600 words of autumn harvest composition (4 selected articles)
Pleasure like a dream
2023-09-19 07:14:19
primary school

600 words of autumn harvest composition (1)

We saw off the hot summer and ushered in the cool autumn.

The autumn sky is blue and white, and the blue sky and white clouds set off each other, looking so refreshing. The wind comes to join in the excitement from time to time, and Yun'er changes various shapes from time to time to show people her beauty. The leaves gradually turn from green to yellow. The golden yellow is attractive. Lines of geese lined up in a straight line and herringbone, and flew south. In my hometown, autumn is a harvest season. The farmer uncle began to harvest corn, and every household was busy. My father and mother also help me break corn and sun corn. My sister and I are also naughty 'lying on big corn, corn seems to want to play with us, tickling us with corn whiskers. Smelling the fragrance of corn, I can't help but want to have a bite. Looking around, a golden yellow, a bumper harvest.

I like autumn very much. I run on the fallen leaves to my heart's content. The sound of "rustling" on the leaves is like the sonata of autumn.

My friends and I were digging sweet potatoes in my garden. I only look for exposed sweet potatoes, because most of them are large. If you dig out the baby sweet potato, you should bury it carefully, just like a mother treats a baby. We planed by hand, pried with a small tree pole, and dug with a small shovel. After a while, I "collected" several kinds of sweet potatoes with different postures: round, like a big melon, curved, like a moon boat... my heart is sweeter than honey.

With a sound of "miso", an unknown thing flew to me. Just as I was about to reach out to catch it, "Dou" flew to my thigh again. I did not move, and covered the little thing on my thigh as fast as I could. "Ha ha, I finally caught you!" It was a small grasshopper. As soon as I ran, "Dou Dou" countless grasshoppers jumped up. I caught one with one hand. In a few minutes, I caught a dozen.

In my hometown, autumn brings me too much happiness. I like the beauty of autumn harvest!

Autumn harvest composition 600 words (2)

Harvest autumn Autumn is harvest season. Speaking of autumn stories, I will think of golden rice.

Remember that it was the National Day holiday. Dad said to me: Your grandma's rice is ripe, let's go and help harvest it! Let you also experience the hardships of the farmer uncle and know that 'every grain is hard'.

Before long, we went to the paddy field and began to work. The division of labor is as follows:; Father and grandpa are responsible for cutting rice. My sister and I were responsible for holding the rice ears in front of Grandma, who tied them together with straw rope. The sickle in my father's and grandpa's hands was as fast as a flying knife. A large area was cut in one fell swoop. My sister and I quickly picked up the rice ears and put them on the straw rope that Grandma had prepared. Grandma quickly bundled the rice ears into a bunch. We are very busy. In this way, I was busy for a long time, and finally the rice was cut. Dad and Grandpa came to support us again without a break. My sister and I rushed to Grandma with rice in our arms. About two hours later, the rice was bundled up. We sat down and had a rest. My father poured out a bowl of water and handed it to me. I felt like I had found a lifesaving straw. I took the bowl of water at a lightning speed and gulped down the water. I feel sore in my back and legs. I really want to sleep in the ground. When I saw this bundle of rice, I felt a great sense of achievement.

Finally, Dad and Grandpa carried the rice bundles to the car. We bumped all the way to the threshing ground. The sound of the machine was deafening, and the millet left her mother's arms. To our pockets. Dad will transport them home. At that time, it was almost dark, and our task was completed.

In this harvest season, in this harvest holiday, I experienced the hardships of labor and understood the true meaning of 'who knows how hard it is to eat on a plate'.

600 words of autumn harvest composition (3)

On that day, the autumn was clear and crisp, which was a good harvest season. The school bus is driving on the winding mountain road. Many trees on both sides of the road, which were originally lush and luxuriant, gradually become sparse with the approach of late autumn. I am thinking: Is the persimmon really light and easy to get? Time passed quickly, and soon we arrived at the Chengyang Picking Garden. When I opened the car door, a unique smell of the village came to me. I take a deep breath. It really refreshes the heart. The yellow, orange and orange persimmons are like small glowing lanterns, guiding me to run towards them.

We came to the persimmon tree happily. I work and cooperate with Yu Ruiqi. " I'll pick the persimmons if I can reach them, will you? " Yu Ruiqi discusses with me. "I can't reach the top with my hands, what should I do?" I asked anxiously. "Don't worry, I'll find a stone first, and then step on it." She comforted me. I found one and stepped on it. I pulled down the branch and let Yu Ruiqi pick it. But soon we ran into difficulties again. Several red persimmons were growing on one branch, but they were very tall. We jumped up to pick it, but our hands were always out of reach. At this moment, I was in a hurry. Why can't I find a taller boy to help us? So I asked Guozhenhan to help us. Really, he jumped up gently and picked it off easily. "Great!" We all gave Guozhen Han a look of admiration. He gave it to me, and I gave it to Yu Ruiqi. We laughed happily. Perhaps this is the joy of sharing! When I got home, I couldn't wait to put persimmons together with bananas and apples to ripen them.

This autumn outing taught me that only by working together can I succeed! Also let me know the joy of sharing! The scenery in autumn and the fruits of harvest really make me unforgettable!

600 words of autumn harvest composition (4)

600 words for a fruitful autumn composition (1)

We saw off the hot summer and ushered in the cool autumn. The autumn sky is blue and white, and the blue sky and white clouds set off each other, looking so refreshing. The wind comes to join in the excitement from time to time, and Yun'er changes various shapes from time to time to show people her beauty. The leaves gradually turn from green to yellow. The golden yellow is attractive. Lines of geese lined up in a straight line and herringbone, and flew south. In my hometown, autumn is a harvest season. The farmer uncle began to harvest corn, and every household was busy. My father and mother also help me break corn and sun corn. My sister and I are also naughty lying on big corn. The corn seems to want to play with us, tickling us with corn whiskers. Smelling the fragrance of corn, I can't help but want to have a bite. Looking around, a golden yellow, a bumper harvest. I like autumn very much. I run on the fallen leaves to my heart's content. The sound of "rustling" on the leaves is like the sonata of autumn. My friends and I were digging sweet potatoes in my garden. I only look for exposed sweet potatoes, because most of them are large. If you dig out the baby sweet potato, you should bury it carefully, just like a mother treats a baby. We planed by hand, pried with a small tree pole, and dug with a small shovel. After a while, I "collected" several kinds of sweet potatoes with different postures: round, like a big melon, curved, like a moon boat... my heart is sweeter than honey. With a sound of "miso", an unknown thing flew to me. Just as I was about to reach out to catch it, "Dou" flew to my thigh again. I did not move, and covered the little thing on my thigh as fast as I could. "Ha ha, I finally caught you!" It was a small grasshopper. As soon as I ran away, "Dou Dou" countless grasshoppers jumped up. I caught one with one hand. In a few minutes, I caught a dozen. In my hometown, autumn brings me too much happiness. I like the beauty of autumn harvest!

A Harvest Autumn Composition of 600 Words (2)

Autumn is like a golden key, opening the door to harvest. You see, all over the mountains and plains are golden, like a layer of golden carpet. If you look carefully, you can see that there are pieces of red and pieces of green in the golden yellow. Red like agate, green like emerald. And the pond at the foot of the mountain is as flat as a mirror, which reflects the beautiful scenery in front of us. As the saying goes, "One autumn rain, one cold, and ten autumn rains need cotton." The rustling autumn wind shows a faint chill. Look, the pedestrians on the road have inadvertently changed into thick sweaters, put on jacketed jackets, and some have also put on down jackets. In the cropland, golden corn brushed one by one like a golden mallet, and the red spike of sorghum, like a shy girl, blushed and bowed her head, swayed in the breeze, soybeans swayed and rustled in the wind, and the field seemed to be playing a nature chorus. In the orchard, bright red persimmons are like small lanterns hanging high on the branches, which look like they are about to be broken. There are also strings of purple grapes, which are hung with crystal dewdrops, shining like crystals in the sunshine. I was infected by the golden autumn and intoxicated, ah! I love this harvest, golden autumn. Ah! How colorful autumn is! How glorious you are! How noble you are! You are not only a beautiful season, but also a harvest season. I want to thank autumn, because autumn brings us food and makes the world full of beauty.

600 words for a fruitful autumn composition (3)

I like autumn. Autumn is a colorful season. It has colorful trees, fruitful orchards, and beautiful fields. Autumn is a beautiful season. The trees in autumn are colorful, and each tree has its own color. The ginkgo tree has beautiful yellow. From a distance, the small yellow leaves look like small yellow fans, which fan away the heat of summer and cool and beautiful autumn. Maple leaves are red. The fiery red leaves are like letters. When the autumn wind blows slowly, it tells everyone that autumn is coming and winter is coming. The leaves of plane trees are golden yellow, and the golden yellow leaves are like small golden suns shining on the fields. As soon as you enter the orchard, you can smell a pleasant aroma. Needless to say, this is the aroma of fruits. On the grape trellis, purple red and purple red grapes are like crystal clear purple pearls. They shine in the sun, which makes me want to pick one and taste it. On the orange tree, round orange oranges are jostling for people to choose it. On the apple tree, apples can't wait to put on the new clothes that their mother gave them! Now, the fiery apples look beautiful! On the pomegranate tree, the eager pomegranates could not stay. They shook and shook hard, as if to say, "Mother Tree, please let us go down to play!" In the fields, ears of wheat danced with the wind, and they nodded frequently in the wind, as if to welcome you! Standing beside the field, if you look from afar, the field looks like a golden ocean, boundless, seemingly connected to the horizon. Autumn is a colorful season, a harvest season and a beautiful season.