Composition of Change (17 recommended)
Handle affairs steadily
2023-08-25 05:38:21

Composition of Change (1)

Envy is not a nuisance. It is a force that lets us bravely break through difficulties,

Appropriate jealousy can benefit us,

But excessive jealousy gives us enough power to kill a person.

I don't know when I began to learn to compare

What's the comparison?

Achievements, appearance, talents, etc

There are many people better than me!

I lost it because of my jealousy

Friends' trust in me

They began to dislike me

From now on, I will change my jealousy

Have a healthy competition with friends

First day: lonely

Composition of Change (2)

When encountering setbacks, don't give up easily. Adjust your attitude and change yourself. Opportunities will favor you sooner or later.


You have been happy, you have been worried, but happiness and worry are self inflicted, right? Others will never bother you. When you are depressed, think about the past and calmly analyze whether it is a trivial matter or an unchangeable fact. It was once said that when Jews went to sell beans, if they could not sell them, they would let them sprout. If they could not sell bean sprouts, they would sell bean sprouts. If they could not sell bean sprouts, they would sell them. They would move them into flower pots and sell them as potted plants. If they could not sell potted plants, they would transplant them into the soil, continue to grow, and produce more beans. In this way, there would be no beans that could not go out. When a bean is neglected, there are countless choices, let alone people? Are people at least stronger than a bean? Then why should you worry about being left out?

Edison, the "king of invention", was a naughty boy when he was young, always asked some strange questions, so he never got praise from his teachers at school, and his grades were very bad. He was dropped out of school soon. His mother became his enlightenment teacher, and enlightened him little by little. Edison grew up and explored physics knowledge. He invented thousands of things in his life. When he invented the electric light, he made 8000 attempts, and failed again and again. He did not lose heart and was successful in his bold attempts. As long as we grasp every opportunity, do not give up every effort, and face challenges bravely, we will be able to realize our own value and make life full of glory. After God closes one door, he usually opens another door, and we just want to get the key of another door. To do this, we must adjust our attitude and make a down-to-earth choice. No one can say for sure. The three days of departure are impressive.

In the face of new challenges, encountering coldness and encountering difficulties is common, and psychological gaps sometimes occur... If you seize the opportunity, dare to express and challenge yourself, tap your potential, and persevere, there will always be different highlights.

Friends, don't give up yourself because of temporary setbacks. As long as you are willing to change yourself, the journey of growth will be full of countless opportunities

Come on, friend

Composition of Change (3)

One's life is spent in choice.

Writing an article is inseparable from choice. From the determination of the theme, the selection of materials, to the layout of the article, to the choice of words and sentences... we should choose the content, form and vocabulary that can best express our thoughts, feelings and emotions. One of the first problems encountered is material selection - what to write? Because life is like a vast sea, you can't reflect the whole sea in all aspects. You can only take a drop of water from one angle; But it is up to us to choose the angle and the droplet. Just as to make a dish, you need to go to the market first. If you buy back vegetables, even if they are green and fresh, you can't make braised meat or scrambled eggs. Therefore, the choice of subject matter is of great significance to an article.

Even if the subject range is the same, there are advantages, disadvantages and differences in the choice. For example, when writing about life on the sea, some articles illustrate their associations by describing splashing waves and rolling waves; Some articles express a certain feeling by describing white sails, fishing boats and people on the boats; Others express their feelings directly by showing the mysterious world of corals and reefs under the sea floor... Another example is that the teacher wrote a question about a spring outing, and most students would use colored pens to describe the beautiful scenery of the beautiful South of the Yangtze River, or people and things seen in this beautiful scenery; But brilliant students are often not satisfied with such common descriptions. They aim their eyes, like the lens of a camera, at a corner that is not easy for people to find, and this corner just reflects a certain kind of thought and feeling that he wants to express. As a result, his articles will miraculously stand out and shine.

This is: because he chose his own "discovery".

The great French sculptor Rodin said: "Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery."

In our daily life, we should pay attention to learning and cultivating our own "discovery", which can be said to be the basic skill of writing articles. Because of their own "discovery", there is the soul of the article; With their own "discovery", there will be insights to enlighten readers, rather than the platitudes others have said thousands of times; With their own "discovery", even the old themes can also dig out unique new things from the mineral deposits of life... Such articles will not be so popular and boring.

Of course, it is not easy to "discover". You must associate more and think more. Don't stay on the surface of what you see and hear, but go deep to explore and get an independent view of yourself. If this view is indeed your own, then it will have its own existence value. You should be brave, bold, and not hesitate to put it into writing.

Young friends, if you ask what is the secret of composition, then please raise the sails of imagination, seek in the sea of life, constantly choose your own "discovery" and finally you will reach the other side of success.

Composition of Change (4)

Frustration is a part of life. It is inevitable that there will be setbacks in life. In the face of setbacks, we should use strong will and firm belief to overcome them. For a coward like me, it is necessary for me to change myself. Frustrations have also appeared in my life, perhaps because those small setbacks changed me.

When I was five years old, I met a setback by chance. It was because I had no experience, and I was "scared" and cried. That was when I was in summer vacation. I was about to leave kindergarten and go to grade one in school. I played with children in kindergarten. It was only two days since I left school and checked in. We were playing hard on "Bug Bug". Suddenly, I was careless, I fell off the "worm" and fell on the stone bench. I was shocked and began to cry.

I touched the ground with my hand. Suddenly, my hands were all red. I knew that I had shed a lot of blood from the back of my head. The child I played with ran to call my mother. My mother ran to me in a hurry. My eyes were blurry. When I came back, I fainted. My mother quickly carried me to the hospital not far from here. I woke up, When I woke up, I cried. I only saw two long bandages dangling before my eyes. I was in great pain. The pain was heart wrenching. Day after day, my wound had not healed. My tears were almost dried up by my tears. I still cried. My mother suddenly comforted me and said, "Be strong, child!" I understood her words and replied, "Hmm! Tomorrow we will report for duty together, and I will be strong! " So, my mother and I went to report that the wound was gradually healing day by day.

The first time I faced a setback, I was defeated, but I didn't admit defeat. I finally overcame the setback and understood a lot of truth. "I want to be strong!" These four words have always been buried in my heart.

When I faced the setback again, it happened one day after school in the fifth grade. At that time, I was happily going home, humming a song in my mouth, and accidentally, one leg fell into the ditch. I felt very painful at once. The pain almost didn't even have the strength to pull up. I tried my best to pull up the leg, but it was still very painful, I immediately found that my right knee was scratched and there was a lot of blood. I wanted to cry, but my tears were stopped because I remembered that I had to be strong. This was a setback, which was nothing. I used the last bit of toilet paper, dipped a little water to stop the bleeding, and the blood was stopped. My leg was like an iron ball with a weight of one thousand kilograms, and it was difficult to walk every step, At last, I went home with a strong will, and I overcame the setback.

Frustration makes me no longer weak, and makes me strong. Frustration has changed me. In the face of setbacks, different attitudes have different results. In the life with setbacks, in the process of overcoming setbacks, I grow and develop.

Composition of Change (5)

From the number of writing words, composition can be divided into limited word composition and non limited word composition. The following is Xiaobian's composition about changing himself. I hope it will help you!

Composition on Changing Yourself (I)

Society is a changing group. In order to keep up with the pace of society, we need to make appropriate changes in order to better integrate with society.

It is better to change yourself than to change the environment. Society is an all embracing and strange group. Once the surrounding environment is formed, it is difficult to change it with your own strength. So we should try to change ourselves. An old man once said to his disciples that he had the ability to move mountains. As long as he said "come from the mountain", the mountain would come by itself. So he said "come from the mountain" in front of his disciples, but the mountain didn't move. The old man didn't feel embarrassed. He said, "Since the mountain can't come, let's move closer to it." The environment will not be changed by one person, so you should try to adapt. Tolstoy said: "There are two kinds of people in the world, one is walking, the other is watching. Many people want to change the world, but never want to change themselves." It can be seen that only by changing themselves can we better integrate with the environment.

It is better to change yourself than to change others. Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses, so there is jealousy and dislike, but we can't let others change his weaknesses and strengths, so we should change ourselves, let ourselves learn to appreciate and accept. A teacher always complained that there were many naughty children in the class who did not listen to the teacher in class. After teaching, she also refused to correct her teaching. She was very distressed. She often tried every way to change those naughty children. At this time, another teacher said: "The children's failure to listen to the teacher may be because the teacher's eloquence is not good, and the charm of teaching is not great enough, so the children love the teacher's lessons very much. Change yourself. " So the teacher began to try to change himself and the form of class, and soon the children were no longer naughty. It's better to change yourself than to change others. The earth won't turn because of one person. When one finger points at others, the other four fingers point at yourself. Even if it's not you who are wrong, you should also review why others treat me like that, so as to change yourself and learn to accept and appreciate.

Change yourself. Although we can't change the bad weather, we can change our mood; Although we can't change the right or wrong of our life, we can change the value of our life. Some things can't change the truth, but we can change ourselves. Make up your mind to change yourself. What we will have is the change after the change.

Composition on Changing Yourself (II)

As we all know, a small part of the people we meet always predict themselves in front of the reality and bear young blood, but they always complain about the injustice of the reality, always compare with others, get upset about some small things, worry about the future in fantasy, and always look for excuses to excuse themselves for doing wrong things, Always use something that we don't think is right to confirm our position, which is a true portrayal of how we dare not face the reality. So, how should we face the society? Only we know the answer.

Perhaps, when we find that the closest people and long-time good friends can no longer rely on, we suddenly find the cruelty and reality of society; Perhaps, we know our own shortcomings and defects only after experiencing the ups and downs of the world; Maybe, we will find our position in reality when we can smooth our edges and corners step by step without changing ourselves to adapt to the development of society

A philosopher once said, "In my whole life, from dreaming of changing the world, to dreaming of changing the country, to just wanting to change my family and close people, nothing has changed. On my deathbed, I realized that if I only changed myself at first, maybe I could change my family, my country, or even the whole world in turn."

This passage tells us that the condition for changing everything is to change yourself. For a long time, we always confine ourselves to a fixed thinking. We clearly know that this may be wrong and will cause us a lot of harm, but we would rather be tortured than change. Finally one day, I woke up, but I was already scarred. So I thought of changing my surroundings, but I forgot to try to change myself. If you realize that you are going to change yourself, it means that you have to give up a lot, give up a lot, and possibly suffer more pain. It is unprecedented to change yourself. But I believe that in some aspects, I can be relaxed and happy after I change. I think many people, like me, will feel unwilling and complain when they accept the status quo. However, whether this unwillingness and complaining turn into motivation is an unknown that no one can predict. Only we ourselves are the most clear.

Of course, we have many things to change ourselves, and most of these things are related to promoting our growth and improving our own quality in all aspects.

I still remember four years ago, I was always "struggling" aimlessly, and always satisfied with the status quo after a little success. A colleague once said to me, "You are doomed to be an unpromising migrant worker all your life." At that time, I didn't really understand what he said, but as time went by, I think of this sentence again and again in my heart. Did he really see through my life? No, he just defined a martial interruption according to my state at that time. I can't blame him for his interruption of martial arts, but I can only blame myself for doing anything that was impractical and without goals.

Now, he has become a boss who works for himself. I also continue to work hard on the road without changing myself, in order to create a new self.

Maybe there will be a lot of guilt and repentance in one's life, but the reality is always to face alone. I think every one will have a process to change, just like the transformation of a butterfly. By changing ourselves, one day we will taste the fruits of change.

Composition on Changing Yourself (III)

The most important word in a person's short life is change. Every minute and every second that a person lives in this world, he is changing and improving himself without interruption. From weak to strong, from irresponsible to brave, everyone should go to another person, and use their courage and determination to complete a magnificent comeback.

The meaning of life lies in change, because people can only be promoted in uninterrupted change. Everyone must be familiar with the story of Wang Zhaojun asking for an order for his country to marry far away from the Great Wall. As Du Fu once said in "Singing of the Historic Site", "The lute has spoken in Hu language for thousands of years, and clearly resents the end of the song". Most people are worried about the tragic fate of such a beautiful embroidery woman who is peerless and can make flowers ashamed in the forest. But I especially admire her. She was an ordinary weak woman. After she married far away from the Great Wall, her hard and proud life inspired a powerful force in her heart that had been sealed up for a long time. It made her realize that it was better to wash her face every day than to enjoy life happily. Only then did she summon up the courage to bravely move to another person, and her life also changed. Sometimes, people's potential is inspired by the environment, but more often, it comes from their own courage and the heart to change. In fact, there is a sleeping general in every one of us. He needs you to wake him up, so stop waiting, wake her up, and let her help you go. Another self.

If you want to really change, you should not only have courage, but more importantly, unshakeable determination. At the age of 51, when Confucius was young, he studied academia alone and began to travel around the countries to spread his views. Even though no monarch fully agreed with his views, he did not give up. Instead, I chose to walk on the right path. I thought that apart from courage, how could old Confucius complete this "journey" without the support of determination? Confucius used his determination to move from an ordinary young man to a great man respected by everyone. To move towards another self, we need to be persistent, so that we will have the determination to solve all problems in the face of ups and downs, break through obstacles, and meet the bright sunshine after storms.

Go to another self. When you have successfully transformed, you will find that the road you have traveled and the problems you have encountered are so long and many. But when you see your transformed self, you will not regret it. Instead, you will cut this into thorns on the road to success and witness your beautiful transformation. Take the first step bravely, and prove with determination and perseverance that you can really be better.

Composition of Change (6)

When encountering setbacks, don't give up easily. Adjust your attitude and change yourself. Opportunities will favor you sooner or later.

You have been happy, you have been worried, but happiness and worry are self inflicted, right? Others will never bother you. When you are depressed, think about the past and calmly analyze whether it is a trivial matter or an unchangeable fact. It was once said that when Jews went to sell beans, if they could not sell them, they would let them sprout. If they could not sell bean sprouts, they would sell bean sprouts. If they could not sell bean sprouts, they would sell them. They would move them into flower pots and sell them as potted plants. If they could not sell potted plants, they would transplant them into the soil, continue to grow, and produce more beans. In this way, there would be no beans that could not go out. When a bean is neglected, there are countless choices, let alone people? Are people at least stronger than a bean? Then why should you worry about being left out?

Edison, the "king of invention", was a naughty boy when he was young, always asked some strange questions, so he never got praise from his teachers at school, and his grades were very bad. He was dropped out of school soon. His mother became his enlightenment teacher, and enlightened him little by little. Edison grew up and explored physics knowledge. He invented thousands of things in his life. When he invented the electric light, he made 8000 attempts, and failed again and again. He did not lose heart and was successful in his bold attempts. As long as we grasp every opportunity, do not give up every effort, and face challenges bravely, we will be able to realize our own value and make life full of glory. After God closes one door, he usually opens another door, and we just want to get the key of another door. To do this, we must adjust our attitude and make a down-to-earth choice. No one can say for sure. The three days of departure are impressive.

In the face of new challenges, encountering coldness and encountering difficulties is common, and psychological gaps sometimes occur... If you seize the opportunity, dare to express and challenge yourself, tap your potential, and persevere, there will always be different highlights.

Friends, don't give up yourself because of temporary setbacks. As long as you are willing to change yourself, the journey of growth will be full of countless opportunities

Come on, friend

Composition of Change (7)

A guest took a taxi at the airport. The floor of the taxi was covered with a wool carpet. The edge of the carpet was decorated with bright lace. The glass partition was inlaid with replicas of famous paintings, and the windows were spotless. Surprised, the guest said to the driver, "I have never taken such a beautiful taxi."

"Thank you for your compliment." The driver replied with a smile.

"How did you come up with the idea of decorating your taxi?" the guest asked.

"The car is not mine," he said.

”After receiving the taxi license plate, I packed the car like this according to my own ideas. After each passenger gets off the bus, I will check it and make sure that the car is tidy for the next passenger. When my taxi returned to the company, it was still spotless. From driving to now, guests have never let me down. I didn't have any cigarette butts to pick up, peanut butter or ice cream cones, or any garbage. Sir, I think everyone appreciates beautiful things. If our city grows more flowers and trees to make the buildings more beautiful, I bet that more people will be willing to put garbage into the dustbin.

To change others is to get twice the result with half the effort, and to change oneself is to get twice the result with half the effort. It is better to ask others questions instead of asking them. He who is close to the ink will be black. Respect for yourself will be respected by others. When we stop staring at others, return to our own spiritual world and clean up the dust, you will find that you are happy and others will follow.

Composition of Change (8)

One day, I was wandering in a community. Suddenly, I heard someone quarreling upstairs, even throwing something down from upstairs, almost hitting me. At this time, I thought to myself: I wish I could invent a medicine that can change people's mood.

As soon as I said yes, I ran back to my lab at the speed of 100 meters sprint to conduct a closed experiment.

One month later, my medicine was ready, so I immediately opened a shop in the central square.

As soon as the sign was put up, a girl came to me. The girl said to me with a bitter face, "My friend and I have had a difficult time, and my friend will not play with me." Then I said to her, "We have happy pills, sad sweets, sad sweets, and happy beans. Which one do you want?" The girl said, "I want happy pills and happy beans." So, I gave them to her. Looking at her back, I feel how happy it is to help others.

After a while, another batch of customers came, but not a person, but a team. They told me that they would buy one or two copies of all the medicines. I told them that the medicines were free, and I was willing to serve you. They were so happy that they took more at once.

The next day, I received a letter. When I opened it, there was a VIP ticket for the acrobatic troupe. It was tonight. "Hey hey, it must be yesterday that I sold medicine to someone, who invited me to see the show!" I thought to myself.

In the evening, I came to the performance square. At a glance, I saw that those people who were performing were the team that came to buy my medicine. It turned out that they came to buy my medicine for the performance!

On the third day, I moved immediately. I want to find an unhappy town and let them take the medicine I invented.

Composition of Change (9)

Setbacks are common in life. However, when encountering setbacks, people will choose to give up and will not try again. Among them, frustration is not terrible. In people's eyes, frustration is a kind of suffering, but also an extremely boring thing. However, as long as we have the determination and action to overcome suffering, these setbacks have already become commonplace. Why should we be afraid? The fear is that you will not challenge setbacks and win success!

I have this experience: the language should be accurate. For example, the second sentence can be changed to: But some people will choose to give up when they encounter setbacks. At the same time, be more concise. When I was about seven years old, my grandfather saw that I was riding a four-wheel bicycle very well, and asked me, "Do you want to ride a two wheel bicycle?" I said yes when I wanted to try something new. But when I just rode on my grandfather's modified bicycle, I fell to the ground with a sound of "Pa,". When my grandfather helped me up, I shouted angrily to my grandfather: "I don't want to ride these two legged monsters anymore!" This event made me choose to give up, because I encountered such a small setback, which blocked my confidence in cycling. But my grandpa's words restored my confidence: "You can't do this. Learning new skills depends on practice, and don't give up!" What did I learn from this sentence. I got on the bike and practiced again and again. As a result, I learned. At this time, I am not afraid of setbacks, because I came out of setbacks! The process of overcoming difficulties can be more detailed. I realized that, in fact, people will encounter numerous setbacks in their life. Some people do not have strong perseverance and dare not break through. They are always blocked by difficulties, just like a sapling under a stone. If they do not want to make progress, they will never emerge.

Composition of Change (10)

Most of the time, we tend to tell others what to do, especially those we feel close to.

Under the banner of being good for them, we constantly input our correct views to them. No matter whether the other party is willing to accept it or not, it seems that if we only say it, we feel that we are right, and they must follow our ideas, otherwise they will not cooperate, and it is estrangement, and the argument will come out.

Maybe they really have shortcomings that need to be corrected, and our reminder is really sincere and kind. Maybe they will follow our ideas, and there will be a more clear and open road.

However, these are just maybe, in reality, we encounter more resistance, disdain, indifference, even quarrel, anger.

I read a book that mentioned several opinions about this situation, and I feel it is particularly useful.

The book says that when we want to change something else, please remember the following points: We should never think about changing others directly; When you want to change others, first change yourself, correct your own shortcomings, and make yourself excellent; The excellent you will naturally influence the people around you invisibly, so your original preaching method has become a subtle method.

In fact, we all know this truth, but when we really implement it ourselves, we will know how difficult it is.

Yes, we can't even change ourselves. Why do we think others should change themselves because of their own words?

So, it is the most basic attitude to recognize yourself.

Composition of Change (11)

"Scholars don't go out and know everything about the world" was a myth before. Today, the myth happens to us because the network makes our life colorful.

The network is live news. I went to school in the morning, finished school in the morning, and had to do my homework in the evening. I didn't know what was happening in the outside world. With the Internet, I knew that there was a big earthquake in Sichuan, a mudslide in Qingdao, a big earthquake in the United States, and then a tsunami, because they didn't protect the nature. I also learned from the Internet that many children have lost their parents. It's good to have the Internet.

The network is still our learning "live teacher". One day after school, I hurried home to open my homework. I found that I could not do a question. I did not know all the reference books, teachers and students. When I opened the computer, I saw hundreds of practices. It was good to have the Internet.

The Internet can also make my shopping more convenient. In the past, when Mom and Dad arrived here and there, their feet were sore, and some things could not be bought. Now, as long as they were comfortable, they could click on the Internet and sleep on the bed, and then they would be sent. No matter how far the United States is, they can be sent quickly. It's good to have the Internet.

The Internet can also ease our tense pace of life. If we are tired of doing homework, we can turn on the computer to listen to music. I don't have many friends, so I can log on QQ to make more friends on the Internet. When I am sad, I can watch jokes on the Internet, and when I feel very upset, I can play a puzzle game. It's good to have the Internet.

Yes! The network does bring people good convenience. I think technology will become better and better, so that the network can bring us a better life.

Composition of Change (12)

Time is running silently, the new century is gradually emerging, and the old time is no longer waving. The former world is indistinct but never reappears. The times have changed, so we should keep up with the pace of life. There will always be more beautiful scenery than before, so we need to constantly update ourselves to adapt to the new colors in the new life.

When we find our thoughts are old, we should learn to change them. However, if we do not grasp the right direction, it may backfire, so that we can not achieve the effect of improvement, or even become a process of degradation. And things will turn against each other when they reach the extreme, so change should not be too much. This is the need to adjust the good degree. Don't be smart and be smart.

Change is a relatively long process most of the time. Just as "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry", you should not only wait for the results that need to be achieved, but also stick to your efforts in the process. You can't be eager for success or give up halfway. Only slow work can produce meticulous work, so the fastest method of change is not necessary. At the same time, the best effect does not necessarily depend on proper methods and do not affect the normal order of other things. Therefore, it is necessary to use methods that are both self beneficial and human beneficial, and there may be unexpected gains.

In many cases, human society is very similar to the animal world, and it can even be said that human society is more difficult to survive than the animal world. Animals can survive by the law of the jungle. All species that have not been extinct have their own way of survival. The same is true of human beings, who have not been eliminated by society. People who can survive in this complex society have their own way of life. If our own way is not accepted by the society, we will not have a good life experience. At that time, we need to change.

Composition of Change (13)

Now it seems that writing has really changed me a lot.

I started writing at a very young age. When I didn't go to school, I asked my mother to write for me. I dictated that my mother would record what happened on that day for me, which should be a diary. At that time, the diary was very little, but now it seems interesting.

For example, there is a diary with only one line: I went to my aunt's house today, and there are little bees in her house.

At first glance, I may not understand. My mother said that this "little bee" refers to the flies around the garbage can. I didn't know what it was at that time, so I guess it randomly according to the sound association.

At this time, writing is purely for fun, but after writing these diaries, I have a sense of achievement. I recorded everything I saw and thought of. These diaries have changed me, making me not afraid of writing and interested in writing. You should know that if you have no interest in writing, you can only be content with mediocrity. At the same time, these diaries have brought me endless fun. Now it seems that keeping a diary is very beneficial.

In the second and third grade, the teacher began to leave a composition. Sometimes I can write some articles, sometimes I can't write them after a long meditation. The thing I handed in at this time, which sounds like a magic realism passage, is just a lie.

But these fabricated things also changed me. I have honed my writing skills in this failure experience again and again. I feel life with my heart, carefully observe the plants and trees around me, and know that only in this way can I write good articles.

In the fifth and sixth grade, writing changed my character. I was irritable, irritable, and easily conflicted with my classmates. Writing has released my pressure and combed my brain. Having a clear thinking brain makes my life more organized. It saves my time.

Writing also relieves my mental burden and changes my way of thinking. I gradually developed my own writing style and working style. Although sometimes I'm still cranky, it has changed a lot.

For example, I once criticized myself in the article, and these criticisms really played a role in making me pay attention to these details in my life. I also wrote some novels. These creative words let me find the truth in life, find something worth doing and direction worth striving for.

"Change yourself by writing". This is a famous saying of the writer Wang Xiaobo. Writing has changed Wang Xiaobo. The things he wrote are absurd and strange. He wrote himself into a book. The deep sense of alienation shown in the book makes Wang Xiaobo rich in a unique purity in this noisy world.

Writing has also changed me. All the characters I wrote are flesh and blood. My favorite is a character named Zhao Si, whom I described as a strong, brave, optimistic and confident character. Although this character was created by me, this person is quietly changing me and turning me into such a character.

By the way, Zhao Si may not change me in the future, because I wrote him dead in a recent novel.

Composition of Change (14)

With the progress of the times, science and technology are also changing with each passing day. Our cars have gone through decades of ups and downs, from exclusive use by leaders to enjoyment by everyone; From rich people to ordinary people. In just a few years, the century old automobile industry has been perfectly integrated into our lives.

People used to buy a car as a symbol of wealth. If you want to see whether a person has money, the most direct criterion is whether he has a car or what kind of car he drives. Nowadays, people's living standards are getting higher and higher, and their demands for life are also increasing. At the same time, people's enthusiasm for buying cars has been fully stimulated, and cars have quickly changed from "luxury goods" to "necessities of life". At present, the number of people owning private cars in our country is increasing day by day. The production and marketing speed of cars in our country is just like the speed at which cars change people's lives. It's really a thousand miles a day!

The car is not only a means of transportation, but also brings many conveniences to people's life. I didn't have a car before. I watched TV when I got home. Especially in rainy days, I didn't want to go out. But after having a car, the distance between people has narrowed. With a car as a "link", we have closer ties with each other, whether it is visiting relatives or friends, or working, traveling Life will change inadvertently.

Just like our family, the school used to be very close to home, but later the school was relocated and far away from home. If you have a car, you don't have to worry about being late for school. Every weekend, my father would drive me and my brother to the Netherlands Flower Sea, to the Ocean Park, to the country grandma's house Go wherever you want.

The biggest change of the car is to improve the speed and efficiency. With a car, people will be able to bathe their homes in the clean sunshine of the countryside, and life will be more colorful. With a car, you can go south and north, enter west and exit east at any time. You can be on the road at any time. A car is a house with four wheels. On the road, it is a home. You can sleep, eat, make up, chat and so on in the car. Cars create private space and mobile homes for people.

The automobile has finally changed people's way of life and is an indispensable element of modern life. There are hundreds of domestic cars, and cars with personality are not uncommon. In order to save energy and protect environment, people begin to favor small displacement cars; To stand out in the sea of cars, SUV has become the first choice; There are also some young people who refit their cars into various kinds The purpose is to show your personality. In their eyes, the car is not only a means of transportation, but also a symbol of freedom.

Cars have changed our lives so much that people no longer have the concept of "how many kilometers". They also save the trouble of crowding buses to work, and can also go farther to enjoy a spacious and comfortable living environment. The car can turn your dream into reality. There is no place you can't reach but what you can't think of; The car not only carries your dream, but also your whole life.

Composition of Change (15)

Your kindness makes me remember you.

Before the Spring and Autumn Period, you and I met. Although we were in the same class for only one year, the mutual trust we gained during this year is unforgettable to me.

You are lively and cheerful, but I am a little silent. You always try your best to make me laugh, while I always keep a straight face. However, after a period of "training", although you are not as lively and cheerful as you, you are not silent.

However, it also led to a "tragedy".

One day at noon, I studied by myself. I finished my homework, and I had nothing to do. I saw you staring at your notebook in a daze. I just touched you with a pen. You came back to your senses and asked me why? I said I had nothing to do, and looked up at the teacher who was correcting the homework. I will whisper with you below. Because of the excessive "seriousness", the teacher didn't notice when he came to him. The teacher called us out and asked who spoke to whom. When I hesitated, you said, teacher, I was wrong. I asked her to speak. Suddenly, my face turned red and I felt uneasy. After that, the teacher asked me to go back first and continue to "educate" you. Sitting on the seat, I felt too cowardly. I did something wrong and didn't dare to take responsibility. My heart was tangled. And you just stood outside for a class.

Class, the teacher moved you to the last row, I secretly looked at you, that expressionless face, let my heart break. I thought it was over. Unexpectedly, the teacher called your parents. The next day, when you came to class, I noticed that your eyes were swollen. I'm so ashamed. You must have cried at home for a long time. After class, I passed you several times and wanted to greet you, but I was afraid. We had a stalemate for several days. Finally, the stalemate was broken. After school that day, you stopped me at the school gate and "complained" that I had ignored you these days. Hearing this, I summon the courage to apologize to you. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have that day. Unexpectedly, you comforted me in turn, saying that things are over, don't mention sad things. I nodded, you took my hand and walked forward

That silence was engraved on my heart.

When we met again after graduation from primary school, when we mentioned your swollen eyes, you quickly "explained" that it was not swollen, it was a 'panda eye' that stayed up late at night. I was stunned. In the setting sun, our hands have not been loosened for a long time.

Time passes slowly, but what has not changed is our pure friendship. May our friendship echo forever between mountains and rivers.

Composition of Change (16)

After 70 years of ups and downs, the motherland has reached the age of 70. In the 70 years' hard process, with the rise of cities and the realization of goals, China has leapt from a backward agricultural country to a top power in the world. All of this has a great relationship with the people who have made contributions to the motherland from generation to generation.

Everywhere in life, it reveals the vigorous development of the motherland. A few years ago, there were few subway lines in Nanjing, and only a few places had subway lines. Most people will not use the subway when traveling. However, with the development in recent years, the traffic network in Nanjing has become more and more intensive, and the subway lines are also walking in the city like a spider web. Extending from the city center to the suburbs, more and more people choose to travel by subway. The abundance of subway lines provides convenience for green travel.

Usually, my parents drive me to and from school on weekends. But once, when my parents had to go out to do business, I had to go to school by myself. I wanted to take a taxi, but it occurred to me that there seemed to be a subway station next to the remedial school. If I took the subway, it would save money, and I wouldn't have to wait for a taxi in hot weather?

When I came to the subway station, I saw that the walls on both sides of the aisle were full of public welfare propaganda or Jinling culture, which shocked me, a person who had not been to the subway station for a long time. In my impression, when I was a child, when I took the subway with my parents, the aisle was dark and narrow, and I often saw beggars, not as bright and cultural as I saw before.

When I walked to the ticket machine and looked at a row of lines on the screen, I didn't know which line to take. I was shocked: there are so many subway lines in Nanjing now, I really don't know which line to take. By asking a police officer around me, I found the line.

The development of transportation can also reflect the development level of a city. In just a few years, Nanjing's subway has developed from a single subway to a metropolis with a dense subway network. Nanjing's subway is also a great achievement. The development of transportation not only shows the vigorous development of Nanjing, but also shows the glorious course of New China on the road of socialism with characteristics.

The development prospect of New China is bright. For the sake of the construction of the motherland, we young people should also make contributions. Whether we do a good job in garbage classification or actively respond to green travel, we are demonstrating our responsibilities as citizens. As high school students, we should also study hard and become pillars of the country, To contribute to the future development of the motherland.

Composition of Change (17)

You can't control the length of life, but you can change the width of life; You can't control the bad weather, but you can change your mood; You can't change your appearance, but you can change your heart. In fact, we are changing ourselves, creating ourselves and surpassing ourselves every day. Only by changing oneself can we succeed.

At first, a baby eagle was as timid as a mouse. Only when it changed its cowardly habits can it fly bravely to the blue sky.

A young grass is weak at first, but it can become stronger when it changes its soft body in the wind and rain, holding on to the soil.

A big river at first meanders in the mountains. When it changes its direction of movement, it can run freely to the vast sea.

Young eagles, young grass and big rivers cannot change the blue sky, wind and rain, and mountains, but they bravely changed themselves to glory.

People, too, can only improve themselves and win the trust of others by changing their bad habits. In ancient China, a young man named Zhou Chu was called one of the three evils by local people. Because he always bullies others, people hate him and hate him. Zhou Chou didn't want others to regard him as a scourge anymore. He was determined to defeat the Tigers and Jiaolong and eliminate the evils for the people. Later, after hard work, he finally succeeded in getting rid of the second disease. Therefore, he won unanimous praise and became a good man who worked for the interests of the people. Zhou Chu is brave and wise. He has the courage to change his stubbornness, thus changing his life.

Changing your mind can make you more confident and strong. There are many things in life that cannot be selected, such as people's appearance and body. The host of CCTV in China is now a well-known celebrity. Have people ever known that she is also very closed. She closes the window of her heart tightly. Facing her beautiful female classmates, she is most afraid to see the beautiful flower skirt on others. After such a period of closure, she woke up. She is determined to change her knowledge and virtue. After years of hard work, she became a woman reporter with extraordinary temperament.

Change your weakness, and you will find your life more colorful; If you change your mind, you will become confident and strong. Since things outside cannot be controlled by oneself, why not start to change yourself? Isn't it a kind of happiness to control yourself? Remember that success starts with changing yourself.