131 Selected Sentences about the Feeling of Traveling in the Desert
Past events follow the wind
2023-07-11 11:26:26
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1. The yard is also free from desolation, with only five mu of surplus.

2. We later arrived in the middle of Taklimakan Desert. At this time, the temperature also rose to 45 ℃. Ah! I didn't expect that the endless sand is all golden yellow. Sand mountains look like beautiful buildings. They are very beautiful!

3. Teacher Zou: 13361086712

4. Travel can relax your mood, broaden your mood, forget your frustrations and welcome new happiness. Travel is to find new beauty, pursue a new sense of the world, lose the extra self, and meet the most real self.

5. We travelled and visited with great interest. When the sun set, we reluctantly left.

6. The smile after letting go is just used to cover up the painful scar

7. xxx won the honor of the 8th man

8. Shame on waste. Group tour is a shameful waste. Stepping into a scenic spot in a hurry and taking photos in front of the landmark building like a walking wheel swallowing dates, there is a slow pace, a pause, a discovery, a stop, an interpretation, a link and internalization.

9. Desert camping is different from conventional field camping. Because the wind may take away the tent at any time, learn the basic principles of tent camp location, and make full use of the limited resources around to fix the tent.

10. Five Poems on Remembering Historic Sites - The Third

11. The sand flies towards the city like a curtain, and the clouds rise at night, doubting the city—— Xiao Gang's Journey to Longxi

12. Hurry up and get on the road. One day we don't want to say at each other's funeral that if only we had gone.

13. I have always wanted to travel and go to beautiful places, but I can't feel it when I really set foot in the places I want to go. Maybe we just want our hearts to travel, no matter where we are, as long as we have a relaxed and beautiful attitude, life is beautiful!

14. I always think that if I gave up traveling at that time, and if I saw them today, I would not know how many points of regret would flow up in my heart. Fortunately, I went there eventually, and all the time was not wasted.

15. I want to breathe the air of each city, feel the people in each city, and see the scenery of each city.

16. I just want to have an aimless journey and do nothing in the sun in a quiet and slow place with flowers and sea.

17. Why do we travel? I think, maybe, because some people, some things, some places, once they leave, they can't go back, or should say that they always feel that they can't go back, so we keep leaving, traveling, fighting to get rid of gravity, proving that they are not Apple.

18. At the beginning of his life, everyone has a period of time when he has nothing to miss, only uncontrollable dreams, nothing to rely on, only his good body, no place to go, just want to wander around, life is like a journey, don't care about the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery, let the heart travel!

19. Give every visitor an unprecedented experience

20. Survival in the desert: reconnoiter the terrain, investigate the landform, and use survival skills to camp in the desert, sleep with stars, and become an outdoor talent.

21. Use the simplest scenery like the endless yellow sand

22. Lei Wenzheng, the top 10 main force of the team, obeyed the command and fought to the end.

23. Why do people like traveling so much and meet people they like. Because it's pure. It has nothing to do with sex, money, fame and wealth. It is just the most primitive fit and like.

24. At a glance, there was a monotonous yellow everywhere, not even a tree. The vastness of the desert made everyone feel tired, as if we could never walk out. Near noon, the sun rose high and high, making the desert smoke. We got off to rest and set up a cool tent, but the sand was so hot that we were asked to stand or sit. For the first time, I felt the horror of the desert.

25. Because artists find new themes here and realize their own life pursuit; Travelers (I) integrate their feelings and aspirations into this land, and truly feel the passion of this land and the unyielding spirit of Gobi creatures and desert people; I also experienced a kind of broad-minded life on the Gobi Desert.

26. Don't boast about the mountains and rivers. Cold clouds and cold waters are even more desolate.

27. I took off my shoes and stepped on the soft sand with bare feet. The sand was warm by the sun. The sand was so fine that it seemed that the sand would help me touch my feet. It was very comfortable. I couldn't help but pick it up - put the soft sand on my face and experience its small and warm feeling.

28. With vast expanse, vast sand sea, round sunrise, picturesque desert scenery, as well as various exotic insects, animals and plants, it is a perfect place for children to explore.

29. The essence of life lies in innovation, the ideal of life lies in ambition, the art of life lies in choice, the steps of life lie in steadfastness, the joy of life lies in pursuit, and the happiness of life lies in insipidity.

30. When I was closer to the mountain, I found that the mountain was like a poet looking far away, waiting for the return of his old friend. Most of the trees on the mountain are pine trees. The pine trees stand in the middle of the surrounding grass and flowers, as if the pine tree is a powerful general, guarding the country's citizens.

31. The grass on the tomb of the King of Hubei is far away, and the stones and animals are desolate in autumn.

32. This kind of understanding makes me cherish the meeting and acquaintance with everyone, because my 2km hike was completed with everyone's support and encouragement. With everyone's "companion", my life has changed.

33. Walk through the desert at night in the daytime. Clouds are cloudy and the moon is dark, wind is dark and sand is evil.

34. I went to different places, saw different landscapes, learned different things and felt different lives. In the early morning, as the pulley touched the ground, the plane shook, and I finally said my last goodbye.

35. On the desert where the city is connected with the desert, the oasis is accompanied by yellow sand, and birds dance with camel bells. The extremely high temperature is only one step away from the normal temperature, which is very unique. The sand dunes in the desert have clear and distinct outlines, smooth ridge lines, windward sand slopes like water, and leeward sand flows like water. At the top of the sand mountain deep in the desert, you can watch the gorgeous sunrise in the desert and witness the scenery of sunset dyeing sand.

36. Because of my dream, I set out bravely. I chose to set out, and I only cared about the wind and rain.

37. Please take care of every tree, otherwise we will see flooding and barren desert.

38. When you travel, you will meet your true self on the road.

39. We later arrived in the middle of Taklimakan Desert. At this time, the temperature also rose to 45 ℃. Ah! I didn't expect that the endless sand is all golden yellow. Sand mountains look like beautiful buildings. They are very beautiful!

40. Some are to experience the pleasure of conquering the desert

41. Looking back on the old country, the scenery is desolate.

42. Thank you for your presence in my life! Thank you for your support!

43. Practice out true knowledge, let children really experience in nature, and will gain a lot of knowledge that is not available in books.

44. Travel is another kind of life. Life is a journey. The pace of travel never stops to pick up the beauty and weight of life, so that travel adds more meaning to life and more mood to life.

45. I have to get my luggage ready to leave. Thank you for caring my family and friends. Just pray for my safety. My journey will be accompanied by your stories, so I will not be lonely. Don't worry.

46. This time, we will carry out research activities in the Guanzhong Folk Custom Museum at the foot of Mount Wutai. As soon as we step into the museum's simple and unsophisticated gate, we seem to have passed through the ancient folk houses. We stood in line and walked into a house under the guidance of our teacher. There were three spacious rooms, with flowers and grass growing in the yard and a lush papaya tree standing among them.

47. Go/Go/Middle/Class/Class

48. An explorer accidentally found

49. Bi Guangyang, who has no complaints, obeys the command and works bravely for the Heart Road Walkers. In order to run, the photos were not taken in time, and the cut was not very clear, but it did not affect his beautiful and resolute face.

50. One person, one road. On the way, one's heart moves with the scenery. From the beginning to the end, one may be happy, or sometimes lonely. If the heart is in the distance, one only needs to move forward bravely. Dreams will lead the way. How far, how far, and connect the footprints into a lifeline.

51. The thought of giving up will flash through your mind countless times

52. Life is a one-way trip. Even if there are some regrets, we don't have the opportunity to start again. Instead of struggling with the past that cannot be changed, we should smile and cherish the future. Because life, there is no if.

53. Sometimes we choose to change, not after careful consideration, but more like hearing the call of heaven and earth, calling you to go to another place and live another life. You may not have a better life from now on, but you are still grateful for the changes and happenings brought by heaven, earth and the world. Otherwise, you may have been curious and unwilling - what kind of distance does the path in front of your house lead to?

54. In case of cancellation within 10 days before departure, the research fee will not be refunded.

55. I'm always chasing, but you never look back at me, never stop to wait for me.

56. One day, I will leave all my tiredness and ideals behind, take my camera and computer with me, and move away from the bustle to the open.

57. I know that it will come true one day, so I am always full of hope for future travel.

58. During the summer vacation, I excitedly followed my family to the desert to play. I stayed in the car restlessly with excitement and wanted to fly to the desert. I am so excited because I like and curious about the endless desert!

59. Taste local food and experience different folk cultures

60. The goshawks flying out of Liangzhou Ci and ancient frontier poems hover in the sky. The open wings are like dark clouds blocking the sky, like flying flags of hunting.

61. For travelers in the desert, the most terrible thing is not the endless desert in front of them, but the absence of oasis in their hearts.

62. When people travel, what they enjoy is not only the scenery, but also the mood generated by the scenery. The combination of scenery and environment, and the accommodation of emotion and environment are the goals of travelers as travelers. To appreciate the scenery but not the environment is to travel, not to travel; To appreciate the scenery and integrate the environment is for traveling. Line is a kind of realm, but also a kind of nature.

63. Happiness gives comfort, but it also gives early death; Work can give people a long time, but it can give them a long time.

64. Travel, relax and enjoy the scenery with your eyes. The song sings "You leave me, it is the meaning of travel". I have no sentimental love story worth sharing, only to tell the beautiful scenery I passed here and share the photos of the hero.

65. Life is a journey. You should clear your pockets every time you park, and make more space available to make your life easier and more comfortable. Without sundries in the heart, there will be warm sunshine full of ventricles, confidence and courage to live a leisurely and relaxed life. Only with an empty heart can happiness and happiness be injected.

66. On the way with backpacks, I have seen many people, heard many stories, and seen travel scenery. In this way, I gradually learned to grow up. The time flowing has become a beautiful ornament in the life path. Seeing the sky, watching the snow, being quiet and saying nothing is a good scenery.

67. After returning to Xiamen, Du Yuxuan, as the monitor, could not wait to share her experience and feelings with his classmates and friends, hoping that more people would join the family of environmental protection, make contributions to environmental protection and public welfare, and continue and inherit the concept of green environmental protection.

68. It's not like things change into people at once. It's desolate around and people live sparsely.

69. Life is like a journey. You don't need to care about the destination. What you care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery. Let your heart travel!

70. Travel is a disease. When you infect people around you, you don't want to run out of it.

71. Travel is part of education for young people; It is part of the experience for the elderly.

72. Take up your bags and walk around, not for the sky is wide, not for the land is wide, only to see cattle and sheep when the wind blows grass.

73. The isolated city is white on grass, and the desert is yellow on sand. The autumn wind blows wild geese to Xiaoxiang.

74. In the vast desert, only the forward step is the symbol of hope.

75. Travel, try to go out, and you will find that the world is far from what you saw when you stayed in the city where you were born for decades. You will meet different people, hear various tortuous stories, and make lifelong friends.

76. Cross the desert and explore xxx

77. 4 meat, 2 vegetables, 1 soup and 1 fruit (buffet); The dishes are prepared according to children's taste, independent dining area, and perfect food safety and quality supervision system to ensure children's diet is healthy, reasonable and balanced; Provide milk at night and sleep safely.

78. Ningxia Touching Peak Outdoor Exploration Co., Ltd

79. I don't have to go alone or travel alone, but sometimes I think that only one person walks is the way, and only one person sees the scenery. It's easier to find yourself when traveling alone.

80. Yang Xuan, who actively takes care of the team members and provides auxiliary treatment for them in order to reduce the injury caused by intensive sports;

81. How many people like me sit in a space less than square meters and look at the gorgeous 95000 kilometers in the book. Or like me, I have a heart wider than 95000 kilometers, but I sit on a chair less than one square meter.

82. In order to ensure that the campers are energetic and have a comfortable sleeping environment, the desert trip will adopt the 2+1 sleep mode: 2 hotels+1 camps. After going through the desert hiking in the daytime, children can also have a higher quality accommodation environment.

83. I don't know how to feel and understand the wind. In the self made lonely and cold room, I was just dragged by a male's cry, and my footprints could not reach the heart of the wind, nor stood behind the skin, ears and eyes of the wind to see what the world was like.

84. Personally, it helped me find my faith. A life of faith, whether successful or not, at least not confused.

85. Peach and plum paths are desolate. Visiting the old for the new is beneficial to self injury.

86. Know your destiny without fear, and renew yourself every day

87. This is a second grader of primary school who wrote his own feelings after participating in the desert hiking activity organized by the Wild Children's Club.

88. Beautiful sentence: Life is a wonderful journey, on the train that never returns. Experience it with those new and old people! Maybe this is an irresistible fate for a person, including you, me and him.

89. In the desert scene, let children confront difficulties head-on by hiking, break the "impossible" under self recognition, and reach a new height of life growth!

90. I like to travel. I like to leave my tired city and go to a new environment to enjoy, see and listen. Before every trip, I often immerse myself in various articles such as looking for strategies, travel notes, ticket evasion, etc. I know that people who travel by strategies often play too step by step, but at least they can save money for their own pockets and can offer some tips, which is very realistic.

91. Cooperation: empowerment in company and growth in walking

92. Love is a journey that takes you wherever you go. Who knows who you will meet at the next intersection?

93. I walk on the street where people come and go. I only travel with one hand. I am no longer sad. I lift my right hand to cover my left hand, and give myself endless strength. I am no longer hesitating, no longer confused. With that determination, I set sail again. I would like to be a learned woman without showing off or quarreling; Not empty, not impetuous, to be a rich woman; Even if life is exhausted, you will grow old in elegance.

94. If you don't go out, you will think this is the world.

95. Next, the sharing of Mr. Gao Yang, the general manager of Xiamen Wenguang Sports Co., Ltd., also made all the families present gain a lot.

96. You can't take responsibility for anyone. This is like a desert. We can only adapt to the desert—— Haruki Rimura

97. The desert is dusty, and the red flag is half rolled out of the gate—— Tang Dynasty, Wang Changling, A Journey to the Army

98. I wander on the track of time, stepping on every passing car. The scenery along the way is gradually fading away. I hold the license plate that is called Miss, waiting for the last stop - hometown.

99. Clear up the past, and everything is going well

100. When it comes to desert food, what comes to your mind first!

101. At noon, the sun rose high and high, making the desert smoke. We got off to rest and set up a cool tent, but the sand was so hot that we were asked to stand or sit. For the first time, I felt the horror of the desert.

102. Sad old country, lost in tobacco, and desolate villages in autumn.

103. The Great Wall has not been liberated because of the flying feather in the desert—— Tang Cui Shi's Return to the Border Town in Early Spring

104. Scientific research on psammophytes, plant specimens and animal tracing

105. People walking in the desert hope for sweet spring water; Those who struggle in adversity are eager for sincere friendship.

106. Come to this place full of temptations and challenges

107. I was born in the desert. I have no choice but to grow into a cactus.

108. A desert hike can change one's mentality

109. The desert at sunset is extremely beautiful. The whole sky seems to be put into watercolor. The weather is cool and the clouds are very rich, reflecting the colorful sunset colors.

110. "Public welfare", as a reflection of Xiamen Marathon's sense of responsibility to give back to the society, is attracting more and more public participation and attention.

111. The scenery here is so beautiful that people are reluctant to leave.

112. If I could, I would like to travel with you all the time. It may be a desolate island that has not been developed, or it may be a famous ancient cultural city. We can use the camera to record each other's smiling faces and our scenery along the way. Have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Maybe they didn't eat well, but they still wiped the oil stains from the corners of their mouths for each other. It doesn't really matter how the scenery is. The important thing is that you are beside me.

113. Don't doubt the existence of an oasis of life once you encounter a desert; Don't doubt the realization of your life goal when you encounter difficulties.

114. When you look around, you can't see the edge of the yellow sand. There are few people here, even no green life.

115. Standing on the sand mountain and looking down, there are lush forests under the continuous and undulating sand mountain. The forest is full of flowers, dotted with the green "ocean".

116. It's hard to beat yourself in life with four shoes and no regrets

117. Traveling in the desert gives me good memories. The soft sand is so delicate, the warm sand is so gentle, and the endless desert is so open. Ah, life is like a vast desert. As long as you work hard and find the right direction, no matter how big the desert is, you can get out of the dilemma.

118. Maybe life is a journey. Everyone, everything and beautiful scenery you meet during the journey may become unforgettable in your life. Along the way, we can't guess what kind of scenery will be greeted, where the destination is without warning, and the pace of progress can't be stopped. Only in the process of progress, we can constantly learn to choose, learn to experience, and learn to appreciate.

119. The desert is boundless and vast. People in it suddenly look so small.

120. Along the camel's footsteps, I feel the desert breeze between the lonely world.

121. At the moment, the moon falls across the Western Ridge, and the cloud below the plug breaks the northern wilderness. The dust on the edge of the desert flies many birds, and the faint Shuo Qi gathers sheep—— Tang · Cui Rong's "Follow the Army"

122. Worldly disturbance and trivial life make people exhausted. In the dark, I tear off the mask, which is full of tired faces and listless pupils. I am eager to escape from the city surrounded by reinforced concrete and stop busy shuttling in the busy streets every day. However, I can't walk out of that circle.

123. Each family involved in planting trees has a different understanding of environmental protection, as well as their own stories. In the following green stories shared by several green running families, we also feel the power of nature.

124. A group of us passed a group of camels, so we paid 60 yuan to ride on the white camels. The camel is very tall, and I didn't feel it when I stood up, but when I got off the camel, it was very dangerous. When I rode on the camel, many people didn't realize this and were still taking photos happily; The whole journey by camel is about 20 minutes. The main entertainment here is camel riding. There are also various desert vehicles to choose from, and expensive desert hotels are also here.

125. Meet in accidental life for three days.

126. There are thousands of desolate historic sites, and there are no four graves in Wuhu.

127. Some people repress for too long in the city and want to release themselves

128. The author uses "black holes" to describe the darkness of the old society, and "running into a wall" to describe the revolutionaries who were not free and were persecuted everywhere.

129. Catch the key words in the sentence.

130. The journey continues, and this process is difficult and lonely. I carry my luggage and go to the far place alone. The setting sun pulls my figure aslant, but I am still wandering on the road of travel. Waiting for every passing car, let me go farther.

131. If you don't do something now, you will never do it again.