Readers (20 recommended)
blue sky
2023-12-09 00:17:54

Readers (1)

I am a pupil who likes reading.

I fell in love with reading: one day, my grandmother was not at home, and no classmates came to my home to play. I felt very bored. At this time, I saw a book called "Green Fairy Tales" on the table. I took it to me and read it attentively. Looking at it, I suddenly felt that the book was very beautiful, so I fell in love with reading. I also had some funny stories when I was reading! Once, I was so fascinated by reading that I accidentally thought I was lying on the quilt when I lay down. Who knows, I hit my head on the board and it hurt me! But as soon as I read, I forgot the pain and continued to read.

I also know the famous sayings about books: "reading breaks through thousands of volumes, writing like a god", "books are the nourishment of all mankind", "there is no end to learning", "young people do not work hard, old people feel sad", and so on.

Do you know the role of reading? Let me tell you! When I am bored, books can help me. When I am upset, books can calm my mind. When I have classes, books can let me learn more and more knowledge. When I am afraid, books can make me feel safe. When I am nervous, books can also let me relax. When I am unhappy, books can make me happy... Reading is very important. If I don't read "One Hundred Thousand Why", I can't know the scientific truth in the world. If I didn't read "The Best Gear", I wouldn't know the friendship between "Ma Yizuo" and "Ma Yiyou". If I don't read "San Mao Wanders", I won't feel how happy my life is now. If I don't read Father and Son, I won't see the interesting story of father and son. If I didn't watch Snow White, I wouldn't know this beautiful Snow White. If I don't read more books, I can't learn a lot of knowledge

In addition, I love reading a lot of books! For example, Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dream of the Red Chamber, Outlaws of the Marsh, Lights up the Light of Wisdom, etc.

I am a primary school student who loves reading! Are you?

Grade 5: Wind and rain

Readers (2)

Date: September 3, 2011
Location: Wang Yuqi's house
Zhu Hongxiang: Wang Yuqi, I'm your interviewee now. You can ask me questions.
Wang Yuqi: OK!
Zhu Hongxiang: Let's begin!
Wang Yuqi: Mom, did you like reading very much when you were young?
Zhu Hongxiang: When I was young, I couldn't afford to buy many books because of the poor family conditions, so I read very limited books. I'm not as happy as you are now. There are so many books to read.
Wang Yuqi: What books did you read when you were young?
Zhu Hongxiang: Children's Literature. I think it is very well written. Its content is very extensive. If we read it regularly, we can increase our knowledge and make people never tire of reading it.
Wang Yuqi: Did you write your composition well when you were young?
Zhu Hongxiang: Generally, because we read too few books when we were young, our writing level was limited. Now there are too many books of all kinds. You should hurry up and read more books to increase your knowledge. As time goes by, your writing level will naturally improve.
Wang Yuqi: Mom, I should study the main lesson and read more leisure books now. Are you right?
Zhu Hongxiang: Wang Yuqi, what you said is right. From now on, you can prove to me that you should study hard and serve the motherland.
This concludes the interview.

Readers (3)

In this new society, some people like chatting on the Internet, watching TV, and playing outdoor sports, but she likes reading quietly in her small bedroom alone.

When reading a book, she will cry, laugh, grieve and be happy together with the characters or content in the book. Here are some stories about her reading:

Once, her mother bought her a book written by Cao Wenxuan called Bronze Sunflower. She looked at it with interest in the small bedroom. However, this reading experience is extraordinary. When she saw half of the book, she cried. She felt unprecedented sadness. She felt extremely beautiful for the harmony between the heroine Kwai Hua and the hero's bronze and bronze family, as if they were their family members. Can you think of the book's quotation that the sunflower was finally brought to the city, she felt sad, never sad, she cried, tears ran down her cheeks, dripping onto the page? When she saw the last page of the book, she cried again. She was sad that sunflower and bronze had not seen the last side of their departure. She was sad that sunflower and bronze might never see each other again.

After that, her mother bought her a book called Wolf Totem: Little Wolf and Little Wolf. In this book, she was amused by the antics and ridiculousness of the wolf, but in the end, she was moved by the indomitable noble soul of the prairie wolf, who would rather die than be led away. She didn't cry anymore. She admired the wolf from the bottom of her heart, and she admired the unyielding soul of the prairie wolf even more.

This little girl is me, and I am the one who loves reading as long as I study.

Readers (4)

In everyone's mind, there is a person who impresses you deeply, such as a cute, helpful, and reading person, but in my mind, there is a reading person.

When I was in the fifth grade, I met a female classmate who was very friendly with me. She liked reading books very much and enjoyed reading them with great interest. Once, I went to her home to play with her. She first took me to visit her home, walked to her bedroom door, and I gently opened the door, which surprised me. There were books on the ground, on the table, and on the bed, I picked up a book about adventure called Peter Pan and couldn't help reading it. I went out quietly to let her enjoy her fairy tale world. When eating, I never went to her room again. Maybe reading can resist hunger and fill her stomach.

When she came out, I asked her many questions, and she was able to answer them quickly. I said to her that I was worthy of being our famous deputy monitor

When I left, she was reading the book "One Hundred Thousand Why" which she was very curious about. On the way back, I thought that she was not only a smart, hardworking and capable person, but also a little angel who loved reading!

Readers (5)

I have a brother who likes reading books so much that he can't put it down like a hungry person on a piece of bread.

During the summer vacation, I was at my brother's house. At 6 o'clock in the morning, I was sleeping late, but he shook me up.

I was very angry, like a ferocious tiger, staring at him with two eyes. But he did not respond, and hurried to take me to the bookstore. When I got to the bookstore, he gave me 10 yuan to buy two steamed buns and soymilk.

When I returned to the bookstore, my brother didn't know how many books he had read.

He watched with relish and forgot the time for lunch. He couldn't hear me at the side. I guess it's too fascinating. I had no choice but to watch it with him, hungry.

One page, two pages, he read greedily like a hungry wolf. I'm really worried that he will get gastroenteritis.

It's already 7:00 p.m., and the bookstore is closing. But my brother was still watching. At that time, my stomach kept shouting: "Goo -, goo -, goo -."

The aunt of the bookstore came over and called her brother three times before she realized it was too late. So he stood up, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he had swallowed all his wisdom, and then reluctantly took me and ran home.

This is my brother Wu Hongze, a brother who loves reading.

Readers (6)

1. Reading is fun.

Opening a book of "Green Fairy Tales" is like letting you enter a beautiful fairy tale world, with thrilling scenes, happy scenes, and... In short, they are all immersive. Sometimes, I will cry for the tragic plot, but I will also be happy for the villains to get the punishment they deserve.

2. Read more knowledge.

Those who read more have the same knowledge; At this time, I feel that I have learned very little and there is no end to learning. "Knowledge is power" is what a great man once said. Read more, have more knowledge, and have strength and wealth at the same time. So we should read more books and read good books.

3. Reading scores are high.

How do you understand this? Please listen to me slowly. When writing, I will use many proverbs, famous sentences, and idioms, which can not add a lot of language beauty to my composition. This also shows that your language skills are good, and you can also appear very vivid and vivid. When the nature teacher comments, he will nod his head repeatedly and feel good and give a high score for this, so his performance will be high.

Where does such good words come from? I didn't take it off when I was reading, so I also have a good habit of taking it in when I was reading.

Not bad! These are the benefits of reading. Reading makes me happy, gives me insight, gives me high marks, and gives me many benefits.

Guiyuan Primary School Grade 5: Gu Wei

Readers (7)

Everyone has experienced the "May Day" and "National Day" holidays. If you want to know how I spent my holidays, I will record these scenes of life!

ha-ha! Finally, I don't have to rush about in my homework. I have time to enjoy the sea of books. I sat in the "stack of books" with great interest and enjoyed the interests of the books. "Don't read! The room is full of books. It's so messy. Let me help you clean it." Alas! Seeing the excitement, my mother came to disturb me. "Wait! Books are the ladder of human progress. Why don't you stop reading more books? Besides, we have agreed in advance that my territory is mine, so I don't need you to reach out." Mother shook her head helplessly and walked out of the room. Next, we have breakfast. Of course, the food is books! At noon, my mother felt sorry for me and said to me, "We have read all morning, let's go shopping!". As I walked, the probability of bumping into pedestrians naturally reached more than 95%. My mother wanted to find a rope to tie to my hand and lead me along. No way, who makes China's population so large? When we got to the shopping mall, my mother was choosing goods and bargaining with the chattering salesgirl. The Xinhua Bookstore is on the opposite side. Why don't you go for a walk? I can't go directly to my mother. "Mom, I'll buy some food. I'll go home by myself in the evening. You go first." Ha ha! Ten yuan is here. Lying is necessary for books. Thinking of my beloved book, I am the wind under my feet, and I can compete with Liu Xiang in speed. When I got to the bookstore, I used those "hot eyes" (although I was a little short-sighted) to find a book of "Lamb Fat Balls" that was very beneficial. I will buy it! On another thought, what about the travel expenses at night? It doesn't matter. It's only an hour's journey. It's all for exercise. This is my little fan's day.

Books, books, I love you, just like mice love rice; Books, books, I love you, just like farmers love land. Reading is naturally a good thing, but if you look at me, it's dangerous and affects your eyesight. You shouldn't!

Readers (8)

My friend Liu Zhixin is really a "fool" when reading.

His head is round, and although he looks a bit "dumb", his eyes sparkle with wisdom. Although he is chubby and usually doesn't talk much, he asks me questions, and he must break the sand nest to ask the truth. Liu Zhixin reads a book at noon every day.

One day at noon, he was reading a book. I went into the classroom and asked him to go to the canteen to have a meal. He touched his stomach and said without looking up, I have eaten. Oh, this fool, he forgot to eat lunch even after reading. Another time, when he was reading a book called Pipilu's Story, the teacher asked him to go to the office. He was reading while walking, but he didn't want to touch the pillar in the corridor. Liu Zhixin thought he had met his classmates, so he quickly apologized to the pillar, which made the students laugh.

One day, ten minutes after class, he was watching Story Club. I saw him frown and said to him, "Some stories in the book are made up, so don't take them too seriously!" Unexpectedly, he said, "Fool". I was so angry that I thought to myself, "OK, why scold me? I can't figure it out.". After school, I asked him, and he said, "I'm sorry, but I said that the man in the book was a fool. I didn't run away when I saw the bad guy coming..." It was a misunderstanding. I lent him a copy of Compositions for three days. When I returned it, I saw his handwriting everywhere in circles. It turns out that Liu Zhixin likes to make various marks when reading. For example, he would draw a horizontal line for good words, sentences and paragraphs, mark questions where he could not understand them, and add his own comments where he felt good.

My friend Liu Zhixin is such a bookworm.

Readers (9)

Sun Wenxuan, Class 4, Grade 2, Zhongxin Road Primary School, Gaoqing County, Zibo City, Shandong Province, had a May Day holiday. My parents and I came to Dalian together.

I heard that there are many pigeons in Dalian Park and I can feed them. I'm very excited!

When I entered Dalian Park, I saw beautiful pigeons at a glance: white, black, gray, flowery... so beautiful!

These pigeons see people just as they see good friends. Look! The little white dove came to me with a "coo coo". Its eyes are red and black, like two black gemstones. Its white as snow feathers shine in the sunlight. I quickly scattered the corn kernels I brought from home on the ground. It looked up at me as if it was friendly with me. A little flower dove ran over and dared not lean forward. She stared at me. I thought she was funny and gave it all the corn kernels in her hand. At this time, a large group of pigeons saw the corn kernels and rushed to eat them. No one would let anyone eat them. It was really like nobody else!

Although I couldn't bear to part with these lovely pigeons, when the time came, I had to leave reluctantly.

Readers (10)

In this new society, some people like chatting on the Internet, watching TV, and playing outdoor sports, but she likes reading quietly in her small bedroom alone.

When reading a book, she will cry, laugh, grieve and be happy together with the characters or content in the book. Here are some stories about her reading:

Once, her mother bought her a book written by Cao Wenxuan called Bronze Sunflower. She looked at it with interest in the small bedroom. However, this reading experience is extraordinary. When she saw half of the book, she cried. She felt unprecedented sadness. She felt extremely beautiful for the harmony between the heroine Kwai Hua and the hero's bronze and bronze family, as if they were their family members. Can you think of the book's quotation that the sunflower was finally brought to the city, she felt sad, never sad, she cried, tears ran down her cheeks, dripping onto the page? When she saw the last page of the book, she cried again. She was sad that sunflower and bronze had not seen the last side of their departure. She was sad that sunflower and bronze might never see each other again.

After that, her mother bought her a book called Wolf Totem: Little Wolf and Little Wolf. In this book, she was amused by the antics and ridiculousness of the wolf, but in the end, she was moved by the indomitable noble soul of the prairie wolf, who would rather die than be led away. She didn't cry anymore. She admired the wolf from the bottom of her heart, and she admired the unyielding soul of the prairie wolf even more.

This little girl is me, and I am the one who loves reading as long as I study.

Grade 5: Little Millie

Readers (11)

1. Reading is fun.

Opening a book of "Green Fairy Tales" is like letting you enter a beautiful fairy tale world, with thrilling scenes, happy scenes, and... In short, they are all immersive. Sometimes, I will cry for the tragic plot, but I will also be happy for the villains to get the punishment they deserve.

2. Read more knowledge.

Those who read more have the same knowledge; At this time, I feel that I have learned very little and there is no end to learning. "Knowledge is power" is what a great man once said. Read more, have more knowledge, and have strength and wealth at the same time. So we should read more books and read good books.

3. Reading scores are high.

How do you understand this? Please listen to me slowly. When writing, I will use many proverbs, famous sentences, and idioms, which can not add a lot of language beauty to my composition. This also shows that your language skills are good, and you can also appear very vivid and vivid. When the nature teacher comments, he will nod his head repeatedly and feel good and give a high score for this, so his performance will be high.

Where does such good words come from? I didn't take it off when I was reading, so I also have a good habit of taking it in when I was reading.

Not bad! These are the benefits of reading. Reading makes me happy, gives me insight, gives me high marks, and gives me many benefits.

Guiyuan Primary School Grade 5: Gu Wei

Readers (12)

In my library, there are my masterpieces, my fairy tales, my novels, my books, my picture books, and my dreams—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

My childhood was spent at my grandmother's house in the countryside. Like other children, I live a free life. I often play with them. But most of the time, I saw a little girl with a ponytail holding a picture book while sitting beside her grandmother. The top of the head is a piece of green, blending with the far blue. It was my childhood, intertwined with picture books.

I had my own small room early. A bed, a table, a chair, one side is a window, the other side is a bookcase covered with the whole wall. The picture book has been placed on the top, but there is no dust. Connected are some fairy tale books. Andersen told me that as long as you have an ideal, a pursuit, and strive for this goal, it doesn't matter even in adversity. Brothers Green told me that strength and wisdom are not enough to do anything, but also have confidence and a spirit of persevering in the end without fear of difficulties. Fairy tales also taught me many simple and easy to understand principles.

Later, I no longer stayed with my grandmother, and the bookcase also went with me to my own home with my parents, so that I met more mentors and helpful friends. As a result, there were several more masterpieces in the bookcase. I witnessed Jane Eyre's constant pursuit of freedom and dignity in all kinds of tribulations, persevering in self, and finally achieving happiness. I saw all kinds of adventures the little prince went through during his journey from his own planet to the earth. From Alesha's eyes, I learned about the living conditions of the lower class people in Russia in the 1970s and 1980s. The truth in the classic began to be profound and gradually permeated.

After junior high school, the pressure of learning pressed me invisibly, and I began to wander in Guo Jingming's world. There are many novels in bookcase. The boy who published "Before the Summer Solstice" by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House taught me to grow up; That girl taught me love. The real ending of "Sadness Flows upstream into a River" published by Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House is more "sorrow flows upstream into a river". According to the legend of Critical Episode I and Critical Episode II published by the Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House, the continent of Otin is divided into four countries in the southeast, northwest and northwest. In this world, there are mysterious soul skills and fierce struggles for power and desire. His novels are more or less illusory, which relieves my pressure after studying.

After the summer vacation, I would indulge in the library all day. The fragrance of books tightly wrapped me, making me trapped in the world of books. I learned to write some essays and keep them to record myself. Just as Feng Xiangyu wrote in his article "People and Books are Old", "Borrow books to meet friends, make friends with people who love books, and find truth and wisdom in books together".

When I was old, I also opened a bookstore to read picture books when I was young, fairy tales when I grew up, classics before junior high school, novels after junior high school, and books I read later. As well as the bookcase that grew up with me, it was the first time to take me to pursue my dream.

My dream is that people and books are old.

Readers (13)

I am a bookworm. There are dozens of books on the bookshelf, including "One Hundred Thousand Why", "Aesop's Fables", "Encyclopedia of Children" and so on. I also have a reading story.

"Once, when I was reading a book, I was so engrossed in it that my friend didn't even find me coming in. So he wanted to frighten me, walked quietly behind me and shouted" ha! ", but I didn't respond at all. My friend asked me: "What book are you reading? How do you put yourself into it?" "The giant's castle." My friend didn't know what the giant's castle was. He was curious to read with me. After a while, I felt a little hungry, so I went to the kitchen to get a bag of French fries. While eating, I looked at it, and unconsciously put the bag into my mouth. Suddenly, I heard a burst of laughter: "Zihan, why do you eat the bag?". I just came to my senses and threw the bag into the garbage can.

After a while, my friend asked me if I wanted to go to his house. So I asked my mother for permission and took a comic book out. On the way, I read while walking, and almost fell down. When I arrived at my friend's house, my friend's mother welcomed me in a hurry and put a glass of water on the tea table. My friend immediately turned on the TV and stared at me intently. I continued to concentrate on reading. When I was thirsty, I reached for a water cup, but I took the remote control as a water cup and almost touched my mouth. Fortunately, his mother went to the balcony to tell me.

Is my story interesting? Want to know how I know this? Of course, my good friend told me.

Readers (14)

On the May Day holiday, my parents and I came to Dalian together.

I heard that there are many pigeons in Dalian Park and I can feed them. I'm very excited!

When I entered Dalian Park, I saw beautiful pigeons at a glance: white, black, gray, flowery... so beautiful!

These pigeons see people just as they see good friends. Look! The little white dove came to me with a "coo coo". Its eyes are red and black, like two black gemstones. Its white as snow feathers shine in the sunlight. I quickly scattered the corn kernels I brought from home on the ground. It looked up at me as if it was friendly with me. A little flower dove ran over and dared not lean forward. She stared at me. I thought she was funny and gave it all the corn kernels in her hand. At this time, a large group of pigeons saw the corn kernels and rushed to eat them. No one would let anyone eat them. It was really like nobody else!

Although I couldn't bear to part with these lovely pigeons, when the time came, I had to leave reluctantly.

Readers (15)

My personality is a little strange, sometimes cheerful and sometimes withdrawn, so my friends treat me sometimes cold and sometimes hot. Only it is my eternal friend, that is - books. Books enrich my soul; Book, edify my sentiment; Book, let me talk with great people; Books have made me from an illiterate child to a "little scholar" who can write and break words. Gorky, a famous writer, once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress." But I would say: "Books pave a golden road for my life."

I remember when I was five or six years old, I loved the wonderful comic books and asked my parents to buy me some from time to time. As I grew up, I became very interested in those Pinyin books that wrote fairy tales and loved them every day. By the fifth grade, I was not satisfied with reading those books, so a world famous book was in my eyes. Now, I'm ready to watch Harry Potter! Of course, books need to be read well and used well. In class, I can talk freely about those books; When chatting with my classmates after class, my rich knowledge makes me show my skills; When I was writing a composition, my thoughts poured out in a torrent of thousands of miles. I really responded to that sentence: "Reading breaks thousands of volumes, writing like a god."

Books not only enrich my knowledge, but also let me understand many mysteries. I found the true meaning of life from Charlotte's Web, and I saw the glory of human nature from Don Quixote. Books have given me countless things, which will benefit me all my life.

Part II I am a man who loves reading

I love books because they contain endless knowledge. I love reading, because there are many stories and endless mysteries in the book, which makes me learn a lot of knowledge and understand a lot of truth. I prefer reading because the knowledge in the book can be read into my mind. I like reading Chinese and foreign classics and encyclopedias best. Once, I was reading in my study, and my mother had already cooked dinner. My mother asked me to eat, but I didn't hear it. When my mother came to the study, I was fascinated by reading! My mother pulled my ear. I didn't know it. My mother was worried and grabbed my book. Then I knew my mother was beside me.

Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress!" My growth can not be separated from books, which make me grow faster. In class, this book is full of difficult problems and profound memories. It makes me learn a lot. The writing in the world is full of hardships and vicissitudes. I prefer reading because it makes me know more knowledge.

In life, there are a variety of books. I cried for the little girl who bought a match froze to death in the street, sighed for Ah Q's misery, and applauded for the common crossing. Any book can make me linger. I like them because here I can learn knowledge that is not available in textbooks.

Books are the land of hope. I will work hard to get more food.

I love reading, because books in class let me learn and think, and books outside class let me understand and think. I love reading, because a good book is like a canoe, carrying me in the ocean of knowledge.

Readers (16)

I heard that there are many pigeons in Dalian Park and I can feed them. I'm very excited!

When I entered Dalian Park, I saw beautiful pigeons at a glance: white, black, gray, flowery... so beautiful!

These pigeons see people just as they see good friends. Look! The little white dove came to me with a "coo coo". Its eyes are red and black, like two black gemstones. Its white as snow feathers shine in the sunlight. I quickly scattered the corn kernels I brought from home on the ground. It looked up at me as if it was friendly with me. A little flower dove ran over and dared not lean forward. She stared at me. I thought she was funny and gave it all the corn kernels in her hand. At this time, a large group of pigeons saw the corn kernels and rushed to eat them. No one would let anyone eat them. It was really like nobody else!

Although I couldn't bear to part with these lovely pigeons, when the time came, I had to leave reluctantly.

Readers (17)

There is a person in our class who likes reading, and he is obsessed with it. She has shoulder length short hair, wears a pair of deep myopia glasses, and wears very simple clothes. Students, through my introduction, you know who she is. She is Fu Kexin, the little bookworm in our class.

When class is over, the students don't have to shout or shout when they find Fu Kexin. They look directly at the reading corner and can see her leaning against the table and tasting a book with relish. She did not forget to copy good words and sentences while reading. This is not only the first excerpt I saw. I saw her frown, smile and write down when she read something good. She is really a girl who loves reading. No matter who asks her to go out to play, she will shake her hand at him and say, "I still want to read; go and play" until the school bell rings.

Fu Kexin read many books, such as Red Sun, Bethune, etc. Now Fu Kexin brings half of the books in the Reading Corner. Fu Kexin uses all his time to absorb knowledge greedily to enrich himself. He really likes reading.

In a moral lesson, we learn the lesson of year code. The teacher asked us to find out the time when Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, and draw the corresponding year code on the book. We don't know when Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, so we won't do it. Only Fu Kexin raised her hand and quickly said the correct answer. He not only answered that it was 246 AD, but also told us the 27th square on the second size. It is the result of her reading too many books at ordinary times. Otherwise, can she know when Qin Shihuang agreed to the Six Kingdoms?

Fu Kexin read a lot, and everyone saw it. Keep it in mind. In the evaluation of Reading Star, everyone agreed that Fu Kexin was a well deserved little bookboy and chose her as the librarian.

Fu Kexin, she is not only a girl who loves reading, but also my good friend. I would like to make friends with this "literati".

Chapter 2: A man who loves reading

Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." But how many people are reading? In my five-year class, there is a classmate named Chen Peiyan who loves reading very much.

In the class, Chen Peiyan is among the best in learning. His composition is his best. His works can be praised by the teacher every time. I asked him how to write a good composition, and he told me to read more and accumulate more, so it would be easy to write a composition.

Chen Peiyan is very devoted to reading. Wherever you go, you will take a book in your hand and sit down to read it whenever you are free. Sometimes, when he was walking, he couldn't help but take out his book to read it. When he reached his destination, he didn't realize it, and continued to move forward. When Chen Peiyan was reading a book, he stared at every word. Once in PE class, he took his book, sat by the wall, and read. At first, he was very casual, shaking his legs while reading. Gradually, he went deep into it, only his eyes were moving, as if the book had become a big magnet, which attracted him deeply. After a while, he was unable to extricate himself. No matter how noisy the playground was, he could not hear it. It seemed that the world no longer existed for him. He seemed to enter the plot of the book and become a part of it.

Chen Peiyan is really a little "bookworm"!

Article 3: Composition of a man who loves reading

In this new society, some people like chatting on the Internet, watching TV, and playing outdoor sports, but she likes reading quietly in her small bedroom alone.

When reading a book, she will cry, laugh, grieve and be happy together with the characters or content in the book. Here are some stories about her reading:

Once, her mother bought her a book written by Cao Wenxuan called Bronze Sunflower. She looked at it with interest in the small bedroom. However, this reading experience is extraordinary. When she saw half of the book, she cried. She felt unprecedented sadness. She felt extremely beautiful for the harmony between the heroine Kwai Hua and the hero's bronze and bronze family, as if they were their family members. But the book's quotation said that the sunflower was taken to the city at last, and she felt sad. She had never felt sad before. She cried, and tears ran down her cheeks and dropped on the page... When the book saw the last page, she cried again, and she was sad that the sunflower and bronze had not seen the last side of their parting, She was sad that sunflowers and bronze might never see each other again.

After that, her mother bought her a book called Wolf Totem: Little Wolf and Little Wolf. In this book, she was amused by the antics and ridiculousness of the wolf, but in the end, she was moved by the indomitable noble soul of the prairie wolf, who would rather die than be led away. She didn't cry anymore. She admired the wolf from the bottom of her heart, and she admired the unyielding soul of the prairie wolf even more.

This little girl is me, and I am the one who loves reading as long as I study.

Chapter 4: A man who loves reading

"Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling" class ended, students rushed out to play in a swarm, only a few students scattered in the classroom. Some two people get together to chat; Some sat on the seat and stared at the mountains and clouds outside the window; Others are moving around the table. I don't know what's going on. But there was only one person sitting quietly in the seat doing what the whole class thought was boring - reading. She is Cai Minyi of our class.

I remember once, we had just finished math class, and Teacher Zhou assigned us a problem to do after class. This question is too difficult. I can't understand it, so I thought of my friend Cai Minyi. I hope she can help me.

At this moment, her eyes were staring at a book in her hand. I walked over and came to her side, but she didn't find it. I patted her gently on the shoulder, but she didn't respond. I tried a little, but she still didn't notice. I couldn't stand it. I hit her hard, and she slowly asked, "What's the matter?"

"I want to ask a question."

At this time, her face turned around, but her eyes were still staring at the book, as if they were attracted by a magnet and could not move. I shouted to her, and her soul was called back by me.

I have the impression that Cai Minyi is reading all the time except for extracurricular activities. After lunch, she read at once. When the students had lunch break, she was still reading. I thought: "At home, she should also read crazily!"

Just because Cai Minyi loves reading, I remember it seems that since the day she fell in love with reading, her composition level has risen straightly, and her Chinese achievements have also climbed up like stairs. I am really happy for her.

Reading not only brings her fun, but also brings her good grades. This is Cai Minyi, a real little fan in our class.

Chapter 5: A man who loves reading

There is a person in our class who likes reading very much. He can't leave the book at any time. Everyone likes his spirit of studying hard. How does he study? Let me tell you about him.

His family is very poor. His hair is yellow, like a piece of autumn grass, his face is not very ruddy, his clothes have been sewn for a long time, and his pants have faded. I never dare to go to his house to play, because there are many flies and mosquitoes in his house, because his house is too poor, so it is like this.

Once, when school was about to begin, I went to the library to buy a book called "Learning One Point". I suddenly found a familiar figure in the crowd. It turned out that he was the classmate who loved books. I thought he was reading a comic book. I went over to read it. He read with relish. I didn't disturb him and walked quietly. After two hours, I bought a book and was ready to go home when I saw him still reading the thick book in the original place. At this time, he suddenly put down his book and hurried to the corridor. I followed him curiously. I saw that he took out a dry sesame seed cake from his pocket and ate it in the corridor. After wolfing down the food, he returned to his original position to read.

I couldn't help asking: "Why don't you buy it home and take your time?" He rubbed his eyes and replied: "My family is poor, so I can't afford to buy books." I was moved to tears by this sentence. I said, "I will buy this book for you." He said, "Thank you so much. I will save some money for you later."

You see, this is the student who loves books. Doesn't he deserve our study?

Chapter 6: A man who loves reading

He has a pair of small eyes, but they are full of energy; There are many expressions in that small mouth: when happy, there is always a smile on the corner of the mouth; When angry, a pout of the mouth seems to be able to tie a small donkey. Sometimes the words from this mouth can make people angry and furious; Sometimes it makes people laugh and laugh. He has a hobby, that is, reading.

When he was reading, he was so absorbed that he could hardly hear any sound. I remember one time, he was sitting on the sofa reading a novel. When he was fascinated, his friend came to him to come downstairs to play. Because he was so fascinated, he did not hear his friend's knocking at the door. Seeing that no one promised, the friend thought that he did not hear, so he knocked hard again, but he still did not hear. After reading the novel, he wanted to open the door to check whether the newspaper he ordered had been delivered. Then he found his friend waiting in the corridor. When he saw him at home, his friend described the whole story. After listening to it, he said to himself, "Do I really feel so fascinated?" Therefore, he had a nickname called "Little Book Fan".

Guess what? Who is this "little fan"? If you are willing to keep it secret for me, I will tell you that he is -- me!

Readers (18)

I remember once, we had just finished math class, and Teacher Zhou assigned us a problem to do after class. This question is too difficult. I can't understand it, so I thought of my friend Cai Minyi. I hope she can help me.

At this moment, her eyes were staring at a book in her hand. I walked over and came to her side, but she didn't find it. I patted her gently on the shoulder, but she didn't respond. I tried a little, but she still didn't notice. I couldn't stand it. I hit her hard, and she slowly asked, "What's the matter?"

"I want to ask a question."

At this time, her face turned around, but her eyes were still staring at the book, as if they were attracted by a magnet and could not move. I shouted to her, and her soul was called back by me.

I have the impression that Cai Minyi is reading all the time except for extracurricular activities. After lunch, she read at once. When the students had lunch break, she was still reading. I thought: "At home, she should also read crazily!"

Just because Cai Minyi loves reading, I remember it seems that since the day she fell in love with reading, her composition level has risen straightly, and her Chinese achievements have also climbed up like stairs. I am really happy for her.

Reading not only brings her fun, but also brings her good grades. This is Cai Minyi, a real little fan in our class.

Readers (19)

She reads books almost every day. When we go to the library, she suddenly plunged into the sea of books like a mouse seeing rice, and immediately sat down to read with relish. Some of us are talking, some of us are playing by ourselves. Only she is reading, and she doesn't even know the bell rings after class.

But what impressed me most was the big break. "Ding Lingling" The bell rang after class, and the students rushed out of the classroom like arrows leaving the string. A boy said, "Brother, let's go out and play together." A tall girl said, "Nana, let's go out and jump rope." "OK, OK," Nana said happily. Almost everyone in the classroom was playing. It was so noisy that there was hardly a figure in the classroom. At this time, I went to ask "Little Bookworm" to play with her. I patted her on the shoulder and said: "Let's go out to play with" Little Bookworm. "" Little Bookworm "said:" Don't disturb me to read books, and play with you later. "Then I read" White Elephant Family "with relish. Her eyes were so absorbed in the book that she refused to blink. After 10 minutes, I took a picture of her, but she didn't notice. She was still staring at the White Elephant Family in trance, sometimes giggling, sometimes frowning with a serious expression, and never felt that I was taking a picture of her. The big break ended imperceptibly. "Ding Lingling" The bell for class rang without her noticing, and she was still immersed in the sea of books. Finally, I reminded her, and she came back to her senses and started class.

This is the "little bookworm" in our class. She is accompanied by books every day, and her stomach is full of knowledge. Therefore, she writes well in her composition, and her Chinese scores are among the best. She has always said: "Reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles, reading makes me happy." I also want to learn from her, so that reading can be integrated into my life.

Readers (20)

It was a Saturday morning. I was reading in my study. My mother said, "Dayong, I have something to do with my company today. I need to go out first. There is ribs soup stewed in the kitchen. In 30 minutes, you can turn off the fire for me, and I will be back in three hours." I casually said "Hmm". My mother saw my promise and went out with confidence.

I am still immersed in the sea of books. At this time, I was reading a book called Adventures with Cao Cao. When I saw that Cao Cao heard the prompt sound of the subway door closing, and thought that there were enemy soldiers coming, I was so worried that I stamped my feet, I laughed; When I saw many people viciously tied up Cao Cao and put him in prison, I was depressed; When he was rescued, I felt as if I had laid down a heavy burden. My mood changes with the plot of the story. The story also wrote about the blue sea, broad sky, continuous mountains, beautiful islands, golden beaches, which made me feel comfortable and immersive. But... why is there an unpleasant smell of burning on the golden beach?

"Oh, it's over!" I quickly buckled my book back. With a strong foot, I suddenly stood up and hurried into the kitchen. The kitchen was covered with smoke, and I couldn't see clearly. It was not easy to find the pot and gas switch. I stepped back, stretched my arms out, closed my eyes, and gently twisted the gas button to the right - the fire was off. My hands trembled and I slowly opened the lid of the pot. My eyes glanced into the pot. Ouch! There was no soup! I was so frightened that I couldn't help thinking to myself, "What should I do? What should I do? This is the end." I stood there and turned around.

After a while, the door opened with a "squeak". It was my mother. She smiled and asked, "Baby, is the fire off?" I saw that I could not hide it, so I honestly explained: "I was fascinated by reading, and I forgot to turn off the fire, so I just closed it." My mother came to turn from sunny to cloudy, just blurted out to scold me, hesitated for a while, and helplessly said: "You are really a 'little book fan'! So we silently wasted a large pot of spareribs soup. "

Look, this is me who loves reading. Although I often get scolded and beaten by my mother, I still like reading because I know one thing, as long as I read more books, knowledge will become a river!