Parents (16 articles)
Happy Stars
2024-02-05 05:59:14

Parents (1)

Students, bring up your pen and write down your parents' love vividly!

Excellent composition 1: love of parents

The love of parents is honey, always sweet and sweet; Parents' love is a flower, which always opens in a happy place; Parents' love is a big tree, always lush green leaves; Parents' love is the sea, always broad and deep.

I have a kind mother and a kind and strict father.

The ancients said: "The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son. Before leaving, the seams are tight, and the fear of returning is delayed. Who can say that the grass heart will be rewarded with three spring rays." The mother's love is an umbrella, shielding the children from the wind and rain in front. A mother's love is a boat that plants the children to a beautiful future. Mother's love is a harbor, giving children a space to shelter from wind and rain. Mother's love is a spring, she gave us sweet water. But the mother herself is just silently paying for us.

Father's love is so ordinary, but this kind of love is so extraordinary. Father love, like jasmine, opens quietly.

My father's character is serious. He always reminds me not to be proud when I am proud and not to be complacent when I succeed. But the mother's character is just the opposite. She is kind. Mother always comforts me when I am unhappy, and encourages me when I do things. Take the last exam for example. Before the exam, I was nervous and fidgeted because I didn't do well in the exam. The next day I unexpectedly got a better result. I came home happily with the test paper and congratulated my mother. When she took the test paper, she danced like a child, always holding it gently. At this time, my father came to see the score and said, "It's not full score, what's exciting? Remember," modesty makes people improve, pride makes people lag behind. "My father's words were like a basin of cold water, which wiped out the fire of my renewed excitement. But now I recall that my father's words are not unreasonable, but also a show of loving me.

Parents love us so much that we should know how to thank them. Sometimes, we can't feel our parents' love. In fact, their love is in silence.

Excellent composition 2: love of parents

Look, the love of parents is that one! It's the brightest one!

The east wind is falling, the summer wind is blowing, the autumn leaves are fluttering, and the winter snow is white. Throughout the year, "parents" are caring for us. We are a grass, parents are a ray of sunshine, and they are caring for me.

Once, after a day of classes, I was very tired. At night, I dragged a heavy step, hung a heavy heart, slowly came home, and went to bed. But I could hear the small ping-pong sound. I got up and looked around for the source of the sound.

One room, one room, and the last one is my mother's. I opened the door and saw my mother nailing the bench. She hit it with a hammer. Her hands were clumsy... I never saw "father" when I was young. I only heard the kind "father" on the lips of my classmates. Maybe I don't have a father. Maybe I am extraordinary. My mother did all the work at home. Now, when I grow up, I understand the so-called father. I don't want to hear the word father anymore. I have no father! I left tears. I asked my mother where my father was. She said that he was my father. Oh, funny. Actually, my mother is also a bit funny. He often jokes with me.

When I asked my grandmother, she said, "Your father works in a distant place. You will see him next year!" I was overjoyed to hear that.

Once, when I heard my classmates scold me at school, I cried. I ran out of the classroom, running all the time, aimlessly. I ran to the door of my house, and the door was open, "We really have to tell the truth to the child. The child has grown up. There is still crying inside. I went in, and my mother picked me up, firmly... She pulled me into the room, crying, "My child, you really don't have a father or a mother. That year, I went to the railway station and heard the crying of the child. I followed the voice to a corner. I found you there. I didn't want to find another burden, so I left, but I walked not far away. Your picture was reflected in my mind. I couldn't bear it. I ran back to adopt you. After that, I lived with you, and I didn't want to find you A companion. So

I -- tears -- burst into my eyes -- 'love of parents', that's all, even though it's not close

Excellent composition 3: love of parents

The flowers are grateful for the rain and dew, because the rain and dew moisten its growth; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering; The eagle is grateful to the sky, because the sky let him fly, the angel is grateful to God, because God gave him a chaste heart!

We are grateful to our parents for giving us life.

When I was very young, they spent a lot of time teaching us how to eat with spoons and chopsticks, how to dress, tie shoelaces, buckle buttons, how to wash my face, and how to behave.

Our parents' efforts are not what we can imagine. How many times, he sent us to the hospital late at night; How many times have they told us stories in the moonlight; How many times, they expect us to go home quickly in the storm.

We are now bathed in the sun woven, allowing to absorb rain and dew full of nectar. Mother love is great, but father love is still great. What I give us is selfless love that others cannot replace.

Looking at my parents' forehead full of years, the back full of rain, dew, wind and frost, the white hair full of hardships, and a kind of inexplicable tears flowing down my cheeks, I cried. It was a call of affection.

Our parents give us life, nurture us, and educate us to grow up. Without parents, there would be no us. When we played in the classroom and on the playground, our parents were working for our high tuition. When I came home, I was excited to see my parents, and at the same time, I felt pain for asking my parents for living expenses.

We should know how to thank our parents for their upbringing, and we should cherish their honey.

Parents (2)

We can live in a beautiful and wonderful world because our parents shine on our hearts with the sunshine of love; With the rain of love moistening our hearts; Touch our hearts with the spring breeze of love. Only through the careful care of our parents can we thrive. Since that time, I really realized that our parents have been paying for us without asking for return, and we should also repay our parents.

It happened on a Friday in the fourth grade. After school, all the students happily ran to the school gate to go home, but suddenly it rained heavily. Many students brought rain gear and went home. Although some did not bring rain gear, their parents also took them home. At this time, I stood alone at the school gate waiting for my mother to pick me up.

After waiting for a long time, the sky was getting darker and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. The sky was also thundering and lightning flashed, and cold wind blew to me in gusts. My heart is getting colder. Why doesn't my mother come to pick me up? Will she forget me or just cook without hearing the rain? My heart is getting more anxious, and I am shivering alone in the corner. Suddenly, through the misty rain curtain, I saw a vague figure coming not far away. I was relieved of my anxiety. The man got closer and closer, and finally I saw the clear face. ' Mom, I'm here. ' I shouted excitedly to my mother. My mother hurried to my side, took my little hand with her big rough hand, and said to me with concern: 'Child, wait a long time! I cooked at home. I didn't know it was raining outside, so I came late. I didn't ignore you. Go outside and go home! '' I didn't complain.

Along the way, my mother always turned her umbrella to me to prevent me from getting caught in the rain, while her own half body was outside the umbrella. Don't get wet in the rain. I quietly moved my mother's hand and let the umbrella move to her side. I was secretly happy when I saw that my mother did not get caught in the rain again. But my mother soon found out that she moved the umbrella back to me and said with a smile, 'It's OK for my mother to take a rain shower. Don't worry, but don't get caught in the rain!' After listening to my mother's words, a warm current came to my heart. It turns out that my mother values me more than anything else. As long as she can see that I am living a healthy and happy life, her mother will be happy. I couldn't help raising my head and looking at the aging face, my eyes were wet inadvertently, and the years still took away my mother's beautiful face when she was young. This may be caused by me, and my heart suddenly shook. I shouldn't make my mother too tired.

We were not satisfied before, but now we know that caressing our parents' love can be seen everywhere! Gratitude enriches our life; Gratitude shapes our hearts; Thanksgiving makes the world more beautiful; Gratitude, let us have love, let us have a grateful heart, to appreciate every bit of the audit or.

Parents (3)

There are several clouds of different shapes floating in the blue sky, and the colorful rainbow bridge will appear after the rain. In such a beautiful world, people's hearts are naturally pure and flawless. There is a smell of love in the air, and there is love everywhere. In this beautiful world, there are many people worthy of our thanks.

First of all, I want to thank my parents, who gave us life and let us live in this world. It was they who provided me with a good learning environment and gave me a good education; It is they who make me feel comfortable with food and clothing, food and clothing. They are like a big tree, protecting my growth. When the wind and sand are coming, cover for me; In my most difficult time, comfort me. They accompany me through my childhood happily and watch me grow up. Don't we need to thank them?

At the same time, we should also thank our teachers. They are like candles, burning themselves but illuminating the way of countless students. They are like diligent gardeners, silently watering and fertilizing us. The teacher silently paid a lot for us. In the quiet office, I can see that the teacher is desperately correcting his homework; In the bright classroom, what I saw was the teacher's fast dancing arms; In the narrow corridor, I saw the teacher in a hurry. Are they not enough for us to thank?

Thank you again, dear Earth Mother. All her energy and energy are poured into us. Without her, we can't survive. She gives us water, food and various conditions for survival, so that we have a land to live on. Without her, there would be no human beings, wouldn't there? How can we not appreciate her?

In fact, there are a lot of people in the world who are silently dedicated to us, not seeking to return. The world is a paradise of love. When others give us selfless love, we should know how to be grateful, learn to be grateful, and repay them with a grateful heart and action. A thousand words come together into one sentence: Thank you for your love!

Parents (4)

The flower is grateful for the rain and dew, because the rain and dew nourish its growth. The white clouds are grateful to the blue sky, because the blue sky lets it float freely. There are many people I want to be grateful for: relatives, friends, classmates, teachers

Filial piety is the most important of all virtues. My parents gave me life. I should first thank my parents. Usually, my mother does almost all the housework. I am a third grade primary school student. I think I should do some housework within my power. One day, after I finished my homework, I couldn't wait to pick up the mop and move it one after the other, just like my mother did when she mopped the floor. However, the mop seems to have turned into a naughty child in my hands, not listening to my command at all.

No matter how hard I try, the dust still stays on the ground. Sweat poured down from my forehead. I thought it was really hard to mop the floor! How hard my mother is usually! Today, I must learn to mop the floor to relieve my mother's fatigue. So I humbly asked my mother for advice. Under her patient guidance, I finally dragged the floor clean as new. After dragging the floor, I felt as if I had become the real little man in my mother's mind.

Looking at my mother's happy smile, I pulled my mother to the sofa to let her feel her son's love. I clenched my small fist and gently beat on my mother's back. When my mother said, "It's really happy to have a son", I thought it was as sweet as honey. I said to my mother, "I will beat my back for you." My mother listened to my words and smiled from ear to ear.

After dinner, I asked grandma curiously: "What was your learning environment when you were young?" Grandma said: "That's because we don't have pens and notebooks, only stone plates and stone pens. Children from poor families can only polish broken glass pieces and use them as notebooks, and then pick up some earth blocks to use as pens." Speaking of the classroom, it is a small cottage, not even a table or chair, You can only sit on a stone or the ground and use your bent legs as a table. What Grandma said is beyond my imagination. Compared with our current education and living conditions, what do I want? Why don't I study hard?

After a love assignment, I learned that as long as we are always grateful for the people and things around us, the world will become a better place! I will always keep gratitude in mind!

Parents (5)

We can live in this beautiful and wonderful world because our parents raised us. They taught us every number one in life. They taught us to take the first step. They taught us to say the first word. They taught us to recognize the first word... If there were no dear parents, there would be no us.

Although my parents are not outstanding in appearance, their concern and love for me cannot be explained in a few words.

I remember when I was eight years old, I suddenly had a high fever on a very cold winter night. When my parents saw me, without saying anything, they put on their coats, helped me get dressed, picked up the umbrella, carried me, and walked quickly to the hospital. The road is so long and hard to walk. Maybe my father walked too fast, or the road was too slippery. When I walked, my father twisted his feet and threw me down. I was about to land on my buttocks when I suddenly felt a pair of big hands holding me. I turned my head and saw that it was our umbrella mother who was afraid that I would fall and hurt herself. She held me with her hands. I'm all right, but my father's foot is twisted and my mother's hand is bruised. I asked to go by myself. My father said that I was ill and would not allow it. He limped me to the hospital again. At this time, tears blurred my eyes.

I remember that on my tenth birthday, my father bought a big cake with ten candles on it. I was very happy. But happiness begets sorrow. My mother hurt her hand in order to make a good dinner for me. I said to my parents affectionately, "I will repay you well in the future." They said, "As long as you are healthy and happy and have good grades, you will be the best reward for us." I nodded solemnly.

Later, I studied harder because I wanted to repay my parents with my achievements.

There is a saying that goes well, "Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the sun". Therefore, in order to repay my parents for their hard work in raising me, I must study hard now and find a good job when I grow up so that my parents can enjoy their old age. I will thank my parents ten times and a hundred times for what they have done for me, so that their efforts will be valuable.

Parents (6)

The bright flowers face the rising sun, it is gratitude and sunshine that make them dazzling; The weeping willows by the lake are fluttering in the wind. It is gratitude and the cool wind that make them sway; The trickle of water rushing to the sea happily is thanking the sea for its tolerance and acceptance

If things are still like this, why should people be embarrassed?

There is a passage in the Three Character Classic: "It is meaningful to warm the mat, and love parents." It tells of a child named Huang Xiang who uses his body to warm his father's bedding in cold winter; In the hot summer, I use a fan to cool my father's pillow. People say that Huang Xiang is filial to his father, but I think first of all, I should be grateful to my father for his upbringing, and then I should take action. Gratitude is the foundation of filial piety, and filial piety is the deepening of gratitude.

Gratitude comes from the heart. As the saying goes, "Every drop of water will be rewarded by the spring." What's more, the love your parents pay for you is not just a drop of water, but a vast ocean.

I remember one time when my brother and I were playing at home. My brother left first because of something. I was bored and played bouncing ball at home. At that time, I was just as tall as bouncing ball. I was going to ride on the bouncing ball and jump downstairs. The result was unexpected. I fell and dislocated the bone. Mom always taught me to call him when something happened. I immediately called, She said, "Mom, my foot is dislocated, please come back soon! Mom, it doesn't matter. I'm not in pain anymore. " At this time, my mother had already burst into tears.

I have learned to be grateful. With a grateful heart, go to thank my parents! It will make you better and make your tomorrow better.

Parents (7)

Gratitude? This topic gave me a lift - when did I ever think of thanking my parents?

"Brush" homework was copied on the book, and the words on it were particularly dazzling: wash your parents' feet once. "Wash your feet?" I was lost in thought. "Why did Mr. Li set this question? No matter what, we should deal with it first. I was surprised that a little foot washing made my parents so happy? With doubts, he flushed a basin of hot water and went to the living room.

"Hua Hua" father's feet dipped into the water, and his eyes were full of relief. I rubbed it with my hands, and a blood vessel on my father's foot protruded obviously. There was some foot mud formed by sweat in the wrinkles of his feet. Rub with your hands, and the foot mud will fall down. Dry father's feet with a towel. I poured out the basin of water and added a new basin of hot water. In my doubt, my mother put her feet into the basin with joy.

The same look as my father made me lower my head, and I felt ashamed of the idea of "completing homework"! When I saw my mother's feet, I wanted to cry. Is that a foot? The blood vessels are obvious on the foot, and the whole foot is covered with laborious wrinkles - it was formed for me! At that moment, my parents' love for me poured into my heart like a flood from the bank of forgetfulness.

From the crying children in grade one to the teenagers who are about to graduate, parents' love is everywhere: when I was in school, it suddenly rained cats and dogs. When I was thinking about how to go home, my parents had waited for a long time at the school gate to hand over the umbrella to protect me from the wind and rain. When I wet my pants when I was young, my parents ignored the dirt and replaced their dirty pants with clean pants... I want to thank my parents. I will help them do more housework and stop talking back to them. Today, parents have been sentenced to "heavy upbringing" for 20xx years. In the days to come, I will honor my parents

Even animals know that they should be grateful to their parents. What about us? I would like to thank my parents for their kindness to me

Parents (8)

Thanksgiving is one of our responsibilities. Usually, parents work so hard, but we didn't say a word of gratitude.

We want to thank our parents, who work hard every day to earn money and let us study in school. Who carried us to the hospital when we were ill? Who is crying in front of our hospital bed? They are our parents. Since we were born, we have heard our parents laugh and praise us outside. We learn to talk and walk, which makes parents have a lot of trouble.

Let's take a look at what clothes our father and mother wear, and then look at what clothes we wear ourselves. Dad and Mom are only wearing worn clothes. Our clothes are brand new.

Their parents' hair has turned white and their faces have more wrinkles. They are getting older day by day. We should study hard and repay them with excellent results. We are the best. If we can succeed, we should be proud of our parents.

Mom and Dad, you have worked hard. I love you forever.

Parents (9)

This morning, I learned a piece of narrative poem, Hua Mulan, selected from Yuefu Poems. From the article, I learned about Mulan's profound sense of justice, diligence and filial piety, women disguised as men, and joining the army for their father. This moved me very much, and I couldn't help thinking of the word "gratitude".

The flower is grateful for the rain and dew, which makes it grow; The grass is grateful to the tree, which gives him shade; He Miao is grateful for the sunshine, which has given him glory, and Mulan is grateful for his father, who has given him life.

As a teenager in the 21st century, we need not only a heart of innovation, but also a heart of gratitude.

Today, I learned a lot and thought a lot. Time and time again wipe the endless "regret tears". I am grateful to my parents for their kindness in raising me, for their kindness in educating me, and for everything they have done for me

I can't count their love, nor can I count their love for me, nor can I repay their love for me.

From today on, I swear to my parents that my daughter will study hard and repay their parents for their upbringing. We will never let our parents lose their heads at the upcoming parents' meeting. I want my parents to become the most glorious parents in the world.

My daughter said here today: "Mom and Dad, you've worked hard! My daughter will have a different life from other girls! Mom and Dad, wait for the good news!"

I am grateful to my parents.

Parents (10)

My friends, have you heard the story of "little boy and apple tree".

An apple tree gave the boy apples for money; He gave the little boy branches and made a house; He gave the boy a tree trunk and made a boat; It gave the little boy a stump... The apple tree gave the little boy everything, but didn't ask for anything in return. This reminds me that in life, our parents have paid a lot for us, but they haven't asked us for anything.

I remember that last summer vacation, I had not seen my father investing in other places and my mother doing business for a long time, so my grandfather took me to my mother's place. My mother is even busier when I am there. I have to get up at six o'clock every morning to make breakfast, wash clothes and dry clothes; When you open the store, you should carry the goods out of the door. You can't sleep at noon. You should check the shop. It turned out that the young and beautiful mother had wrinkles on her eyes, which really distressed me! Mom said, "Dad will come to the store in a few days." I was so happy to hear that!

When my father stood in front of me and called me "Baby!", I could hardly believe my eyes. My father looked haggard and much thinner because of long-term fatigue. My parents worked hard to earn more money so that I could study hard and live a carefree life.

"My mother's love is deeper than the sea, and my father's love is higher than the mountain." My parents' love will become my driving force for progress. I must study hard to repay my parents.

Parents (11)

In our ordinary daily life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is a narrative composition with the theme of thanksgiving parents. It is for reference only, and I hope it can help you.

Lick the calf deeply, and the love of my parents is as deep as the sea - only with my parents can I have the opportunity to experience the warmth of life in this colorful world, and enjoy the happiness and happiness of life. They gave me life, gave me meticulous care, and thanked my parents. When children are happy, parents are the happiest. When children are depressed, parents are also the most concerned. So are my parents. I remember when I was five years old, one day when I was playing hula hoop in front of my house, I was hit by a speeding bicycle and fell to the ground. I only felt burning pain above my eyes, and a big hole was made in my upper eyelid, so I cried loudly. The mother standing at the door was overwhelmed by the sudden "unexpected disaster". After hearing the news, my father ignored his busy work and rushed me to Ningbo Guangming Eye Hospital.

In the car, while comforting me not to be afraid, he constantly urged the driver to drive faster. When I arrived at the hospital, the emergency doctor carefully examined my injury and decided to operate immediately. When I heard about the operation, I cried again. At this time, my mother rushed to the hospital from home in a hurry. Seeing me like this, she fought back tears and encouraged me not to be afraid, but to be a strong man. In this way, the doctor successfully completed the operation, and my eyelids were stitched eleven times. Because of my mother's encouragement, I didn't cry at all during the operation. During the week in hospital, my mother kept watch over me day and night; What I want to eat, my mother will try to satisfy me; When I was in the ward, my mother accompanied me to the nearby park to play... When I was growing up, my parents paid too much for me - they had been silently encouraging me to support me behind my back; It is they who let me know how to deal with people and things; They let me experience the selfless and great love of my father (mother)

Only a person who knows how to be grateful can be regarded as a complete person. Let's learn to be grateful to our parents! Treat parents with a grateful heart, communicate with parents with a sincere heart, and savor parents' nagging with a tolerant heart!

Parents (12)

Love is the dew that drips gently from the blade of grass, the rainbow that twinkles in the blue sky after rain, and a star that twinkles in the night sky. Walking in the time tunnel, we are like a grass bathed in warm sunshine and warm breeze. Because of love, our bodies are more dressed and our steps are more vigorous. Because of love, we feel warm and happy

Love is sometimes very simple. In my life around, full of a lot of simple love. When I moaned on my bed, my parents' love was to take good care of me and stay up all night; When I encounter difficulties in learning, the teacher's love is earnest and tireless; When I suffer setbacks, the love of friends is to listen patiently, encourage and help; When I am in a strange environment, everyone's love is selfless dedication and mutual help

It is parents who give us the most love in life. That is the most true and pure love. That kind of deep love always turns into trivial things around us, and it turns into a messenger of happiness, silently showing the charming charm in ordinary things

I still remember that time: in the cold winter, it was my own carelessness. When I overslept, I hurriedly put on my clothes, grabbed my schoolbag and hurried out. When my parents called for breakfast, I ran out of the house and complained for a long time. The cold wind blowing on my face made me shiver. When I came to school, I began to regret my own misdeeds and worried about my empty stomach... I was very anxious and upset when I read books. But before long, a familiar figure came into sight - the father. He came to the door of the classroom breathlessly, called me out, gently handed me a bag of milk and bread, and told me: "It's cold, pay attention to your body, and don't forget breakfast!" Touching the warm milk, my heart seemed to be warmed. For a moment, I seemed to feel something: what warmed me was not warm milk, but a warm heart, a thick love. I was deeply moved by my father's careful care.

This simple love is a great fortune. With this love, you will be younger and more appreciative. Cherish a share of love, you will not miss the sunrise, will not let loneliness stay in your heart forever. In this way, you are the happiest person in the world, with the purest and most beautiful mood.

Love is sometimes very simple. We live in a world of love. Love gives us too much, so we must give our love. Help parents do housework, help teachers send and receive homework, help friends solve problems, help passers-by point out the direction... Even a glass of clean water when busy is your love.

In our life, many things are ordinary and can not be more ordinary, but it is full of love, it is the embodiment of love! In order to love our world, let the wind of love blow all over the earth! Because sometimes love is really simple.

Parents (13)

Maternal love is water, which moistens our thirsty hearts; Motherly love is a lamp, illuminating our way forward; Maternal love is the wind, blowing away our growing pains; Maternal love is

One story is that in the earthquake, a mother and her son were pressed in the ruins. Half of the mother's body was stuck in the concrete slab and could not move. The seven or eight month old baby was safe under her. When the rescuers dug a hole to get close to the mother and son, the mother had just swallowed her last breath, while the baby still had her forefinger in her mouth. Holding the child open, I found that the mother's index finger was only half. It turned out that after the mother's milk was sucked dry, the mother would bite off her finger and let the child suck her own blood. You are a big tree. In spring, you lean on fantasy, in summer, you lean on exuberance, in autumn, you lean on maturity, and in winter, you lean on meditation. The sky is vast without your love, the earth is tolerant without your love, the sun is warm without your love, the cloud is white without your love, the mountain is high without your love, the sea is deep without your love. It's best to eat salt all over the world.

I went home again and my mother nodded my nose. At the moment when I clicked, there seemed to be a kind of liquid flowing in my body, warm and hot, circulating in my body, activating every nerve endings of mine. It excited me, moved me, made me forget all my troubles, and made me happy and carefree every Sunday.

I once saw in the book that a father, in order to save his son's life, did not hesitate to cut off his kidney and replace it with his son, so that his son recovered. The father died during the operation. How precious this love is!

Some people say that father's love is a mountain and mother's love is a sea. With the protection of mountains and the nourishment of the sea, children can grow up happily. My parents have given me a lot of help in life. They are communicating with me with their own hearts.

After each exam, my mother sat down with me, patiently analyzing my weaknesses in each subject, encouraging my morale and building confidence for me.

When I was not determined to go down the mountain, my mother encouraged me to climb the top of the mountain to see how small the mountains are.

During the performance, my mother gave me courage to face the audience bravely without fear of making a fool of myself and embarrassment.

When I was sick, my mother always stood by me, checked my temperature, brought me water and medicine, stewed me... encouraged me to fight against disease and taught me to stand up tenaciously.

Every day after school, my mother asked questions again and again. When I answered one by one cheerfully, my mother's smile was so bright. When I am depressed, my mother will read me from my face with worry and earnestly guide and comfort me. Whenever I am frustrated, it is my mother who lights up the light for me to move forward; When I travel far away, it is my mother who prays for me in the distance; Whenever I came home from school, my mother greeted me with a smile at the door.

A little bit of love day by day makes me forge ahead on the road of life.

A little love day by day helps me regain confidence and faith when I am sad.

A little love every day will last forever in the world, forever and ever

Parents (14)

"There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." It must be familiar to everyone. In order to train us as adults, our parents do not know how much thought and energy we need to pay to nourish our growth. In my heart, my parents' love is great and selfless. I can feel their deep love for me at any time.

I remember that the year when I was in the senior class, hand foot mouth disease happened to be prevalent, and I was unlucky to be hit. One night, I suddenly had a high fever. My mother woke up my sleeping father when she found out. My father touched my hot forehead and got up. He was very worried. He hurriedly took the car keys, picked me up and put me in the car, and drove straight to the hospital. Because I have a high fever, the doctor suggested staying in the hospital for observation. After writing out the hospital bill, my father ran up and down on my back to do various examinations. Sweat like beans fell from my forehead and dripped on my hands. After the examination, my mother held me in her arms. I could feel my mother's worry and fear. She had been looking at me nervously. I fell asleep after taking the medicine. The next morning, the fever subsided and I woke up. I saw my parents' bloodshot eyes, and I knew they had not slept a wink to take care of me. My mother smiled happily when she saw that my fever had gone down. She felt that all the hard work was worth it. The doctor said that if I didn't have a fever within three days, I would be all right, and let my parents take me home to have a good rest. In these three days, my mother took care of me sleeplessly. I got better, but my mother was tired and fell down.

There are countless such things. Because of my mouth, my mother, who could not cook, began to try, and gradually became a chef god who won the praise of the whole family. Mother's greatest happiness is to cook nutritious meals for me every day. Not only took care of me meticulously in life, but also gave me great help in learning, which helped me develop good learning habits.

I love my parents, I want to tell them loudly: Mom and Dad, I love you! I'm really happy to have your company and love!

Parents (15)

Gradually, when he was a little older and went to school, the boy played his inherent mischief, smashed the neighbor's window, bullied the Li girls, and broke the head of Zhang Jiawa. His parents' hearts were seized, and they were called to the school parents' meeting again and again.

The girl's delicate, intelligent, and lovable little cotton padded jacket, which is close to her parents, makes them more cautious, making the family rich.

Boys and girls waved their arms and ran through the time. As time went by, a new generation and an old generation came into being.

Once upon a time, young children have grown up and embarked on the road of youth. They have no teacher to teach them puppy love, and even taste the forbidden fruit. They have responsibilities, but their parents are more worried. College entrance examination, college, great difference, will have the feeling of losing at the starting line. Choose your own fork in the road of life and learn the skills in life. At this time, parents were the most worried. Only by studying in a good school can we find a good job. If we are promising, carp will jump from the dragon's gate. Parents expect their children to be successful.

Time flies quickly. The marriage of children and the birth of children will usher in a new generation until the age of 30. After becoming parents, they know the hardships of childbearing and understand the expectations of their parents when they were young. Parents do not want to raise their children to guard against old age, nor do they want their children to be able to achieve high officials and high salaries. They only want their children and grandchildren to be full and healthy.

Parents' care will not be satisfied until we can shoulder the responsibility. At the same time, our hair is hoary, our back is bent, and we are no longer as tall and straight as pines and cypresses, but can still shelter us from wind and rain.

As time goes on, the relentless wheel turns, burying the gorgeous beauties and annihilating the Tianjiao

Parents (16)

Excellent composition 1: love of parents

Parents' love is honey, always sweet and sweet; Parents' love is a flower, which always opens in a happy place; Parents' love is a big tree, always lush green leaves; Parents' love is the sea, always broad and deep.

I have a kind mother and a kind and serious father.

The ancients said: "The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son. Before leaving, the seams are tight, and the fear of returning is delayed. Who can say that the grass heart will be rewarded with three spring rays." The mother's love is an umbrella, covering the wind and rain in front of the children. A mother's love is a small boat, which carries her children to a better future. Mother's love is a harbor, giving children a space to shelter from wind and rain. Mother's love is a spring, she gave us sweet water. The mother herself, however, only paid for us silently.

Father's love is so ordinary, but this kind of love is so extraordinary. Father love, like jasmine, opens quietly.

Father's character is strict. He always reminds me not to be proud when I am proud and not to be complacent when I succeed. But the mother's character is just the opposite. She is kind. Mother always comforts me when I am unhappy, and encourages me when I do things. Take the last exam for example. Before the exam, I was nervous and fidgeted because I didn't do well in the exam. The next day I unexpectedly got a better result. I came home happily with the test paper and congratulated my mother. When she took the test paper, she danced like a child, always holding it gently. At this time, my father came to see the score and said, "It's not full score, what's so happy? Remember," modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind. "My father's words were like a basin of cold water, which wiped out the excitement in my heart. But now I recall that my father's words are not unreasonable, but also a show of loving me.

Our parents love us so much that we should know how to appreciate them. Sometimes, we can't feel the love of our parents. In fact, their love is all in silence.

Excellent composition 2: love of parents

Look, the love of parents is that one! It's the brightest one!

The spring wind is scattered, the summer wind is blowing, the autumn leaves are fluttering, and the winter snow is white. Throughout the year, it is "parents" who are caring for us. We are grass, parents are a ray of sunshine, and they are caring for me.

Once, after a day of classes, I was very tired. At night, I dragged a heavy step, hung a heavy heart, slowly came home, and went to bed. But I could hear the small ping-pong sound. I got up and looked around for the source of the sound.

One room, one room, and the last one is my mother's. I opened the door and saw my mother nailing the bench. She hit it with a hammer. Her hands were rough... I had never seen "father" since I was young. I only heard the kind "father" on the lips of my classmates. Maybe I don't have a father. Maybe I'm different. My mother did all the work at home. Now, when I grow up, I understand the so-called father. I don't want to hear the word father anymore. I have no father! I left tears. I asked my mother where my father was. She said that he was my father. Oh, funny. In fact, my mother is also a bit funny. He often jokes with me.

When I asked my grandmother, she said, "Your father works in a distant place. You will see him next year!" I was overjoyed to hear that.

Once, when I heard my classmates scold me at school, I cried. I ran out of the classroom, running all the time, aimlessly. I ran to the door of my house, and the door was open, "In fact, we have to tell the truth to the child. The child has grown up. There is still crying inside. I went in, and my mother picked me up, and tightly... She pulled me into the room, crying, "My child, you don't have a father or a mother. That year, I went to the railway station and heard the crying of the child. I followed the voice to a corner. I found you there. I didn't want to find another burden, so I left. But I walked not far away. Your picture was reflected in my mind. I couldn't bear it. I ran back to adopt you. After that, I lived with you and didn't want to find you A companion. So

I -- tears -- burst into my eyes -- 'love of parents', that's all, even though it's not close

Excellent composition 3: love of parents

Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering; The eagle is grateful to the sky, because the sky allows him to fly, and the angel is grateful to God, because God has given him a pure heart!

We are grateful to our parents for giving us life.

When I was very young, they spent a lot of time teaching us how to eat with spoons and chopsticks, how to dress, tie shoelaces, buckle buttons, how to wash my face, and how to behave.

Our parents' efforts are not what we can imagine. How many times, he sent us to the hospital late at night; How many times have they told us stories in the moonlight; How many times, they expect us to go home quickly in the storm.

We are now bathed in the sun woven, allowing us to suck the rain and dew full of nectar. Mother love is great, but father love is still great. I give us unselfish love that no one else can replace.

Looking at my parents' forehead full of years, looking at the back full of rain, dew, wind and frost, looking at the white hair full of hardships, a kind of inexplicable tears flowing down my cheeks, I cried, it was the call of family affection.

Our parents give us life, nurture us, and educate us to grow up. Without parents, there would be no us. When we played in the classroom and on the playground, our parents were working for our high tuition fees. When I came home, I was happy to see my parents. At the same time, I felt pain for asking my parents for living expenses.

We should know how to repay our parents for their kindness, and we should cherish their affection.