Strange Phenomenon (15 high-quality articles)
No regret
2024-03-08 02:27:43
Grade 3

Strange Phenomenon (1)

On Sunday, I went to the park, and when I got home, my nose stopped. Mother said: "You have a cold. Let you not take off your coat and listen. How about that? Now, I have never tasted the yellow lotus. I really don't know the bitter taste." Alas, I regret it! But what's the use of regret?

My mother gave me a glass of water, a packet of medicine and a chopsticks: let me pour the powder into the water and mix it before drinking.

When I put my chopsticks into the water, I was shocked. How could the strong and straight chopsticks break! And the part in the water is thicker.

I hurriedly took out my chopsticks. It's strange that they didn't break! What's going on? I put my chopsticks into the cup again. What? It's broken again! Is this seemingly ordinary glass magical? impossible!

What should I do if my father is not at home? I can't wait.

I opened the computer with this magic question mark, and input eleven big black words, "Why do chopsticks break when put into water?" The reply immediately appeared on the computer:

"When the light reflected from the chopsticks in the water cup slants into the air from the water, it is refracted. The refracted light deviates from the normal and deflects towards the water surface. When we look at the chopsticks in the water, we think that the light travels along a straight line. The chopsticks in the water we see are higher than the actual position of the chopsticks on the reverse extension line of the refracted light, so the chopsticks inserted obliquely in the water seem to be broken It is caused by the refraction of light; From one side, the middle of the glass is thick and the edge is thin, which is a "convex lens", equivalent to a magnifying glass. When we look at chopsticks through the glass, the chopsticks in the water are magnified and become thicker, so some chopsticks in the water are slightly thicker than some chopsticks in the air. "

Although I don't know what refraction is, I don't know what convex lens is. However, this phenomenon tells me that there are many wonderful phenomena in life, which can be found only by careful observation.

Strange Phenomenon (2)

A few days ago, I had a bad cold. My father asked me to take amoxicillin.

I really couldn't swallow it, so my helpless father had to let me not eat the shell, but only take the powder.

After school in the afternoon, when I came home, I was bored.

Suddenly, I saw a small pile of amoxicillin shells left after taking medicine these days.

I took the plastic shell and played with it repeatedly.

Suddenly, one of the amoxicillin shells fell into the water and was found by my father.

My father said: "When the amoxicillin shell is soaked in water, it can be dissolved into dark blue water. I was very curious, so I soaked all the shells in water, waiting for the miracle to happen.

The next day, I found that the shell of amoxicillin had changed from a tube to a sheet, and the volume was significantly smaller.

On the third day, those amoxicillin shells became smaller particles than yesterday.

On the fourth day, they disappeared completely, and the water turned dark blue.

Looking at the basin of blue water in front of me, I was puzzled. I really didn't understand what was going on.

Another time.

At noon one summer, I was 5 years old and thirsty. I thought, "If only I had a glass of ice water to drink, there should be water in the kitchen."

When I entered the kitchen, as expected, there was a pot of water on the table.

I was so happy that I immediately poured water into the cup.

A stream of hot gas comes out of the cup. It turns out that this is a pot of boiled water

How can the boiled water cool down quickly?

Ignorant, I put the water into the refrigerator and thought, "I can drink ice water later.

After a few seconds, only to hear a "bang", water slowly flows out along the refrigerator crack.

I was shocked and quickly opened the refrigerator door. The water in the refrigerator splashed down, and the pieces of the cup fell to the ground.

I was stunned

How can a good cup burst?

I quickly asked my mother that I knew the reason for the cup explosion was the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction: because the boiling water in the cup made the inside of the cup expand by heat, and the temperature in the refrigerator made the outside of the cup expand by heat

It shrinks when it is cooled. In this way, the inside of the cup keeps expanding, but the outside is still cold. If it doesn't expand, the cup will burst.

Strange Phenomenon (3)

I found a strange phenomenon that there are two temperatures in the bus. The first temperature occurs when there are few people, and the second temperature occurs when there are many people.

When I first got on the bus, there were few people. The bus is cold, like the North Pole. The temperature at this time is usually cool. Some people wearing glasses, just from the hot outdoor into the cool air-conditioned car, the glasses will be a mist.

With more and more people, the temperature in the car tends to be more stuffy and hot. According to my guess, this is probably because everyone keeps breathing. However, people's breath is hot. And the air holes on people's bodies will also dissipate heat automatically. Let's think about it. So many people were squeezed and sweated out. The sweat turned into hot gas, and the hot gas gathered together, and the whole carriage became hot. It turns into two temperatures. In such a hot situation, people's glasses are not foggy at all. Because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is not very big. It's amazing!

These are two temperature phenomena in buses. The first is as cool as the Arctic. The second is as hot as a volcano. Is it amazing that the same carriage has two temperatures? Have you found this strange phenomenon? Share it with me!

Strange Phenomenon (4)

One day, there was a "garbage rain" where the fish lived. They hurried home. Some fish were hit with several big bags because of their slow reaction. The fish thought it was an accident. It may be the garbage dump, or it may be people dumping domestic garbage. Because such "garbage rain" once or twice a long time ago. They thought it was just an accident. In a word, everyone thinks it's ok anyway.

However, in the next few days, it unexpectedly rained garbage every day. "Raindrops" are all kinds of disgusting things, including bones, broken shoes, apple cores. This place is not only dangerous, but also stinky. In desperation, we had to buy umbrellas and masks. We must carry umbrellas and masks when going out, otherwise we would not be crushed to death and would also be suffocated by the odor. It is conceivable that if this continues, in a few years' time, what we will see will never be cute fish, but a large area of fish bones······

Humans, wake up quickly! Don't destroy the important ecological balance just to make your life convenient!

Strange Phenomenon (5)

On the weekend, I went to Xishan Park with my family.

When I got to the gate of Xishan Park, I flew up the mountain, suddenly. I saw a huge stone, and I shouted, "Come here quickly!" Then I climbed up the stone with great effort, and although I was careful, I fell down with a loud "Pa". Oh, my god! I, the "stone climbing king", fell down. What kind of stone monster is this? I looked closely, and (.) One side of the stone was slippery and covered with moss. I felt it with my hands. It was wet and soft. It is said that I slipped because this piece of moss grows on the backlight of the stone. If I don't look carefully, I can't see it. I stepped on it again. I looked at the other side, wow! It's so smooth. There's nothing. If only I stepped on the smooth side!

I thought, hey! Why is this side smooth, but the other side wet and green?

I looked at the stone again. Suddenly, I had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that the sun often shines on the smooth side, and rarely shines on the wet side, which would cause this situation? I asked my mother, "Is that right?" "Yes."

Oh yeah! I have learned a new knowledge!

Strange Phenomenon (6)

One day, I watched TV at home, saw the strange phenomenon of whale suicide, and asked my mother what happened.

Mother said: "Animals seem to be most likely to get bored with life. Since ancient times, human beings have noticed a strange phenomenon. There are often whales alone or in groups, venturing to the seaside, where they desperately beat the water with their tails, and at the same time, they gave out desperate howls, and finally ran aground and died at the ebb of the tide. It is recorded that as far back as 1783, 18 sperm whales rushed to the Elbe estuary in Europe and stayed there to die. The next year, another 32 sperm whales ran aground in Odierne Bay, France. In the 18th century, some navigators found the terrible whale cemetery in Tass, with piles of decayed corpses and white bones scattered on the beach, presenting a miserable scene. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, was the first person in the world to record the phenomenon of whale stranding.

He told people bluntly: "Why on earth did whales run aground? I can't answer this question." The famous ancient scholar Plutah interpreted the phenomenon of whale stranding as "collective suicide". This is obviously unscientific. Because whales can't have the rich feelings of human beings, and once they are stranded, they often appear frightened and even make a tragic cry for help. "

Mother said: "Environmental pollution is also considered by environmentalists and scientists as the cause of whale stranding. Scientists believe that the chemicals that pollute the sea water may disturb the feelings of whales. In addition, Dr. Koled, deputy director of the La Rochelle Marine Mammalian Research Center in France, believes that the sound waves emitted by naval sonar and echo control instruments and the noise of underwater explosions will disturb the echo location system of whales.

A few years ago, the US Navy used large-scale sonar equipment in the deep sea of Panama Island, and then some whales and dolphins ran aground and died. Investigators from the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Navy said that the noise of sonar caused the death of marine life. They found that the whale's ears were seriously damaged by noise, and there were also blood stains on the whale's brain and around the ear bones. Scientists say that marine mammals are actually very vulnerable, and they will be frightened by the slightest disturbance. Mankind's maritime exercises may also panic them. "

"Oh, hehe, it's really interesting. It seems that we must protect the ecological environment!" I said sincerely.

Strange Phenomenon (7)

On Sunday afternoon, our classmates and teachers came to a piece of grass together. The grass is very green and the trees are green and stand proudly. We continued to walk deep into the grassland, but found that some trees were depressed and grass was withered. How could this be?

I saw a building not far away. There was a pipe on the building leading to here, and there was also a large heating pipe leading to here. I think this is probably the cause. Alas, these trees and grass are pitiful.

We should protect flowers, plants and trees, and protect our living environment, so as to make our home more beautiful.

Strange Phenomenon (8)

Recently, I found a strange phenomenon: fish in the water also hold umbrellas and wear masks. Why is this? With doubt, I went down to listen to the fish in my invisible swimsuit.

When I came to the river, as soon as I put on the language translation machine, I heard a fish saying, "Brother, when will humans not throw garbage and pesticide cans into the river?" Another fish helplessly replied, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe we will spend our lives with umbrellas and masks." The younger brother said angrily: "People have always said that animals are human's good friends. Aren't we animals?" Hearing this, I suddenly understood why fish are holding umbrellas and wearing masks. So I swam back to the shore and planned to talk to people from the Environmental Protection Bureau.

I came to the Environmental Protection Bureau and told about it, asking them to take action quickly and give the fish a comfortable home. So people from the Environmental Protection Bureau immediately sent people to pick up the garbage in the river and use high-tech products to remove the smell of pesticides. I swam into the water again and found that the fish no longer held umbrellas or wore masks. They were still dancing happily. It seems that I am also one of the fish, and I am very happy to dance with them.

Strange Phenomenon (9)

Recently, I found a strange phenomenon: fish in the water also hold umbrellas and wear masks. Why is this? With doubt, I went down to listen to the fish in my invisible swimsuit.

When I came to the river, as soon as I put on the language translation machine, I heard a fish saying, "Brother, when will humans not throw garbage and pesticide cans into the river?" Another fish helplessly replied, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe we will spend our lives with umbrellas and masks." The younger brother said angrily: "People have always said that animals are human's good friends. Aren't we animals?" Hearing this, I suddenly understood why fish are holding umbrellas and wearing masks. So I swam back to the shore and planned to talk to people from the Environmental Protection Bureau.

I came to the Environmental Protection Bureau and told about it, asking them to take action quickly and give the fish a comfortable home. So people from the Environmental Protection Bureau immediately sent people to pick up the garbage in the river and use high-tech products to remove the smell of pesticides. I swam into the water again and found that the fish no longer held umbrellas or wore masks. They were still dancing happily. It seems that I am also one of the fish, and I am very happy to dance with them.

Strange Phenomenon (10)

A hundred years ago, people cut down trees on both banks of the Amazon River and found a strange phenomenon. In the noise of the electric saw, all animals fled, but only one animal called the tree tiger did not. It is recorded that the tree tiger is very afraid of people. Why?

It turned out that one male tree tiger was glued to the tree by gum, and the other tree tigers did not leave. We searched carefully and found a male tree tiger. The tree tiger that was still eating food from its companions every day survived. But the tree tiger is extinct. Because its skin is very expensive, someone glued a male tree tiger to the tree, and their companions searched for food for it. They never thought of it, and their kindness led them to fall into the trap of the greedy, and were caught by the greedy. People take advantage of the kindness of animals to gain their own interests. They are really kind animals and cruel people. I was moved by the kindness and dedication of animals, but the cruelty of human beings made people feel scared. There is no natural enemy in the world that can defeat kindness. Only human beings are doing something to exterminate kindness.

There are many animals in the world, all of which are used by human beings in their kindhearted dedication. It is not a matter of killing or not killing, but of killing or protecting animals.

Strange Phenomenon (11)

How strange! I have a bad temper today, which can be said to be the worst

In the morning, when I was having breakfast, I was inexplicably angry. I took out my breakfast -- the stuffing of four meat buns and threw them away. My father told me a lot about the importance of morning to the body. I said nothing. After listening to my father's "speech", I quickly walked into the room and closed the door loudly

Although I entered my small world, I still felt that there was a fire going out. I kept throwing books, throwing things, and yelling. The doors and windows trembled. Ah! I have no reason to throw things and shout. I suddenly feel that I am a bad girl.

At this time, my mother said outside, "Liu Liu, pass Cheng Liu! Come out

What's wrong with me? Did the words just come out of my mouth? My body must be possessed with the devil. I simply cried happily. After crying, I went to wash my face. When I passed my parents' room, I put my ear to the door to see if they were angry. I haven't heard them for a long time. When it's over, they must think I'm a bad girl. I squatted in the corner and cried again. Suddenly I felt so relaxed and comfortable.

What the hell is going on here? What's wrong with me?

Strange Phenomenon (12)

These days, I found a strange phenomenon: the most prosperous potted flower in our family has several yellow leaves!

I looked at the leaves with their heads drooping, and wondered why the leaves suddenly turned yellow, whether they were watered too much, or whether the floor heating suddenly came and boiled the remaining water below. The leaves will not be hot, right? I called my father with doubts, and I hung up before I got through, thinking: Why not ask my mother first! But my mother also said that there might be too much water, which coincided with my guess. It seems that I can only ask my father. My father gave me a general answer, saying, "Maybe I'm sick." Alas, it's the same as I didn't say. It seems that I can only find the answer myself.

I stood in front of this potted flower and observed carefully: there are three yellowed leaves in total, and these three are neighbors. I took a closer look at their colors: light yellow but not dry, the leaves drooping heavily, looking plump, like cooked kelp slices. I looked at the other leaves again. They looked like the plantain fan of Princess Iron Fan. They were green and energetic, which was totally different from these yellowing leaves.

My mother saw that the leaves were yellow and broke them off. Just as she wanted to throw them into the garbage can, I asked her to put them back on the table. I touched the neck of the leaf, (Pinocchio was puzzled: where is the "neck" of the leaf?) just like the withered celery that has been left for several days, listless. I looked at the root of the leaf I had just broken off, and found that there was sticky, sour and smelly juice. After careful observation for a long time, I couldn't find the reason, so I checked the information about this plant online.

Only after looking at it did I know that this plant is called Zebra Evergreen. It's true. The patterns all over it are like the patterns on the zebra, one after another. I also found that it should not be kept indoors. If people touch it, it will itch and be unbearable. If it is eaten by mistake, it is also easy to be poisoned. These are all things I didn't know before. I checked the cause of its yellow leaves again. There may be four reasons: one is too much water, the other is lack of fertilizer, the third is direct sunlight, and the fourth is insects. It seems that the diligent mother poured too much water on it, which caused its leaves to turn yellow.

My mother and I suddenly realized: Oh, we should use scientific methods to grow flowers, not just according to our own preferences. Regardless of flower habits, the result will be counterproductive.

Strange Phenomenon (13)

Strange phenomenon

You can also contribute to the composition of primary school students this noon. I found a strange phenomenon while drinking drinks. I put my chopsticks into a bowl full of drinks and found that they seemed to be broken. Do not know why? After listening to my mother's explanation and looking up information on the Internet, I still know a little. I think I can really understand this problem when I grow up and learn more knowledge.

Strange Phenomenon (14)

Mother has a habit of buying fruits wholesale in large quantities, saying that this is more cost-effective and the price is low. However, there are too many fruits at home and too few people to eat them. Take apples for example. When my mother bought them, she wholesale them in whole boxes. After staying at home for a few days, she suddenly found that there were several rotten apples in the pile, with small black spots growing. (Only small spots, which did not affect eating) My mother quickly took the apples to the water basin to wash them, picked out the black spots with her fingers, and forced everyone to eat them. Looking at the apples in the basket, she said, "These apples haven't rotted yet, and I think they are going to rot. Eat them tomorrow." The next day, she found that there were small spots on the apples in the basket, ate them quickly, and said the same thing. Slowly, I gradually found that my mother was eating "rotten apples" every day.

In life, the phenomenon of "rotten apples" is no stranger. For example, shoes: one day, my mother bought me new shoes. I was very happy. I looked and looked at the car and couldn't put it down. This pair of shoes is particularly beautiful, with white uppers and several diamonds. My mother said that I would wear it when I went out to play in the afternoon, but I refused. If I wore it in the afternoon, it would be dirty, and white would be the most easily dirty. Later, because I didn't want to wear these shoes all summer, I could only wear cotton shoes in winter, so I kept them all the time. The next year, I asked my mother to buy new shoes. She said that I still had a new pair of shoes last year. I took it out. After a long time, the shoes became gray, and the small diamonds also lost their luster. They tightened my feet because they were too small. A few days later, I changed a new pair of shoes. They looked very beautiful and I couldn't bear to wear them. I had to wear old shoes. Although my feet were strangled, I still endured. Day after day, year after year, I am always reluctant to wear new shoes until they become old.

Isn't this the "rotten apple" phenomenon?

Many people around me seem to like "rotten apples" very much. They cherish everything they like and refuse to use it because they like it too much, until it is too late for something they like to become "rotten apples". It's right to cherish the things you like, but after that, things will turn against each other, because this "beautiful everything" is very easy to lose.

Strange Phenomenon (15)

Coincidentally, when Mo Yan was a child, an old beggar came to their door to beg for New Year's Eve. Mo Yan kindly gave him half a bowl of dried sweet potatoes, but the old beggar said angrily, "I am an old man. You eat dumplings, but let me eat dried sweet potatoes. How do you grow your heart?" He ate dumplings at home, but somehow was scolded. But Mo Yan didn't know how to refute the old beggar's words. The old beggar finally ate half a bowl of Mo Yan's dumplings.

This is a very strange phenomenon. We may also encounter such things in our life: when you treat a person very kindly, that person is disgusted that you are not good enough for him, and sometimes even that person will hate you for it. Sometimes it is clearly that he is entrusted by others to help him, but he cannot get a thank you because he is dissatisfied. Why does this happen?

People's initial impression of a person is extremely important. Some psychologists have divided the people around us into four types: 1. The relationship has always been good, 2. The relationship has always been bad, 3. The relationship was good before but then bad, 4. The relationship was bad before and then good. The survey found that people have the worst impression of the third type of people and the best impression of the fourth type of people. The reason is that the initial impression has a great influence on people's judgments. For a person who has a good first impression, when he does something harmful to his image, others will have a sense of gap, which accelerates the reduction of his good impression of the person, and vice versa. For example, when you see a beautiful girl at the first sight, you will have a good opinion of her, but if she speaks dirty words to you, your dislike of her will be stronger than that of ordinary people. This is due to the difference between your previous good opinion of her and your subsequent dislike of her.

By analogy, psychologists found that in interpersonal communication, people generally dislike broken friends more than dead enemies, and prefer good friends to good friends. Because people always have the mentality of "what you think of me at the beginning and what you will think of me in the future", they will be more or less affected by the initial impression in their communication with others, which leads us to make some decisions that others seem unable to understand in our daily interpersonal communication. For example, you may relax your vigilance against villains because of some small favors, or you may have trouble with friends because some friends refuse to help you with a small matter. At that time, most of them thought that the villain was willing to make up or had changed his ways, but the friends who had been with you for many days could not help you do something small. In fact, villains never treat you as a friend, and true friends never offend you. It is because they think wrong that they make a mess of everything.

Never feel that others have an obligation to help you. Even if you open your heart to others, others have the right to give you a knife; Even if you don't dirty yourself, there is no need for others to help you climb out of the difficult mud.

Never get angry with your friends because of small things, and never forgive others because of some small gains. When you have a conflict with a friend, think clearly what he has done to make you angry; Think about what you would do if a stranger did the same thing to you, and think about what you should do to your friends; Don't hold the mentality of "he is my friend, why doesn't he understand me?" After all, you live in reality rather than in TV idol dramas. No one can understand your whole world with one look at you. When you decide to forgive someone, first think about what he has done to you before, and then think about what he has done to you now. Is it worth asking you to forgive him; Don't be confused by other people's rhetoric, and only regret when you are severely slandered next time.