Expo Composition (15 high-quality articles)
freely flowing style of writing
2023-09-28 07:42:42
junior middle school

Expo Composition (1)

Our bus was asked to park in the No. 24 parking lot by reservation. I walked for nearly half an hour when I got off to the entrance of the Expo Park. The road is full of tourists. Before entering the Expo Park, I saw the "Wings of the Wind" in the distance. "Wings of the Wind" is one of the landmark buildings of the Expo Park. The "Wings of the Wind" is like a big bird. The lines beside it are the wings of the big bird, which spreads its wings in the sky. We slowly entered the Expo Park with the tourists.

Each country's pavilion in the Expo Park has its own style. In the Canada Pavilion, you can touch the "magical water" of the city in children's dreams, and you can also ride a fixed bicycle to enjoy the best city features in Canada on the big screen.

The "Seed Temple" of the British Pavilion looks like a hedgehog curled up on the left side of the Spanish Pavilion from a distance. Its unique shape makes me eager to visit the temple. After entering the "Seed Temple", you will find that each of the 60000 acrylic rods contains seeds of different kinds and shapes. They may be a pine nut, a coffee bean, or a seed you can't name

The Netherlands Pavilion is an open type venue. It has many small houses and is open type, displaying their sculptures and handicrafts. The pavilion is like a fairytale world. The colors are very bright. Orange and white form many beautiful patterns, and there are many sheep standing on the green grass.

In the Expo Park, I not only saw the sights of different places, but also increased my knowledge. See the World Expo and know the world!

Expo Composition (2)

On a sunny morning, my mother, father and I visited the "Russian National Pavilion", the Expo venue. It is in Area C.

When waiting in line, everyone walked along the railing. My father and mother were afraid that I would be too tired to affect the visit, so they came up with a wonderful way. They said, "Move a stool and sit on the opposite fence and wait for us." Then they moved my stool to the opposite side. I sat on the stool and waited patiently for them. We could finally enter the Russian Pavilion one by one. I jumped up with joy.

Once you enter the Russian National Pavilion, you will see a sea of Big Mac flowers. The flowers there are big and beautiful, including yellow sunflowers, purple morning glory, and orchids... In the sea of flowers, there are also various fruits, including huge pumpkins, clusters of grapes, and fruits of unknown names, all of which are very bright in color.

About half an hour later, I left the Russian National Pavilion, but I was still immersed in the world of flowers.

Expo Composition (3)

During the summer vacation, my parents and I went to Shanghai to visit the Expo Park. Although I didn't visit many venues, I was deeply impressed.

On that day, we prepared dry food and fruit, and took the subway to Gate 2 of the Expo Park. There has been a long queue here, and everyone is patiently waiting for the security check. After more than an hour of waiting, we finally passed the security check and entered the Expo site. With the flow of people, we came to the oil museum. Wow! A long queue has formed here. We walked along the long dragon for ten minutes to the end of the team and joined the team. Every ten minutes or so, the team moves forward slowly for a distance. We asked the staff next to us how long it would take to get to the oil museum. The staff said it would take more than 4 hours. We wanted to give up, but we had to wait patiently to watch the 4D movie. I don't know how long it took to arrive at the oil museum. We ran upstairs to watch the 4D movie The Formation of Oil. I found a seat to sit down, put on my new glasses, and the movie started. The film brought me into a wonderful scene:

Long ago, dinosaurs and marine creatures on the earth lived very well. Suddenly, many meteorites fell from the sky. Dinosaurs became extinct, marine creatures died, and their bodies were buried underground. The movement of the earth's crust, the movement of the land's plates, the ocean became a mountain, the mountain became an ocean, and oil slowly moved underground. Then, people went to look for oil in the deep mountains and forests. "Buzz" brought many stinging insects and biting snakes. The snake passed under my feet with a "whoosh". Mother shouted and the audience shouted. Suddenly a fierce crocodile came to us with its big mouth open, which frightened us again and made the whole audience scream again. In the end, if the oil disappears in an instant. The walls of the house have lost their color, the gas has gone, the speeding cars on the road have stopped, and people's beautiful clothes have gone. After the movie ended, I realized how precious oil is.

Later, we visited the Science and Technology Museum. The light beams in the Science and Technology Museum changed colors with our applause. On the third floor, there were vegetables that could be eaten in 30 days, and dishes cooked for us by robots. After visiting the Science and Technology Museum, we also visited the French Museum. The fountain in the French Museum is beautiful and green.

Finally, I bought Haibao, which is the mascot of the Expo. Like a person, Haibao sends invitations to the Expo like every friend around the world.

Expo Composition (4)

Today, we went to the World Expo. As soon as we entered the door, we saw the pavilion in the shape of a rabbit, namely the Macao Pavilion.

My father told me that Macao has been part of China's territory since ancient times. Macao has been occupied by Portugal since the 16th century. After three hundred years of unremitting efforts by the Chinese people, it finally returned to the embrace of the motherland on December 20, 1999. After entering the Macao Pavilion, we followed the rabbit to visit the whole Macao under the words of an elder sister, and learned about the past, present and bright future of Macao. We walked out of the Macao Pavilion and specially brought a rabbit lantern as a souvenir. Finally, we found that Macao is like a rabbit.

Expo Composition (5)

I have been looking forward to seeing the World Expo for a long time, and my wish has finally come true! Although the temperature is as high as 39 degrees, our family is still happy to see the World Expo!

As soon as I got to the gate of the Expo, I saw the China Pavilion. The China Pavilion is a red zigzag. There are thousands of tourists, and our Entrance 5 is just one of them. What a hot day! I was sweating all over, but I was happily lining up.

We can finally enter the park at nine o'clock. After passing the security check and ticket check, I saw the China Pavilion at the first sight, but we didn't get the reservation ticket, so we just took a few photos outside and left. There are so many visitors! The Saudi Pavilion has to queue for seven hours, the German Pavilion for five hours, and the British Pavilion for three hours! My father didn't watch it because he was afraid of heatstroke. But my father took me to see the African Union Pavilion and other national pavilions with less queuing time.

The most lovely is the British Pavilion, which looks like a big hedgehog. The Brazil Pavilion is like a forest. The Spanish Pavilion is covered with vines like a male

This World Expo is really happy! I also learned a lot of knowledge!

Expo Composition (6)

ha-ha! The day I look forward to is finally coming. I will go to Shanghai to see the World Expo.

Shanghai itself is very hot, and this day is the highest temperature in 137 years in Shanghai - 40.5 ℃. More than 400000 people visited the World Expo this day, which is less than usual. The Saudi Arabia Pavilion, which has the longest queue, takes 7 hours. These people are so persistent. In Puxi, I went to Pudong after seeing the Ship Pavilion.

In Pudong, we took a sightseeing bus to browse the various venues: the Italian Pavilion is like a piece of bricks; Pakistan Pavilion is like a castle; The Japan Pavilion is like a big bread... Before that, the pavilion I most wanted to go to was the Denmark Pavilion, which I thought must be very interesting. But when I went in, I was disappointed - there was only a mermaid sculpture and other gadgets inside. Because I can't ride a bike, I can't experience the fun of riding a bike from the top down of the Danish pavilion, so I left the pavilion dejected.

Next, I went to the China Pavilion. The color of the China Pavilion is bright red, and its shape is like a four legged tripod. The China Pavilion is divided into two floors. The first floor is the provincial and municipal joint pavilion, and the second floor is the China Pavilion. The China Pavilion is closed today. I only want to see the provincial and municipal joint pavilion. Each museum has its own characteristics: calligraphy and painting flow on the scroll of Hunan Museum; The pavilion of Guangxi Autonomous Region has a water curtain with patterns; Heilongjiang Pavilion is in a snowy world... There are singing, dancing, watching movies and so on in the provincial and municipal joint pavilion, which is extremely lively, and most of them don't have to queue up. If I hadn't been so tired that I was going to fall apart, I wouldn't have ended my journey here easily.

I will go to the World Expo in the future!

Expo Composition (7)

During the holiday, my parents and I, as well as my good friend Kang Kang and his family, went to visit the Shanghai World Expo Park together.

There are so many people in the Expo Park. There are so many people in the Expo Park that there are long lines in front of many pavilions. We decided to visit the exhibition hall with relatively few visitors.

We went to the People's Insurance Museum of China first. There were simulated experiences of earthquake, fire, flood... These experiences were really a bit soul stirring. Then we went to the Shanghai Enterprise Joint Pavilion, where there was a robot show. There were many colored lights on the roof of the pavilion. With applause, tourists could make those lights change into various colors, which was particularly beautiful and elegant.

Then we went to the Sinian City, the City Footprint Pavilion, and the Japanese Enterprise Pavilion. Time passed quickly. It was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon. We went to the National Pavilion in Pudong by boat, where we visited the Irish National Pavilion, the Greek National Pavilion and the Netherlands National Pavilion. I think the most interesting is the Netherlands National Pavilion. The entire pavilion is like a transparent 'street'. The exquisite houses on both sides of the street display many representative objects of the country, such as my favorite cartoon Miffy, Van Gogh's paintings Bears with moving eyes... At the end of the street is a green "grass". There are white "sheep" on the "grass". They are very beautiful with various appearances. They are not only for you to watch, but also can sit on it for a rest when tired. The theme of "Better City, Better Life" can not help but remind people of the designer's hard work.

Out of the Netherlands Pavilion, it is night. At the beginning of the night, those pavilions have become more beautiful under the light. The Expo Park at night is really beautiful.

Finally, we went to visit the Expo Axis. The Expo Axis in the night light is constantly changing with colorful lights.

Ah, today is really a beautiful and interesting day!

Expo Composition (8)

Our family went to the World Expo this summer vacation.

The memory of that time is really unforgettable. I went to the World Expo in Shanghai, China for the first time! I have been watching the foreign countries do it there. It's very dignified. It's our turn this time!

Everyone was very excited to participate in the Expo. The park was full of people in the morning, carrying bags, cameras and benches. The garden is very big, very big. Looking at the map, I grew up. I looked at Monday and Thursday. There was a volunteer sister not far away, so our family hurried to ask. The volunteers worked very hard, stood still in the hot sun, and treated people politely and warmly.

After entering the Expo Park, we had to see the pavilion. We were quick to queue up. There was a trick in the park: we could not hesitate! Although there seems to be no one there, do you want to go? Tell you, in a few seconds, there will be a sea of people! We have learned a lesson for this.

However, everyone here is thinking that there will be someone smarter than us. People will always take the lead. Looking ahead, there will be people everywhere! But looking back, I'm very proud, hey hey. Each pavilion has to queue for more than one hour, popular pavilion? Not to mention! That's... I can't describe it.

We were tired after running around in the morning, so we waited in line to eat bread. Hum, who can save more time than us?

With our efforts, we have visited more than ten museums at one time. Now we stop and find that our whole body is already sweating

After dinner, it was dark, and all the pavilions were competing and blooming in the night. We were drunk, suddenly woke up, and took the camera to shoot

The Expo Park is well constructed. I want to go when I go. Although it's so tiring to queue up, my enthusiasm for watching the Expo is not enough!

Expo Composition (9)

This is the third day to go to Shanghai Lujiazui Aquarium.

Ah! It's a fine day today. We took a bus to Lujiazui, Shanghai. When I got off the bus, I saw rows of tall buildings. Here, Jinmao Building is so high that my neck is sore and I still can't see the top. We walked for a while and saw the Oriental Pearl again. This was the first time since I remembered it (although I saw it here once when I was four years old, I didn't remember it anymore...) standing at the foot of the Oriental Pearl. We went on and finally arrived at the Shanghai Ocean Museum.

As soon as we entered the museum, we went to the shark reserve. I read a wealth of materials and learned that the number of sharks in the sea is gradually decreasing because of human hunting. We need to protect wild sharks together. In the pool, I saw very small sharks. These sharks don't bite people. I touched it kindly, and it wagged its tail! I observed the whole process of the birth of sharks and recorded the beautiful moment with a camera.

Then, we entered a "big jungle", where is the elevator leading to the second floor. Outside the elevator, there are several large aquariums. In the aquarium, there are very small and colorful fish. The most interesting one is the chameleon. He lies on the stone motionless, as if waiting for the arrival of prey. In one of the largest aquariums, there is a crocodile, which is lying on the ground like dead. I think he must be a master of "wooden man".

On the second floor, I knew that this was a place to introduce fish from all over the world, such as tropical waters in Africa and Asian waters. The fish in the aquarium were colorful and varied. My favorite fish was tropical fish, because they were beautiful. In the icy Antarctic waters, there are also penguins. Some of these penguins swim in the water and some walk on the snow.

When I got to the small shop, I bought several souvenirs at once. It was a very interesting day!

Expo Composition (10)

On May 13, 20xx, all teachers and students of our school went to the Expo Park to play. It was still raining when we set out from school, and my mother brought me a small umbrella. When we arrived at the Expo Park, the rain stopped, and the sky became clear when we played.

The school invited a tour guide for each class. Sister Yu was the tour guide in our class. She always walked in front of us, showed us the way, and told us about the interesting places in the Expo Park. There is a statue of a monkey at the gate of the Expo Park. It also holds a large ice cream in its hand and extends its hands to welcome everyone. My father told me before that it is the mascot of the Expo Park, named Lingling.

As soon as I entered the gate of the Expo Park, I saw flowers everywhere, red, white and yellow. They were beautiful!

Ah! What a big boat! There are all kinds of flowers on the boat, and a big clock made of flowers on the boat. We want to play more under the boat, but Sister Yu said, "Go, there are many interesting places ahead.". Tired of walking, Sister Yu asked us to have a rest, drink some water and eat something. But I was so happy that I just wanted to play and didn't want to eat until lunch at noon.

There are too many interesting places and people in the Expo Park. I also gave the jelly I brought to the tourists' little brother to eat.

Time flies. We haven't had enough fun yet. Sister Yu asked us to rule out getting on the bus and send us back to school. On the bus, I shared the snacks I brought with my classmates. Soon the bus returned to our school.

When we returned to our education and had a rest, the teacher said, "Today, some of our classmates did not behave well and left litter in the Expo Garden. In the future, everyone must correct and not litter.". I remember what the teacher said. I will not litter anywhere in the future. I must take care of our environmental health and strive to be a little environmental guardian!

Expo Composition (11)

On Friday night, the once-in-a-century World Expo opened in Shanghai! More than a dozen children proudly held Hai Bao, the Expo mascot with victory expression among the masters in the middle of the stage. Haibao's raised thumb shows that we Chinese are very proud; The strong legs symbolize that the Chinese people have the strength to stand up to heaven and earth. On Sunday, I finally came to the Expo Park that I missed day and night.

First of all, we passed the strict and orderly security inspection, and I successfully passed the customs. Wow! It's really imposing. Fortunately, the adults had already explored the route, so we went straight to the Japan Pavilion, but there were so many people at the gate of the Japan Pavilion that we chose another pavilion. We visited many museums, but I like the Canada Pavilion best. Its appearance is like "R", and there is magic water inside. You can draw colorful patterns directly in the water with your hands; The most interesting thing is the "flying bicycle". As long as you shake its wheels with your hands or feet, it will fly on the wall. Although I have returned to my hometown, I will come again next time I have a chance!

Expo Composition (12)

World Expo · Shock in Africa

One thing after another, moved and shocked again and again. notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Walking in the community of the World Expo with an umbrella, the rain splashed on the umbrella and hit me in the face. In the heavy rain, we came to the "United African Pavilion" of the World Expo to visit the African economy.

Seeing the shape of this pavilion, although it is the largest among all the pavilions, it is a joint effort of more than 40 African countries. If we separate each country, one country will cover less than 100 square meters. What is the concept? Is such a small place a national Expo? Can a country develop? Such a small place shows how poor Africa is! But their optimistic and upward character made me deeply admire and admire them.

When we came to the pavilion, all African nationalities sang and danced happily. There was no sadness or anger, no discouragement, no poverty. There was only joy, only striving. Although I can't understand the lyrics, I feel that it is a kind of strength, a kind of indomitable spirit. I was deeply impressed. I admired their optimism, their tenacity, their hard work, and their······

I am proud of Africans. Although they are poor, they are rich. They have the indomitable spirit that time lacks. How I want to have this quality! However, how many hard days have brought about this! With my present environment and my will, it is impossible to get it. I am ashamed, I feel inferior, and I admire all the strong people in Africa.

Out of the hall, it rained more and more heavily. It hurt to hit the umbrella, the face and the heart. This time, I understand that the most important thing in a country is not its wealth and advanced technology, but its quality and spirit······

Expo Composition (13)

Do you know when we are still immersed in the joy of the Olympic Games and the Special Olympics being held successfully in China? The 2010 World Expo is coming to us again, as a new Shanghainese. I'm proud of that. On December 3, 2002, China won the right to host the 2010 World Expo on that day. In order to welcome the World Expo, the people of Shanghai have set off an upsurge of learning etiquette, understanding etiquette, observing etiquette and stressing civilization, all of which are prepared to welcome thousands of foreign tourists to Shanghai.

The World Expo is an international event with great influence and a long history, as well as a grand gathering of mankind. People from all over the world come together to show their products and skills, and boast about their hometown and motherland. The World Expo gathers the achievements of human civilization, and thus has unparalleled appeal.

It has set up a platform for us to let the world know us, so that we can understand the beautiful customs around the world, watch beautiful and exquisite objects, and learn from the strengths of other countries. Listen, the voice of the world.

When foreign tourists come, we should leave a good impression on everyone. Shanghai has also become more and more civilized due to the World Expo, and people are also correcting their bad habits in life. In the past, when people encountered contradictions, they sometimes became dirty. Now polite expressions are often used in their mouths; The garbage that used to be everywhere is now a clean road and a tidy community; When I saw the bus coming, everyone crowded up. Now I have to queue up in order and offer my seat. In specific actions, citizens should be civilized and understand etiquette, strive to improve their civilization and become civilized people in the community.

Now we have to build a language bridge to "welcome the World Expo and learn bilingualism". We will study hard to improve our oral English and strive to be a qualified host.

As a primary school student living in the hot land of Pudong, I also want to act sincerely and enthusiastically through my hands to realize Shanghai's commitment to the world: "Better city, better life

Expo Composition (14)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Today is our first day in Shanghai. Where are we going? I opened my mouth wide and asked my aunt. My aunt said, "Of course it's the Expo you want to go to most!" Then I jumped three feet high.

With these words, we set out. We took our sister's car to the Expo entrance, and just got off we rushed to the queue. When we got there, we became dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, we were already crowded before nine o'clock. The hot sun made us all sweat.

When waiting in line, Sister Qingqing introduced the China Pavilion to us. "The structure of the China Pavilion is different from that of a conventional building with a small upper and a small lower or the same size as the upper and lower buildings. The shape of the China Pavilion with a large upper and a small lower gives a strong visual impact. At its bottom are four giant reinforced concrete core tubes, and the roof of more than 10000 square meters is equivalent to two and a half football fields."

Just entering the China Pavilion, there is a long road, and you will see some light in the distance. Before I knew it, I came to a place where there were many thick pillars on which were shown black and white films. After a while, the staff asked us to enter the cinema to watch the film. After we sat down, the film screening began. The screen here is different from other cinemas. It is divided into three parts, showing different pictures, mainly about what Chinese people are doing in the morning, noon and evening. Compared with the past, how good our life is now!

After a while, we followed the tour guide to the first exhibition area: exploring the "Oriental Footprint". This is an exhibition of several styles, which tells the Chinese people's enthusiasm for construction and expectations for the future over the past three decades of reform and opening up. The national treasure painting "Picture of the River during the Qingming Festival" is reflected on the screen, conveying the wisdom of Chinese cities.

We have come to the second exhibition area: "Search Tour". Wow! Finally, I can sit down. In front of me is a row of rail tour buses. After we sit on it, the bus starts. It allows us to appreciate the wisdom of China's urban construction planning in the shortest time, and complete a visit experience full of movement, surprise and discovery.

Gradually, we came to the third exhibition area: gathering "low-carbon action". Speaking of low carbon, many people in our country do not pay attention to low carbon. This time, many people went there to open their eyes. This exhibition area tells us how to reduce carbon emissions, and I have learned a lot.

We stayed in the China Pavilion for a long time. Our trip to the World Expo ended at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Expo Composition (15)

When I woke up in the morning, I vaguely heard a voice, "Better city, better life." This voice, bright and bright with a trace of excitement, excitement with a sense of pride. On the day of the World Expo, such a group of people left a faint trace in our hearts; It is also a group of people who have carved bright smiles in our memory.

In this familiar name, we have the pride of Shanghainese. There is no need to wear that logo, and everyone does not need to remember their names. On the day of welcoming the World Expo, it is they who move the whole Shanghai, even the world, with smiles. I think: more trees should be planted to make the city more green and have a "green lung", which can not only beautify the environment, but also purify the air, so that we can breathe fresh air, enjoy the pleasure that green brings to people's lives, and make the city cleaner and full of green life!

On the day of welcoming the World Expo, I saw that in the Expo Park, many new buildings have sprung up, making me feel the development and prosperity of our city. The appearance of various pavilions through various channels makes people dumbfounded and amazed. I really feel the exotic customs of various countries in the world, and thus my experience is greatly increased. These are all seen in the urban area. However, the Expo is not just like this. In the community where I live, we are busy with the Expo everywhere. Every morning, we always see the sanitation workers in the community cleaning. On weekdays, we often see them on the road. Thanks to their hard work, our surroundings have changed a lot, The environment is more satisfying and comfortable. In addition, recently, the road near my home has become much wider and wider, and more trees have been planted on the road, adding more green to our surroundings and the city. These seemingly insignificant actions reflect everyone's passion and love for the Expo, and let me see the spirit of selfless dedication to the Expo, which is admirable!

In the day of welcoming the World Expo, I did it: I watched the people around me making contributions to the World Expo. If I still didn't care, it would be too ashamed. I know that I can't do anything earth shaking, but I believe that something within my power can still express my feelings for the World Expo. At ordinary times, I often participate in the collection of essays about the Expo, hoping to express my feelings about the Expo in words. In addition, I often watch the news about the World Expo. I believe that what I have done is not in vain. It has made me better understand the World Expo and also participated in the dedication to the World Expo. For this reason, I have a clear conscience. In the future, I will always stick to it and make my own contribution to the World Expo.

In the day of the World Expo, as a middle school student, my primary task is to learn cultural knowledge and master more skills. In the future, I may become a volunteer and contribute my modest strength to the Shanghai World Expo. I believe that by then, Shanghai will be more attractive to the world. Every Shanghainese is the image ambassador of this city. We represent not only Shanghai, but also our own country. Let's be full of pride and raise our hands to welcome the arrival of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo!