road, watching the clouds in the valley change rapidly. Just now, I could see the village in the distance, the trees and streams under the mountain. In a twinkling, the clouds in the mountains were like volcanic eruptions, enveloping the surrounding scenery in the clouds. In the dense fog, although the tourists are near, they can only hear their voices and not see them.

As we walked along, we watched the beautiful scenery along the way, including the magical immortal cave and the legendary welcoming pine, the Yellow Dragon Pond and the Wulong Pond, as well as the "Meilu" where the leaders of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party lived and the ruins of important conferences.

The tour guide aunt said that Sandie Spring is called the best flying spring in the world, so there is a saying that "if you don't reach Sandie Spring, you are not a guest of Luzhou". Walk into the Sandi Spring and look up. There were clear springs running down the mountain, just like falling down from the Milky Way. From afar, they looked like a silver dragon inlaid in the mountain stream. The drop of Sandi Spring is 155 meters, which is very spectacular. A stack of vertical, water from the top ridge of more than 20 meters down, like the Milky Way in the sky split a hole; Folding and bending, ups and downs and surging, the fine mist of scattered beads is splashed, and under the sunlight, it is like many colorful pearls falling; The three folds are long and wide, and the torrent is inclined. The waterfall is like an angry jade dragon, which breaks through the sky and flies down into the pool, arousing billowing waves and spray. Seeing such a beautiful and spectacular spring, I can't help sighing that it is truly the first wonder of Luzhou.

Lushan Mountain is so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated and forget to return. Mount Lushan is truly a fairyland on earth.

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (16)

After taking the bullet train for more than five hours, we arrived at Lushan Mountain, and the hotel we stayed in was halfway up the mountain. We took a car and went round and round along the winding mountain road. As for me, I am so uncomfortable that I dare not open my eyes. I asked the guide, "How many minutes have passed?" "30 minutes." The guide replied. "Ah? Only 30 minutes, I thought it was an hour?" I really wanted to get there right away, and finally arrived at the hotel after 286 turns.

The hotel is in a small town in Lushan Mountain. It's amazing! There are all kinds of towns in the mountains. You don't need to go downhill to live here for a while. The houses here are all made of stone. They are ancient and beautiful. I like them very much.

Of course, the waterfall is my most unforgettable. The waterfall I went to was not the waterfall written by Li Bai (it is said to have dried up), but the Sandian Spring Waterfall. As the saying goes, "You are not a Lushan tourist until you get to Sandie Spring", it is not easy to see Sandie Spring. Along the steep steps, we went down, half way down, our feet trembled. We encouraged each other and walked a thousand steps before we saw the Sandi Spring Waterfall. Sandiai Spring Waterfall is really clean and pure white, which is whiter than paper. The voice is also very beautiful. Ding, ding, it seems that a girl is singing. That waterfall is a big and beautiful cloth made by a girl!

Lushan is very beautiful. The beauty lies in the beautiful mountain and the magic waterfall!

Composition of Tour to Lushan Mountain (17)

On the morning of August 13, my parents and I happily rode the bus all the way, and finally arrived at the foot of Lushan Mountain in the evening. Then I changed to another bus. I didn't know how long I had walked. I only knew that I had turned many corners and arrived at the hotel at the top of the mountain. It was already dark, so we had to stay first and play tomorrow.

The next morning, we got up early to start the day's journey. The mountain road here is not flat at all. It is high and low. At first, I was very excited. I jumped while walking. Later, I walked safely. Later, I dragged my parents' hands to let them pull or stop to rest. In this way, we stopped and walked. We came to Lushan Waterfall. It was covered by clouds and mist. It was a vast expanse of white. It was thick and thin with the wind. The waterfall was hidden inside, and the sound of running water was heard. When I got closer, I saw the waterfall flowing out of the clouds, as if it were set aside from the sky. I couldn't help but recite Li Bai's poem, "Flying down three thousand feet, I suspect the Milky Way falls nine days." My father corrected beside me, "Wrong, this poem doesn't refer to this waterfall. What we see in front of us is called 'Sandi Spring', but only one of them." My mother asked in surprise, "Is there anything else on it? But can't you see it?" I also looked at it in doubt. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past, and the waterfall showed a little figure again. Oh, there are so many clouds and mists in the mountains, which blurs the line of sight. The higher scenery is not true. It is really the same as what is written in the textbook. After taking a lot of photos here, we went back the same way.

Although the trip to Lushan was very hard and tiring, it was worth seeing such a beautiful Lushan scenery.